Brockport Central School District 40 Allen Street, Brockport, New York 14420-2296

Mission Statement

We engage and empower each student to achieve excellence as a learner and citizen.

Board Members

Terry Ann Carbone (2019) Michael Guerrieri (2018) Jeffrey Harradine (2022) David Howlett (2020) Lisa Ireland (2018) Daniel Legault (2021) Kathy Robertson (2019)

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We, the Board of Education, promise to:

• Put students first • Focus on the goal • Be respectful • Recognize and value differences • Engage in honest communication • Honor and maintain confidentiality

• Speak with one voice

• Work hard and have fun

December 5, 2017 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. District Board Room

Call to Order Pledge to the Flag Fire Exits

Motion to Approve the Order of the Agenda

Approval of Minutes • November 21, 2017 – Regular Meeting

Approval of Consent Items (CSE) (3.6 – 3.13)

Communications – Public Comments: Members of the audience wishing to speak must sign in no later than 5:55pm. A period of time, not to exceed 30 minutes, is set aside at regular meetings of the board for the purpose of hearing comments from interested individuals. Board of Education members will not engage in conversation or answer questions during this portion of the meeting. • Each speaker is allowed up to five (5) minutes to present his/her remarks. • You cannot give or defer your time slot to another person. • All remarks must be addressed to the President of the Board, or the presiding officer.

Board Presentations: Website and District Technology Update: Anthony Smith, Director of Technology

Board Reports: Committee Last Meeting Next Meeting Committee Member BOCES Board 1 meeting per month Spring 2018 Mr. Gerald Maar (BCSD Liaison) MCSBA Executive Committee September 13, 2017 December 6, 2017 @ President Ireland & Dr. @ 5:45pm 5:45pm Myers MCSBA Legislative Committee November 1, 2017 @ December 6, 2017 @ Vice President Carbone 12pm 12pm and President Ireland MCSBA Labor Relations Committee November 29, 2017 January 17, 2018 @ Trustee Harradine and @ 12pm 12pm President Ireland Brockport Central School District 40 Allen Street, Brockport, New York 14420-2296

MCSBA Board Presidents Meeting November 8, 2017 @ January 3, 2018 @ President Ireland 5:45pm 5:45pm MCSBA Steering Committee October 11, 2017 @ January 24, 2018 @ President Ireland 12pm 12pm MCSBA Information Exchange November 8, 2017 @ January 10, 2018 @ Trustee Robertson and Committee 12pm 12pm President Ireland

1. New Business None.

2. Policy Development 2.1 Policy # 1110 School District and Board of Education Legal Status – 1st Reading 2.2 Policy # 1120 Board of Education Authority – 1st Reading 2.3 Policy # 1220 Board of Education Members: Nomination & Election – 1st Reading 2.4 Policy # 1221 Ballots and Method of Balloting (School Board) – 1st Reading 2.5 Policy # 1222 Election Inspectors: School Board Elections & Inspectors – 1st Reading 2.6 Policy # 1230 Reporting of Expenditures and Contributions – 1st Reading 2.7 Policy # 1240 Resignation and Dismissal – 1st Reading 2.8 Policy # 1250 Legal Qualifications of Voters at School District – 1st Reading 2.9 Policy # 1260 Submission or Questions and Propositions at Annual Elections & Special District Meetings – 1st Reading 2.10 Policy # 1270 Absentee Ballots – 1st Reading 2.11 Policy # 1310 Policy and Duties of the Board – 1st Reading 2.12 Policy # 1320 Nomination and Election of Board Officers – 1st Reading 2.13 Policy # 1321 Duties of the President of the Board of Education – 1st Reading 2.14 Policy # 1322 Duties of the Vice President of the Board of Education – 1st Reading 2.15 Policy # 1330 Appointments and Designations by the Board of Education – 1st Reading 2.16 Policy # 1331 Duties of the District Clerk and/or Assistant Clerk – 1st Reading 2.17 Policy # 1332 Duties of the District Treasurer – 1st Reading

2.18 Policy # 4410 Professional Development Opportunities – 2nd Reading

3. Instructional Planning & Services 3.1 Verbal – Susan Hasenauer-Curtis, Assistant to the Superintendent for Elementary Instruction 3.2 Verbal – Rachel Kluth, Assistant to the Superintendent for Secondary Instruction 3.3 Verbal – Lynn Carragher, Assistant to the Superintendent for Inclusive Education and Instruction 3.4 Student Trip Request – BHS Business Education Trip to NYC, Friday, May 18 – Saturday, May 19, 2018. 3.5 Approval of Brockport Central School District Professional Development Plan

Approval of CSE Recommendations (3.6-3.13) 3.6 On November 16 and 28, 2017, the District Committee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement. 3.7 On November 13 and 16, 2017, the District Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement. 3.8 On November 6, 8, 15 and 16, 2017, the Committee on Preschool Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement. 3.9 On November 17 and 20, 2017, the Ginther Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement.

Brockport Central School District 40 Allen Street, Brockport, New York 14420-2296

3.10 On November 2, 8, 17, 20 and 22, 2017, the Barclay Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement. 3.11 On November 15, 16, 17, 20 and 24, 2017, the Hill Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement. 3.12 On November 1 and 29, 2017, the Oliver Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement. 3.13 On November 13, 2017, the High School Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement.

4. Personnel

CERTIFIED 4.1 Appointments None

4.2 Resignations None

4.3 Substitutes 4.3.1 Jamie Bish 4.3.2 Ethan Lincoln 4.3.3 Carly Morano

4.4 Leaves None

4.5 Other 4.5.1 Erin Reed, to be appointed to the Sunrise Fitness Program teaching position at the Hill School from October 23, 2017 through May 25, 2018 at a rate of $53.00 per hour. (Shared position with T. Rispoli) 4.5.2 Thomas Ripsoli, to be appointed to the Sunrise Fitness Program teaching position at the Hill School from October 23, 2017 through May 25, 2018 at a rate of $53.00 per hour (Shared position with E. Reed) 4.5.3 Hannah Barton, Varsity Girls Softball Coach, Level C- Step 3 4.5.4 Patricia Arnold, National Honor Society Advisor, Level I – Step 4, $1,035 4.5.5 Rebecca Barrett, National Honor Society Advisor, Level I – Step 4, $1,035

CLASSIFIED 4.6 Appointments 4.6.1 Ashlee Orologio, Bus Driver, (6.10 hours per day, $14.37 per hour), Transportation Department,, effective December 6, 2017. Replacement for Lavina Kaye-Mendola.

4.7 Resignations 4.7.1 Wanda Coon, Teacher Aide, Oliver Middle School, resigning for the purpose of retirement, effective December 30, 2017. 4.7.2 Eugene Hughes, Jr., Custodial Assistant, Oliver Middle School, resigning effective December 1, 2017.

4.8 Substitutes 4.8.1 Jessica Baase, Bus Driver 4.8.2 Matthew Donohue, Bus Driver 4.8.3 John Olmsted, School Aide 4.8.4 Livia Stepanek, Student Lifeguard

Brockport Central School District 40 Allen Street, Brockport, New York 14420-2296

4.9 Volunteers 4.9.1 Joseph Arena 4.9.2 Jenna Crosier 4.9.3 Hayley Currier 4.9.4 Tarah Miller 4.9.5 Sandra Ramirez 4.9.6 Kyle Richardson 4.9.7 Susan Simaitis 4.9.8 Michael Spagnola

4.10 College Participants 4.10.1 Zachary Reed, Student Observer, (Tom Rispoli) 4.10.2 Amber Hooks, Teaching Practicum, (Kristin Green) 4.10.3 Billie Marr, Field Experience, (Amber Hildebrand) 4.10.4 Liam McCullough, Student Teaching, (Shannon Sevor) 4.10.5 Daniel Whiteside, Teaching Practicum, (John Akers) 4.10.6 Katherine Nicoll, Teaching Practicum, (Danielle DeLeo) 4.10.7 Cameron McCarthy, Student Teaching, (Richard Wiest) 4.10.8 Adam Bixby, Student Teaching, (Michael Kiesow) 4.10.9 Charles DiNottia, Student Teaching, (Carol Manning/Maria Shea) 4.10.10 Laura Redinger, Student Teaching, (Alicia Pakusch) 4.10.11 Delia Andalora, Student Teaching, (Katrina Contrera) 4.10.12 Herard Auguste, Field Experience, (Elementary PE, TBD) 4.10.13 Nicholas Farrell, Field Experience, (Jake Farrell)

4.11 Leaves of Absence None.

4.12 Other 4.12.1 UPDATE -- Douglas Pearce, Automotive Mechanic (8.00 hours per day, $26.50 per hour), Transportation Department, effective date determined as December 11, 2017. Replacement for Jeffrey Pratt. 4.12.2 Jeffrey Moss, Grounds Equipment Operator, temporary shift change from A-Shift to C-Shift (including $.45 shift differential), effective December 3, 2017 through March 9, 2018.

5. Financial 5.1 Verbal – Jill Reichhart, Director of Finance 5.2 NAPT School Bus Driver Training & Safety Award Donation 5.3 Construction Management Services – Turner Construction Company (Amendment to increase services provided by TCC) 5.4 Financial Statement of Extraclassroom Activity Funds for the Hill School, Oliver Middle School and High School for the month of October 2017. 5.5 Treasurer’s Report – October 2017 5.6 Financial Report – October 31, 2017 5.7 Custodianship of Barclay School Petty Cash Fund

6. Physical Plant and Support Services 6.1 Verbal – Darrin Winkley, Assistant Superintendent for Business

7. Human Resources 7.1 Verbal – Jacob Reimer, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Brockport Central School District 40 Allen Street, Brockport, New York 14420-2296

8. Report of the Superintendent of Schools 8.1 Verbal – Dr. Lesli Myers, Superintendent of Schools

9. Board Operations 9.1 2016-17 Board of Education Goals 9.2 2018-19 Budget Development Meeting Dates 9.3 2017-18 School Board Meeting Dates 9.4 2017-18 MCSBA Dates

10. Old Business

11. Other Items of Business None.

12. Adjournment

13. Executive Session for the purpose of a legal, personnel and student matter.

Next Board of Education Meeting: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 @ 6pm in the District Board Room.

Page | 1 Regular Meeting November 21, 2017


These are the minutes of the Regular Board of Education meeting held on November 21, 2017. The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. in the District Board Room by Board Vice President Terry Carbone.

The following Board Members were in attendance: Lisa Ireland, President (arrived at 6:03 p.m.) Terry Ann Carbone, Vice President Michael Guerrieri, Trustee Jeffrey Harradine, Trustee David Howlett, Trustee Kathy Robertson, Trustee

Also present were: Lesli C. Myers, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools Lynn Carragher, Assistant to the Superintendent for Inclusive Education Jacob Reimer, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Jill Reichhart, Treasurer and Finance Director Stephanie Williams, District Clerk Robert Lewis Jeffrey Haibach Matthew Leh

Excused: Daniel Legault, Trustee Darrin Winkley, Assistant Superintendent for Business Susan Hasenauer-Curtis, Assistant to the Superintendent for Elementary Instruction Rachel Kluth, Assistant to the Superintendent for Secondary Instruction

The meeting was turned over to Board President Lisa Ireland at 6:03 p.m.

Mr. Harradine moved, seconded by Mr. Howlett, the Board entered into Executive Session for the purpose of a legal and personnel update. The motion carried 6-0.

Mr. Guerrieri moved, seconded by Mr. Howlett, the board returned to Regular Session at 6:27 p.m. The motion carried 6-0.

ORDER OF THE AGENDA Ms. Robertson moved, seconded by Mr. Howlett, the Board approved the order of the agenda, including hand carries 4.6.4, 4.11.1 and 4.12.3. Also noting that the presentation by Ms. Suzanne Goff will be rescheduled to a later date. The motion carried 6-0.

MINUTES Mr. Howlett moved, seconded by Ms. Robertson, the Board approved the November 7, 2017 regular meeting minutes. The motion carried 5-0-1 with Mr. Harradine abstaining as he was not in attendance for that meeting.

CONSENT ITEMS Ms. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Howlett, the Board approved Consent Items (CSE) 3.5-3.10. The motion carried 6-0.

Page | 2 Regular Meeting November 21, 2017

COMMUNICATION – PUBLIC COMMENT • Mr. Jeff Haibach presented the Board with a letter and petition in support of changing the district mascot.


BOARD REPORTS MCSBA Legislative Committee – The next meeting is December 6, 2017.

MCSBA Information Exchange – Ms. Ireland and Ms. Robertson shared that the presentation on November 8 was regarding trauma informed care. The next meeting is January 10, 2018.

MCSBA Board President’s Meeting – Ms. Ireland attended the November 8, 2017 meeting. The next meeting is January 3, 2018.

MCSBA Labor Relations – The next meeting is November 29, 2017.

MCSBA Executive Committee – The next meeting is December 6, 2017.

MCBSA Steering Committee – The next meeting is January 24, 2018.



INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING & SERVICES 3.1 Verbal - Susan Hasenauer-Curtis, Assistant to the Superintendent for Elementary Instruction • Excused. 3.2 Verbal – Rachel Kluth, Assistant to the Superintendent for Secondary Instruction • Excused. 3.3 Verbal – Lynn Carragher, Assistant to the Superintendent for Inclusive Education and Instruction • None. 3.4 Mr. Howlett moved, seconded by Ms. Robertson, the Board approved the Student Trip Request – BHS Model UN trip to Central Model UN Conference, Syracuse University, January 5 – January 6, 2018. The motion carried 6-0.

Ms. Robertson moved, seconded by Mr. Howlett, the Board approved Consent Items (CSE) 3.5-3.10. The motion carried 6-0.

Approval of CSE Recommendations (3.5-3.10) 3.5 On November 1, 7, 8 and 14, 2017, the District Committee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement. 3.6 On November 1, 2 and 8, 2017, the Committee on Preschool Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement. 3.7 On November 8, 2017, the Barclay Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement. 3.8 On November 6, 2017, the Hill Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement. 3.9 On October 24, 31 and November 1, 2017, the Oliver Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement. Page | 3 Regular Meeting November 21, 2017

3.10 On November 2, 3, 7, and 9, 2017, the High School Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement.

4. Personnel Mr. Howlett moved, seconded by Ms. Carbone, the Board approved personnel items 4.1-4.12.2, including hand carries 4.6.4, 4.11.1 and 4.12.13. The motion carried 6-0.

CERTIFIED 4.1 Appointments None

4.2 Resignations None

4.3 Substitutes 4.3.1 Holly Burrell 4.3.2 Marrcella Esler 4.3.3 Joshua Stilwell 4.3.4 Andrea Visca 4.3.5 Megan Wood

4.4 Leaves 4.4.1 UPDATE, Becki Place, Music Teacher at the Hill School, to begin an unpaid leave of absence effective March 21, 2017 through December 18, 2017 June 17, 2018.

4.5 Other 4.5.1 Creation of one additional National Honor Society Advisor 4.5.2 Grace Adams, Extra Duty Assignment, Substitute 5th Grade Chorus Director, November 27, 2017 through June 22, 2018, Level G Step 1, prorated $874.30 4.5.3 Grace Adams, Extra Duty Assignment, Substitute Hilltop Singers Director, November 27, 2017 through June 22, 2018, Level l Step 1, prorated $ 283.50

CLASSIFIED 4.6 Appointments 4.6.1 James Durgan, Cleaner (8.00 hours per day, $10.53 per hour plus $.45 shift differential), Oliver Middle School, effective November 27, 2017. Replacement for Michael Caputo. 4.6.2 Benjamin Barham, Cleaner (8.00 hours per day, $10.53 per hour plus $.30 shift differential), Oliver Middle School, effective November 27, 2017. Replacement for Brandon Miner. 4.6.3 Douglas Pearce, Automotive Mechanic (8.00 hours per day, $26.50 per hour), Transportation Department, effective date to be determined. Replacement for Jeffrey Pratt. Hand Carry: 4.6.4 Richard Ayers, Bus Driver, (6.40 hours per day, $14.37 per hour), Transportation Department, effective November 22, 2017. Replacement for Gregory LaDue.

4.7 Resignations 4.7.1 Mary Jo Bentley, Bus Driver, Transportation Department, resigning for the purpose of retirement, effective December 31, 2017. 4.7.2 Nicole Conley, Teacher Aide, Oliver Middle School, resigning effective November 13, 2017.

4.8 Substitutes 4.8.1 Lavinia Kaye-Mendoza, Bus Driver 4.8.2 Laine Ramsay, Student Lifeguard 4.8.3 Jeffrey Pratt, Bus Driver 4.8.4 Joseph Tedesco, Bus Attendant

Page | 4 Regular Meeting November 21, 2017

4.9 Volunteers 4.9.1 Mira Bainter 4.9.2 Alexes Bernier 4.9.3 Jacob Bialek 4.9.4 Bradley Boester 4.9.5 Jessica Carey 4.9.6 Brandon Carter 4.9.7 Phillip Cherry 4.9.8 Michael Domizio 4.9.9 Sean Dowd 4.9.10 Christopher Fabrizi 4.9.11 Rachel Fuierer 4.9.12 Ashley Kabza 4.9.13 Paul Kimball 4.9.14 Justin Kretsos 4.9.15 Vicki Ladue 4.9.16 Benjamin Lebit 4.9.17 Trey Love 4.9.18 Teresa Mallaber 4.9.19 Jermaine Meadows 4.9.20 Brandon Moody 4.9.21 Zackary Rotundo 4.9.22 Kelsey Sammon 4.9.23 Jonathan Sperry 4.9.24 Connor Stoutz 4.9.25 Brandon Thomas 4.9.26 Eileen Thrall 4.9.27 Tyler Vervalin 4.9.28 Quintin Volpe 4.9.29 Anthony Zona 4.9.30 Nina Fedorchuk 4.9.31 Lauren Prevost 4.9.32 Justin Valentino

4.10 College Participants 4.10.1 Paul Ludden, Teaching Practicum, (Justin Kaureano) 4.10.2 Alexander Boston, Coaching Internship, (Michael LaFrance) 4.10.3 Eleanor Arguinzoni, Student Observer, (Avril Blackwood) 4.10.4 Michael Spagnola, Field Experience, (Don Voorheis) 4.10.5 Teara Thomas, Field Experience, (Pat Fink)

4.11 Leaves of Absence Hand Carry: 4.11.1 UPDATE – Daisy Porter, Bus Attendant, effective October 4, 2017 through the tentative date of October 20, 2017 December 4, 2017. She returned to work on November 15, 2017.

4.12 Other 4.12.1 Michelle Small, Cleaner, change from Oliver Middle School (C-Shift, $.45 shift differential) to Barclay School (B-Shift, $.30 shift differential), effective November 27, 2017. 4.12.2 Spaz Hartman, Food Service Helper, Oliver Middle School, changing from 4.75 hours per day to 6.50 hours per day, at her current rate of $10.05 per hour, effective November 22, 2017. Replacement for Kimberly Holland.

