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Only There is -4 Days before a Beer Christmas Strike VOl. 5 UNIVERSITY OFVICTORIA, VICTORIA, B.C., SEPTEMBER 14,1885 No. t ,, 4 -BEN LOW PMOTO MargaretNewton Hall Floor Rep. Elizabeth Lynchprepares name tags forthe arrival of resident co-eds. 4 ”BEN LOW PMOTO Arriving at EmilyCarr Hall are Floor Reps Jeney Macaulay andElaine Hide who will re- ceive some seventy-five girls. I) “BEN LOW PMOTO Newly-appointed Resident Di- rector Miss Gillian Edgell checka in Floor Rep. WendyCkrke (left) and Floor FellowAndrea Ruchetuht. ? University Students Surprise Due! Entertainment Refused The Vote Lesage Heads List of == Williamson Speaks By Martlet News Service Frosh Week Events The technicality preventing students from voting in the By KATHY TATE “1.t is a tradition that the pre- forthcomingfederal elections is “obviouslyridiculous”, Uni- mier of Quebec does not concern himselfwith federal elections. versity of Victoriastudent president Paul Williamson said Jean Lesage, Premier of Que- I haveno intention of going Saturday in Vancouver. bec,will speak in the Gordon Frosh Week Head Gymnasium on Thursday, against this tradition,” he said. “It’s obviously ridiculous that a person should be penal- If. G. Taylor, President of September 23, but he won’t be Dr. ized, robbed of the right to vote just because he decides to Calendar talking polimtics. the university, willwelcome Mr. go to college,” hesaid. “I’m sure wayaround willbe Lesage on behalf of the univer- a it Monday Classes will be cancelled during the event. sity. A,MS PresidentPaul Wil- found.” Nomnations for Fro& liamson will also be onhand to “At any rate, I’m going to wait untilI know all the facts Queen open. Mr. Lesage. wholikes to be called “ThePrime Minister of welcome PremierLesage. before I decide on a course of action if one is needed.” 12::iO Josh White, folksinger. 0 Gym. 50c per person. Quebec” will address the student *. ’ otly at W30 a.m. in what activi- Surprises,one in particular The act* In qestlon I’S* a section 8:OO Sock Hop. SUB. 50cper which involves Ottawa also high- person. ties co-ordinator Gordon Pollard Nominations of the CanadaElections Act has calleda ”non-political” lighttheFrosh Week agenda. w which saysuniversity students Tuesday speech. This backs up Mr. Le- Althoughrefusing to divulge Open for Five .\l’:o wish to vote away from 1:oO Frosh Assembly, Gym. sage’sstatememt Wednesday in any information, Mr. Polkrd said home must bein residence at Facutltvin academic re- Quebec. the big surprise was “something their universities when the elec- galia. which could have interest far be- Seats on Council tion writs are issued. 2:OO Raymond Hull. folksinger, yond the university.” Thewrits were issued Wed- Gym. TREASURER 0 nesday. Regktrationat Univer- -Frosh Take Note :: ::io Croquet match begins, Otherhighlight of the week sity of Victoria and Uni,versity Lawn in front of Library. NEEDS CLUB include: of British Co1uml)ia begins Tues- X:OO Sock Hop,SUB, 50c per .April examinationsraised to day. person. ESTIMATES @Josh White, well known .4mer- tive the num,ber of seats to be Students who attend university Wednesday ican folksinger. Victoria student council elections from out of town willhave to A total A~MISbudget of 60,000 .Raymond H*u 1 1, Vancouver 12:30 Films:“Lonely Boy” has been predicted by Acting tilaled when theUniversity of return home to register. Those coup de Alpes”. Both in singer and playwright. Council Treasurer Dick Grubb OFrosh Assembly, September 21, open in October. whosehome is toofar away to Elliott 168. do so will lose their vote. for the upcoming whter session. 1:00 p.m. >Dick Grubb, last year’streas- I :G Surprise, SUB. Mr. Grubb said that only three @CroquetMarathon, watch of urer and Dave Jones, last year’s “The act*** can be changed only Thursday Council departments, PU,B.S, Frosjh againstsenior students 9::i0 Lesage, Quebec Student Union Building Direct= through an act of parliament and Jean EYS andthe Radio Club had and faculty. were forced to resign their posi- there is no parliament until after Premier. su~lm1ittedbids so far,but he .Films, “Lonely Boy’ and “Coup tions for academic reasons. the election.”Xelson Caston- 12:30 Speaker. tleclic;led to reveal theirexact des Xlpes”, 12:30 in Elliot 168. guay, Chief Electoral Officer, told 1 :SO Nominations for Frosh amounts.However, hedid men- Frwh OrientationSeminars, Threeother positions, first Queen en.& tion that the PC‘ES estimates year men’s and. women’srepre- CanadianUnion of Students in thetirst totake place Thurs- Ottawa recently. 