Fred APPLETON (1891-1966)


Colour Description Not on active service Out of the line In the line (includes reserve and support) Wedding leave events No longer on “active” service Territorial Army service Start/end of Battles


Date Details Source 1891/05/27 Born at 5 East Parade, Skelton-in-Cleveland Parish Register, Skelton-in-Cleveland, All Saints 1891/06/25 Baptised at All Saints, Skelton-in-Cleveland Parish Register 1901/01/22 Death of Queen Victoria 1901/04/07 Living at 4 Woods Yard, Skelton-in-Cleveland 1901 census 1901/08/09 Coronation of King Edward VII http://www.24carat/ 1910/05/06 Death of King Edward VII 1911/06/22 Coronation of King George V 1913/02/22 Attested into 4 th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment Army Service Pay Book (hereafter referred to as 4 th Green Howards 1914/07/23 4th Green Howards at annual camp at Deganwy, Postcard North Wales 1914/08/05 4th Green Howards at Northallerton “…sleeping in Postcard New Grammar School…” 1914/09/11 4th Green Howards at Darlington Postcard 1914/09/23 4th Green Howards at Darlington Postcard 1915/04/15 4th Green Howards at Elswick Road Schools, Letter Newcastle-upon-Tyne “…already packed up for off…tomorrow night…” 1915/04/18 4th Green Howards landed at Boulogne 1915/04/18 4th Green Howards billeted in Godwaersvelde The Green Howards 1914-1918 1915/04/22 Second Battle of Ypres opened 1915/04/23 4th Green Howards in “C” Huts at Vlamertinghe The Green Howards 1914-1918 1915/04/24 4th Green Howards at St.Julien (Yser canal, Potijze The Green Howards 1914-1918 Chateau, Fortuin) 1915/05/01 4th Green Howards gassed for first time The Green Howards 1914-1918 1915/05/09 4th Green Howards into reserve trenches at The Green Howards 1914-1918 Brandhoek 1915/05/12 4th Green Howards in dugouts near Chateau north The Green Howards 1914-1918 of Vlamertinghe 1915/05/14 4th Green Howards became part of 150 th Brigade, 50 th Division 1915/05/14 4th Green Howards attached 84 th brigade in Ypres The Green Howards 1914-1918 1915/05/15 4th Green Howards marched to the railway The Green Howards 1914-1918 embankment and attached to various cavalry brigades 1915/05/23 4th Green Howards into trenches astride Menin The Green Howards 1914-1918 Road at Hooge Date Details Source 1915/05/24 4th Green Howards gassed for second time The Green Howards 1914-1918 1915/05/25 4th Green Howards back to huts (unspecified The Green Howards 1914-1918 location) 1915/05/25 Second Battle of Ypres ended 1915/06/02 Fred has “…got a new hat…Shrapnel Helmets, Letter they call them…It’s what I call a “Tin Hat”…”

1915/06/04 4th Green Howards arrive at bivouacs near “50 th Division – 1914-1919” Vlamertinghe 1915/06/06 4th Green Howards into trenches at Sanctuary The Green Howards 1914-1918 Wood 1915/06/12 4th Green Howards relieved by 7 th DLI “50 th Division – 1914-1919” 1915/06/13 4th Green Howards in Vlamertinghe area “50 th Division – 1914-1919” 1915/06/18- 150 th Brigade move to Dranoutre “50 th Division – 1914-1919” 1915/06/20 1915/06/24 150 th Brigade move into the line at Ravelsburg – “50 th Division – 1914-1919” “…one week on and one week off…” 1915/06- 4th Green Howards in and out of the trenches…in The Green Howards 1914-1918 1915/08 vicinity of Armentieres 1915/07/14- 50 th Division move out of trenches and down to “50 th Division – 1914-1919” 1915/07/19 Armentieres 1915/08/25 Field Post Office 105. Censor 2332 Postcard 1915/10/27 4th Green Howards in rest billets