Historic Preservation

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Historic Preservation 5 HISTORIC PRESERVATION Shipyard aerial, 1945 3 6 | P ier 7 0 P referred M aster P lan Chapter 5: Historic PreserVation The Pier 70 Historic District showcases a wide range of archi- 3. Encourage adaptive reuse of the historic resources that add new tectural styles from the late 19th to the mid-20th centuries and life to Pier 70, consistent with Secretary Standards. includes a combination of master architect, “Cathedral of Industry” style complexes, landmark quality buildings, and more modest utili- 4. Apply design criteria for new infill development to ensure new tarian industrial structures. It is the oldest, largest and most intact construction meets Plan objectives and is sensitively designed, historic industrial complex in San Francisco. consistent with Secretary Standards. As a district, Pier 70 contains a rich collection of resources and 5. Prioritize the stabilization and rehabilitation of Very Significant provides a physical record expressing continuity with past trends in resources along 20th Street for public and private investment as industrial architecture and design. It is significant for its association early as possible. with pioneering technological developments in shipbuilding, labor relations, government, and private industry relationships, as well as 6. Promote an understanding of the site’s history, significance, and HISTORIC PRESERVATION for the production of significant wartime vessels. The district is also function through a program of coordinated interpretive exhibits significant because it includes important works of master architects. in public areas and open spaces and as part of new development 5 and historic rehabilitation improvements. Objectives 1. Recognize continuation of viable ship repair and drydock Historic Resources operations as an act of preserving Pier 70’s history, and give Pier 70 hosts a number of individual historic resources of varying priority to physical shipyard changes necessary to support the significance. In National Register historic districts, resources are contemporary needs of the industry while maintaining the classified as “contributing” or “non-contributing” to the district overall integrity of the Historic District. depending on their historic significance, degree of integrity, and whether they reflect the historic period for which the district is 2. Protect the integrity of the Pier 70 Historic District by directing significant. For contributing resources, the Port and its consultants major new construction to open and vacant areas or locations used a finer grain of analysis to further refine historic building’s containing Non-Contributing Resources, reflective of the relative significance and to develop the preservation strategy and history of the built environment at Pier 70. priorities for Pier 70. PIER 70 PREFERRED MASTER PLAN | 3 7 5 HISTORIC PRESERVATION Contributing resources were classified into three categories below, Context Resources would be rehabilitated so that the overall char- and shown in Exhibit 5, Historic Resource Rating and Table 1, acter and integrity of the district is preserved. Removal of some Historic Resource Profiles: Context Resources is allowed to achieve Plan goals. Very Significant Resources are the most historically and architec- The implementation strategy further places a priority on the reha- turally significant resources. In general, this highest rating has been bilitation of the most significant and fragile resources, and accepts assigned to the historic resources fronting on 20th Street, referred to that rehabilitation of less significant resources may take longer as as the Pier 70 historic core. These resources are generally the oldest a result. Within this strategy, the Port is struggling to address a and rarest, or are the work of master architects and are individually critical immediate need to secure funding or other resources to eligible for National Register listing. The Plan calls for rehabilita- help stabilize very fragile Very Significant Resources, most notably tion of all Very Significant Resources. Significant Resources are historically or architecturally significant individually, but may not be individually eligible for listing in the National Register. Significant Resources together with the Very Significant Resources are essential to maintain the National Register eligibility of Pier 70. This category includes significant structures for both World War efforts. The Plan calls for rehabilitation of all of these resources. The Plan highly discourages major modifica- tions, and removal would be considered only under extraordinary circumstances. Context Resources date from the period of significance, and are important cumulatively to the historic district. These resources represent the largest number of historic features at the site and include structures that supported the World War II efforts and build-out of the shipyard in accordance with the 1945 Pier 70 Ship Yard General Plan. Under this Plan, a significant concentration of View looking down 20th Street from Illinois Street, 1941 3 8 | P ier 7 0 P referred M aster P lan the Union Iron