kabarole DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT council SCORECARD assessment FY 2018/19

kabarole DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT council SCORECARD assessment FY 2018/19

L-R: Ms. Rose Gamwera, Secretary General ULGA; Mr. Ben Kumumanya, PS. MoLG and Dr. Arthur Bainomugisha, Executive Director ACODE in a group photo with award winners at the launch of the 8th Local Government Councils Scorecard Report FY 2018/19 at Hotel Africana in on 10th March 2020

Portal and Bunyangabu. As of 2020, Bureau 1.0 Introduction of Statistics (UBOS) projects the total population of This brief report was developed from the Advocates Kabalore district to be at 337,800 (Males: 169,200 Coalition for Development and Environment and Females: 168,600)1 (ACODE) scorecard report titled, “The Local 1.2 The Local Government Councils Government Councils Scorecard FY 2018/19. Scorecard Initiative (LGCSCI) The Next Big Steps: Consolidating Gains of Decentralisation and Repositioning the Local The main building blocks in LGCSCI are the principles Government Sector in Uganda.” The brief report and core responsibilities of Local Governments provides key highlights of the performance of as set out in Chapter 11 of the Constitution of the elected leaders and the Council of Kabarole District Republic of Uganda, the Local Governments Act Local Government during FY 2018/19. (CAP 243) under Section 10 (c), (d) and (e). The scorecard is made up of five parameters based on 1.1 Brief about the District the core responsibilities of the local government Kabarole District lies on the foothills of the snow- Councils, District Chairpersons, Speakers and capped Mount Ruwenzori. During colonial times, Individual Councillors. These are classified into five the Governor of then Uganda protectorate used to categories: Financial management and oversight; sit in Kabarole town. municipality is the Political functions and representation; Legislation main town of Kabarole. Initially, the district consisted and related functions; Development planning and of the present day Kasese, Bundibugyo, Ntoroko, constituency servicing and Monitoring service Kamwenge, Kyenjojo, Kyegegwa and until recently, delivery. Bunyangabu districts. Kabarole is ethnically diverse. Inhabitants of the district include: Bakonzo, Bamba, 1 UBOS, 2019 Projected District Population by age and Sex. Extracted from http://www.ubos_04_2019District_Projected Bakiga and the majority Batooro. The District is _population_by_single_age_and_sex (2015-2025).xls. Accessed composed of 3 counties, namely; Burahya, Fort- on 13 March, 2020.

Prof. Winstons Muhwezi • Richard Tusiime1 • Fred Kasalirwe • Mugarra David kabarole DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT council SCORECARD assessment FY 2018/19

The parameters are broken down into quantitative out of 100 points. The District Council’s performance and qualitative indicators. Separate scorecards are was far much higher than the regional average produced for the Chairperson, Speaker, individual score of 59 out of 100 points and the national Councillors, and the District Council as a whole. average performance of 62 out of 100 points. The The major rationale of the Local Government Kabarole District Council did not only emerge as Councils Score-Card Initiative (LGCSCI) is to induce the best performing council in western region, but elected political leaders and representative organs also in the country (out of the 35 assessed district of a district council to deliver on their electoral councils). Suffice to note was that Kabarole District promises, improve public service delivery, ensure Council registered the best performance in 3 out accountability and promote good governance of 4 parameters which included; accountability, through periodic assessments. monitoring service delivery and, planning and budgeting at 21 out of 25 points, 20 out of 20 points 1.3 Methodology and 27 out of 30 points respectively. Despite the The FY 2018/19 LGCSCI assessment used face- remarkable performance in the above mentioned to-face structured interviews, civic engagement parameters, Kabalore District Council did not have meetings, documents’ review, key informant any public hearings which undermined performance interviews, field visits and photography to under legislation. Details of the performance of collect the relevant data. The assessment was Kabarole District Council are summarized in Table conducted between July to September 2019. A 1. total of 36 elected leaders (34 District Councillors, 2.2 Performance of the District Chairperson and Speaker of Council) and Council Chairperson were assessed. Hon. Richard Rwabuhinga of the ruling NRM political party was the District Chairperson of Kabarole 2.0 Results of the Assessment District during the FY 2018/19. He was serving his second term as District Chairperson. The District This section highlights the performance of Council, Chairperson exhibited excellent performance Chairperson, Speaker and Councillors of Kabarole registering an improvement from 90 out of 100 District Local Government during the FY 2018/19. points scored in the FY 2016/17, to 96 out of 100 2.1 Performance of Kabarole District points in the current assessment. Figure 2 shows a Council summary of his performance. With these scores, the District Chairperson emerged not only as the best in The assessment of council focused on: execution the country (out of the 33 assessed chairpersons) of the legislative function; accountability; planning but also as in the western region (out of the 11 and budgeting and monitoring service delivery. assessed districts). Overall, the Chairperson During the year under review, Kabarole District performed well across all parameters with the Council registered a tremendous improvement best performance arising from providing political in performance scoring 87 out of 100 points, an leadership, contacting the electorate, initiating improvement from the previous assessment of 73