at Armentieres The Green Howards 1914-1918 1915/11/12 4th Green Howards - Start of training period near The Green Howards 1914-1918 Merris 1915/11/30 Field Post Office 150. Censor 1548 Postcard 1915/12/02 Poem (Fred’s own work?) and hints at proposal of Letter marriage on next leave 1915/12/17 4th Green Howards - End of training period near The Green Howards 1914-1918 Merris 1915/12/18 4th Green Howards marched to Bailleul, train to The Green Howards 1914-1918 Poperinghe into huts at Dickebusch 1915/12/19 4th Green Howards marched via Zillebecke to The Green Howards 1914-1918 trenches at Armagh Woods 1915/12/25 4th Green Howards in Railway Dugouts The Green Howards 1914-1918 1915/12/31 4th Green Howards in huts at Dickebusch The Green Howards 1914-1918

1916/02/01 150 th Brigade into Divisional Reserve “50 th Division – 1914-1919” 1916/02/03 Field Post Office 150. Censor 2332 Letter Expects to be home on leave soon “…another week should see me home.” 1916/02/12 4th Green Howards into trenches round Hill 60 The Green Howards 1914-1918 “Z” Coy in trenches 47, 47S and 48 1916/02/16 Waiting for bandmaster to come back off leave so Letter Fred can go on long leave. 1916/03/08 4th Green Howards withdrawn from frontline to The Green Howards 1914-1918 Hop Factory at Poperinghe 1916/03/14 4th Green Howards moved to Goldfish Chateau The Green Howards 1914-1918 1916/03/30 4th Green Howards moved via Bailleul and Locre The Green Howards 1914-1918 to Kemmell Chateau relieving 28 th Canadian Battalion 1916/04/23 4th Green Howards in huts at Locre and billets at The Green Howards 1914-1918 Fletre 1916/04/24 4th Green How ards on four days’ rest at The Green Howards 1914-1918 Date Details Source Steenvoorde 1916/05/02 4th Green Howards back into trenches at Railway The Green Howards 1914-1918 Wood 1916/05/26 4th Green Howards via Locre to trenches at The Green Howards 1914-1918 Kemmell Shelter 1916/06/29 Field Post Office 105. Censor 2332 Postcard 1916/07/01 Battle of the opened 1916/08/17 50 th Division at Montigny. 150 th Brigade at “50 th Division – 1914-1919” Millencourt in III Corps Reserve, 4 th Army 1916/08/18 Field Post Office 105. Censor 2332 Postcard 1916/08- 4th Green Howards training at Millencourt The Green Howards 1914-1918 1916/09 1916/09/10 4th Green Howards into Brigade Support in Shelter The Green Howards 1914-1918 Wood 1916/09/14 4th Green Howards - Assembly in Eye and The Green Howards 1914-1918 Swansea trenches 1916/09/15 Battle of Flers-Courcellette opened 1916/09/15 4th Green Howards - Assault commenced – Prue The Green Howards 1914-1918 Trench and Martin Alley 1916/09/16 4th Green Howards held ground gained The Green Howards 1914-1918 1916/09/17 4th Green Howards consolidated ground gained The Green Howards 1914-1918 1916/09/18 4th Green Howards consolidated ground gained The Green Howards 1914-1918 1916/09/19 4th Green Howards relieved and withdrawn to The Green Howards 1914-1918 -le-Petit Wood 1916/09/20 4th Green Howards reorganisation The Green Howards 1914-1918 1916/09/21 4th Green Howards reorganisation The Green Howards 1914-1918 1916/09/21 Battle of Flers-Courcellette ended 1916/09/22 4th Green Howards back to front line into Sixth The Green Howards 1914-1918 Avenue and the intermediate line 1916/09/25 Battle of Morval opened “50 th Division – 1914-1919” 1916/09/25 4th Green Howards captured Eaucourt l’Abbaye The Green Howards 1914-1918 1916/09/26 4th Green Howards attacked Flers, ordered back