rosary hill college

buffalo, new york

voi. vi, no. 1

january, 1973 rosary hill college Medical Records at RHC In the Fall of 1970, Rosary Hill by participating hospitals. Last Spring College assumed responsibility for the college hosted a meeting of the Western New York’s only Medical Western New York Medical Record Record Administration program. Association, with a faculty member Since then, with the program based Mr. Richard Marcus, LLB, serving as entirely on campus, enrollment has in­ guest speaker discussing the “Legal creased almost three fold from 19 stu­ Implications of Computerized dents to the 52 who are presently en­ Records.” An example of the pro­ rolled in the four year program. fessional interest engendered was Prior to this, the program had been exhibited by the members of the Class based at Roswell Park Memorial Insti­ of 1971. They prepared an audio-slide tute with Rosary Hill and D’Youville presentation which was designed to serving as affiliated colleges. When assist in recruiting new students for the D’Youville College discontinued its program. It is used by the college and participation, the decision was made local hospitals for career days, and to relocate the Program on the Rosary seniors often volunteer to speak at the Hill campus. Thus, it became a college hospitals and high schools on these based program utilizing both the occasions. college’s new laboratory facilities and The students receive instruction in a variety of affiliated hoslitals. It is the professional code of ethics and in currently the only AMA - AMRA the confidential nature of medical accredited school for Medical Record records, which is reinforced by thé Administrators in New York State, RRA’s throughout the student’s clini­ outside of . cal experience. Attention is also given The goals of the Medical Record to their dress and decorum both in and- Administration Program are designed out of the hospital in order to further to fulfill both the_College’s objectives increase their professionalism. as an educational institution, and also The medical record administration tq graduate students who are a credit program at Rosary Hill continually to their profession. The curriculum is emphasizes the student’s future role as designed not only to provide the research are offered. This allows the made to include every type of equip­ department head and a member of the student with the skills necessary to be student to become familiar with as­ ment that the students can expect to paramedical team. In order to prepare a medical record administrator, but pects of health care which may not be work with or purchase when they run the students for this role, the program also to guide in the formation of readily available in the Buffalo area. their own department. An area of one is geared to develop them in the ethical values, a high degree of pro­ Great care is exercised, under the room is also equipped with learning aspects of administration, systems de­ fessionalism, and a spirit of independ­ direction of Mrs. Cave, to insure that resource cubicles and work is already sign, medical research data, and ent inquiry. these out of town affiliations will be underway to program some of the various hospital committee functions. The emphasis is on developing the worthwhile for the students. The technical course material. They take courses in management, total person; making the student broad hospitals are chosen for their high Another activity which the students statistics, and personnel administra­ minded, team-oriented decision standards and carefully screened to engage in during their senior year is tion, and attend actual hospital makers, and not just highly technical insure that the RRA’s educational the preparation of a research thesis. committee meetings through out people. To further this aim, students abilities are well suited to assisting the This thesis is over and above the senior year. Epidemiology has recently in medical records administration are students in their professional develop­ normal projects which are assigned to been added to the curriculum to encouraged to choose elective courses ment. If for any reason the student is medical record administration stu­ further increase their health-care in fields other than natural science, unable to undertake his intensive dents. The research thesis is a variable knowledge. such as psychology, sociology, speech affiliation at an out of town facility, credit course which is under the This program has progressed communication, and operations re­ then provisions are willingly made at a guidance of the program director. extremely well since the College search. local hospital. Students have developed studies such assumed its operation two years ago Carolyn Cave, RRA, director of the Before they reach senior year, as “Work Measurement in a Local under the auspices of the Natural medical records program, is medical records administration Hospital’s Medical Record Depart­ Science Concentration with M. Justa committed to this goal of giving the students participate in a great deal of ment,” Feasibility of Microfilming Smith, O.S.F., Ph.D., as chairman. students the broadest possible ex­ laboratory practice on campus. This Outpatient Records,” “Social-Security The faculty, exclusive of the regular perience, and the hospital affiliation practice continues throughout the Numbering Systems in Hospitals,” and natural science instructors, consists of program is designed with this in mind. senior year in addition to their one day a survey investigating the “Current two full time RRA’s and a part-time There are nine local hospitals affiliat­ a week with an RRA at an affiliated Role of the ‘RRA’ ” (based on AMRA physician, in addition to guest ed with the college where the seniors hospital. The on campus laboratory, handbook of functions.) lecturers in the fields of legal aspects, spend one day a week under the guid­ two rooms with 1620 square feet of The findings are presented by the hospital administration, computers, ance of a RRA. They are assigned on a space, is an exact replica of a medical students at a Spring meeting to the and the State Health Department rotational basis so that they can be record department. It is patterned clinical instructors who affiliate representatives. Both RRA’s on the exposed to all the different types after various hospitals that the faculty locally. In addition to benefiting from faculty are involved in advanced health care facilities. These facilities have visited or where students have the research, this course enables the degree programs. Mrs. Muller has include university teaching, govern­ completed their intensive affiliation. students io gain the ability to make started course work toward a Master’s ment operated, small, non-teaching, This laboratory, under the direction presentations before professional degree in Education and Mrs. Cave is extended care, county operated, a of Joanne Muller, RRA, was develop­ groups. The clinical instructors favor working on a doctorate in the field of nursing home, and the recent addition ed from a wide range of medical the program because it gives them medical sociology. of a psychiatric state hospital. record materials donated by hospitals, access to some genuinely valuable re­ There is an advisory committee In addition, each student spends the as well as equipment purchased search. which meets annually, composed of last three weeks of his senior year en­ through funds from a private founda­ Strong emphasis is placed on in­ administrators and representatives gaged in an intensive affiliation with a tion. This equipment includes a stilling professional attitudes in the from various hospitals, registered particular institution. The student is Remington Rand lectriever file, an students throughout the four year pro­ record administrators, a university encouraged to complete this affiliation electric rotary file, verticle files, a gram. They attend at least one meeting medical school professor, a hospital at an out of town facility; either in a magnetic tape selectric typewriter, of the local medical record association lawyer, and a State Health Depart­ geographical area where the student microfiche file and reader, transcrip­ during their senior year, in addition to ment Consultant. In addition to serv­ may be interested in working, or tion equipment, calculators, and engaging in field trips, and viewing ing as guest lecturers, this group offers where other views of medical care and various registries. An effort has been films and live-surgery T.V. provided (Continued on Page 8) 2 response, january, 1973

Friends of Women’s Lib Mice and Men Are Subjects Think Highly of Themselves Of Research at Rosary Hill

