RANN, Mike (Part 2)
DON DUNSTAN FOUNDATION 1 DON DUNSTAN ORAL HISTORY PROJECT Mike RANN (part 2) This is George Lewkowicz for the Don Dunstan Foundation interviewing Mr Mike Rann, Premier of South Australia. The topic is Mr Rann’s work with Don Dunstan as press secretary and his observations on Don’s relationships with the media. The date today is the 10th February 2009 and this is part two of the interview with Mr Mike Rann. Thanks very much, Mike. If we can continue our discussion about your recollections of Don Dunstan, in our first interview we were talking about Don’s sense of loss and we talked about Adele Koh and some other matters. Was there anything you wanted to add there? After the loss of Adele, Don really poured himself massively into work and there was the Newcastle Lecture, there was a whole series of major speeches. And, as I mentioned, while we were overseas in Europe on the uranium trip, he was absolutely talking about the agenda ahead for the next few years, about going to China, about engagement with China. But certainly on that trip to London, which went via Bombay, he really talked quite poignantly about the losses in his life and also about betrayal. He talked about his love for a Greek actress. Yes, that’s right, yes. It wasn’t Melina Mercouri, was it? It wasn’t, no. But how that he’d fell in love with her and she’d been imprisoned by the junta and how he’d negotiated to get her out of jail.
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