
Applications of and Exact Sequences on Network Codings

Robert Ghrist Yasuaki Hiraoka Departments of and Department of Mathematical Electrical & Systems Engineering and Life Sciences University of Pennsylvania Hiroshima University Philadelphia, PA, USA Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Abstract— is a mathematical tool for cohomological tools are easily extendable on a higher collating local algebraic data into global structures. The dimensional , such as simplicial complexes purpose of this paper is to apply sheaf theory into network or product of them, which might be useful in situa- coding problems. After the definition of sheaves, we define so called network coding sheaves for a general multi source tions with spacial expanse like wireless settings or with network coding scenario, and consider various forms of sheaf time dependence (product with time axis R). As a first cohomologies. The main theorem states that 0-th network step to this direction, we study applications of sheaf coding sheaf cohomology is equivalent to information flows cohomology to some basic problems in network codings for the network coding. Then, this theorem is applied by means of some fundamental exact sequences in this to several practical problems in network codings such as maxflow bounds, global extendability, network robustness, paper. and data merging, by using some of the standard exact This paper is organized as follows. In II, we sequences of . explain fundamental sheaf theory which will be required to understand this paper. In particular, sheaf cohomol- I.INTRODUCTION ogy and its basic operations will be discussed in detail. This paper introduces new tools for the analysis of It should be noted that our tools presented here are data flows over networks, especially focusing on net- computable by elementary calculus (or by linear work codings. The problem of network coding is one of algebra for data in a field), although sheaf theory itself a host of problems in data analysis and management that is highly abstract subject in mathematics. An important require an understanding of local-to-global transitions. notion introduced in this section is a network coding sheaf A new of tools we present in this paper is based on (NC sheaf for short), which gives a relationship between sheaf theory. sheaf theory and network coding problems. Especially, Sheaf theory was invented in the mid 1940s as a information theoretical meaning of NC sheaf cohomol- branch of algebraic to deal with the collation of ogy plays important roles for applications. In Section local data on topological spaces. Through the success in III, NC sheaf cohomology is applied into some practical the theory of functions of several complex variables and problems (maxflow bound, global extendability, network algebraic , this theory is now indispensable in robustness, and data merging). All of the techniques modern mathematics. However, instead of its generality used in this section are standard long exact sequences dealing with local-to-global transitions, applications to in homological algebra. In Section IV, we explain some other areas in science or engineering have not been future directions of this work. Throughout the paper, we well established so far except for logic and semantics refer to [1][4][6] for general discussions on sheaf theory. in computer science with the notion of (e.g., [2][8][9]). II.SHEAF FORMULATION OF NETWORK CODINGS On the other hand, there is a powerful mathematical A. Definition of Sheaves tool in sheaf theory, so called sheaf cohomology, which Let X be a (e.g., network) and R be can treat local-to-global transition in algebraic data level. a commutative . One of the important messages in this paper is to show usefulness of sheaf cohomology for applications to anal- Definition 1. (Presheaf). A presheaf F on X consists of ysis of data on a network. This viewpoint provides us the following data: with a lot of analytical tools from homological algebra - an R-module F(U) for each open U ⊂ X. such as exact sequences for various forms of sheaf - an R-linear ρVU : F(U) F(V) for each pair V ⊂ cohomology. Moreover, not only on a network, sheaf U ⊂ X. → These data satisfy the following conditions: S(rj) corresponds to the decoding map. Let us denote the set of all local coding maps by Φ = {φ }. ρ = id , ρ ◦ ρ = ρ for W ⊂ V ⊂ U, wv UU U WV VU WU In order to express