By Maryann Lauricella Many of the time honored opinions pride in where they live. This, coupled Reprinted with permission of which the general public holds about with the problems of these neighbor­ the Courier-Express welfare recipients may have no basis in hoods such as drugs, crime, and fact. This was the conclusion of Dr. mental illness, and the lack of Men who have a conservative Roslyn Gerard, chairman of the community services to deal with the attitude toward women’s rights have a Rosary Hill College sociology con­ problems, result in the individuals lower level of self-esteem than men centration, in two studies on welfare taking on a negative attitude. with a liberal attitude. housing which she has completed. The According to the survey, “this lack This was one of the indications of a studies, one for Westchester County and the other for Buffalo and Erie of needed services acts to lock the sampling of college men and male non-welfare poor and the welfare industrial workers, many from County, were conducted under the auspices of the Economic Consultants client and family into a culture of Western New York, that was included poverty. The chances are that genera­ in a report on male attitudes toward Organization, Inc. of which her husband, Dr. Roy Gerard, is president. tion after generation of these poor will women’s rights presented to the remain very vulnerable to social American Psychological Assn, Perhaps one of the most persistent stereotypes which proved to be invalid stresses and strains which may result in recently by Dr. Thomas W. Miller. chronic poverty and dependence.” Dr. Miller, director of counseling was the concept that a large portion of services at Rosary Hill College, public assistance recipients come to A major factor which limits the wel­ traveled to Hawaii last month to read New York State specifically to collect fare client’s choice of housing is his his study paper at the association’s welfare payments. The Westchester limited access to formal systems such symposium entitled “Who Dis­ County study showed that 70 per cent as real estate offices and landlords. As criminates Against Women?” of the welfare clients had either lived a result he is forced to rely on informal in the County all their lives or had His research was geared to studying networks such as friends or relatives. Dr. Miller moved there prior to 1958. Those who The study points out, however, that the effects of men’s attitudes toward had moved into the County did so the principles of the women’s ­ such channels “are apparently without Some of the sample statements primarily because they had secured much influence since welfare recip­ tion movement as “a function of their jobs and they later became victims of own esteem.” were: “When a husband and wife are ients have remained for long periods in willing to share household' tasks, it the inflationary spiral which the housing in which they are unhappy.” Questionnaires were answered by suggests that the husband is passive country was experiencing. Contributing to this inability to find University of Buffalo and Canisius and effeminate,” and “In the world of satisfactory housing is the fact that College students as well as those from Another notion, that single parent work, women are generally less black families were larger than two welfare clients have been labeled as out of the state schools. The industrial reliable than are men.” parent families, was proven false. In destructive and poor tenants. This sampling was done at steel plants in situation has arisen in part because the the Buffalo area. Dr. Miller’s study Also, „ “Women should be able to both Westchester and Erie Counties, single parent families were found to be poor receive little in the way of hous­ points up the difference in attitudes in obtain abortion on demand,” and “The smaller than corresponding two parent ing services, and they are often unable each setting. women’s liberation movement attracts to maintain basic housekeeping func­ sexually frustrated women.” Each families. Related to this was the dis­ The results? “With minimal covery that there are as many single tions because of limited resources or exception, it appears that the small, person was asked to express his experience. opinion by giving the statement a point parent white families, with the mother predominantly male and more as head, receiving public assistance as conservatively oriented private rating, with the highest points The studies undertaken by Dr. there áre black families In the same Gerard have not only proven many of colleges attract to their student meaning he strongly agrees and the situation.5 the myths about welfare to be false, population, males who have less of an lowest points assigned to those with they have also shown that an effort to appreciation for equality and the prin­ which he disagreed most. The concept that people remain on provide better housing could do much ciples related to women’s rights than welfare because of some defect in “Now that we have substantiated the to improve the present system. their counterparts on larger, state and existence of these attitudes, our next their personalities was also explored educational campuses,” Dr. Miller challenge is to look at ways of by Dr. Gerard. She found that the Dr. Alex Pleshkewych, assistant stated. changing them,” he said. “In some average welfare client was ambitious, professor of biochemistry at Rosary cases, these attitudes are because we had a desire to be off welfare, and Hill, has been conducting research of It is of further interest that where wanted a great deal for his children, attitudes toward equal rights for are ‘creatures of habit,* reflecting the an entirely different nature. He is life style we were brought up in — but generally felt that he could not studying the effect of monosodium women are more conservative, male hope to improve his present position. levels of self-esteem are found to be - categorizing .people.” glutamate (M.S.G.) on reproductive The last two items were especially true tissue in mice. M.S.G. enjoys wide­ lower, he added. In other instances, “psychological for black welfare recipients. spread use as a flavor enhancer, and pressures” are at the root of men’s The non-college sample compared Dr. Pleshkewych feels that the results negative feelings toward the women’s The Erie County survey, in parti­ most closely with the small, private of his research will "provide indications college group. Dr. Miller explained movement. Regardless, the American cular, pointed out that housing condi­ Psychological Assn, considers it “a tions had a significant effect on the as to the chemical’s effect on human that “self-esteem,” defined as a tissue. “function of one’s own perception of crucial social issue,” Dr. Miller reports attitudes of these individuals. The self-importance,” is higher when one and is concerned with “identifying and public assistance recipients are forced Two methods are being used to does not feel “threatened by imposing eradicating” characteristics and by circumstances to find housing in gather the necessary data. Cells from social change.” environments which breed sexist poor neighborhoods, making it the reproductive tissue of the mice are opposition to equality and change. extremely difficult for them to have kept alive in a specially prepared solu­ If more conservative attitudes are tion to which the M.S.G. is added. In related to low levels of self-esteem, this way the effect of the chemical on then women may have a continuing individual cells can be studied under a problem “because the vast majority of microscope. The M.S.G. is also inject­ business and industrial centers are ed into live mice in order to determine relatively conservative,” Dr. Miller its effect on the living animal. said. “They would tend to promote, consciously or unconsciously, an While the dosages used in the inequality in the hiring and promotion experiments are far greater than the of female employes.” amount that an individual would ingest at any one time, the findings may still Dr. Miller said that the larger uni­ prove relevant since one aim of the re­ versities offer perhaps the most search is to determine whether the egalitarian environment that many chemical accumulates within the women experience and a setting where body. If this proves to be the case, greater sensitivity and awareness of then continued ingestion by a human discriminatory practices has led to the could result in an accumulated dosage formation of women’s caucuses. that corresponds to those given the He pointed to the “cooperation and laboratory animals. involvement” of male students in such Dr. Pleshkewych is being assisted in organizations. his research by two students, Sister Among the statements on the Kathleen Vestola and Cathleen questionnaire which Dr. Miller asked Gurowicz, who are earning college participants to respond to were those credit for their work on the project. on abortion, day care facilities, hiring, The work is currently in its prelimin­ promotion, salaries and societal ary stages, but concrete results are Pam Powell, national chairman of Youth to Re-elect the President, visited Rosary “roles” such as wife, mother and Hill during the election campaign to let the student body know that “ Nixon was the expected within the coming school worker. one." year. response januaiy, 1973 3 Basketball Comes to RHC

Rosary Hill College now has an official intercollegiate men’s basketball team. The team will play a full 18 game schedule including home and road games, as well as an appearance at Memorial Auditorium. The team’s opponents will include freshmen teams from Canisius, Buffalo State, St. John Fisher, and the club will journey to in December for the Holiday Tournament hosted by Ryerson College. Home games will be played at Erie Community College- North. Head coach of the new Rosary Hill ball club is Gerald Falgiano, a physical education teacher with the Buffalo public schools. He will be assisted by Wavne King, a student at State University of New York at Buffalo. Both men are confident that the team’s first season will be a winning one, and they have already made application on behalf of Rosary Hill for acceptance into the N.C.A.A. small college division.

Back row: Gerald Falgiano, coach; Norb Witkowski', Frank ''a s s is ta n t coach. Front row:' Dave Mdis, Jim Edwards, Don Rosario, John Huitt, Rich Brzezinski, Larry Sams, Wayne King, Dabney, John Linehan. Not pictured: Mike Curtis, Cecil Stepp.