Page | 5 Regular Meeting November 21, 2017

Hand Carry: 4.12.3 Aimee Peters, Food Service Helper, Oliver Middle School, changing from 4.00 hours per day to 4.75 hours per day, at her current rate of $10.05 per hour, effective November 22, 2017. Replacement for Spaz Hartman.

FINANCIAL 5.1 Verbal – Jill Reichhart, Director of Finance • None. 5.2 Mr. Howlett moved, seconded by Ms. Robertson, RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accept the Basic Financial Statements, Management Letter and Corrective Action Plan for the year ended June 30, 2017, as prepared by Raymond F. Wager, CPA, P.C. The motion carried 6-0.

6. PHYSICAL PLANT AND SUPPORT SERVICES 6.1 Verbal – Darrin Winkley, Assistant Superintendent for Business • Excused.

7. Human Resources 7.1 Verbal – Jacob Reimer, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources • None.

8. REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 8.1 Verbal – Superintendent Myers • Dr. Myers thanked everyone for their efforts with the Roc2Change event. She thanked Ms. Carbone for attending and her financial contribution. • Dr. Myers and Dr. Kluth had the opportunity to attend the performance of Curtains. The performance was wonderful! • She wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Ms. Ireland excused Dr. Myers at 6:53 p.m.

9. BOARD OPERATIONS 9.1 Board of Education Goals 9.2 2018-19 Budget Development Meeting Dates 9.3 2017-18 School Board Meeting Dates 9.4 2017-18 MCSBA Dates


11. OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS • Mr. Harradine shared that he had the opportunity to cash a few “coupons” at BHS. • Mr. Howlett thought Curtains was wonderful! • Ms. Robertson enjoyed the Genesee Valley PTA dinner. She shared that Mr. Albrecht did a wonderful job speaking. • Ms. Carbone enjoyed the Roc2Change event and wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! • Ms. Ireland shared that the December Executive Committee meeting will include Monroe County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo, Deputy County Executive Mike Molinari and Commissioner of Public Health, Dr. Michael Mendoza.

12. Executive Session 12.1 Mr. Harradine moved, seconded by Ms. Robertson, the Board adjourned Regular Session at 7:00 p.m. The motion carried 6-0.

Page | 6 Regular Meeting November 21, 2017

Mr. Harradine moved, seconded by Mr. Guerrieri, the Board entered into Executive Session at 7:01 p.m. for the purpose of a legal update. The motion carried 6-0.

Mr. Howlett was excused at 7:15 p.m.

Mr. Harradine moved, seconded by Ms. Robertson, the Board adjourned Executive Session at 7:46 p.m. The motion carried 5-0.

13. Adjournment 13.1 Mr. Harradine moved, seconded by Ms. Robertson, the Board adjourned at 7:47 p.m. The motion carried 5-0.

Prepared by:

______Stephanie Williams, District Clerk Date


BRAVERY SERVICE t:::::~::::::( ONO0 N0 2.0 POLICY

BRAVERY SERVICE t:::::~::::::( ONO0 N0 ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION 1110 SCHOOL DISTRICT AND BOARD OF EDUCATION LEGAL STATUS Commented [JR1]: Not a legally required policy but it is The Constitution of New York State, as amended in 1894, instructs the Legislature to provide for a very common among schools and is usually written as is. No system of free common schools wherein all children of the State may be educated. Changes recommended at this time.

The Legislature of the State has implemented this constitutional mandate through the creation of school districts of various types. The Brockport Central District is governed by the laws set forth for Central School Districts in Article 37 of the Education Law, and by-laws relating to, or affecting, Union Free School Districts as set forth in Article 35 of the Education Law.

The School District constitutes a corporate entity that possesses all the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes, and in that name may sue and be sued, purchase, hold and sell personal property and real estate, and enter into such obligations as are authorized by law.

The Constitution of the State of New York places the responsibility for public education on the State Legislature, and directs the establishment of a State Department of Education for general supervision over the schools and headed by a Commissioner of Education. The New York State Constitution further provides that local public schools under the general supervision of the State Education Department shall be maintained, developed and operated by locally-elected boards. Legally, local boards are instruments of the New York State Constitution, the New York Statutes and the regulations of the State Education Department and its Commissioner. It shall be the primary function of this Board of Education to provide for the District an educational program of the highest character consistent with the wishes of the residents of the District, and with their ability and willingness to pay taxes therefore.

Policy References: New York State Constitution Education Law Articles 35 and 37 Adoption Date: 2/8/1982, Revised: 7/19/1997; 06/20/2000

ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION 1120 BOARD OF EDUCATION AUTHORITY Commented [JR2]: This is not a legally required policy As a body created under the Education Law of New York State, the Board of Education of the Brockport but it is common among schools and is usually written as is. Central District has full authority, within the limitations of federal and state laws and the Regulations of the No changes recommended at this time. Commissioner of Education and interpretations of them, to carry out the will of the people of its District in matters of education.

In all cases where federal and state laws or regulations of the State Commissioner of Education do not provide, permit, or prohibit, the Board shall consider itself the agent responsible for establishing and appraising educational matters and activities.

Board members have no authority over school affairs as individuals. They have authority only when acting as a body duly called in session. No member of the Board shall be personally interested directly or indirectly in any contract which is made in behalf of the District.

Adoption Date: 7/19/1994, Revised: 12/20/1994; 6/20/00

Policy References: Education Law Sections 1604, 1701, 1709, 1804, and 1805

NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS 1220 BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS: NOMINATION AND ELECTION Commented [JR3]: This is a common policy and should a) Candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education shall be nominated by petition. Such be kept as it outlines our requirements for elections. Much is petition shall be directed to the Clerk of the School District, shall be signed by at least twenty-five maintained by law, but this is one that probably should be kept. There is a lot of information and we may want to qualified voters of the District, or by two (2) percent of the number of voters who voted in the previous adjust some language but the changes will likely be person annual election of Board members, whichever is greater, shall state the residence of each signer, and shall specific. Most of the language contained within is common. state the name and residence of each candidate. No changes recommended at this time.

A candidate runs at large; vacancies upon the Board of Education shall not be considered separate specific offices and that the nominating petitions shall not describe any specific vacancy upon the Board of Education for which the candidate is nominated. Such procedure shall be followed with respect to all nominations and elections in subsequent years until and unless such proposition is repealed by the electors of the District at a regular election by the adoption of a proposition to repeal the original proposition. b) The notice of the annual District meeting must state that petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education must be filed with the Clerk of the District not later than the thirtieth day preceding the election at which time the candidates so nominated are to be elected.

c) Voting will be by machine, and provision shall be made for the election by "write-in-vote" of any candidate not previously nominated. The position of candidates on ballots shall be determined by lot at a drawing conducted by the District Clerk on the day after the last filing. Candidates or their proxies may be present for the drawing.

d) The hours of voting shall be as indicated by Board resolution.

e) Election is based upon plurality of votes received. The candidates receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared elected in accordance with Education Law.

f) There will be direct correspondence between the term of office and the number of votes received. The candidates receiving the greatest number of votes are elected to the longest terms, and candidates receiving the next greatest number of votes shall be elected to the next longest term and so forth.

g) At least ten days prior to the election, the Board shall appoint at least two inspectors of election for each voting machine, and set their salary.

h) The District Clerk or an appointed assistant designated by the Board shall attend the election and record the name and legal residence of each voter. The Clerk shall give notice immediately to each person declared elected to the Board, informing him/her of the election and his/her term of office.

i) Only qualified voters as determined by Education Law (Section 2012) may vote at any District meeting or election.

j) No electioneering will be allowed within one hundred (100) feet of the polling place.

k) When a term of office expires at the end of a school year and the office has become vacant at the time of election, the person elected to fill the new full term vacancy also fills the remaining days of the previous term, beginning his/her term of office immediately upon election.

Adoption Date: 1/23/1974, Revised: 7/19/1994; 6/20/00

Policy References: Education Law Sections 2004, 2013, 2018, 2025, 2029, 2031-a, 2032, 2034(7)(d), 2105(14), and 2121

NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS 1221 BALLOTS AND METHOD OF BALLOTING (SCHOOL BOARD) Commented [JR4]: This is not a common policy…and it is Voting Machines not required at all. I would recommend striking as we may Voting machines are to be used at the Annual School District Meeting. The use of machines at a special get to a point where we may not be able to use machines but school meeting will be optional with the Board of Education. be required to use paper ballots. Cost The Town of Sweden allows the School District the use of voting machines when they are not needed for town purposes. The moving, setting up and having a mechanic available from the County Board of Elections in case of mechanical difficulty during the election will be an expense of the School District.

Adoption Date: 7/19/1994, Revised: 6/20/2000

Policy References: Education Law Sections 2032 and 2034

NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS 1222 ELECTION INSPECTORS: SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS-INSPECTORS Commented [JR5]: This is not a common policy and much of this is process but not policy. I would recommend The Board, not less than ten (10) days prior to each special or annual election, shall appoint at least two striking completely. qualified voters of the District for each ballot box or machine. Additional inspectors may be appointed if needed in the same manner. The Clerk of the District shall give written notice of appointment to the persons so appointed. If a person appointed an Assistant Clerk refuses to accept such appointment or fails to serve, the Board may appoint a qualified voter of the School District to fill the vacancy. The inspectors shall meet before the polls open and organize by naming one of their members as chief inspector of election. Each inspector shall be entitled to compensation at a rate determined by the Board of Education each year.

Poll List A poll list containing name and legal residence of every person whose vote shall be received shall be kept by the Clerk and the Assistant Clerks of the election.

Machine Examination Before any machine is used at an election, the inspectors of election shall examine it and see that all counters are at Zero (000), that the ballot labels are properly placed and that the machines are in all respects in proper condition for use. The Clerk should arrange well in advance to have ballot labels printed to be placed on the machines and proof read for accuracy.

Inspection At the close of the election, the inspectors shall check the ballots or machines and announce the results to the chairperson who in turn shall announce the results to the meeting.

Adoption Date: 7/19/1994, Revised: 6/20/2000

NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS 1230 REPORTING OF EXPENDITURES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Commented [JR6]: This is a very common policy and is Each candidate for the position of member of the Board of Education whose expenses and/or written very similarly to most others of the same topic. I contributions received exceed five hundred dollars ($500) must file a statement accounting for his/her would not recommend any changes at this time.(however, some policies just have the first the bottom campaign expenditures and contributions with the District Clerk and an additional statement with the could be struck) Commissioner of Education. In the event the expenses do not exceed five hundred dollars ($500) and the aggregate amount of all contributions made to the candidate do not exceed $500, then a sworn statement to that effect must only be filed with the District Clerk.

Required contribution statements shall include: a) The dollar amount and/or fair market value of any receipt, contribution or transfer which is other than money; b) The name and address of the transferor, contributor or person from whom received; c) If that transferor, contributor or person is a political committee as defined in Section 14-100 of the Election Law; d) The name and political unit represented by the committee; e) The date of receipt; f) The dollar amount of every expenditure; g) The name and address of the person to whom the expenditure was made, or the name of and political unit represented by the committee to which it was made; and h) The date of the expenditure.

The times for filing the statements are as follows: a) The first statement on or before the thirtieth day preceding the election to which it relates; b) A second statement on or before the fifth day before the election; c) A third statement within twenty days after the election.

Any contribution or loan in excess of $1000 received after the close of the period covered in the last statement filed before the election (b above) but before the election itself shall be reported within 24 hours after receipt.

All statements must be sworn before a notary public, a commissioner of deeds, a lawyer or a public official authorized by New York State law to administer oaths.

Adoption Date: 7/19/1994, Revised: 6/20/2000; 4/12/2005

Policy References: Education Law Sections 1528 and 1529 Election Law Section 14-100(1)

NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS 1240 RESIGNATION AND DISMISSAL Commented [JR7]: Another very common policy…and it Board members may resign at a District meeting of residents (i.e., the annual meeting, not a regular Board is usually written as is…its mostly law and could be struck of Education meeting) or by filing a written resignation with the District Superintendent of the but it is probably one that should remain as it will answer questions if they come up. I have seen this happen in a Supervisory District who must endorse his/her approval and file the resignation with the District Clerk. district that did not have a policy and it took a lot of work to make everyone understand what has to happen…this policy Alternatively, a Board member may resign under Public Officers Law Section 31 by filing a written eliminates that. No changes recommended at this time. resignation with the District Clerk. The Clerk must then notify the School Board and the State Board of Elections.

A resignation may be withdrawn only with the consent of the person to whom the resignation was delivered (i.e., the District Clerk or BOCES District Superintendent). The School Board has no authority to act upon a request to withdraw a resignation.

The resignation shall take effect upon the date specified in the letter of resignation; however, if no effective date is specified, it shall take effect on the date of delivery to or filing with the District Clerk. If an effective date is specified in the letter of resignation, such date shall not be more than thirty (30) days subsequent to the date of its delivery or filing.

It shall be the duty of each member of the Board of Education to attend all meetings of the Board and, if any member shall refuse to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Board after having been regularly notified and a satisfactory cause for each non-attendance is not shown, the Board will proceed to declare that office vacant.

A Board member may be removed from office by the Commissioner of Education for willful violation of any provision of law, neglect of duty, or willfully disobeying any decision, order or regulation of the Commissioner. The Board of Education may also remove a Board member for misconduct relating to the exercise of authority as a Board member. A written copy of all charges made of such misconduct must be served upon the Board member at least 10 days before the time designated for a hearing on the charges; and the Board member shall be allowed a full and fair opportunity to refute such charges before removal. In the event of death, resignation, removal from office or from the School District, or refusal to serve of a Board member, the District has the power and duty to fill the vacancy. If the Board chooses to fill the vacancy by appointment, the appointment requires a majority vote of the full Board and shall be only for a term ending with the next annual election of the School District at which time such vacancy shall be filled in a regular manner for the balance of the unexpired term.

The Board, at its own option, may instead call a special election within ninety (90) days to fill the unexpired term. If not filled by Board appointment or special election, the District Superintendent of the Supervisory District may appoint a competent person to fill the vacancy until the next annual election. Alternatively, the Commissioner of Education may order a special election for filling a vacancy. When such special election is ordered, the vacancy shall not be otherwise filled.

A person elected or appointed to fill a vacancy shall take office immediately upon filing the oath of office.

A Board member who has been removed from office shall be ineligible to appointment or election to any office in the District for a period of one (1) year from the date of such removal.

Adoption Date: 7/19/1994, Revised: 6/20/2000; 1/20/04

Policy References: Education Law Sections 306, 1607, 1706, 1709(17)(18), 1804(1), 2103(2), 2109, 2111, 2112, 2113, 2502, 2503, and 2553 Public Officers Law Sections 30, 31 and 35

NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS 1250 3600 LEGAL QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS AT SCHOOL DISTRICT Commented [JR8]: Very common policy…it may not be A person shall be entitled to register and vote at any school meeting for election of members of the Board the right number though. I would recommend no changes at of Education, and upon all matters which may be brought before such meeting, who is: this time.

a) A citizen of the United States;

b) Eighteen (18) years of age or older;

c) A resident within the District for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding the meeting at which he/she offers to vote.

Any person who would not be qualified to register or vote under the provisions of Sections 5-100 and 5- 106 of the Election Law shall not have the right to register for or vote in an election.

Adoption Date: 7/19/1994, Revised: 6/20/2000

Policy References: Education Law Section 2012 Election Law Article 5

NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS 1260 SUBMISSION OF QUESTIONS AND PROPOSITIONS AT ANNUAL ELECTIONS AND SPECIAL DISTRICT MEETINGS Commented [JR9]: Very common policy…again…much Questions and Propositions at Annual District Elections of this is law but it probably should be kept for informative The following rules and regulations shall apply to the submission of the questions or propositions at the purposes so the public can find the way business of this annual elections or special district elections of this School District. nature should be done. a) Questions or propositions shall be submitted by petition directed to the Clerk of the School District and shall be signed by five hundred (500) qualified voters, or five percent (5%) of the registered voters of the District who voted in the previous annual election of Board members, whichever is greater. b) A separate petition shall be required for each question or proposition. c) Each petition shall be filed with the Clerk of the School District. Petitions relating to an Annual Election must be filed not later than sixty (60) days preceding the election at which the question or proposition is to be voted upon. d) Questions or propositions submitted in accordance with these rules and accepted will be printed on the ballot for the voting machine. e) The Board of Education shall cause the rules and regulations set forth in this policy to be distributed within the District. f) Nothing herein contained shall affect the nominations of candidates as set forth in the Annual District Election notice pursuant to Section 2018 of the Education Law.

Questions or Propositions to be Submitted at Special District Meetings The procedure for requesting the Board of Education to call a Special District Meeting to vote on a question or proposition shall be in accordance with subdivision 2 of Section 2008 of the Education Law.

Adoption Date: 1/1/1979, Revised: 7/19/1994; 6/20/00; 6/5/01

Policy References: Education Law Sections 2008 and 2035(2)

NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS 1270 ABSENTEE BALLOTS Commented [JR10]: Again, very common policy and is The Board of Education authorizes the District Clerk or a Board designee to provide absentee ballots to mostly dictated by law…no changes recommended at this qualified District voters. Absentee ballots shall be used for the election of School Board members and for time. the adoption of the annual budget and referenda. A District voter must request in advance an application for an absentee ballot. The voter must complete the application and state the reason he/she will not be able to appear in person on the day of the District election. The application must be received by the District Clerk/designee no more than thirty (30) days or less than seven (7) days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the election if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. Pursuant to the provisions of Education Law, a District voter is eligible to vote by absentee ballot under the following conditions: a) Illness or physical disability; b) Business responsibilities or studies which require travel outside of the county or city of residence on the day of the election; c) Vacation outside of the county or city of residence; or d) Detention or confinement to jail after conviction for an offense other than a felony.

An absentee ballot must reach the office of the District Clerk/designee not later than 5 p.m. on the day of the election.

A list of all persons to whom absentee ballots have been issued shall be maintained by the District Clerk/designee and made available for public inspection. Any qualified voter challenging the acceptance of an absentee ballot must file a written statement with the District Clerk/designee or inform the election inspectors on the day of the District election.

Adoption Date: 6/1/1993, Revised: 7/19/1994; 6/20/00

Policy References: Education Law Sections 2014, 2018-a and 2018-b

1310 POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD Commented [JR11]: No changes recommended at this The Board of Education shall have powers and duties as set forth in New York State Education Law, time principally Articles 35 and 37, and other applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. In general, the Commented [JR12R11]: Board shall have in all respects the superintendence, management and control of the educational affairs of the District and shall have all the powers necessary to exercise these powers expressly granted to it by the laws of New York State and the Commissioner of Education.

Adoption Date: 7/19/1994, Revised: 6/20/2000 1000 - BY-LAWS

1320 NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF BOARD OFFICERS Commented [JR13]: No changes recommended at this Officers of the Board of Education shall be nominated and elected by the simple majority of the Board at time its Annual Reorganizational Meeting for a term of one year. They will take their oath as officers at this meeting along with newly elected members.

The elected officers of the Board of Education are: a) President; b) Vice President.

