Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1951-09-06

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1951-09-06 - UN Rejects Reds' R~ssia Terms Jap Pact ·'MaleyolentClaij~s'.~ "Preparation for War' SAN FRANCISCO (U'I - Russia BRITAIN TALKS, POLAND charged Wednesday that the pro­ Calls For New Site PROTESTS - While Kenneth posed Japanese peace treaty is TOKYO (THURSDAY) (\J'\ - Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway today re­ Younrer, chief British delerate "for the preparation of a new war" jected as "false and malevolent" the Communist claims that Allied spoke, Stefan WlerblowskJ, Po­ and declared that no peace with forces violated Kaesong's neutrality and suggested that the Korean land's top delerate to the Japan­ Japan can be accomplished with­ peace talks be moved to another site. out participation of Communist The United Nations supreme ------------­ ese peace conference continued China. commander told the Communist protesting to Acting Conference Chairman, Secretary Acheson The statement by Soviet Chief high command - North Korean Delegate Andrei Gromyko seemed Premier Kim II Sung and Chinese K'ansas City Braces (upper left) that Poland, as a sovereign nation, was entitled to to be a clear indication that Rus­ Gen. Peng Teh-Tuai-that their sia would not sign the treaty. forces had "deliberately and mal­ speak for more than five min­ For Another Flood; utes. Gromyko spoke for 61 minutes iciously manufactured" the inci­ at the afternoon session and pro­ dents they charged against the UN. posed 13 amendments or addi­ War. Lp and story See Pare 8:- Evacuation Begun tions to the Anglo-American He suggested that if the Com- KANSAS CITY (JP)-The tur- sponsored treaty under discussion munists are willing to resume the bulent Kaw river was on a ram­ here. The United States, which armistice talks they should send page agai~ Wednesday from invited 51 nations to this confer­ liaison officers immediately to Topeka to Its mouth at ~ansas ence to sign the treaty, has stated their outpost of Pan Mun Jom City where weary people still are that no changes will be considered. five miles below Kaesong, to dis~ ~igging out of the nation's co.st~iest Gromyko was loudly booed by cuss with UN liaison officers the smgle disaster - the 2*-blllion­ spectators in the War Memorial selection of a truly neutral con- dollar flood of early July. Opera house auditorium when he ference site. Flood-.wracked north Tope~a completed his speech, one minute Ridgway's message pulled no was agam a ,host town after Its over the time limit imposed by punches as he accused the Com- 3,000 reside~ts were moved out stringent gag rules adopted at the munists of deliberately indulging as a precautIonary measure. morning session. in "constant deceit and invective" Metropolitan Kansas City's in­ and said their attitude was "in- dustrial areas-still scarred and , .... Russia suflered two overwhelm­ comprehensible, unless you have debris ridden-got ready today for ing defeats at that session when the ulterior motive of completely another overflow as the Kansas the conference voted 45 to 3 breaking off negotiations with the inched up on dikes weakened and against a proposal for immediate further scurrilous accusation that breached by the July inundation. consideration of an invitation to the blame therefore rests upon the A crest of 31 feet, two feet over Red China to participate in the United Nations command rather dike capacity was forecast lor noon parley and then aproved the tough than upon you." today here. rules of procedure by a vote of 48 The message, read over the air This mark would be far short (AP Wirephoto) to 3. by Brig. Gen. Frank A. Allen, was of the 51.3-foot crest of the mam­ --------~----------~~~------------- Only Poland and Czech oslo­ in reply to a message of Sept. 1 moth July overflow but business va~ia, Russia's two Communist from Generals Peng and Kim in men in the three threatened in­ State to Seek Murder satellites, voted with Russia. which they asked that Ridgway dustrial districts-Argentine, Ar­ Gromyko was the fifth speaket" "deal with" the Kaesong violations mourdale and the Central-were at the afternoon session. He spoke if he wanted to resume the truce taking no chances. They began Charge Against Baculis after U.S. Ambassador John Fos­ talks. He checked that one back moving merchandise and machin­ ter Dulles, who drafted the treaty, to the Communists with the statc- ery to upper floors. County Atty. William L. Meardon said Wednesday he will seek a and British Delegate Kenneth ment they were supposed to main- Adding to the fears of those who murder indictment from the 'September grand jury against George Younger explained its terms and tain order in their own territory. live and work behind the dikes Baculis, 48, Iowa City, in connection with the Iatal stabbing of An- Mexico and the Dominican Re­ The Communists broke off the was the forecast for Wednesday drew Davelis last Oct. 12. I public announced their intention talks early in the morning of Aug. and today. It reads more locally The county attorney made the missal of the indictment Evans of signing it. 23 after charging that a UN plane heavy rains in eastern Kansas. statement after District Judge ordered Baculis discharged and Gromyko launched into a tirade Hew over Kaesong and dropped Precautionary measures were Harold D. Evans dismissed a ·pre- his $50 000 Ibond removed. bombs and strafed the area in an the watchword along the stream. vious indictment against Baculis '____ . ___ _ against the treaty and the defense attempt to murder Gen. Nam 11, Kansas City, Kas., police and of aiding and abetting in murder, pact which the U.S. plans to sign the chief Communist negotiator. firemen were placed on a 24-hour only a few hours Ibefore Ba.culis' 7 Navy Fliers with Japan after the peace treaty Those charges were denied at that alert. All days off for Kansas City, trial was scheduled to 'begin. is signed. He charged repeatedly time as a "frameup." Mo., policemen were cancelled and Meardon recommended dismis­ Die in Explosion that they would bring war to the . "The charges you have levied 60 police reserves alerted. sal of the charge after Evans had Far East and were designed to In these alleged incidents are base­ denied a state's application to QUONSET POINT, R. 1., (.4')­ provide "American naval, air nd less and intentionally false. I have change the indictment to a charge Seven navy fliers were blasted sea bases for American aggrssion stated, and will again positively Competition Begins of murder. to death Tuesday night when in the Far East." The September grand jury will their twin-engine bomber hit the Russia's proposed amendments, (Colltilltted on Page 8) In Finals of Miss begin its hearings in about two sea and exploded before the eyes which are out of order under terms weeks. An alternative to the in- of observers aboard a submarine. by the rules of procedure adopted America Contest dictment is the filing of an infor- The navy reported the mystery this morning would: mation ·by the county attorney. crash Wednesday and said the 1. Recognize Communist Chinese Iran Backs Premier ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (.4')­ "The Baculis case is definitely patrol bomber, a P2V, was man­ sovereignty over Manchuria and Miss America contestants hit the not closed," Meardon declared. "I euvering "in an exercise with a In New Ultimatum spotlight for the first time Wed­ sincerely believe this man is submarine." (Continued on Page 8) nesday night as rivals for the guilty of murder." Two more submarines, surface TEHRAN, IRAN (JP) - P remier national beauty crown. The indictment against Baculis ~hips and planes from here and Mohammed Mossadegh got sen- The 51 girls were divided into was returned Dec. J5, 1950, at the New York searched the disaster Senate Committee ate backing Wednesday for a new groups that competed either in same time a grand jury charged area, 30 miles east of Montauk Ultimatum to the l British to re- bathing suits, evening gowns or his ,brother, James Lons, with point, Long Island, N. Y. It was Approves Plan sume oil negotiations or face ex- talent. This last category comes fatally staJbbing Davelis, his for- the same stretch of sea where pulsion of their refinery techni- from a pageant rule that allots mer employe. 41 persons drowned or are miss- To Tax Gamblers clans. one-fourth of contest points to A district court jury acquitted ing in a Eshing boat capsizing The aging nationalist leader set talent so judges can pick a girl a two-week deadline for reopen- with some brains behind her pret­ Lons of the charge last May 6, last Saturday. WASHINGTON (JP)- A senate ing the twice-deadlocked talks, ty face. following which the Baculis trial Late Wednesday, however, the committee approved Wednesday a starting from the day Iran form- Only winners of the bathing was scheduled for Wednesday. navy announced that search was plan to raise $400 million a year ally hands Britain a memorandum sult and talent competitions are Rowever, only last Saturday abandon~d . ~nd t~ere was no trace by taxing gamblers - including on the issue. announced each night of prelim- Meardon petitioned the court to of the filers bodIes. those running numbers games. If the British reject this ulti- inary contests. Standing of girls amend the indictment to murder Cause of the disaster was not The action completed committee matum, Mossadegh said, Iran will other than winners is not given. because, as he argued Wednesday: known, the navy said. work on major items for a $6 bli­ cancel the residence permits of Winner of this year's Miss the Iowa code provides that all The navy did not explain the lion tax increase bill.
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