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'F', 'T' and 'N' Following the Locators Refer to Figures, Tables and Notes Index Note: The letters ‘f’, ‘t’and‘n’ following the locators refer to figures, tables and notes respectively. A Anderson, P., 247 Abbott, J., 196 Angeles, V., 175, 176, 177 Abdullah, F. H., 164 Announce agency, 203, 207 Abinales, P., 9 AntiErap websites, 206 Aborigines, 250, 256 Anti-Japanese sentiments, 239 Abraham, S., 24, 237 Anti-Marcos groups, 203 Abric, J. C., 22, 47 Anti-pluralist interpretations of Islam, 6 Abubakar, C., 176, 177 Anti-Semitism, 282 Aceh, peace zones established in, 9 Anti-Sikh violence of 1984, 44 Ackerman, P., 195 Anwar, S., 129, 140 Activities node, 200 Apartheid, 293 Adinarayan, S. P., 49 Appiah, A. K., 320 Adorno, T. W., 127 Appleby, R. S., 124 Adriano, L., 174 Applications of peace psychology in Asia, 5, 6, Advaita Vedanta, 302 7, 9, 10, 13 Afrianty, D., 149 Aquino, Benigno, Jr., assassination of, 202, Afshar, H., 177 203 Agarie, N., 229 Aquino, Corazon C., 203 Ahluwalia, N. K., 51 Arab conquest of Sind (711–715), 44 Ahnaf, M. I., 136, 140 Arendt, H., 127 Aho, J. A., 140, 141 Arillo, C., 204, 205 Akbar, M. J., 45 ARMM, see Autonomous Region in Muslim Al-Attas, S. M. N., 157 Mindanao (ARMM) Al-Azhar University (Egypt), 157 Armstrong, K., 126 Al-Faruqi, I., 157 Armstrong, T. L., 54 Al-Ikhtilaf, 130, 134t, 135t, 136–140 Arnado, M., 176, 177 Aliran, 169 Asahi-Shimbun (2006), 240 Ali, T., 124 articles including key terms in, 241f Alliance Party (UMNO/MCA/MIC), 162 Asia as conflict area, 221–222 Allport, G. W., 54, 231 “Asian values”, concept of, 310 Al-Mabuk, R. H., 223 Asia’s contribution to world peace psychology Al-Mukmin, H., 163 concept of harmony, 299–300 Altemeyer, B., 54, 127, 259 shame and saving face, 297–299 Aman (peace), 78 diverse cultural know-how, 300–301 Ambon conflict in Indonesia, 4, 85 generating systemic change with global “American dilemma,” 27 scope, 296–297 Anastasio, P. A., 233 global terrorism, 297 Andaya, L. Y., 161, 163 global interdependence, 292–294 Anderson, B., 23, 255, 266 humiliation, phenomenon of, 293 323 324 Index Asia’s contribution to world peace Bashari, L., 136 psychology (cont.) Basu, A., 46 linguistic change of 1757, 293 Basu, J., 51 nondualism and unity Basu, T., 43, 45 infinity symbol, or M¨obius Strip (∞), Batistiana, B. S., 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 295 173–192, 301, 315 protecting cultural difference, 300 Baumeister, R. F., 115, 116, 119, 221, 223, unity in diversity 224, 227, 228 harvesting an ontological frame, Bauzon, K., 176 301–303 Beakley, B., 301 use of a large-scale geohistorical lens, Before and After Independence: A Study of 290–292 Racial and Communal Attitudes, 49 DMA, 290 Belief in a just world (BJW), 224, 225 “era of equality in dignity,” 292 BELIEF IN MNLF IDEOLOGY, 185 “era of ranked honor,” 291 Bender, F. L., 290 rise of dualism, 291 Benet-Martinez, V., 22 Asmal, K., 111 Bennink, G. H., 109, 110, 111 Asmal, L., 111 Berkowitz, L., 11 Atsumi, E., 229 Berry, J. W., 24 Atsumi, T., 4, 5, 11, 12, 15, 21, 23, 29, 30, 31, Bhargava R., 46 32, 33, 34, 59, 112, 237–247, Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP), 45–46, 47, 59 294, 313 Biculturalism, 27, 28, 30 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Big-China-ism, 261 (ARMM), 176, 190, 192 Bilali, R., 51 Awaking theory of ideology, 256 BJW, see Belief in a just world (BJW) Axial coding, 200, 201 Boeckman, R. J., 225 Azad Kashmir, 66, 77 