to The Green Howards 1914-1918 Starfish Trench to reform and thence to Divisional Reserve 1916/09/28 Battle of Morval ended “50 th Division – 1914-1919” 1916/10/03 4th Green Howards withdrawn to billets in Albert The Green Howards 1914-1918 1916/11/18 Battle of the Somme ended 1916/11/30 4th Green Howards marched to for training The Green Howards 1914-1918 1916/12/31 4th Green Howards moved to huts at Bazentin-le- The Green Howards 1914-1918 Petit 1917/01 4th Green Howards moved to and then to The Green Howards 1914-1918 Buire. Four days in front line. 1917/01/06 Field Post Office 117. Censor 1668 Postcard 1917/02/10 4th Green Howards move to Foucaucourt The Green Howards 1914-1918 1917/02/11 4th Green Howards relieved parts of 18 th and 218 th The Green Howards 1914-1918 French Regiments “…the right battalion of whole British Army” 1917/03 4th Green Howards in vicinity of Belloy and The Green Howards 1914-1918 1917/03/30 4th Green Howards marched to Arras via Bonnay, The Green Howards 1914-1918 Molliens-au-Bois, , , Houvin-Houvigneul, Lignereuil and Noyellette 1917/04/09 First Battle of the Scarpe opened Date Details Source 1917/04/12 4th Green Howards arrived at Arras having The Green Howards 1914-1918 marched all the way. Accommodated in caves in the Faubourg Rouville. When in support – in Niger Trench: when in reserve – in deep German dugouts in Harp. 1917/04/14 First Battle of the Scarpe ended 1917/04/23 Second Battle of the Scarpe opened 1917/04/23 4th Green Howards arrive in position for assault (Z The Green Howards 1914-1918 Coy on left) 1917/04/24 4th Green Howards attacked German positions The Green Howards 1914-1918 with some success then pushed back by strong German counter-attack. Progressively fellback to Wancourt. 1917/04/24 Second Battle of the Scarpe ended 1917/04/25 4th Green Howards moved back to the citadel at The Green Howards 1914-1918 Arras 1917/04/26 4th Green Howards by train to Mondicourt The Green Howards 1914-1918 1917/04/27 4th Green Howards by road to Famechon The Green Howards 1914-1918 1917/05/01 4th Green Howards moved east into support The Green Howards 1914-1918 trenches 1917/05/05 4th Green Howards returned to Famechon via The Green Howards 1914-1918 1917/05/18 4th Green Howards moved east once more to The Green Howards 1914-1918 Douchy-les-Ayettes and Bayencourt 1917/06/16 4th Green Howards at the front in Hindenburg The Green Howards 1914-1918 Support 1917/06/27 4th Green Howards repulsed German attack on The Green Howards 1914-1918 Wood Trench 1917/07/19 4th Green Howards repulsed attack on Swift and The Green Howards 1914-1918 Snipe Trenches, Wren Lane, Martin and Avenue Trenches 1917/10 4th Green Howards in the Elverdinghe area The Green Howards 1914-1918 1917/10/26 Second Battle of Passchendaele opened 1917/11/15 Field Post Office 117. Censor 1668 Postcard 1917/11 4th Green Howards “in very good billets” in The Green Howards 1914-1918 Touruchem near Watten 1917/11/10 Second Battle of Passchendaele ended 1917/11/27 Field Post Office 117. Censor 1668 Postcard 1917/12/14 Field Post Office (unclear). Censor 1190 Postcard 1918/01 4th Green Howards in the neighbourhood of Ypres The Green Howards 1914-1918 1918/01/20 Field Post Office 117. Censor 1668 Postcard 1918/01/22 Field Post Office 117. Censor 1668 Postcard 1918/01/30 Field Post Office 117. Censor 1668 Postcard 1918/02 4th Green Howards in the neighbourhood of Ypres The Green Howards 1914-1918 1918/02/21 Field Post Office 114. Censor 1668 Postcard Waiting for bandmaster to come back off leave so Fred can go on leave. 