[music playing]

[Anthony:] Hello, welcome to DerpyCon Online 2020.

I'm Anthony Zaragoza, Convention Chair of DerpyCon.

I'm here in front of the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick, which would've been our new home this year

[yells] If it wasn't for the Coronavirus!

[music playing]

So, because we're not able to be all here this weekend,

We're going to bring you a bunch of our programming and content online to you, for free, throughout this entire weekend.

We're going to have guests, panels, workshops, maybe a DJ--maybe.

I'm so looking forward for this weekend, of what we have to offer on DerpyCon Online for this year.

[music playing]

You know, this entire year I've been thinking

It's been almost 3 years that we decided to move to Hyatt Regency New Brunswick.

This is going back to 2017.

Back in DerpyCon 2016 and 2017, we heard that, we need more space; we need more hotel rooms; we need more restaurants nearby; we need this, we need that.

And, it got us thinking, saying, we should try to move, but not too far away.

And this is where Hyatt Regency New Brunswick got involved.

It took us 6 months to find a new home that we can move into starting in our 2020 event.

You know, there was a lot of places to choose from; from the lower Westchester area of New York, all the way down to South Jersey--

--and I know it's south Jersey, and, I'm coming from Long Island.

So anyway, you know, I know we needed a new home.

But the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick allowed us to move in, taking up the entire hotel, using up three times more space than we had in Morristown.

And you know what? 2020 I was really looking forward to since 2017.


And it got me thinking, that with this cancellation, it really, kind of made me a little upset.

Because this was something we've been working on since 2017.

And to be honest with you, this was the most, best kept secret Ithat 've ever done in my life.

There was a whole year that I knew that we were going to be here, and I didn't say a word.

And I heard everyone at DerpyCon 2018 when we announced that we were going to be moving.

And this was--staff didn't even know.

And...the staff where shocked of how we presented it,

[chuckles] which they thought we were stopping.

And it turned out that everyone was all hyped up because yes, we are moving; we're moving just 30 miles down the road to New Brunswick from Morristown.

And, you know, everyone walked in like, 'Wow, we have three times the space, we have the entire hotel.'

And, you know...I'm really looking forward to it since 2017.

And I knew everybody was going to be excited about it. When the Coronavirus struck earlier in the year,

I hoped that...we would have been at a stance that we could have run using the extra precaution.


When it came by May, I knew that we weren't going to happen.

And, I really got upset, because I've been looking forward to 2020. Because we have a new home; we have three times more space; we could be doing things that we couldn't do before, including wearing masks everywhere which seems we have to do everywhere right now.


[music playing]

We're going to have to wait for year.

But yet at the same time, if we wait for another year,

We can definitely bring you a better DerpyCon at our new home in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

So many of you this weekend probably would have taken fabulous photos with your cosplay at kind of like these rocks behind me.

But, it's not just these rocks that bring more excitement to this venue.

It's in fact the size--we're talking about three times the size of our previous years.

So for example, Main Events. Okay, we can only hold 100something people?

In our new Main Events we can triple that amount.

As of before Coronavirus.

Dealers Hall, yes, very small in terms of amount of different quality of vendors. But don't worry, because our new Dealer's Hall its going to be twice the size as well as our Artist Alley being about two to three times the size.

And our Video Gaming Room was definitely going to be larger than it was.

Including our panel rooms--so those Panel 4 rooms,

Panel 4 is no longer existent here in New Brunswick.

Each panel room will hold at least 50 people--that's right, 50 people.

This was something that we really looking forward to, because this was going to mark a new chapter of DerpyCon.

And you know what? This online event just brings us to show that we as a community can stay together during these hard times. so let's sit back, relax, and enjoy DerpyCon Online.

[music playing]

So, here we are--the atrium here at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick, which is basically the center of DerpyCon.

By the windows will be our Video Game Room on the lower level.

We have doors here for what would have been on Main Events.

Our Dealer's Hall, and our Artist Alley.

And then, to the left of the camera, would have been the panel rooms.

Of course, to your right would have been a video room and workshop rooms.

When we announced back in 2018 that we're moving to New Brunswick we had that worked in the making a year beforehand in terms of layout where everything should need to be, so that we can avoid moving rooms around after a venue change because we would like to keep everything the same as much as possible.