Adoption Date: 7/1/1994, Revised: 6/20/2000 1000 - BY-LAWS

1321 DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Commented [JR14]: Not a required policy and this is The President's duties include the following: more about protocol that policy as nothing contained within really guides decision making per se. However, this is a a) Presides at all meetings of the Board; common policy and is nearly identical elsewhere. No change recommended at this time b) Calls special meetings as necessary or on request; c) Appoints committees of the Board with the advice of other Board members; d) Serves ex-officio as a member of all committees unless otherwise ordered by the Board; e) Executes documents on behalf of the Board; f) Performs the usual and ordinary duties of the office

Adoption Date: 7/19/1994, Revised: 6/20/2000 1000 - BY-LAWS

1322 DUTIES OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Commented [JR15]: See comment for 1321. No change recommended at this time The Board of Education will elect one of its members Vice President who shall have the power to exercise the duties of the President in case of the absence or disability of the President. In case of vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President shall act as President until a President is elected.

Adoption Date: 7/19/1994, Revised: 6/20/2000; 1/20/04; 7/5/06; 5/1/07 1000 - BY-LAWS



The Board is authorized to appoint individuals to positions which will facilitate the meeting of its responsibilities to the State, the School System, and the community. These appointments usually take place at the Annual Organizational Meeting.

The following shall be appointed annually: a) District Clerk; b) District Treasurer; c) Deputy Treasurer; d) Tax Collector and Deputies; e) External (Independent) Auditor; f) Treasurer, Extraclassroom Activities Account. g) Census Enumerator and assistants; h) Director of School Health Services (District Physician/Nurse Practitioner); i) Supervisors of Attendance; j) Committee on Special Education and Committee on Preschool Special Education; k) Records Access/Management Officer; l) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Local Educational Agency (L.E.A.) designee; m) Title IX/Section 504/ADA Compliance Officer; n) Liaison for Homeless Children and Youth; o) Chemical Hygiene Officer.

The following may also be appointed: a) School Attorney; b) Claims Auditor; c) Internal Auditor; d) Insurance Advisor.


The following designations shall be made by the Board of Education at the Annual Organizational Meeting in July: a) Petty Cash Fund(s); b) Official Newspaper(s); c) Official Bank Depositories; d) Official Bank Signatories; e) Purchasing Agent; f) Certifier of Payrolls; g) Educational Official designated to receive court notification regarding a student's sentence/adjudication in certain criminal cases and juvenile delinquency proceedings; h) School Pesticide Representative.

Authorizations a) Approval of attendance at conferences, conventions, workshops, and the like; b) Superintendent to approve budget transfers within limits prescribed by Commissioner's Regulation Section 170.2 and Board guidelines; c) Superintendent to apply for Grants in Aid (State and Federal) as appropriate; d) Establish mileage reimbursement rate; e) Other(s) as deemed appropriate/necessary.

Adoption Date: 7/19/1994, Revised: 6/20/2000 1000 - BY-LAWS 1331 DUTIES OF THE DISTRICT CLERK AND/OR ASSISTANT CLERK Commented [JR16]: Remove completely…this is a job description, not a policy in any way. The Clerk and his/her assistant shall be appointed at the Annual Meeting of the Board for a one year term. He/she shall be responsible for the satisfactory performance of all duties that naturally fall to this office or may be delegated from time to time by the Board of Education, and the Superintendent. These duties include: a) Assists in the preparation of the agenda for each Board meeting in conjunction with the Superintendent and Board secretary. b) Sends notice of Board meeting with copies of previous Board minutes and agenda for current meeting to each Board member. c) Attends and takes minutes of each Board meeting. d) Prepares the minutes of the previous meeting for approval by the Board of Education at the next Board meeting. e) Collects all communications to be brought to the attention of the Board. f) Assists in the preparation of the Annual School Budget. g) Files two copies of the Annual School Budget with the Superintendent and includes one copy in the minutes of the Annual Meeting in May. h) Prepares notice of Annual Meeting and announces availability of copies of the budget to be presented at the Annual District Meeting in compliance with the requirements of the State Education Law. i) Attends the Annual Meeting. j) Attends the organization meeting of the Board of Education the first Tuesday in July. k) Gets assessment roll from the chairperson of the board of assessors, of various townships, equalize tax rates, extends the taxes, presents tax list to the Board of Education, records the tax levy resolution, records the resolution issuing the warrant, and presents the tax list and warrant to the collector as soon as possible after August 15. l) Prepares and publishes all necessary legal documents including contracts and public notices. m) Maintains an up-to-date record of Board policies and by-laws; n) Administers oaths of office, as required by Section 10, Public Officers Law; o) Gives written notice of appointment to persons appointed as inspectors of election; p) Calls all meetings to order in the absence of the President and Vice President; q) Assumes other duties customary to the office.

The above duties of the District Clerk and/or Assistant Clerk are not intended to be complete but should serve as a comprehensive guide in undertaking the duties of this office. The District Clerk and/or Assistant Clerk shall perform such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Board.

Adoption Date: 7/19/1994, Revised: 6/20/2000 1000 - BY-LAWS

1332 DUTIES OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT TREASURER Commented [JR17]: This is a job description, not a policy. Remove completely. The Treasurer is appointed by the Board of Education at the Annual Reorganizational Meeting and will be covered by a blanket bond. In addition to the routine duties of accounting, filing, posting and preparing reports and statements concerning District finances, the District Treasurer shall perform other specific tasks as follows: a) Acts as custodian of all moneys belonging to the School District and lawfully deposits these moneys in the depositories designated by the Board; b) Pays all authorized obligations of the District as directed; c) Maintains proper records and files of all checks, and approved payment of bills and salaries; d) Makes all such entries and posts all such financial ledgers, records and reports as may be properly required to afford the District an acceptable and comprehensive financial accounting of the use of its moneys and financial transactions; e) Signs all checks drawn on District fund accounts; f) Assumes other duties customary to the office; g) At the expiration of his/her term of office, the District Treasurer shall hand over to his/her successor in office all monies, documents and books of record belonging to the School District.

Adoption Date: 7/19/1994, Revised: 6/20/2000; 11/2/04 4000 - ADMINISTRATION


The Board of Education shall encourages administrators and supervisors to keep themselves informed of current educational theory and practice by study, by visiting other school districts, by attendance at educational conferences, and by such other means as are appropriate.

A record of conferences, conventions and workshops shall be maintained by the Superintendent. Annually, the Board will receive a written report listing the names of participants, the name of the conference plus a brief description, the cost and the benefits to the District of attendance at the conference, convention or workshop.

The approval of the Superintendent shall be required for any conference attendance or visitations requested by administrators and supervisors.

Participation shall be limited by available resources and reimbursement guidelines.

Policy References: General Municipal Law Section 77-b

3.0 INSTRUCTION PLANNING AND SERVICES BROCKPORTIDGHSCHOOL 40 AUen•Street • Brockport, New York 14420-2296 ' ' · Fax: (585) 637-1867

November 8, 2017

Board of Education Brockport Central School 40 Allen Street Brockport, NY 14420

Dear Board Members:

We are seeking permission to take a group of our Business students to NYC for two-day trip from May 18-19, 2018. The trip would take place on a Friday and Saturday, so students and staff would only be missing one day of school on the day of departure.

The trip would be of tremendous educational value to students, who would have the opportunity to experience first-hand learning and understanding of a variety of curriculum related topics we teach in our classes. We would be visiting many important sites in NYC including: the Wall Street Financial District, Macy's department store, Madison Square Garden and 911 Memorial.

The itinerary from pt Choice Educational Tours LTD is included for your review. The included proposal is set to ensure that the students are able to do and see as much as possible in the short amount of time we will be gone.

We are planning to accompany a group of 40 students and 5 chaperones. We will make a final roster available to you after we have a meeting with parents. We will wait to schedule a parent meeting until after the Board approves the trip request. We would also like to have fundraisers for the students involved, so that they are able to lower the cost of their trip.

We are experienced travelers and we understand the care and planning that goes into a safe and meaningful student excursion. The Business department has successfully planned and completed this trip in the past and our tour guide from pt Choice Educational Tours is a former Business teacher and Dean of Students, Mike Myers.

We hope that you will agree that this is a wonderful opportunity for the Business students at Brockport High School.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzanne Sodoma, Maria Maddaleno, Frances DuFord, Mike Zale High School Business Department members Board of Education Brockport Central School District Phone: 585-637-1820 40 Allen Street Fax: 585-637-1829 Brockport NY 14420-2296


Information submitted on the following form is required for approval. Board of Education approval is required in advance of the initiation of a student trip.

Trips that require overnight accommodations and are at a distance more than 100 miles from the Brockport Central School District campus must be approved by the Board of Education.

Directions: 1. Complete this form at least 3 weeks in advance for local trips, extended trips will require one year advance notice. 2. Forward to the Business Office. 3. Please attach supporting documentation. Name of Organization/Group:_Business Education Trip______Summary Description of the Trip:_Students will be traveling to NYC to tour the financial district, Madison Square Garden and Macy's Department store in addition to sightseeing in the city. Detail Information: Curricular:_X OR Extracurricular: ______Organization Leader:_Suzanne Sodoma Phone#: 585-261-0806 Trip Contact Person: Suzanne Sodoma Phone #: ext. 7102

Dates: Departure Date: Friday, May 18, 2018 Return Date Sat. May 19, 2018 Destination: From: Brockport High School front loop To: NYC-The Row NYC 700 gth Ave

Number of Students:_(TBD) approximately 40-$0 Number of Chaperones:TBD 1 per every 10 students (Please Ii t names of students and chaperones on a separate sheet) -r SD Will you be transporting equipment? 0 YES ~ NO Describe: ______D Accommodations: Confirmed: ~ YES 0 NO D Transportation: Bus Motor coach transportation Rail Air__ _ Will you need transfers: No If yes, describe:______----==--- --==--- Bus transportation: Will the organization pay for driver's room? [gJ YES 0 NO Driver's room/expenses paid for by the bus company? [gJ YES 0 NO

D Food Arrangement: Food will be the responsibility of the participants at own expense: [gJ YES ~NO Specific food service needs, describe:_students will need to provide their own meals, one dinner will be provided on Friday night

D Security: Is there security at this event? ~YES ONO Do you anticipate the need for BCSD security? DYES ~NO D Emergency Procedure: Emergency procedures are in place? ~YES ONO fl Phone tree established Iii Cell phones available 121 Emergency supplies

Page 1 of 3 BUS400(rev12/4/02) Board of Education Brockport Central School District Phone: 585-637-1820 40 Allen Street Fax: 585-637 -1829 Brockport NY 14420-2296


0 Health Concerns: Have accommodations been made for specific student health concerns?[gl YES D NO Specify:_students with medical concerns will be addressed through the school nurse and per parents medical permission slip 0 Special Needs: Will this event require any special accommodations/equipment for persons with special needs/handicapping condition? 1:8:1 YES D NO 0 Proposed Budget: Expenditure: Per Unit Cost Total 1 see agenda and contract fromJllst choice Educational Tours LTD Revenue: • General Fund Account#:______$____ _ • Grant Funds: ______$_ _ _ _ _ • Fund Raising Events, List: (attach additional sheets) $_ ____ $~---- $____ _ $_ ___ _ • Student/Faculty Charge $_ ___ $,__ _ _ _ • Other:______$_ ___ _

Person in charge of the fundraising activities: Business Department teachers

Have you established an accounting/reporting plan for the receipt of monies and for control of inventory? [8J YES D NO Person responsible:_Business department teachers

0 Itinerary: Please attach a detailed itinerary of activities

0 Rules and Regulations: Please attach: 1. Expectations for behavior on this trip. 2. Consequences for misbehavior.

0 Parent Notification Information meeting planned? [gl YES D NO When:_TBD in January, 2018 6:00 p.m._ Where:_HS LGI ______Permission form prepared? [gl YES D NO Other communication to parents? [gl YES D NO (attach copies)

Person Completing Form:_Sue Sod~~tT Date:_l0/31/17

Principal Signature: _<..,~-'""--"'----~--=---'::.;;.._------Board Review Date:______D Approved D Denied Denial Date: Reason for denial:______


Page 2 of 3 BUS400(rev 12/4/02) Board of Education Brockport Central School District Phone: 585-637-1820 40 Allen Street Fax: 585-637-1829 Brockport NY 14420-2296


Page 3 of 3 BUS400(revl 2/4/02) 1sT CHOICE mUCATIO~~~~~"~~: ,

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November 9, 2017 Page 1of3

Brockport High School Suzanne Sodoma Business & Career Education 40 Allen St. Brockport, NY 14420 BROCKPORT HIGH SCHOOL BUSINESS TRIP EDT#6990 - MAY 18-19, 2018

GROUP AGREEMENT FIRST CHOICE TRAVEL WILL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: • Roundtrip deluxe motor coach transportation ( 1-56 passenger reserved from Bedore Tours) 54 seats for school's use + 2 seats for Tour Manager A district inspection will be set up prior to departure and all 19-A driver certifications required will be sent to District Transportation Director • Driver's Gratuity and Room (New Jersey property) • One Tour Manager from First Choice Educational Tours • 1 night stay at Row NYC Hotel ( 700 8th Ave. ) - includes taxes and mandatory baggage handling ( ONE BAG per person MAX ) • Private Security for 6 hours at hotel (llpm-5am - 1 guard) • Guided Financial District Walking Tour - 1 Guide (confirmed) • Visit to National September 11 Memorial • Dinner at Hard Rock Cate • Free Time in • Luggage storage at hotel (after check-out on May 19, 2018) • Admission to Madison Square Garden Tour (pending confirmation) • Lunch at Macy's Herald Square (pending confirmation) • Admission to Macy's 101 Retail Tour (pending confirmation) • First Choice Educational Tours will provide you with a Two Million Dollar Insurance Liability Coverage showing the school as additional insured

Price Per Person:

Based on minimum of 40 paid passengers per coach (4 complimentary chaperones; using 2 rooms) $ 349.00 I based on quad occupancy $ 439.00 I based on double occupancy $ 379.00 I based on triple occupancy $ 629.00 I based on single occupancy Based on minimum of 45 paid passengers per coach (!5 complimentary chaperones; using 3 rooms) $ 339.00 I based on quad occupancy $ 429.00 I based on double occupancy $ 369.00 I based on triple occupancy $ 619.00 I based on single occupancy Based on minimum of 49 paid passengers per coach (!5 complimentary chaperones; using 3 rooms) $ 319.00 I based on quad occupancy $ 419.00 I based on double occupancy $ 355.00 I based on triple occupancy $ 609.00 I based on single occupancy

Mal/Ing Address: Location: Phone Numbers: P. 0. Box 950 West Main Commons Phone: (585) 762-6090 Batavia, NY 14021-0950 3080 West Main Road Fax: (585) 762-6081 Batavia, NY 14020 1ST CHOICE mUCATIO~~!~~,,~~ice~~:C

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Page 2 of 3


PAYMENT TERMS: A booking fee is required per student and calculated into the deposit to ensure space on a contracted trip. One day trip - $ 25.00 I Two day trip - $ 50.00 I Three day trip & over - $ 75.00. The booking fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Final payment is due 45 days prior to the trip departure date. If a trip is booked within 60 days of the departure date, one lump sum payment will be required upon booking.

RATE INFORMATION: -. All trips are priced based on your estimated number of participants. If the group size falls below the guaranteed number, prices will be adjusted accordingly. Prices reflect current fuel prices. The motor coach company, train, and/or airline company reserves the right to add a fuel surcharge to the final price if over the applicable service date fuel prices have increased significantly from the date of contract agreement.

REFUNDS: The booking fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. A person unable to attend the trip is encouraged to find a school approved replacement to avoid the loss of monies paid. Participants who cancel and do not arrange for a replacement will be sent a refund after the return of the trip equal to the value of the refundable unused meals and admissions. Transportation, lodging, prepaid admissions and all administrative booking fees are not refundable. If it is necessary for FIRST CHOICE EDUCATIONAL TOURS to cancel a trip, a full refund will be issued to all participants. Optional cancellation insurance is available and suggested.

RESPONSIBILITY: FIRST CHOICE EDUCATIONAL TOURS, a division of FIRST CHOICE TRAVEL, INC. acts as an agent for educational and travel related suppliers in all matters relevant to transportation, entertainment, attractions, sightseeing, and other tour-related features. As an agent, FIRST CHOICE EDUCATIONAL TOURS has no control over the personnel, actions, facilities, or equipment of such suppliers and accepts no responsibility or liability for loss, damage, personal injury, accident, inconvenience, delay or irregularity, regardless of the cause related to or during a trip. FIRST CHOICE EDUCATIONAL TOURS recommends cancellation insurance. FIRST CHOICE EDUCATIONAL TOURS retains the right to substitute any tour component with another of comparable or better value and to cancel any trip at any time and provide all participants with a full refund.


Malling Address: Location: Phone Numbers: P. 0. Box 950 West Main Commons Phone: (585) 762-6090 Batavia, NY 14021-0950 3080 West Main Road Fax: (585) 762-6081 Batavia, NY 14020 Page 3 of 3

Insurance Election Forms. Registration Forms. and Deposit ($169.00 per paying person): ...... Due January 19, 2018 Rooming List: ...... Due February 27, 2018 Non-Refundable FINAL PAYMENT: ...... Due March 16, 2018

PLEASE NOTE: Rooming List should include full names; identifying parents, chaperones & students. Please list any special requests (for example, girls & boys on separate floors, handicap accessible rooms needed ) .


If number of participants drops below number indicated above, price per person w1'll be raised As FIRST CHOICE EDUCATIONAL TOURS cannot be held responsible for providers of services, they cannot be held responsible for any changes.