Alumni Fund Report January When the Alumni Fund closed on needed their help. And this support, 5 ECC City Campus at ECC North June 30th, it had accumulated the both in dollars and hours spent will 9 St. John Fisher+ 6:00 at Rochester highest dollar total and the greatest continue to be vital to RHC’s survival. 10 Bryant & Stratton 8:00 at Neumann number of contributors ever. This is a 15 State Urban Center 8:00 at Seneca most valid indication of the loyalty of These are the statistics for the 1971- 19 S.U.C. at Buffalo + 6:15 at Buffalo State some 580 alumni toward their Alma 72 Fund. A three year comparison of 24 Medaille 8:00 at O'Hara Mater. It also indicated the willingness the Fund will show that while it held its 31 Villa Maria 7:30 at Dougherty of all the volunteers who work as ground in some areas, the percentage chairmen and phone-a-thon workers to of giving is still not keeping up with February get behind Rosary Hill when she increased dollar total: 3 Bryant & Stratton 6:45 at ECC North 10 Brockport State-f 6:30 at Brockport Year Total Alumni Average Gift Percentage of Giving 17 R.I.T.+ 8:00 at Rochester 20 Hilbert 5:45 at Memorial Aud 1969- 1970 2,200 $14.84 27 percent 24 Geneseo State+ 7:30 at Geneseo 1970- 1971 2,500 $18.86 22 percent 1971- 1972 2,751 $17.29 21 percent -fdenotes Freshman game.

1972-73 Alumni Association Schedule Of Events

February 5,6 — Team Roster Phone-A-Thon Follow Up No. Name Height Weight Position March2 ...... Anniversary Class Dinners '53/ '57, '63, '67 4 Brzezinski, Richard 6'3 185 F March 21 ...... 10 Dabney, Donald 5'10 . 150 G 12 Sams, Lawrence 6'1 185 F-G General Meeting For The Association 14 Rosario, Frank 6'1 190 C 20 Curtis, Michael 6'5 190 F-C April? __ ...... ------22 Edwards, James 5'6 138 G Alumni-Senior Rathskeller 24 Mols, David 5'9 160 G 30 Linehan, John 5'10 170 G 32 Stepp, Cecil 6'2 155 F-C May5 ------34 Huitt, John 6'2 157 F 25th Anniversary Dinner Dance 42 Witkowski, Norbert 6'1 175 F

June20 ______¿losing Board Dinner-Installation Of Officers 4 response, january, 1973

Alumni President's Report by Lucy Curley Teresi

“Le plus le change; le plus le meme chose. ” This adage, once characteristic of the activities of the Rosary Hill College Alumni Association, is no longer true. The ’71 - ’72 season was enormously successful; the present year promises to be even more so. Such success does not, however, spring Athena-like from the communal brow of the Board of Governors. The Board serves as a catalyst; the increased participation of the Alumni-at- large is the chemistry that makes such changes viable. Participation, as the Association envisions it, involves a twofold commitment on the part of alumni — personal and financial. We need your ideas, we need your help in organizing Patricia Curtis, faculty senate chairman; Patricia Wagner, student association events, and more important, we need you to want to come president; Sister Angela; Nedra Harrison, Community Service Medal recipient. to these events. In the past Rosary Hill’s position on your social totem was hardly enviable. But... we feel our stock is rising! Better Communication Urged The barometer for our expectations is the many new faces who have come to Alumni events and incredibly enough, enjoyed themselves and returned again. The ’71 - At 45th Academic Convocation *72 Board is justifiably proud of the increased attendance at the Fall Dance, Christmas Cocktail Party, the Reunion “Better Communication” was the The Community Service Medal, Dinners, and Spring Folk Mass — all financially self- theme of Sister Angela’s address at the which is awarded to a student who has sustaining. 45th Academic Convocation, made an outstanding contribution in The Roman demand for “Pacem et circensam ” must be Wednesday,' September 13. She an area of vital community need met today by our Alumni Association if it is to remain emphasized that the basis of all com­ during the summer, was given to Miss dynamic and vital. And it is in the area of the former that munication is respect, and that it Harrison for her volunteer work at the last year saw thè most dramatic change. necessitates a two way flow to be in Children’s Hospital Drug Information At the 1971 August Planning Meeting, the Rosary Hill balance. Center. At the Center, she was in­ College Alumni Association Board of Governors She urged all members of the volved in researching material on committed themselves to the founding of a President’s college community to make an various poisons, and then 'preparing Club. This enterprise we felt was long overdue in view of “honest effort” toward better com­ protocols based on her research. the fact that most prestigious colleges and universities munication. “If we can communicate These protocols will provide the enjoyed the tangible support of substantial donations. Up and attempt to understand. each Medical staff at the hospital with the to this time, only three alumni had contributed in excess other,” she said, “we can work most recent knowledge concerning the of one.hundred dollars to the college. Your response was together effectively.” treatment of various poisonings, thus unbelievably gratifying — thirty alumni by their gift of _ In line with this, Sister Angela made allowing for much quicker treatment $100 elected to become Founders of the President’s Club some specific proposals aimed at im­ of patients in cases of this type. Since and this year’s effort promises a 15 per cent increase in proving communications. Included children are the most frequent victims members.' among these was her intention to meet of poisonings, the work which Miss Mindful of the college’s commitment to the community, regularly with the three officers of the Harrison completed this summer will the ’71 - *72 Board voted to become members of the Studio Student Governing Board. “This I contribute a great deal to the health Arena Women’s Committee, The Woman’s Committee of shall welcome especially since too and well - being of the children on the the Buffalo Philharmonic Society, the Buffalo Ballet often civic affairs, academic meetings Niagara Frontier. Association, the Junior Group of Albright-Knox Art with sister - colleges and necessary in­ The Faculty Service Award was pre­ Gallery and the Supporters of Channel 17. Our decision volvement consume and subtract time sented to Sister Marion Beiter, O.S.F., here was not entirely altruistic. We felt that in the future, from my hours on campus,” she said. professor of mathematics, for com­ Alumni activities might utilize the service and or facilities Sister Angela also took this oppor­ pletion of 20 years of service to Rosary of these groups and that arrangements would be tunity to declare the scholastic year Hill. Kathryn E. Stump, vice president facilitated by dealing directly rather than through an 1972-1973 the Silver Anniversary year for student affairs, made the presenta­ intermediary. of Rosary Hill College. Determination tion. Because we are basically a service organization, last of the 25th Anniversary year is based The invocation was given by Rev. year’s alumni efforts extended into the area of on the receipt of the New York State Thomas McHugh, assistant professor recruitment. Out-of-town alumni were asked to become charter which was given to the College of religious studies; Rev. Peter Masde- area representatives of the college by speaking at their July 31, 1947c vall, S.P., adjunct professor of local high schools and hosting informal parties for Nedra Joyce Harrison, senior pre­ Spanish, delivered the benediction; prospective freshmen. Our work was rewarded by an medicine major, was awarded the 1972 and Patricia E. Curtis, president of the increased enrollment this Hall. Community Service Medal at the Con­ faculty senate, was the master of cere­ Although we. are in fact a young alumni, it was the vocation. monies. feeling of last yearis board that we had come of age and should be recognized as an integral part of the college community and allowed a voice in the determining of Rosary Hill’s destiny. To this end, in the Spring of ’72 the ROSARY HILL COLLEGE Alumni Board of Governors petitioned the Board of presents EDITOR: Trustees for a seat on that body. This year, the 25th the I am writing as a comment on your anniversary of the college will see an alumni enjoying a issue of August, 1972. full term on the Board of Trustees. 1972-1973 It seems sad to me that Rosary Hill, In retrospect, last year was very rewarding for me INTERNATIONAL in the words of Mr. Dillon, chooses to personally. I enjoyed being President of the Alumni PIANO SERIES represent itself as having evolved from Association and I am proud of our accomplishments. 1971 featuring “a Catholic college to a private, co - -1972 was a group effort and as our group expands, as you educational-one.” This image, to me, join in our efforts, there is no reason that the excellence of represents the turning of your col­ the Alumni Association cannot be comparable to that of PONG-HIPARK lective back on all the values of the the college. With your help we are assured that our “reach Sunday, February 4 College’s Franciscan tradition in order will ever exceed our grasp.” to be able to collect government REYNALDO REYES money — those thirty pieces of silver! Sunday, March 4 I will not be at all surprised if Rosary Hill changes its name in order to ALDO MANCINELLI achieve this end, but I will be Monday, April 9 saddened. Response is published six times per I think that you will find that other year — three issues each semester. All Concerts at 8:30 p.m. alumnae agree with me in saying that Editor: Kenneth P. Service Correspondence should be directed we can no longer support Rosary Hill to the editor, c to the Public financially or morally for these Relations Department, Rosary Hill WICK CAMPUS CENTER College, 4380 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y.. reasons. Staff: Gertrude Miles,.copy editor; 14226 ADMISSION FREE Sincerely, Eileen Hogenkamp, alumni editor; Mary Ann Helfter Gerstle Louise Martin,circulation manager. Class of 1959 response, january, 1973 5