Figure 1: Performance of Kabarole District Figure 2: Kabarole District Chairperson’s Council on Key Parameters Relative to National Performance on Key Parameters Relative to and Regional Average Performances National and Regional Average Performances

Source: Local Government Councils Scorecard Assessment FY 2018/19 Source: Local Government Councils Scorecard Assessment FY 2018/19

2 kabarole DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT council SCORECARD assessment FY 2018/19 projects and monitoring service delivery where he and 43 out of 100 points respectively. Therefore, scored maximum points. Table 2 presents the details the Councillors’ performance was commendable of the performance of the District Chairperson. and worthy of recognition. In fact, Kabarole District Councillors were the 2nd in ranking at national level, 2.3 Performance of the Speaker of and the best out of the 11 assessed districts in the Council western region. At an individual level, Hon. Gedion Hon. Stella Kyorampe of the ruling NRM political Ruta Bujara representing Kasenda Sub-county was party was the Speaker of Council, Kabarole the best performing councillor scoring 85 out of 100 District Local Government. At the time of the points registering an improvement from 76 out of 100 assessment, the Speaker was serving her first term points obtained in the previous assessment. On the in office. Hon. Kyorampe registered a remarkable other hand, the best female councillor in Kabarole performance scoring 92 out of 100 points, a two District Council was Hon. Margaret Kihika Mugisa point improvement from the previous assessment. representing East Division who garnered 78 out of The Speaker emerged as the best in the western 100 points, an improvement by 8 points obtained region (of the 11 assessed speakers) and country from the previous assessment. On average, the wide (of the 35 assessed speakers). Her strongest best performed parameter by councillors was areas of performance were across all parameters, contact with electorate where they scored 18 namely; presiding over council meetings where out of 20 points. However, the worst performed she scored 20 out of 25 points, contact with the parameter was monitoring service delivery at 25 electorate at 20 out of the 20 points, participating out of 45 points. This was majorly attributed to lack in the lower local government meetings at 10 out of of follow up actions for the monitoring undertaken the 10 points and monitoring service delivery where in the various sectors. Table 4 summarises the she scored 42 out of 45 points. Table 3 summarizes performance of District Councillors of Kabarole the performance of the District Speaker of Council, District Local Government. Kabarole. Figure 4: Kabarole District Councillors’ Figure 3: Speaker of Council’s Performance Performance in Relation to National and on Key Parameters Relative to National and Regional % Scores Regional Average Performances


Source: Local Government Councils Scorecard Assessment FY 2018/19 Source: Local Government Councils Scorecard Assessment FY 2018/19 2.4 Performance of Kabarole District Councillors 3.0 Critical Factors that Affected There were 35 councillors in total who were Performance assessed during the current scorecard performance 3.1 Factors Enabling Performance assessment, where 14 (40%) were female. Overall, • Regular attendance of council and much as there was an observed marginal decline in committee meetings: It was noted that all the performance of district councillors countrywide on the councillors attended more than 4 council average, Kabarole District Councillors’ performance sittings and 80% attended at least 4 committee improved from 61 out of 100 points from the previous meetings. assessment to 64 out of 100 points in FY2018/19. On average, Kabarole District Councillors performed • Improved quality of debates in council: much higher compared to the regional and national The quality of debates in council had greatly levels at an average score of 45 out of 100 points improved. The debates were largely issue

3 kabarole DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT council SCORECARD assessment FY 2018/19

