MID POST OFFICE LONDON 1240 Middelburgmargarilleworks,3Gseething La
MID POST OFFICE LONDON 1240 MiddelburgMargarilleWorks,3gSeething la. E C-T.A. "Hildebrandt" Middlesex Soup & Dinner Kitchen (Mrs. Anna. Kirschner, superinteo.. Middle James & Co. button importers, 25 Ha.msell street E C dent), 12 Windmill street, Tottenham court road W Middle Class Dwellingsi.Jo. Lim. (J. Blll'Ils Brown, sec.), 16 Gt.lleorge :Middlesex (znd) Volunteer Artillery (Colonel M. B. Pearson, com st. W estmnstr. S W&wrks.l45Grosvenor rd SW-TA "MiddlcClass" mandant) ; headquarters, Lecnard street E C Middle Class School (Rev. Br.Mark, principal),36 to 39 Regent sq WC Middlesex Volunteers Royal Engineers (1st) (Capt. A.. A. M. Middle Temple, westward of Inner Temple E C; Treasury Office, 1 Layard, R.E. adjutant), 67 College street, Chelsea SW Plowden buildings E C (J. W. Waldron, under-treasurer; Herbert Middlesex Yeomanry (Duke of Cambridge's Hussars) (Wm. Kenyon Rowe, clerk); hours 10 to 4; vacation, 10 to 3; sat. 10 to 2; & Mitford, lieut.-col.; Capt. H.W.Mitchell, adjutant); headqnarters, closed on sat. during long vacation; Library, Garden court E C; 7 Montpelier terrace, Brompton SW open from 9 to 6, except from commencement of long vacation to Middleton Brothers, oil mers. white lead, paint & color manufacturers, Oct. I5th (inclusive), when hours are 10 to 4 (saturdays 10 to 2), drysalters & glass mers. 10 & 11 St.;George stE-T A "Neatsfoot" closoo 7 days (from 1st to 8th Sept.) in long vacation, on Christmas Middleton Herbert Thurling & Co. electricians, 34 Victoria. st SW Day & week following, on GQod Friday & four days following Middleton & Hunt, electric engineers, 104 Southampton row WC & on Whit Monday (John Hutchinson, librarian; Wm.
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