Minimum Wage on the Way Witbooi Outlineos Newlabou~ Code

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Minimum Wage on the Way Witbooi Outlineos Newlabou~ Code • I ' *~ TODAY: ~ US I ANGlES FOR"NA'MIBIAN SA~T ' DEAL * NOW, THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY LIVE! Ing Africa South Minimum wage on the way Witbooi outlineos newlabou~ code fo.r wo.rkers". th~ o.utlawing o.f dis­ Witbo.o.i po.ured co.ld water o.n any the Go.vernment Service Staff As­ DAVID LUSH criminatio.n, and a di~putes proce­ aspiratio.ns go.vemnient staff might sociatio.n to. implement (the­ dure wo.uld alSo. be co.rnersto.nes o.f have fo.r pay increases. cies o.f) affirmative actio.n, reco.n­ A NATIONWIDE minimum the new labo.ur Instead, so.lvingNamibia 's unem- . ciliation and nation-building, ., said "It is the respo.nsibility o.fthe·pri­ plo.yment pro.blem was the go.vern­ the Minister. wage and worker insurance vate as well as the public secto.r to. ment's to.p prio.rity, he said. "We "That is o.tir appeal and I can as­ scheme will be enshrined in ensure that all citizenS o.fthis co.untry appreciate the services o.f go.vern­ sure yo.u (that if yo.u do. this) yo.u the forthcoming labour code, have equal and sufficient o.po.rtuni­ ment staff but we also. want them to will have o.ur blessing." currently being drawn up by . ties to. develo.p to. their full po.ten­ have sympathy with the go.vernment In reply , GSSA chaitperso.n Co.n the Ministry !>f Labour. tial," said the Minister. in trying to. alleviate the Unemplo.y- Buesing said his unio.n wo.uld put Addressing the 10th annual con­ He said trade unio.ns and ment problem." . every effo.rt into. ensuring equal gress o.f the Go.vernment Service emplo.yers' associatio.ns were being The GSSA has been accused ,o.f oportunitiesfo.r all go.vernment staff, Staff Associatio.n (GSSA), Labour co.nsulted abo.ut the' 'co.mplete revi­ being a white-o.rientated o.rganisa­ as it had in the past. Minister Hendrik Witbooi gave the sio.n" o.f the labo.ur which was tio.n; but Witbo.di - while o.utlining . He a,dded that the GSSA lo.o.ked THE street-seller issue. Today first clues to. the co.ntent o.f the . ' o.verdue" , and he invited the o.f the specific co.mplaints . fo.rwl!f(i to. co.ntributing to. the labour the people iaIk about their plight. GSSA to. be part o.fthe co.nsultative - said the go.vernment was no.t inter­ " We wish to. give f!1e assur­ Construction, worker Fillemon As well as the minimum wage process. ested in making such' 'remarks and ance that we will be lo.yal to. the Haukiko: ~'It's food we like at and insurance scheme, Witbooi said, Calling o.n civil servants to. be to.­ rumo.urs". go.vernment o.f the day - there can prices we can afford. n . See co.llective bl!Tgaining,, 'basic rights ' tally lo.yal to. the new go.vernment, "Our go.vernment o.nly calls o.n . be no. do.ubt abo.ut that." stories, pagei 4 and 5. ~~mibia and Bot.swana , , ,'SI'GN2MAJOR AGREEMENTS ments. MBATJIUA NGAVIRUE The~ was ano.ther agreement o.n Cultura). and Educatio.niU Co.-o.pera­ TWO major agreements and tio.n as well as a o.f Under­ one protocol between standing o.n Defence and Security. Namibia and Botswana have , In a co.mmunique both presi­ dents expressed the desire that the resulted . from the current Co.nunissio.n o.f Co.-operatio.n State visit to Namibia by sho.uld meet as S0.9n as po.ssible to. BOTSWANAN President Quett Masire (seated, left) and Namibian President Sam Nujoma sign the President Quett Masire of ,address prio.rity areas o.f co.-o.pera- two agreements and protocol between their countries yesterday at the con~lusion of Mas ire's state visit. Botswana. tio.n. See story. The two. agreements where co.n­ The jo.intco.mmunique mentio.ned cluded by President Masire and Presi- a wide range o.f po. s sible areas o.f co.