is a proud partner of education EXPLORE resources. MARVELLOUS THEMES INCLUDING: •THE POWER OF WORDS • EXCITING WRITING • MIXED FEELINGS These read-along resources include extracts, Literacy and PSHE learning objectives, lesson plans and fun activity sheets!

In association with @roald_dahl www.roalddahl.com

Illustrations © QuentinIllustrations Blake © RDNL 2017. For educational use only. Not to be reproduced for commercial purposes. Illustrations © ‘Four StickyLittleBoys’ (p.41) EXTRACT USED: andcriticism. Managing praise PSHE OBJECTIVE: in role. Usingperson voice anauthentic first LITERACY OBJECTIVE: THEME:Makers BOOK ofmischief LESSON PLAN3: ‘The Frog’ (p.12)‘TheGlassEye’ (p.9) EXTRACT USED: Sharing ideaswithinagroup. PSHE OBJECTIVE: writing. Using thisstructure of tocreate asimilarpiece Identifying thestructure ofRoald Dahl’swriting. LITERACY OBJECTIVE: THEME:MastersofinventionBOOK LESSON PLAN2: ‘Mr Twit’ Beards’(p.3),‘MrsTwit’ (p.2),‘Dirty (p.6) EXTRACT USED: are described. andbadcharacters understanding ofhowgood Evaluating characters anddeveloping an PSHE OBJECTIVE: and inferences. Identifying key information tomake predictions characters. Using adjectives todescribe LITERACY OBJECTIVE: andbad THEME:Good BOOK LESSON PLAN1:

www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl CONTENTS and ‘Muggle-Wump HasanIdea’ (p.57) The Great UpsideDownMonkey Circus (p.44) EXTRACT USED: ofothers. actions canaffect thefeelings how Recognising and negative consequences. Understanding that actionscanhave positive PSHE OBJECTIVE: of thetexttype. ofinstructions usingthefeaturesWriting aset LITERACY OBJECTIVE: THEME:MakersBOOK ofmischief LESSON PLAN5: ‘The Roly-Poly totheRescue’ (p.46) Bird EXTRACT USED: group. Working co-operatively aspartofapairor PSHE OBJECTIVE: Identifying andcreating rhyming couplets. LITERACY OBJECTIVE: THEME:Championsofgood BOOK LESSON PLAN4: ‘The Twits Are Turned UpsideDown’ (p.78) EXTRACT USED: work andoftheskillstomaintainrelationships. Developing awareness ofhowrelationships PSHE OBJECTIVE: inwriting. in atext.Using speech direct anditsrelated features speech Identifying direct LITERACY OBJECTIVE: THEME:Championsofgood BOOK LESSON PLAN6: In associationwith

2 Illustrations © Quentin Blake Continued . Continued oftheresource. MrandMrs Twit. section minutes intheirallotted todescribe Theyshoulddoso each ofthechildren towrite downasmany shouldworkindividually adjectives astheycanin two classintogroups offour1. Split children. Using RESOURCE 1:PHIZZ-WHIZZING, ADJECTIVES MAIN TASK: WONDROUS WORDS inferring that theTwits are disgustingpeople). their drawings (bylisteningfor key information from thetext, bylisteningfor words,by describing atLook thedrawings. Are mostofthemthesame?What isdifferent? howchildren achieved Discuss Mr andMrsTwit like look thetext. without discussing Readdescriptions. themagainand,asyou read, invite children todraw apicture ofwhat theythink Read extracts oftexttothechildren both andaskthemtolisten carefully tothecharacter STARTER ACTIVITY: ofRESOURCE 2:CHARACTER acopy PROFILEEach childinyour. classwillneed 3: DAHLICIOUS cut DISCUSSIONCARDS upready for use. RESOURCE of PHIZZ-WHIZZING aset for group. ADJECTIVES need Eachgroup oneper willalso your classintogroupsSplit offour children. Ensure you have ofRESOURCE 1: enoughcopies PREPARATION: See page40 See andwhiteboards. pencils colouring HB pencils, THINGS YOUMAY NEEDFORTHISLESSON: badcharacters are described and anunderstandingofhowgood • andinferences predictions • • LESSON OBJECTIVES: • BOOK THEMES: Evaluating characters anddeveloping Identifyingkey information tomake characters Using adjectives todescribe andbad Good www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl LESSON PLAN1 In associationwith 3 Illustrations © Quentin Blake Can theythinkofotherfictionalcharacters Can for whomthisistrue? Use atLook thisshortextract DEVELOPING THEACTIVITY: 4. Share asaclassoringroups character and give descriptions feedback. traits ofthe Twits andattitudes. andtheirpersonalities thephysicalusing theadjectives andorsimilesfrom both children part1.Encourage toconsider RESOURCE3. Use 2:CHARACTERPROFILE ofMrorMrsTwit towriteacharacter description thoughtswillshineout like ofyour face sunbeams”.)page 7:“good examples from thetext(e.g. page3:“spikes that stuck out straight like thebristlesofanailbrush,” or toincludesimilesaswelladjectives, using extended be could bank ofadjectives. Thisactivity Invite groups withthewholeclassto createadjectives toshare towriteinthemiddlebox. these a 2. Afterthetwominutes thebest isup,theyshouldshare theirideasasagroup andchoose face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” always you look will and like sunbeams face shineoutofyour will ifyou they have but thoughts good teeth, stick-out chinand adouble mouth and you thinkitmightdevelop? 3. What kindofrelationship doyou thinkMrand MrsTwit willhave inthestoryandhowdo ofthestory? beginning 2. Why much doyou thinkRoald so timedeveloping Dahlhasspent thecharacters at the they? Wouldyou like friends withthem?Why /why to be not? 1. What have about MrandMrsTwits are welearned What kindofpeople personalities? andprediction! inference Ask children thefollowing questions, explainingthat of theywillhave theirpowers touse PLENARY: RESOURCE 3:DAHLICIOUS thisextract asaprompt DISCUSSIONCARDS asagroup. todiscuss “A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. ever be cannot have acrooked thoughts Youcan “A noseand awonky hasgood who person www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl LESSON PLAN1 In associationwith 4 Illustrations © Quentin Blake lunches andsuppersstickingtothehairsaroundhisface. because heneverwashed)therewerealwayshundredsofbitsoldbreakfastsand Mr Twit didn’t evenbothertoopenhismouthwidewhenheate. As aresult(and Beards Dirty hairy-faced men.Itgrewinspikesthatstuckoutstraightlikethebristlesofanailbrush. Mr the ageofsixty, hewasabiggertwitthanever. truth hewasneitherofthesethings.Mr Twit wasatwit.Heborn And nowat revolting tuftsoutofhisnostrilsandear-holes. forehead, hiseyesandnosewascoveredwiththickhair. The stuff evensprouted in Mr Twit wasoneoftheseveryhairy-facedmen. The wholeofhisfaceexceptfor Mr Twit from ‘Mr Twit/Dirty Beards’ pp.2-4 Beards’ from ‘MrTwit/Dirty EXTRACT ONE He hadn’t washeditforyears. The answerisNEVER,notevenonSundays. And howoftendidMr Twit washthisbristlynailbrushyfaceofhis? The haironMr Twit’s facedidn’t growsmoothandmattedasitdoesonmost Twit feltthatthishairinessmadehimlookterrificallywiseandgrand.Butin www.roalddahl.com

