Kehilath Jeshurun Bulletin
Kehilath Jeshurun Bulletin Volume LXIX Number 8 June 30, 2000 27 Sivan 5760 109 STUDENTS SHABBAT CHAZON SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE GRADUATED FROM This year for the first time KJ will L'Eylah and The Jerusalem Post. He RAMAZ UPPER SCHOOL have a Scholar-in-Residence for has served as scholar-in-residence 44 TO SPEND NEXT YEAR Shabbat Chazon, Friday and Saturday, at Congregation Kesher Israel, August 4 & 5, the Shabbat before Washington, D.C., Kehilath Jeshurun, STUDYING TORAH Tisha B'av. We will be very proud to Young Israel of Great Neck, the IN ISRAEL welcome Rabbi Joshua Berman, an Harvard Hillel, the Yakar Center, EXTRAORDINARY COLLEGE alumnus of Ramaz to present London, the Kemp Mill Synagogue, ADMISSIONS RECORD three lectures. Silver Spring MD, and at Rabbi Berman, Ramaz Class of '82, Congregation Sha'arei Tefillah in We are happy to congratulate the is a graduate of Yeshivat Har-Etzion Newton, MA. Rabbi Berman and his High School Class of 2000, numbering and of Princeton University, and is family reside in Bet Shemesh, Israel. 109 students, whose graduation took currently a Rottenstreich Doctoral place in the Main Synagogue of our Fellow at Bar-Ilan University. He is a Shabbat Morning Drasha — Congregation on Wednesday evening, lecturer in Tanach at Nishmat, and the The Third Temple: June 21. author of The Temple: Its Symbolism Do We Want It? Do We Need It? The class distinguished itself in and Meaning Then and Now (Jason Shabbat Afternoon, one hour many ways. Aronson, 1995), currently in its before Mincha — Forty-four of the students will be second printing.
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