Theatre Awards Kenneth Siminski, senior theatre thè Office of Counseling Services was arts major, received the award for the development and implementation “Best Performance in a Leading Role” of the Peer Counseling Program, in at the Theatre Festival Association which students are trained to help competition at State University other students with their problems. College at Buffalo, Sunday, October This “students to students” approach 22. He won the award for his portrayal has been, widely acclaimed as one of of Johnathan in the Rosary Hill the more effective counseling inter­ production of “Oh, Dad, Poor Dad.” vention alternatives. Two other members of the Rosary The present peer counselors at Hill contingent also received awards. Rosary Hill are John Digate, Sharon Margaret Quinn, senior theatre arts Thomas, Paulette Anzelone and Ellen major, received a citation for her Christenson. performance as Rosalie, and George The Office of Counseling Services , theatre arts instructor, also received a renewal of its received a citation for his set design. accreditation from the American There were 14 productions entered Board on Counseling Services, Inc. in the competition and the judging was done by Mort Clark, professor of drama at Westchester College. Theatre arts players rehearsing for "Oh Dad, Poor Dad." Alumni Awards Marketing Association and a licensed Luszez, 76 Hampton Pkwy., Kenmore, Family Mass New York State Real Estate Broker. N.Y., second prize of $20 for his The Alumni Association is proud in­ Dr. Langley, who is a graduate of collage ‘Impressions of Europe ’70.” deed that five of its members have the University of Missouri, holds a been named to appear in the 1972 edi­ Sunday, October 1, provided an ex­ The judges were Lewis S. Armento, citing day in the Christian Community M.A. degree from Niagara University, tion of “Outstanding Young Women and an Ed.D. degree with a specializa­ president of Armento Architectural Of America.” at Rosary Hill College. The annual Arts, Inc,, and Colletta Harrow^r, vice Family Mass brought together many, tion in educational law from the State Those selected are, Marsha Wolf University of New York at Buffalo. His president and art director for the same Szymanski ’61, Sylvia Viverito many alumni and their families, but of firm. special significance was the participa­ memberships include Phi Delta Fredricks ’63, Noreen Kiggins Pitts ’63, tion by the 20th Anniversary Class Kappa, national honorary educational This is the; third year of the awards, Patricia Fazzone ’67, and-Mary Lu (first graduating class, 1952.) All of its fraternity; the National Organization tfhich were initiated in 1970 by Mr. Littlefield ’70. members living in the Buffalo area for Legal Problems in Education; and Armento for the purpose of fostering This honor is designed to recognize participated on the Offertory Pro­ the American Association of Colleges proficiency in drawing, the basic tool the achievements and abilities of the cession. for Teacher Education. of graphic arts. young women of America. In every Alumni children were also an inte­ Mrs. Palumbo is a graduate of community there are young women gral part of the event. Masters William Marymount College and she received working diligently to make their city a Mahoney and Brian Mohoney, plus her M.A. degree from St. John’s better place in which to live. They Miss Lynn M. Riso participated in the University, in addition to her teaching’ Spanish Course participated in varied activities and Liturgy of the Word. M. Angela duties she serves as a member of the they have given much of their time and Canavan O.S.F. read the Gospel. Education Committee and the Faculty talents. Senate. The Modern Language concentra­ Robert Robert Smyth was the cele­ tion is again offering an “Intensive Ex­ These women are now in brant and assisted by altar boys, John perience in Beginning Spanish and competition for the state’s and Peter Harasty. Rosemary Attea Culture” this semester. The course will “Outstanding Young Women of the Saffire sang the Offertory solo. be taught on Monday and Wednesday Year Award” and for one of the ten All enjoyed a continental breakfast Armento Awards evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., national “Outstanding Young Women after the Mass. Irene McMahon Wort- Nine second - year art students at and it is intended for doctors, dentists, of America Titles.” Congratulations to man and her daughter, Kathy, were Rosary Hill College received Lewis S. nurses, social workers and people in our winners and we wish them good the hostesses. They were aided by Armento Awards for proficiency in all walks of life who find it necessary luck in the future competition! Misses Colleen and Lori Martin. drawing in various media. The awards to develop better communication with Alumni, families, and friends left Wick were presented Thursday, September their Spanish speaking fellow citizens. Center with a vow to return again 14 at the first fall meeting of the Art soon. This is the second year that the Political Lecture concentration. course is being offered and it is de­ The winners were: signed for those who have not pre­ David Halberstam, contributing Object or Nature Drawing viously studied Spanish in a formal editor of Harper’s Magazine, gave a Category: Wallace Marosak, 22 Lydius way. The program is so geared that public lecture Monday, October 16 in New Chairmen St., Fort Plain, N.Y., first prize of $25 vocabulary pertinent to each student’s the Rosary Hill College Wick Center. for his charcoal pencil drawing profession will be taught after a Mr. Halberstam, who covers the Four new concentration chairmen “Fractured Butterfly”; Mark Andrzej- general vocabulary is mastered by all. American political scene for Harper’s, have been appointed at the College. czak, 34 Warring Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.*, Guests from Latin America and Spain spoke on “Election ’72.” They are: Dr. Richard S. Cimbalo, second prize of $20 for his pen and ink will also address the class. A 1955 Harvard graduate, David psychology; Ralph De Vito, business drawing “Flypie”; Frank Marianni, 40 Halberstam joined the New York and economics; Dr. Thomas J. Cordes Dr., Tonawanda, N.Y., third Times in 1960 as a foreign corres­ Langley, education; and Ruth S. prize of $15 for his charcoal drawing pondent. While reporting for that Palumbo, history and government. “The Banana”; Lana Tkatschuk, 35 Counseling Services paper, he won the Pulitzer Prize in Dr. Cimbalo received his Ph.D. Stuzman Rd., Bowmansville, N.Y., 1964 for his coverage of the Vietnam degree from the State University of fourth prize of $10 for her white pencil War, an award soon followed by the New York at Buffalo. The author of drawing “Black Sabbath.” The International Association of Counseling Services, Inc. has awarded Louis M. Lyons Award given by the numerous articles add papers on Theme Category: Mary Wypijewski, Nieman Fellows of Harvard Uni­ memory and auditory stimulation, his 488 Doat St/, Buffalo, N.Y., first prize a one year accredited membership to the Rosary Hill College Office of versity. After winning these awards, he memberships include the American of $25 for her mixed media “The went to Poland for the Times and was Psychological Association and the Studio;” Mary Comas, 7765 Goodrich Counseling Services. Accreditation was granted on the basis of an evalua­ expelled after a year for his stories on Society for Neuroscience. His bio­ Rd., Clarence, N.Y., second prize of the economic malaise there. graphy will be included in the 1973-74 $20 for her pen and ink drawing “Folds tion by the International Association which found the counseling services at “The Making of a Quagmire,” a edition of “Dictionary of International of Expression.” book based on his knowledge and ex­ Biography.” Figure Drawing: James Kuntz, 402 Rosary Hill to meet “high standards of professional competence and ethical perience in Vietnam, was published by Mr. De Vito received his B.B.A. and Cornwall Ave., Tonawanda, N.Y., first Random House in 1965. His latest M.B.A. degrees from Adelphi Uni­ prize for his mixed media ‘1 Don’t practices.” The announcement of the receipt of accreditation was made by book about that country, “Ho Chi versity and he is currently working Know How to Love Him,” Minh,” was published in the Fall of towards his Ph.D. degree at the State New Techniques Category: Lynn Dr. Thomas W. Miller, director of counseling relations at the college. 1970. He is also the author of three University of New York at Buffalo’s Retchless, 5609 Main St., Williams- novels, “The Noblest Roman,” “One School of Management. He is ville, N.Y., first prize of $25 for her un­ Among the innovations which Very Hot Day,” and ‘The Best and the currently a member of the American titled plexiglass construction; David brought international recognition to Brightest.” 6 response, january, 1973 ALUMNI CLAS S NEWS

