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- b if'1, ,4'. ;C.'t-=-~i- n I Val. 32, No.. 1 . , AURORk SPOREALIS January-March, 1956 COMINGS AND GOINGS The gentle breezes, light snows,.and primary purpose of her visit was to accept o$her stimulating variables typical of a an Outstanding Achievement Award from our Minnesota winter,have by no means de- great University, an award which we all terred the vigorous visitors, who thronged thought was well given and well received. to an@ through our halls in gratifying numbers, leaving their footprints on the Dr. John J. McKelvey, Jr., Assistant floors and their imprints on our minds and Director for Agriculture, Rockefeller hearts. Whether they came for intel- Foundation, New York City, was here on lectual refreshment, to share their or our March 1, ostensibly to discuss problems latest discoveries, or just to get in out pertaining to stem rust and wheats of 'the colg--one and all they were resistant to same, but probably also to welcome; refresh himself with a view of God's Country. On March 2 and 3 we had as a Fr~mthe University of krisqonsin guest Dr. Jean F. Malcolmson of England's came Dr. Ken Ruchholtz, on January 17, to Agricultural Research Council, where she talk on weed problems. On January 19, Dr. is concerned with potato storage H. C; Murphy, from Iowa, but whose fame in investigations. Tiburcio T. Reyes, work on crown and stem rust of oats .extends Research Fellow in Plant Pathology, eves a large region, skidded in for a short College of Agriculture, Lagunaj P.I., ' but enjoyable visit.
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