@roald_dahl EXTRACT FROM In associationwith 5 Illustrations © Quentin Blake looking theotherway. like dogsandcatssmallchildren. But therealreasonshecarriedastickwassothatcouldhitthingswithit, because shehadwartsgrowingonthesoleofherleftfootandwalkingwaspainful. In herrighthandshecarriedawalking-stick.Sheusedtotellpeoplethatthiswas at anyratewouldhavehiddensomeofherfearfulugliness. Mrs Twit wasnobetterthanherhusband. from ‘Mrs pp.6-8 Twit’ EXTRACT TWO And thentherewastheglasseye.Mrs Twit hadaglasseyethatwasalways She didnot,ofcourse,haveahairyface.Itwaspityshedidn’t becausethat www.roalddahl.com

@roald_dahl EXTRACT FROM In associationwith

6 Illustrations © Quentin Blake best from each list and write them in the central box. from box. eachlistandwritetheminthecentral best theTwits. the youcan thinkoftodescribe have Once choose doneso, group. Youhave twominutes toeachnotedownalltheadjectives you one for intofour eachmember ofyour sections, This pageisdivided PHIZZ-WHIZZING www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl ADJECTIVES In associationwith 7 Illustrations © Quentin Blake Personality: Draw picturehere discussing tomakediscussing your character profile interesting anddetailed. Remember theadjectives andsimilesyou have touse been Using writeaprofile your ideasfrom ofMr lesson, today’s Twit. www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl CHARACTER PROFILING Appearance: In associationwith 8 Illustrations © Quentin Blake “A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. ever be cannot thoughts “A hasgood who person and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but ifyou have but teeth, stick-out chinand adouble and good thoughts they will shine out of your face like shineoutofyour face will they thoughts good You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth have acrooked You can noseand awonky HOW APERSONLOOKS IS VERY IMPORTANT? DO YOUDO THINKTHAT sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” always you will look and sunbeams WITH ROALD DAHL, good thoughts cannot cannot thoughts good shine out of your face shine outofyour face DAHL MEANSBY ‘good thoughts will will thoughts ‘good DO YOUDO AGREE WHAT YOU DO ‘A has who person THINK ROALD Why? Why not? like sunbeams’? ever be ugly’? ever be DISCUSSION CARDS www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl DAHLICIOUS

In associationwith paragraph inthechapter THINK ROALD DAHL Roald this Dahlincluded someone like MrsTwit?someone BE FRIENDSWITH, someone like this,or someone WHY about MRSTWIT? YOU PREFERTO WHAT YOU DO about MrsTwit’s WHO WOULD IS IMPLYING personality? do you think

