The Late Dr H. B. Singh
T he Late Dr H. B. Singh (L916-1974) WILD EDIBLE PLANTS OF INDIA H. B. SINGH AND R. K. ARORA National Bureau of Plant Genetie Resources 1. A. R. 1. Campus, New Delhi . !CAB INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRIOULTURAL RESEAROH NEW DELHI FIRST PRINTED, MARCH 1978 Chiif Editor : P. L. JAISWAL Editor,' K. B. NAIR Asstt. Editor,' I. J. LALL Clti~f Production o'{jiccr " KRlSHAN KUMAR ProdllctiDn Assistant : J. L. CULlAN! Price : Rs 8.20 A'~S\\~ ~i fa, ii, It, l.H'i.~.4.1l.~. IJ.lWDJlLBl. Printed in Indi;; by n .. D. Sen .at the N,,\J;I :h1u(lr;1.n (P) Ltd., 170~! Acharya .Prafulla Chandxa Road, Calcutta and publi,hed by P.j.:Toseph, Uncler Secretary for the Indian Council of Agricultural Rcse,!rch, New Delhi. Dr HARBHAJAN SINGH (19l6-l974) DR Harbhajan Singh was born at Pusa (Bihar) on February 6, 1916. After obtaining the degree of Master of Science in Botany fi'om Agra Uni versity in 1938, he joined the Indian (then Imperial) Agricultural Research Institute for a t-wo-year Diploma course of Associateship in Economic Botany. Thereafter, he was taken up on the research staff of the Division of Botany where h.e pursued his scientific career with imlllcnse zeal and devotion, and rose to the position of the Head of the Division of Plant Introduction in that Institute. Dr Singh was among the first to l'calisc the immense possibilities of crop improvcment in India through systematic plant introduction and exploration. He was a plant explorer of eminence with regard to cultivated plants and their wild relatives, and carried out one-man trips, as well as led teams of agricultural plant explorers to different parts of India and the neighbouring countries such as Nepal.
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