Entering the Graduate School of ’52 Reporter: The Robert Warners (Ann Marie Evers) C.C.D. program and working with and their three children are living in retarded children. Last February, the Pharmacology Department of Roswell Janet Cannon Mead Park for her doctorate is Barbara Baum­ 285 Clifton Parkway Tonawanda. Bob is the Manager of Quality entire Anderson family went to Control, Heat Transfer Division of Washington, D.C. and Maryland. Janet gartner Doman. In addition, her three Hamburg, New York 14075 children’s activities will make for a very NO NEWS. American Standard, Ann Marie is reports that “baby Jennifer loved the currently an officer of the H.S.A. of St. Capitol Dome at three months of age.” busy season — good luck with your ’53 Reporter: Amelia’s School and also a Campfire graduate work! Dolores Attea Sapienza Leader. Hope your vacation at Cape Cod It would be nice to hear from more of the was a success. Class of ’61. Please send in your news. 72 West Royal Parkway ’61 Reporter: Williamsville, New York 14221 Back in the Buffalo area from New Joanne Cosgrove Basil NO NEWS. Jersey are Joanne Palisano Seminara and 567 McKinley Parkway ’62 Reporter: her husband, Carmen, Director of Sales at Buffalo, New York 14220 Margery Conway Rittling ’54 Reporter: Boss-Linco Lines. Their address is 145 Dan NEWS: Elizabeth White Bonsel is Joan Campbell Kramer 277 Wellington Road Troy Dr., Williamsville, N.Y. 14221. Their currently living in Utica and teaching Buffalo, New York 14216 1913 Marjorie Road five children keep their lives very active mathematics in the Utica school district. Grand Island, New York 14072 NEWS: Word was recently received from and they are busy getting settled in their She recently completed graduate work at Mary For an Reardon that she and her NO NEWS: new home. Syracuse University and she has traveled husband, Frank, are living in Rochester, throughout the United States and Europe. Minnesota. They spent a month in Buffalo ’55 Reporter: Now doing research in New York City in Her husband, Roger, is very active in the Medical Bacteriology is Dorothy this summer with their four children and Joan Wheat Stangle Clinton Jaycees and his hobbies include also took a side trip to Washington, D.C. 5040 Clearview Dr. Shepherd. Dorothy traveled to Spain in tennis and golf. The Bonsels are building Buffalo, New York 14221 1971 and had a marvelous time. Frank is a Staff Programmer with IBM their new home in Clinton, New York. and just received his M.A. in Computer NEWS: Joanne Liberty Quint wrote from Kay Kearns reports that, as Director of The Treasurer of our Alumni Asso­ Science from the University of Minnesota. Jacksonville, Florida. She is currently a Social Services for Our Lady of Victory ciation, Marsha Wolf Szymanski, is also On maternity leave from J. F. Kennedy CCD teacher and a part-time secretary for Infant Home, she is actively involved with working on the Invitation Committee for High School where she was Chairman of her husband, Ed, who works for Farah the “Choose Life” program. She is also the Silver Anniversary Dinner Dance. St. the Business Department is Isabelle Manufacturing Co., Inc. They have five serving as a social work consultant for the Aloysius Bishop’s Committee is also lucky Mokan Pyc. Their new baby, Allison children including a set of twins who are 13 Abbott Manor Nursing Home. Kay had a to have Marsha as a group leader. Her Marie, is four months old. Nice to hear years old. Joanne also plays golf fre­ marvelous vacation in Ireland in August. husband, Norb, is the Assistant Manager from you, Isabelle. quently and does volunteer work at the Please give us more details on your trip. If of Western Savings Bank at the Boulevard Has the rest of the Class of ’62 lost their local hospital. She also enjoys coaching anyone is interested in helping Kay with pen and paper? her children in piano lessons and doing any the “Choose Life” program, please get in Mall and he is President of the Exchange piano accompaniment in the community. contact with her. Club of Amherst. The Szymanskis have Thanks for writing, Joanne. Let’s hear four children. ’63 Reporter: Ann Marie Littlefield Quinlivan wrote Carol Cusker Burns more from the Class of ’55! that her school age children are attending Currently living in Towson, Maryland, are Phyllis Romano Battaglia and her 210 Monroe Drive Medaille School. Ann Marie and her Buffalo, New York 14221 ’56 Reporter: husband, John, a plastic surgeon, have husband, Tony, and they state that it has Pamela Neville Jones more than lived up to their expectations. NEWS: One of Elmira’s greatest com­ five children which must make the munity assets during its recent flood was P.O. Box 246 Quinlivan House a fun place to be. When they lived in Syracuse, New York , Mass. 02101' with its 167 inches ’of snow, they were Virginia Owczarczak Stanton. Her NO NEWS. As for myself, I am currently a home­ delighted that Maryland had only eight husband, Al, is Publications Director at maker and enjoying every moment of it. inches of snow all winter. The Battaglias Elmira College and the entire College ’57 Reporter: We just bought our first home and I’m have three children and Tony is General faculty and staff members were engaged Elizabeth Liotti Wakefield totally involved in it and my babies. ■Sales Manager for WMAR-TY. in massive flood relief efforts. Two 2529 Fix Road Decorating, gardening, canning, and thousand evacuees were housed on Grand Island, New York 14072 many such chores fill my time. My Judy Jenkins Kilroy, her husband, Dick, campus and Virginia played a large part in husband, Bob, is a teacher at Grand Island and their three children spent the slimmer the success of the program. NE WS: As the recently elected Committee High School and is in the Graduate School cruising the Cape Cod area in their 24 foot Active in the Marriage Encounter Woman in the 9th District (Kenmore) and at Niagara University. Pleasq keep in sloop, “Vixen.” Judy is a homemaker and program is Kathie Heverin Sambora and as a teacher and 6th grade consultant for touch and send me any news that you a tutor at the high school level and busy her husband, Dave. Dave is a Personnel St. Paul’s CCD Program, Eileen Reagan might have. It is always nice to hear from with organizations such as the League of Director for the New York State Electric Kirchgraber is a busy gal indeed. She is and Gas Company., also a Girl Scout Troop Committee the Class of ’57. Women Voters. Chairman and a member of the Kenmore- Tonawanda Ecumenical Committee. ’58 Reporter: Eileen and her husband, Dick, who is an Elizabeth Martin Slomka attorney and their five children are also 194 Catherine Street Williamsville, New York 14221 avid campers. NO NEWS. Mary Orlando Riso is currently Co- chairman of the Bishop’s Committee Dis­ ’59 Reporter: cussion Program and is now concerned Dolores Makey Bossman about continuing growth of parents as well 719 Parkside Avenue as the development of the children. She Buffalo, New York 14216 has just formed a Bible study group with NO NEWS. other women. Her husband, Frank, is a Hearing Reporter and has a Stenotvpe, School to teach court reporting. The Risos ’60 Reporter: have six children. Carol Lano Hughes 66 Layton Ave. Currently living in So. Barre, Vermont, Eggertsviile, New York 14226 Jo Ann Fish Kindestin is busy raising her NEWS: Currently living on Grand Island three children and attending school, is Marilyn Buiani Resetarits, her husband, preparing to teach. She visited in Western Daniel, is the Buffalo sales supervisor for New York this summer and her daughter the Carnation Company. They have four spent two weeks in Girl Scout camp in children. Dan and Marilyn were treasurer Vermont. couple for St. Leo’s home and school this year. The family also enjoys skiing at Presently attending graduate school on Kissing Bridge. The Resetarits also built a a part-time basis is Norma Kalke Engen. new home this year and Marilyn feels it She and her husband, Dick, who is a will be a year before they are truly settled. research chemist, are living in Shelton, I received word recently from Kathleen Washington. She is also active in McCarthy McGroder who is busy with community mental health and the bowling, P.T.A. and is a member of The Children’s Home Society of Washington. Citizens Committee For School System The Engens have five children. Design in the Town of Tonawanda. Her Very involved in “Cursille” movement husband is a sales representative and their in the Solana Beach, Cal. area is “A.J.” six children make for a very busy family. Zurek Hauber. The Haubers’ have four Thomas H. Macmanus, husband of Mary children and her husband Joe’s business, Croak Macmanus, just returned to laboratory supplies, is one and a half years General Electric in Syracuse, New York old. “A.J.” is also working on her after two years as a member of the Presi­ California credentials — she feels modern dent’s Executive Interchange Program in math is a real challenge. Their four Washington, D.C. The entire family children also keep her stepping. Mary including their two children are busy Kay, age 10, won two first place blue restoring a home in Fayetteville to its ribbons at the Del Mar County Fair for her former beauty. sewing garments. , Nannette Tyrell Tunget reports that she Sister Jeanne Wilhelm (formerly Sister and her husband enjoy sports that they can M. Sheila) is teaching at the Harlem do together like skiing, tennis and golf. Her School of the Arts and at the Henry Street husband, Larry, is an electrical engineer Settlement Music School. She also plays and this summer the Tungets made their the organ at St. Brigid’s Church on the 3rd trip to the western states. lower east side of Manhattan. “It has been Five young children ranging from ages 9 one of the most challenging experiences of to 5 months keep Janette Meindel my teaching career and I would like to Anderson very busy. Her husband, Ralph, shard the details with any alumni who may is head cook at the West Seneca School. be interested.” Both the Andersons are active in the response, january, 1973 7