Boland, B. J., 148 Azra, A., 129, 149, 150, 151, 152 BomboRadyoNetwork,204 Bond, M. H., 22, 279, 294 B Bose, S., 67, 68, 69 Baba, N. A., 68 Bosnia and Herzegovina conflict, 229 Babri Masjid, 14, 45–46, 47, 48, 54 Bourgeoisie (rich capitalists), 276, 282 Bachman, B. A., 233 Bouta, T., 177 Bahrissalim, 151, 153 Boutros-Ghali. B., 74, 76 Bai, C. -Q., 255 Bradbury, T. N., 223 Baileo Foundation, 91 Bradley, F. H., 302 Bajunid, O. F., 153 Brand-Jacobsen, K. F., 290 Baker, W. E., 276 Branscombe, N. R., 232 Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad’s ministership, 67 Brass, P., 43, 45, 46, 47, 54, 55, 56, 68, 71, 72 Baku Bae Market, 97 Brasted, H., 46 Bali bombings, 125 Braun, V., 53–54 Banaji, M. R., 25, 280, 281 Brecke, P., 109, 110, 114 Bandura, A., 195, 196, 214 Bretherton, D., 108, 133 Banerjee, S., 60 BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China), 276 Bangsa Moro Army, 175 British colonialism in Malaya, 162 Bangsa Moro Women’s Professional and See also Malay-Chinese relations in Employees’ Association, 176 Malaysia Bannon, I., 177 The British Journal of Psychology, 49 Bano, S., 51 Brown, G., 85, 86, 88 “Bargain of 1957,” 162 Brown, M. A., 299 Bargh, J. A., 284 Brown, R., 54, 229, 231 Bar-Tal, D., 105, 109, 110, 111, 112, 127 Bruinessen, M., 125, 154 Basa˜nez, M., 277 Buber, M., 296 Index 325 Buddha, 243 Chou Fu (animosity toward the rich), 279 Budi (kindness, good deed), 167 Christie, D. J., 3, 8, 9, 21, 51, 55, 100, 132, Buendia, R., 173 133, 165, 167, 289, 293, 307, 308, Bukhari, F., 73–74 314, 316, 319, l 249 Bumiputera (sons and daughters of the soil), Chuang, Y. C., 266 161, 165 Churchill, W., 34 Burns, P., 106 Civil disobedience, 203, 205 Burton, J., 109 Civil Islam, 158, 300, 311 Bush, George (President of US), 79, 139 Clarke, V., 54 Coding procedure, 199 C Grounded Theory, 199 Cagoco-Guiam, R., 175 qualitative software to aid, 199 Cairns, E., 58, 105, 112, 226, 230 Cognitive biases and empathy, reduction of Calling agency, 203, 207, 216 Hewstone and Cehajic’s study, 230–231 Canavan, D., 227 Tam’s study, 230 Capitalism, 29, 124, 162 See also Forgiveness for conflict resolution Capps, L., 178 Cognitive dissonance theory (Festinger), 280 Cardinal Sin’s public call for People’s Power, 8 Cohen, D., 226 Cardis,P.A.,223 Cohen, S. P., 93 Castano, E., 229 Cold war, 4, 5, 15, 21, 29, 58, 132, 249, 253, Categorization of science, 238t 266, 289, 308, 311 Cehajic, S., 229, 230, 231, 232, 233 Collective memory for reconciliation purposes Center for Civilizational Dialogue (University and building peace of Malaya), 169 implications, 120–121 The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our literature on reconciliation, 108–112 Future, Eisler (1987), 291 distortion of collective memory, Chang, H., 255 115–116 Chang, M., 24, 249, 250 needs, theories on, 109–110 Chang, M. K., 251, 253, 263 psychological processes, 111 Chapman, A. R., 230 role of collective memory in Chariot march (Rath Yatra), 46 reconciliation, conceptual model, See also Babri Masjid 113f Che Man,W. K., 173, 174, 178 role of memory in reconciliation, Chen,E.C.