Sacred Stacks

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Sacred Stacks Sacred Stacks The Higher Purpose of Libraries and Librarianship n ancy kalikow maxwell Sacred Stacks The Higher Purpose of Libraries and Librarianship NANCY KALIKOW MAXWELL AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Chicago 2006 While extensive effort has gone into ensuring the reliability of information appearing in this book, the publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, on the accuracy or reli- ability of the information, and does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in this publication. Printed on 50-pound white offset, a pH-neutral stock, and bound in 10-point cover stock by Batson Printing. The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992. ∞ Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Maxwell, Nancy Kalikow. Sacred stacks : the higher purpose of libraries and librarianship / Nancy Kalikow Maxwell. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8389-0917-5 1. Libraries—Religious aspects. 2. Libraries and society. 3. Libraries—Aims and objectives. 4. Books and reading—Religious aspects. 5. Library science—Philosophy. I. Title. Z716.4M37 2006 027—dc22 2006000573 Copyright © 2006 by the American Library Association. All rights reserved except those which may be granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. Printed in the United States of America 1009080706 54321 To the memory of my father, Albert Kalikow, 1918–2004. He would have been so proud. Contents Preface vii Acknowledgments ix One Libraries as Sacred, Secular Institutions 1 Two Librarians Perform Sacred Functions 20 Three Librarians and Libraries Organize Chaos 38 Four Librarians and Libraries Bestow Immortality 48 Five Librarians and Libraries Uplift Individuals and Society 61 Six Libraries Provide Sacred, Secular Space 77 Seven Librarians and Libraries Promote Community 94 Eight Librarians and Libraries Transmit Culture to Future Generations 113 NNiinnee Implications of Libraries as Sacred, Secular Institutions 125 Bibliography 141 Index 149 v Preface urrying to a meeting on the campus of a Catholic college where I worked, I nearly missed seeing the approaching student. “Hi, Sister,” Hhe said. “Thanks so much for helping me in the library. My paper came out great.” Did he just call me “Sister”? I thought. I quickly dismissed his salutation. I must have heard him wrong. The second time it happened, I knew my ears were functioning fine. After I delivered a litany of unresolved building problems to the new facilities man- ager, he said, “Let’s go take a look and see what we can do about some of these.” Reaching the door, he waved me on and said, “After you, Sister.” This time I knew I had heard correctly. “I’m not a Sister,” I laughed. “As a matter of fact, I’m Jewish.” A different sort of misidentification led to an epiphany so profound I ended up writing this book about it. Before a campuswide meeting, the de- partment chair, who was also a nun, circled the room introducing a new fac- ulty member she had in tow. When she reached me, I braced myself for the “Sister Nancy” moniker. Instead, I heard, “Allow me to introduce you to our librarian, Nancy Maxwell. She ministers in the library.” I am definitely getting my hearing checked, I thought. She just said I “min- ister.” I am a librarian. I don’t minister. Or do I? The introduction led me to question whether my chosen profes- sion was in some way a spiritual vocation. Countless times I have heard librar- ians refer to their professional choice as a “calling.” Given the common con- fusion of librarians and nuns, perhaps other similarities exist between those two populations. It took an overheard conversation between two reference librarians finally to reveal to me the intrinsic spiritual dimension of my chosen profession. One of the reference librarians (who like the department chair was also a nun) was speaking to another librarian. Though I did not know the original topic under vii viii Preface discussion, I overheard the nun saying, “Everything I do is an offering up to God.” The librarian she was addressing was known to be a feisty, radically non- religious person, so it was surprising when she responded: “I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same way. I can’t describe it, because I’m not sure I even believe in God. But at the reference desk, I feel like I am offering my work up to Something or Somebody beyond myself.” After an uncharacter- istic moment of silence, she added, “In the library I feel I am serving some greater purpose.” This book is about that “greater purpose” of libraries rarely discussed, or even acknowledged. And no wonder. It is difficult to see the library’s higher aspects when you spend