Kathie reports that Jeanne O’Grady Ryan and her family were there for the weekend. Jeanne recently traveled to Germany with her mother and sisters. The Sanboras have three children and according to Kathie, are a constant source of activity. Currently pursuing her Master’s at Northeastern is Maureen O’Connor Martello. Her husband, Ed, is a Project Engineer. The Martellos have two children and Maureen reports activities with AAUW and is active with the Boston Chapter of the Alumni. ’64 Reporter: Dorothea Nicosia Cosgrove 7 Dale Road Orchard Park, N.Y. 14127 NEWS: Currently living in White Bear Lake, Minnesota, Carol Dresser Petronack says that she “spends more time doing diapers than anything.” Obviously she has six boys ranging in age from 5 1 /2 years to 6 months. Her husband, Paul, is a Legal Editor at West Publishing Co. Congratulations, Carol, on a lovely family. Write to us again, soon. Judith Carbonelli VanZandt has recently moved to Alta Loma, California. Her husband, Russ, is a Director of Operations of Med-Econ Plastics Co. Hope you enjoy California, Judy. Active as Program Chairman and Vice President of West Town Garden Club of Henrietta is Gail Hoppough Goodwin. Her husband, Charles, is Assistant to the Vice President of Marketing, O’Brien Homes, .in Rochester. The Goodwins have three children including a new baby boy. Holly Schmitz Schmidt writes that she is the only female real estate representative After graduation from Rosary Hill change his profession to Professor of the Cleveland Hill Schools. She also was for the World Trade Center. It is an College, Patricia A. Dunn has received her Sociology. married November 20, 1971 to Martin exciting job dealing with tenants, lawyers, Màsters in Elementary Guidance and Braun who is a social worker. Best wishes traveled to Ireland. She is currently a 4th to you both. architects. She has 99.9 per cent of her grade teacher at Dolgeville Central ’66 Reporter: Masters in Sociology. Her husband, Frank, School. Thanks so much for writing, Pat. Donna Kelly Hughes Arlene Nikiel writes that she received is an investment Banker with Smith 4920 Kraus Road her M.S. in Medical Technology from the Barney & Co. Holly reports that she and Just returned from a trip to Poland is Clarence, N.Y. 14031 State University of N.Y., Upstate Medical her husband love New York City and are Diane Czamara. This past spring, Diane NEWS: Paul and Sue Stillman Scupien Center last spring. She is an instructor in avid theater, concert, and museum fans. was named Queen of the East European report that they have a new baby, Patricia medical technology and is supervisor in dinner held at the State University College microbiology at Upstate’s State University A personal note from your Class Anne. Sheryl Rice Olson reports that she is Hospital. Reporter: “I am sorry that I must resign at Buffalo. She is an instructor and super­ now teaching math at Plainville Junior due to a hectic schedule that a new baby visor in a clinical laboratory at Millard High in Conn. Her husband, Ronald, is Beth Gallick reports that she is working brings. Also, for health reasons, I feel that Fillmore Hospital. Director of Sales Advertising for WNTY on her Master’s Degree at U.B. She just someone of you should replace me. I have Active in the McGovern Campaign is radio station. They have a little girl, returned from two week vacation in the materials and newsletters prepared Cftrrimig.Hn Hrr- iiiMprird, Christine ncuise, three years —. Hawaii»-—— —— —^ -—— for the n&ct Class Reporter and I look Jerry, is an electrician at Eastman Kbdak. As Director of Kelley Business Institute Working as a substitute teacher and forward to several volunteers from our With politics and her two little boys, in Niagara Falls, Cheryl Dipaolo Fell is a homemaker with a new baby is Jean class. Please contact your Alumni Office Joanne will be a busy gal. very busy gal indeed. She received her Worth Shanahan. She and her husband, and let Eileen Hogenkamp know of your Tom, who is a Vocational Rehabilitation good intentions. Thanks for helping me Currently living in Marlboro, Md., M.S. from Niagara University in 1970 and Veronica Falcone Coleman is an active is attending the University of Buffalo to Counselor, are living in Arcade. Jean and I know there will be much news in the obtain a Doctorate’s Degree in Adminis­ expects to Complete requirements for her next RESPONSE from our class.” housewife. Her husband, Ed, is an attorney with the 1RS. Ronnie co-chaired tration. She and her husband, John, who is MB. in Education within the year. She is the Christmas party for Community a policeman have taken many interesting especially interested in Exceptional ’65 Reporter: Children and is active in many other trips to Europe, Bermuda, and Africa. Childreii’s Education. Judith Frey Hugar community activities. She reports that she There little girl, Jennifer Lynne, and many Mary Ann Leary Kull is busy as wife and Town & Country West has had trouble with Japanese beetles community activities keep the Fells on mother. She and her husband, Bob, who is 8854 Town & Country Blvd.