In 2016, Côte d’Ivoire made a significant advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The Government enacted the Anti-Trafficking Law that carries more stringent penalties for offenders and adopted a Constitution that explicitly prohibits child labor and enshrines the right to education for both boys and girls. The National School of Administration integrated new modules on child labor into the curriculum for labor inspectors. With the assistance of UNICEF, the Government published a report on the expansion of its child labor monitoring system, SOSTECI, that included child labor prevalence data in three departments. In addition, the First Ladies of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire signed a joint declaration and cooperative agreement against cross-border human trafficking. The Government also launched a Ten-Year Education Training Plan and entered a partnership agreement with the International Cocoa Initiative to expand SOSTECI and improve school infrastructure in support of the National Action Plan for the Fight Against the Worst Forms of Child Labor. However, children in Côte d’Ivoire engage in the worst forms of child labor in the harvesting of cocoa and coffee, sometimes as a result of human trafficking. Gaps remain in enforcement efforts, and the labor inspectorate is not authorized to assess penalties.

I. PREVALENCE AND SECTORAL DISTRIBUTION OF CHILD LABOR Children in Côte d’Ivoire engage in the worst forms of child labor, including in the harvesting of cocoa and coffee, sometimes as a result of human trafficking.(1-6) According to a report by Tulane University published in 2015 that assessed data collected during the 2013–2014 harvest season, the cocoa sector employed an estimated 1,203,473 child laborers ages 5 to 17, of which 95.9 percent were engaged in hazardous work in cocoa production.(7) Table 1 provides key indicators on children’s work and education in Côte d’Ivoire. Table 1. Statistics on Children’s Work and Education Children Age Percent tŽƌŬŝŶŐ;йĂŶĚƉŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶͿ 5 to 14 ϯ1͘5 ;1͕ϲϴϮ͕ϳ54Ϳ

ƩĞŶĚŝŶŐ ^ĐŚooů ;йͿ 5 to 14 63.5

oŵďŝŶŝŶŐ toƌŬ ĂŶĚ ^ĐŚooů ;йͿ 7 to 14 21.5 WƌŝŵĂƌLJ oŵƉůĞƟoŶ ZĂtĞ ;йͿ 63.0 ^ŽƵƌĐĞĨŽƌƉƌŝŵĂƌLJĐŽŵƉůĞƟŽŶƌĂƚĞ͗ĂƚĂĨƌŽŵϮϬϭϱ͕ƉƵďůŝƐŚĞĚďLJhE^K/ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞĨŽƌ^ƚĂƟƐƟĐƐ͕ϮϬϭϲ͘;ϴͿ ^ŽƵƌĐĞ ĨŽƌ Ăůů ŽƚŚĞƌ ĚĂƚĂ͗ ŶƋƵġƚĞ ĠŵŽŐƌĂƉŚŝƋƵĞ Ğƚ ĚĞ ^ĂŶƚĠ ĞŶ ƀƚĞ Ě͛/ǀŽŝƌĞ ;^/Ͳ///Ϳ ^ƵƌǀĞLJ͕ ϮϬϭϭʹϮϬϭϮ.;ϵͿ

Based on a review of available information, Table 2 provides an overview of children’s work by sector and activity. Table 2. Overview of Children’s Work by Sector and Activity Sector/Industry Activity ŐƌŝĐƵůtƵƌĞ WƌoĚƵĐƟoŶ oĨ ĐoĐoĂ͕ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ďƵƌŶŝŶŐΏ ĂŶĚ ĐůĞĂƌŝŶŐ ĮĞůĚƐ͖ ĐƵƫŶŐ ĚoǁŶ tƌĞĞƐΏ to ĞdžƉĂŶĚ ĐoĐoĂ ƉůĂŶtĂƟoŶƐ͖ ƐƉƌĂLJŝŶŐ ƉĞƐƟĐŝĚĞƐ͖Ώ ŚĂƌǀĞƐƟŶŐ͕ ĚƌLJŝŶŐ͕ ĂŶĚ ĨĞƌŵĞŶƟŶŐ ĐoĐoĂ ďĞĂŶƐ͖ ƵƐŝŶŐ ƐŚĂƌƉ tooůƐ to ďƌĞĂŬ ƉoĚƐ͖ ĂŶĚ tƌĂŶƐƉoƌƟŶŐ ŚĞĂǀLJ ůoĂĚƐ oĨ ĐoĐoĂ ƉoĚƐ ĂŶĚ ǁĂtĞƌ ;3-7, 10-12Ϳ WƌoĚƵĐƟoŶ oĨ ĐĞƌĞĂůƐ, ƉŝŶĞĂƉƉůĞ, ďĂŶĂŶĂƐ, ĂŶĚ ĐoīĞĞ, ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ĂƉƉůLJŝŶŐ ĐŚĞŵŝĐĂů ĨĞƌƟůŝnjĞƌƐ,Ώ ƐƉƌĂLJŝŶŐ ƉĞƐƟĐŝĚĞƐ,Ώ ĐƵƫŶŐ ĚoǁŶ tƌĞĞƐ,Ώ ĂŶĚ ďƵƌŶŝŶŐΏ ĂŶĚ ĐůĞĂƌŝŶŐ ĮĞůĚƐ ;3, 4, 13, 14Ϳ WƌoĚƵĐƟoŶ oĨ ƉĂůŵ oŝů, ŚoŶĞLJ,Ώ ĂŶĚ ƌƵďďĞƌ ;4, 6, 15Ϳ


Table 2. Overview of Children’s Work by Sector and Activity (cont) Sector/Industry Activity ŐƌŝĐƵůtƵƌĞ &ŝƐŚŝŶŐ, ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ĚĞĞƉ ƐĞĂ ĚŝǀŝŶŐ͖Ώ ƌĞƉĂŝƌŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ŚĂƵůŝŶŐ ŶĞtƐ͖ ĐůĞĂŶŝŶŐ, ƐĂůƟŶŐ, ĚƌLJŝŶŐ, ĚĞƐĐĂůŝŶŐ, ĂŶĚ ƐĞůůŝŶŐ ĮƐŚ ;6, 14-16Ϳ >ŝǀĞƐtoĐŬ ƌĂŝƐŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ƐůĂƵŐŚtĞƌŝŶŐΏ ;15, 16Ϳ WƌoĚƵĐƟoŶ oĨ ĐŚĂƌĐoĂůΏ ;3, 6, 15Ϳ /ŶĚƵƐtƌLJ DŝŶŝŶŐ, ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ĐƌƵƐŚŝŶŐΏ ĂŶĚ tƌĂŶƐƉoƌƟŶŐ ƐtoŶĞƐ,Ώ ďůĂƐƟŶŐ ƌoĐŬƐ,Ώ ǁoƌŬŝŶŐ ƵŶĚĞƌŐƌoƵŶĚ,Ώ ŵŝŶŝŶŐ Ĩoƌ ĚŝĂŵoŶĚƐ, ĂŶĚ ĞdžtƌĂĐƟŶŐ ŐoůĚ ǁŝtŚ ĐŚĞŵŝĐĂůƐΏ ;6, 10, 13-15, 17-20Ϳ DĂŶƵĨĂĐtƵƌŝŶŐ, ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ƌĞƉĂŝƌŝŶŐ,Ώ ůƵďƌŝĐĂƟŶŐ,Ώ oƌ ĐůĞĂŶŝŶŐ ŵĂĐŚŝŶĞƌLJ ǁŚŝůĞ ŝŶ oƉĞƌĂƟoŶΏ ;14, 15Ϳ oŶƐtƌƵĐƟoŶ, ĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ ƵŶŬŶoǁŶ ;14Ϳ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ oŵĞƐƟĐ ǁoƌŬΏ ;10, 13, 14, 21, 22Ϳ toƌŬŝŶŐ ŝŶ tƌĂŶƐƉoƌtĂƟoŶ, ĐĂƌƌLJŝŶŐ ŐooĚƐ,Ώ ĂŶĚ ǁĂƐŚŝŶŐ ĐĂƌƐ ;3, 6, 10, 13, 14Ϳ ^tƌĞĞt ǀĞŶĚŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ĐoŵŵĞƌĐĞ ;3, 10, 13, 14Ϳ ĂtĞŐoƌŝĐĂů toƌƐt &oƌŵƐ oĨ &oƌĐĞĚ ůĂďoƌ ŝŶ ŵŝŶŝŶŐ, ĐĂƌƉĞŶtƌLJ, ĐoŶƐtƌƵĐƟoŶ, ĚoŵĞƐƟĐ ǁoƌŬ, ƐtƌĞĞt ǀĞŶĚŝŶŐ, ƌĞƐtĂƵƌĂŶtƐ, ĂŶĚ ĂŐƌŝĐƵůtƵƌĞ, ŚŝůĚ >Ăďoƌ‡ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ŝŶ tŚĞ ƉƌoĚƵĐƟoŶ oĨ ĐoĐoĂ, ĐoīĞĞ, ƉŝŶĞĂƉƉůĞ, ĐoƩoŶ, ĂŶĚ ƌƵďďĞƌ, ĞĂĐŚ ƐoŵĞƟŵĞƐ ĂƐ Ă ƌĞƐƵůt oĨ ŚƵŵĂŶ tƌĂĸĐŬŝŶŐ ;2-4, 11, 16, 22-25Ϳ oŵŵĞƌĐŝĂů ƐĞdžƵĂů ĞdžƉůoŝtĂƟoŶ, ƐoŵĞƟŵĞƐ ĂƐ Ă ƌĞƐƵůt oĨ ŚƵŵĂŶ tƌĂĸĐŬŝŶŐ ;2, 22, 26Ϳ hƐĞ ŝŶ ŝůůŝĐŝt ĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ, ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ĚƌƵŐ tƌĂĸĐŬŝŶŐ ;10Ϳ &oƌĐĞĚ ďĞŐŐŝŶŐ ďLJ K . 182. ‡ ŚŝůĚ ůĂďoƌ ƵŶĚĞƌƐtooĚ ĂƐ tŚĞ ǁoƌƐt ĨoƌŵƐ oĨ ĐŚŝůĚ ůĂďoƌ ƉĞƌ ƐĞ ƵŶĚĞƌ ƌƟĐůĞ 3;ĂͿʹ;ĐͿ oĨ />K . 182.