9 Illustrations © Quentin Blake Continued . Continued thefollowing theyhave asaclassanddiscuss Once donethis,sharesheets theresources ask thechildren toworkinpairshighlightthechapterusinggiven headings. write theirownchapterandinvent anewtrick.Using RESOURCE 1:WRITELIKEROALD DAHL how?Explaintothechildrenreader that knowwhat Ifso, theyare isgoingtohappen? goingto the chapters.Does thewayand twowiththechildren these Dahlhasstructured anddiscuss Mr andMrsTwit play many Read nastytricksoneachotherthroughout extracts one thebook. STARTER ACTIVITY: SQUIFFING STORYBOARD. childoftheRESOURCE 2:MAKINGMISCHIEFandRESOURCE per 3:Print onecopy comb, amirror. hairgel,abeard ofoldfruit,atoymouse, suchas:apiece objects of ofhighlighters.Gather acollection toprovide pairswithsets need children. Youwillalso Prepare ofRESOURCE 1:WRITELIKEROALD enoughcopies DAHL every for two onebetween PREPARATION: See page40 See writing resources. andcreative pens Highlighters, colouring THINGS YOUMAY NEEDFORTHISLESSON: • Sharingideaswithinagroup ofwriting piece • Using thisstructure tocreate asimilar Dahl’swriting • Identifyingthestructure ofRoald LESSON OBJECTIVES: • Mastersofinvention BOOK THEMES: identify theformat headingsthemselves, rather ontheresource. thanhaving themprovided tryto inasimilarway? Theymightalso constructed and share theirfindings.Iseachone oneoftheextracts Children workinpairstodeconstruct requiring achallengecould Roald3. Howdoes Dahl(through MrTwit) exaggeration thetrick? use toenhance E.g. ‘It’llbiteoff hedothis? Why your does toes!’ you identifywhere2. Can Roald Dahl(through MrTwit) thetrick? feartoenhance uses Roald1. Why does Dahlcreate theimageof‘Giant Skillywiggler’? www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl LESSON PLAN2 In associationwith 10 Illustrations © Quentin Blake convey theuglinessandemotionsofTwits. Quentin Blake’s illustrations, cleverly whichso bubbles. Draw thechildren’sspeech attention to STORYBOARD. Thisshouldincludepictures and strip oftheirtrickusingRESOURCE 3:SQUIFFING Children mightlike tocreate astoryboard/comic DEVELOPING THEACTIVITY: 3. Askthechildren: their trickusingtheformat inthestarteractivity. identified 2. Provide children withRESOURCE 2:MAKINGMISCHIEF,whichasksthemtomake noteson howtheTwits anddecide it. their ownchoosing) mightuse oroneof provided (either oneoftheobjects anobject pairs ofchildren afewminutes tochoose comb, amirror. hairgel,abeard mouse, inatrick?Give HowmighttheTwits objects these use ofoldfruit,atoy 1. Showchildren for orpictures arange ofobjects, example:apiece ofobjects MAIN ACTIVITY: headings themselves, rather ontheresource. thanhaving themprovided trytoidentifythe inasimilarway? Theymightalso formatconstructed their findings.Iseachone oneoftheextracts andshare Children workinpairstodeconstruct requiring achallengecould c. What do you think will be the outcome of this continued trickery? c. What ofthiscontinued theoutcome doyou thinkwillbe playb. Why tricksononeanother? dotheyconstantly a. HowdoMrandMrsTwit about eachother? feel trick asMrTwit andMrsTwit. totheclass,inwhichthey actoutpresent their Invite pairstoprepare ashortdrama sketch to PLENARY: www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl LESSON PLAN2 In associationwith 11 Illustrations © Quentin Blake screamed. have itchytummies. the darkscratchinghertummy. Hertummywasitching.Dirtyoldhagslikeheralways begin. the frogbetweenhersheets. Then hegotintohisownbedandwaitedforthefunto Twit’sMrs bed. To payherbackfortheglasseyeinhisbeer, Mr Twit decidedhewouldputafrogin from ‘The Frog’ pp.12-15 from ‘TheFrog’ EXTRACT ONE thing tohappenanyoneinbedatnight.Shescreamedagain. good time. water. Itstartedjumpingaboutonthepillow. Frogslovewater. Twit’s headtorevive her. The frogcrawledupfromunderthesheetstogetnear frog wenttosleeponherpillow. Mr TwitMrs fainted. ‘It’ll biteoff yourtoes,’ saidMr Twit. ‘Help!’ screamedMrs Twit. ‘Saveme!It’s allovermyfeet!’ ‘I triedtokillitbutgotaway,’ Mr Twit said.‘It’s gotteethlikescrewdrivers!’ ‘That ‘I’ll betit’s thatGiantSkillywiggler Isawonthefloorjustnow,’ ‘Help!’ screamedMrs Twit, bouncingabout.‘There’s somethinginmybed!’ ‘What’s thematterwithyou?’ Mr Twit said. Then allatonceshefeltsomethingcoldandslimycrawlingoverherfeet.She Mrs Twit cameback andclimbedintoherbedputoutthelight.Shelaytherein That night,whenMrs Twit wasinthebathroomgettingreadyforbed,Mr Twit slipped He caughtabigonedownbythepondandcarrieditbacksecretlyinbox. Mrs ‘By gollyit When Mrs Twit gotout ofbedandfetchedajugcoldwater. HepouredthewateroverMrs Twit leaptoutofbedandflewdownstairsspentthenight onthesofa. what?’ screamedMrs Twit. Twit came to, thefroghadjustjumpedontoherface. is aGiantSkillywiggler!’Mr Twit said.‘It’llbiteoff yournose.’ www.roalddahl.com

@roald_dahl EXTRACT FROM In associationwith This onewashavinga Mr This isnotanice Twit said. The 12 Illustrations © Quentin Blake better becareful.’ jump. Mrs Twit’s awfulglasseyestaringupathimfromthebottomof mug.Itmadehim woman. evil mindkeptworkingawayonthelatesthorridtrickhewasgoingtoplayold watch youlikeawombat.’ really nastytrickhecouldplayonhiswifethatday. very wellyou’replottingsomething.’ see thatshehadtakenoutherglasseye.‘WheneveryougoallquietlikeIknow trousers. around hismouth.Hewipedthewhitefrothontosleeveand when hewasn’t looking. in againanytimeyoulike. You canbetyourlifeMrs Twit knewallthetricks. You canplayalotoftrickswithglasseyebecauseyoutakeitoutandpopback from ‘The Glass Eye’ pp.9-11 Eye’ from Glass ‘The EXTRACT TWO ‘I toldyouIwaswatchingyou,’ cackled Mrs Twit. ‘I’vegoteyeseverywheresoyou’d Suddenly, asMr Twit tippedthelastdrop of beerdownhisthroat,hecaughtsight ‘Oh, doshutup,youoldhag,’ Mr Twit said.Hewentondrinkinghisbeer, and his ‘You’d betterbe careful,’ Mrs Twit said,‘becausewhenIseeyoustartingtoplot, Mrs Twit wasright.Mr Twit wasplottingawaylikemad.Hetryingtothinkupa ‘You’re plottingsomething,’ Mrs Twit said,keepingherbackturnedsohewouldn’t Mr Twit sattheredrinkingthebeerslowly. The froth made awhiteringonthehairs One morningshetookoutherglasseyeanddroppeditintoMr Twit’s mugofbeer www.roalddahl.com

