Bulletin UASVM Agriculture, 67(2)/2010 Print ISSN 1843-5246; Electronic ISSN 1843-5386 Nature 2000 Cusma Site Heteroptera Paul BELDEAN 1), Marian PROOROCU 1), Ecaterina Sînziana PAULIUC 1) University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Mănăş tur Street, No. 3-5, fax 0264.593.792, e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract . The biological material was collected during 2008 and 2009. In the studied area we have revealed a number of 533 Pentatomoidea, belonging to 37 species and 9 families. The majority of species (17) belongs to the Pentatomidae Family. The researches were made within 7 different types of ecosystems: Valea Bârg ăului riverside coppice, Valea Budacu riverside coppice, Budacu spruce, Tăul Zânelor pasture, Piatra Fântânele hayfield, Colibi ţa hayfield, Budacu hayfield. Most species (25) live within Piatra Fântânele hayfield. The most abundant species are polyphagous. Dolycoris baccarum, Carpocoris purpureipennis, Eurygaster testudinaria and Rhopalus parumpunctatus were collected from all 7 types of ecosystems. Keywords : Natura 2000, Cu şma, Heteroptere, biodiversity, species. INTRODUCTION Cusma Site has a surface of 44.853 ha and includes the Alpine Bioregion (represented by C ălimani and Bârg ăului Mountains) and the Continental Bioregion (Călimanilor Piedmont, Budacului and Livezile-Bârg ău Depression)(Proorocu, Beldean and Oroian, 2007). The high biodiversity value that caracterises Cusma Site, has been given by its partial superposition over the next nine national protected areas: Valea Repedea, T ăul Zânelor, Bistri ţei Ardelene Canyon, T ătarului Cliffs, Cu şmei Rock, Corbului Rock, Green Gluch, Comarnic and the fossil location Big Gluch.Till now, no scientific papers are known to refer to Heteroptera Order within Natura 2000 Cusma Site.