Children are subjected to human trafficking within Côte d’Ivoire and are taken from Côte d’Ivoire for exploitation in other countries. Increasingly, girls from Côte d’Ivoire are subjected to human trafficking in the Middle East for forced labor in domestic work or brought from Nigeria to Côte d’Ivoire for commercial sexual exploitation.(2, 26, 28) Children from neighboring West African countries are brought to Côte d’Ivoire primarily for forced labor in agriculture, especially in cocoa production, and for forced begging and work in mining, construction, domestic work, street vending, and commercial sexual exploitation.(2, 3, 5, 12, 21, 26) A study by the ILO and the Government of Côte d’Ivoire in 2013 estimated that 55 percent of children VXEMHFWWR IRUFHGODERULQUXUDODUHDVwork in agriculture.(3) Although the Law on Education provides for free education, students are often required to pay for textbooks, school fees, or uniforms, which may be prohibitive to some families.(16, 29-34) An estimated 2 million children ages 6 to 15 are not enrolled in school in Côte d’Ivoire, with the highest rates of non-enrollment found in the North, Northwest, and West regions.(34) The Government constructed 19,249 new classrooms between 2011 and 2016, but a lack of teachers, transportation, sanitation facilities, and schools, particularly in rural areas, remains. Research also suggests that some students are physically and sexually abused at school, which may deter some students from attending school.(10, 16, 20, 30, 34-43) II. LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE WORST FORMS OF CHILD LABOR Côte d’Ivoire has ratified all key international conventions concerning child labor (Table 3). Table 3. Ratification of International Conventions on Child Labor Convention Ratification />K . 138, DŝŶŝŵƵŵ ŐĞ

/>K . 182, toƌƐt &oƌŵƐ oĨ ŚŝůĚ >Ăďoƌ hE Z hE Z KƉƟoŶĂů WƌotoĐoů oŶ ƌŵĞĚ oŶŇŝĐt hE Z KƉƟoŶĂů WƌotoĐoů oŶ tŚĞ ^ĂůĞ oĨ ŚŝůĚƌĞŶ, ŚŝůĚ WƌoƐƟtƵƟoŶ ĂŶĚ ŚŝůĚ WoƌŶoŐƌĂƉŚLJ

WĂůĞƌŵo WƌotoĐoů oŶ dƌĂĸĐŬŝŶŐ ŝŶ WĞƌƐoŶƐ


The Government has established laws and regulations related to child labor, including its worst forms (Table 4). However, gaps xiste in Côte d’Ivoire’s legal framework to adequately protect children from child labor. Table 4. Laws and Regulations on Child Labor Meets International Standard Age Legislation Standards: Yes/No DŝŶŝŵƵŵ ŐĞ Ĩoƌ toƌŬ zĞƐ 16 ƌƟĐůĞ 23.2 oĨ tŚĞ >Ăďoƌ oĚĞ͖ ƌƟĐůĞ 16 oĨ tŚĞ oŶƐƟtƵƟoŶ ;44, 45Ϳ DŝŶŝŵƵŵ ŐĞ Ĩoƌ ,ĂnjĂƌĚoƵƐ toƌŬ zĞƐ 18 ƌƟĐůĞ 2 oĨ tŚĞ ,ĂnjĂƌĚoƵƐ toƌŬ >ŝƐt ;46Ϳ /ĚĞŶƟĮĐĂƟoŶ oĨ ,ĂnjĂƌĚoƵƐ zĞƐ ƌƟĐůĞƐ 3ʹ12 oĨ tŚĞ ,ĂnjĂƌĚoƵƐ toƌŬ >ŝƐt͖ ƌƟĐůĞƐ 6 ĂŶĚ 1ϵ oĨ KĐĐƵƉĂƟoŶƐ oƌ ĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ WƌoŚŝďŝtĞĚ tŚĞ WƌoŚŝďŝƟoŶ oĨ dƌĂĸĐŬŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ tŚĞ toƌƐt &oƌŵƐ oĨ ŚŝůĚ >Ăďoƌ Ĩoƌ ŚŝůĚƌĞŶ >Ăǁ ;9, 46Ϳ WƌoŚŝďŝƟoŶ oĨ &oƌĐĞĚ >ĂďoƌzĞƐ ƌƟĐůĞ 5 oĨ tŚĞ oŶƐƟtƵƟoŶ͖ ƌƟĐůĞƐ 7, 11ʹ14, 20ʹ23, ĂŶĚ 26 oĨ tŚĞ WƌoŚŝďŝƟoŶ oĨ dƌĂĸĐŬŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ tŚĞ toƌƐt &oƌŵƐ oĨ ŚŝůĚ >Ăďoƌ >Ăǁ͖ ƌƟĐůĞ 3 oĨ tŚĞ >Ăďoƌ oĚĞ ;9, 44, 45Ϳ WƌoŚŝďŝƟoŶ oĨ ŚŝůĚ dƌĂĸĐŬŝŶŐ zĞƐ ƌƟĐůĞ 5 oĨ tŚĞ oŶƐƟtƵƟoŶ͖ ƌƟĐůĞƐ 11, 12, 20ʹ22, ĂŶĚ 26 oĨ tŚĞ WƌoŚŝďŝƟoŶ oĨ dƌĂĸĐŬŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ tŚĞ toƌƐt &oƌŵƐ oĨ ŚŝůĚ >Ăďoƌ >Ăǁ͖ ƌƟĐůĞ 370 oĨ tŚĞ WĞŶĂů oĚĞ͖ ƌƟĐůĞƐ 4.4 ĂŶĚ 6 oĨ tŚĞ ŶƟ- dƌĂĸĐŬŝŶŐ >Ăǁ ;9, 45, 47, 48Ϳ WƌoŚŝďŝƟoŶ oĨ oŵŵĞƌĐŝĂů ^ĞdžƵĂů zĞƐ ƌƟĐůĞƐ 8, 9, 15, ĂŶĚ 24ʹ29 oĨ tŚĞ WƌoŚŝďŝƟoŶ oĨ dƌĂĸĐŬŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ tŚĞ džƉůoŝtĂƟoŶ oĨ ŚŝůĚƌĞŶ toƌƐt &oƌŵƐ oĨ ŚŝůĚ >Ăďoƌ >Ăǁ͖ ƌƟĐůĞƐ 4.4 ĂŶĚ 6 oĨ tŚĞ ŶƟ- dƌĂĸĐŬŝŶŐ >Ăǁ ;9, 48Ϳ WƌoŚŝďŝƟoŶ oĨ hƐŝŶŐ ŚŝůĚƌĞŶ ŝŶ zĞƐ ƌƟĐůĞƐ 4 ĂŶĚ 30 oĨ tŚĞ WƌoŚŝďŝƟoŶ oĨ dƌĂĸĐŬŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ tŚĞ toƌƐt /ůůŝĐŝt ĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ &oƌŵƐ oĨ ŚŝůĚ >Ăďoƌ >Ăǁ ;9Ϳ DŝŶŝŵƵŵ ŐĞ Ĩoƌ DŝůŝtĂƌLJ ZĞĐƌƵŝtŵĞŶt ^tĂtĞ oŵƉƵůƐoƌLJ zĞƐΎ 18 ƌƟĐůĞ 82 oĨ tŚĞ ƌŵĞĚ &oƌĐĞƐ oĚĞ ;49Ϳ ^tĂtĞ soůƵŶtĂƌLJ zĞƐ 18 ƌƟĐůĞƐ 2, 8, ĂŶĚ 116 oĨ tŚĞ ƌŵĞĚ &oƌĐĞƐ oĚĞ͖ ƌƟĐůĞƐ 7, 8, ĂŶĚ 18 oĨ tŚĞ >Ăǁ ĞtĞƌŵŝŶŝŶŐ tŚĞ oŶĚŝƟoŶƐ Ĩoƌ ŶtĞƌŝŶŐ tŚĞ Military (49, 50Ϳ EoŶ-ƐtatĞ oŵƉƵlƐory zĞƐ 18 rƟĐlĞƐ 4 aŶĚ 31 oĨ tŚĞ WroŚiďiƟoŶ oĨ draĸĐŬiŶŐ aŶĚ tŚĞ torƐt &orŵƐ oĨ ŚilĚ >aďor >aǁ (9Ϳ oŵƉƵlƐory ĚƵĐaƟoŶ ŐĞ zĞƐ 16 rƟĐlĞ 10 oĨ tŚĞ oŶƐƟtƵƟoŶ͖ rƟĐlĞ 2.1 oĨ tŚĞ >aǁ oŶ ĚƵĐaƟoŶ (45, 51Ϳ &rĞĞ WƵďliĐ ĚƵĐaƟoŶ zĞƐ rƟĐlĞ 2 oĨ tŚĞ >aǁ oŶ ĚƵĐaƟoŶ (51, 52Ϳ Ύ Eo ĐoŶƐĐriƉƟoŶ (50, 53, 54Ϳ