Michael 5. Hamm, Joel L. Hamm Joanna Borrelli - EDT #6990 First Choice Travel

Group Representative Date


Malling Address: Location: Phone Numbers: P. 0. Box 950 West Main Commons Phone: (585) 762-6090 Batavia, NY 14021-0950 3080 West Main Road Fax: (585) 762-6081 Batavia, NY 14020 ST CHOICE EDUCATIONAL TOURS LID. 1 a division ofFirst Choice Travel, Inc ~J2E5i~I [_~l

UPDATED: November 9, 2017 EDT #6990 Brockport High School Business Trip New York City May 18-19, 2018


DAY ONE: Fridav. May 18. 2018

5:30 AM 1 56-passenger Bedore motor coach arrives at Brockport Central School Transportation facility (58 Owens Rd, Brockport, NY) for Inspection 6:00 AM Motor coach arrives at Brockport High School (40 Allen St., Brockport, NY) for loading (54 seats for school's use) Depart for New York City Rest stops I Lunch stop at your expense en route 1:30 PM Guided Walking Tour of the Financial District/Wall Street (90 min Tour) 3:00 PM Walk to National September 11 Memorial 4:00 PM Meet motor coach I depart for hotel - Row NYC (700 ath Ave., New York, NY) 4:30 PM Arrive at Hotel; check in (Note - Driver will be off duty for rest of day; staying in hotel in New Jersey) 6:30 PM Meet at pre-arranged location in hotel to walk to dinner 7:15PM Dinner at Hard Rock Cafe (1501 , New York, NY) Menu - Choice of legendary Burger, Tupelo Chicken Tenders, BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich, Twisted Mac Chicken & Cheese, or Classic Chicken Caesar Salad; Chocolate Chip Cookies,· Beverages 9:00 PM Free time to shop/explore in Times Square area 11:00 PM Return to the hotel I Private Security Guard on duty for 6 hours

Malling Address: Location: Phone Numbers: P. 0 . Box950 West Main Commons Phone: (585) 762-6090 Batavia, NY 14021-0950 3080 West Main Road Fax: (585) 762-6081 Batavia, NY 14020 ST CHOICE EDUCATIONAL TOURS LID. 1 a division ofFirst Choice Travel, Inc ~~""--'l [~_J)

DAY TWO: Saturday. May 19. 2018

8:30 AM Check out of your room Bring luggage to storage area in hotel (Note - Driver will be off duty until after Macys Tour) 9:00 AM Breakfast on your own at vour expense Walk to Madison Square Garden (4 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, NY) 10:00 AM Madison Square Garden VIP - All Access Tour 11:30 AM Walk to Macy's Herald Square (151 West 34th St., New York, NY) 12:15 PM Lunch at Macy's (voucher included) 1:00 PM Macy's 101 Retail Tour I time to shop 2:30 PM Meet motor coach I depart for Chelsea Market 2:45 PM Free time in Chelsea Market 3:30 PM Meet motor coach I depart to hotel to pick up luggage 4:00 PM Depart for home Rest stops I Dinner at your expense en route 12:30 AM Approximate Arrival at Brockport High School

Malllng Address: Location: Phone Numbers: P. 0. Box950 West Main Commons Phone: (585) 762-6090 Batavia, NY 14021-0950 3080 West Main Road Fax: (585) 762-6081 Batavia, NY 14020 1sT CHOICE mUCATIO~.!~!!~~"~~:, <~:s::8r5il [ l



ZIP _____ CITY ------STATE ---- DATE OF BIRTH: ------MALE: - -- FEMALE: _ _ _ PRINT PARENT'S NAME ------


First Choice Educational Tours Policies & Procedures

RATE INFORMATION: All trips are priced based on your estimated nwnber of participants. Ifthe group size falls below the guaranteed nwnber, prices will be adjusted accordingly. Prices reflect current fuel prices. The motor coach company, train and/or airline company reserves the right to add a fuel surcharge to the final price if over the applicable service date fuel prices have increased significantly from the date of contract agreement.

PAYMENT TERMS: A booking fee is required per student and calculated into the deposit to ensure space on a contracted trip. One day trip - $25.00 I Two day trip - $50.00 I Three day trip & over - $75.00. The booking fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Final payment is due 45 days prior to the trip departure date. If a trip is booked within 60 days of the departure date, one lwnp swn payment will be required upon booking.

REFUNDS: The $75.00 booking fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. A person unable to attend the trip is encouraged to find a school approved replacement to avoid the loss of monies paid. Participants who cancel and do not arrange for a replacement will be sent a refund after the return of the trip equal to the value of the refundable unused meals and admissions. Transportation, lodging, prepaid admissions, and all administrative booking fees are not refundable. !fit is necessary for 1st CHOICE EDUCATIONAL TOURS to cancel a trip, a full refund will be issued to all participants. Optional cancellation insurance is available and suggested.

RESPONSmILITY: 1st CHOICE EDUCATIONAL TOURS, a division of FIRST CHOICE TRAVEL, INC. acts as an agent for educational and travel related suppliers in all matters relevant to transportation, entertainment, attractions, sightseeing, and other tour-related features. As an agent, 1st CHOICE EDUCATIONAL TOURS has no control over the personnel, actions, facilities, or equipment of such suppliers and accepts no responsibility or liability for loss, damage, personal injury, accident, inconvenience, delay or iaegu!arity, regardless of the cause, related to or during a trip. 1°' CHOICE EDUCATIONAL TOURS recommends cancellation insurance. l "' CHOICE EDUCATIONAL TOURS .retains the right to substitute any tour component with another of comparable or better value and to cancel any trip at any time and provide all participants with a full refund.

Any check returned by the bank must be replaced with a certified check or money order and will result in a $20.00 service charge.

I have read and fully understand these terms and conditions.


NO STUDENT/ADULT WILL BE REGISTERED FOR A TRIP WITHOUT THE COMPLETED AND SIGNED REGISTRATION FORM AND TRAVEL GUARD ELECTION FORM. Malllng Address: Location: Phone Numbers: P. 0. Box950 West Main Commons Phone: (585) 762-6090 Batavia, NY 14021-0950 3080 West Main Road Fax: (585) 762-6081 Batavia, NY 14020 1ST CHOICE mUCATI0~,,~~~~"~~1:, ~~..._![...... _ _,]




First Choice Educational Tours, Ltd. is pleased to offer travel insurance protection from Travel Guard International. Unforeseen circumstances can arise and often do. Emergencies can occur before departure or while you are traveling. That is why the school has included the insurance for everyone in the cost of the trip.

I have been offered Travel Guard protection for my trip and have chosen:

OPTION #1 - Purchase the insurance offered. A check in the amount of $23.00 should be made payable to 1st Choice Educational Tours and paid at the time of deposit payment in order for the waiver of Pre­ existing Medical Condition Exclusion to be included. OPTION #2 - Purchase the Optional Coverage - Cancel for any reason. The insurer will reimburse 75% of non-refundable expenses if you cancel your trip for any reason, up to 48 hours prior to your departure. This coverage can only be purchased at the time the base plan is purchased. If you are purchasing this coverage the check should be in the amount of $36.80. OPTION #3 -Decline to purchase the insurance option #1 or option #2 that is being offered. I fully understand that by declining to purchase travel insurance, 1st Choice Educational Tours cannot be held responsible for any expenses incurred by me that would have been covered by this travel insurance.

Please select one ofthe options above, complete the information below, sign and return with Registration Form.


Parent's Name Printed

Signature Date

Student's Name

Street Address

City State Zip Code

Malling Address: Location: Phone Numbers: P. 0. Box950 West Main Commons Phone: (585) 762-6090 Batavia, NY 14021-0950 3080 West Main Roa~ Fax: (585) 762-6081 Batavia, NY 14020 Travel Guard®

Student Travel Protection Pia Travel Insurance & Global Assistance

Cover your trip investment from those unforeseen circumstances that may arise before or during your trip. Travel Guard's Student Travel Protection Plan provides valuable coverage at an affordable price and includes a waiver of Pre-existing Medical Condition Exclusion if insurance is purchased within 15 days of Initial Trip Paym ent.

Insurance Coverages Plan Cost

$ l 00% Trip Cost Trip Cancellation $ l - $ $ 1,000 - $ 1,099 150% Trip Cost Trip Interruption $ 1 100 - $ I 199 $ $500 Trip Deloy (Maximum $100/day) 1 200 - $ 1 299 $ 39 $1,000 Baggage & Personal Effects $ 1, 300- $ l,399 $ $ 1 400- $ 1499 $ 43 $100 Baggage Deloy $ 1,500 - $ 1 599 $ 47 $50,000 Accident Sickness Medical Expense $ 1,600- $ 1,699 $ 51 $ 1, 700 - $ 1,799 $ 55 $500,000 Emergency Evacuation $ 1, 800 - $ 1,899 .$ 59 & Repatriation of Remains 1 900 - 1 999 $ 63 $30,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment $ 2 000 - $ 2, 099 $ 67 $ $ 2 100 - $ 2 199 71 $ Included Travel Medical Assistance $ 2,200 - $ 2, 299 $ $ Included Worldwide Travel Assistance 2 300 - 2 399 $ $ Included Live Travel® Emergency Assistance $ 2 400 - 2 499 $ 2,500 - $ 2,599 $ 9,7 ' If the Zero Trip Cost oplion is purchased there is no Trip Cancellation or Trip $ 2 600 - $ 2 699 $ 101 Interruption coverage. $ 2 700 - $ 2 799 $ 105 Optional Coverage $ 2,800 - $ 2,899 $ 109 $ 2,900 - $ 2,999 $ 113 Cancel For Any Reason: The Insurer will reimburse 75% of non- $ 3,000- $ 3,499 $ 125 refundable expenses if you cancel your Trip for any reason, up to $ 3,500 - $ 3, 999 $ MS 48 hours prior to your departure. 4 000 - $ 4 499 165 Can only be purchased ot the time the bose pion is purchased and within J5 days of /niliol Trip l'oyment. Coverage must be puri;hosed fo r the full cost of <111 pre- $ 4,500 - $ 4 999 $ 185 pold non-refundobla Trip orrongemenfs. NY residents see services section, nol $ 5,000 - $ 5,499 $ 205 available to residents of OR and WA. Pricing available up to $ 25, 000 PLAN COST: Multiply base plan cost by 1.6

Questions? For more information, please visit or coll Travel Guard al:

CALL TOLL-FREE: 1.877.254.8922 Refer to product numbers: 008905 Pl-P2 0.11/1 2; 008906 Pl 04/12 THIS IS A BRIEF OUTLINE OF COVERAGE - RESTRICTIONS APPLY

Coverage varies by state. For complete coverage information, please refer to the Certificate of Insurance or Policy for your state of residency prior to purchase by visiting

II Trip Cancellation & Interruption \. Assistance Services Trip Cancellation and Interruption pays far forfeited, non-refundable, unused Travel Medical As•istance payments or deposits if due to: • Emergency medical transportation assistance • Physidan/hospltal/denlol/vision referrals • Re polrialion of mortal remains asslslonce • Return lrovel arrangements • Unforeseen Sickness, Injury, or death of the Insured, a Traveling Companion, • Emergency prescription replacement assistance • Dispatch of doctor or specialist Family Member, or Business Partner (Certain exclusions apply.}; • Medical evacuation quote • In-patient and out-patient medical case management • Inclement Weather causing delay or cancellation of travel; • Qualified liaison for relaying medical information lo family members • • The lnsured's Primary Residence being mode Uninhabitable by Natural Disaster, Arrangements of visitor to bedside of hospllolked Insured • Eyeglasses and correciive vandalism or burglary; lens replacement os~is1once • Medical poymenl arrongemenls • Medical cost • The Insured or o Traveling Companion being subpoenaed, required to serve on conrainment/expense recovery and overseas lnvruligolion • Medical bill audits • jury duty, hijacked, or quarantined; Shipment of medical records • Medical equipment rental/ replacement assistance • The Insured o r a Traveling Companion is directly involved in or delayed due to on automobile accident, substantiated by a police report, while en route to the Worldwide Travel Assistance lnsured's Destination; • Lost baggage search; stolen luggage replacement assistance • Lost passport/ travel documents assistance • ATM locator • Emergency cash transfer assistance • Strike, resulting in the complete cessation of travel services at the point of • Travel information including visa/passport reqLJirements • Emergency telephone departure or Destination; interpretation assistance • Urgent message relay lo family, friends or business • Terrorist Incident in a City listed an the lnsured's itinerary within 30 days of the associates • Up-lo-the-minute travel delay reports • Long distance colling cords for lnsured's scheduled arrival. worldwide telephoning • Inoculation information • Embassy or consvlate referral • Primary Coverage. • Currency conversion or purchase • Up-to-the-minute information on local medical advisories, epidemics, required immunizations and available preventive measures II Trip Delay • Up-lo-the-minute travel supplier strike information • Legal referrals/bail bond assistance • Worldwide public holiday information Reimburses up to $100 a day for Reasonable Additional Expenses if delayed for Live Travel" Emergency Assistance 12 hours or more due to: • Flight rebooking • Hotel rebooking • Rental vehicle booking • Emergency return • Carrier delay svch as mechanical difficL1ltias; travel arrangements • Roadside assistance • Rental vehide return assistance • • Lost passport, money, or travel documents; Guaranteed hotel check-in • Missed connection coordination • Natural Disaster; Cancel For Any Reason (NY residents only): If the traveler is prevented from laking • Injury, Sickness or quarantine of the Insured or Traveling Companion. their Trip, Travel Guard will refund the traveler for 75% of any prepaid, forfeited, I""\ non-refundable Trip costs provided the following conditions are met: 1.) The traveler iii Baggage & Personal Effects purchases Cancel for Any Reas on within 15 days of initial Trip payment. The cost of any s1;bseq1;ent arrongement{s) made mu&t be added lo the Iota! Trip cost within 15 days • Reimburses for loss, theft, and damage of baggage and personal effects; of the date of payment for any subsequent Trip arrangement{s); and 2.) This service is • Primary coverage - no need to present o claim to another carrier such as purchased for the lull cost of all non-refundable, prepaid Trip arrangements that ore Homeowner's; subject lo cancellqlion penalties and/or restrictions; and 3.) The traveler cancels the • Covers loss due lo unauthorized use of credit cards if the Insured hos complied Trip no less than 48 hours prior to the departure date. There will be no refund of the with credit cord conditions. Trip cost under the Cancel for Any Reason Service if the full cost of all prepaid, non­ mfundabl0 Trip arrangements is not included in the calculation of the service fee. Any I""\ fee poid for Cancel for Any Reason will be refunded. iii Baggage Delay "'Non-insurance service~ are provrded by Travel Guo rel. • Reimburses for the purchase of essential items if baggage is delayed or misdirected for more than 24 hours. PRE·EXISTING MEDICAl CONDITION EXCLUSION APPLICABLE TO ALL COVERAGES The lnsuser will not pay for any lou or exponae Incurred as tho result of on lni11ry, Slckne•s ft Accident Sickness Medical Expense or other conditro 11 of on ! n~urnd, Tr:oveling Companion, Busineu l'artner, or family Member which, wilhin the 60 day period immodiora!y prncoding ond including the • No daily limits or deductible; Insured'• coverage effedive date: (a) first manifested itself, wor;ened or become acute or • Pays for physician, hospital, ambulance services, and prosthetic devices. Initial had symptoms which would have prompted o reasonable person to seelr. diagnosis, earn treatment must be received during trip. We will pay for covered expenses for up or trealment; (b) for which care or treatment was given or recommended by a Physician; to one year from date of Injury/Sickness; (c) required toking prescription drugs or medicines, unleu the condition for which the drugs • Pays far emergency dental expenses during the trip vp to the dental Maximum or medicines are token remains controlled without any change in !he required prescription Benefit. drugs or medicines. PRE-EXISTING MEDICAL CONDITION EXCLUSION WAIVER: The Insurer will waive the pre-existing medical condition exclusion if the following conditions are met: l .J This pion is ~ Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation of Remains purchased within 15 days of making the Initial Trip Payment; 2.) The amount of coverage • Evacuation to nearest adequate medical facility; purchased equals oil prepaid, non-refundable payments or deposits applicable to the Trip at the time of purchase, and the cast of any subsequent arrongement(s) added to the same • Transportation of romains upon death. Trip ore insured within 15 days of the date of payment or deposit for any subsequent Trip • Bedside Traveling Companion: If a Traveling Companion or Family Member is arrangement[s); 3.) All lnsured's are medically able to travel when pion cost is paid. hospitalized for at least 7 days d1Jring the Trip, the Insurer will reimburse the Insured up to the Per Day and Maximum limit shown in the Schedule for reasonable This plan provides inwrance covero 9e 1hat only appl l ~ during the covered trip. You may hove covcrvgc from additional expenses incurred for hotel and meals (receipts must be submitted) to other sources that provides you with iimllar benofits but may be ;ubject lo different restrictions dcpondlng upon remain near the Traveling Companion or Family Member. your other coverages. You may wish lo compare the terms of this policy with your existing life, health, home, and au'tomobile insurance policies. If you hove any questions about your current coverage, coll your insurer • or insurance agent or broker. Coverage is offered by Travel Guard Group, Inc (Travel Guard) . California lie. Accidental Death & Dismemberment no.OB93606, 3300 Business Pork Drive, Stevens Point, WI 54482, CA DOi toll free number: 800-927-HELP. Tnis is only a brief description of the coverage(s) available. The Policy will contain • Covers death and loss of limb or eyesight within days of an accident. 180 reductions, limitations, exclusions and terminalion provi•ions. Insurance underwritten by National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., a Pennsylvania insurance company, with ils principal place of business ot 175 Water Street, 15th floor~ New York, NY 10038. It is currenHy authorized lo transact business in all •totes D Optional Cancel for Any Reason ond the District of Columbia. NAIC No. 19445. Coverage rnoy not bo available in all states. Your travel retailer • Provides reimbursement of 75% of Trip Cost if you decide to cancel for any rerJson may not be licensed to sell insurance, and cannot answer rechnical questions about rhe benefits, exclusions, and condinons of this insurance and cannot evaluate the adequacy of your existing insurance The purchase of up to 48 hours prior to departure. (New York residents see services section, not travel insurance is not required in order to purchase any olher product or ser.-ice from the Travel Retailer. Travel available to residents of OR and WA). ussistance services provided by Travel Guard.

AF 008905 Pl-P2 04/12; 008906 Pl 04/12 03/03/15 Brockport High School NYC Business Students Trip May 18 to May 19, 2018

Please complete each form:

__ Emergency contact information

__ Parental acknowledgement of risk

__ Luggage and lodging search notification

--Medical authorization for the treatment of a minor

__ Release and agreement form

--Code of Conduct form

Please return this packet to Mrs. Sodoma by ______Emergency Contact Phone Numbers

Student: ______

Home address: ------

Emergency Contact# 1 Name: ______

Relationship ______

Phone (home) ______

Phone (cell) ______

Phone (work) ______

Emergency Contact # 2 Name: ______

Relationship ______

Phone (home) ______

Phone (cell) ______Phone (work)------

Emergency Contact# 3

Name: ______~

Relationship ______

Phone (home) ______

Phone (cell) ______

Phone (work) ______Business Office Brockport Central School District Phone: 585-637-1821 40 Allen Street Fa x:585-637-1829 Brockport, NY 14420-2296

Parental Authorization and Acknowledgement of Risk for Field Trip Directions: (1) Use one form per trip, (2) complete the school portion (top half) or form, (3) duplicate one form per student, and (4) send a copy home for parent and student signatures.

To be completed by the school: School Name: Brockport High School Date(s) of Trip: May 18-19, 2018 Purpose: To tour a number of places in NYC that are directly related to our curriculum in Business Courses Teacher/Supervisor/Advisor: Suzanne Sodoma, Maria Maddaleno, Mike Zale, Frances Du Ford

Supervision ~ Student will be directly supervised by the teacher(s), and other authorized adults on this trip at all times. D Students will be directly supervised by the teacher(s) and other authorized adults on this trip with the following exceptions

Transportation provided by: D School Bus D Commercial Carrier Airline D Personal Vehicles D Walking field trip only [8] Other lf our bu4 train, subway Risk related (check all that apply) D Swimming Pool D Amusement Park/Theme Park D Outdoor Experience D Other ______,______

To be completed at home: Parental Authorization and Acknowledgement of Risks

I understand that participation in this field trip is voluntary, that is not required, and that it exposes my child to some risk(s). I also understand that the trip may include amusement activities and that participation in any amusement activities will expose my ch ild to some risk of injury or death. I have read and understand the description of the field trip (attached) and authorize my child to participate in the planned components of this field trip to the extent indicated by my signature below. I also understand that participation in this field trip will involve activities off school property; therefore, neither the Brockport Central School District or its employees and volunteers have any responsibility for the condition or use of any non-school property.