And now that we have no event this year, kind of make us a little upset that that vision that I had of everyone being here it's just not going to happen just yet. But soon it will come.

Ugh, look at me,

Just, rattling on about DerpyCon 2020 that would have been here and it's not.

You know, I'm putting everyone's hopes down and so on, and ugh, I don't want to do that. But anyway, let's get the weekend started right with DerpyCon Online.

Let's send it over to Candice right now in our DerpyCon studios. Candice--take it away!

[Candice:] Thanks Anthony for leaving me here with DerpyCone, who was the host of Opening Ceremonies last year. But since he's not speaking that much--he's fired, and I'll be your hostess this year. I'm Candice, and I'll be hosting DerpyCon Online 2020.

And I have to say I've missed you all the last 2 years. I was your Head of Programming for the first 4 years, but then this happened, so I had to get my life in order.

And one thing I vaguely remember or, mostly remember I should say is this-- remember this? Remember this sign?

Yeah, remember that? Kiss it goodbye for this year!

Ha, ha! Victory is mine!

All right. So let's get DerpyCon Online 2020 Opening Ceremonies started.

[music playing]

Streaming New Jersey's and gaming, sci-fi and comic convention; this is DerpyCon Online.

[music playing]

[Candice:] Now if you haven't figured out how to watch us just yet, but I'm assuming if you're watching us now, you figured it out.

But, here are some of your options-- We have Twitch.tv/DerpyCon if you want to Twitch stream us.

You can also check us out on the channel store on your ; search DerpyCon.

You can also search for us on your Fire TV.

And of course, once in a blue moon, we'll be live on Facebook, YouTube, maybe Twitter, maybe Instagram.

Who knows--you'll just have to keep an eye out to find us.

So, Guest Q&As

For Guest Q&As this year, please use the chat feature on Twitch.

From there our team of moderators will then forward your questions to the Guest.

So if you're watching from your Roku or Fire TV, you're going to have to switch to Twitch to ask the Guests the questions.

Got it? Twitch to ask questions.

Or, just go Roku and Fire TV to watch.

To those that are in need of captions of our programming, DerpyCon is offering transcripts of all of our programming.

You may find a copy of the transcripts on our website at DerpyCon.com

Please allow some time for our live panels to appear on the website.

Be sure to check out round-the-clock schedule at DerpyCon.com

We are live straight through the end of Sunday with endless programming and content, and I'm going to need a big pot of coffee for this!

Also please, please be aware that all times are in Eastern Standard time.

So if you're not watching us from the East Coast, if you're from Central Time Zone. Midwest, Pacific. or internationally

Think like you're on the East Coast when it comes to times, please.

We have a 2020 Program Guide available for you to download.

Again, check out our website at DerpyCon.com to download your copy. It's going to be awesome.

We also have exclusive merchandise for DerpyCon 2020. We have a DerpyCon water bottle, right here.

We got this cute little DerpyCon blue cup, because blue is DerpyCon's color.

Also we have badges that we were going to give to you when we were going to have this in person, but you know, 2020 happened.

These really cool badges, if you want to buy them, to add to your DerpyCon collection. I actually really like this year's badge... it's pretty nice.

We also have this new, fabulous DerpyCon light up cup. Every time you turn it on and off, it changes colors.

Isn't that cool? I like this one so I'm going to keep it up there.

And also we have the DerpyCon classic DerpyCon shot glass.

And let us not forget, DerpyCon 2020 t-shirts.

But just to let you know, we need to hit a limit of people buying the t-shirts for us to make an order.

So if you want a DerpyCon 2020 t-shirt order, order, order, them like they're going to run out or like your life depends on it or whatever motivates you to buy t-shirts.

Now if you don't want a DerpyCon 2020 t-shirt--which I'm judging you for--you can also get our past DerpyCon t-shirts, like this one from last year,

Pretty cool artwork there. And also from 2018. We also got some for 2015, 2016, I think one or two left for 2014, which was the first DerpyCon year.

These are actually pretty nice--I think I'm going to steal them.

And also just to give you a heads up with each purchase of DerpyCon merchandise you will get a copy of the exclusive, never-before-seen DerpyCon 2019 Program Guide-- because they came late last year. Oops, that's DerpyCon for you! [giggles] And all of the merchandise can be found at DerpyCon.com/store

Also, be sure to use the hashtag #DerpyConOnline and #DerpyCon2020

And your messages may appear on the ticker on the screen below--

--just like that.