In December 2016, the Government adopted the Anti-Trafficking Law that supplements the 2010 Prohibition of Trafficking and the Worst Forms of Child Labor Law. The new law includes tougher penalties and formalizes victim protection and assistance measures.(28, 48) The Government also adopted a Constitution by referendum, which explicitly prohibits child labor and enshrines the right to education for both boys and girls.(45, 55) A draft law providing greater protection to domestic workers is also under consideration. This law would allow labor inspectors to inspect private homes for labor violations.(56)

The existing hazardous work list is not comprehensive, as it does not prohibit children from using dangerous equipment or toolsin the cocoa sector. However, an updated hazardous work list drafted in 2016 is currently under consideration and prohibits the use of machetes and other sharp tools. A new bylaw that determines the activities, number of hours and conditions under which light work may be permitted is also under consideration.(57-59)

III. ENFORCEMENT OF LAWS ON THE WORST FORMS OF CHILD LABOR The Government has established institutional mechanisms for the enforcement of laws and regulations on child labor, including its worst forms (Table 5). However, gaps in labor law and criminal law enforcement remain and some enforcement information is not available.


Table 5. Agencies Responsible for Child Labor Law Enforcement Organization/Agency Role MiŶiƐtry oĨ ŵƉloyŵĞŶt ŶĨorĐĞ laďor laǁƐ.(10Ϳ /ŵƉlĞŵĞŶt tŚĞ ĐŚilĚ laďor ŵoŶitoriŶŐ ƐyƐtĞŵ, ^LJƐƚğŵĞ Ě͛KďƐĞƌǀĂƟŽŶ Ğƚ ĚĞ ^Ƶŝǀŝ ĚƵ aŶĚ ^oĐial WrotĞĐƟoŶ dƌĂǀĂŝů ĚĞƐ ŶĨĂŶƚƐ ĞŶ ƀƚĞ Ě͛/ǀŽŝƌĞ (^K^d/Ϳ, ǁŚiĐŚ ĞŶaďlĞƐ ĐoŵŵƵŶiƟĞƐ to ĐollĞĐt aŶĚ aŶalynjĞ ƐtaƟƐƟĐal Ěata (MW^Ϳ oŶ tŚĞ ǁorƐt ĨorŵƐ oĨ ĐŚilĚ laďor.(1, 14, 60, 61Ϳ dŚroƵŐŚ itƐ irĞĐƟoŶ oĨ tŚĞ &iŐŚt ŐaiŶƐt ŚilĚ >aďor, ĚĞǀĞloƉ, ŵoŶitor, aŶĚ ĞŶĨorĐĞ laǁƐ rĞlatĞĚ to ĐŚilĚ laďor aŶĚ ĐollaďoratĞ ǁitŚ tŚĞ ŶƟ-draĸĐŬiŶŐ hŶit (dhͿ oŶ ĐaƐĞƐ oĨ ĐŚilĚ traĸĐŬiŶŐ.(21, 26, 30Ϳ /Ŷ 2016, ĐŚaŶŐĞĚ itƐ ŶaŵĞ Ĩroŵ tŚĞ MiŶiƐtry oĨ ŵƉloyŵĞŶt, ^oĐial īairƐ, aŶĚ WroĨĞƐƐioŶal draiŶiŶŐ (M^WdͿ.(10Ϳ MiŶiƐtry oĨ /ŶtĞrior aŶĚ dŚroƵŐŚ itƐ dh, lĞaĚƐ ĞīortƐ to ĞŶĨorĐĞ ĐriŵiŶal laǁƐ aŐaiŶƐt tŚĞ ǁorƐt ĨorŵƐ oĨ ĐŚilĚ laďor.(2, 10, 62, 63Ϳ ^ĞĐƵrity dŚroƵŐŚ itƐ DŽŶĚĂŝŶĞ riŐaĚĞƐ, Đoŵďat ĐoŵŵĞrĐial ƐĞdžƵal ĞdžƉloitaƟoŶ, iŶĐlƵĚiŶŐ ĞdžƉloitaƟoŶ oĨ ĐŚilĚrĞŶ.(28Ϳ MiŶiƐtry oĨ :ƵƐƟĐĞ /ŶǀĞƐƟŐatĞ aŶĚ ƉroƐĞĐƵtĞ ĐriŵĞƐ rĞlatĞĚ to ĐŚilĚ laďor, iŶĐlƵĚiŶŐ itƐ ǁorƐt ĨorŵƐ.(10Ϳ MiŶiƐtry oĨ toŵĞŶ, >ĞaĚ tŚĞ 'oǀĞrŶŵĞŶt͛Ɛ ĞīortƐ to Đoŵďat ŚƵŵaŶ traĸĐŬiŶŐ aŶĚ iŵƉlĞŵĞŶt a EaƟoŶal WoliĐy oŶ ŚilĚ WrotĞĐƟoŶ. ŚilĚ WrotĞĐƟoŶ, aŶĚ (26, 28, 53, 64, 65Ϳ MaiŶtaiŶ a ŚotliŶĞ Ĩor ĐŚilĚ laďor iƐƐƵĞƐ, aŶĚ rĞƐƉoŶĚ to ĐoŵƉlaiŶtƐ.(26, 28, 31, 53, 64, 66Ϳ ^oliĚarity (MtW^Ϳ EaƟoŶal oŵŵiƐƐioŶ oĨ MaiŶtaiŶ a ŚotliŶĞ Ĩor rĞƉorƟŶŐ ŚƵŵaŶ riŐŚtƐ aďƵƐĞƐ. &roŵ :ƵŶĞ to ĞĐĞŵďĞr 2016, rĞĐĞiǀĞĚ 264 ĐallƐ, rĞƐƵlƟŶŐ ,ƵŵaŶ ZiŐŚtƐ (E,/Ϳ iŶ tŚĞ iĚĞŶƟĮĐaƟoŶ oĨ at lĞaƐt 1 ĐaƐĞ oĨ ĐŚilĚ traĸĐŬiŶŐ.(67Ϳ

Coordination among Government ministries on criminal law enforcement is inefficient, causing delays in delivering assistance to victims of human trafficking.(2, 26) Labor Law Enforcement

In 2016, labor law enforcement agencies in Côte d’Ivoire took actions to combat child labor, including its worst forms (Table 6). Table 6. Labor Law Enforcement Efforts Related to Child Labor Overview of Labor Law Enforcement 2015 2016 >aďor /ŶƐƉĞĐtoratĞ &ƵŶĚiŶŐ Ψ273,385 (53ͿΨ300,842 (10Ϳ EƵŵďĞr oĨ >aďor /ŶƐƉĞĐtorƐ 259 (64Ϳ 259 (10Ϳ /ŶƐƉĞĐtoratĞ ƵtŚorinjĞĚ to ƐƐĞƐƐ WĞŶalƟĞƐ Eo (44ͿEo (44Ϳ draiŶiŶŐ Ĩor >aďor /ŶƐƉĞĐtorƐ /ŶiƟal draiŶiŶŐ Ĩor EĞǁ ŵƉloyĞĞƐ zĞƐ (66Ϳ N/A (63, 66Ϳ draiŶiŶŐ oŶ NĞǁ >aǁƐ ZĞlatĞĚ to ŚilĚ >aďor zĞƐ (53Ϳ No (10Ϳ ZĞĨrĞƐŚĞr oƵrƐĞƐ WroǀiĚĞĚ zĞƐ (64ͿzĞƐ (63Ϳ NƵŵďĞr oĨ >aďor /ŶƐƉĞĐƟoŶƐ 596 (64Ϳ 739‡ (10Ϳ NƵŵďĞr oŶĚƵĐtĞĚ at torŬƐitĞ 596 (64Ϳ 739‡ (10Ϳ NƵŵďĞr oŶĚƵĐtĞĚ ďy ĞƐŬ ZĞǀiĞǁƐ 0 (64Ϳ 0‡ (10Ϳ NƵŵďĞr oĨ ŚilĚ >aďor siolaƟoŶƐ &oƵŶĚ 0 (64Ϳ 0‡ (10Ϳ NƵŵďĞr oĨ ŚilĚ >aďor siolaƟoŶƐ Ĩor tŚiĐŚ WĞŶalƟĞƐ tĞrĞ /ŵƉoƐĞĚ N/A (64Ϳ N/A (10Ϳ NƵŵďĞr oĨ WĞŶalƟĞƐ /ŵƉoƐĞĚ dŚat tĞrĞollĞĐtĞĚ N/A (64Ϳ N/A (10Ϳ ZoƵƟŶĞ /ŶƐƉĞĐƟoŶƐ oŶĚƵĐtĞĚ zĞƐ (53ͿhŶŬŶoǁŶ (10Ϳ ZoƵƟŶĞ /ŶƐƉĞĐƟoŶƐ darŐĞtĞĚ hŶŬŶoǁŶ (53, 64ͿhŶŬŶoǁŶ (10Ϳ hŶaŶŶoƵŶĐĞĚ /ŶƐƉĞĐƟoŶƐ WĞrŵiƩĞĚ zĞƐ (44ͿzĞƐ (10Ϳ hŶaŶŶoƵŶĐĞĚ /ŶƐƉĞĐƟoŶƐ oŶĚƵĐtĞĚ zĞƐ (64ͿzĞƐ (10Ϳ oŵƉlaiŶt MĞĐŚaŶiƐŵ džiƐtƐzĞƐ (64, 68ͿzĞƐ (10Ϳ ZĞĐiƉroĐal ZĞĨĞrral MĞĐŚaŶiƐŵ džiƐtƐ ĞtǁĞĞŶ >aďor AƵtŚoriƟĞƐ aŶĚ ^oĐial ^ĞrǀiĐĞƐ zĞƐ (69ͿzĞƐ (10Ϳ ‡ ata arĞ Ĩroŵ :aŶƵary 1, 2016 to ^ĞƉtĞŵďĞr 30, 2016.

