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“Your Local Weekly Since 1868 A Tradition Worth Keeping” THE MessengerFREE OUR 143rd YEAR ISSUE 13 APRIL 1, 2011 Postal Customer Postal US Postage PRSRT STD PRSRT Hillsboro, NH Hillsboro, PAID Permit #25 Permit ECRWSS 12 Hour Police Standoff Page 8 Fish & Game Honors Galpin Page 15 PAGE 2 | THE MESSENGER | APRIL 1, 2011 | WWW.GRANITEQUILL.COM Hillsborough plans for economic development The Hillsborough Economic Develop- should somehow be recognized at Kemp fund-raising for the park through photo- ment Committee met recently with Steve Park. Hatfield also reported that the Kemp graphs and post cards of Kemp trucks. He Heavener of the Capital Region Develop- Park Committee met recently and that also stated that they hope to have a final ment Committee. It was announced that they are waiting for the final clean-up this plan of how the park should look by the Evelyn Kemp died last week at the age spring/summer by the State grant from 2012 town meeting. of 103. Doug Hatfield suggested that she DES and that the committee is considering The group discussed “branding” or a way to identify Hillsborough’s personality by stressing on our web site, letter heads and town signs a brief phrase. Paris Wells suggested “Hillsborough-Center of Every- where.” John Stetser thought most people associate stone arch bridges with Hillsbor- ough, and Babett Haley stressed our strong quality of life in rural Hillsborough. Heavener addressed the 11 weaknesses of Hillsborough. He wants to break the group into smaller committees to work on them with suggestions of how to improve and will have his plan for doing that at the April meeting.He also suggested the Town consider TIFs (Tax Increment Financing Plan) for encouraging infrastructure im- Members of the Hillsborough Economic Development Committee met recently at the offices of provements that would encourage business Upton & Hatfield. growth in Town. “ ” IntoInto ActionAction J85482 J16750 J88474 J88413 J53683 J88792 HENNIKER FARM &COUNTRY STORE OPEN: MON.-SAT. 8-5; SUN. 9-1 428-3255 110 BRADFORD ROAD • HENNIKER, NH 03242 WWW.GRANITEQUILL.COM | APRIL 1, 2011 | THE MESSENGER | PAGE 3 New London adopts beach use regulations The New London Selectmen are pro- ing at the Post Office (i.e., paving and be made available one per household. The posing changes to the ordinance govern- striping) will be considered as part of the first tag per household will be given free ing use of the town's beaches. At Bucklin Elkins project. and additional tags (including replacement Beach, they propose designating Old As to permitting they will continue the for lost tags) will be sold for $25 apiece. Dump Road as "permit parking only" on permanent stickers for residents, but in The board approved all the sugges- both sides of the road for the first 300' and place of the paper guest passes that are tions and will schedule a public hearing no parking after that. Parking is banned given out free to residents, hang tags will for April 25th. on Route 114 and on Camp Sunapee Road begin permit parking only from the first 100'. At Elkins Beach formalized park- ON THE COVER: Sylvia Pelletier, President of the Child- hood Cancer Lifeline of NH receiving the check from Lori “Your Local Weekly Since 1868 Rowell, Director of � A Tradition Worth Keeping” THE FREE � OUR 143 Marketing at Pats rd YEAR � ISSUE 13 � APRIL 1, 2011 Peak. A total of $21,500 was raised at Pats Peak for the Childhood Cancer US Postage US PRSRT STD PRSRT Lifeline 2011 PAID 12 Hour Police Standoff Page 8 event. Fish & Game Honors Galpin Page 15 Recreation Director Chad Denning briefed the New London Selectmen on proposed changes to the town's beach use ordinances. •SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE •SENSATIONAL COLORS •SENSIBLE PRICE New London • 526-2800 • OPEN DAILY PAGE 4 | THE MESSENGER | APRIL 1, 2011 | WWW.GRANITEQUILL.COM Publisher’s Perspective by Leigh Bosse THE Messenger Well, it's official Hillsboro-Deering High and reading. Who is responsible for that? A Publication of School is a "Low Performing School." In Taxpayers who have provided a minimum Granite Quill Publishers fact it now ranks 5th from the bottom of all of $500,000 in additional funding each year Your Hometown Weekly Since 1868 high schools in the state. For several years, for several years and $800,000 this year? A Tradition Worth Keeping! this newspaper and others have attempted Or, the teachers and administrators who, 246 West Main Street • PO Box 1190 to make this point at Deliberative Sessions despite this funding, have failed to meet the Hillsboro, NH 03244-1190 only to be rebutted with what a great job our