The Early Patronage of Miles Franklin, 1900-1906
Cultivating the Arts Page 31 CHAPTER 1 - MOTHERS, WRITERS, FEMINISTS AND STRANGERS: THE EARLY PATRONAGE OF MILES FRANKLIN, 1900-1906 When Miles Franklin's My Brilliant Career was published in 1901, the public response overwhelmed the young writer. While not all reviewers were completely positive, many noticed and felt strongly about the book. Written by a young woman with a mixture of nationalist and feminist fervour and published only months after federation, it is perhaps not surprising that My Brilliant Career attracted so much attention. Men and women from all over Australia and as far afield as London were moved to respond to the partly autobiographical novel. Many wrote directly to 'Sybylla Melvyn, Possum Gully', saying that they understood, that they too had suffered the isolation, the tedium, the oppression, and the despair that Sybylla had experienced. Some lectured, others preached, a few men proposed marriage, many women sought friendship. Miles Franklin had touched something in the hearts of many resident and expatriate Australians. An account of the patronage that her first novel inspired offers an appropriate opening to the story of Sydney women and cultural agency.' Sybylla Melvyn represents one well-known example of a phenomenon popular in turn of the century fiction, the 'Australian girl'.2 Briefly, such a figure represented a This correspondence is concentrated in vols 7 and 8 of the extensive collection located in the Mitchell Library, which see: Miles Franklin Papers (MFP), ML MSS 364. The following articles discuss various versions of the Australian girl, including the bush girl, girl writers and 'the wild colonial girl': Beverley Kingston, The Lady and the Australian Girl: Some Thoughts on Nationalism and Class', in Norma Grieve and Aisla Burns (ed.s), Australian Women: New Feminist Perspectives, (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1986); Susan Gardner, 'My Brilliant Career: Portrait of the Artist as a Wild Colonial Girl', in Carole Ferrier (ed.).
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