based. The councillors had also been able to counties had conflicting schedules with district demand for accountability from the DEC and council meetings while others did not provide technical team over several issues including minutes to substantiate claims by councillors of audit reports. having engaged their lower local councils. • Council debates on local and national issues: Councillors debated on a wide range of issues regarding rules of procedure, corruption 4.0 Success so far registered with and also issues pertaining to the national level the LGCSCI engagements. • Improved documentation of council • Presence of coordinating centers: Over 95% proceedings; especially minute taking by of councillors had coordinating centers in their attributing what each individual Councillor said. areas which made it possible to keep in touch This was well captured in council proceedings with their electorate. by the Clerk to Council. • Committees’ Monitoring service delivery • Quality of the debates: Being a product every sitting: The committees were able to do of LGCSCI, the speaker was able to direct specific on site visits before sitting especially debates towards purpose. Most of the debates on contested sectors like works. were on service delivery and on the issues that concerned the citizens. • Contact with electorates: Results show that at least 80% of the councillors were • Uptake of the LGCSCI best practices: Most able to organize official meetings and make of the councillors that had been assessed official communication using various channels previously were able to buy their own dairies including radio. and this was attributed to the culture of using diaries that ACODE used to provide them with. • The cordial relationship between DEC and the technical wing: It was noted that there was constant correspondence and consultation between DEC and the technical team. Often 3.0 Recommendations times these had conducted joint monitoring • The district leadership should strengthen which has led to addressing of service delivery orientation and training for councillors: This can concerns faster. be achieved by partnering with Civil Society 3.2 Factors that Hindered Performance Organisations like ACODE in cases where resources cannot be mobilised by the district. • Absence of induction of newly elected The trainings should be at least once in a Councillors for Special Interest Groups financial year. Such trainings should be thematic (Workers, Older Persons): Due to lack to cover aspects like (i) the Legislative roles, of resources, both the Ministry of Local (ii) contact with the electorate, (iii) participation Government and the local governments in the lower local government, (iv) monitoring have not been able to adequately induct new service delivery on national priority programme councillors who were elected in the year under areas, (v) rules of procedure, among others. review that is the workers’ representatives It is also important that refresher courses be and older persons. These councillors had not organized to provide other relevant information received induction on what they are supposed to and skills to the councillors. do in council which affected their performance. • The Council should introduce appropriate some • Insufficient follow up by councillors to funds out of their local revenues to facilitate ensure that their actions translate into tangible monitoring activities of councillors. outcomes in terms of improvement in service delivery. Most councillors do monitoring but • The Council should introduce a mandatory because they do not follow up on their actions, requirement for councillors to produce individual it is hard to realize changes in service delivery. monitoring reports to committees and council. • Failure to engage lower local governments: • The Speaker should communicate and share Majority of the councillors did not meet the council schedule with LLGs, such that meetings threshold of participating in at least 4 LLG at various levels are not colliding. council meetings. Some meetings in sub


kabarole DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT council SCORECARD assessment FY 2018/19

Sub Total Sub Sub Total Sub

45 45 29

30 27 17 Environment ENR

5 5 3

4 4 2 FAL FAL

5 5 2

4 1 1 Water Sources Water Agriculture

7 7 4

4 4 2


Roads 7 7 5

4 4 2 Schools

Water 7 7 5 Delivery

4 4 2 Health

Health 7 7 5 5 5 3 Agriculture

Monitoring Service

7 7 5

Monitoring Service Delivery Education

5 5 3 Total Sub


10 10 Sub Total Sub NGOs

5 5 5 20 20 14

Local Revenue Local Communal Projects Communal

2 2 1 11 11 5

District Budget District Projects Initiated Projects

3 3 3

Initiation of Projects 4 4 4


Budgeting Total Sub

8 Plans, Vision and and Vision Plans, 10 10 Planning and

5 5 5 Issues by Electorate by Issues Sub Total Sub 5 4 5

25 21 15

Meetings Electorate Meetings

Accountability 5 4 5

Contact with Electorate

Principles of of Principles

3 1 0 Total Sub


11 15 Involvement of CSO of Involvement Bills by Executive by Bills

2 2 2

3 2 5 Accountability

Motions Executive Motions Administrative Administrative 6 5 8

8 8 5

Political Accountability Political Council 2 2 2 Accountability

Legislative Role 8 6 5

Fiscal Accountability Fiscal Sub Total Sub

20 16 20

4 4 3 Central Gov’t Central

Sub Total Sub 4 3 4 Boards

25 19 16

Commissions/ 2 2 2 Capacity Building Capacity

3 1 2 Servants

Petitions Oversight Civil Civil Oversight 4 4 3

2 2 1

Legislative Resources Legislative State of Affairs of State

2 2 2

4 2 3

Monitoring Admin Monitoring

Public Hearings Public 5 4 5

2 0 1 DEC

Initiatives 3 2 3 Political Leadership Political

Conflict Resolution Resolution Conflict

1 1 1 2018/19 96 72

100 Ordinances


3 3 2 2016/17

Council 90 62

Perfor mance 100

Terms Motions Passed by the the by Passed Motions


3 3 2

Committees of Council of Committees

3 3 2 Party Political Membership to ULGA to Membership NRM

2 2 1 Rules of Procedure of Rules

2 2 2

2018/19 District


100 87 62 Gender

M 2016/17

100 73 51 District Performance Max Score Kabarole Average Identifiers Name Richard Richard Rwabuhinga Score Average Max Score Table 1: Kabarole District Council Performance FY 2018/19 District Council Performance Kabarole 1: Table FY2018/19 Performance District Chairperson’s Kabarole 2: Table


kabarole DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT council SCORECARD assessment FY 2018/19