decodable information flows on where idU is the identity map on F(U). a network as a network coding sheaf cohomology, we extend the graph G = (V, E) to X = (V, E˜ ), where E˜ is σ ∈ F(U) F(U) An element is called a section on , and given by adding edges e = |rjsi| in E from each receiver R ρ an - VU is called a restriction map. We often rj to all of its requesting sources si ∈ S(rj) with cap(e = write σ|V instead of ρVU(σ), and call it the restriction of |rjsi|) = nsi . For removing ambiguity, we denote the σ to V. set of incoming edges at v ∈ V in E or E˜ by In(v; E) or Definition 2. (Sheaf). A presheaf F on X is called a sheaf In(v; E˜ ), respectively. Out(v; E) and Out(v; E˜ ) are similarly if it satisfies the following two conditions: defined. This extension enables one to compare decoded infor- 1) For any U ⊂ X, any open covering U = mation at each receiver rj with transmitted information ∪i∈IUi, and any section σ ∈ F(U), σ|U = 0 for all i from s ∈ S(r ) as the glueing condition of the network i ∈ I implies σ = 0. i j coding sheaf on the added edge e = |r s |. 2) For any open set U ⊂ X, any open covering U = j i Let us equip X with the usual Euclidean topology. For ∪ U , any family σ ∈ F(U ) satisfying σ | = i∈I i i i i Ui∩Uj the definition of a network coding sheaf F (NC sheaf for σ | for all pairs (i, j), there exists σ ∈ F(U) j Ui∩Uj short), we at first assign sections for some special open such that σ| = σ for all i ∈ I. Ui i sets. Remark 3. 1) Each R-module F(U) is regarded as local Definition 4. (Local Sections). data storage for applications. 1) For a connected open set U contained in an edge 2) From the conditions in Definition 2, a sheaf F allows e ∈ E˜ , F(U) := kcap(e). one to glue a set of local data together into global 2) For a connected open set U which only contains data uniquely. nv lv one node v ∈ V, F(U) := k ⊕ k , where lv =

B. Network Coding Sheaves e∈In(v;E) cap(e). Let us at first explain the problem setting of network DefinitionP 5. (Local Restriction Maps). codings (e.g.,[7][10]) on which we construct sheaves. Let 1) For connected open sets V ⊂ U ⊂ e for some edge k be an R-module, or simply a (finite) field. Let G = e, ρVU := id : F(U) F(V). (V, E) be a directed graph(not necessarily acyclic), where 2) For connected open sets V ⊂ U, where U contains V E ˜ and are finite sets of nodes and edges, respectively. only one node v and→ V is located in e ∈ In(v; E), A directed edge e ∈ E from v ∈ V to w ∈ V is denoted ρVU : F(U) F(V) is given by the projection map by e = |vw| (Head(e) := w, Tail(e) := v). We assume induced by the product structure in Definition 4 2). S = {s , ··· , s } ⊂ V that there exists a subset 1 α of nodes 3) For connected→ open sets W ⊂ U, where U contains nsi called sources which transmit elements in k , nsi ∈ N, only one node v and W is located in e ∈ Out(v; E˜ ), as information for each si ∈ S. We often identify a ρWU := φwv : F(U) F(W), where w = Head(e). graph G with a topological space by the geometrical From these local definitions of sections and restriction representation with the usual Euclidean topology. → We also assume that there exists a subset R = maps, the network coding sheaf is defined by the sheafifi- cation. It is a process to construct F(U) for arbitrary open {r1, ··· , rβ} ⊂ V of nodes called receivers. Each receiver U ⊂ X ρ : F(U) F(V) requires information from some sources and this assign- set and the restriction map VU ment is determined by S : R 2S in the sense that by using the glueing condition in Definition 2. More precisely, it is explained in the following way. a receiver ri requires all transmitted information from → S S(ri) ∈ 2 . → Definition 6. (NC Sheaf). For an open set U ⊂ X, Let cap : E N be a capacity which assigns F(U) is defined by the set of all equivalent classes for each edge e ∈ E its edge capacity cap(e). The set σ = [(σi,Ui)i∈I], where a representative (σi,Ui)i∈I with of the incoming→ (outgoing, resp.) edges in the sense of a covering U = ∪i∈IUi is given by a family of sections v ∈ V (v) edge directions at a node is denoted by In σi ∈ F(Ui) satisfying σi|Ui∩Uj = σj|Ui∩Uj , and the (Out(v), resp.). A local coding map φwv determines equivalent relation ∼ is defined by a data assignment of the incoming data at v into an (σ ,U ) ∼ (τ ,V ) σ | = τ | for i ∈ I, j ∈ J. outgoing edge e with Head(e) = w given by i i i∈I j j j∈J i Ui∩Vj j Ui∩Vj The restriction map ρVU : F(U) F(V) is induced by nv lv cap(e) φwv : k ⊕ k k , where lv = cap(e), local restriction maps on⇔ a representative (of course, it e∈ (v) XIn is independent of the choice of→ a representative). The F where it is assumed→ that nv = 0 for v ∈ V\S. Especially, a sheaf obtained by the sheafification process is called the network coding sheaf of (X, Φ). local coding map φsirj from a receiver rj to a source si ∈ C. Sheaf Cohomology D. Computation For a sheaf F, the global structure of data on X is It should be noted that computations for sheaf co- characterized by sheaf cohomology H•(X; F). We explain homologies only require module operations under the it via Cechˇ cohomology. Precisely speaking, Cechˇ coho- situation of this paper, because of the definition from mology is not the same as sheaf cohomology in general, Cechˇ cohomology. Especially, from the definition of the however both cohomologies turn out to be equivalent sheaf cohomology (II.4),(II.5), all we need to do is to for NC sheaves. Hence, we define sheaf cohomology check the and the cokernel of the boundary map H•(X; F) in the following way. ∂ : C0(X; F) C1(X; F). These calculations are performed First of all, let us take the open covering X = by means of Smith normal forms. We refer to [5] for  (∪v∈VUv)∪ ∪e∈E˜ Ue by using open stars Uv and Ue for details of computations→ of Smith normal forms including each v ∈ V and e ∈ E˜ . Here, an open star Uv for a node fast algorithms. v ∈ V is the maximal connected open set containing only one node v, and an open star Ue for an edge e ∈ E˜ is the E. Information Theoretical Meaning of NC Sheaf Cohomology maximal open set contained in the edge e. Then, let us ∂ In this subsection, we show an information theoretical define the Cechˇ complex 0 C0(X; F) C1(X; F) 0 meaning of H0(X; F) for a NC sheaf F. Since H0(X; F) is by defined by (II.4), let us study a meaning of the kernel of 0 1 0 → → → the boundary map ∂ : C (X; F) C (X; F). C (X; F) = F(Uv), (II.1) v∈V First of all, let us recall the definition of information Y 1 flow on a network G. An information→ flow ψ for a family C (X; F) = F(Ue), (II.2) nsi of transmitted data z = (zs1 , ··· , zsα ), zsi ∈ k , si ∈ S, ˜ eY∈E is defined by an assignment ψ(e) ∈ kcap(e) for each e ∈ E where the boundary map ∂ = (∂e)e∈E˜ is defined for each edge satisfying the flow conditions, some of 1 product element F(Ue) of C (X; F) with e = |vw| by which are expressed as follows: Under e = |vw| and ei ∈ In(v; E)(i = 1, ··· ,K), ∂e : F(Uv) × F(Uw) F(Ue), 1) φwv(ψ(e1), ··· , ψ(eK)) = ψ(e) for v∈ / S ∪ R, ∂e(σv, σw) = ρU U (σv) − ρU U (σw). (II.3) e v e w 2) φwv(zsi , ψ(e1), ··· , ψ(eK)) = ψ(e) for v = si ∈ S\ → R, Definition 7. (Sheaf Cohomology). The i-th sheaf coho- 3) φwv(ψ(e1), ··· , ψ(eK)) = zs for v = rj ∈ R\S and mology Hi(X; F) is defined by Hi(X; F) := Hi(C•), i.e., i w = si ∈ S(rj), H0(X; F) := Ker(∂), (II.4) 4) φwv(ψ(e1), ··· , ψ(eK)) = ψ(e) for v = rj ∈ R\S, w∈ / S(r ), H1(X; F) := C1(X; F)/Im(∂). (II.5) j and so on. The other cases are similarly derived by ι For an open set A , X, a sheaf F on X induces a taking proper domain and target spaces of local coding sheaf on A called the inverse image ι∗F. It is defined maps. ∗ 0 by ι F(U) := F(U) for→ an open set U ⊂ A and the We recall that the boundary map ∂ : C (X; F) 1 restriction maps are induced by the original ones of the C (X; F) is determined by a family of maps ∂e (e ∈ E˜ ) 0 sheaf F. Then, by constructing an open covering for A by (II.3). Hence, σ = (σv)v∈V ∈ C (X; F) ∈ Ker(∂) if and→  ˜ from X = (∪v∈VUv) ∪ ∪e∈E˜ Ue , we can define the sheaf only if ∂e(σv, σw) = 0 for all e = |vw| ∈ E. Let us also • ∗ cohomology H (A; ι F) on A as the cohomology of the recall that the restriction map ρUeUv from the tail node • ∗ Cechˇ complex C (A; ι F). We will often use the notations v is determined by the local coding map φwv, and the • • ∗ • • ∗ H (A; F) = H (A; ι F) and C (A; F) = C (A; ι F). restriction map ρUeUw from the head node is determined Finally, let me introduce the relative sheaf cohomology by the projection F(Uw) F(Ue). H•(X, A; F) of a pair (X, A), where A ⊂ X is an open set. Let us construct an assignment ψ(e) ∈ kcap(e) for each