@roald_dahl EXTRACT FROM In associationwith 13 Illustrations © Quentin Blake tip pens to highlight or underline each section of the chapter in the colours shownbelow. ofthechapterincolours tohighlightorunderlineeachsection tip pens We are goingtofindout how Roald Dahlput thischaptertogether. highlightersorfelt- Use Humorous ending Victim’s reaction Perpetrator’s thetrick behaviour during … trickbegins The upthetrick ofthesetting Description Tell whatthetrickwillbe thereader Why play thetrick? for: What you’re looking started jumpingaboutonthepillow. Frogslovewater. Twit’s headtoreviveher. The frogcrawled upfromunderthesheetstogetnearwater. It itchy tummies. dark scratchinghertummy. Hertummywasitching.Dirtyoldhagslikeheralwayshave frog betweenhersheets. Then hegotintohisownbedandwaitedforthefuntobegin. Twit’s bed. To payherbackfortheglasseyeinhis beer, Mr Twit decidedhe wouldputafroginMrs went tosleeponherpillow. to happenanyoneinbedatnight.Shescreamedagain. Mr TwitMrs fainted. ‘It’ll biteoff yourtoes,’ saidMr Twit. ‘Help!’ screamedMrs Twit. ‘Saveme!It’s allovermyfeet!’ ‘I triedtokillitbutgotaway,’ Mr Twit said.‘It’s gotteethlikescrewdrivers!’ ‘That ‘I’ll betit’s thatGiantSkillywigglerIsawonthefloorjustnow,’ ‘Help!’ screamedMrs Twit, bouncingabout.‘There’s somethinginmybed!’ ‘What’s thematterwithyou?’ Mr Twit said. Then allatonceshefeltsomethingcoldandslimycrawlingoverherfeet.Shescreamed. Mrs Twit camebackandclimbedintoherbedputoutthelight.Shelaytherein That night,whenMrs Twit wasinthebathroomgettingreadyforbed,Mr Twit slippedthe He caughtabigonedownbythepondandcarrieditbacksecretlyinbox. Mrs ‘By gollyit When Mrs Twit gotoutofbedandfetchedajugcoldwater. HepouredthewateroverMrs Twit leaptout ofbedandflewdownstairsspentthenighton thesofa. what?’ screamedMrs Twit. Twit cameto,thefroghadjustjumpedontoherface. is aGiantSkillywiggler!’Mr Twit said.‘It’llbiteoff yournose.’ www.roalddahl.com ROALD DAHL! @roald_dahl WRITE LIKE Underline in… Purple Blue Orange Green Yellow Red In associationwith This onewashavingagoodtime. Mr This isnotanicething Twit said. The frog 14 Illustrations © Quentin Blake Where willthetricktake place? inthetrick? used Which object willbe Who willplay thetrick? title: Chapter you far, have so learned create your ownmischievous tricktoplay onafriend! Mr andMrsTwit play many Using what nastytricksoneachotherthroughout thebook. trick end? How the does victim react? How the does act? trickster How willthe trick begin? How the does up? set trick be How willthe trick involve? What willthe the trick? Why play Roald Dahl’slayoutRoald www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl MISCHIEF MAKING In associationwith 15 Illustrations © Quentin Blake WHAT WILLTHETRICKINVOLVE? HOW DOES THE VICTIM REACT?HOW THEVICTIM DOES HOW THETRICKBEGIN? DOES www.roalddahl.com STORYBOARD @roald_dahl SQUIFFING HOW THETRICKSTERBEHAVE? DOES HOW WILLTHETRICKBESETUP? HOW DOES THE VICTIM REACT?HOW THEVICTIM DOES In associationwith 16 Illustrations © Quentin Blake Continued . Continued ingroupsreport andrehearsing. children afewminutes toprepare oftheir for thecontent theirrole discussing intheTVreport, Provide eachgroup offour ofRESOURCE 2:TVREPORT withaset ROLE-PLAY. Give CARDS MAIN ACTIVITY: that wasthinkingat that momentintime. ontheshoulderandtheywillhavecreated frame, theirfreeze you totellyou willtapsomeone what theyhave Once orthefourstuck intree runningaway) boys withthoughttappingofthescene. framefreeze ofamomentfrom theextract (for example,the four climbing boys thefour tree, boys RESOURCE 1:STICKYBOYS TASK. Explaintothechildren CARDS that theyare goingtocreate a you are reading. Afterreading, splitthechildren intogroups offour andgive themeachoneof Read thetextextract tothechildren andaskthemtoimaginetheyare oneofthefour as boys STARTER ACTIVITY: show your class. tohaveYou may findituseful withawitnessstatement anexampleofaTVnews report initto STICKY BOYS TASK andRESOURCE CARDS 2:TVREPORT ROLE-PLAY. CARDS your classintogroupsSplit offour children. group Printandcut ofRESOURCE per out 1: oneset PREPARATION: Talking See andpencils. tins,paper page 40 THINGS YOUMAY NEEDFORTHISLESSON: • • LESSON OBJECTIVES: • BOOK THEMES: Managing praise andcriticism Managingpraise in role Usingperson voice anauthentic first Makers ofmischief www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl LESSON PLAN3 In associationwith 17 Illustrations © Quentin Blake for development. intheform perhaps oftwopositives andanarea onthelearningoutcomes, based to theirpeers togiveInvite theaudience constructive groupsfeedback Encourage theirTVreports. topresent DEVELOPING THEACTIVITY: points fair? How should we manage praise andconstructive criticism? fair?Howshouldwemanagepraise points whengivenHow dochildren feel anarea for development? Were the PLENARY: www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl LESSON PLAN3 In associationwith 18 Illustrations © Quentin Blake naked bottomswinkingatthesun. outofthetreeandranforhomewiththeir nearest boywhentheyallsuddenlytumbled and wasjustabouttomakeagrabforthe and slipoutofthemfalltotheground.’ of ourpants.Soquick!Unbuttonyour had anidea. We areonlystuckby than theothers,whispered,‘Listen,I’vejust grinning horribly. ‘Moremeatandnotsomany tinylittlebones!’ from ‘Four Sticky Little Boys’ pp. 41-43 from ‘Four Boys’ Little Sticky EXTRACT ONE have tobe them away. pants tothebranches. There were nobirdsbecausethepresenceofboyshadscared miserable littleboyssittinginthetree,stuckastightcouldbebyseatsoftheir up itjustforfun. garden andfoundtheladderleaningagainst After awhile,theygottiredoflookingatthemonkeys,soexploredfurtherinto care aboutthethistlesandstinging-nettles,notwhenthereweremonkeystolookat. HUGTIGHT, fourlittleboyscreptintothegardentolookatmonkeys. They didn’t On one Tuesday eveningafterMr Twit hadbeenuptheladderandsmearedtree with Mr Twit hadreachedthetopofladder But thefourthlittleboy, whohadmoresense ‘He’ll cookuswithcarrots!’ criedthethird. ‘He’ll stewusalive!’ wailedthesecondone. ‘He’s goingtoboilus!’ criedoneofthem. The boyswereterrified. He startedtoclimbtheladder. ‘BoyPiemightbebetterthanBirdPie,’ Mr Twit wasfurious.‘Astherearenobirdsformypietonight,’ heshouted,‘thenit’ll The nextmorning,whenMr Twit wentouttocollectthebirds, hefoundfour There’s nothingwrongwiththat. boys instead!’ www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl EXTRACT FROM the seats The BigDead In associationwith Tree. They decidedtoclimb hewenton, 19 Illustrations © Quentin Blake orwhatmightthey say MrTwit? to about thinking · Whatmightthey be · Whatmightthey donext? convey to theiremotion. powerful Try use to adjectives · How arefeeling? theboys orwhatmightthey say MrTwit? to about thinking · Whatmightthey be · Whatmightthey donext? convey to theiremotion. powerful Try use to adjectives · How arefeeling? theboys share your thoughts.You start could share your thoughts.You start could Freeze inposition. You are going to Freeze inposition. You are going to with “He’ll cook uswithcarrots!”with “He’ll cook WORK WITHYOUR GROUP: WORK WITHYOUR GROUP: YOUR NAMEISOMAR. YOUR NAMEISMARK. YOU BOY ARE THREE. with “He’s going tous!” boil YOU BOY ARE ONE. www.roalddahl.com STICKY BOYS @roald_dahl TASK CARDS orwhatmightthey say MrTwit? to about thinking · Whatmightthey be · Whatmightthey donext? convey to theiremotion. powerful Try use to adjectives · How arefeeling? theboys orwhatmightthey say MrTwit? to about thinking · Whatmightthey be · Whatmightthey donext? convey to theiremotion. powerful Try use to adjectives · How arefeeling? theboys share your thoughts.You start could share your thoughts.You start could with “I’m thinking ofwith “I’mthinking agreat idea…” Freeze inposition. You are going to Freeze inposition. You are going to In associationwith WORK WITHYOUR GROUP: YOUR NAMEISOSCAR. YOUR NAMEISJOHN. WORK WITHYOUR GROUP: YOU BOY ARE FOUR. YOU BOY ARE TWO. with “He’ll stew usalive!” 20 Illustrations © Quentin Blake YOU THENEWSREPORTER ARE