2::SO Teafor Frosh Queen might rul1,, as (high as $22,000. day,September 23, at 4:30 p.m. ‘. sentatives and grad class rep are Dean Ronald Jeffels. Univer- candidates. The dea‘dline for submission of in the BUB. normally openin the fall. sity of Victoria registrar, was un- 4:30 FroshOrientation Semi- the remaining bids is September .Nominations andpresentation nars. SUB. Nominations open Sapt. 27. able to es.timate thenumber of 30, after which time Council will of Frosh Queen candidates. students directly affectedby tihe Friday-CLUBS DAY make its final decision and bring @Frosh Dance, including pres- Nominatingslips which cam be act. 12:30 SURPRISE!! down the budget in mid-October. entation of Frosh Queen, md obtainedfrom theSUB front *** I :OO Presentation of Frosh Mr. Gruhh statedthat he will Kangaroo Kowt. office, must carry five signatures ”Total enrollment will he :!,OjO. Queen candidates, SUB remain in office only long enough .tog Saw, barbecue ad. enter- in addition to the candidate’s and jvith 20 per cent coming from off lawn. to help put the budget together. tainment.Benefits to go to the 8::io Frosh D.ance, Curling Rink Then aspecial election willhe an electionofficial‘s. VancouverIsland,’ he said. United Appeal Fund drive. ”How many of those are 21 or Tickets at SUB office. held to fill the vacancy, after an @Various sock hops at 5Oc per Slipsmust beposted on the over I ,have no way of telling.” Election of QueenCandi- official three-week waiting period P”. dates. Kangaroo Kourt. has elapsed. notice board, inthe SUB lobby “Qeveral students atCBC have 0 >)aid deposits in advance and Saturday before 5:00 p.m. October 1. Josh White, well-known Amer- were enrolled, in residences be- :I:::() Loe Sa\v starts. Clover Sh! ican folksinger, will entertain for Campaigning will runfrom fore the writs came down,” Mr. a full 90 minutes on Monday at \\‘illiamson said. October 4-7. noon in the gym. Classed by the “Thus they can vote as can New York Times as “one of the Students signing the forms can tlln.;c studentsat Simon Fraser e tire alarms can’t he Iheartl greatest entertainers of all times” I-niversity n-ho registeredearly. ghoutthe structure house nominateonly one candidate in Mr. White will set the tone for I:llt what thr cx.act ligllret arc Fro& Week. each category. I Clon’t Lno\\-.” luieter studentsmight hell). (cbntnaed on Page 4) 1 1 2 SEPTEMBER MARTLET, THE 14,lsSS New Offici& New Resolutions \EX\TI CUS Finances Lacking1 LENNOXVILLE (CUP) - The Canadian Union of Students is operating at a loss. I Last year,according to its auditedstatements, CUS spent some $2,500 inexcess of its revenues. Thisyear the deficit may well be over $6,000. Theaudited statements and thisyear’s budget were presented at therecent CUS congress held at Bishop’s University. During six days of programming and politicking the congress spent about an hour on the budget brought forward by the congress finance committee. It consisted of three parts: standing res olutions governing the financial structures of CUS; a coreprogram, required for the actual existence of the Union; and an additional program of action. Thestanding finance resolu- in Ottawa,” he told the dele- The newvice-president takes tions, revised and presented by gatesfrom 45 studentunions office immediately fora one year the finance committee, were across Canada. term.Among his main re- passed withlittle debate Sep- Mr. Wardalso set forth his .sponsibilities are administration tember 2. personal belief that “education of thenational office of CUS Atthat timethe committee at all levels is a right which and completion of thestudent indicated that there might be a must be provided by society,” means survey. deficit of about $11,000 and andsaid this would only be a Mr. Good said he sees an im- chastized thedelegates, saying beginning. portant role for the vice-presi- itwas “appalled” by whatit e dentin lobbying thefederal considered to be a lack of fin- “The implications of universal governmentand members of ancial responsibility. accessibility to education start parliament.He told the con- e inthe pre-school yearsand in gress inhis acceptance speech, “students have evolved from an The following eveningthe the pre-school years and in the very fabric of our sqciety,” he interest group to a role in the proposed CUS budget came be- mainstream of fprethe congress plenary ses- said. “I hope we wll become society.” sion. involved in the ordering of our On the basis of a per capita communitv._”..~~~~ in the government of the uni6ersity.” - SUB Darkroom “With registration, who needs hazing?” levy of 60 cents upon 135,000 students,plus other small re- He summed up his ultjmate venues, thebudget anticipated -~voal for CUS as the creation of Goes to PUBS revenues of about $82,150. l‘a free university anda relevant Of this total, $81,617 would university?’ - For Control His opponent, Mr. Doern, said be necessary forthe core Pubs take-over of thedark- program of salaries, communi- the issue in the leadership race ActivitiesCouncil Presents was“the general pace which room inthe Student Union cations overhead, andthe like, Building has sparked some con- leavingabout $533 for addi- you want relected at thena- troversy among members of the tional programs, and a deficit of tional level.