­ . dent at a fo.rmal signing o.peratio.n to. be co.nsidered by the ceremo.ny yesterday in the chamber co.mmissio.n including: Fake money case postponed o.f the fo.rmer Legislative Assembly ,.. The develo.pment o.f transpo.rta­ fo.r Whites no.w used fo.r Cabinet tio.n and co.nunwiicatio.ns links such THE case- in which tWo. So.uth Afri­ The two. yesterday pleaded , ments with a certain Pumula to. co.n­ meetings. as the implementatio.n o.f the Trans­ can are accused o.f allegedly no.t guilty to. the charges. They de­ tllct, but were arrested the next The ceremony to.o.k place in the . Kal;iliari and the Rundu-Katima Mulilo. po.ssessing co.unterfeit mo.ney, was nied bringmg the false no.tes into. mo.rning. presence o.f Cabinet members and highway pro.jects, and the initiatio.n yesterday po.stpo.ned until August 10 Namibia. In a statement presented to. Earlier the Co.urt tum:ed do.wn the senio.r o.fficials o.fbothgovernments o.f direct co.mmercial flights between fo.r further investigatio.n. the Co.urt, they said they had received So.uth African's urgent ap­ a~ well as leaders o.f o.ppo.sitio.n par­ and Windhoek; No.kathula Sylvia Zwezwe, 45, from the mo.ney inNamibia during a trans­ plicatio.n for bail. Yesterday the pre- ties in Parliament.· " * the o.f trade . and Dwban and Nantinti Evelyn Mabinza, actio.nin Katutura, when they' so.ld . siding magistrate J G Retief o.rdered Thefirst agreeinent was fo.r the co.mmercial relatio.ns between the two. 35, from Cape .To.wn were nabbed articles valued at R26.0 000 to. a Po.r­ they remain in custo.dy. creatio.n o.f a Namibia-Bo.tswana co.untries; after false R50 no.tes amounting to. 'tuguese man, ' The matter will no.w be fo.rwarded Co.mmissio.n o.f Co.-o.peratio.n co.m­ R260000were fo.undintheirpo.sses- .j 1hey said after they fOWld the money to. the Pro.sec·uto.r-General ,for his po.sed o.fministers fro.m bo.thgo.vetn- CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 sio.n earlier this mo.nth. • was no.t genuin~ they made arrange- decisio.n. '. There's a new taste in toWP..,...... and for the first promotion your 'favourite disco L~ Club,introduces you t~the new sparkling Sprizzo - tonight from 20h30 till late TEL 3-7393 'CONTINENTAL HOTEL FAX: 3-l539 . r • Claim of'37 deaths'in'Angolan battle • ... _ 0 ~ _ "' .... ." .-.. • LISBON - Angola's US-backed Unita rebels claimed Thursday attacks against. Unita positions. they killed 37 government soldiers in two raids this week. Meanwhile, in Luanda Wednes­ day, government officials said they A rebel st ate~ent distributed in Angola's state news agency, An­ hoped a cease-fire in the 15-yeat tht' p')I1~.5u<,: : - caf';tal, said the heavi­ gop, reported Wednesday Unita civil waF could be agreed at the next ~ st casualties came Monday wh~n a expiodl.u Jrree bombs in Luena last round of peace talks between the two guenilla ~t launched a night attack ' week, killing three people and da~ ­ sides, Portugal's Lusa news agency against II government supply station aging warehouses and public build" reported, in the central town of Luena. ings. Angola's Deputy Foreign Minis­ According to the Unit a dispatch, Thursday's rebel statement, issued ter Vellancio de Moura told a Luanda 25 government troopers died in the from 'Unita's bush headquarters of news conference Wednesday the main assault and a warehouse loaded with Jamba in south-east Angola, also lines of a cease-fire accord had al­ some 1 OOQ tonnes of unspecified reported 1,2 goveinment soldiers slain ready been agreed, Lusa r~ported . war material was destroyed. Three , in a second rebel attack. '. Army Chief of Staff General An- ' KUWAIT - Egyptian President Hosnl Mullarak's top political adviser new to rebels were wounded in the raid, said The statement said they died in a tonio dos Santos Franca, who shated . ~uw:aU from Iraq and sald he was optimistic that the row between the two Gulf 'the statement. dawn raid Thesday on a base in north­ the conference with de Moura said a sfates ·over 011 and territory would ,soon be resolved. In CAIRO, Egyptian Luena, the main town of Moxico em Malanje province., The rebels cease-fire would cleat the way for Foreign Minister Esmat Abdel Maguld sald Kuwaiti Crown Prince Sheikh Saad province, lies 800 kilometres west of claimed both strikes were pre-emp­ formal negotiations in Angola to fix 'ai-Abdulla ai-Sa bah would head talks with Iraqi officials In Saudi Arabia this the capital, Luanda. tive to disrupt government plans for a lasting peace, saia the Lusa report. weekend to settle the dispute between the two countries. GENEVA - Opec seemed to be edging nearer an accord to raise Its target 011 price for the first time since 1986 and finally stop violations of output quotas.
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