Let us note that we can define a surjective chain map e = |vw| ∈ E by ψ(e) = ρ→UeUw (σw) (i.e., projecting σw ∈ • • • nsi p : C (X; F) C (A; F). Then the for a F(Uw) into F(Ue)). Let z = (zs1 , ··· , zsα ), zsi ∈ k , pair (X, A) is defined by the subcomplex C•(X, A; F) := be the product element in σ ∈ C0(X; F) corresponding to • Ker(p ). The→ relative sheaf cohomology for the pair the transmitted data from S. Then, It can be checked i i • (X, A) is defined by H (X, A; F) := H (C (X, A; F)). by direct calculation that the kernel condition on ∂e

Basic other operations on sheaves and these cohomolo- expressed as ρUeUv (σv) = ρUeUw (σw) is equivalent to ∗ gies (e.g., f∗, f , ⊗, Hom(•, •), see [1][4][6]) will be useful be the above flow condition for the assignment ψ on the to construct a new NC sheaf from known ones, or to edge e. investigate relationships between different NC sheaves Therefore, we obtained the equivalent expression of and their cohomologies. Applications of these operations an information flow for a family of transmitted data z to network coding problems will be studied in [3]. by means of σ ∈ Ker(∂), and proved: Theorem 8. (Information Theoretical Meaning of H0(X; F)). sheaf F and any A ⊂ X with the above condition. We For a NC sheaf F of (X, Ψ), H0(X; F) is equivalent to the note that dimH0(A; F) does not depend on the choice information flows on the network. of a NC sheaf F, and the minimum on the righthand side by changing A gives us the minimum cut capacity This theorem makes it possible to apply homological between s and r . On the other hand, let us recall that algebraic tools for cohomologies into network coding j dimH0(X; F) expresses the of information flow problems. We will see some of the applications in the on the network by Theorem 8. Therefore, by taking the next section. maximum of dimH0(X; F) under changing NC sheaves, III.APPLICATIONS we have proved the maxflow bound inequality in a A. Relative Cohomology and Maxflow Bound homological algebraic way: We discussed the definition of relative NC sheaf co- maxflow = max dimH0(X; F) ≤ mincut = min dimH0(A; F). homology H•(X, A; F) for an open set A ⊂ X. At that F A point, the relative chain complex C•(X, A; F) is derived We admit that the maxflow bound itself is an easy as a subcomplex of C•(X; F) which is mapped to 0 by the consequence from the information flow property of the surjective chain map p• : C•(X; F) C•(A; F). Hence, we single source situation. The reason to show this example have a short of chain complexes is to see that each standard tool in homological algebra → 0 i0 p has corresponding practical applications. 0 / C0(X, A; F) / C0(X; F) / C0(A; F) / 0

∂ ∂ ∂ B. Connecting and Global extendability 1  i1  p  0 / C1(X, A; F) / C1(X; F) / C1(A; F) / 0 Let us again go back to the general multi-source (III.1) problem setting and think the long exact sequence of a (X, A) meaning that the above diagram is commutative and pair (III.2) in more detail. It should be noted that k k k k k A ⊂ X Ker(i ) = 0, Im(i ) = Ker(p ), Im(p ) = C (A; F) for this exact sequence holds for any open set . k = 0, 1. It should be remarked that the boundary maps Let us suppose that we have known a local informa- in (III.1) are all induced by the original one ∂ : C0(X; F) tion flow σA on A and study a condition which allows C1(X; F). one to globally extend σA into the whole network. Since One of the important techniques in homological alge- the information flows on A and X are represented by el- → 0 0 bra is to construct a long exact sequence on cohomolo- ements in H (A; F) and H (X; F), respectively, the global 0 gies from (III.1) expressed as extendability of a local information flow σA ∈ H (A; F) 0 0 asks the existence of σ ∈ H (X; F) such that p (σ) = σA. 0 p0 0 1 0 H0(X, A; F) i H0(X; F) H0(A; F) δ H1(X, A; F) i ··· On the other hand, the exactness of the sequence (III.2) at H0(A; F) is expressed as Im(p0) = Ker(δ0). Thus, we (III.2) proved the following proposition → → → → → where the maps i• and p• in (III.2) are induced by those 0 Proposition 10. (Global Extendability). A local information in the short exact sequence (III.1). The map δ is called 0 0 flow σA ∈ H (A; F) is globally extendable if and only if the connecting homomorphism defined by δ (σA) := 0 0 1 δ (σA) = 0. ∂(σX), where p (σX) = σA and ∂(σX) ∈ C (X; F) is iden- 1 1 tified with the element in C (X, A; F) because p ∂(σX) = 0 1 ∂p (σX) = ∂σA = 0 leads to ∂(σX) ∈ C (X, A; F). C. Excision and Network Robustness α = 1 We now study the single source scenario for Let A ⊂ G be an open set and Z = X \ A be its applications of relative