Parent Permission (check all that apply) D Participation in all aspects of this trip. D Participation in all aspects of this trip except amusement/theme park activities. D Participation in all aspects of this trip, except the water-related activities.

I give my permission for (student's name) ------to participate in this field trip.

Signature of parent/guardian Date

RETURN SIGNED FORM TO THE ABOVE SCHOOL OFFICE BY : Business Office Brockport Central School District Phone:585-637-1821 40 Allen Street Fax: 585-637-1829 Brockport, NY 14420-2296


Re: Brockport High School Business Department Trip to NYC

Dear Parents,

To provide appropriate supervision in controlling the use of illegal substances or dangerous items on overnight field trips, a search of student luggage may be conducted. The following search procedures will be observed: 1. Students and parents shall be informed in writing prior to the trip that a luggage search may be conducted. No student shall be permitted to participate in the planned field trip unless parents complete and return to school officials, prior to departure, this form acknowledges that: a. Your student's luggage may be searched by school officials (or designees). b. Your student's luggage does not contain illegal substances or prohibited items. 2. Lodgings may be searched at any time during the trip to ensure safety of all students.

Parental Acknowledgement

We hereby acknowledge that luggage and/or lodging searches may be required in conjunction with this proposed trip. Any searches of luggage and/or lodging will be conducted by officials/designees in accordance with the procedures outlined herein.

Signature of parent/guardian Date Signature of parent/guardian Date

RETURN SIGNED FORM TO THE ABOVE SCHOOL OFFICE BY: Medical Authorization for the Treatment of a Minor

- '. ' On rare occasions, an emergency requiring hospitalization and/or surgery develops. Since minors may not be administered an anesthetic or be operated on without the written consent of the parent, we request that parents sign the following statement. Every effort will be made to contact the parents before any major treatment. This is to prevent a dangerous delay in case an emergency does occur and we are unable to contact parents.

In the event of injury or illness to our son/daughter ______, we hereby authorize Suzanne Sodoma to secure whatever treatment is deemed necessary, including the administration of an anesthetic or surgery.

Parent signature Date

Parent signature Date

US doctor's name and phone number: ------

Insurance carrier and policy number: ------

Please list all medications (prescription or non-prescription) that the student will have in their possession while in NYC. Also include dosage and frequency.

Please list all recent (last 5 years) illnesses and/or hospitalizations

Please list any allergies below Release and Agreement Form

We, the undersigned, agree to the following understandings:

1. We agree to release Brockport Central School District, Suzanne Sodoma, Maria Maddaleno, Mike Zale and Frances DuFord and other Board of Education approved chaperones from, and not to hold such parties responsible for, any claims, demands, liabilities, and causes of action arising out of, or connected to, personal injury, illness, death, or property damage further resulting from any cause whatsoever. We agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the above named from any damage resulting from events over which they exercise no control, such as Acts of God, strikes, or government restrictions.

2. We agree to indemnify said parties from any claims, liabilities, costs, or expenses arising out of personal injury or property damage that I, the student, either cause or contribute to while participating in the NYC trip with Brockport Central School District, and from any financial obligations which I, the student, may incur on my own behalf.

3. The right is reserved to make changes to the trip for the safety, comfort, or convenience of members of the group, whenever, in the sole judgment of Suzanne Sodoma, Maria Maddaleno, Mike Zale and Frances Duford, such changes are deemed necessary. The right is further reserved to refuse to accept or retain any person as a member of this program either prior to departure or during the course of the change visit.

4. No responsibility is incurred by Suzanne Sodoma, Maria Maddaleno, Mike Zale and Frances Duford or the Brockport Central School District for loss of/or damage to luggage or any personal belongings.

5. If I, the student, become ill or incapacitated, Suzanne Sodoma, Maria Maddaleno, Mike Zale and Frances Duford may take actions necessary for my safety and well-being, including securing medical treatment and coordinating transportation for me to return home at my own expense. I fully release Suzanne Sodoma, Maria Maddaleno, Mike Zale and Frances Duford and the Brockport Central District from any liability as may be taken on my behalf.

The agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of New York.

Student signature Date I/We, the parent(s) of the above student, have completely read and fully understand the foregoing "Release and Agreement" and agree to be bound thereby, and to cause the above student to comply therewith.

Parent signature Date Brockport High School Field Trip Parent Permission Form

New York City Business/Career Education Department

------(student) has my permission to attend the Business Education Department, NYC trip. They have my permission to leave on Friday morning, May 18th, 2018 and will return in the evening of Saturday, May 191h, 2018. Please note that you will need to provide or arrange transportation to the High School on Friday morning because we will be leaving before the school buses arrive, as well as upon on return Saturday evening.

Parent/guardian (printed) Parent/guardian (signature) Date

-+ The expectation is that all students on this trip will conform to the expectations of the Brockport Code of Conduct. By signing this form, you acknowledge that due to medical concerns or violations of the code of conduct, you may be required to drive to NYC to pick up your student.

Medical Concerns

Parent/Guardian emergency Contact Information

Name Relationship to Student Primary Phone Secondary Phone

Physician name and contact#:------(optional)

Your child also understands that they must follow the Brockport Central School Code of Conduct while on this trip:

Student (printed) Student (Signature) Date NYC Travel Program Code of Conduct

______(name of student) has my/our permission to participate in the Business department trip to NYC on Friday, May 18-Saturday, May 19.

While students are in NYC students need to remember they represent Brockport High School, they are expected to act responsibly and respectably.

The undersigned students and parent/guardian understand and agree with the following expectations.

1. The student will participate in all activities planned for the group as outlined in the itinerary, except where illness prevents him or her from doing so.

2. The student will act in a mature, courteous, and thoughtful manner at all times.

3. The student will obey all rules and safety precautions established by the teacher­ chaperones during the trip.

4. The student is not allowed to consume, purchase, or have in their possession any alcoholic beverages. Use of alcohol in public or private is NOT acceptable and will result in immediate notification of the parent(s) and high school principal. High School principal will follow procedure in the Brockport High School Code of Conduct.

5. The student is not allowed to use or have in their possession cigarettes, cigars, or tobacco products of any kind while on this exchange program. If a student is found smoking or having cigarettes on their person or in plain sight among their belongings, the cigarettes will be confiscated by the teacher-chaperones, and the parent(s) and high school principal will be immediately notified.

6. Use or possession of illegal drugs or narcotics will result in the contacting of local law authorities. In the case of arrest, the student becomes the total responsibility of his or her parent(s). It goes without saying that the parents and high school will be immediately notified.

If these expectations are not met or any emergency situation arises, the following procedures will be put into place by the Business department teachers:

1. We will call your home phone (Emergency Contact #1) to inform you of the nature of the situation. If we don1t speak to a parent directly, we will leave a message.

2. We will call your work phone and/or Emergency Contacts #2 and #3 and do the same. 3. We will call High School Principal Brian Weller to inform him of the situation and confirm that parents have been contacted.

4. If the chaperones believe that the conduct of a student merits 24~hour supervision, such will be the case. The student will sleep on a cot in the room of the chaperone of the same gender.

5. Mrs. Sodoma, the student, the parents, and the High School Administration will meet ASAP following our return to discuss the incident and consequences. Students will face disciplinary action as outlined in the Brockport High School Code of Conduct.

Student signature Date

Parent/guardian signature Date

Parent/guardian signature Date I , i !\~ l ' ~ MAY 18-20, 2018 New York City Trip for BHS Business Students

Are you interested in traveling to NYC with your friends and learning about the business world in one of the world's most prominent cities?

• See your Business teacher to sign up • A parent/student informational meeting will be held sometime in January • The tour includes: behind the scenes at Madison Square Garden, Macy's 101 tour, private Wall Street financial district tour, 911 Memorial, Time Square and Chelsea Market • Cost: $349.00/quad occupancy • Fundraising opportunities will be available • Travel by deluxe motor coach • Depart on Friday, May 18 at 5:30 a.m., return on Sunday, May 20 around 12:30 a.m. • Any business student enrolled in a Business class during the 2017-18 school year is eligible to attend


Brockport Central School District

2017 - 2018

Brockport Central School District Professional Development Philosophy

Professional development in the Brockport Central School District is integral to the teaching and learning directly supports the mission of the district. As a district we have high expectations for student achievement. Professional development is committed to providing educators with the tools they need to help students succeed. All members of our learning community are personally and professionally responsible to set goals for their professional growth and are encouraged to pursue professional development opportunities. To reach this goal, professional development opportunities are open to all instructional staff. Programs are developed to provide a variety of training levels or entry points. The program promotes job-embedded opportunities utilizing our Demonstration Classrooms, coaching, self-reflection and continuous growth. Professional development is focused upon improving student achievement. The professional development program is comprehensive in scope and content. The professional development program is based upon research, best practices in education, New York State Teacher Standards, New York State Professional Development Standards, district guidelines, and provides a common language for all staff. In all cases, it is an on-going process to support understanding, practice, reflection, and collaboration. All program goals are directed to maximize effective instruction which should lead to increased student outcomes. A distinct focus is on supporting strong research-based instructional strategies across our District.

All instructional staff must understand the New York State Learning Standards and assessments if they are to design and implement congruent instruction. They need state-of-the art pedagogy to run their classrooms in an orderly fashion to maximize student engagement. All instructional staff need to convey high expectations in the classroom to help all learners believe in themselves and exert effort in their studies. Teachers need to be able to design congruent lessons which maximize learning potential for all learners, and provide appropriate challenges. Finally, all instructional staff must learn the skills necessary to increase learning outcomes for students with learning disabilities. The Brockport Central School District Professional Development Plan is in accordance with the New York State Continuing Teacher Leader Education (CTLE) requirements and the New York State Professional Development Standards. This plan also includes professional development provided by approved sponsor Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES

and the Mid-West RBERN (see attached list of sessions). The yearly professional development plan will be based upon an analysis of student achievement and will respond to emerging educational issues. Therefore, each year the content of professional development programs will be driven by educational priorities such as the NYS Standards, subject-area specific needs, NYS PD Standards, improvement plans, and district initiatives. The purpose of professional development is to have an impact on the capabilities of instructional staff; therefore, it is important that the program is continuously monitored to see that it is affecting the desired results.

In addition, The New Teacher Induction (NTI) Program spans the first four years of employment for new teachers at Brockport Central School District. Within the first year, new teachers will be partnered with a Mentor Teacher and participate in professional development including a New Teacher Orientation summer institute (typically 3-5 days in length), district-wide trainings that are generated by the Office of Instruction, and school-based trainings that are provided by school administrators and Instructional Coaches. In years 2 through 4, teachers will continue to receive professional development from the Office of Instruction and may receive additional building-based training. Attendance for trainings in years 1 – 4 is mandatory.

Regardless of where staff are within their probationary appointment, new staff must complete Years 1 through 4 of the New Teacher Induction Program, including the New Teacher Orientation (3-5 day training in August). If a new staff is hired once the current school year’s New Teacher Orientation (August) is underway, the new staff would participate in the New Teacher Orientation the following August, before beginning the Year 2 program.

New probationary teachers hired during the school year will be assigned a Mentor. Depending on the time of hire, the Mentor- Protégé partnership, the New Teacher Orientation (August) and on-going Year 1 trainings may span the course of two school years, rather than one.

GOAL 1: Curriculum Development and Support: To support ongoing short-term and long-term plans for curriculum development and implementation.

Objective 1.1: The district will build the capacity of all staff to know and understand the four phases of curriculum and identify where their grade level/content area is in the process. Furthermore, identified instructional leaders will be trained to write a viable and guaranteed curriculum across all content areas.

Essential Question(s): How can Brockport ensure that teachers know how to use and write a guaranteed and viable curriculum for every student?

Strategies/Activities • Action Plan/Communication Plan regarding the four phases (system and structure) of the curriculum/assessment process to all stakeholder groups. • Assist with and/or facilitate multiple trainings regarding the writing, prioritizing and unpacking of standards/scope and sequence/assessment for curriculum writers and instructional leaders. • Embedded Coaching Cycles highlighting key elements of curriculum implementation across all content areas. • Utilization of Demonstration Classrooms highlighting key elements of curriculum implementation in ELA and Math. • Utilization of BOCES 2 services and Professional Learning Catalog to support the understanding of how intimate knowledge of the standards improve the quality of curriculum and assessment development. • Utilization of the New Teacher Induction Program

Action Plan

Inputs/Description Evidence Responsibility Timeline

Clear communication and MyLearning Plan Dr. Rachel Kluth – ATS Summer 2017 – June 2018 opportunities (trainings) to Offerings/Submissions understand and articulate to all Suzanne Goff – Director of stakeholder groups details regarding Dates regrading trainings and cycles Teacher and Student Success the four phase curriculum and assessment process. Documentation detailing phases and Curriculum Coordinators process dispersed to stakeholders Instructional Coaches and Identified Team Leaders

Professional learning opportunities Curriculum Training Dates Dr. Rachel Kluth – ATS Summer 2017 – June 2018 for administrators and instructional leaders regarding the creation and Attendance Rosters Suzanne Goff - Director of revamping of a guaranteed and Teacher and Student Success viable curriculum. MyLearning Plan Offerings/Submissions Curriculum Coordinators

Documentation of the utilization of Instructional Coaches and BOCES Services/PD Catalog of Identified Team Leaders Offerings BOCES

Instructional coaches will complete Embedded Coaching Cycles – Instructional Coaches October 2017 – May 2018 embedded coaching cycles across Documentation the K-12 continuum focusing on the unpacking of standards and aligned Anecdotal notes/logs

assessments in multiple content Curriculum/Scope and Sequence areas in congruence with curriculum Document scope and sequence documents.

Classrooms will provide Classroom Visitation Log – Purpose Demonstration Classroom October 2017 – May 2018 opportunities for instructional leaders Teachers to deliver the unpacked standards Coaching Log and aligned assessments in multiple Instructional Coaches content areas in congruence with Curriculum/Scope and Sequence curriculum scope and sequence Document documents.

NYS PD Standards Alignment:

• Standard 1: Designing Professional Development • Standard 2: Content Knowledge and Quality Teaching • Standard 4: Collaboration • Standard 5: Diverse Learning • Standard 6: Student Learning Environments • Standard 10: Evaluation

GOAL 2: Research-Based Practices and Collaboration (district goal): Focus on the use of specific instructional practices, including the utilization of learning targets, higher level thinking and questioning techniques, and speaking and listening protocols with a focus on differentiation and co-teaching models to promote high levels of student engagement and inquiry.

Objective 2.1: To provide multiple opportunities for teachers to access and utilize research-based pedagogical practices in order to increase levels of student engagement and inquiry within a differentiated learning environment.

Essential Question(s): How can Brockport ensure that teachers know and understand how to utilize research-based strategies to increase student engagement and inquiry in order to close the achievement gap for underperforming subgroups?

Strategies/Activities • Continuation with learnings from outside partnership with Expeditionary Learning for instructional coaches, administrators and teacher leaders regarding the following instructional strategies to support new teachers with the following: Unpacking standards/learning targets, speaking and listening protocols, higher order questioning and student engaged assessment strategies. • Provide multiple trainings for instructional leaders focused on the following instructional strategies: Co-teaching, collaboration, unpacking standards/learning targets, speaking and listening protocols and higher order questioning. • Utilization of Mentor Induction Program for new teachers and administrators to understand both operational and instructional areas of focus aligned to Strategic Plan. • Embedded coaching cycles focused on the following instructional strategies: Unpacking standards/learning targets, speaking and listening protocols and higher order questioning. • Demonstration Classrooms: Focus on unpacking standards/learning targets, speaking and listening protocols, higher order questioning, differentiation and co-teaching models to promote high levels of student engagement and inquiry K-12 with the integration of key technological elements. • Utilization of BOCES 2/RBERN services and Professional Learning Catalog to support the understanding of strong pedagogical practices across all content areas and for ENL students. • Utilize technology specifically as an instructional strategy to promote high levels of student engagement and inquiry.

Action Plan

Inputs/Description Evidence Responsibility Timeline

Professional learning opportunities Action Institute Attendance Roosters Dr. Rachel Kluth/Susan July 2017– June 2018 for administrators and instructional Hasenauer-Curtis - ATS leaders regarding how to access MyLearningPlan Offerings – and utilize research-based Attendance Rooster Suzanne Goff - Director of pedagogical practices in order to Teacher and Student Success increase levels of student Demonstration Classroom engagement and inquiry within a Visits/Purpose Logs Instructional Coaches differentiated learning environment. Learning Walk Data Collection Curriculum Coordinators

Documentation of the utilization of Demonstration Classroom BOCES/RBERN Services/PD Catalog Teachers of Offerings Teacher Leaders

Consortium of Innovation BOCES/RBERN


Professional learning opportunities Mentor Induction Professional Suzanne Goff – Director of August 2017-June 2018 for year one to year three teachers Development Plan teacher and Student Success and administrators regarding operational and research based Mentor Attendance Roosters Instructional Coaches:

practices aligned to Brockport’s Kelly Emerson Strategic Plan. MyLearning Plan Offerings – Lisa Montanaro Attendance Rooster Designated Mentors

Instructional coaches will complete Embedded Coaching Cycles – Instructional Coaches October 2017 – May 2018 embedded coaching cycles across Documentation the K-12 continuum focusing on the following: Unpacking Anecdotal notes/logs standards/learning targets, speaking and listening protocols and higher Building Improvement Plans order questioning.

Open Classrooms will focus on Demonstration Classroom Visitation Demonstration Classroom October 2017 – May 2018 providing opportunities for Log – Purpose Teachers instructional leaders on the following: Unpacking Coaching Log Instructional Coaches standards/learning targets, speaking and listening protocols, higher order Building Improvement Plans questioning, differentiation and co- teaching models to promote high levels of student engagement and inquiry K-12 with the integration of key technological elements.

NYS PD Standards Alignment:

• Standard 1: Designing Professional Development • Standard 2: Content Knowledge and Quality Teaching • Standard 4: Collaboration

• Standard 5: Diverse Learning • Standard 6: Student Learning Environments • Standard 8: Data Driven Practice • Standard 9: Technology • Standard 10: Evaluation

GOAL 3: Social and Emotional Health/Community of Caring: Provide aligned opportunities to create and/or strengthen academic and behavioral supports for students through a Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS), including PBIS and RTI.

Objective 3.1: To provide multiple opportunities for all instructional staff to receive professional development support to consistently act upon a shared understanding of skills and behaviors that address the social and emotional developmental health needs of students linked to academic success and a safe and healthy environment. Essential Question(s): How can the district enhance the social and emotional health needs of students so they can learn in a safe and healthy school community?

Strategies/Activities • Assist with and/or facilitate trainings that examine using student data to inform practice. • Utilize an inter-rater reliability model to improve scoring accuracy on reading assessments aligned to intervention, remediation and enrichment opportunities. • Assist with and/or facilitate trainings that examine classroom practices linked to the PBIS instructional setting matrix and enhance expertise in Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. • Utilization of BOCES 2 services and Professional Learning Catalog to support the implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.