• are not here (Were they too frightened of Mr Twit to go on TV? Were they in trouble with their parents for being out all night?) • boys from thestatements the took role-play cardsforguidance) their ofthetwo (referto boys • • •

Explain why your other friends


Answer the reporter’s questions Introduce thepolice officerwho Prepare two questions foreach Explain theincident ROLE-PLAY CARDS www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl TV REPORT


• • you arrived at the scene on Wednesday morning

Give your name Explain what happened when how you felt • • • Answer any furtherquestions and Explain whathappened Give ofMrTwit adescription YOU ONEOFTHEBOYS ARE In associationwith 21 Illustrations © Quentin Blake Continued . Continued theconsequences Line four: outlines do whatto birds advises Line three: onthetree land to not birds warns Line two: onthetree stuff Line one:explainsthatthere’s glue/sticky Structure: Show thechildren thebasicstructure intheirpairs.RESOURCE IDEAS 1:BRAINPOPPING must alldayAfter all,hesanginthetree so have hadmore verses tohisrhyme! 1. Explaintothechildren theyare goingtocreate further verses totheRoly-Poly rhyme. Bird’s MAIN ACTIVITY: couplets). identifying therhyming wordsandtheirlocation (at theendofeachlinetocreate rhyming focus ontheRoly-Poly rhyme. theRoly-Poly Inpairs,askchildren Bird’s rhyme, todiscuss Bird’s Read theextract. at Look thefeatures andrhyme. repetition Now ofthetext;Roald Dahlhasused STARTER ACTIVITY: ofRESOURCE 3:MYROLY-POLYPrint onecopy RHYME. on your interactive oronaflipchart. whiteboard the todisplayBird’s rhyme)Roly-Poly theextract inalarge (specifically format need You willalso and RESOURCE 2:RHYMETREES pairofRESOURCE IDEAS 1:BRAINPOPPING per your classintopairsandprintonecopy Split PREPARATION: Paper plates, feathers andglue.See page 40 THINGS YOUMAY NEEDFORTHISLESSON: pairorgroup • Workingco-operatively aspartofa • Identifyingandcreating rhyming couplets LESSON OBJECTIVES: • Championsofgood BOOK THEMES: www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl LESSON PLAN4 In associationwith 22 Illustrations © Quentin Blake plates, construction paper and coloured tissue paper for tissuepaper feathers agreat wouldbe andcoloured plates, startingpoint. paper construction Children may like tocreate theirownRoly-Poly todisplay alongsidetheirrhymes. Birds Paper RESOURCE 3:MYROLY-POLY RHYME. towritetheirownRoly-Poly activities alltheirideasfrom rhyme3. Children these on use Bird Roald Dahl. branches.it onthetree Children mightlike toextendthisbymakingupwordsinthestyle of RHYME TREES.Theyshouldstartwiththewordontrunkandwritewordsthat rhyme with 2. Children workinpairstocreate rhyming stringsfor eachwordshownonRESOURCE 2: children spot therhymingchildren couplets? spot Invite children toshare theother theirrhymes withtheclass.Can PLENARY: www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl LESSON PLAN4 In associationwith 23 Illustrations © Quentin Blake ButthesewereEnglishbirdsandtheycouldn’t understandthe the monkeysspoke.Sotheytooknonoticeandwentonusing sticky glue!Goandsitsomewhereelse!’ waving theirarms.‘Don’t sitonthatBigDead Wednesday. ‘Flyaway, birds!’ go backtothe Muggle-Wump andhisfamilylongedtoescapefromthecageinMr Twit’s gardenand Roly-Polyfrompp.46-49 bird ‘The Rescue’ to the EXTRACT ONE Thatevening,theRoly-PolyBirdflewround and round will bemadeintoBirdPie.’ you mustwarnthemnottoperchonthattreeorthey Tree. This eveningwhenthebirdscomeintoroost, sticky glueonallthebranchesof see therevoltingMr Twit uptheladderpainting ‘Today is Tuesday andoverthereyoucanalready ‘OfcourseIdo,’ the language.’ ‘It’s nogoodgoingtoacountryandnotknowing birds?’ Muggle-Wump askedhim. anywhere intheworldfornothing.’ ‘I’vecomeforaholiday,’ ‘For mostpeople,’ his marvellouscolouredfeathersandlookeddownrathergrandlyatthemonkeys. ‘Goodheavens!’ Roly-Poly Birdcamefrom on earthareyoudoingoverhereinEngland,Roly-PolyBird?’ Thenoneday, atrulymagnificentbirdflewdownoutoftheskyandlandedon the monkeycage. getting caughtforMrs Oryou’llfinishuptomorrowinahotBirdPie!’ Soflyaway!FlyStayuphigh! They alsohatedthemforwhattheydidtothebirdsevery Tuesday and They hatedMrandMrs Twit formakingtheirlivessomiserable. ‘Then wemusthurry,’ saidMuggle-Wump. ‘Do youknowhowtotalktheseEnglish If you land in the branches, you’ll never get free! If youlandinthebranches,you’llnevergetfree! ‘There’s stickystickstuff alloverthe tree! The BigDead African junglewheretheycamefrom. hewenton,‘flyingawayonholidayisveryexpensive,butIcanfly www.roalddahl.com Twit’s BirdPie. saidtheRoly-PolyBird. criedallthemonkeystogether. ‘It’s theRoly-PolyBird! Tree singingout, @roald_dahl Africa andhespokethesamelanguageastheydid.