1918/02/26 Field Post Office 114. Censor 1668. Postcard 1918/03/03 Field Post Office 114. Censor 1668.. Postcard Still waiting for leave. 1918/03/05 Field Post Office 114. Censor 1668. Postcard Still waiting for leave. 1918/03/21 Kaiserschlacht opened Date Details Source 1918/03/21 4th Green Howards in training at , The Green Howards 1914-1918 marched to and entrained for Brie, marched to 1918/03/22 4th Green Howards new line of defence established The Green Howards 1914-1918 in rear of Battalion HQ at Hancourt 1918/03/23 4th Green Howards retire to line from Vraignes to The Green Howards 1914-1918 Bouvincourt. Further retreat to Le Mesnil-Bruntel – fighting as rear-guard 1918/03/24 4th Green Howards marched to Marchelpot The Green Howards 1914-1918 reported to 24 th Brigade 1918/03/25 4th Green Howards progressive retreat to The Green Howards 1914-1918 Ablaincourt via , Misery, Fresnes 1918/03/26 4th Green Howards withdrawal through to The Green Howards 1914-1918 Rosieres-en-Santerre 1918/03/27 4th Green Howards repulsed attack on Rosieres-en- The Green Howards 1914-1918 Sancerre 1918/03/28 150 th Brigade withdrew to Vrely, then to , The Green Howards 1914-1918 through Beaucourt-en-Sancerre to Villers-aux- Erables then ordered to 1918/03/28 Fred at home (171 High Street, Skelton-in- Letter Cleveland). Making final preparations for his marriage. 1918/03/29 4th Green Howards to Mezieres before withdrawal The Green Howards 1914-1918 to Mailly 1918/03/30 4th Green Howards back to Jumel then to Boves The Green Howards 1914-1918 1918/03/31 4th Green Howards left Boves, arrived Sains-en- The Green Howards 1914-1918 Amienois, marched on to , entrained for Rue, marched to billets at Estrees-le-Crecy 1918/04/02 Marriage of Fred Appleton and Hannah Mary Parish Register, Skelton-in-Cleveland, Fawcett All Saints 1918/04/02 4th Green Howards moved to Bethune – remaining The Green Howards 1914-1918 here until the retreat ended 1918/04/05 Kaiserschlacht ended 1918/04/08 4th Green Howards move via Neuf Berquin to The Green Howards 1914-1918 Laventie thence by light railway to Rue Montigny 1918/04/09 Battle of the Lys opened 1918/04/09 4th Green Howards marched to Trou Bayard thence The Green Howards 1914-1918 to Sailly-sur-Lys. Front line established from Rouge Maison Farm to a temporary bridge south of the Factory. 1918/04/10 4th Green Howards fallback to straighten the line The Green Howards 1914-1918 after Germans overwhelmed Portuguese troops 1918/04/11 4th Green Howards fallback to Doulieu then The Green Howards 1914-1918 Vierhouck and finally Arrewage 1918/04/12 4th Green Howards further fallback to La Motte- The Green Howards 1914-1918 au-Bois 1918/04/13 4th Green Howards march to Le Parc The Green Howards 1914-1918 1918/04/14 4th Green Howards digging trenches south of Bois The Green Howards 1914-1918 des Vaches 1918/04/15 Fred at Folkestone. On his way back to the Postcard Western Front 1918/04/15 4th Green Howards digging trenches south of Bois The Green Howards 1914-1918 des Vaches 1918/04/27 4th Green Howards by train to Courville The Green Howards 1914-1918 Date Details Source 1918/04/29 Battle of the Lys ended 1918/04/29 Field Post Office 114. Censor 1668 Letter Fred has “…plenty [to write about] but I’m not allowed to write it.” 1918/04/30 Field Post Office 114. Censor 1668 Letter Fred sends 20/- P.O. home 