New modules on child labor were integrated into the National School of Administration’s curriculum following the adoption of the 2015 Labor Code. These modules were used to train 46 candidates who are expected to graduate in 2017 and begin work as labor inspectors in 2018; 36 are expected to graduate at the end of the 2016–2017 school year.(43, 63, 67) However, the number of labor inspectors will still be insufficient for the size of the Côte d’Ivoire’s workforce, which includes over 8 million workers.(70) According to the ILO recommendation of 1 inspector for every 15,000 workers in developing economies, Côte d’Ivoire should employ about 541 inspectors.(70-72)


Although the labor inspectorate received a 10 percent increase from its 2015 budget, a lack of resources, including insufficient staff, office facilities, and transportation, hampers the labor inspectorate’s capacity to enforce child labor laws.(10, 13, 16, 30, 64, 73, 74) Research found that as a result of a lack of authority to assess penalties for labor violations, some labor inspectors fail to document identified child labor violations due to the perceived futility of doing so, given the limited capacity of law enforcement to investigate reported violations and the frequency of inspection findings not being reported to the courts.(16, 30, 69, 75) Although most inspections focus on formal sector establishments, in 2015 the government implemented a pilot project to conduct more labor inspections in the informal sector, where the majority of child labor is found.(10, 74) The Government is evaluating how this pilot project can be scaled up.(10) Criminal Law Enforcement

In 2016, criminal law enforcement agencies in Côte d’Ivoire took actions to combat the worst forms of child labor (Table 7). Table 7. Criminal Law Enforcement Efforts Related to the Worst Forms of Child Labor Overview of Criminal Law Enforcement 2015 2016 draiŶiŶŐ Ĩor /ŶǀĞƐƟŐatorƐ /ŶiƟal draiŶiŶŐ Ĩor NĞǁ ŵƉloyĞĞƐ zĞƐ (64, 68ͿzĞƐ (64Ϳ draiŶiŶŐ oŶ NĞǁ >aǁƐ ZĞlatĞĚ to tŚĞ torƐt &orŵƐ oĨ ŚilĚ >aďor N/A (64ͿzĞƐ (10Ϳ ZĞĨrĞƐŚĞr oƵrƐĞƐ WroǀiĚĞĚ zĞƐ (76ͿzĞƐ (10Ϳ NƵŵďĞr oĨ /ŶǀĞƐƟŐaƟoŶƐ 27 (68, 77Ϳ 20 (28Ϳ NƵŵďĞr oĨ siolaƟoŶƐ &oƵŶĚ 59 (53, 64Ϳ 64 (78Ϳ NƵŵďĞr oĨ WroƐĞĐƵƟoŶƐ /ŶiƟatĞĚ hŶŬŶoǁŶ (68Ϳ 18 (28Ϳ NƵŵďĞr oĨ oŶǀiĐƟoŶƐ hŶŬŶoǁŶ (64Ϳ 8 (28Ϳ ZĞĐiƉroĐal ZĞĨĞrral MĞĐŚaŶiƐŵ džiƐtƐ ĞtǁĞĞŶ riŵiŶal AƵtŚoriƟĞƐ aŶĚ ^oĐial ^ĞrǀiĐĞƐ zĞƐ (64, 77ͿzĞƐ (10Ϳ

In 2016, the National Police’s Anti-Trafficking Unit (ATU) received a budget of $4,592, a decrease of approximately 30 percent from its 2015 budget.(10, 67) The ATU employed 13 -based investigators to enforce laws related to the worst forms of child labor. The ATU has acknowledged that it lacks adequate staff and relies on regional police forces to enforce criminal child labor laws throughout the country.(2, 28, 64, 77) In addition, research indicates that laws on the worst forms of child labor may not be well understood by criminal law enforcement officials, impeding their ability to carry out effective enforcement.(12, 13, 28, 79) To improve knowledge of children’s rights, including child labor, the Government provided training to 144 law enforcement officials during the reporting period.(10)

Insufficient monitoring of movement along the borders makes it difficult to detect cases of human trafficking. The Ministry of Interior and Security is reviewing a proposal by IOM to double the number of official border crossings and implement improved surveillance.(77) However, between May 2015 and November 2016, the Ministry of Interior and Security’s Mondaine Brigade conducted several operations to rescue 116 Nigerian women and girls trafficked to Côte d’Ivoire for commercial sexual exploitation. Law enforcement officials arrested 36 Nigerian traffickers as a result of these operations, and 5 were sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment.(26) IV. COORDINATION OF GOVERNMENT EFFORTS ON THE WORST FORMS OF CHILD LABOR The Government has established mechanisms to coordinate its efforts to address child labor, including its worst forms (Table 8). Table 8. Key Mechanisms to Coordinate Government Efforts on Child Labor Coordinating Body Role & Description NaƟoŶal MoŶitoriŶŐ oŵŵiƩĞĞ ^ƵƉĞrǀiƐĞ, ŵoŶitor, aŶĚ ĞǀalƵatĞ all ŐoǀĞrŶŵĞŶt aĐƟǀiƟĞƐ rĞlatĞĚ to ĐŚilĚ laďor aŶĚ ĐŚilĚ traĸĐŬiŶŐ, oŶ AĐƟoŶƐ to oŵďat draĸĐŬiŶŐ, iŶĐlƵĚiŶŐ ŵaŬiŶŐ ƉoliĐy rĞĐoŵŵĞŶĚaƟoŶƐ aŶĚ ŚarŵoŶinjiŶŐ laǁƐ ǁitŚ iŶtĞrŶaƟoŶal ĐoŶǀĞŶƟoŶƐ.(80, džƉloitaƟoŶ, aŶĚ ŚilĚ >aďor (N^Ϳ 81Ϳ ŚairĞĚ ďy tŚĞ &irƐt >aĚy oĨ ƀtĞ Ě͛/ǀoirĞ aŶĚ ĐoŵƉriƐĞƐ 14 iŶtĞrŶaƟoŶal aŶĚ ĚoŵĞƐƟĐ ƉartŶĞrƐ.(21, 62, 80, 82Ϳ /Ŷ 2016, ǁitŚ tŚĞ aƐƐiƐtaŶĐĞ oĨ hN/&, ƉƵďliƐŚĞĚ a rĞƉort oŶ tŚĞ ĞdžƉaŶƐioŶ oĨ ^K^d/ tŚat iŶĐlƵĚĞĚ ƉrĞǀalĞŶĐĞ Ěata Ĩroŵ tŚrĞĞ ĚĞƉartŵĞŶtƐ oŶ ĐŚilĚ laďor.(28Ϳ