Sub Total Sub Sub Total Sub

45 42 24 45 33 33 29 27 33 29 29 31 33 33 29



5 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 2 3



5 4 4 0 1 4 0 0 4 4 4 0 5 5 1

Roads Roads

7 7 4 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5

Water Water

7 7 4 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5


7 7 3 Agriculture

7 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5


7 7 4

Education Health

7 5 5 5 5 5 7 5 5 5 5 5

7 7 5 Monitoring Service Delivery

Monitoring Service Delivery Health


Participation in LLG in Participation 7 5 5 5 5 5 7 5 7 5 5 5 10 10

LLG Meetings

Sub Total Sub Sub County County Sub 6 2 6

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

20 20 16 LLG


9 9 8 Total Sub

Coordinating Coordinating 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 20 20 19 20 20 Office

8 Contact 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Meetings Electorate Meetings 11 11 Electorate Electorate



Meeting Meeting

11 11 11 11 11 11 10 11 11 10 11 11 Sub Total Sub

25 20 17

Sub Total Sub

Special Skills Special

25 22 21 21 21 15 22 17 14 21 10 17 5 0 0

Record of Motions of Record Special Skills Special

3 3 2 4 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 0 1 4

Records Book Records

2 2 2 Motion

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 2 5 0 5


Committee 3 3 2

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 8 Legislation

Business Business Plenary

8 8 8 8 8 1 8 8 0 8 8 0 Rules of Procedure of Rules

9 9 7

Presiding over Council Presiding over Change %

Chairing Council Chairing 6 1 4 6 -4

12 40 11 50 70 133 3 3 3

% Change % 2 2018/2019 18

85 84 80 78 78 76 76 75 75 73 72 100 2018/19

92 62 100 2016/17 Performance

Perfor mance 76 36 57 70 52 72 75 72 71 43 75 2016/17 100 90 57

100 Terms Served Served Terms

1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

Terms Served Served Terms 1 2

Gender Gender F F M M M M M M M M M


District Constituency


Constituency Kasenda Bukuuku T/C Kiko East Div Mugusu/ Karambi Busoro Kicwamba Hakibale Mugusu T/C Older Persons Youth Political NRM NRM IND NRM NRM NRM NRM IND NRM NRM NRM


Kabende/ Identifiers Political Party Political


Name Name Maximum Scores Maximum Stella Kyorampe Average Scores Maximum Gedion Ruta Bujara Robert Tumwiine Koojo Mathew Margaret Kihika Mugisa Kabasweeka Stellah Kemigabo Kamara Tom Daudi Baziira Peter Asiimwe Edward Kisembo Augustine Karubata Francis Ruhweza Timothy Table 3: Speaker of Council’s Performance, Kabarole District Local Government FY2018/19 District Local Government Kabarole Performance, Speaker of Council’s 3: Table FY 2018/19 District Local Government Kabarole of District Councillors, Performance 4: Table


kabarole DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT council SCORECARD assessment FY 2018/19 Sub Total Sub

7 7 6 45 33 29 21 26 30 33 25 33 29 29 33 18 28 24 30 19 13 16 10 21 25 ENR

5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 4 3 FAL

5 4 4 1 1 0 4 4 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 1 4 1 0 1 0 4 0 2 Roads

7 5 5 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 7 5 5 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 0 4 Water

7 5 5 4 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 0 1 1 3 0 1 4 Agriculture

7 5 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 1 1 0 5 0 1 1 5 0 4 Education

7 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 7 5 5 5 5 5 0 7 1 1 0 1 1 3 5 1 4 Monitoring Service Delivery Health

7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 5 5 5 1 5 5 7 1 0 5 5 1 1 5 0 4

Meetings Sub County County Sub 0 6 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 4 2 0 6 0 6 2 0 0 6

10 10 10 10 10 10

LLG Sub Total Sub

9 20 16 16 20 20 20 13 13 20 19 17 20 20 20 20 12 17 16 13 16 20 20 20 18 Office

9 9 9 9 9 9 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 Electorate Contact


Meeting Meeting 7 7 4 8 3 8 7 7 0 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 Sub Total Sub

1 9 3 9 1 25 21 18 21 22 11 10 17 16 11 17 11 19 18 19 18 14 13 18 15 Special Skills Special

4 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 Motion

5 5 2 5 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 Committee

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 3 8 8 0 8 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 7 Legislation Plenary