theyusedtoshout,jumpingaboutinthecageand EXTRACT FROM saidtheRoly-PolyBird.‘Iliketotravel.’ The BigDead Tree! It’s justbeensmearedalloverwith In associationwith

Likethemonkeys, The BigDead African language Hefluffed Tree and What 24 Illustrations © Quentin Blake ideas asyou can! might say totheotherbirds.Don’t worryifitdoesn’t rhyme at thisstage;justgetasmany Work withyour partner. Ineachbubble theRoly-Poly write anideaofsomething Bird www.roalddahl.com BRAINPOPPING @roald_dahl IDEAS In associationwith 25 Illustrations © Quentin Blake ideas asyou can! might say totheotherbirds.Don’t worryifitdoesn’t rhyme at thisstage;justgetasmany Work withyour partner. Ineachbubble theRoly-Poly write anideaofsomething Bird www.roalddahl.com BRAINPOPPING @roald_dahl IDEAS In associationwith 26 Illustrations © Quentin Blake new words of his own; you could dothesame! new wordsofhisown;you could rhyme Remember: withthemoneachappleofthetree. Roald sometimes Dahlmadeup Work withyour partner. at Look trunkandwritewordsthat thewordoneachtree HUGTIGHT TREE www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl RHYME TREES In associationwith GLUE PIE 27 Illustrations © Quentin Blake If pie! you inhisbird you don’t, put will MrTwit away! away!So fly Fly Goupinthesky! oryou won’t here land not thenight. last Do inglue,it’sHUGTIGHT, The branches arecovered HERE’S ANEXAMPLE: own Roly-Poly rhyme. Bird allyour andtherhyming tocreate ideasfromUse trees ideassheet thebrainpopping your www.roalddahl.com MY ROLY POLY @roald_dahl RHYME In associationwith 28 Illustrations © Quentin Blake Continued . Continued think ofdifferent ways they wouldgettheirownbackontheTwits. ideasaclass. Share these Explain that thechildren are goingtotake therole ofMuggle-Wump. Give themfive minutes to Read extract one. STARTER ACTIVITY: childofRESOURCE 2:HOW per Print onecopy TO GETYOUR REVENGE. totheclass. You may version tohighlightandmodel wishtodisplay alargerprinted ofthissheet number ofRESOURCE 1:REMOTE REVENGE.Gather highlightersfor thesheet. completing andprinttheappropriate workinginpairsorindividually whetherthechildren willbe Decide ofwritinginstructionaltexts. priorknowledge The materials assumesome inthislesson PREPARATION: See page40 See Emotions cubes, highlightersandpens. THINGS YOUMAY NEEDFORTHISLESSON: of others thefeelings • positive andnegative consequences • thefeatures ofthetexttype • LESSON OBJECTIVES: • Makers ofmischief BOOK THEMES: Recognising howactionscanaffect Recognising Understandingthat actionscanhave ofinstructionsusing Writingaset 2. What dochildren thinkthemonkeys are goingtodotheTwits’ andwhy? house Read extract two. 1. Howdochildren thinkthemonkeys aftertheway theTwits feel have treated them? www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl LESSON PLAN5 In associationwith 29 Illustrations © Quentin Blake neighbour of the Twits who is concerned bytheirtreatment oftheTwitsneighbour ofthemonkeys whoisconcerned andbirds. RESOURCE TOChallenge children 3:ALETTER touse THERSPCAtowritealetterinrole asa EXTENSION: instructions usingRESOURCE 2:HOW TO GETYOURREVENGE! arevenge3. Children ideafrom shouldchoose andwritetheirown thestarteractivity theinstructions. the textasper 2. Give thechildren RESOURCE 1:REMOTE REVENGE!andaskthemtohighlightthefeatures of diagram). chronological alabelled order, tense, thepresent shortsentences, on theTwits. Re-cap thefeatures imperative ofinstructionaltexts(timeconnectives, verbs, 1. Explaintothechildren that ofinstructionsfor theyare goingtowriteaset theirrevenge trick MAIN ACTIVITY: 3. How might you feel afteryou3. Howmightyou hadplayed thetrick? feel 2. Howwouldtheymake MrTwit feel? revenge ofthese tricks? 1. What theconsequences wouldbe Discuss: Share instructionsandcollate intoaclassbook. PLENARY: www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl LESSON PLAN5 In associationwith 30 Illustrations © Quentin Blake simply hadtodoitotherwisetheygotnothing. go upyourthroatinsteadofdownit.Infact,itisalmostimpossible,butthemonkeys drink upsidedownandthatisnotaneasythingtodobecausethefoodwaterhas at thebottomandsmallestbabymonkeyverytop. They evenhadtoeatand down. They hadtobalanceoneontopoftheotherupsidedown,withMuggle-Wump upside down(ontheirhandswithfeetintheair). They hadtoplayfootballupside CIRCUS intheworld. his dreamthatonedayhewouldownthefirstGREAT all therestofthatnonsense. to teachmonkeysdotricksanddressupinhumanclothessmokepipes Twit doingwithmonkeysintheirgarden? Wump andhiswifetheirtwosmallchildren.ButwhatonearthwereMrMrs Now forthemonkeys. from ‘The Great Upside Down Monkey Circus’ pp.44-45 Circus’ from Great Down Monkey ‘The Upside EXTRACT ONE That meantthatthemonkeyshadtodoeverythingupsidedown. They hadtodance Today, althoughtheywereretired,Mr Twit stillwantedtotrainmonkeys.Itwas Well, intheolddays,theyhadbothworkedacircusasmonkeytrainers. They used The fourmonkeysinthecagegardenwereallonefamily. They were Muggle- www.roalddahl.com