Before we introduce the Guests, let's take a look back at the last--I can't believe I'm saying this 6 years of DerpyCon.

Roll that beautiful memory footage.

[music playing]

[Candice:] Anyway, let's get to the Guests of DerpyCon Online 2020.

Let's first introduce our Community Guests for this year.

First up, we have Children Driving Robots.

At least a hundred years ago, a group of idiots in a plastic turtle named Kyle, came together with a great mission-- to have fun, entertain people irregardless of whether or not people were entertained.

Whether it be arcade, playthroughs, and inaccurate anime descriptions on YouTube, convention panels about dumb stuff they're obsessed with, or making new friends in hotel lobbies.

Children Driving Robots are not aware that irregardless is not a word--

--although, that was probably last year--

Webster Dictionary has recently added irregardless in 2020's Webster Dictionary.

Congratulations 2020, you turned irregardless into a word!

Anyway, check them out online at ChildrenDrivingRobots.com

Also, if you want to check out their panels, they are scheduled for Friday, 7 to 8PM, Doctor Who: Lost in Time and Space;

Saturday 5 to 6PM, Women Who Made Doctor Who;

Saturday 7 to 8 p.m., Obscure Anime is Random; and Sunday 1 to 2 p.m., Star Trek: The Other Officers.

We also have back this year The Manly Battleships who are a group of fun-loving performers that have built a programming powerhouse on the convention circuit.

Veteran panelists combine their skills with a circle of longtime congoers, otaku, and deviants to create a repertoire of content to suit any taste.

The fleet's arsenal offers a lot of a little, and a little of...everything.

With a lineup including academic lectures, the gameshow Impossibru series, and over-the-top entertainment panels, high quality times are to be had under the fleet's banner.

No matter your pleasure, there's a Manly Battleships event that's right for you.

Their panels this year will be held Friday 8 to 9 p.m., Gameshow Impossibru, Squiggly Squiggly as well as Saturday, 6 to 7 p.m., again, the Gameshow Impossibru: Squiggly Squiggly.

Also this year we're going to have Super Art Fight, which is the greatest live art competition in the known universe.

A live-action performance where two or more artists battle against each other over a giant canvas.

With the help of two quipping hosts, and the Wheel of Death, they compete for the audience's affection in order to secure the win.

Yes, the winner of art fight about is determined by the fans, and by fans, I mean you, as well as science to determine how loud the crowd cheers on their Zoom, and crown the winner.

We pick cutting-edge artist against each other in the art of creative combat, reacting to the whims of the fans--which will be on Zoom--and it's going to be live.

Super Art Fight will be live on DerpyCon Online Saturday at 8 p.m.

This year we also have our guest DJ Awesomus Prime who is a rock star convention DJ who doesn't shy away from entertaining the nerdy masses.

With a set dedicated to showcasing remixes from your favorite video games, , and cartoons, he spices things up with a dash of chip-tune for a little geeky-infused performance.

Awesomus has been DJing the con circuit across the country, quickly becoming a fan favorite--and it's easy to see why.

He brings a highly energetic spirit to every set as he runs around dancing with fans, breaking it down, and has been known to headbang the night away.

Awesomus Prime will be DJing our dance Friday and Saturday at 11 p.m.

Sp make sure you get your living room set up so you can dance the night away.

And also he'll be hosting a panel Saturday from 2 to 3 p.m. Awesomus Showdown: Anime Edition.

Now it's time to introduce the Cosplay Guests for DerpyCon Online 2020.

First up, we have Bamala Cosplay, who has been designing costumes and making props since she was very young.

It started as just a very extravagant Halloween costumes with her mother, together they would go to local fabric stores, sew the costumes, and add embellishments.

And with her dad, she would build everything and anything from a xylophone for a school project to building boats in the backyard.

However, she didn't break into the cosplay community until 2017, when she went to her first ever anime convention--it was love at first cosplay.

Bamala Cosplay will be hosting panels on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., So You Wanna Make a Wig; and Sunday from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., The Secrets I've learned Cosplaying.

This year we also have DizzyLizzy.