Table 8. Key Mechanisms to Coordinate Government Efforts on Child Labor(cont) Coordinating Body Role & Description /ŶtĞrŵiŶiƐtĞrial oŵŵiƩĞĞ oŶ ĞƐiŐŶ, ĐoorĚiŶatĞ, aŶĚ iŵƉlĞŵĞŶt all ŐoǀĞrŶŵĞŶt aĐƟoŶƐ to Đoŵďat tŚĞ ǁorƐt ĨorŵƐ oĨ ĐŚilĚ laďor, aŶĚ tŚĞ &iŐŚt AŐaiŶƐt draĸĐŬiŶŐ, ŵoŶitor rĞlĞǀaŶt ƉroŐraŵƐ iŵƉlĞŵĞŶtĞĚ ďy ƉartŶĞr orŐaŶinjaƟoŶƐ.(80, 82, 83Ϳ ŚairĞĚ ďy MW^, iŶĐlƵĚĞƐ džƉloitaƟoŶ, aŶĚ ŚilĚ >aďor (/MͿ rĞƉrĞƐĞŶtaƟǀĞƐ Ĩroŵ 13 otŚĞr ŵiŶiƐtriĞƐ.(21, 80, 82, 83Ϳ /Ŷ 2016, iŶ ĐollaďoraƟoŶ ǁitŚ N^, ŚoƐtĞĚ a ŵĞĞƟŶŐ ďĞtǁĞĞŶ tŚĞ &irƐt >aĚiĞƐ oĨ 'ŚaŶa aŶĚ ƀtĞ Ě͛/ǀoirĞ tŚat rĞƐƵltĞĚ iŶ a ũoiŶt ĚĞĐlaraƟoŶ aŶĚ ĐooƉĞraƟǀĞ aŐrĞĞŵĞŶt aŐaiŶƐt ĐroƐƐ-ďorĚĞr traĸĐŬiŶŐ.(84, 85Ϳ NaƟoŶal oŵŵiƩĞĞ Ĩor tŚĞ &iŐŚt ĞĚiĐatĞĚ to ĐoŵďaƫŶŐ ĐŚilĚ traĸĐŬiŶŐ aŶĚ ĐŚairĞĚ ďy MtW^.(56, 63, 69Ϳ /Ŷ 2016, rĞĐĞiǀĞĚ aŶ AŐaiŶƐt draĸĐŬiŶŐ aŶĚ ŚilĚ oƉĞraƟŶŐ ďƵĚŐĞt oĨ Ψ10,210.(10Ϳ ZĞƐĞarĐŚ ǁaƐ ƵŶaďlĞ to ĚĞtĞrŵiŶĞ ǁŚĞtŚĞr tŚĞ ĐoŵŵiƩĞĞ ǁaƐ aĐƟǀĞ džƉloitaƟoŶ (N>dĚWͿ iŶ 2016.(43Ϳ

Although the National Monitoring Committee on Actions to Combat Trafficking, Exploitation, and Child Labor (CNS) and Interministerial Committee on the Fight Against Trafficking, Exploitation, and Child Labor (CIM) coordinate strategic-level efforts, operational progress is hindered by a lack of coordination among the various ministries, which some NGOs and companies have also noted. The lack of coordination among ministries can also result in disjointed or duplicated efforts.(1, 13, 28, 56) The new Anti-Trafficking Law provides for the creation of a National Committee to Combat Trafficking in Persons, expected to be created in 2017.(10, 28) V. GOVERNMENT POLICIES ON THE WORST FORMS OF CHILD LABOR The Government has established policies related to child labor, including its worst forms (Table 9). Table 9. Key Policies Related to Child Labor‡ Policy Description 2010 ĞĐlaraƟoŶ oĨ :oiŶt AĐƟoŶ :oiŶt ĚĞĐlaraƟoŶ ďy tŚĞ 'oǀĞrŶŵĞŶtƐ oĨ 'ŚaŶa, ƀtĞ Ě͛/ǀoirĞ, aŶĚ tŚĞ hŶitĞĚ ^tatĞƐ, aŶĚ tŚĞ to ^ƵƉƉort tŚĞ /ŵƉlĞŵĞŶtaƟoŶ oĨ /ŶtĞrŶaƟoŶal oĐoa aŶĚ ŚoĐolatĞ /ŶĚƵƐtry.(60, 86, 87Ϳ WroǀiĚĞƐ rĞƐoƵrĐĞƐ aŶĚ ĐoorĚiŶatĞƐ ǁitŚ ŬĞy tŚĞ ,arŬiŶ-ŶŐĞl WrotoĐol (2010 ƐtaŬĞŚolĚĞrƐ oŶ ĞīortƐ to rĞĚƵĐĞ tŚĞ ǁorƐt ĨorŵƐ oĨ ĐŚilĚ laďor iŶ ĐoĐoa-ƉroĚƵĐiŶŐ arĞaƐ.(86, 87Ϳ ĞĐlaraƟoŶͿ aŶĚ /tƐ AĐĐoŵƉaŶyiŶŐ ŶƐƵrĞƐ tŚat all ƉroũĞĐt ĞīortƐ iŵƉlĞŵĞŶtĞĚ ƵŶĚĞr tŚĞ ĞĐlaraƟoŶ aŶĚ &raŵĞǁorŬ aliŐŶ ǁitŚ ƀtĞ &raŵĞǁorŬ oĨ AĐƟoŶ Ě͛/ǀoirĞ͛Ɛ ŶaƟoŶal aĐƟoŶ ƉlaŶƐ to ƉroŵotĞ ĐoŚĞrĞŶĐĞ aŶĚ ƐƵƐtaiŶaďility.(60, 86, 87Ϳ h^K>-ĨƵŶĚĞĚ ƉroũĞĐtƐ aŶĚ ƐoŵĞ iŶĚƵƐtry-ĨƵŶĚĞĚ ƉroũĞĐtƐ ĐarriĞĚ oƵt aĐƟǀiƟĞƐ iŶ ƐƵƉƉort oĨ tŚiƐ ƉoliĐy ĚƵriŶŐ tŚĞ rĞƉorƟŶŐ ƉĞrioĚ.(88Ϳ WartŶĞrƐŚiƉ AŐrĞĞŵĞŶtΏ&orŵƐ aŶ aŐrĞĞŵĞŶt ďĞtǁĞĞŶ tŚĞ /ŶtĞrŶaƟoŶal oĐoa /ŶiƟaƟǀĞ aŶĚ N^ iŶ ƐƵƉƉort oĨ tŚĞ NaƟoŶal AĐƟoŶ WlaŶ Ĩor tŚĞ &iŐŚt AŐaiŶƐt tŚĞ torƐt &orŵƐ oĨ ŚilĚ >aďor. AiŵƐ to rĞiŶĨorĐĞ aŶĚ ĞdžƉaŶĚ ^K^d/ aŶĚ iŵƉroǀĞ ƐĐŚool iŶĨraƐtrƵĐtƵrĞ.(85, 89Ϳ :oiŶt ĞĐlaraƟoŶƐ AŐaiŶƐt roƐƐ- /Ŷ 2016, ƉroŵƵlŐatĞĚ a ďilatĞral ĚĞĐlaraƟoŶ aŶĚ ĐooƉĞraƟǀĞ aŐrĞĞŵĞŶt tŚat ƀtĞ Ě͛/ǀoirĞ ƐiŐŶĞĚ ǁitŚ orĚĞr draĸĐŬiŶŐΏ 'ŚaŶa to Đoŵďat tŚĞ ǁorƐt ĨorŵƐ oĨ ĐŚilĚ laďor ďy tarŐĞƟŶŐ ŚiŐŚ-riƐŬ ĐŚilĚ laďor ƐĞĐtorƐ, ƉroǀiĚiŶŐ ƉrotĞĐƟoŶ to ǀiĐƟŵƐ, iŵƉroǀiŶŐ ĐoorĚiŶaƟoŶ, aŶĚ ƉroƐĞĐƵƟŶŐ oīĞŶĚĞrƐ.(90-92Ϳ AlƐo ĞŶaĐtĞĚ a ďilatĞral aŐrĞĞŵĞŶt to Đoŵďat traĸĐŬiŶŐ ǁitŚ ƵrŬiŶa &aƐo iŶ 2016.(26Ϳ NaƟoŶal ĞǀĞloƉŵĞŶt WlaŶ AiŵƐ to iŵƉroǀĞ ŐoǀĞrŶaŶĐĞ aŶĚ aĐĐĞlĞratĞ ŚƵŵaŶ ĐaƉital ĚĞǀĞloƉŵĞŶt, iŶĐlƵĚiŶŐ ďy ĐoŵďaƫŶŐ (2016ʹ2020ͿΏ ĐŚilĚ laďor. AlloĐatĞƐ alŵoƐt Ψ6.1 ŵillioŶ oǀĞr 5 yĞarƐ to ĐoŶĚƵĐt ĚiaŐŶoƐƟĐ ƐtƵĚiĞƐ oŶ ĐŚilĚ laďor aŶĚ ĐŚilĚ traĸĐŬiŶŐ͖ ĐrĞatĞƐ a ƵŶit to Đoŵďat tŚĞ ǁorƐt ĨorŵƐ oĨ ĐŚilĚ laďor iŶ rĞŐioŶal laďor iŶƐƉĞĐtoratĞ oĸĐĞƐ͖ ĞdžƉaŶĚƐ ^K^d/ iŶto 10 ŶĞǁ ĚĞƉartŵĞŶtƐ͖ ĐoŶƐtrƵĐtƐ 3 traŶƐit ĐĞŶtĞrƐ͖ aŶĚ ĚĞǀĞloƉƐ a ŶaƟoŶal aĐƟoŶ ƉlaŶ to Đoŵďat ŚƵŵaŶ traĸĐŬiŶŐ, ƉarƟĐƵlarly oĨ ŐirlƐ.(93Ϳ oŵƉƵlƐory ĚƵĐaƟoŶ WoliĐy /Ŷ ƐƵƉƉort oĨ tŚĞ >aǁ oŶ ĚƵĐaƟoŶ, aiŵƐ to aĐŚiĞǀĞ 100 ƉĞrĐĞŶt ĞŶrollŵĞŶt iŶ Ɖriŵary ƐĐŚool ďy 2020 aŶĚ 100 ƉĞrĐĞŶt ĞŶrollŵĞŶt iŶ ũƵŶior ŚiŐŚ ďy 2025.(32, 94Ϳ AlloĐatĞƐ Ψ1.34 ďillioŶ to ŵoĚĞrŶinjĞ tŚĞ ĞĚƵĐaƟoŶ ƐyƐtĞŵ, iŶĐlƵĚiŶŐ ďy ďƵilĚiŶŐ ŶĞǁ ĐlaƐƐrooŵƐ, ƉroǀiĚiŶŐ ĨrĞĞ tĞdžtďooŬƐ to loǁ-iŶĐoŵĞ ĨaŵiliĞƐ, aŶĚ ƉroǀiĚiŶŐ aĚĚiƟoŶal ƉĞĚaŐoŐiĐal traiŶiŶŐ to tĞaĐŚĞrƐ.(32Ϳ /Ŷ 2016, rĞoƉĞŶĞĚ aƉƉliĐaƟoŶƐ Ĩor WĞĚaŐoŐiĐal draiŶiŶŐ ĞŶtĞrƐ to ƉroǀiĚĞ traiŶiŶŐ Ĩor 5,000 tĞaĐŚĞrƐ Ĩor tŚĞ 2017ʹ2018 aĐaĚĞŵiĐ yĞar.(95, 96Ϳ NaƟoŶal WoliĐy oŶ ŚilĚ WrotĞĐƟoŶ >ĞĚ ďy tŚĞ M^&t, ƐĞĞŬƐ to rĞĚƵĐĞ tŚĞ iŶĐiĚĞŶĐĞ oĨ ǀiolĞŶĐĞ, aďƵƐĞ, aŶĚ ĞdžƉloitaƟoŶ oĨ ĐŚilĚrĞŶ.(97Ϳ (WNWͿ (2012ʹ2022Ϳ ZĞŐioŶal ĐoorĚiŶaƟoŶ ŵĞĐŚaŶiƐŵƐ, lĞĚ ďy ƉrĞĨĞĐtƐ, oǀĞrƐĞĞ iŵƉlĞŵĞŶtaƟoŶ aŶĚ ďriŶŐ toŐĞtŚĞr rĞlĞǀaŶt aĐtorƐ to iĚĞŶƟĨy ƐƉĞĐiĮĐ ƉroďlĞŵƐ iŶ tŚĞ rĞŐioŶ.(53, 68Ϳ Ώ WoliĐy ǁaƐ aƉƉroǀĞĚ ĚƵriŶŐ tŚĞ rĞƉorƟŶŐ ƉĞrioĚ. ‡ dŚĞ 'oǀĞrŶŵĞŶt ŚaĚ otŚĞr ƉoliĐiĞƐ tŚat ŵay ŚaǀĞ aĚĚrĞƐƐĞĚ ĐŚilĚ laďor iƐƐƵĞƐ or ŚaĚ aŶ iŵƉaĐt oŶ ĐŚilĚ laďor.(33, 34, 67, 69Ϳ