Works Machine Shop (Building 113/114), that are Contributing Resources, they are important to the context and threatened by advanced deterioration. The Port’s FY10/11 annual therefore are considered Non-Contributing resources within the capital budget includes funds for a first phase of stabilization for Pier 70 Historic District. The Plan anticipates that Non-Contrib- this structure. uting Resources would be affected in order to provide for the opera- tional needs of the shipyard and to support the overriding goals of Non-Contributing Resources comprise a fourth category of the Plan. historic resources that are not essential to the eligibility of the historic district because they post-date the period of significance Infill Development or have lost most, or all, of their integrity. Non-Contributing New infill development within Pier 70 is key to the preserva- Resources include most of the site’s waterside features such as slips, tion of the historic district because it provides a source of funding wharves, piers, and vessels. Although they are not recognized as and purpose for the rehabilitation of the site’s historic resources. HISTORIC PRESERVATION 5 Illustrative Rendering of Building 101 PIER 70 PREFERRED MASTER PLAN | 3 9 5 HISTORIC PRESERVATION However, new development must respect the unique character and Oversight of Historic Preservation setting of the historic district as a maritime industrial complex. The Port has worked closely with the San Francisco Planning The pattern of the rail spurs and slipways, the scale of buildings, Department, State Historical Resources Commission (SHRC), and open space relationships, and visibility of the Bay are all factors that Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) to review and document have historically guided development in the past, as they should Pier 70 resources. Chapter 10 presents the Port’s implementation in the future. At Pier 70’s height of operations during World War strategy for work with these important regulatory partners in the II, development density was substantially higher than today, as area of historic preservation. This Plan provides the policy priorities reflected in the 1945 Pier 70 Ship Yard General Plan. To realize and guidance to help ensure that the future of the historic resources this Plan, development density must increase and will be subject to of Pier 70 meets the Plan’s historic preservation objectives. Infill Development Design Criteria described in Chapter 9. These criteria support the historic district by determining appropriate scale, design, and siting of new structures so that they help express Pier 70’s historic physical urban form, industrial history, and water- front location, consistent with the Secretary’s Standards. Building 12 Complex, looking northeast, 2009 4 0 | P ier 7 0 P referred M aster P lan HISTORIC PRESERVATION 5 Top: Ship in Slipway 4 circa 1940, looking southwest Upper Right: Slipway 4 today, looking northeast Right: Detail of historic furnace PIER 70 PREFERRED MASTER PLAN | 4 1 5 HISTORIC PRESERVATION Mariposa Street HISTORIC RESOURCES 114 VERY SIGNIFICANT 109 SIGNIFICANT Kneass 2 CONTEXT REMNANT OF IRISH HILL 18th Street LINE OF HISTORIC UPLANDS 49 SHIP REPAIR (HISTORIC USE) 30 50 SLIPWAY 4 FORMER PIER, WHARF, OR SLIPWAY 110 SLIPWAY 3 SLIPWAY 2 SLIPWAY 1 68 58 PIER 70 AREA BOUNDARY 141 127 19th Street 109 250 111 38 40 36 119 6 120 121 122 108 101 102 104 105 20th Street 123 103 107 19 20th Street 113 23 114 14 115 64 116 21 11 117 2 66 3rd Street Illinois Street Indiana Street SLIPWAY 5 Tennessee Street Minnesota Street SLIPWAY 6 12 SLIPWAY 7 PG&E 15 SLIPWAY 8 22nd Street 22nd Street 32 25 N 16 0 100 200 300’ Exhibit 5: Historic Resource RAting 4 2 | P ier 7 0 P referred M aster P lan Appendix C: Pier 70 Properties Building No. Building Name and Function Square Feet Construction Type Date Built District Rating Historic Significance 2 Warehouse 98,804 concrete 1941/44 Contributing Context 6 Light Warehouse 37,128 steel frame 1941 Contributing Context 11 The Noonan Building (Tool Room and Office) 32,664 wood frame 1941 Contributing Context 12 Plate Shop No. 2 118,890 steel frame/wood floor 1941 Contributing Significant 14 Heavy Warehouse 15,969 steel frame 1941 Contributing Significant 15 Layout Yard 17,134 steel frame 1941/44 Contributing Context 16 Stress Relieving Building 7,588 steel frame 1941 Contributing Context 19 Garage No. 1 6,152 steel/concrete 1941 Contributing Context 21 Electric Shop/Substation No. 5 (Risdon Iron Works) 10,172 steel 1900 Contributing Significant 23 Washroom and Locker Room 519 concrete 1914/36/41 Contributing Context 25 Washroom and Locker Room 1,407 steel frame 1941 Contributing Context 30 Template Warehouse 991 steel/wood frame 1941 Contributing Context 32 Template Warehouse 4,900 steel frame 1941/44 Contributing Context 36 Welding Shop 12,050 steel frame 1941 Contributing Context 38 Pipe and Electric Shop 30,519 concrete 1915/41 Contributing Context 40 Bethlehem Steel Employment Office 8,259 wood frame 1941 Contributing Context 41 Fire Station (Underwater) steel 1941 Non‐contributing Non‐contributing 49 Galvanizing Shop 8,039 steel frame c.
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