X29 bus time schedule & line map

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The X29 bus line (Norwich - Fakenham) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Fakenham: 7:30 AM - 6:05 PM (2) Norwich City Centre: 6:08 AM - 6:35 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest X29 bus station near you and nd out when is the next X29 bus arriving.

Direction: Fakenham X29 bus Time Schedule 58 stops Fakenham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:30 AM - 6:05 PM St Stephens Street, Norwich City Centre Saint Stephens Street, Norwich Tuesday 7:30 AM - 6:05 PM

Castle Meadow, Norwich City Centre Wednesday 7:30 AM - 6:05 PM Castle Meadow, Norwich Thursday 7:30 AM - 6:05 PM Tombland, Norwich Friday Not Operational 7 Tombland, Saturday Not Operational Anglia Square, Norwich Magdalen Street, Norwich

Wingeld Road, Norwich 1 Saint Augustine's Gate, Norwich X29 bus Info Direction: Fakenham Wensum Park, Norwich Stops: 58 Trip Duration: 83 min Stone Road, Norwich Line Summary: St Stephens Street, Norwich City Boot Binders Road, Norwich Centre, Castle Meadow, Norwich City Centre, Tombland, Norwich, Anglia Square, Norwich, Havers Road, Norwich Wingeld Road, Norwich, Wensum Park, Norwich, Havers Road, Norwich Stone Road, Norwich, Havers Road, Norwich, Shorncliffe Road, Norwich, Parr Road, Norwich, Shorncliffe Road, Norwich Whier Road, Norwich, Caley Close, Norwich, Asda, Fenn Crescent, Norwich , Hospital, Hellesdon, Hamond Road, Hellesdon, Margaret Close, Hellesdon, Drayton Wood Parr Road, Norwich Road, Hellesdon, Hurn Road, Drayton, King Georges Field, Drayton, Carter Road, Drayton, The Cock, Whier Road, Norwich Drayton, Budgens, Drayton, Seton Road, , Windsor Chase, Taverham, Roedich Drive, Taverham, Caley Close, Norwich Sandy Lane, Taverham, Lloyd Road, Taverham, Beech Avenue, Taverham, The Street, , Asda, Hellesdon Fakenham Road, , Norwich Road, 2 Hellesdon Park Road, Hellesdon , Porters Lane, , Bus Shelter, Lenwade, Morse Close, Lenwade, Lyng Turn, Hospital, Hellesdon , Church Lane, Sparham, Hall Road, , Blackhorse Meadow, Bawdeswell, Hamond Road, Hellesdon School, Bawdeswell, Chapel Road, , Road, , Post Oce, , Bridge Road, Margaret Close, Hellesdon Stibbard, Waterfowl Park, Pensthorpe, William Road, Fakenham, Warren Avenue, Fakenham, Norwich Drayton Wood Road, Hellesdon Road, Fakenham, Gwyn Crescent, Fakenham, George Edwards Road, Fakenham, Whitelands, Hurn Road, Drayton Fakenham, Henry Iv, Fakenham, Lancaster Avenue, Fakenham, Car Park, Fakenham, Oak Street, King Georges Field, Drayton Fakenham, Post Oce, Fakenham, Toll Bar, Fakenham, Toll Bar, Fakenham, Oak Street, Carter Road, Drayton Fakenham

The Cock, Drayton

Budgens, Drayton

Seton Road, Taverham Cypress Close, Norwich

Windsor Chase, Taverham

Roedich Drive, Taverham

Sandy Lane, Taverham

Lloyd Road, Taverham

Beech Avenue, Taverham

The Street, Attlebridge

Fakenham Road, Morton on the Hill

Norwich Road, Weston Longville

Porters Lane, Lenwade

Bus Shelter, Lenwade Saint Faith's Close, Civil Parish

Morse Close, Lenwade

Lyng Turn, Sparham

Church Lane, Sparham

Hall Road, Bawdeswell Norwich Road, Bawdeswell Civil Parish

Blackhorse Meadow, Bawdeswell The Street, Bawdeswell Civil Parish

School, Bawdeswell

Chapel Road, Foxley Chapel Road, Foxley Civil Parish

Foulsham Road, Bintree

Post Oce, Guist

Bridge Road, Stibbard Great Ryburgh Road, Stibbard Civil Parish Waterfowl Park, Pensthorpe

William Road, Fakenham

Warren Avenue, Fakenham

Norwich Road, Fakenham

Gwyn Crescent, Fakenham

George Edwards Road, Fakenham

Whitelands, Fakenham

Henry Iv, Fakenham

Lancaster Avenue, Fakenham Greenway Lane, Fakenham Civil Parish

Car Park, Fakenham

Oak Street, Fakenham 7 Oak Street, Fakenham Civil Parish

Post Oce, Fakenham 22-26 Wells Road, Fakenham Civil Parish

Toll Bar, Fakenham

Toll Bar, Fakenham

Oak Street, Fakenham 7 Oak Street, Fakenham Civil Parish Direction: Norwich City Centre X29 bus Time Schedule 56 stops Norwich City Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:08 AM - 6:35 PM Toll Bar, Fakenham Tuesday 6:08 AM - 6:35 PM Oak Street, Fakenham 7 Oak Street, Fakenham Civil Parish Wednesday 6:08 AM - 6:35 PM