1918/05/04 4th Green Howards moved from Courville to The Green Howards 1914-1918 Maizy 1918/05/04 Field Post Office 114 Letter Fred is “…sat outside the hut writing this letter…” The band is “…playing in the village square every night” “They are very hard pushed for men when they send the band to fight.” Fred couldn’t finish this letter on 4 th because they were moving. “We are further south now to what we were” 1918/05/07 Much discussion about S A (Soldier’s Allotments) Letter 1918/05/08 4th Green Howards into reserve billets at The Green Howards 1914-1918 Beaurieux 1918/05/18 Field Post Office 114 Letter Nothing of significance in content 1918/05/26 4th Green Howards moved to support position The Green Howards 1914-1918 round Craonelle and la Hutte 1918/05/27 Battle of the Aisne opened 1918/05/27 4th Green Howards fallback to Glennes and later to The Green Howards 1914-1918 Fismes 1918/05/28 4th Green Howards further retreats to Jonchery and The Green Howards 1914-1918 thence to Arcis-le-Ponsart 1918/05/29 4th Green Howards occupied a position at The Green Howards 1914-1918 Romigny 1918/05/30 4th Green Howards part of line from Rosnay The Green Howards 1914-1918 through Tramery to Lhery 1918/05/31 4th Green Howards part of line from Bligny to The Green Howards 1914-1918 Champlat 1918/06/06 Battle of the Aisne ended 1918/06/06 Field Post Office 114 Field Service Post Card 1918/06/13 Field Post Office 114 Field Service Post Card 1918/06/16 Nothing of significance in content Letter

1918/06/20 Field Post Office 114 Letter Folks back home have put his “…name in for munitions” 1918/06/24 Field Post Office 114. Censor 1668? Letter Asks for two handkerchiefs “not too expensive”. Also asks after his brother Laurence. 1918/06/28 Field Post Office 114 Field Service Post Card 1918/07/16 4th Green Howards reduced to cadre and assigned to Lines of Communication troops 1918/07/16 4th Green Howards at Limeux was reduced to a The Green Howards 1914-1918 Training Cadre and sent to Rouxmesnil 1918/08/16 4th Green Howards transferred to 116 th Brigade, 39 th Division 1918/09 4th Green Howards sent to Le Touquet The Green Howards 1914-1918 1918/09/21 Army Post Office S (indecipherable) Letter At an Officers Training Depot Date Details Source 1918/10/04 Army Post Office S (indecipherable) Letter Explains the band’s daily routine at the Officers Training School. No longer with the Battalion 1918/10/31 “..the active prosecution of the war by the [4 th ] The Green Howards 1914-1918 Battalion, then consisting of nine officers and eighty-five other ranks, seems to have come to an end.” 1918/11/06 4th Green Howards demobilised 1918/11/11 Army Post Office S.2 (indecipherable) Letter Delight that the war is over 1918/11/13 Army Post Office S.24 Letter Wondering when he might get home. Played basket ball and football 1918/12/25 Army P.(indecipherable). Censor 5029 Letter Describes the band’s involvement in the Christmas celebrations 1919/01/16 At Head Quarters, No.6 Rest Camp Army Post Postcard from Geoff ??? Office 4 1919/01/19 Censor 8217 Letter At Calais waiting for demobilisation 1919/01/29 Sending birthday card home Letter 1919/04/03 Talking about having a “third honeymoon” when Letter he gets home. 1919/04/05 Censor 8217 Letter Describes the band playing at an hospital Includes recitative “The 4 th Yorks Band In Action” 1919/04/06 Feeling “out of sorts” with a headache. Letter 1919/04/11 Has filled in his demobilisation forms