The Government has not included child labor elimination and prevention strategies in the World Bank’s Country Partnership Framework.(98) A draft of the Decent Work Country Program (2016–2020) is awaiting validation and will include child labor concerns.(67, 99)


VI. SOCIAL PROGRAMS TO ADDRESS CHILD LABOR In 2016, the Government funded and participated in programs that include the goal of eliminating or preventing child labor, including its worst forms (Table 10). Table 10. Key Social Programs to Address Child Labor‡ Program Description NaƟoŶal AĐƟoŶ WlaŶ Ĩor oorĚiŶatĞĚ ďy tŚĞ N^ aŶĚ tŚĞ /M, Ψ25.8 ŵillioŶ ƉroũĞĐt aiŵƐ to ƐiŐŶiĮĐaŶtly rĞĚƵĐĞ tŚĞ ŶƵŵďĞr oĨ ĐŚilĚrĞŶ tŚĞ &iŐŚt AŐaiŶƐt tŚĞ torƐt ĞŶŐaŐĞĚ iŶ tŚĞ ǁorƐt ĨorŵƐ oĨ ĐŚilĚ laďor ďy iŵƉroǀiŶŐ tŚĞ lĞŐal ĨraŵĞǁorŬ, ƐĞŶƐiƟnjiŶŐ ŚiŐŚ-riƐŬ ĐoŵŵƵŶiƟĞƐ &orŵƐ oĨ ŚilĚ >aďor (NAWͿ to tŚĞ ĚaŶŐĞrƐ oĨ ĞdžƉloitaƟǀĞ ĐŚilĚ laďor, iŵƉroǀiŶŐ ǀiĐƟŵ ƐĞrǀiĐĞƐ, ďƵilĚiŶŐ tŚĞ ĐaƉaĐity oĨ laǁ ĞŶĨorĐĞŵĞŶt, (2015ʹ2017ͿΏ aŶĚ iŵƉroǀiŶŐ ĞĚƵĐaƟoŶal iŶĨraƐtrƵĐtƵrĞ.(14, 82Ϳ dŚĞ 'oǀĞrŶŵĞŶt ƉroǀiĚĞĚ Ψ15 ŵillioŶ iŶ ĨƵŶĚiŶŐ.(78Ϳ /Ŷ 2016, ďĞŐaŶ ĐoŶƐtrƵĐƟoŶ oŶ tŚrĞĞ ƐŚĞltĞrƐ.(28Ϳ NaƟoŶal AĐƟoŶ WlaŶ aŶĚ titŚ tŚĞ ƐƵƉƉort oĨ hNK aŶĚ ĐoorĚiŶatĞĚ ďy N>dĚW, Ψ14.8 ŵillioŶ ƉroũĞĐt ĚraŌĞĚ to ƉrĞǀĞŶt ŚƵŵaŶ ^tratĞŐy AŐaiŶƐt ,ƵŵaŶ traĸĐŬiŶŐ, ĞdžƉaŶĚ ƐoĐial ƐĞrǀiĐĞƐ Ĩor ǀiĐƟŵƐ ďy iŵƉroǀiŶŐ ƉŚyƐiĐal iŶĨraƐtrƵĐtƵrĞ, ƉroǀiĚĞ traiŶiŶŐ Ĩor draĸĐŬiŶŐ (2016ʹ2020ͿΏ laǁ ĞŶĨorĐĞŵĞŶt ƉĞrƐoŶŶĞl aŶĚ otŚĞr ƐtaŬĞŚolĚĞrƐ, ƉroŵotĞ ĐoorĚiŶaƟoŶ, aŶĚ ĐollĞĐt Ěata oŶ ŚƵŵaŶ traĸĐŬiŶŐ.(64, 77Ϳ dŚĞ 'oǀĞrŶŵĞŶt ĐoŵŵiƩĞĚ to ƉroǀiĚĞ Ψ3.2 ŵillioŶ oǀĞr 5 yĞarƐ to iŵƉlĞŵĞŶt tŚĞ ƉlaŶ.(2Ϳ /Ŷ 2016, MtW^, ǁitŚ ƐƵƉƉort Ĩroŵ hNK aŶĚ tŚĞ ŵďaƐƐy oĨ :aƉaŶ, ďĞŐaŶ a ŵaƉƉiŶŐ ƉroũĞĐt to iĚĞŶƟĨy all ĞdžiƐƟŶŐ ƐŚĞltĞrƐ aŶĚ traŶƐit ĐĞŶtĞrƐ Ĩor ǀiĐƟŵƐ oĨ ĐŚilĚ traĸĐŬiŶŐ.(28Ϳ NaƟoŶal AǁarĞŶĞƐƐ N^-lĞĚ ŶaƟoŶal aǁarĞŶĞƐƐ ĐaŵƉaiŐŶ aŐaiŶƐt ĐŚilĚ laďor, diƐƐĞŵiŶatĞƐ iŶĨorŵaƟoŶ to iŶĐrĞaƐĞ ƉƵďliĐ aŵƉaiŐŶ AŐaiŶƐt ŚilĚ >aďor aǁarĞŶĞƐƐ tŚroƵŐŚ tĞlĞǀiƐioŶ aŶd radio ďroadĐaƐtƐ, ďillďoardƐ, aŶd ŶĞǁƐƉaƉĞrƐ iŶ &rĞŶĐŚ aŶd loĐal (2015ʹ2017ͿΏ laŶŐƵaŐĞƐ. allƐ oŶ ŶaƟoŶal aĐtorƐ to taŬĞ a ŐrĞatĞr rolĞ iŶ ŵĞdia ĐaŵƉaiŐŶƐ to raiƐĞ aǁarĞŶĞƐƐ aďoƵt ĐŚild labor.(69, 77Ϳ h^K>-&ƵŶdĞd WroũĞĐtƐ h^K> ƉroũĞĐtƐ iŶ ĐoĐoa-ŐroǁiŶŐ arĞaƐ oĨ 'ŚaŶa aŶd ƀtĞ d͛/ǀoirĞ tŚat aiŵ to ĞliŵiŶatĞ ĐŚild labor, iŶĐlƵdiŶŐ iŶ ^ƵƉƉort oĨ tŚĞ 2010 itƐ ǁorƐt ĨorŵƐ, tŚroƵŐŚ rĞƐĞarĐŚ, iŵƉroǀĞd ŵoŶitoriŶŐ aŶd ĞŶĨorĐĞŵĞŶt, aŶd iŵƉlĞŵĞŶtaƟoŶ aŶd ĞdžƉaŶƐioŶ ĞĐlaraƟoŶ oĨ ^K^d/. dŚĞƐĞ ƉroũĞĐt iŶĐlƵdĞ͗ ^ƵrǀĞy ZĞƐĞarĐŚ oŶ Śild >abor iŶ tĞƐt AĨriĐaŶ oĐoa 'roǁiŶŐ ArĞaƐ (2012ʹ2016Ϳ, Ψ1.5 ŵillioŶ ƉroũĞĐt iŵƉlĞŵĞŶtĞd by tŚĞ WayƐoŶ ĞŶtĞr Ĩor /ŶtĞrŶaƟoŶal ĞǀĞloƉŵĞŶt at dƵlaŶĞ hŶiǀĞrƐity͖ oƵŶtry >ĞǀĞl ŶŐaŐĞŵĞŶt aŶd AƐƐiƐtaŶĐĞ to ZĞdƵĐĞ Śild >abor (>AZͿ (2013ʹ2017Ϳ, Ψ7.95 ŵillioŶ ƉroũĞĐt iŵƉlĞŵĞŶtĞd iŶ at lĞaƐt 10 ĐoƵŶtriĞƐ by tŚĞ />K͖ AƐƐĞƐƐiŶŐ WroŐrĞƐƐ iŶ ZĞdƵĐiŶŐ Śild >abor iŶ oĐoa-'roǁiŶŐ ArĞaƐ oĨ ƀtĞ d͛/ǀoirĞ aŶd 'ŚaŶa (2015ʹ2019Ϳ, Ψ3 ŵillioŶ ƉroũĞĐt iŵƉlĞŵĞŶtĞd by NKZ at tŚĞ hŶiǀĞrƐity oĨ ŚiĐaŐo͖ aŶd liŵiŶaƟŶŐ Śild >abor iŶ oĐoa (2015ʹ2019Ϳ, Ψ4.5 ŵillioŶ ƉroũĞĐt iŵƉlĞŵĞŶtĞd by tŚĞ /ŶtĞrŶaƟoŶal oĐoa /ŶiƟaƟǀĞ.