minimum standard? Phone: 464-3388 • Fax: 603-464-4106 great teachers are doing for our kids. An unrelated matter is a classic example E-mail: [email protected] Even in the face of the NH Department of what's wrong with our educational sys- of Education's recent ranking, School Board tem. The School District recently received STAFF Vice Chair Marjorie Porter persists in her further Stimulus money in the form of a one Publisher: Leigh Bosse head in the sand, pat yourself on the back year "Ed Jobs Grant." The first mistake was Editor: Joyce Bosse mentality. Porter doesn't think H-D is a taking the money as it is only for one year Graphics: Christi Macomber failing school because some of our students and district taxpayers will have to pick up Design/Layout: Gail Stratos make the Dean's List in college. Granted. the funding after that. None the less, how Sales Reps: Deborah Belanger We have some outstanding teachers. H-D did they spend the money to improve educa- DEADLINE: has the best music program in the state, tion? They hired five new administrators: in Monday at 5pm prior to Fri. publication. our FBLA members are well prepared for the High School, a new Associate Principal, ADVERTISEMENT ERRORS: the business world and our DECA students a Truancy/Homeless Liaison, a Dean Of We will be responsible for errors in advertise- shine in international competition. But Students, and an Academic Support Special- ments only to the extent of correcting the what about the multiple years of failing to ist. Also added was a Curriculum Coordina- same in the next issue using space equal to make Adequate Yearly Progress in math tor in the Middle School. the items in error. LETTERS POLICY: We will print signed letters to the editor OPINION Letters to the Editor on a space available basis. Letters should be no more than 250 words, typed or e-mailed. Dear Editor; with another member of the school board Letters must be signed but names may be It appears that even the State has recog- (Marjorie Porter) who said that “the basic excluded upon request. nized our low ranking in performance and assumption here is that Hillsborough (not PHOTO SUBMISSIONS: has taken action giving our new Superinten- H-D High School) is a failing school. But I We encourage individuals and groups to dent a few choices: A Transformation Plan don’t think it is a failing school.” She goes on submit photos of their events or activities, with a planning grant which would involve to say that kids graduate and go to college either by mail or e-mail. working with the staff to put a model in and make the Dean’s list; why does she CORRECTIONS POLICY: place to pull the scores up: a Turnaround think she has the answers and the D.O.E. We strive every day to present full, fair and Plan, in which all staff are terminated and (Department of Education) is wrong? This accurate news reports. We will correct, in this then up to 50 percent are rehired; and clos- isn’t an assumption that the school system is space, factual inaccuracies in our coverage. We ing the school and opening it up again as a failing it is FACT. encourage readers to tell us if we have made charter school. All of these may seem a bit We as a joint community of Hillsbor- a mistake. drastic but obviously needed. ough and Deering should ask ourselves why One of our school board members (Terry does the Teachers Union continue to ask Also from the The Granite Quill: Cutter) suggested that there may be a “silver for raises and tenure when our kids are not lining" because we could receive federal getting a good education. We need to send IN New Hampshire funds for restructuring. And we would get a message to those teachers who are just Your Guide to What’s Happening in the Granite State some money to do it. In all due respect, going through the motions. They have had Senior Lifestyles we have tried throwing money at a failed their chance to improve the school system A Guide for New Hampshire’s Active Seniors system every year, including this one by and have failed. I for one would like to see NH Homes & Home Improvement passing the operating budget and, as always, our new Superintendent Dr. Genovese start A Guide for NH Home Owners & Home Seekers our education has not gotten any better. over again keeping those teachers that are More money does NOT make the school performing well and letting the rest go. system any better. I would also take issue Please see OPINIONS page 5 WWW.GRANITEQUILL.COM | APRIL 1, 2011 | THE MESSENGER | PAGE 5 OPINION Letters to the Editor THE In general, Unions do not understand able to explain to me why young men and Messenger performance as a criteria, it is about protect- women serve in the U.S.