Attachment 1 e


Module name (in Polish)

Module name (in English) History and Culture of Module code Method of evaluation

Field of study Track Year/Semester all general autumn/spring Major: Lang uage of instruction Module all English elective Number of hours Number of ECTS points Subject group Lectures: 30 Classes: 3 E Level of qualification Mode of studies Educational field regular all

Author Department Dr Ida Musiałkowska, Dr Grzegorz Mazur, European Studies Department

Teacher Dr Ida Musiałkowska, Dr Grzegorz Mazur

Module’s educational aims

A1 to present main historical and contemporary achievements of Polish culture A2 to present basic information on Polish economy, political situation, history, Polish cities and their cultural heritage A3 to make students better functioning in Poland, through deepening their knowledge on the behavior of the society A4 active participation in Polish cultural events

Module’s learning outcomes Code Outcomes in terms of Learning outcomes within the field Knowledge K1 student presents Polish history in the broader context • K1_W04, • K1_W10, • K1_W15

K2 student lists the most important Polish artists and cultural • K1_W04, achievements • K1_W10

K3 student recognizes the most important Polish historical • K1_W04, places


• K1_W10

K4 Skills S1 student classifies the most important Polish artists and their • K1_U02, works • K1_U13

S2 student classifies the most important historical places in • K1_U02, Poland • K1_U13

S3 student classifies Polish historical eras and their main • K1_U02, characteristics • K1_U13

S4 student analyses political and social events and processes • K1_U02, in contemporary Poland • K1_U13

Social competences C1 student acquires ability of public presentation and working • K1_K01, in multinational groups • K1_K02, • K1_K03

C2 better functioning in Poland and Europe through higher • K1_K01, understanding of Polish and European society and culture • K1_K02,

• K1_K03

Study content

Module’s Module’s learning No. Study content educational aims outcomes 1. Contemporary Poland – political and • C1, • U4, administrative system; Polish society • C2, • K2

• C3

2. through the most • C1, • W1, important people • C2 • W2, • W3,

• U1, • U2, • U3, • K2

3. Cultural heritage of Polish cities • C2 • W3,

• U2,


• U3, • K2

• 4. Polish music concert C4 • W2, • U1, • U3, • K2

5. Polish Dance Theatre spectacle • C4 • W2, • U1, • U3, • K2 6. National Museum in Poznan – art and artists • C1 • W2, • C4 • U1, • U3, • K2

7. Grand Theatre in Poznan • C4 • W2, • U1, • U3, • K2

• 8. Poznan through tram’s windows C3 • W3, • C4 • U2, • U3

• 9. Walking trip through historical places in C3 • W3, • Poznan C4 • U2, • U3

10. Students’ group presentations • C1, • U4, • C2, • K1, • C3 • K2

Bibliography: Obligatory 1. Norman Davies “Bo że igrzysko”/ “God's Playground: A History of Poland”, Vol I-II … Recommended 1. websites of particular cultural institutions


Entry requirements Not applicable Teaching methods Lectures, conversations, participation in cultural events (city sight-seeing, visits in museums and theatres), group case studies Method of evaluation Group presentations (based on case studies), participation in classes, essay


Calculation of ECTS points

Forms of student work Average number of hours for student work*

Collecting data for a case study 10

Preparation of presentation 10

Project/case study preparation 10

Participation in lectures and events 50

Essay preparation 10

Student work in total Number of hours ECTS points 90 3 Contact hours (with the teacher) Number of hours ECTS points

30 Practical-class work Number of hours ECTS points 10

* one hour of classes = 45 minutes

Methods of evaluation

Learning Team Participation in Preparation of Project outcome code Esay work discussion presentation preparation W1 /K1 x x x x x W2 / K2 x x x x x W3/ K3 x x x x x U1/ S1 x x x x U2/ S2 x x x x U3/ S3 x x x x U4/ S4 x x x x K1/ C1 x x x K2 /C2 x x x