„Apt. C feasting on her hybrid tea roses. their toes. a dentist and their two children are mov­ Ellicott City, Maryland 21043 Linda Young Busz is temporarily living Keeping in touch with counseling centers ing to a new home in October and hope to NEWS: Nominated for the Outstanding in White Pigeon, Mich. For the past five and especially the new developments on buy a house in the Spring. Young Woman of America for ’72 is Sally drug and “rap” centers, keeps Jean Anne Gleason Good son. The Nutley, N.J. years, she has been teaching at Glen Oaks Recently returned from two years in Community College in Centerville, Mich. Gilmartin Seelig on the go. Her husband, Chapel Hill, N.C., Geraldine Malcos Zynda Family Service Bureau and the American Louis, is a U.S. Army Finance Officer. Association of University Women both Linda and her husband, Doug, who is Dis­ and her husband, Dennis, are now living in trict Sales Manager for Continental Jean reports that she could write a book on Tonawanda. Dennis is a stockbroker with nominated Sally. Her husband, John, is a her two children. She also enjoys leather Merrill Lynch. Their little girl, Adrea Theatrical Electrician on Broadway. Both Trailers, have a new baby, Jeffrey Thomas, who is ten months old. Later this crafts, sewing, and painting. Marie and their expected child in John and Sally have been active in every December keeps the Zyndas busy. aspect of community affairs in Nutley. fall, Linda will be moving to Elberton, Ga. In May 1972, Barbara Maloney Huber Keep up the good work! and she would love to hear from any class­ received her M.ED. from U.B. She also We also have a new address for Jo Ann mates in that area. teaches CCD at St. Paul’s Church. Her Cerullo Kelleher, Jo Ann is currently Working part time as a lab technician husband, Joe, is Treasurer and Office living at 50 Bur well, Lancaster, N.Y. Come until the birth of their second child is Working as a student teacher supervisor for Buffalo University College, Kathaleen Manager of Hughes Industrial Products, on ’67«! Please keep the news coming! Deane Sorohan Saunders. Deane and her Inc. He and Barbara have two children to husband, Patrick, who is Co-ordinator of Roberts Burke reports that she and her husband, Ed have a little boy 17 months complete their home. Outdoor Education, and their two children Cecile Viggiano Ianno is very active in are living in Downers Grover, Illinois. old. Ed is an; attorney and Kathy is a ’68 Reporter: member of “Together on Education” and the Syracuse RHC Alumni Chapter. She Elizabeth Kucserik Drost Patricia Lace Cassell writes that she the League of Women Voters. also was our representative to the Syra­ 224 May Street was a charter member of the Boston cuse College Alumnae Ball and active with Buffalo, New York 14211 Chapter of RHCAA and she is very active Eileen Hot how Belliotti and her hus­ her husband, Victor, on Pre-Cana for band, Francis, who is a C.P.A. are living NEWS: Word was recently received from in the Holliston Women’s Club. She and her newlyweds in Syracuse. Vic is Vice Presi­ Patricia Lane Godfrey that she and her husband, Doug, who is Vice President of here in Buffalo. They have three children dent of Scotsman Press, Inc. and they have and Eileqn is currently involved with the husband, John, a postal clerk and full time Computer Guild, Inc. have a new hobby — three children. They recently traveled to student are living in Dorchester, Mass. gardening. Their little girl, Kim Shannon, religious Studies program at Canisius the Bahamas, Miami, Rome, Italy and just College. She is also chairman with her hus­ Pat has been teaching for four years “eats, sleeps and wets her diaper and is a returned from Mexico City and , French and Spanish and also working on precious bundle of joy for her Mommy and band of the CFM in the Kenmore-Tona-' Texas. wanda area. her Master’s Degree in Urban Studies Daddy.” which she received in August. The As. a supervisor of Pathology at Millard Godfreys expect their first child in Valerie Crapsi Nigro has begun a ’67 Reporter: Montessori pre-school class in her home. Fillmore Hospital and raising two pre­ November. schoolers, Jeannette Marie Kacalski Patricia Pepe Schnitter Her husband, Bart, who is an Assistant 161 East Morris Avenue Currently living in Yellow Springs, Ohio Professor at Niagara Community College, Beiger and her husband are a busy family. Bob is a machinist in metallurgy. Buffalo, New York 14214 is Dr. and Mrs. Andrew O. Evwaraye and their two children are living in Buffalo NEWS: Currently working with Citibank is (Nancy Palmer). Nancy’s husband is the and enjoying it very much. Maryann Balzer Balm was recently Phyllis Friscia Heldorfer. She is a senior physics professor at Antioch College and Dean and Ellen Bermingham Wood- married to Robert J. Baton v Bob is an Air education specialist who will be working has worked with General Electric on moon rich are living in Framingham, Mass:, and i Pollution Officer at Bethlehem Steel Corp. on developing new secretarial skills rocks brought back on the Apollo 12 flight. their three children keep Ellen very busy. .-They honeymooned for three weeks in curriculum. Please write and give us more Nancy resigned from work this past Her husband is Public Health Advisor in ; , ;Ga., Disney World, Fla., and details. summer to attend graduate school in Miami; Bést wishes to you both. Social Studies. Let us know when the baby Framingham. They are also active a$ a Susan Jankowski McCullough is now liv­ couple in church and community affairs; arrives! ■ Mary V611 Fogarty writes that she ing in Danbury, Conn. Her husband, taught kindergarten for five years in East Stephen, is a controller for Sylvania Ser­ Mary Teresa Del Prince was married Enjoying the New York ared is Veronica vice Division in White Plains. They have Redding Gallagher. Her husband, Jimmy , Brunswick, N.J. In July ; of ’71 her September 2 to John Robert McCarthy. three children and are very busy getting John is in management with the Grand is a stockbroker on the floor of the £«Iew daughter, Kelly was born aud they built a settled in their new home. .York Exchange. The Gallaghers have new home in High Bridge, N.J. Her hus­ Union Supermarkets. They are currently three children and Veronica is-still keeping band, Benjamin, is an engineer with the Katherine Krowinski Braun and her hus­ living in Alexandria, Va. where Mary is an her hand in medical technology. She says Fedders Corporation and is currently band, Martin, have just moved to analyst with the U.S. Government. that it helps to.maintain her sanity,. *. . attending Rutgers,, University hoping to Clarence. Katherine is teaching music in (Continued on Page 8) 8 response, january, 1973 Alumni (continued from page seven TOY Company

