S3894 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 7, 2004 Now, it did not matter that we had hour of 2:15 p.m. having arrived, the Feinstein Kohl Pryor Graham (FL) Landrieu Reed voted on it previously. It did not mat- Senate will proceed to a vote on the Graham (SC) Lautenberg Reid ter that the amendment dealt with a motion to invoke cloture on the mo- Harkin Leahy Rockefeller proposed—not final but a proposed— tion to proceed to the consideration of Hollings Levin Sarbanes Department of Labor regulation. None S. 2207. Inouye Lincoln Schumer Jeffords Mikulski Shelby of that seemed to matter. That amend- Under the previous order, the clerk Johnson Nelson (FL) Stabenow ment was, and is still, a show-stopper will report the motion to invoke clo- Kennedy Nelson (NE) Wyden to this bipartisan bill. So we are at the ture. NOT VOTING—3 second goalpost, as it has been moved. The assistant legislative clerk read Kerry Lieberman Murray The demand of the leadership of the as follows: other side keeps changing. We were CLOTURE MOTION The motion was rejected. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- talking about just a single-digit list of We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- amendments and, for the most part, ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the pore. On this vote, the yeas are 49 and hopefully germane amendments. We Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move the nays are 48. Three-fifths of the Sen- are not talking about that anymore. to bring to a close debate on the motion to ators duly chosen and sworn not having Now, since it looks like an overtime proceed to Calendar No. 462, S. 2207, a bill to voted in the affirmative, the motion is pay vote may be in the picture, there is improve women’s access to health care serv- rejected. a goalpost yet further away. ices and the access of all individuals to emergency and trauma care services, by re- f For the first time we are hearing of ducing the excessive burden the liability sys- JUMPSTART OUR BUSINESS other amendments—not Finance Com- tem places on the delivery of such service. mittee jurisdiction amendments—such , Orrin Hatch, Judd Gregg, John STRENGTH (JOBS) ACT—Resumed as an increase in the minimum wage, Ensign, Lamar Alexander, Peter Fitz- CLOTURE MOTION that are new showstoppers. gerald, Larry Craig, , Rob- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- You can’t finish this bill, we are told, ert Bennett, Mike Enzi, Mitch McCon- pore. By unanimous consent, pursuant nell, , Norm Coleman, even though we are told the substance to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the is great. Nobody seems to disagree on James Inhofe, , George Voinovich, Charles Grassley. Senate the pending cloture motion, the substance of this. So why can’t we which the clerk will report. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- get a bill to the President? Even The legislative clerk read as follows: pore. By unanimous consent the man- though we don’t disagree on the sub- CLOTURE MOTION stance, there is still a new goalpost. datory quorum call has been waived. The question is, Is it the sense of the We the undersigned Senators, in accord- Heaven help us how all that turns out. ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the There is a final goalpost way out Senate that debate on the motion to proceed to the consideration of S. 2207, Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby there; that is, getting to conference. move to bring to a close debate on the pend- We may move through all the goal- the Pregnancy and Trauma Care Ac- ing motion to Calendar No. 381, S. 1637. posts, but then we may be blocked on cess Protection Act of 2004, shall be Bill Frist, Charles Grassley, Gordon whether we get to conference. I hope I brought to a close? Smith, James Talent, John Ensign, am proven wrong in a few minutes as The yeas and nays are mandatory John Cornyn, Wayne Allard, Olympia we vote on this measure. under the rule. Snowe, Rick Santorum, Michael B. The clerk will call the roll. Enzi, Mike DeWine, Trent Lott, Chris- If we can’t get cooperation from the topher Bond, Thad Cochran, Kay Bai- other side, we have a couple alter- The assistant legislative clerk called the roll. ley Hutchison, Jim Bunning, Mitch natives: One, to go on with other busi- McConnell. ness; two, to look at reconciliation in Mr. REID. I announce that the Sen- ator from Massachusetts (Mr. KERRY), The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- late spring. I don’t want to go with ei- pore. By unanimous consent, the man- ther of those options because we can the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. LIEBERMAN), and the Senator from datory quorum call has been waived. finish this bill now. There is always a The question is, Is it the sense of the time when the Senate has goodwill be- Washington (Mrs. MURRAY) are nec- essarily absent. Senate that debate on the pending mo- tween the two parties represented. tion to Calendar No. 381, S. 1637, shall That goodwill hopefully will surface I further announce that, if present and voting, the Senator from Massa- be brought to a close? just as cream surfaces on milk. The yeas and nays are required. The Now it is time to get the job done. I chusetts (Mr. KERRY) would vote ‘‘no.’’ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- clerk will call the roll. hope we can pass this FSC/ETI legisla- The legislative clerk called the roll. tion. It is bipartisan. That is the only pore. Are there any other Senators in the Chamber desiring to vote? Mr. REID. I announce that the Sen- way you get things done in the Senate. ator from Massachusetts (Mr. KERRY), Consequently, because it is bipartisan, The result was announced—yeas 49, nays 48, as follows: the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. we ought to get it done. And because it LIEBERMAN), and the Senator from [Rollcall Vote No. 66 Leg.] is bipartisan, it deserves better treat- Washington (Mrs. MURRAY) are nec- ment than it has received thus far. YEAS—49 essarily absent. I yield the floor. Alexander Dole Miller I further announce that, if present Allard Domenici Murkowski f Allen Ensign Nickles and voting, the Senator from Massa- Bennett Enzi chusetts (Mr. KERRY) would vote RECESS Roberts Bond Fitzgerald Santorum ‘‘nay.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Brownback Frist Sessions Bunning Grassley The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 50, the previous order, the Senate stands Smith nays 47, as follows: Burns Gregg Snowe Campbell Hagel in recess until the hour of 2:15 p.m. Specter [Rollcall Vote No. 67 Leg.] Chafee Hatch Thereupon, at 1:31 p.m., the Senate Stevens Chambliss Hutchison YEAS—50 recessed until 2:15 p.m. and reassem- Sununu Cochran Inhofe Alexander Cornyn Inhofe Talent bled when called to order by the Acting Coleman Kyl Allard Craig Lott Thomas President pro tempore (Mr. SUNUNU). Collins Lott Allen Crapo Lugar Voinovich Cornyn Lugar Bennett DeWine McConnell f Warner Craig McCain Bond Dole Miller DeWine McConnell Breaux Domenici Murkowski PREGNANCY AND TRAUMA CARE Brownback Ensign NAYS—48 Nelson (NE) ACCESS PROTECTION ACT OF Bunning Enzi Nickles Akaka Byrd Daschle Burns Fitzgerald 2004—MOTION TO PROCEED—Con- Roberts Baucus Cantwell Dayton Campbell Frist Santorum tinued Bayh Carper Dodd Chafee Graham (SC) Sessions CLOTURE MOTION Biden Clinton Dorgan Chambliss Grassley Bingaman Conrad Durbin Cochran Hagel Shelby The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Boxer Corzine Edwards Coleman Hatch Smith pore. Under the previous order, the Breaux Crapo Feingold Collins Hutchison Snowe

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