@roald_dahl EXTRACT FROM In associationwith UPSIDEDOWNMONKEY

31 Illustrations © Quentin Blake the Roly-PolyBird,whowasstillsittingonroofofhouse. back ontotheirfeettherightwayup.‘Quick,getkey!’ Muggle-Wump calledoutto As soonasMrandMrs pp.57-60 Idea’ Has an from ‘Muggle-Wump EXTRACT TWO together. Wump reachedahandthroughthebarsofcageandtookkey. Muggle-Wump. ‘It’s hangingonanailintheworkshed. That’s wherehealwaysputsit.’ from thisbeastlyplacewehaveoneveryimportantthingtodo.’ the houseandthreeothermonkeysRoly-Poly Birdwentafterhim. idea. corners ofhismouth.‘Nowandagain,’ hesaid,‘butnotveryoften,Ihaveabrilliant change!’ heads forhoursandhours!Perhapsever!Let maggoty oldmonstersupsidedown?’ UPSIDE DOWNwiththeirlegsintheair!’ bucket inhisbeakanda brush inhisclaw. their bucketsofstickyglue. seen herdoingit,soitwaseasyforthemtogetin. Intheywent,allfourmonkeys,with ordered. ‘We arenowgoingintothebighouse!’ sticky glue,thestuff heusedforcatchingbirds.‘Fillyourbuckets!’ paint-brush!’ There areplentyintheworkshed!Hurryup,everyone! Getabucketand ‘What key?’ ‘Don’t getexcited,’ ‘We are free!’ criedthetwolittleones.‘Where shallwego,Dad? Where shallwehide?’ He putitinthelockandturnedit. The dooropened. All fourmonkeysleaptout The Roly-PolyBirdflewdownandcamebackwiththekeyinhisbeak.Muggle- ‘I’m notjoking,’ ‘We’re goingto ‘We’re goingtoturnthoseterrible ‘What?’ theyaskedhim. ‘Buckets andpaint-brushes!’ Muggle-Wump laidhisheadononesideandatinytwinklinglittlesmiletouched the ‘How?’ ‘We can, wecan!’ criedMuggle-Wump. ‘We aregoingtomakethemstandontheir ‘Don’t beridiculous,’ Mrs Twit hadhiddenthekeytofrontdoorundermatandMuggle-Wump had Inside Mr Twit’s workshedtherewas anenormousbarrelofHUGTIGHT This isoneofthem.Followme,myfriends,followme.’ saidtheRoly-PolyBird.‘Justtellmehow.’ shoutedtheRoly-PolyBird.‘Thekeytodoorofourcage,’ what?’ Muggle-Wump said.‘We’re goingtoturnbothMrandMrs saidMuggle-Wump. ‘Calmdown,everybody. Beforeweescape www.roalddahl.com theRoly-PolyBirdsaid.‘Howcanwepossiblyturnthosetwo Twit haddisappeareddowntheroad,monkeysallflipped theycried.‘You mustbejoking,Dad!’ @roald_dahl Then cametheRoly-Poly Birdflyinginafterthem,witha criedMuggle-Wump. ‘That’s whatwewant next! EXTRACT FROM Twits UPSIDE DOWN!’

themseewhatitfeelslikefora In associationwith

Hescamperedoff towards


cried Twit

32 Illustrations © Quentin Blake • The present tense • Thepresent • Shortsentences • Chronological order • Imperative verbs • Timeconnectives features, usingadifferent for colour each. Read themcarefully andhighlightthefollowing ofinstructionsforHere isaset aTV-remote trick! 6. Finally, Mr Twit enjoy watching getcross! hishand. stuckto anditgets remote 5. Now whileMrTwit watch picksupthe television. down some comfortablywatch to 4. Next, wait forMrTwit comehomeandsit to thearmofMrTwit’s favourite chair. carefullyon that,placetheremote 3. After itthicklyover spread theremote. take2. Then HUGTIGHT some glueand 1. FirstfindMrTwit’s control. remote television REVENGE TRICK www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl REVENGE! REMOTE In associationwith 33