-H.,297 112–115 Chen Shui-bian, 7, 252, 253, 256 Shriver’s model of reconciliation, 112 Chhaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar (Pakistan’s top-down approach, 110 Defense Minister), 79 trading off memories, 116–120 Chiang Ching-Kuo (Lee Teng-hui’s successor), “community voluntary reconciliation,” 251, 252 117 Chiang Kei-Shek (leader of KMT ), 250 Tanjung Priok case, reconciliation context, Chinese and Malays, similarities, 167–168 105–108 Chinese consciousness, beliefs of, 255 Piagam Islah (“reconciliation Chinese Nationalist Party, Kuomintang (KMT), agreement”), 108 249 Tim Pencari Fakta (fact-revealing Chinese resentments in Malaya, 165 team), 107 Chinese/Taiwanese consciousness, 253–256 Truth and Reconciliation Commission Chinese consciousness, beliefs of, 255 (TRC), 107 domains of conflict, 256 Commission on Elections (COMELEC), 203 Chinese traditional values, 277 Communalism, 45, 46, 52, 69 Chiu, C. Y., 22 Conaway, C. P., 177 Choi, I., 22, 31 “Concerned kiwi,” use of, 26 Chopra, S., 67 Confidence-building measures (CBMs), 76–77 Chopra, V. D., 45 Conflict intervention, strategies of, 76 326 Index Confucianism, 167, 285, 311 “meta-system of social representations,” Confucian tradition of acceptance of hierarchy, 22 310 social representations theory, 22 Connor, W., 71 “the New Zealand dilemma,” 27 Consciousness, definition, 255 “Consciousness of Being Separate and D Unique,” 258 Dabla, B. A., 73, 74 Consciousness of national identity, 258 Dahlan, H. M., 167 “KMT Legitimacy,” 258, 260t, 262f Dalbert’s theory (2002), 224 “Small but Beautiful Taiwan,” 258 Danziger, K., 132 See also Ideologies and relevant factors of “The Dao,” 302 (study 1) Dasen, P. R., 24 “Conservative-Exclusionist Dasgupta, S., 51 Muslims,” 130 Datta, P., 43 Cooley, F. L., 87 Dawson, P., 66 Corbin, J., 198, 199, 200 Delhi accord, 67 Cory, 203 Delhi agreement, Article 370 in 1952, 67 Coser, L. A., 290 Delhi Sultanate (1211–1504), 44 Coyle, A., 14 Democracy, 4, 6, 26, 30, 31, 33, 35, 67, 69, 70, Crocker, J., 241, 258 124, 137, 150, 151, 153, 155, 196, Cultural Mechanics of Fundamentalism: 214, 251, 252, 256, 293, 311, 317 Religion as Ideology, Divided Democratic People’s Party (DPP), 249 Identities and Violence in Deng, X., 29, 243, 277 Post-Gandhi India, 53 De Rosa, A. S., 23, 26 Cultural nationalism, 45 Desai, Hitendra, 45 Culture, definition, 7 Design science, 238 Culture/social representations/and Deutsch, M., 127, 227 peacemaking Developing countries “American dilemma,” 27 attitudes towards rich, 279–285 biculturalism, 27 GDP per capita and social cynicism, history as essential ingredient in the correlation between, 279 “imagined community” of income gaps/interclass conflicts/social nationhood, 22–23 unrest, 282–285 “symbolic reserve,” 23 inequality/suspicion of corruption, 279 social dominance orientation, 27 economic development/rise of materialism, social representations of world history 276–279 across 24 societies, 30 income gap/corruption/negative feeling steps to operationalizing social towards rich, 278–279 representations of history modernization, impact on value, step one: ascertain the symbolic 277–278 landscape of history, 23–25 Devos, T., 25 step two: describe discursive repertoires Dey, S., 51 in dialogue with historical symbols, Dharavi (Asia’s largest slum), 52 25–28 Dhofier, Z., 148, 154 step three: operationalizing historical “Dialogical unity” (Martin Buber), 295, 296 representations as legitimizing Diaz-Guerrero, R., 255 myths or group-based ideologies, Dittmar, H., 275 28–31 Dittmer, L., 265 step four: beyond representations to Diverse cultural know-how, 300–301 action: ethics of research as good Divide and rule, British policy of, 4, 44, 60, 87, social practice, 31–32 161, 309 symbolic representations of Divide et impera (divide and rule), 4, 87, 88 culture, 21–22 Dixit, A.
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