Post Oce, Fakenham Thursday 6:08 AM - 6:35 PM 22-26 Wells Road, Fakenham Civil Parish Friday Not Operational

Lancaster Avenue, Fakenham Saturday Not Operational Greenway Lane, Fakenham Civil Parish

Henry Iv, Fakenham

Whitelands, Fakenham X29 bus Info Whitelands, Fakenham Civil Parish Direction: Norwich City Centre Stops: 56 George Edwards Road, Fakenham Trip Duration: 79 min Pensthorpe Road, Fakenham Line Summary: Toll Bar, Fakenham, Oak Street, Fakenham, Post Oce, Fakenham, Lancaster North Of Gwyn Crescent, Fakenham Avenue, Fakenham, Henry Iv, Fakenham, Whitelands, Sheldrake Close, Fakenham Fakenham, George Edwards Road, Fakenham, North Of Gwyn Crescent, Fakenham, Smiths Lane, Smiths Lane, Fakenham Fakenham, Warren Avenue, Fakenham, William Road, Norwich Road, Fakenham Fakenham, Waterfowl Park, Pensthorpe, Bridge Road, Stibbard, Malthouse Lane, Guist, Foulsham Warren Avenue, Fakenham Road, Bintree, Chapel Road, Foxley, School, Bawdeswell, Blackhorse Meadow, Bawdeswell, Hall William Road, Fakenham Road, Bawdeswell, Church Lane, Sparham, Lyng Turn, Sparham, Morse Close, Lenwade, Bus Shelter, Waterfowl Park, Pensthorpe Lenwade, Porters Lane, Lenwade, Norwich Road, Weston Longville, Fakenham Road, Morton on the Bridge Road, Stibbard Hill, The Street, Attlebridge, Beech Avenue, Taverham, Woodside Close, Taverham, Sandy Lane, Taverham, Malthouse Lane, Guist Roedich Drive, Taverham, Windsor Chase, Taverham, Seton Road, Taverham, Budgens, Drayton, The Cock, Foulsham Road, Bintree Drayton, Carter Road, Drayton, King Georges Field, Drayton, Hurn Road, Drayton, Drayton Wood Road, Hellesdon, Margaret Close, Hellesdon, Hamond Chapel Road, Foxley Road, Hellesdon, Hospital, Hellesdon, Asda, Chapel Road, Foxley Civil Parish Hellesdon, Caley Close, Norwich, Parr Road, Norwich, Wheeler Road, Norwich, Shorncliffe Avenue, Norwich, School, Bawdeswell Havers Road, Norwich, Stone Road, Norwich, Wensum Park, Norwich, Wingeld Road, Norwich, Blackhorse Meadow, Bawdeswell Edward Street, Norwich, Anglia Square, Norwich, The Street, Bawdeswell Civil Parish Upper King Street, Norwich, Castle Meadow, Norwich City Centre, St Stephens Street, Norwich City Centre Hall Road, Bawdeswell Norwich Road, Bawdeswell Civil Parish

Church Lane, Sparham

Lyng Turn, Sparham

Morse Close, Lenwade Bus Shelter, Lenwade Saint Faith's Close, Great Witchingham Civil Parish

Porters Lane, Lenwade

Norwich Road, Weston Longville

Fakenham Road, Morton on the Hill

The Street, Attlebridge 7 The Street, Morton On The Hill Civil Parish

Beech Avenue, Taverham

Woodside Close, Taverham

Sandy Lane, Taverham

Roedich Drive, Taverham

Windsor Chase, Taverham

Seton Road, Taverham

Budgens, Drayton

The Cock, Drayton

Carter Road, Drayton

King Georges Field, Drayton

Hurn Road, Drayton Hurn Road, Norwich

Drayton Wood Road, Hellesdon

Margaret Close, Hellesdon

Hamond Road, Hellesdon

Hospital, Hellesdon

Asda, Hellesdon

Caley Close, Norwich

Parr Road, Norwich

Wheeler Road, Norwich Drayton Road, Norwich

Shorncliffe Avenue, Norwich Fenn Crescent, Norwich

Havers Road, Norwich Havers Road, Norwich

Stone Road, Norwich Finishers Road, Norwich

Wensum Park, Norwich

Wingeld Road, Norwich 1 Saint Augustine's Gate, Norwich

Edward Street, Norwich Edward Street, Norwich

Anglia Square, Norwich 47 Magdalen Street, Norwich

Upper King Street, Norwich 3-5 Upper King Street, Norwich

Castle Meadow, Norwich City Centre Opie Street, Norwich

St Stephens Street, Norwich City Centre Saint Stephens Street, Norwich X29 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in East Anglia. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community Ā© 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved