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EL PASO HERALD SPORTS, RECREATION and OUTDOOR LIFE 9 RETIREMENT OF ROLLER The Days of Real Stort By Briggs ORRISON-GUN- DY J. WILLARD ENDS A PICTURESQUE MILL LOST TITLE CAREER IN MAT GAME IS ENDORSED WITHA K.O. Popular Physician and Wrestler Who Once Held Title Fans Would Like to See Dempsey Won Heavy- of Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Announces He Veteran and Hard Hit- weight Championship Is Through With Game; Succeeded to Title When ting Youngster Mix. Decisively. Prank Gotch Retired to Go Back On the Farm. j MICK GVUDX writes to The Herald tt. July 9. Jack Dempsey. I IN from Blsbee. Ariz., saying that he rLEDO, of his superior hitting would be pleased to meet Mike Orri ability, won the heavyweight title, as YORK. July 9. Dr. B. r. Roll- as one of the best wrestlers In the son for a 15 round boat and accepts he .knocked Wlllard down seven times 11 er. business. The late Frank Gotch and who recently announced his every other wrestler of note who has the challenge Orrlson nas shot at during the course of the short fisht. permanent retirement from the mat, appeared on the mat In this country southwestern featherweights. "Mike according to moving pictures which la as example of what perseverance figured as opponents of the doctor-wrestl- er Is getting a bit old," says the "Giant were exhibited before promoter Tex And skill, coupled with indulgence In at various times. Eventually Kickard and a few friends Tuesday he came Into the title of American Killer, "and while he is clever and afternoon. athletics, trill do lor a man with champion when Gotch all that I believe 1 can Deat film. retired. IVonM !! Good-- There were no knockdowns in the He held and defended the title might be Gundy would be remaining twd rounds, but VUTard Was a. Farmer. I MneceMfnlly three years, dar- It that probably would have beej floored t for able to wear Orrlson out In a IS ropes not sup- The widely known doctor-wrestle- r, ing which time he met and defeat- rounder, once to do the the of the ring had ed Charles Cutler, at Benton Har- but he failed ported him. who is now a practising physician and bor, Springfield, trick in six rounds at Fort Bliss. At Dempsey. the'pletnre revralfd. surgeon nnd Americas at that time fans remembered that Mike here, started his career as a aiasa. Gotch at one time predlrt- - showed Nick several tricks of the floored Wlllard with left hooka simple farmer boy, having been bom ed thnt Roller wa the coming to the chin for the first four all-st- ring that be hadn't heard of. Orrlson -. champion. ar - npe de- on a farm tn Douglas county. Ill He It was daring the was fresh- at tbe end of six rounds knockdowns. He the was a strapping young man for his tonr of Jim Jeffries lost be- and had a decision been given many feated champion for the other years when he decided to set out Into fore he foaght Johnson at Reno believe Orrlson would have been en- three knockdowns with rl-- nnd the world and see and do things, but, In 1810. titled to the decision. left swing. The first blow that as he says, be was without anything Dr. Roller Is now devoting prac- Wltkoat doubt Gnndr U the npaet VIllard was a Mbort rlht more substantial than good health tically all of his time to medicine and strons-e- of the two, bnf 3Tlke has mine to the heart followed by a and ambition. surgery, though he has accepted theJ a war of hanllnir stronger boxen left hook to the chin. Early In life he took up athlet- Drcmeccj oi las vumineuuu AW-- that Is no elneb. For InHtaace his Clerks were finishing the task of, ics mm a means of helping him letic club, & new organization In the Initial appearance before an Kl checking up the gate recelpt3 and earn his war thronjch Reboot. lie metropolis. The Continental club Is. Paso nndlenee In him bout with of the match ani lticfcard loved Tvrestllns, gloried In it. In to a more or less extent, a child oi Gene Payo. hopes to be able to issue an official fact, and he nras a natural foot- Roller's Inspiration, and will be a Pavo nntwelzhed Orrlson some ten statement today. ball plaer. As the years went by standardized club In every particular. tfounds and was there with harder It developed today concessionaries ability an prove! Physical yet Orrison was so who expected to reap a rich harvest his as athlete Cnltnrlst. hitting by far and of t lucrative in the respect that he During his many years in the wrest clever In defensive work that Payo