Coming out of face mask sewing insanity, DizzyLizzy is ready to lend her costuming expertise for DerpyCon Online.

For over 20 years, she has been creating costumes for herself and others, while receiving several Best In Shows for her worksmanship and performance skills.

When she is not creating costumes, you can find her still behind her sewing machine, creating bridal gowns for K&B Bridals and working her qeeky fashion line for Silly Little Things. Lizzy believes in cos-positivity and stays active in the community by hosting workshops, judging, running Cosplay departments such as Katsucon, Zenkaikon, and AnimeNext, and is the creator of The Magic of Cosplay exhibit.

You can find DizzyLizzy's panel this Saturday, from 9 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Last but not least, we have White Rabbit--aka Katie Lynch to you Muggles out there-- who hails from Central New Jersey, and is a cosplayer and seamstress who has been on the convention floor since 2005.

Katie is a multiple Master Level Award-winner for sewing and historical accuracy, and an East Coast convention panelist veteran.

She enjoys taking inspirational characters and morphing them to fit her horror genderbending aesthetic.

She received local fame with her androgynous Pyramid Head from Silent Hill, which inspired her to push the limits of what cosplay can be for people.

Katie's work has showcased in Cosplay Realm and Cosplay Zen Magazine.

Katie is thrilled to be part of DerpyCon 2020 and can't wait to meet you virtually.

White Rabbit panels will be on Friday from 9:30 to 10 p.m, Cosplay Joins the Darkside; and Saturday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., Top-shelf Cosplay on a Bottom-shelf Budget.

Okay people, now's the time you've all been waiting for. It's a time to introduce the voice actor guests of DerpyCon Online.

First up we have Darrel Guilbeau who is a Los Angelos-based actor who began voice acting in 2004.

He has voiced the lead roles of Mikado in the Durarara! series. In the Video Game world, Darrel is best known for voicing Layle in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, The Crystal Barriers.

Darrel Guilbeau Q&A is right after this Opening Ceremonies at 6 p.m. tonight. Autographs are to follow at 7 p.m.--make sure you sign up ahead of time for your autographs.

This year we also have Trina Nishimura.

Trina Nishimura began her acting career at the age of 9 in community theater, and began touring in theatrical productions at age 13.

From meager beginnings to a long career on the stage, on screen, and in voice work, Trina's most notable roles in voice acting span over a decade and include over 200 titles.

Trina Nishimura's Q&A is on Saturday at 4 p.m., autographs will follow after the panel-- make sure you sign up for autographs.

We have Molly Searcy, who is a voice actor from Sentai Filmworks, , and Sound Cadence.

Her most recognizable role is Akame in Akame ga Kill

Molly loves her work and the opportunity to meet and chat with anime fans, especially at cons.

When she's not in the booth, Molly can be found onstage. She is a Brierley Resident Acting Company member at Dallas Theatre Center and recently earned her MFA in Acting from SMU-- congratulations Molly!

Molly Searcy's Q&A is on Sunday at 11 a.m., autographs will follow after the panel-- make sure you sign up for autographs, again.

Last but not least we have Armen Taylor who is a voice actor who has worked on a slew of video games, anime projects and anime series. Those include Fire Emblem and Crystar.

Armen narrates The Light RPG audiobook series, Viridian Gate Online, and can also be heard as a recurring cast member in the Suspense radio drama, The Hidden Frequencies, and the NoSleep podcast.

Armen Taylor's Q&A is on Saturday at 1 p.m., autographs will follow after the panel--and again, sign up for your autographs.

And again with the autographs, here's some information all right? You might want to take a pen and paper and write this down.

Autographs. You can purchase autographs and live sessions with our Guests at DerpyCon.com/store

Autograph purchasing will end 30 minutes prior to the start of the autographs, so make sure if you want your autograph, by them 30 minutes before the panel starts, okay?

Again, 30 minutes before the panel begins.

And just like a real convention, the schedule may change without notice.

Be sure to follow our website at DerpyCon.com And again one last time, just a friendly reminder, we are following the Eastern Standard Time for those that may be watching us afar. So if you're watching us, make sure you're following the Eastern Standard Time clock and not your West Coast clock or whatever clock you follow.