Action Plan

Inputs/Description Evidence Responsibility Timeline

Assisting and/or facilitating how to use PLC agendas and meetings Suzanne Goff – Director of October 2017 – June 2018 various forms of student student data to minutes Teacher and Student Success inform teacher practice and support academic/social/emotional student Inter-rater reliability on reading AIS Teachers success within the PLC framework K-12. assessments RTI/PBIS Triangulation Team


Protocol usage – Data Collection Utilized

Professional learning opportunities for MyLearning Plan Offerings – Suzanne Goff – Director of July 2017 – June 2018 instructional leaders and support staff Attendance Rooster Teacher and Student Success regarding the following but not limited to: • Using the District’s Instructional Documentation of the utilization of AIS Teachers Setting Matrix BOCES Services/PD Catalog of • Development of behavioral Offerings RTI/PBIS Triangulation Team Learning Targets • Approaching behavior through a Grade Level and District Team function-based lens Minutes • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support • Embedded Pillars into content Benchmark of Quality Indicators areas

Participation in county-wide “Roundtable” Documentation of the utilization of Hailey Lehman, BOCES 2017 – 2018 School Year regarding current PBIS implementation. BOCES Services Suzanne Goff – Director of Agendas/Minutes Teacher and Student Success

PBIS District Coaches

NYS PD Standards Alignment:

• Standard 1: Designing Professional Development • Standard 3: Research-Based Professional Learning • Standard 4: Collaboration • Standard 5: Diverse Learning • Standard 6 Student Learning Environments • Standard 8: Data Driven Practice • Standard 9: Technology • Standard 10: Evaluation

GOAL 4: Family and Community Engagement: Engage in meaningful opportunities for all families and community stakeholders focused on reciprocal communication to ensure student learning and growth.

Objective 4.1: The school community will partner with families and community agencies to provide training across all areas (academic, social emotional developmental health) to support student success.

Essential Question(s): How can we engage in meaningful way with families to ensure all students benefit from a robust and focused home-school connection?

Strategies/Activities • Assist with and/or facilitate trainings for parents that support student success. • Provide families with opportunities to meet experts in key areas to support the social and emotional health of students. • Foster conversations with students and families regarding high expectations, plans pertaining to graduation and age appropriate information about college and postsecondary CTE programs to students and their families. • Review and assess how families respond to training opportunities to order to make periodic adjustments to enhance reciprocal communication.

Action Plan

Inputs/Description Evidence Responsibility Timeline

Professional learning opportunities MyLearningPlan Offerings Office of Instruction July 2017 – June 2018 and conversation for parents/families and community members regarding Attendance Roster Office of Inclusive Education the following key areas: • Curriculum Coffee Chat Monthly Respective Buildings • Teacher Practices Offerings/Agenda • Data Office of Human Resources • Social and Emotional Board Meeting Professional Developmental Health Development Presentations Office of Finance

Respective Building Professional Development Plans

NYS PD Standards Alignment:

• Standard 4: Collaboration • Standard 7: Parent, Family and Community Engagement • Standard 8: Data Driven Practice • Standard 10: Evaluation

The content of the Brockport Central School District's professional development plan is being supported in part by BOCES (Mid-West JMT), RBERN, RSE-TASC, RIC, Teacher Centers and approved vendors.

TO: Lesli C. Myers, Ed.D.

FROM: Lynn Carragher, Virginia Ryan Gardner, Paulette Reddick, Betsy Fitzpatrick

RE: Placements for Students with Disabilities

DATE: December 1, 2017

For December 5, 2017 Board of Education Meeting

3.6 On November 16 and 28, 2017, the District Committee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement.

3.7 On November 13 and 16, 2017, the District Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement.

3.8 On November 6, 8, 15 and 16, 2017, the Committee on Preschool Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement.

3.9 On November 17 and 20, 2017, the Ginther Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement.

3.10 On November 2, 8, 17, 20 and 22, 2017, the Barclay Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement.

3.11 On November 15, 16, 17, 20 and 24, 2017, the Hill Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement.

3.12 On November 1 and 29, 2017, the Oliver Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement.

3.13 On November 13, 2017, the High School Subcommittee on Special Education reviewed students and made recommendations for placement.

We are forwarding this document to you for your information. CMA CR CMA Date Commit School Grade CMA Reason CR Disability Decision/Status tee

PS Initial Eligibility Itinerant PS Student with a 11/06/2017 CPSE PS Determination Classified PS Services Disability Meeting Only PS Amendment - Itinerant PS Student with a 11/08/2017 CPSE PS Agreement No Classified PS Services Disability Meeting Only BOCES II PS Student with a 11/15/2017 CPSE PS Requested Review Classified PS PS Disability PS Initial Eligibility Itinerant PS Student with a 11/15/2017 CPSE PS Determination Classified PS Services Disability Meeting Only PS Itinerant Reevaluation PS Student with a 11/15/2017 CPSE PS Declassified Services Transfer Student Disability Only PS Itinerant Reevaluation PS Student with a 11/16/2017 CPSE PS Classified PS Services Review Disability Only Amendment - 11/16/2017 CSE OMS 06 Agreement No Classified Autism Meeting Student is Parentally Placed in Reevaluation Classified PP Outside Other Health 11/28/2017 CSE 08 a Review District Impairment Nonpublic School Villa of Hope/ Emotional 11/28/2017 CSE 09 Requested Review Classified Avalon Disturbance School Speech or Reevaluation 11/02/2017 Sub CSE Barclay 02 Classified Language Review Impairment Speech or Reevaluation 11/08/2017 Sub CSE Barclay 02 Classified Language Review Impairment Amendment - Other Health 11/17/2017 Sub CSE Barclay 03 Agreement No Classified Impairment Meeting Transfer Student - Speech or 11/20/2017 Sub CSE Barclay 02 Agreement No Classified Language Meeting Impairment CMA CR CMA Date Commit School Grade CMA Reason CR Disability Decision/Status tee

Amendment - 11/22/2017 Sub CSE Barclay 03 Agreement No Classified Autism Meeting Reevaluation Intellectual 11/13/2017 Sub CSE BHS 10 Classified Review Disability Amendment - Speech or 11/17/2017 Sub CSE Ginther Kdg. Agreement No Classified Language Meeting Impairment Amendment - Speech or 11/20/2017 Sub CSE Ginther Kdg. Agreement No Classified Language Meeting Impairment Amendment - 11/20/2017 Sub CSE Ginther Kdg. Agreement No Classified Autism Meeting Amendment - Other Health 11/15/2017 Sub CSE Hill 04 Agreement No Classified Impairment Meeting Speech or 11/16/2017 Sub CSE Hill 05 Requested Review Classified Language Impairment Speech or 11/16/2017 Sub CSE Hill 05 Requested Review Classified Language Impairment Amendment - Other Health 11/17/2017 Sub CSE Hill 05 Agreement No Classified Impairment Meeting Amendment - Other Health 11/17/2017 Sub CSE Hill 05 Agreement No Classified Impairment Meeting Amendment - Learning 11/20/2017 Sub CSE Hill 05 Agreement No Classified Disability Meeting Amendment - Other Health 11/20/2017 Sub CSE Hill 05 Agreement No Classified Impairment Meeting Amendment - Orthopedic 11/24/2017 Sub CSE Hill 04 Agreement No Classified Impairment Meeting Amendment - Speech or 11/01/2017 Sub CSE OMS 07 Agreement No Classified Language Meeting Impairment Amendment - 11/29/2017 Sub CSE OMS 06 Agreement No Classified Autism Meeting CMA CR CMA Date Commit School Grade CMA Reason CR Disability Decision/Status tee

Student is Parentally Amendment - Speech or Placed in 11/13/2017 Sub CSE Kdg. Agreement No Classified Language a Meeting Impairment Nonpublic School BOCES II Amendment - Program 11/16/2017 Sub CSE 06 Agreement No Classified Autism Elementar Meeting y 4.0 CERTIFIED PERSONNEL


PERSONNEL – CERTIFIED Office of the Superintendent of Schools Board Meeting of December 5, 2017

Lesli C. Myers, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools

Jacob L. Reimer Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources

RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approved action on the following Certified Personnel:

4.1 Appointments None

4.2 Resignations None

4.3 Substitutes 4.3.1 Jamie Bish 4.3.2 Ethan Lincoln 4.3.3 Carly Morano

4.4 Leaves None

4.5 Other 4.5.1 Erin Reed, to be appointed to the Sunrise Fitness Program teaching position at the Hill School from October 23, 2017 through May 25, 2018 at a rate of $53.00 per hour. (Shared position with T. Rispoli) 4.5.2 Thomas Ripsoli, to be appointed to the Sunrise Fitness Program teaching position at the Hill School from October 23, 2017 through May 25, 2018 at a rate of $53.00 per hour (Shared position with E. Reed) 4.5.3 Hannah Barton, Varsity Girls Softball Coach, Level C- Step 3 4.5.4 Patricia Arnold, National Honor Society Advisor, Level I – Step 4, $1,035 4.5.5 Rebecca Barrett, National Honor Society Advisor, Level I – Step 4, $1,035 4.0 CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL


PERSONNEL AGENDA – CLASSIFIED Office of the Superintendent of Schools Board Meeting of December 5, 2017

Lesli C. Myers, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools

Jacob Reimer Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources

Resolved that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education approves action on the following Classified, Exempt, Substitute, Volunteer, and College Participant positions:

4.6 Appointments 4.6.1 Ashlee Orologio, Bus Driver, (6.10 hours per day, $14.37 per hour), Transportation Department,, effective December 6, 2017. Replacement for Lavina Kaye-Mendola.

4.7 Resignations 4.7.1 Wanda Coon, Teacher Aide, Oliver Middle School, resigning for the purpose of retirement, effective December 30, 2017. 4.7.2 Eugene Hughes, Jr., Custodial Assistant, Oliver Middle School, resigning effective December 1, 2017.

4.8 Substitutes 4.8.1 Jessica Baase, Bus Driver 4.8.2 Matthew Donohue, Bus Driver 4.8.3 John Olmsted, School Aide 4.8.4 Livia Stepanek, Student Lifeguard

4.9 Volunteers 4.9.1 Joseph Arena 4.9.2 Jenna Crosier 4.9.3 Hayley Currier 4.9.4 Tarah Miller 4.9.5 Sandra Ramirez 4.9.6 Kyle Richardson 4.9.7 Susan Simaitis 4.9.8 Michael Spagnola

4.10 College Participants 4.10.1 Zachary Reed, Student Observer, (Tom Rispoli) 4.10.2 Amber Hooks, Teaching Practicum, (Kristin Green) 4.10.3 Billie Marr, Field Experience, (Amber Hildebrand) 4.10.4 Liam McCullough, Student Teaching, (Shannon Sevor) 4.10.5 Daniel Whiteside, Teaching Practicum, (John Akers) 4.10.6 Katherine Nicoll, Teaching Practicum, (Danielle DeLeo) 4.10.7 Cameron McCarthy, Student Teaching, (Richard Wiest) 4.10.8 Adam Bixby, Student Teaching, (Michael Kiesow) 4.10.9 Charles DiNottia, Student Teaching, (Carol Manning/Maria Shea) 4.10.10 Laura Redinger, Student Teaching, (Alicia Pakusch) 4.10.11 Delia Andalora, Student Teaching, (Katrina Contrera) 4.10.12 Herard Auguste, Field Experience, (Elementary PE, TBD) 4.10.13 Nicholas Farrell, Field Experience, (Jake Farrell) Board of Education Personnel Agenda – Classified December 5, 2017 Page 2

4.11 Leaves of Absence None.

4.12 Other 4.12.1 UPDATE -- Douglas Pearce, Automotive Mechanic (8.00 hours per day, $26.50 per hour), Transportation Department, effective date determined as December 11, 2017. Replacement for Jeffrey Pratt. 4.12.2 Jeffrey Moss, Grounds Equipment Operator, temporary shift change from A-Shift to C-Shift (including $.45 shift differential), effective December 3, 2017 through March 9, 2018.


BRAVERY SERVICE t:::::~::::::( ONO0 N0 Office of the Superintendent of Schools 5.2 Regular Meeting of December 5, 2017

Lesli C. Myers, Ed.D. Superintendent

Jill Reichhart District Treasurer and Director of Finance

SUBJECT: NAPT School Bus Driver Training & Safety Award Donation

Whereas, National Association for Pupil Transportation is donating $500.00 to Brockport CSD for the NAPT School Bus Driver Training & Safety Award.

Recommendation: Motion by …………………………..Seconded by……………………

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accept the generous donation from National Association for Pupil Transportation for the NAPT School Bus Driver Training & Safety Award.

Bam/resolutions/financial/Transportation driver training & safety award/2017-12-07

Office of the Superintendent of Schools 5.3 Special Meeting of December 5, 2017

Lesli C. Myers, Ed.D. Superintendent

Darrin Winkley Assistant Superintendent for Business

SUBJECT: Construction Management Services – Turner Construction Company (Amendment to increase services provided by TCC)

WHEREAS, the Board of Education approve the amendment to the contract approved on September 5, 2017 to include additional Construction Management Services provided by Turner Construction Company (District will no longer provide a Clerk of the Works). The amended Construction Management Services contract for the 2017 Capital Improvement Project to Turner Construction Company in the amended total amount of $765,100.00.

Recommendation: Motion by …………………………..Seconded by……………………

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the amended contract for Construction Management Services for the 2017 Capital Improvement Project to Turner Construction Company in the amended total amount of $765,100.00.

Bam/resolutions/financial/Turner services amended 2017-12-05 Office of the Superintendent of Schools 5.4 Regular Meeting of December S, 2017

Lesli Myers, Ed. D. Superintendent

Jill Reichhart Director of Finance

SUBJECT: Financial Statement ofExtraclassroom Activity Funds for the Hill School, Oliver Middle School and High School for the month of October 2017.

Submitted to the Board of Education are the monthly Financial Statements ofExtraclassroom Activity Funds for the Hill School, Oliver Middle School and High School for the month of October 2017.

Recommendation: Motion by...... Seconded by......

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the Financial Statements of Extraclassroom Activity Funds for the Hill School, Oliver Middle School and High School for the month of October 2017. November 02, 2017 Brockport Central School District Page 1 07:01 :34 am Project-t.o-Date Budget Status Report As Of: 10/31/2017 Fund: OT OTHER FUND Fiscal Year: 2018

Initial Current Year-To-Date Encumbranc;es Unencumbered Budget Account Description Budget Adjustments Budpet Expendtturea . Outstanding Balance ALLIES Alli• Club 27.43 0.00 27.43 0.00 0.00 27.43 ARISTA Arista Yearbook 7,727.03 464.40 8,191.43 o.oo 0.00 8, 191.43 ARTCLB Art Club 2,430.84 0.00 2,430.84 0.00 0.00 2,430.84 BANDCL Band Club 8,452.08 26,605.00 35,057.08 8,841.66 0.00 26,215.42 BOOKST Bookstore 1,245.35 405.00 1,650.35 692.76 0.00 957.59 CHOIRC Choir Club 5,277.68 50.00 5,327.68 5,147.80 0.00 179.88 CL2016 Clan of 2015 1,205.97 0.00 1,205.97 1,205.97 0.00 0.00 CL2016 Class of 2016 4,131.50 0.00 4,131.50 0.00 0.00 4,131.50 Cl.2017 Clase of 2017 3,508.58 0.00 3,508.58 1,000.00 0.00 2,508.58 CL2018 Cl... of 2018 4,904.50 22,422.60 27,327.10 3,431.55 0.00 23,895.55 Cl.2019 Class of 20111 3,2.. 7 .89 792.13 ...010.02 812.50 0.00 3,397.52 CL2020 Clase of 2020 4,018.55 1,242.60 5,261 .15 983.87 0.00 4,2n.28 CL2021 Class of 2021 0.00 492.55 492.55 84.05 0.00 408.50 DRAMAC Drama Club 1,926.87 3,787.08 5,713.95 4,868.62 0.00 845.33 ENVRNC Environmental Club 900.84 0.00 900.84 0.00 0.00 900.84 ESPORT E-Spor1s Club 102.50 0.00 102.50 0.00 0.00 102.50 FASHCL Fashion Club 0.00 0.00 0.00 -400.00 0.00 400.00 FRNLNG Foreign Language Club . 95.20 0.00 95.20 0.00 0.00 95.20 GLOBAL Global Awarenaa 26.00 0.00 26.00 0.00 0.00 26.00 HNRSOC Honor Society 884.29 57.00 941.29 287.43 0.00 653.86 KEYCLB Key Club 2,567.83 1,440.00 4,007.83 0.00 0.00 4,007.83 MULTIM Multimedia Club 1,669.71 0.00 1,669.71 0.00 0.00 1,669.71 ORCHES Orcheatra Club 2,287.07 6,442.00 8,729.07 2.350.00 0.00 6,379.07 RACHEL Friends of Rllchel 4.85 0.00 4.85 0.00 0.00 4.85 RENNES Renn.. Club 88.38 0.00 88.38 0.00 0.00 86.38 ROBOT Robotics Club 0.00 500.00 500.00 184.63 0.00 315.37 RPGCLB Role Playing Gamea Club 1.53 0.00 1.53 0.00 0.00 1.53 SALETX Sal.. Tax 1,314.38 0.00 1,314.38 0.00 0.00 1,314.38 SPORTS Unified Sports 1,554.58 0.00 1,554.58 0.00 0.00 1,554.58 STCOUN Student Council 9,714.99 6,388.15 16,103.14 1,513.81 o.oo 14,589.33 SWIMCL Swim Club 1,786.29 0.00 1,786.29 0.00 0.00 1,786.29 TECHNO Technology Club 4,614.42 1,435.00 6,049.42 2,459.23 0.00 3,590.19 TRIMUS Trt-M Music 267.00 279.00 546.00 0.00 0.00 546.00 UNCLUB United Nations Club 148.77 0.00 148.77 0.00 0.00 148.77

Total OTHER FUND 78,132.90 72,772.6:1 148,905.41 33,263.88 o.oo 115,641.53





DATE: I )-~·f7

DATE: ~,..,...,,f ____ _ November 28, 2017 Brockport Central School District Page 1 01:18:36pm Project-to-Date Budget Status Report As Of: 10/31/2017 Fund: OT OTHER FUND Fiscal Year: 2018

Initial Current Year·To-Date Encumbrances Unencumbered Budget Account Description Budget Adjustments Budget Expenditures Outstanding Balance AHCLUB American History Club 60,968.89 63,886.41 124,855.30 11,943.94 0.00 112,911.36 SOOKST Bookstore 1,753.12 0.00 1,753.12 35.00 0.00 1,718.12 DRAMAC Drama Ctub 14,368.95 0.00 14,368.95 4,028.46 0.00 10,340.49 SALETX Sales Tax 832.03 3,228.91 4,060.94 0.00 0.00 4,060.94 STCOUN Student Council 13,939.27 0.00 13,939.27 2,530.59 0.00 11.408.68 YRBOOK Yearbook Club 104.97 0.00 104.97 0.00 0.00 104.97 Total OTHER FUND 91,967.23 67,115.32 159,082.55 18,537.99 o.oo 140,544.56

b.. .":· .··: ....;·' . ·•. .: t ':'· ·J As af Date: 10/31/2017 Criteria Name: Private: OMS-Expendilures Fund: OT Exclude Closed Projects Budget code !Ike: 60-?7??-?7??-???m Sort by: Fund SummafY Information only · Suppress budgetcodes with no acdvity Printed by Cain Marleen ·