Illustrations © Quentin Blake the present tense present the HAVE YOU USED:

labelled diagrams 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Write your instructions Write imperative verbs

short sentences www.roalddahl.com YOUR REVENGE HOW TO GET @roald_dahl

chronological order time connectives time Draw adiagram In associationwith First, afterthat, then, now, next,finally. CONNECTIVES: TIME 34 Illustrations © Quentin Blake or ‘Yours faithfully’ifyou ‘Sir’or‘Madam.’ have used End with‘Yours aparticularperson, sincerely’ifyou to your have letter addressed Signature orexpressions.chatty phrases Paragraph not formallanguage, anddetails.Use 2:Add reasons Paragraph clear. 1:Explainwhy you thereason making arewriting, Dear for writing the letter. Then sign off e.g. I look forward to hearing from you. theletter.for writing hearing forward to signoffe.g.Ilook Then Paragraph thepoints you 3:Summarise have your reason madeandrestate www.roalddahl.com TO THERSPCA @roald_dahl A LETTER In associationwith Date: Address: 35 Illustrations © Quentin Blake Continued . Continued 3. What nextinthestory? doyou thinkmighthappen inthischapter? 2. Why much doyou thinkRoald so speech Dahlhasincluded 1. WhichemotionsdotheTwits display inthischapter? Howdoweknow? Read theextract tothechildren. Discuss: STARTER ACTIVITY: childofRESOURCE 1:CREATEPrint oneper YOUR OWN DAHLICIOUS ENDING! for for yourself modelling. Prepare oftheextract for copies children wishtoprepare tohighlight.Youmay also alargecopy PREPARATION: chart. See page 40 chart. See Highlighters, Roald andemotions DahlDictionary THINGS YOUMAY NEEDFORTHISLESSON: workandoftheskillstomaintainrelationships • Developing awareness ofhowrelationships inwriting • Using speech direct features inatext and its related speech • Identifyingdirect LESSON OBJECTIVES: • Championsofgood BOOK THEMES: www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl LESSON PLAN6 In associationwith 36 Illustrations © Quentin Blake same features ofdialogue? the touse theirstoryendingasabasisforChallenge children Wouldtheyneed touse aplay script. EXTENSION ACTIVITY: inahappy, tobe • Why isitimportant relationship? loving theyresolve theproblems• Howcould withintheirrelationship? • IstheTwits’ relationship ahealthy, happyone?Howdoweknow? 3. Read theendofstoryasaclass.Discuss: they standontheirheads.Extra marksfor writinginthestyle ofRoald Dahl! ending for thechapter, usingdialoguetoshowwhat MrandMrsTwit mightsay tooneanotheras 2. OnRESOURCE 1:CREATE YOUR OWN DAHLICIOUS ENDING!,children shouldwritean attitudes towardsoneanother. that tohighlightwordsorphrases showMrandMrsTwits’ encouraged be also Children could synonyms for on). marks,commas, saidandso class, identifythekey (speech features ofspeech 1. Give oftheextract children andaskthemtohighlightallthedialogue.Ingroups acopy orasa MAIN ACTIVITY: ATRIFLEMIXEDUP ending change? What differentin thesameposition). wouldbe andhowmighttheir relationship for (i.eiftheyloved andcared up oneanotherbut ended likethe endingwouldbe ifMrandMrsTwit kindof hadtheopposite storyendingsandaskthechildren toimaginewhatRead out selected PLENARY: www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl LESSON PLAN6 In associationwith 37 Illustrations © Quentin Blake cage themoment floorboards. did itsjob. touched thefloor, thestickygluethatravenshadbrushedonafewmomentsbefore the otherbirdsflewinandouttocatchaglimpse ofthisextraordinarysight. on theceilinglookingdownatfloor!’ We are standingontheceiling! painted whitetolookliketheceiling. The pictureswereupsidedownonthewalls. ornaments, theelectricfire,carpet,everythingwasstuckupsidedowntoceiling. chairs, thesofa,lamps,littlesidetables,cabinetwithbottlesofbeerinit, anyway we’llbetherightwayup! don’t dosomethingquickly, Ishalldie,knowwill!’ from ‘The Twits Arefrom Down’Upside pp.78-81 ‘The Twits Turned EXTRACT ONE Through acrackinthedoormonkeyswatched. So theystoodontheirheads,andofcourse,themoment thetopsoftheirheads ‘We’re UPSIDEDOWN!’ ‘Look!’ screamedMrs Twit. ‘That’s thefloor!Thefloor’s upthere! Thisistheceiling! And thefloortheywerestandingonwasabsolutelybare. They stoodinthemiddleofroom,lookingup. All thefurniture,bigtable, ‘What’s happened?’ screamedMrs Twit. ‘What’s this?’ gaspedMr Twit astheyenteredtheliving-room. ‘I’ve gotit!’ criedMr Twit. ‘Iknowwhat we’lldo! ‘We’re upsidedownandalltheblood’s goingtomyhead!’ screamedMrs Twit. ‘Ifwe ‘So amI!SoI!’ criedMr Twit. ‘Idon’t likethisonelittlebit!’ ‘Oh help!’ screamedMrs Twit. ‘Helphelphelp!I’mbeginningtofeelgiddy!’ They werestuck. Twits hadgoneinside. www.roalddahl.com

@roald_dahl gaspedMr They werepinneddown,cemented,glued,fixed to the ’ EXTRACT FROM ’ Twit. ‘We mustbeupsidedown. We arestanding

And theRoly-PolyBirdwatched. In associationwith They’d jumpedrightoutoftheir We’ll standonourheads,then What’s more,ithadbeen And all 38 Illustrations © Quentin Blake of thisextraordinary sight. And alltheotherbirdsflewinandout tocatch aglimpse Twits hadgoneinside.AndtheRoly-Poly watched. Bird rightoutThey’d oftheircagethemoment jumped Through themonkeys acrack inthedoor watched. · synonyms forsaid · commaswhereappropriate marks · speech Don’t forget toinclude: MrandMrsTwitconversation between astheystandontheirheads. tocapture the Finish thestoryinstyle ofRoald speech direct Dahl.Use DAHLICIOUS ENDING! CREATE YOUR OWN www.roalddahl.com @roald_dahl In associationwith 39 DID YOU KNOW THAT in 2017, YPO gave back over £1.3m to customers through IS A PROUD PARTNER OF ROALD DAHL their loyalty scheme? EDUCATION RESOURCES www.ypo.co.uk

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In association with @roald_dahl 40 Illustrations © QuentinIllustrations Blake www.roalddahl.com