Next up in our Opening Ceremonies--this was supposed to be the year we were supposed to be in our new home in New Brunswick, New Jersey. But then 2020 had other plans.

For a sneak peek of what the town has to offer for next year, here is a walk around New Brunswick with our Publicity head, Michael.

[music playing]

[Michael:] Welcome to beautiful New Brunswick, New Jersey. at the Hyatt Regency, New Brunswick the home of DerpyCon.

Our first stop on our New Brunswick adventure is right here at the venue, right next to these lovely rocks, one of the highlights of the hotel.

And behind me, your venue for DerpyCon starting in 2021.

[music playing]

As we step outside the doors of the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick, we step into a wonderful world for cosplay pictures, right behind me on the grassy knoll.

And food.

Food as far as the eye can see down historic George Street.

Whatever you want--they'll have it there.

You want a bowl of ramen?

We got a restaurant for that.

You want sushi? We have that.

You want burgers?

You can find countless of them.

Just a slice of pizza?

That's just a block away!

What about tacos--you bet.

No matter what you're in the mood for, you can find it just one minute away from the venue.

You won't be gone long, you won't miss your favorite panels, you won't miss the major events, and you can catch some cosplay photos on the way back.

So if you're driving into town like me, and you're wondering where you're going to park.

You can park right here on site.

The Hyatt Regency New Brunswick has a full parking garage, connect to the building; whether you're staying for the weekend, or just coming for the day, you can park right here and just be minutes away from the action,

And your car will be close to lug all that great merch that you'll be getting in the Exhibit Hall.

[music playing]

I feel like we're recording the Wheel of Fortune videos.

This is the prize you're going to win.

We're recording them right here in New Brunswick.

Because who wouldn't want to win a weekend package to New Brunswick?

Stay tuned.

So our first restaurant stop is right across the street on Church Street and the Blackthorn Restaurant and Irish Pub.

If you're looking for some Irish pub fare, burgers and brews,

You know where to go--and you won't have to go far.

And then right down Church Street will have even more restaurants.

We'll be walking down there, and we'll be seeing what kind of food and what kind of entertainment you can enjoy here in New Brunswick.

Right across the street we have the Christ Church.

Please do not take pictures in the cemetery.

We beg you.

No cosplay photos in the cemetery, even if we're on Halloween

We're going to be respectful.

And maybe we'll have a cemetery in the bowling alley of the venue.

Oh, you don't know about the bowling alley yet.

Well, you'll have to come visit us DerpyCon 2021.

So if for some reason you can't park on site

Don't worry--you won't have far to walk.

Right behind me is the Church Street Parking Garage that's about a minute-and-a-half walk from the venue so you won't be far.

And it is in the heart of downtown New Brunswick.

So once again you'll be a minute from food.

You can tell I'm hungry because all we're talking about is food on this tour

But that's one of the highlights of New Brunswick And it's also next to one of the most entertaining places here

It's right by the Laugh Factory.

[music playing]

As we continue our adventure down George Street we have a Dunkin' Donuts over here for if you need your morning coffee

Dunkin's the place to go.

I might be there too.

You might find me here at Dunkin' grabbing some coffees for myself and everyone but the Con Chair

Since--we know he's going to want his Starbucks.

As we have some restaurants we have Master Niu, one of the great Asian restaurants we have here.

Looking for some barbecue? You're looking for some noodles?

Looking for some fried chicken? We got it right here.

As we continue down we got the Hub City Brewhouse.

A lot of beers on tap, right here.

So you got your brews, you got your burgers-- one of the good places to eat.

One of the best spots to go for a bite to eat, and my personal recommendation is the Tavern on George.

A historic building full of great pub fare, burgers, salads, sandwiches, soups, and of course, some brews.

This is a wonderful spot to stop and grab a bite to eat, enjoy some music on the weekends. And if you're a fan of sitting to watch some of the football games they got that on a lot of TVs inside.

There's going to be a lot that you can do right here on the Tavern on George, one of the historic locations here, in downtown New Brunswick.

It may not be Nandos, so you might not get your National Harbor feel.

But you still get your Popeyes fried chicken some of the best fried chicken right here at Popeyes sorry KFC lovers--

Popeyes is where it's at.

Are you short on cash during the weekend? Well, you can go right down George Street to the ATM.

There will also be an ATM right on site at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick as well.

