[email protected] Mercury's Agents Of Change Groundbreaking Label Co- Founders Die Within Months Of Each Other Chain Serves Up Music their deaths, the to drop its prohibition against Mercury Records also either Johnny Rockets Turns To Tunes, Web Site To Boost Its Brand names of Irving Green live music performances on initiated or early -on embraced and Art Talmadge the new medium. a number of record promotion For most reading these words, hipster favorite notes Mimi Somerman, senior VP of marketing may have faded But Green's impact on TV tactics that would become in- Gnarls Barkley and somewhat garish restau- at the Johnny Rockets Group. "We view this A, from the collective had just started. In 1957, Mer- dustry standards. rant chain Johnny Rockets go together like campaign as a cool way to teach people about memory of an ever -evolving cury's star artist Frankie Laine, For example, Talmadge sushi and french fries. But guess what? The the roots of today's music. Parents can appreci- music industry. at the behest of Green, per- helped initiate the Mercury retro- fitted, diner -like chain, with tabletop ate new music more, while kids can see the dif- But Green and Talmadge, formed on "The Nat King Cole Records Caravan, which de- jukeboxes spotlighting classic rock and Mo- ferent ways music goes back in history." who co- founded Mercury Rec- Show" with the host, marking buted in 1950 in Milwaukee town sounds, is looking to modernize the mu- Somerman says the campaign will create ords in 1944 with Berle Adams the first time black and white at George Devine's Million sical side of its operation.