SIGNATURE:_..c-i_~;.;;..;;;;;;;...... ,.__..~...... ,.______DATE: Central

SIGNATURE:_Q__,__._/_'iz_. ..,__-=.=--- DATE: Building Principal or Designee

W.iaCap Ver. November 07, 2017 Brockport Central School District Page1 02:59:05 pm Project-to-Date Budget Status Report As Of: 10/31/2017 Fund: OT OTHER FUND Fiscal Year: 2018

Initial Current Year-To-Oate Encumbrances Unencumbered Budget Account Description Budget Adjustments Budget Expenditures Outstanding Balance BOOKST Bookstore 1,172.79 0.00 1,172.79 0.00 0.00 1,172.79 OEBEHA Outdoor Ed - B-E/Hagen 768.28 70.00 838.28 0.00 0.00 838.28 OEBOCA Outdoor Ed-Bourg/Carges 988.26 325.00 1,313.26 0.00 0.00 1,313.26 OEBRPA Outdoor Ed-Brought/Parker 1,051.64 86.00 1,137.64 0.00 0.00 1,137.64 OECOMB Outdoor Ed • Combined Gro 1,074.19 0.00 1,074.19 0.00 0.00 1,074.19 OECOPO Outdoor Ed - Corner/Posti 390.30 198.00 588.30 0.00 0.00 588.30 OERSJO Outdoor Ed-Resse/Johns 1,699.19 314.00 2,213.1 9 0.00 0.00 2,213.19 OESQKN Outdoor Ed - Squlllante/K 1,015.28 65.00 1,080.28 0.00 0.00 1,080.28 STCOUN Student Council 18,428.90 21,296.06 39,724.96 1,962.74 0.00 37,762.22 50 Location Subtotal 26,788.83 22,354.06 49,142.89 1,962.74 0.00 47,180.15

Total OTHER FUND 26,788.83 22,354.06 49,142.89 1,962.74 0.00 47,180.15

As of Date: 10/31/2017 Criteria Name: Last Run Fund: OT Budget code like: 50-????-????-?????? Sort by: Fund/Location Summary information only Suppress budgetoodes with no activity Suppress projects ending in prior fiscal year with no activity in selected fiscal year Compress payroll transactions Printed by Aceto Ellen

WliJtC1r> Ver. Hill Elementary School Extra-classroom Activities Fund Checking Account Reconciliation October 31, 2017

Bank Statement Ending Balance at 10/30/17 $47, 180.15

LISTING OF O/S CHECKS: Check Date Vendor Name Check# Amount

$0.00 LISTING OF O/S DEPOSITS Deposit Date Description

$0.00 Adjusted Checking Balance $47,180.15

General Ledger Balance at 10/31/17 $47,180.15

Checkbook Balance at 10/31/17 I $47,180.15

Checkbook Adjustments I I $0.00 Adjusted Checkbook Balance $47,180.15

, ------· Date: II /1/,1 Principal: I I ~-it ~.~ Central Treasurer:L:>Q Q_Q O.l<. 01.c <2. £ Office of the Superintendent of Schools 5.5 Regular Meeting of December 5, 2017

Lesli Myers, Ed. D. Superintendent

Jill Reichhart Director of Finance

SUBJECT: Treasurer's Report-October 2017

Submitted to the Board of Education for their review and approval is the Treasurer's Report for the month of October 2017, prepared by the District Treasurer, Jill Reichhart.

Recommendation: Motion by ...... Seconded by ......

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the Treasurer's Report for the month of October 2017, as submitted and prepared by District Treasurer, Jill Reichhart. BROcKPORT CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT TREASURER'S REPORT - ----· __Qc~~ -31, 2017 .. --· --

Current Month Year-to-Date Description lBealnnlng General Fund C.h Bal8nce $37,445,984.57 $33,288,585.09

REVENUES: (1001-1090) Property Taxes $82,636.74 $25,683,979.00 Property taxes (1120) Sales Tax $0.00 $0.00 Monroe County sales tax (1310-2395) Tuition and Charges For Services $7,154.75 $11.402.75 Continuing Ed, athletic & transportation revenue. (2401-2690) Use of Money and Property $3,108.72 $266,944.57 Interest earnings, facilities rental & sale of equipment. (2701-2703) Refund of Prior Year Expense $0.00 $1,136.76 Refund of prior year BOC ES (2705-2801) Other Receipts $4,890.07 $15,084.64 Gifts & donations, miscellaneous revenue. (3040-3289) New York State Aid $230,528.81 $4,668,310.28 New York State aid. (4101-4601) Federal Aid $0.00 $44,254.52 Federal share of medicaid reimbursement (5000-5999) Transfers From Other Funds $0.00 $0.00 Transfer from other funds to pay debt service. Total Revenues $328,319.09 $30,691, 112.52 Total from Revenue Report

EXPENDITURES: (1000-1999) Salaries ($2,851,590.33) ($6,479,422.66) Salary Expenses (8000) Employee Benefits ($2,709,361.06) ($6,705,901.87) Benefit expenses (6000-7000) Debt Service $0.00 $0.00 Debt service principal and interest (4041-4047) Utilities ($43, 176.21) {$106,941.45) Utility expenses (4900) BOCES ($3, 152,324.56) ($3, 152,324.56) BOCES contractual expenses (2000-4899) Other Expenditures ($579.112.48) ($1,618,960.59) All other expenditures (9000) Transfers to Other Funds $0.00 $0.00 Money transferred to pay expenses in other funds Total Expenditures ($9,335,564.64) ($18,063,551.13) Total from Expenditure Report

BALANCE SHEET TRANSACTIONS: This category represents cash receipts/disbursements made at different time than when the items were shown as revenues or expenditures. (0250) Taxes Receivable $13,230,975.57 {$3,204,556.31} Receipt of property taxes surrendered to the county (0380) Accounts Receivable $1,963.77 $51 ,014.03 Revenues due from non-governmental agencies. (0391) Due From Other Funds ($86,201 .61) ($1,529,224.20} Money repaid from/{lent to} other funds (0410-0440) Receivables from Governments $1 ,975,447.67 $5,293,568.09 Revenues due from local, state & federal governments (0480) Prepaid Expenditures $0.00 $1, 160,343.17 Payments of future year expenses (0600-0602) Accounts Payable $60.00 {$4,150,921.81} Payment of bills after expense was incurred (0621) Revenue Anticipation Note $0.00 $0.00 Revenue Anticipation Note Payable (0630) Due to Other Funds $0.00 $0.00 Money borrowed from/{repaid to} other funds (0632-0637) Due to TRS/ERS $11,262.70 $35,877.67 Employee contributions not remitted to Retirement Funds (0691) Deferred Revenue $0.00 $0.00 Funds received for future year revenues (0821-0891) Reserve Accounts $0.00 $0.00 Funds taken from/{added to} reserve accounts Total Balance Sheet Transadions $15,133 ,508.10 ($2,343,899.36)

!Ending General Fund C.h Batance $43,572,247.12 $43,572,247.12

Money/Fin Rpt/Treasurer Rpt - 8Roci

Current Month Year-to-Date Description

!Beginning SChool Lunch Fund Cash Balance $171,402.80 $207,750.29

REVENUES: (1440) Federal & State Reimburseable Sale $51,153.35 $93,626.42 Cash portion of student free and reduced priced meals. (1445) Other Sales $16,902.87 $32,406.84 Adult meals, catering and regular priced meals. (319()..4289) State and Federal Reimbursement $86,310.00 $86,310.00 Federal & state reimbursement for free & reduced meals. (2665-2770) Other Receipts $58.22 $6,292.92 Sale of equipment (5031) Transfer from General ~0.00 $0.00 Transfer from General Fund Total Revenues $154,424.44 $218,636.18

EXPENDITURES: (1000-1999) Salaries ($59,818.41} ($112, 148.13} School Lunch salaries. (8000) Employee Benefits ($10,648.51} ($20,825.91) School Lunch benefits. (2000) Equipment $0.00 ($7,865.00} Equipment purchases. (4000) Contractual ($1,062.00} ($4, 190.14} Contractual expenses. (4100) Food Purchases ($54,122.03} ($68,913.26} School Lunch food purchases. (4500) Other Disbursements ($7,503.98} ($9, 171.15} Cafeteria supplies and materials (4900) BOCES Services $0.00 $0.00 BOCES contractual expenses Total Expenditures ($133,154.93) ($223, 113.59)

BALANCE SHEET TRANSACTIONS: This category represents cash receipts/disbursements made at different time than when the Items were shown as revenues or expenditures. (0380) Accounts Receivable ($923.11) ($678.96) Catering (0410-0440) Receivables from Governments $0.00 Revenues due from local, state & federal governments (0445-0447) Inventories $0.00 $0.00 Year-end adjustment inventory decrease/(increase} (0480) Prepaid Expenditures $0.00 $0.00 Payments of future year expenses (0600-0602) Accounts Payable $0.00 ($30,477. 76} Payment of bills after expense was incurred (0630) Due to Other Funds $0.00 $0.00 Money borrowed from/(repaid to} other funds (0631) Due to Gov't Sates Tax $403.00 $599.96 Sales tax collected/(remitted} (0637) Due to ERS $0.00 $0.00 Employee contributions not remitted to Retirement Funds (0691) Deferred Revenue ($2,911 .99) $16,524.09 Funds received for future year revenues (0821-0891) Reserve Accounts $0.00 $0.00 Funds taken from/(added to} reserve accounts (915) Assigned Fund Balance $0.00 $0.00 Assigned Fund Balance Total Balance Sheet Transactions ($3,432.10) ($14,032.67}

IEnding School Lunch Fund Cash Balance $189,240.21 $189,240.21


Current Month Year-to-Date Description leeg1nnlng Federal Fund Cash Balance $467,855.94 $23,806.67

REVENUES: (1315) Tuition and Charges For Services $1,905.00 $21,829.44 Continuing Education (2nO) Local Aid $0.00 $0.00 Local Grants (3289) Other State Aid $0.00 $179,663.00 NYS Grants and Summer Special Ed (4126-4289) Other Federal Aid $0.00 $224,723.97 Federal Grants (5031) lnterfund Transfers $0.00 $0.00 Money transferred from other funds to pay expenses here Total Revenues $1,905.00 $426,216.41

EXPENDITURES: (1000-1999) Salaries ($151,957.18) ($362,312.72) Salary expenses {2000-2200) Equipment $0.00 $0.00 Equipment purchases (4000) Contractual ($5,981 .95) ($7,296.95) Contractual expenditures (4500-4800) Other Expenditures ($35, 111 .98) ($133, 198.67) Materials, Supplies, Travel, Tuition (4900) BOCES $0.00 $0.00 BOCES contractual expenses (8000) Benefits $0.00 $0.00 Benefit expenses (9000) lnterfund Transfers $0.00 $0.00 Money transferred to pay expenses in other funds Total Expenditures ($193,051.11) ($502,808.34)

BALANCE SHEET TRANSACTIONS: This category represents cash receipts/disbursements made at different time than when the items were shown as revenues or expenditures. (0380) Accounts Receivable $0.00 $0.00 (391) Due From Other Funds $0.00 $0.00 Money due to other funds (041 Q-0440) Receivables from Governments $108,580.00 $463,731.03 Revenues due from local, state & federal governments (0480) Prepaid Expenditures $0.00 $0.00 Payments of future year expenses (0600-0602) Accounts Payable $0.00 ($253,678.53) Payment of bills after expense was incurred (0630) Due to Other Funds $86,201.61 $314,224.20 Money borrowed from/( repaid to) other funds (0632) DuetoTRS $0.00 $0.00 Employee contributions not remitted to Retirement Funds (689) Deferred Revenue ----...,.-~=$0=. o=o~ so.oo Revenues received for future purchases Total Balance Sheet Transactions $194,781 .61 $524,276.70

!Ending Federaj Fund Cash Balance $471,491.44 $471 ,491.44

Money/Fin RptfTreasurer Rpt 3 BROCKPoRT CENTRAL SCHOOi. DISi'RlcT TREASURER'S REPORT .9C~~1.~.~t. ··-- .. Current Month Year-to-Date Description

IBeginning Trust & ~en£X Fund Cash Balance $1,352,623.35 $1,042,529.71

REVENUES: (2401) Interest and Earnings $0.00 $0.00 Interest earnings (2705) Gifts and Donations $0.00 $2,934.79 Gifts and Donations for Scholarships Total Revenues $0.00 $2,934.79

EXPENDITURES: (1000-1999) Salaries $0.00 $0.00 Salary expenses (8000) Benefits $0.00 $0.00 Benefit expenses (2000..2200) Equipment $0.00 $0.00 Equipment purchases (4000) Contractual $0.00 {$10,430.54) Contractual expenditures (450()..4700) Other Expenditures ~0.00 $0.00 Materials and Supplies Total Expenditures $0.00 ($10,430.54)

BALANCE SHEET TRANSACTIONS: This category represents cash receipts/disbursements made at different time than when the items were shown as revenues or expenditures. (0380) Accounts Receivable $115,496.20 ($13,339.83) NSF checks, revenues due (085) Deferred Comp-Flexible Spending $123,361.00 $76,231.20 Employee contributions not remitted to Excellus (020) Health/Dental $99,329.98 $592,822.07 Health/Dental Payroll deductions not remitted (010) Consolidated Payroll $0.00 $0.00 Undistributed Payroll (021-026) SWT/FWT/FICAfMedicare $0.00 $0.00 Taxes due (027} Teachers' Retirement Loan $0.00 $0.00 Loan Repayments to the retirement system (29) Employee Annuities $0.00 $0.00 Bid Deposits (085-04} Cell Phones $190.00 $730.00 Cell Phone Payroll deductions (0480) Prepaid Expenditures $0.00 $0.00 Payments of future year expenses (0600-0602) Accounts Payable $0.00 ($476.87) Payment of bills after expense was incurred (391) Due from Demand Checks $0.00 $0.00 Void to be issued in next payroll (17) Deferred Compensation $0.00 $0.00 Money borrowed from/(repaid to} other funds (018-00) Due to TRS/ERS $0.00 $0.00 Employee contributions not remitted to Retirement Funds (0691) Deferred Revenue $0.00 $0.00 Revenues received for future purchases Total Balance Sheet Transactions $338,377.18 $655,966.57

IEnding Trust & Agency Fund Cash Balance $1,691,000.53 $1,691,000.53

Money/Fin Rpt(Treasurer Rpt 4 .BROCKPORT CENTRAL sCHooL: OISTRtCT TREASURER'S REPORT ~!'31 ~1~

Current Month Year-to-Date Description

!Beginning Ca21ta1 Fund Cash Balance $878,021.08 $2,078,075.35 Investment/Checking aoc't balances

REVENUES: (3297) State Sources $0.00 $0.00 New York State aid. (2710) Premium on Obligations $0.00 $0.00 Premiums on borrowings (2770) Other Misc $0.00 $0.00 (5710) Proceeds from Senal Bond $0.00 $0.00 Money borrowed (5031) lnterfund Transfers $0.00 $0.00 Money transferred from other funds to pay expenses here Total Revenues $0.00 $0.00

EXPENDITURES: (2000-2200) Equipment $0.00 ($1,215, 149.06) Equipment, Bus purchases (2400-2460) Bond Expenses {$27,050.00) ($1,260,824.29) Contractual, Legal Fees, Architects, Survey/Engineering (2010) Clerk of the Works $0.00 $0.00 Interest expense (2930-2980) Other Expenditures $0.00 $0.00 General Construction, HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Site Work (9901) Transfer to Other Funds $0.00 io.oo Transfer to other funds Total Expenditures ($27,050.00) ($2,475,973.35)

BALANCE SHEET TRANSACTIONS: This category represents cash receipts/disbursements made at different time than when the Items were shown as revenues or expenditures. (0391) Due from Other Funds $0.00 $0.00 Money repaid from/(lent to) other funds (0410-0440) Receivables from Governments $0.00 $0.00 Revenues due from local, state & federal governments (0480) Prepaid Expenditures $0.00 $0.00 Payments of future year expenses (0600-0605) Accounts Payable ($33,585.00) $0.01 Payment of bills after expense was incurred (0626) BAN. Payable $0.00 $0.00 Money borrowed (0630) Due to Other Funds $50.50 $1,215,334.57 Money repaid from/(lent to} other funds (0691) Deferred Revenue $0.00 $0.00 Revenues received for future purchases (0909) Fund Balance _____$=0;.;. .o=oo.... $0.00 Prior year's retainage written off Total Balance Sheet Transactions ($33,534.50) $1 ,215,334.58

!Endtng Capital Fund cash Balance $817,436.58 $817,436.58

/ I /~/

~/· .,_,..:-~.._, /~Jf ,,,. This is to certiW that the above book balances have been reconciled to;their corresponding bank balance.

Money/Fin Rpt/Treasurer Rpt 5 Office of the Superintendent of Schools 5.6 Regular Meeting of December 5, 2017

Lesli Myers, Ed. D. Superintendent

Jill Reichhart Director of Finance

SUBIBCT: Financial Report-October 31, 2017

Submitted to the Board of Education for their review and approval is the Financial Report for the month of October 2017, prepared by the District Treasurer, Jill Reichhart.

Recommendation: Motion by...... Seconded by......

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the Financial Report for the month of October 2017, as submitted and prepared by District Treasurer, Jill Reichhart. BROCKPORT Central School District Business Offices • 40 Allen Street, Brockport, New York 14420- 2296 • Phone: (585) 637-1820 Fax: (585) 637-1829


DATE: 11/16/2017 TO: Board of Education FROM: Jill Reichhart, Director of Finance RE: 2017-2018 Expenditure Variance Analyses

An analysis of known expenditure variances as shown on the October 31, 2017 Board Finance Report is given below.