So plenty of spots to go to make sure you have enough cash for the Exhibitors Hall.

[music playing]

So we take our next stop down here on George Street

We got one of the best places you can think of for a Mexican grill.

All right, so fast food, but it's Chipotle.

Chipotle has some great burritos some gret burrito bowls,

And if you go farther down you can get your coffee fix.

I know our Con Chair will at Starbucks.

We look across the street at Harvest Moon Brewery one of the better places to find some beer

And Gong Cha, which is one of the locations that we visited last time we were in New Brunswick over in the spring. So you can stop there for some nice cuisine, bubble tea to boot,

And this is just a few blocks away from the convention.

But as you can see, we're just a few blocks away from the train station and one of the places you can get into New Brunswick.

So this train station is both a New Jersey Transit and an Amtrak station.

You can access through both ways; there's a way to get to New Brunswick following the Amtrak station or the New Jersey Transit.

[music playing[

We've experienced a lot on our New Brunswick adventure today.

We've gone downtown to Stress Factory.

We've gone past bars, we've gone past restaurants.

We've enjoyed some of the sights and sounds that we have here in New Brunswick

From cosplay photo spots, to even the train station for all you train-goers.

But now we're back here at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick

We're tired, we're ready for bed. So we're going to go up to our room but the adventures don't stop today.

Because the party doesn't start until DerpyCon 2021 next year with you.

[Candice:] Thank you Michael for showing me all those places that I can't eat at right now.

Anyway, that's Opening Ceremonies DerpyCon 2020--let the convention begin!

[music playing]

Streaming New Jersey's anime and gaming, sci-fi and comic convention; this is DerpyCon Online.

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Stop by our Online Marketplace and purchase the official shirt of DerpyCon Online.

Or, grab exclusive march that you can only grab this year

Get yours now at DerpyCon.com

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Get your DerpyCon Online merchandise.

Light up your night with this amazing DerpyCon light-up cup.

Need that emergency cosplay sewing kit?

DerpyCon has it.

Need a con shirt? Why not get your DerpyCon 2018 shirt.

If 2018 wasn't a good year--

--why not get a DerpyCon 2019 shirt.

[music playing]

Get your DerpyCon merch now at DerpyCon.com/store

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Stock up on your favorite DerpyCon apparel, water bottles, notebooks, and so much more at the DerpyCon Online Marketplace.

Get it now at DerpyCon.com

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Need a mask--we all do.

That is why DerpyCon has a face mask.

Want to play a children's card game?

Why not get the DerpyCon 2020 playing card game.

Who wants coffee?

Get this DerpyCon Online tumbler.

Why not get a DerpyCon Online 2020 shirt--online!

And stay warm with this DerpyCon 2020 Online sweatshirt.

Get your DerpyCon merch now at DerpyCon.com/store. [music playing]

[music playing]

Hi, this is the Con Chair, Anthony.

And you’re watching DerpyCon Online.

[music playing]

[music playing]

We miss cosplays.

Take a picture of your cosplay.

Tag @DerpyCon on Twitter and #DerpyConOnline

[music playing]

[music playing]

DerpyCon heads to New Brunswick, New Jersey next Halloween.

Join us at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick on October 29th through the 31st for DerpyCon 2021.

[music playing]

[music playing]

Stock up on your favorite DerpyCon apparel, water bottles, notebooks, and so much more at the DerpyCon Online Marketplace.

Get it now at DerpyCon.com

[music playing] [music playing]

[music playing]

It's time to party people!

Light up the night and get ready to dance when DJ Awesomus Prime hits the stage at 11 p.m. tonight, on DerpyCon Online.

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Stock up on your favorite DerpyCon apparel, water bottles, notebooks, and so much more at the DerpyCon Online Marketplace.

Get it now at DerpyCon.com

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Stop by our Online Marketplace and purchase the official shirt of DerpyCon Online.

Or, grab exclusive march that you can only grab this year

Get yours now at DerpyCon.com

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Get your DerpyCon Online merchandise. Light up your night with this amazing DerpyCon light-up cup.

Need that emergency cosplay sewing kit?

DerpyCon has it.

Need a con shirt?

Why not get your DerpyCon 2018 shirt.

If 2018 wasn't a good year--

--why not get a DerpyCon 2019 shirt.