NC sheaf cohomology. Let us complementary . For a section σ ∈ F(U), the A take an open set which does not include the source of σ denoted by |σ| is defined by node s ∈ S, but includes some receiver rj ∈ R. Then, the A C s r incoming edges into define a cut between and j. |σ| := {x ∈ U | s|V 6= 0 for any neighborhood V ⊂ U of x}. Especially, it follows from the definition of H0(A; F) that 0 cap(C) = dimH (A; F), where cap(C) represents the cut Let us also consider a subspace of F(U) for each open capacity for C. On the other hand, the following lemma set U ⊂ X given by holds [3]: F (U) := {σ ∈ F(U) | |σ| ⊂ Z}. Lemma 9. Under the above condition on A, H0(X, A; F) = 0 Z for any NC sheaf F. Then by replacing F(Uv), F(Ue) in (II.1), (II.2) with 0 From this lemma, H (X, A; F) = 0 in (III.2) and it FZ(Uv), FZ(Ue), respectively, the with 0 0 0 • follows that p : H (X; F) H (A; F) is injective. Hence support Z denoted by HZ(X; F) is defined in the same dimH0(X; F) ≤ dimH0(A; F) for any network coding way. → 0 One of the useful exact sequence relating to the local flow σ ∈ H (X; F) which induces σU and σV , i.e., • 0 cohomology HZ(X; F) is expressed as follows (Proposi- f (σ) = (σU, σV ). Therefore, again by using exactness tion II.9.2 in [4]): property, we have the following proposition on data merging problem 0 p0 0 1 0 H0 (X; F) i H0(X; F) H0(A; F) δ H1 (X; F) i ··· Z Z Proposition 13. (Data Merging). Let U and V be open (III.3) 0 0 sets in X. Let σU ∈ H (U; F) and σV ∈ H (V; F) be → k → → → → local information flows on U and V, respectively. Then these where i is induced by the inclusion map iU : FZ(U) F(U). two local information flows can be merged into a global information flow on X if and only if g0(σ , σ ) = 0. Now let us suppose that we have a network failure→ U V A on and study the robustness problem of information IV. CONCLUSION flows. Precisely speaking, we consider the condition In this paper, we introduced sheaf theoretical tools on under which the global information flow σ ∈ H0(X; F) network codings and showed that sheaf cohomologies persists on Z with the removal of A. From the definition 0 0 and these long exact sequences can be applied several of the local cohomology H (X; F), a section σZ ∈ H (X; F) Z Z practical problems. represents an information flow on the network G such An important application of sheaf theory will be a that |σZ| ⊂ Z. It means that, for any point x ∈ A, there characterization of maxflows on general multi-source exists an open set U ⊂ A such that σZ|U = 0. Hence, network codings. One of the possibilities to attack this it follows that H0 (X; F) represents the information flows Z problem is to give another sheaf theoretic proof of the which are not affected by the removal of A. By combin- maxflow characterization on a single source scenario, ing this argument to the exact sequence (III.3), we have which will be potentially applicable to multi-source one. the following proposition: As is seen in the single source case, the maxflow charac- Proposition 11. (Network Robustness). Let A ⊂ G be an terization given by the mincut can be regarded as a flow- open set and Z = X \ A be the complementary closed set. cut . From this viewpoint of duality, a derived 0 Then HZ(X; F) represents the global information flow on the categorical formulation of network coding sheaves may failure network G \ A. Moreover, the network coding of F is provide us with some useful characterizations through robust to this failure if and only if p0 = 0. Poincare-Verdier´ duality and Morse theory. It should be also mentioned that we can differently for- Remark 12. By the five lemma (e.g., [1][4][6]), we have mulate network coding problems without the extension the Hk(X, A; F) ' Hk (X; F). Hence the Z of graph G X. Even in this formulation, information above argument can be explained by using only relative flows on a network can be treated by using NC sheaf cohomology. On the other hand, the long exact sequence cohomologies [3]. (III.3) is one of the examples showing excision property. → There are several versions of long exact sequences re- ACKNOWLEDGMENT lated to excision property (see, e.g., II.9 in [4]) each of The authors express their sincere gratitude to S. Hara which will be used to analyze local information flows and M. Robinson for valuable discussions on this paper. like this example. 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