» None

I recommend the following budget transfers:


There are no additional variances as of the date of this report. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions concerning this information. November 16, 2017 Brockport Central School District Page 1 08:37:29 am Budget Status Report As Of: 10/31/2017 Fiscal Year: 2018 Fund: A GENERAL FUND

Initial Current Year-to-Date Encumbrance Unencumbered Budget Account Description Appropriation Adjusbnents Appropriation Expenditures Outstanding Balance

1010 Board Of Education 84,929.00 0.00 84,929.00 26,544.17 58,324.89 59.94 1240 Chief School Administrator 293,359.00 0.00 293,359.00 88,002.39 180,426.70 24,929.91 1310 Business Administration 414,775.00 0.00 414,775.00 123,356.87 277,622.28 13,795.85 1320 Auditing 38,315.00 0.00 38,315.00 906.62 30,000.00 7,408.38 1325 Treasurer 106,406.00 0.00 106,406.00 31,670.55 71,300.28 3,435.17 1330 Tax Collector 12,000.00 0.00 12,000.00 3,720.95 3,200.00 5,079.05 1345 Purchasing 7,332.00 555.00 7,887.00 2,452.33 4,904.67 530.00 1420 Legal 232,493.00 0.00 232,493.00 52,027.41 80,886.89 99,578.70 1430 Personnel 387,129.00 9,260.00 396,389.00 132,644.01 241 ,946.53 21 ,798.46 1460 Records Management Officer 15,129.85 0.00 15,129.85 500.00 0.00 14,629.85 1480 Public Information and Services 165,406.60 0.00 165,406.60 46,326.53 101,820.07 17,260.00 1620 Operation of Plant 3,472,823.35 53,786.05 3,526,609.40 822,016.43 2, 156,018. 73 548,574.24 1621 Maintenance of Plant 1,303,001.20 47,342.57 1,350,343.77 276,996.09 659,966.72 413,380.96 1670 Central Printing & Mailing 394,614.60 41,482.32 436,096.92 99,205.38 82,437.19 254,454.35 1680 Central Data Processing 1,079, 143.50 -38,654.66 1,040,488.84 277,459.88 213,269.94 549,759.02 1910 Unallocated Insurance 140,000.00 58,000.00 198,000.00 197,609.00 0.00 391.00 1920 School Association Dues 24,000.00 0.00 24,000.00 12,236.78 10,800.00 963.22 1930 Judgments and Claims 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1950 Assessments on School Property 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 2,536.32 0.00 7,463.68 1964 Refund on Real Property Taxes 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 1981 BOCES Administrative Costs 925,349.00 0.00 925,349.00 286,890.00 636,465.00 1,994.00 2010 Curriculum Devel and Suprvsn 227,917.00 0.00 227,917.00 54,818.85 89,766.48 83,331.67 2020 Supervision-Regular School 1,680,077.00 -550.00 1,679,527.00 497,881.03 1,110,949.09 70,696.88 2070 lnservice Training-Instruction 496,242.00 -2,664.61 493,577.39 110,978.49 154,565.72 228,033.18 2071 Supt Cont Prof Development 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 3,816.72 0.00 16,183.28 2110 Teaching-Regular School 19,545,986.79 98,294.56 19,644,281.35 3,947,104.47 15,088,019.34 609,157.54 2250 Prg For Sdnts w/Disabil-Med Elgble 9,277,507.00 0.00 9,277,507.00 1,826,385.83 6,305,003.60 1, 146, 117.57 2280 Occupational Education(Grades 9-12) 1,828, 145.00 427.04 1,828,572.04 479,426.33 1,273,307.99 75,837.72 2330 Teaching-Special Schools 100,000.00 0.00 100,000.00 7.00 0.00 99,993.00 2340 Employment Prep Education 3,884.00 0.00 3,884.00 1,293.60 2,586.40 4.00 2610 School Library & AV 642,241.90 1,111.02 643,352.92 104,026.49 479,924.83 59,401.60 2630 Computer Assisted Instruction 1,048,472.70 -32,107.32 1,016,365.38 214,763.62 276,030.08 525,571.68 2805 Attendance-Regular School 142,741.50 839.24 143,580.74 28,926.50 93,075.11 21,579.13 2810 Guidance-Regular School 994,721.35 0.00 994,721 .35 198,500.09 766,491 .48 29,729.78 2815 Health Srvcs-Regular School 553,569.56 1,258.79 554,828.35 78,590.68 354,211 .65 122,026.02 2820 Psychological Srvcs-Reg Sehl 477, 172.42 0.00 477,172.42 76,981.48 387,624.62 12,566.32 2825 Social Work Srvcs-Regular School 214,160.00 0.00 214,160.00 31,316.36 182,593.84 249.80 2850 Co-Curricular Activ-Reg Sehl 315,000.00 0.00 315,000.00 22,514.89 239,303.00 53,182.11 2855 Interscholastic Athletics-Reg Sehl 920,835.00 17,881.50 938,716.50 332,623.49 172,449.1 2 433,643.89 5510 District Transportation Services 4,398,070.77 3,778.91 4,401,849.68 856,392.76 2,849,646.52 695,810.40

WinCap Ver. 17 .11.13.52 Office of the Superintendent of Schools 5.7 Regular Meeting of December 5, 2017

Lesli Myers, Ed. D. Superintendent

Jill Reichhart Director of Finance

SUBJECT: Custodianship of Barclay School Petty Cash fund

Submitted to the Board of Education that Christin Michels replace Mary Pasley as the Barclay School petty cash custodian.

Recommendation: Motion by…………………………….Seconded by…………………………

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Christin Michels replace Mary Pasley as the Barclay School petty cash custodian.

S:\BAM\Resolutions\Financial\Petty Cash Custodian - Barclay 2017-12-05.doc November 16, 2017 Brockport Central School District Page2 08:37:29 am Budget Status Report As Of: 10/31/2017 Fiscal Year: 2018 Fund: A GENERAL FUND

Initial Current Year-to-Date Encumbrance Unencumbered Budget Account Description Appropriation Adjusbnents Appropriation Expenditures Outstanding Balance

5530 Garage Building 26,728.00 0.00 26,728.00 3,623.20 9,834.40 13,270.40 5581 Transportation from Boces 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 4,575.67 9,151 .33 1,273.00 901 O State Retirement 1,541,146.00 -58,555.00 1,482,591.00 0.00 0.00 1,482,591.00 9020 Teachers' Retirement 2,662,663.91 0.00 2,662,663.91 0.00 0.00 2,662,663.91 9030 Social Security 2,698,279.00 -400.00 2,697,879.00 502,249.02 2,142,184.99 53,444.99 9040 Workers' Compensation 365,914.00 0.00 365,914.00 170,150.02 170,150.01 25,613.97 9045 Life Insurance 30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 3,210.69 8,789.31 18,000.00 9050 Unemployment Insurance 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 4,528.34 7,471.66 38,000.00 9055 Disability Insurance 25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 12,501 .53 7,245.31 5,253.16 9060 Hospital, Medical, Dental Insurance 13,250,000.00 0.00 13,250,000.00 5,900,617.78 7,311 ,504.47 37,877.75 9089 Other (specify) 300,000.00 0.00 300,000.00 112,644.49 100,813.92 86,541.59 9711 Serial Bonds-School Construction 3,917,709.00 0.00 3,917,709.00 0.00 0.00 3,917,709.00 9712 Serial Bonds-Bus Purchases 1,365,043.00 0.00 1,365,043.00 0.00 0.00 1,365,043.00 9901 Transfer to Other Funds 270,000.00 0.00 270,000.00 0.00 0.00 270,000.00 9950 Transfer to Capital Fund 325,790.00 0.00 325,790.00 0.00 0.00 325,790.00

Total GENERAL FUND 78,847,223.00 201,085.41 79,048,308.41 18,063,551.13 44,402,084.16 16,582,673.12

Win Cap Ver. 17. 11 . 13.52 November 16, 2017 Brockport Central School District Page1 08:40:59am Revenue Status Report As Of: 10/31/2017 Fiscal Year: 2018 Fund: A GENERAL FUND

Original Current Current Anticipated Excess Revenue Account Subfund Description Estimate Estimate Year-to-Date Cycle Balance Revenue 1001-000 Real Property Taxes 25,253,022.00 25,253,022.00 25,601,342.26 0.00 348,320.26 1081-000 other Pmts in Lieu of Tax 82,031 .00 82,031.00 82,552.33 82,552.33 521 .33 1085-000 STAR Reimbursement 5,533,818.00 5,533,818.00 0.00 0.00 5,533,818.00 1090-000 Int. & Penal. on Real Pro 15,000.00 15,000.00 84.41 84.41 14,915.59 1120-000 Nonprop. Tax Distrib. By 3, 100, 000.00 3, 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,100,000.00 1311-000 other Day School Tuition 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 1410-000 Admissions (from lndividu 15,000.00 15,000.00 11,402.75 7,154.75 3,597.25 2230-000 Day School Tuit-Oth Dist. 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 2308-000 Trans for BOCES-Shuttle S 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 2401-000 Interest and Earnings 50,000.00 50,000.00 16,703.81 5,588.26 33,296.19 2410-000 Rental of Real Property,! 15,000.00 15,000.00 17,355.00 1,200.00 2,355.00 2413-000 Rental of Real Property, 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 2440-000 Rental of Buses 10,000.00 10,000.00 11,135.16 1,418.89 1,135.16 2450-000 Commissions 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 2650-000 Sale Scrap & Excess Mater 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,790.75 21.75 790.75 2665-000 Sale of Equipment 5,000.00 5,000.00 23,577.00 0.00 18,577.00 2680-000 Insurance Recoveries-Tran 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 2680-001 Insurance Rec - other 0.00 0.00 203,162.85 478.20 203,162.85 2690-000 Other Compensation for Lo 1,000.00 1,000.00 -6,780.00 -5,598.38 7,780.00 2701-000 Refund PY Exp-BOCES Aided 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 0.00 200,000.00 2703-000 Refund PY Exp-Other-Not Trans 0.00 0.00 1,136.76 0.00 1,136.76 2705-000 Gifts and Donations 75,000.00 75,187.25 3,293.25 187.25 71,894.00 2770-000 Other Unclassified Rev.(S 110,000.00 110,000.00 11,791.39 4,702.82 98,208.61 3101-000 Basic Formula Aid-Gen Aid 31,092,272.00 31,092,272.00 4,455.00 0.00 31,087,817.00 3102-000 Lottery Aid (Sect 3609a E 6,200,000.00 6,200,000.00 4,612,480.28 230,528.81 1,587,519.72 3103-000 BOCES Aid (Sect 3609a Ed 3,750,849.00 3,750,849.00 0.00 0.00 3,750,849.00 3260-000 Textbook Aid (Incl Txtbk/ 273,437.00 273,437.00 51,375.00 0.00 222,062.00 3262-000 computer Software Aid 62,983.00 62,983.00 0.00 0.00 62,983.00 4601-000 Medic.Ass't-Sch Age-Sch Y 75,000.00 75,000.00 44,254.52 0.00 30,745.48

Total GENERAL FUND 75,972,412.00 75,972,599.25 30,691,112.52 328,319.09 45,857,485.84 575,999.11

• Estimated revenue for Carryover Encumbrances from the prior fiscal year will not be realized. These are estimates to balance the budget

W"mCap Ver. 17.11 .13.52 6.0 PHYSICAL PLANT & SUPPORT SERVICES 7.0 HUMAN RESOURCES 8.0 SUPERINTENDENT REPORT 9.0 BOARD OPERATIONS 2015-2016 Board of Education Focus rockport Central School District is committed to the strategic Goal: Bplan for continuous academic improvement and supports the In support of our District’s strategic implementation of the District’s vision and core beliefs. Students are plan, the Board of Education will our first priority. We maintain high standards for academic excellence actively engage all and character and integrity for our students. Effective teaching stakeholders in the and learning provides the foundation for high quality learning. We mission, vision and encourage our students to have a high work ethic and model that core beliefs of the work ethic for them. We appreciate the importance of providing a safe Brockport Central and healthy learning environment for our students and are committed School District. to ensure community involvement in our educational program.

Core Beliefs: The following activities will be Students first: Our students are our first priority. undertaken by the Board of Education in furtherance of this goal: Character: We value integrity, diversity and respect for all. • Advocate for quality public education. High expectations: We believe all students can learn and hold high expectations for ourselves and our students. • Empower our students, staff and community to strive for greater degrees of Teaching & learning: Effective teaching and a rigorous excellence while showcasing student success. curriculum are the foundations for high-quality learning. • Exercise fiscal responsibility by ensuring that Work ethic: We work hard and take pride in all that we do. District resources are used to maximize student achievement and engagement. Health and safety: We all have an obligation to promote a healthy, safe and secure environment. • Serve as ambassadors in the community to promote Brockport Central School District. Community: Student, family and community engagement is critical for our success. • Participate in County, State and National School Board Associations.

BROCKPORT CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BROCKPORT CENTRAL SCHOOL BUDGET DEVELOPMENT CALENDAR 2018-2019 BUDGET Date Activity August 29, 2017 Regular Board Meeting September 5, 2017 Regular Board Meeting September 13, 2017 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING September 19, 2017 Regular Board Meeting October – November Meet with principals, review budget calendar, review forms, publish guidelines, parameters and procedures – District-wide budget forms and guidelines are distributed. October 3, 2017 Regular Board Meeting October 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting October 18, 2017 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING November 7, 2017 Regular Board Meeting November 15, 2017 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING November 21, 2017 Regular Board Meeting December 5, 2017 Regular Board Meeting December 13, 2017 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING December 19, 2017 Regular Board Meeting January 9, 2018 Regular Board Meeting January 17, 2018 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING January 23, 2018 Regular Board Meeting January 31, 2018 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING February 6, 2018 Regular Board Meeting – (Draft budget) February 14, 2018 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING February 27, 2018 Regular Board Meeting March 6, 2018 Regular Board Meeting March 14, 2018 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING March 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting – (presentation of final draft of proposed 2018-2019 budget) March 28, 2018 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING (IF NEEDED) March 30, 2018 Publish first budget legal notice April 10, 2018 Regular Board Meeting – (adopt 2018-2019 budget) April 16, 2018 Last day to file nominating petition for Board candidates April 18, 2018 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING April 24, 2018 Regular Board Meeting May 1, 2018 Regular Board Meeting –Budget Hearing at 7:00 p.m. May 9, 2018 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING May 15, 2018 Budget Vote and Election – 6:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. June 5, 2018 Regular Board Meeting June 13, 2018 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING June 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting BROCKPORT CENTRAL SCHOOL Brockport, NY 14420-2296 ______Board of Education 2017-2018 Meeting Dates

Day Date Notes Tuesday July 11 * Reorganization Meeting - 5 p.m. Tuesday July 25* 5 p.m. Tuesday August 8 5 p.m.

Tuesday August 29* 5 p.m.

Tuesday September 5 5 p.m.

Tuesday September 19 Tuesday October 3 Tuesday October 17 Tuesday November 7 Tuesday November 21 Tuesday December 5 Tuesday December 19 Tuesday January 9* Tuesday January 23* Tuesday February 6 Tuesday February 27* Off-Schedule (Winter Recess) Tuesday March 6 Tuesday March 20 Tuesday April 10* Off Schedule Tuesday April 24* Off Schedule Tuesday May 1* 7 p.m. Budget Public hearing – Hill School Cafetorium Tuesday May 15* Vote, 7 p.m. Tuesday June 5 Tuesday June 19

Regular meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m., in the District Office Board Room. Exceptions are marked with an asterisk (*).

Approved: May 16, 2017 Revised:

MCSBA 2017-2018 Calendar

JULY 2017 3-4 MON-TUES Holiday (Office Closed) Independence Day 20 THURS NYSSBA Summer Law Conference, Rochester, Woodcliff 27 THURS Full day District Clerk’s Conference

AUGUST 2017 11 FRI NYSSBA Board Officer’s Academy, Rochester , Woodcliff * 23 WED-Noon Steering Committee Meeting

SEPTEMBER 2017 4 MON Holiday (office closed) Labor Day * 6 WED-Noon Legislative Committee Meeting * 13 WED-Noon Information Exchange Committee 13 WED-5:45pm Executive Committee Meeting 13 WED NYSSBA District Clerk Workshop, Rochester * 21 THUR-8:00am MCSBA/MCBA School Law Conference – MaryEllen Elia 24-26 SUN-TUES NYSCOSS Fall Conference, Saratoga Springs * 27 WED-Noon Labor Relations Committee Meeting

OCTOBER 2017 * 4 WED-Noon Legislative Committee Meeting * 4 WED-5:45pm Board Presidents Meeting 9 MON Columbus Day (Office Closed) * 11 WED-Noon Steering Committee Meeting 12-14 THURS-SAT 98th NYSSBA Convention, Lake Placid * 18 WED-Noon Information Exchange Committee Meeting * 25 WED-Noon Labor Relations Committee Meeting

NOVEMBER 2017 * 1 WED-Noon Legislative Committee Meeting * 4 SAT-7:30am MCSBA Finance Conference * 8 WED-Noon Information Exchange Committee * 8 WED-5:45pm Board Presidents Meeting 10 FRI Veterans Day Holiday (office closed) * 15 WED District Clerks Conference 23-24 THURS-FRI Thanksgiving Holiday (Office Closed) * 29 WED-Noon Labor Relations Committee Meeting

DECEMBER 2017 4 MON-7:00am Albany Advocacy Trip * 6 WED-Noon Legislative Committee Meeting 6 WED-5:45pm Executive Committee Meeting 25-26 MON-TUES Christmas Holiday (Office Closed) 31 SUN New Year’s Eve

JANUARY 2018 1 MON Holiday (office closed) New Year’s Day * 3 WED-Noon Legislative Committee Meeting * 3 WED-5:45pm Board Presidents Meeting * 10 WED-Noon Information Exchange Committee Meeting 15 MON Holiday (Office Closed) Martin Luther King * 17 WED-Noon Labor Relations Committee Meeting * 24 WED-Noon Steering Committee Meeting * 27 SAT-9:00am MCSBA/State Legislators Breakfast

FEBRUARY 2018 * 7 WED-Noon Legislative Committee Meeting 11-12 SUN-MON NYSSBA Capital Conference * 14 WED-Noon Information Exchange Committee Meeting 19 MON Holiday (Office Closed) President’s Day 19-23 MON-FRI Winter Recess * 28 WED-Noon Labor Relations Committee Meeting 28 Wed-5:45pm Executive Committee Meeting

MARCH 2018 4-6 MON-WED NYSCOSS Winter Conference, Albany 5-6 MON-TUES MCSBA Albany Advocacy Trip * 7 WED-Noon Legislative Committee Meeting * 14 WED- 8:00am District Clerks Conference * 14 WED-Noon Information Exchange Committee * 21 WED-Noon Labor Relations Committee Meeting * 21 WED-5:45pm Board Presidents Meeting * 24 SAT-8:00am School Board Candidate Seminar * 28 WED-Noon Steering Committee Meeting 30 FRI Good Friday, (office closed)

APRIL 2018 2-6 MON-FRI Spring Break 7-9 SAT-MON NSBA, San Antonio, TX * 11 WED-Noon Legislative Committee Meeting 11 WED Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Annual Meeting 12 THURS Monroe One BOCES Annual Meeting * 18 WED-Noon Information Exchange Committee Meeting * 25 WED-Noon Labor Relations Committee Meeting 25 WED-5:45pm Executive Committee Meeting

MAY 2018 * 2 WED-Noon Legislative Committee Meeting * 2 WED -5:45pm Board Presidents Meeting 15 TUES District Budget Vote 23 WED MCSBA ANNUAL MEETING 28 MON Holiday (Office Closed) Memorial Day

JUNE 2018 * 9 SAT-7:30am New Board Member Training

* Meeting held at the Ramada Plaza, 911 Brooks Avenue (formerly the Lexington) 10. OLD BUSINESS 11. OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION 13. ADJOURNMENT