the day clearing paper jams, refereeing fights over computers, and yelling at people to quiet their cell phones. And those are the good days. On the bad days librarians spend their time defending their pro- fession altogether, crafting counterarguments to that oft-heard phrase, “It’s all on the Internet.” From the digitization of library resources to the onslaught of web-based information, librarians are on the defensive. Many librarians worry that our print collections, along with ourselves, will soon no longer be needed. But we need not worry. As I discuss in this book, librarians serve a higher purpose that no amount of digitization or computerization can ever replace. Decades ago dire predictions abounded that religion was obsolete, yet today religions continue and thrive. Likewise, many have issued death knells for li- braries. Yet libraries, too, have remained. This book argues that libraries have survived, and will continue to thrive in the future, because they fulfill eternal needs for people. Like clergy and members of religious orders, librarians hold a sacred profession, albeit one performed in a secular setting. For an explana- tion of this thesis, come with Sister Nancy as we head into the Sacred Stacks of the library. Acknowledgments ne of the central tenets of this book is that, no matter how long human life expectancy extends in the future, it will never come close Oto that of libraries. Even if people come to live for hundreds of years, they will never outlive libraries. The library as an institution will go on forever. The image of some anonymous person of the future stumbling upon this book on a dusty shelf in a library kept me plugging away at this writing. Seeing them flip to the first pages of this missive also drives the list included on this page. By choosing to mention the following people, I am granting to them a portion of imagined immortality. Writing this book turned out to be much more difficult than expected. Though I stayed motivated by my imagined future readers, I also needed—as the song has it—a little help from my friends. (Note to future readers: that comes from a lovely little Beatles song. A librarian of the future can help you locate the tune.) Throughout the arduous process of writing, I was blessed with the help, support, guidance, and patience of many. To each, I offer my sincere appreciation, along with this bit of eternal recognition. Like me, now each of you can revel in the idea of a person someday in the future finding this book, seeing this reference, and knowing you were helpful. What better way is there to be remembered? Eternal thanks to The steadfast members of the Florida Center for the Book Tuesday Evening Critique Group, who heard more of this book than they wanted. Every page is better, thanks to group leader Carole Lytle, Sue Alspach, Marge Bowman, Jackie Culver, Kathleen Dixon Donnelly, Leslie Goulet, Pat Gray, Natasha Grinberg, Arden Kahlo, Andrew Kingston, Alyce Marshall, Jack Nease, Nadine Seide, and Deborah Sharp. ix x Acknowledgments Dr. Celia Suarez, for being a great boss and doing all she could to sup- port this writing. Special thanks to every member of the staff of Miami Dade College North Campus Library. The faculty and staff of Barry University’s Monsignor William Barry Memorial Library and Department of Theology and Philosophy, who provided the impetus and insights needed for this book. Leonard Kniffel, Beverly Goldberg, and Pamela Goodes at American Libraries for helping spread the word about this book. Patrick Hogan, Emily Moroni, Russell Harper, and all the wonderful staff of ALA Editions, who patiently worked with me to take this from idea to book. I was blessed to have you working on this book, and I don’t use that word lightly. A special expression of love and affection to my mother, Betty Kalikow; sister, Barbara Kalikow Schwartz; brother, Harvey Kalikow; cousin, Judy Mesch; and all their spouses and kids. We made it through a difficult time. You all helped me keep going just by asking, “How’s the book coming?” And of course, to my husband, Rod, and daughter, Amanda, who suf- fered through every page with me. At last this book is done. Thanks for being with me throughout. I am literally eternally grateful. CHAPTER ONE A s reference librarians are well Libraries aware, library patrons come in spurts. Sometimes you sit for hours without one person ap- as Sacred, proaching you, and then out of nowhere seven people appear at Secular once. Whenever lines formed in front of me at the reference desk, I would frantically try to serve them all Intitutions at once. While jotting down a call number for the first person, I would point to the new book section for the next.
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