DOCUMENT RESORE SO 013 627 .. ED 209 124 AUTHOR Brown, Lester R. TITLE Building a Sustainable Society. INSTITUTION Worldwatch Inst., Washington, D.C. iSPONS AGENCY United Nations Fund for Population Activities, New York, N.Y. REPORT NO ISBN-0-393-01482-7 PUB DATE 81 NOTE 440p. AVAILABLE FROM W.W. Norton 6 Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110 ($14.95 clothbound). ROBS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from F.DS. DESCRIPTORS *Conservation (Environment); Energy; Food; *Futures (of Society) ; Global Approach; Life Style; Natural Resources; Population Growth; Social Change; Social Problems; Soil Conservation; Urbanization; Values; *World Affairs; *World Problems TnENTIFIERS Oil ABSTRACT This publication discusses worldwide problems and issues of concern. There are two major parts. Bart Ideals with "Converging Demands." For those who regularly read theWorldwatch Papers, much of the material in this sectionwill be familiar. The matt:Jai is included here particularly for thesake of those readers abroad who do not have ready access to theInstitute's publications. Discussed are eiosion, biological systems under pressure,oil, food, and emerging economic and socialstresses. Part II, "The Path to Sustainability," comprises approaImately two-thirAs of tae publication. A number of issues are examinedincluding population growth, conservation of natural resources,renewable energy (e.g. wood, wind, and falling water), and changingvalues. The shape of a sustainable society--a sustainable transportationsystem, the resurgence of agriculture, newindustries and jobs, urbanization, greater local self reliance, andsimpler life styles--is examined. The means of transition to thissustainable society and the institutional challenges are discussed. Thepublication concludes with a subject finder.(Author/RM) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by RIMS are the best that can bemade from the original document.
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