Doris Gallagher Gibbons taught school Migrant Center in Dunkirk, N.Y., Theatre of Youth (TOY) Company, direction of Robert Ball, who holds a in Frankfort, N.Y. and Brooklyn, N.Y. She Christine Wierzbicki Ellington is a busy a professional children’s theatre BFA degree in directing from Rosary and her husband, Terrence, who works in gal indeed. Her husband, Donald, is a electronic systems for Chemical Bank young carpenter and President of company, has taken up official resi­ Hill. were married June 28, 1969. They had an WNYERA. He is active in competitive dence on the Rosary Hill College exciting three week honeymoon touring motorcycling and has five trophies “ which campus. The company was formed by Ireland and the British Isles. They now make us extremely proud.” Their little a group of drama educators and The second annual President’s Club have two children who keep Doris busy at boy, D .J. keeps them very active and Chris students from Rosary Hill. Ms. home, a boy, Patrick and a girl, Catherine. is also studying for her Master’s Degree at reception was held Wednesday, The West Coast, in particu­ the University of Fredonia. Rosalind Cramer, co-producer, stated September 27 in the Wick Main lar, is lucky to have Marie Barnell as a Christine Bartczak Pecenco just com­ that its purpose is “to provide worthy Lounge. The club was established last business teacher in the Los Angeles pleted a successful year as a teacher at the experiences in theatre for young year to honor M. Angela Canavan, schools. She is currently enrolled at Cal­ ABC Nursery School. She has also com­ viewers.” ifornia State University at Long Beach in pleted 2/3 of the requirements for her 9 O.S.F., president of Rosary Hill, for the Master’s Program for School Adminis­ Master’s Degree. Her husband, Mario, is a The idea of a professional children’s her leadership in transforming the tration. She was just recently elected Principal Engineer Assistant. The college into the academic complex it is theatre company was conceived by Department Chairman. Pecencos recently enjoyed a summer tour today. And now, to the Southwest, we find Mary of Europe. Ms. Cramer and Ms. Toni Smith, who Jo Gleason Hartnagle. Her husband., also serves as co-producer, after they Lucy Curley Teresi, chairman of the Michael, works for E.I. Dupont. He is now Production Supervisor. They have two attended an international children’s event, presided at the ceremonies children and the Hartnagles never knew ’70 Reporter: theatre and theatre education con­ honoring Sister Angela during the the weather .could be so beautiful all year Lynne M. Botorick ference held in Albany last June. The reception. In a brief address, Mrs. round. Mary Jo says, “ Hi!” to Susan 20 Eton Lane Buffalo, New York 14226 founding members of the group are Teresi cited the changes at the college. Poness Patton on Staten Island. Ms. Cramer and Ms. Smith, both Virginia Catan Kennedy and her hus­ NEWS: Joyce Zongrone is currently an English Reading Teacher in Utica, New faculty members at Rosary Hill, and “The expansion of the physical band, Tom, who is a stockbroker with plant, the ability to attract interested Merrill Lynch are living in Rochester. York. She will be engaged this year in Pro­ Joel Gori, Mary Claire Jacobi, Their daughter, Sheila, completes the ject Search — a New York State funded Margaret Quinn, Anna Siminski, and and innovative trustees, administrators program designed to humanize the Kennedy home. Kenneth Siminski, theatre arts and faculty, the increased enrollment After her husband, Jim, was released curriculum. Margaret Bright Miedzianowski was students and alumni of the college. of both men and women and the from the service, Margaret Miller Gryta commitment of the college to the and her husband bought a new home and married May 27, 1972 to Edward A. moved to Leonardo, N.J. Jim is Assistant Miedzianowski who is an auditor with the Although closely related to the community, can, I believe, be directly Manager for an importing firm. They have First National Bank of Maryland. Mary college, the TOY Company is not attributed to Sister Angela,” she said. ai new baby, Jam es A., Jr. who was born Kay Khoury ’70 was the maid of honor and being operated under the auspices of May 27, 1972. Kathryn Dumansky ’70 also attended. She also mentioned the community Peggy is currently Editorial-Graphics Rosary Hill. Ms. Seenie Hurwitz, recognition that Sister Angela has Assistant at the First National Bank of theatre arts concentration chairman, received during the past year, and ’69 Reporter: Maryland. Best wishes to you both. NONE explained that “the college is delighted stated that “justifiably, we are proud Karen Krakora Opalka is working as a that the TOY Company is located on NEWS: Reorganizing the Sperrazza remedial reading teacher. She was of her (Sister Angela) and of Rosary household after the birth of their second married last summer to Chet Opalka, Jr. our campus and making use of our Hill.” child Peggy Ghiandoni Sperrazza found who is a research chemist with Sterling- facilities, but it is an independent or­ her working schedule thrown out the win­ Winthrop Research Laboratory in ganization.” Mrs. Teresi closed by noting that “if dow. Her husband, Dennis, is a cement Rensselaer, N.Y. mason for Cowper Construction in Buffalo. Sister Angela and Rosary Hill are to He is also pursuing his degree in The TOY Company will produce fulfill this promise of excellence, we psychology at the U.B. night school. When full - scale productions geared to de­ must help, and help in a tangible way.” jjossi kte^Peggy•woi^swithJier husband *71 Reporters: _ finite age group? from pre - school t(T~— raurbish in ^m ^«u rnism n g their “ new” PatPMPRunyun Whipple Membership in the President’s Club teenage. Following each performance, is given to those individuals who have old house. Box 248 the company members will assemble Nancy Martin Bologna and her husband, Sherburne, New York 13460 contributed at least one hundred Robert, who is an air force pilot, are living Patricia Noker to answer questions and guide the dollars to Rosary Hill during the year. in San Bernardino, Cal. Bob returned to 821 Brighton Road audience on a “talking and walking” At present there are 26 members of the States from Viet Nam last February Tonawanda, New York 14150 tour of the theatre. and they hope that they are settled in San NO NEWS the club. Bernardino for at least three or four years. In addition to play productions, the Nancy reports “ the area is fantastic! ’72 Reporter: company is operating a theatre school Smoggy, but fantastic!” They have a year NONE old daughter. for children. The school, which is open Medical Records After graduation, Beverly Anne Scilingo NEWS: We are pleased to report that to children ages six through 18, meets completed one year of study for her Charlene K. Alianell was married this past on Saturdays. (Continued from Page One) Master’s in French at the University of June to Robert William Frye. advice in areas of curriculum revision, Toronto. She taught two years at East Suzanne Leonard Brignole ’72 writes “Where the Wild Things Are,” an expansion of the program, continuing Seneca Junior High. Bev also traveled to that she and her husband, Ed, who is a France, Italy, and Venezuela. She recently construction engineer live in Milton, Pa. original adaptation of a familiar education, and incorporation of inno­ spent six weeks in Buenos Aires, Sue graduated from State University children’s story by Maurice Sendak vative ideas into future planning. Argentina studying Spanish. College at Potsdam and is teaching CCD in will be the TOY Company’s first pro­ Despite its rapid progress, the As an Intervention Teacher (home her local church. Thanks so much, Sue, for duction. The play is under the Rosary Hill College medical records letting die class know of your success. teaching) for B.O.C.E.S. Preschool program is not content to rest on its past achievements. Last Fall, community colleges across the country were notified of the Rosary ROSARY HILL COLLEGE Hill curriculum and its transfer policy 4380 Main Street Non-Profit Org. in order to encourage students in Buffalo, New York 14226 U.S. POSTAGE medical record technology to continue PAID on in the MRA program. The Rosary Buffalo, N.Y. Hill curriculm is structured in such a Permit No. 3529 way that a student from a community college can enter in the junior year and build on the education he has al­ ready received, thus completing his course work in a two year sequence. Tentative plans are also being Linda E. Carter » A 9 developed for a continuing education program, should the local community Xol A# Kenville Rd* manifest an interest in a program of Buffalo, N. Y. 14215 this nature. This would enable medical records personnel already employed by hospitals to continue their educa­ tion toward their degree on a full or part-time basis. The future also calls for the expansion of the college’s facilities to include computer equip­ ment and computer assisted instruc­ tion. In its two years on the Rosary Hill campus, medical records administra­ tion has achieved a place of promin­ ence, and the future promises to be even brighter, for, to paraphrase the words of a current song “It’s only just begun.”