[music playing]

Get your DerpyCon merch now at DerpyCon.com/store

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Stock up on your favorite DerpyCon apparel, water bottles, notebooks, and so much more at the DerpyCon Online Marketplace.

Get it now at DerpyCon.com

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Need a mask--we all do.

That is why DerpyCon has a face mask.

Want to play a children's card game?

Why not get the DerpyCon 2020 playing card game. Who wants coffee?

Get this DerpyCon Online tumbler.

Why not get a DerpyCon Online 2020 shirt--online!

And stay warm with this DerpyCon 2020 Online sweatshirt.

Get your DerpyCon merch now at DerpyCon.com/store.

[music playing]

[music playing]

Hi, this is the Con Chair, Anthony.

And you’re watching DerpyCon Online.

[music playing]

[music playing]

We miss cosplays.

Take a picture of your cosplay.

Tag @DerpyCon on Twitter and #DerpyConOnline

[music playing]

[music playing]

DerpyCon heads to New Brunswick, New Jersey next Halloween.

Join us at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick on October 29th through the 31st for DerpyCon 2021.

[music playing]

[music playing]

Stock up on your favorite DerpyCon apparel, water bottles, notebooks, and so much more at the DerpyCon Online Marketplace.

Get it now at DerpyCon.com

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

It's time to party people!

Light up the night and get ready to dance when DJ Awesomus Prime hits the stage at 11 p.m. tonight, on DerpyCon Online.

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Stock up on your favorite DerpyCon apparel, water bottles, notebooks, and so much more at the DerpyCon Online Marketplace.

Get it now at DerpyCon.com

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[music playing]

[music playing]

Kawaii-fy your life with a Kawaii Box!

Enter our giveaway for a chance to win a Kawaii Box.

Learn more at DerpyCon.com/giveaway [music playing]

[music playing]

It's time to party people!

Light up the night and get ready to dance when DJ Awesomus Prime hits the stage at 11 p.m. tonight, on DerpyCon Online.

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Stock up on your favorite DerpyCon apparel, water bottles, notebooks, and so much more at the DerpyCon Online Marketplace.

Get it now at DerpyCon.com

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Stop by our Online Marketplace and purchase the official shirt of DerpyCon Online.

Or, grab exclusive march that you can only grab this year

Get yours now at DerpyCon.com

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[music playing]

[music playing]

Get your DerpyCon Online merchandise. Light up your night with this amazing DerpyCon light-up cup.

Need that emergency cosplay sewing kit?

DerpyCon has it.

Need a con shirt?

Why not get your DerpyCon 2018 shirt.

If 2018 wasn't a good year--

--why not get a DerpyCon 2019 shirt.

[music playing]

Get your DerpyCon merch now at DerpyCon.com/store

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Stock up on your favorite DerpyCon apparel, water bottles, notebooks, and so much more at the DerpyCon Online Marketplace.

Get it now at DerpyCon.com

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Need a mask--we all do.

That is why DerpyCon has a face mask.

Want to play a children's card game?

Why not get the DerpyCon 2020 playing card game. Who wants coffee?

Get this DerpyCon Online tumbler.

Why not get a DerpyCon Online 2020 shirt--online!

And stay warm with this DerpyCon 2020 Online sweatshirt.

Get your DerpyCon merch now at DerpyCon.com/store.

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[music playing]

Hi, this is the Con Chair, Anthony.

And you’re watching DerpyCon Online.

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[music playing]

We miss cosplays.

Take a picture of your cosplay.

Tag @DerpyCon on Twitter and #DerpyConOnline

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[music playing]

DerpyCon heads to New Brunswick, New Jersey next Halloween.

Join us at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick on October 29th through the 31st for DerpyCon 2021.

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[music playing]

Stock up on your favorite DerpyCon apparel, water bottles, notebooks, and so much more at the DerpyCon Online Marketplace.

Get it now at DerpyCon.com

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

It's time to party people!

Light up the night and get ready to dance when DJ Awesomus Prime hits the stage at 11 p.m. tonight, on DerpyCon Online.

[music playing]

[music playing]

We miss cosplays.

Take a picture of your cosplay.

Tag @DerpyCon on Twitter and #DerpyConOnline

[music playing]