EEA and Norway Grants Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021 Energy Programme in Energy Efficiency Call

List of Priority Projects, which are under different phases (contracting phase, implementation phase, final evaluation phase) FOCUS AREA: Renewable Energy

Individual Project Scheme Approved / Proposed to Total Project # Project Number Applicant name Project Name Partner(s) be financed Budget (EUR) Grant Amount (EUR) Call Small Grants Scheme – SGS Call 3 (“Increased energy efficiency” – for SMEs and NGOs’) - financed from EEA Grants Commune The modernization of public lighting network in Giubega 1 2020/515492 112 251 95 000 commune, Goicea Commune The modernization of public lighting network in Goicea 2 2020/515852 134 935 114 400 commune, Dolj County Comuna Buteni Rehabilitation of the public lighting system in Buteni, Cuied, 3 2020/516112 198 353 168 600 Paulian and Berindia Dobrun Commune The modernization of public lighting network in Dobrun 4 2020/515821 80 613 68 000 commune, Olt County Call Call 4(a): “Increased energy efficiency in place” – financed by EEA Grants Low emissions with high and sustainable efficiency in Sfantu NO-Østfold University 1 2020/515952 Sfantu Gheorghe Municipality 2 246 080 1 800 000 Gheorghe key public buildings College Enhanced energy efficiency motor processes within Azomures 2 2020/515910 Azomures 1 622 500 601 000 Energy and Climate Change Action Plan Improving IRIS hotel’s energy efficiency by using local 3 2020/516129 Alba Iulia Municipality 603 875 513 000 geothermal resources Energy efficiency investments in UAT Saveni buildings for NO-International 4 2020/516012 UAT Saveni 498 955 423 000 reducing greenhouse emissions of Saveni Ci Development Norway As SMART Energy transformation HOFIGAL- Increasing the energy 5 2020/516026 HOFIGAL EXPORT IMPORT SA 727 525 289,600 efficiency and energy security Inspectoratul Teritorial al Thermo-energy rehabilitation administrative pavilion at 6 2020/515185 417 602 354 900 Politiei de Frontiera Oradea Border Police Sector Bors Reduce the greenhouse gas emissions through biogas 7 2020/516022 Compania Aquaserv S.A 2 118 189 1 800 000 production use into electricity and thermal energ Call 4(b): “Increased energy efficiency in place” – financed by Norway Grants Increasing the energy efficiency of the public lighting system in Keytouch Technology AS 1 2020/516108 Pitesti Municipality 1 241 939 1 055 600 Pitești

2 Cluj Napoca City Hall Smart and low GHG emission Lighting System in Cluj-Napoca 761 771 647 500 2020/516017 The modernization of public lighting network in 3 2020/515762 Celaru Commune 258 255 219 000 commune, Dolj County 2020/513539 Baneasa Commune Hall, Clean Energy for Rural Schools (CERS) 316 471 269 000 4 Constanta Lumina commune hall, 5 2020/512275 Constanta Little Energy Super Stars (LESS) 213 571 181 000

Increasing the energy efficiency of the public lighting system in Keytouch Technology AS 6 2020/516045 1 482 355 1 260 000 Bârlad Municipality Bârlad

Energy performance and indoor comfort significant increase in 7 2020/515836 1 726 234 1 340 000 Turda Municipality Turda public schools Vitomiresti Commune The modernization of public lighting network in Vitomiresti 8 2020/515667 236 044 200 000 commune, Olt County Târnăveni Municipality Sustainable Energy Efficiency and Comfort significant increase 9 2020/515444 1 165 883 991 000 in Tarnaveni key public buildings

10 2020/516122 Primaria Sighetu Marmatiei Sighetu Marmatiei Municipal Hospital district heating 761 884 647 600