(100-103Ϳ AddiƟoŶal iŶĨorŵaƟoŶ iƐ aǀailablĞ oŶ tŚĞ h^K> tĞb ƐitĞ. /ŶdƵƐtry-&ƵŶdĞd WroũĞĐtƐ /ŶdƵƐtry-ĨƵŶdĞd ƉroũĞĐtƐ to iŶĐrĞaƐĞ ƐƵƐtaiŶability iŶ tŚĞ ĐoĐoa ƐĞĐtor, iŵƉroǀĞ ĨarŵĞr liǀĞliŚoodƐ aŶd aĐĐĞƐƐ to ĞdƵĐaƟoŶ, aŶd Đoŵbat tŚĞ ǁorƐt ĨorŵƐ oĨ ĐŚild labor iŶ ĐoĐoa-ŐroǁiŶŐ arĞaƐ. ^oŵĞ ƉroũĞĐtƐ ŵay bĞ iŶ ƐƵƉƉort oĨ torld oĐoa &oƵŶdaƟoŶ (t&Ϳ͛Ɛ oĐoaAĐƟoŶ (2014ʹ2020Ϳ ƐtratĞŐy aŶd tŚĞ 2010 ĞĐlaraƟoŶ.(88, 104Ϳ ĞŶtĞrƐ Ĩor sƵlŶĞrablĞ KƉĞratĞƐ aƉƉrodžiŵatĞly 110 MtW^- aŶd MW^-ĨƵŶdĞd ƐoĐial ĐĞŶtĞrƐ aŶd ŵobilĞ ƐĐŚoolƐ tŚroƵŐŚoƵt tŚĞ ŚildrĞŶΏ ĐoƵŶtry tŚat rĞĐĞiǀĞ ǁoŵĞŶ aŶd ĐŚildrĞŶ ǁŚo arĞ ǀiĐƟŵƐ oĨ ĐriŵĞ or ǀiolĞŶĐĞ, iŶĐlƵdiŶŐ ĐŚildrĞŶ ǁŚo arĞ ǀiĐƟŵƐ oĨ tŚĞ ǁorƐt ĨorŵƐ oĨ ĐŚild labor. /ŶtĞrŶaƟoŶal N'KƐ alƐo oƉĞratĞ addiƟoŶal ĐĞŶtĞrƐ tŚat ƉroǀidĞ ŵĞalƐ aŶd baƐiĐ ĞdƵĐaƟoŶ.(77, 105Ϳ /Ŷ 2016, &irƐt >ady oŵiŶiƋƵĞ KƵaƩara aŶd N^ iŶiƟatĞd ĐoŶƐtrƵĐƟoŶ oŶ tŚrĞĞ rĞĐĞƉƟoŶ ĐĞŶtĞrƐ iŶ oƵaŬĠ, &ĞrŬĞƐƐĠdoƵŐoƵ, aŶd ^oƵbrĠ iŶ ƐƵƉƉort oĨ tŚĞ NAW aŶd tŚĞ NaƟoŶal ĞǀĞloƉŵĞŶt WlaŶ to ŚoƵƐĞ ǀiĐƟŵƐ oĨ ĐŚild traĸĐŬiŶŐ.(85, 93, 106Ϳ ^ĐŚool &ĞĞdiŶŐ WroŐraŵƐΏ dŚĞƐĞ ƉroŐraŵƐ aiŵ to raiƐĞ ƐĐŚool aƩĞŶdaŶĐĞ ratĞƐ iŶ rƵral arĞaƐ, ƉarƟĐƵlarly aŵoŶŐ ŐirlƐ, by ƉroǀidiŶŐ ƐĐŚool ŵĞalƐ. /ŶĐlƵdĞƐ tŚĞ /ŶtĞŐratĞd WroŐraŵ Ĩor ^ƵƐtaiŶablĞ ^ĐŚool &ĞĞdiŶŐ, a Ψ42.5 ŵillioŶ t&W-ĨƵŶdĞd ƉroŐraŵ͖ tŚĞ MiŶiƐtry oĨ NaƟoŶal dƵĐaƟoŶ ^ĐŚool &ĞĞdiŶŐ WroŐraŵ͖ aŶd tŚĞ MĐ'oǀĞrŶ-olĞ ^ĐŚool &ĞĞdiŶŐ WroŐraŵ, a Ψ31 ŵillioŶ ũoiŶt iŶiƟaƟǀĞ bĞtǁĞĞŶ t&W aŶd tŚĞ h.^. ĞƉartŵĞŶt oĨ AŐriĐƵltƵrĞ, iŶ ĐoordiŶaƟoŶ ǁitŚ tŚĞ MiŶiƐtry oĨ NaƟoŶal dƵĐaƟoŶ.(64, 107, 108Ϳ ŵĞrŐĞŶĐy ^ƵƉƉort Ψ41.4 ŵillioŶ torld aŶŬ-ĨƵŶdĞd ƉroũĞĐt to iŵƉroǀĞ aĐĐĞƐƐ to baƐiĐ ĞdƵĐaƟoŶ by ĐoŶƐtrƵĐƟŶŐ aŶd WroũĞĐt Ĩor aƐiĐ dƵĐaƟoŶ rĞŚabilitaƟŶŐ ĐlaƐƐrooŵƐ aŶd ƐĐŚool latriŶĞƐ.(109Ϳ y tŚĞ ĞŶd oĨ 2016, bƵilt 1,000 ŶĞǁ Ɖriŵary ƐĐŚool (2012ʹ2017Ϳ ĐlaƐƐrooŵƐ, rĞŚabilitatĞd 267 ĐlaƐƐrooŵƐ, rĞŚabilitatĞd 8 tĞaĐŚĞr traiŶiŶŐ ĐĞŶtĞrƐ, aŶd traiŶĞd 15,253 tĞaĐŚĞrƐ.(110Ϳ oŵŵƵŶity AŶiŵaƟoŶ Ψ228,168 MtW^ ƉroŐraŵ aƐ Ɖart oĨ tŚĞ NaƟoŶal WoliĐy oŶ Śild WrotĞĐƟoŶ, iŵƉlĞŵĞŶtĞd ǁitŚ tĞĐŚŶiĐal WroŐraŵ Ĩor Śild WrotĞĐƟoŶ aƐƐiƐtaŶĐĞ Ĩroŵ hN/&, ƉroǀidĞƐ a ƐĞrǀiĐĞ ƉaĐŬaŐĞ Ĩor bĞŚaǀior ĐŚaŶŐĞ aŶd iŵƉroǀiŶŐ ĐoŵŵƵŶiĐaƟoŶ at tŚĞ (2015ʹ2020ͿΏ ĐoŵŵƵŶity lĞǀĞl tŚat ĐaŶ bĞ tailorĞd to ŵĞĞt loĐal ŶĞĞdƐ.(10, 67, 111Ϳ ĞtǁĞĞŶ 2015 aŶd 2016, ƉilotĞd tŚĞ aƉƉroaĐŚ iŶ 351 ĐoŵŵƵŶiƟĞƐ ǁitŚ ƉlaŶƐ to ĞdžƉaŶd to 1,500 ĐoŵŵƵŶiƟĞƐ by 2020.(67Ϳ NaƟoŶal ^olidarity &ƵŶdΎΏ Ψ2.5 ŵillioŶ ĨƵŶd tŚat ƉroǀidĞƐ aƐƐiƐtaŶĐĞ to Ɖoor ŚoƵƐĞŚoldƐ. /Ŷ 2016, rĞǀiƐĞd to iŶĐlƵdĞ ǀiĐƟŵƐ oĨ ŚƵŵaŶ traĸĐŬiŶŐ aƐ ƉroũĞĐt ƉarƟĐiƉaŶtƐ.(28, 112Ϳ Ύ WroŐraŵ ǁaƐ laƵŶĐŚĞd dƵriŶŐ tŚĞ rĞƉorƟŶŐ ƉĞriod. Ώ WroŐraŵ iƐ ĨƵŶdĞd by tŚĞ 'oǀĞrŶŵĞŶt oĨ ƀtĞ d͛/ǀoirĞ. ‡ dŚĞ 'oǀĞrŶŵĞŶt Śad otŚĞr ƐoĐial ƉroŐraŵƐ tŚat ŵay ŚaǀĞ iŶĐlƵdĞd tŚĞ Őoal oĨ ĞliŵiŶaƟŶŐ or ƉrĞǀĞŶƟŶŐ ĐŚild labor, iŶĐlƵdiŶŐ itƐ ǁorƐt ĨorŵƐ.(10, 61, 68, 113, 114Ϳ