from the crowd at the Fourth . tangbt wrestling, boxinir, fencing ling game Roller often gave lectures eonld not nut htm out. Pavo with lost heavily. Ad Q. and coached football teams on physical hygiene, and Is one of best men of matchmaker of the Toledo boxus to culture and out doubt tbe committee, an aban- help pay his tuition to college. prior to establishing himself here as his weight In the country. He was who converted - Later he took up professional physician, some lour years ago. ne chosen in France to represent United doned five story building Into a sic- n wrest! ng. but not before he had held tbe chair of hygiene and physical states army in tne leatnerweignt ai-- ing dormitory, said he lost S.lo un plugged his way through 11 years of culture at me university or wasnin vtalnn In the bfrcrest boxlnz-- tour tbe tha venture. The night of July and university life, at the end ton. ?rorld has ever seen and was not de there were only IS persons registered. of whlh time he graduated from In announcing his retirement Dr. feated on that tour. Twelve of this number succeeded in university with tuJlD. Roller says he is absolutely through Fans tVant Boot. avoiding- the clerks who srere sup- degree. that he is not doing a "PattL" and Most fans hereabouts believe that posed o collect JS from each sleeper. Tlad to 'Work Hard. thereby the mat game loses one of its Payo Is a better man than Gundy. If One concessionaire, who invested Graduating, however, meant the be- most picturesque figures, for there Orrlson. without training and step- 900 in peanuts, sold flu- - Tbo iemon-nil- ginning of a new struggle for Roller. has never been a wrestler of Roller's ping off the train from the tiresome ooncesslonarle lost heav;? o - He was without funds, and as he versatility before, and probably never Journey from Kansas Cltr could nlay cause the soldier ushers would nor wanted to start into hiB profession will be another. with Payo the way he did. manr fans permit venders to circulate jmons : (be as a physician on an independent ba- reason he could stand Gundy off any crowd. And without lemoaido the sis, be went In for professional number of rounds in the same way. crowd refused to eat peanuts. wrestling. Besides. Orrlson la now heavier and Enterprising- - Toledoans who char- In & short time, he was recognized Weak Pitching Is In Kood shape, as his victories in tered a barge and two- tugboats for three recent ten round affairs near to carry persons from downtown Kansas City Indicate. Mcfc la a good to the area, succeeded In gattn-- r J 0W-i0 Big Leagues X o o In boy and a tough one. but he baa persons to make tae trip at ctcn. O ALL EXCEPT A MTCHER. Is the pitching In the major leagues never yet met & first rater, or even As soon as one of Miller b-- weaker this year than usual? I A T TV.T Engineer Team "Confessor Fred" a good second. both Gundy and Orrlson. Here Is an- O Kugglns's jsltchers gets a. The averages seem to indicate that 1 He has never met an opponent other ancle that affords Interesting home run the Yankee manag-e- r it Is. ror tcre are more batsmen mtr r.riiiy-v- 1 ri. i In tke ring- who Is anythlnEi near conjecture. Kot a few who saw Payo will be able to place tn tinsr all around and above .200 this ty iieaguei iolcsj Wins One More Crosses Ocean as clever as XUce Orrlson. Jnst Orrlson go four rounds at the O iiMiQstwsMtwaffwpiiiiii BiwHieaiuwucui iiwiaie amaieeiuaoiHMiiiiHW lunTStsmiminmiirin m niniua iasMuaiuiiMiitamitBwwinTc5 and o-- the field a team made up year than usual. Just a few days In hotly same who was considered what Aeadirny he would make Bliss-Cod- y meet would. like to se ; aome of southpaws, Hill, a contested between Tret Fulton, 1 ques- 3- ago mere were zo American leaguers IO GRANDE tall park is beginning star as Cliff ess Inst a clever bor a the two boys settle the question of circuit clouters. headquarters company the Eighth most 1 fast Truck Hannah, the last of the hitting better than .200. On tbe same R ot Jess Willards formidable rival tion, for while TCIrk: a bard of supremacy In a longer bout. O- aay 1G league players were mounted engineers and the Elsbth up to tbe time no made a mistake, met he Is no nieani clever. regulars to hit a homer, got rational Daseball field every day, ahd the only 1 neater br o his recently. Del also credited with better than .300 aver-- engineer train, honors went to the Jack Sempsey and was knocked cut With Gnndr borlnjr In and Orrl- THGG1NS GETS THAXSFEK.