8 8 8 8 8 1 1 8 1 8 8 1 8 1 1 8 8 8 6 8 6 3 1 8 6 % Change %

4 2

-4 -3 -6 46 17 50 10 41 11 -11 -14 -17 -13 -23 -11 -28 -40 2018/2019

70 69 68 68 67 66 65 64 64 63 62 61 61 57 55 53 53 51 50 47 45 42 33 64 100 2016/17 Performance

48 59 71 75 44 58 73 44 63 55 66 61 69 56 65 75 41 35 61 100 Terms Served Served Terms

1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 5 1 2




Kabende TC Karago Karangura Workers Harugongo Karangura Mugusu Ruteete& T/C Kiko Div West Div West PWD S/C Karambi Ruteete East Div S/C Kicwamba Busoro/ Hakibale S/C Southern Div Workers Karambi TC Kijura & Bukuku Karago S/C Youth Southern Div Political


Identifiers Name Maximum Scores Maximum Barnabas Nyesiga Moses Atuhaire Aoron Byakutaga Stephen Nyakana Charles Kallija Rutakirwa Gertrude Keenema Mugabo B. Clovice Florence Kahunde Rusoke Mukonjo Clovice Saidat Salif Kaganda Rosemary Kaboona Kibagwa Lillian Bagonza Balinda Jimmy Hassan Galib Mukarwiza Ednah Tusiime Resty Balinda Mboijana Kenyana* Mary Rwakyaka Phoebe Kusiima Kiiza* Joseph Mashuhuko Richard Tatiina Florence Kadoma Margaret Kabajwara Bitamanya* Joram Average *Councillors Assessed Using Secondary Data

7 kabarole DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT council SCORECARD assessment FY 2018/19


Bainomugisha, A., Mbabazi, J., Muhwezi, W., W., Bogere, G., Atukunda, P., Ssemakula, E.G., Otile, O., M., Kasalirwe, F., Mukwaya, N., R., Akena, W., Ayesigwa, R., The Local Government Councils Scorecard FY 2018/19: The Next Big Steps; Consolidating Gains of Decentralisation and Repositioning the Local Government Sector in Uganda. ACODE Policy Research Paper Series No. 96, 2020. Kabarole District Local Government (2019), Minutes of Kabarole District Council FY 2018/19 (2019), Minutes of Standing Committees of Kabarole District Council FY 2018/19 (2019), Minutes of the District Executive Committee FY 2018/19 Republic of Uganda (1995), Constitution of the Republic of Uganda (1997), Local Governments Act (CAP 243) as Amended 2005

About ACODE: The Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) is an independent public policy research and advocacy Think Tank based in Uganda, working in the East and Southern Africa sub-regions on a wide range of public policy issues. Our core business is policy research and analysis, outreach and capacity building. Since it’s founding 19 years ago, ACODE has emerged as one of the leading regional public policy think tanks in Sub-Saharan Africa. For the last 8 consecutive years, ACODE has been recognized among the Top-100 Think Tanks worldwide by the University of Pennsylvania’s annual Global-Go- To Think Tank Index Reports. About LGCSCI: The Local Government Councils Scorecard Initiative (LGCSCI) is a policy research and capacity building initiative implemented by ACODE and ULGA. The initiative is a strategic social accountability initiative that enables citizens to demand excellence of their local governments and enables local governments to respond effectively and efficiently to those demands with the aim of improving service delivery.

ABOUT THE AUTHORS Prof. Wilson Winstons Muhwezi, PhD is the Director of Research at ACODE and an Associate Professor at Makerere University College of Health Sciences. Winstons is an accomplished researcher and has published over 30 papers in international peer reviewed journals about governance issues related to public health, mental health, reproductive health and rural development. Richard Tusiime is a Research Assistant for LGCSCI working in Kabarole district. He is also a Project Officer at Kabarole Research and Resource Centre (KRC) with skills in Human rights, Governance Research, Civic Education and Voter Education, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation among others. Fred Kasalirwe is a Research Fellow at ACODE. He is an Economist with over 9 years of experience in conducting social and economic development research, training and project management with great research experience in Economic Policy Analysis and Social Research. Mugarra David is a Specialized Program Officer – Human Rights and Good Governance at Kabarole Research and Resource center. David has been the lead researcher for Kabarole since 2014 under the LGCSCI. He has a wide experience in advocacy, policy, governance, peace and conflict resolution fields.

ADVOCATES COALITION FOR DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT Plot 96, Kanjokya Street, Kamwokya. P. O. Box 29836, Kampala. Tel: +256 312 812150 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]. Website: www.acode-u.org