Although the Government maintains programs and coordinates with stakeholders to help children working on cocoa farms, the scope of existing programs is insufficient to fully address the extent of the problem.(7, 64) SOSTECI has been implemented in several cocoa-growing communities, but it has not been expanded throughout the country because it requires a significant amount of resources for full implementation.(64, 77, 115) In addition, the Government primarily relies on NGOs to provide social services to victims of child trafficking. Research indicates that there is poor coordination among service providers, the distribution of services throughout the country is uneven, and existing programs do not adequately address all sectors where child labor is present.(2, 26, 28, 77) VII. SUGGESTED GOVERNMENT ACTIONS TO ELIMINATE THE WORST FORMS OF CHILD LABOR Based on the reporting above, suggested actions are identified that would advance the elimination of child labor, including its worst forms, in Côte d’Ivoire (Table 11). Table 11. Suggested Government Actions to Eliminate Child Labor, Including its Worst Forms Area Suggested Action Year(s) Suggested >ĞŐal &raŵĞǁorŬŶƐƵrĞ tŚat tŚĞ ŚanjardoƵƐ oĐĐƵƉaƟoŶƐ aŶd aĐƟǀiƟĞƐ ƉroŚibitĞd Ĩor ĐŚildrĞŶ arĞ 2016 ĐoŵƉrĞŚĞŶƐiǀĞ. ŶĨorĐĞŵĞŶt /ŵƉroǀĞ ĐoordiŶaƟoŶ aŵoŶŐ ŵiŶiƐtriĞƐ rĞlatĞd to ĞdžƉloitaƟǀĞ ĐŚild labor aŶd ĞŶƐƵrĞ tŚat 2016 ǀiĐƟŵƐ rĞĐĞiǀĞ aƉƉroƉriatĞ ƐĞrǀiĐĞƐ. ŶƐƵrĞ tŚat labor iŶƐƉĞĐtoratĞƐ aŶd ĐriŵiŶal laǁ ĞŶĨorĐĞŵĞŶt aŐĞŶĐiĞƐ rĞĐĞiǀĞ aŶ adĞƋƵatĞ 2014 ʹ 2016 aŵoƵŶt oĨ ĨƵŶdiŶŐ to ĐoŶdƵĐt iŶƐƉĞĐƟoŶƐ aŶd iŶǀĞƐƟŐaƟoŶƐ tŚroƵŐŚoƵt tŚĞ ĐoƵŶtry, aŶd tŚat ƉĞŶalƟĞƐ arĞ ĞŶĨorĐĞd aĐĐordiŶŐ to tŚĞ laǁ. ^trĞŶŐtŚĞŶ tŚĞ labor iŶƐƉĞĐtoratĞ by aƵtŚorinjiŶŐ tŚĞ iŶƐƉĞĐtoratĞ to aƐƐĞƐƐ ƉĞŶalƟĞƐ. 2014 ʹ 2016 ŶƐƵrĞ tŚat iŶƐƉĞĐtorƐ aŶd iŶǀĞƐƟŐatorƐ rĞĐĞiǀĞ traiŶiŶŐ oŶ ŶĞǁ laǁƐ rĞlatĞd to ĐŚild labor. 2016 WƵbliƐŚ iŶĨorŵaƟoŶ aboƵt ǁŚĞtŚĞr roƵƟŶĞ iŶƐƉĞĐƟoŶƐ arĞ ĐoŶdƵĐtĞd aŶd ǁŚĞtŚĞr tŚĞy 2016 tarŐĞt ŚiŐŚ-riƐŬ ƐĞĐtorƐ. /ŶĐrĞaƐĞ tŚĞ ŶƵŵbĞr oĨ labor iŶƐƉĞĐtorƐ rĞƐƉoŶƐiblĞ Ĩor ĞŶĨorĐiŶŐ laǁƐ rĞlatĞd to ĐŚild labor 2009 ʹ 2016 iŶ aĐĐordaŶĐĞ ǁitŚ tŚĞ />K rĞĐoŵŵĞŶdaƟoŶ. /ŵƉroǀĞ ŵoŶitoriŶŐ oĨ aĐƟǀity aloŶŐ tŚĞ bordĞrƐ to ĞŶablĞ tŚĞ 'oǀĞrŶŵĞŶt to idĞŶƟĨy aŶd 2015 ʹ 2016 ƉrĞǀĞŶt traŶƐŶaƟoŶal ŚƵŵaŶ traĸĐŬiŶŐ aĐƟǀity. oordiŶaƟoŶ/ŵƉroǀĞ ĐoordiŶaƟoŶ aŵoŶŐ ŵiŶiƐtriĞƐ iŶĐlƵdĞd iŶ N^ aŶd /M. 2012 ʹ 2016 'oǀĞrŶŵĞŶt WoliĐiĞƐ /ŶtĞŐratĞ ĐŚild labor ĞliŵiŶaƟoŶ aŶd ƉrĞǀĞŶƟoŶ ƐtratĞŐiĞƐ iŶto ĞdžiƐƟŶŐ ƉoliĐiĞƐ. 2013 ʹ 2016 ^oĐial WroŐraŵƐ /ŵƉroǀĞ aĐĐĞƐƐ to ĞdƵĐaƟoŶ by ĞliŵiŶaƟŶŐ all ƐĐŚool-rĞlatĞd ĨĞĞƐ, ƉroǀidiŶŐ all ĐŚildrĞŶ ǁitŚ 2011 ʹ 2016 birtŚ ĐĞrƟĮĐatĞƐ, iŵƉroǀiŶŐ tŚĞ aĐĐĞƐƐibility oĨ ƐĐŚoolƐ, ĞŶƐƵriŶŐ tŚat ƐĐŚoolƐ arĞ ĨrĞĞ oĨ ƉŚyƐiĐal aŶd ƐĞdžƵal abƵƐĞ, aŶd iŶĐrĞaƐiŶŐ tŚĞ ŶƵŵbĞr oĨ tĞaĐŚĞrƐ, ƐaŶitaƟoŶ ĨaĐiliƟĞƐ, aŶd ƐĐŚoolƐ, ƉarƟĐƵlarly iŶ rƵral arĞaƐ. ZĞƉliĐatĞ aŶd ĞdžƉaŶd ŵodĞlƐ ƐƵĐŚ aƐ ^K^d/ tŚat addrĞƐƐ ĞdžƉloitaƟǀĞ ĐŚild labor to 2009 ʹ 2016 ĞīĞĐƟǀĞly iŵƉlĞŵĞŶt ŐoǀĞrŶŵĞŶt ƉoliĐiĞƐ to Đoŵbat tŚĞ ǁorƐt ĨorŵƐ oĨ ĐŚild labor. ŶƐƵrĞ tŚat ǀiĐƟŵƐ oĨ tŚĞ ǁorƐt ĨorŵƐ oĨ ĐŚild labor arĞ ablĞ to aĐĐĞƐƐ ƐoĐial ƐĞrǀiĐĞƐ 2015 ʹ 2016 tŚroƵŐŚoƵt tŚĞ ĐoƵŶtry.

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