and leaves Letter for the demob camp “tomorrow” 1919 Address: 171 High Street, Skelton-in-Cleveland Electoral Roll 1920/01/03 Birth of his first child, Dorothy Parish Register 1920/06/21 Attested for 1 year’s service as 4381434 Private Army Form E501 Fred Appleton in 4 th Yorkshire Regiment Attended Annual Training Camp at Scarborough Postcard 1920 Address: 26 Harker Street, Skelton Green Electoral Roll 1921/02/01 Appointed Stretcher Bearer Army Form E501 1921/06/21 Reengaged for a further year Army Form E501 1921/08/29- Attended Annual Training Camp Army Form E501 1921/09/12 - at Redcar Postcard 1922/06/21 Reengaged for a further year Army Form E501 Attended Annual Camp (15 days – 1922) Army Form E501 - at Hipswell Postcard 1923/02/ Awarded Territorial Efficiency Medal Army Form E501 1923/04/07 Reengaged for a further year Army Form E501 Attended Annual Camp (15 days – 1923) Army Form E501 - at Ripon Postcard 1924/03/30 Reengaged for a further year Army Form E501 Attended Annual Camp (15 days – 1924) Army Form E501 - Cemaes Bay, Anglesey Postcard 1925/03/12 Reengaged for a further year Army Form E501 Attended Annual Camp (15 days – 1925) Army Form B200 (Trial) - Pwllheli Postcard 1926/05/26 Reengaged for a further year Army Form B200 (Trial) Date Details Source Attended Annual Camp (15 days – 1926) Army Form B200 (Trial) - Catterick Postcard 1926 Address: 26 Harker Street, Skelton Green Electoral Roll 1927/01/11 Discharged at his own request Para 193 (3) Army Form B200 (Trial) Terr.Army Regs 1927/09/13 Birth of his second child, Geoffrey at Bircotes, Parish Register Harworth, Nottinghamshire 1927 Address: 61 Droversdale Road, Bircotes, Electoral Roll Harworth, Nottinghamshire 1928 Address: 61 Droversdale Road, Bircotes, Electoral Roll Harworth, Nottinghamshire 1929 Address: 61 Droversdale Road, Bircotes, Electoral Roll Harworth, Nottinghamshire 1930/07/15 Birth of his third child, Peter – died same day Birth and Death Certificates 1930 Address: 39 Essex Road, Bircotes, Harworth, Electoral Roll Nottinghamshire 1931 Address: 39 Essex Road, Bircotes, Harworth, Electoral Roll Nottinghamshire 1932 Address: 39 Essex Road, Bircotes, Harworth, Electoral Roll Nottinghamshire 1933 Address: 39 Essex Road, Bircotes, Harworth, Electoral Roll Nottinghamshire 1934 Address: 39 Essex Road, Bircotes, Harworth, Electoral Roll Nottinghamshire 1935 Address: 4 Snipe Park Road, Bircotes, Harworth, Electoral Roll Nottinghamshire 1936/01/20 Death of King George V http://www.stephen- 1936/12/11 Abdication of King Edward VIII http://www.stephen- 1936 Address: 4 Snipe Park Road, Bircotes, Harworth, Electoral Roll Nottinghamshire 1937/05/12 Coronation of King George VI http://www.stephen- 1937 Address: 4 Snipe Park Road, Bircotes, Harworth, Electoral Roll Nottinghamshire 1938 Address: 6 Manless Terrace, Skelton Green Electoral Roll 1949/04/16 Marriage of his son, Geoffrey to Margaret Marie Parish Register Evans 1950/05/18 Birth of his first grandson, Peter Geoffrey Parish Register Appleton 1952/02/06 Death of King George VI http://www.stephen- 1953/06/02 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II http://www.stephen- 1954/12/28 Marriage of his daughter Dorothy to John Thomas Newspaper: Evening Gazette Snaith (ex-RASC) 1958/07/13 Birth of his second grandson, Jeremy David Snaith Newspaper: Evening Gazette 1966/03/31 Death of Fred Appleton Newspaper: Evening Gazette 1966/04/04 Burial of Fred Appleton Newspaper: Evening Gazette