

Our mission is empowering voters and defending democracy.

We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge and the confidence to participate. We believe in the power of women to create a more perfect democracy.


The League is proud to be nonpartisan, neither supporting nor opposing candidates or political parties at any level of government, but always to working on vital issues of concern to members and the public. G

LWV is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion the League in principle and in practice. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect of Women democracy.


League of Women Voters of

90 Canal Street, Suite 414 Boston, MA 02114

League of Women Voters of the 1730 M Street NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036-4508


Keeping Informed on Issues You Care About

WHAT IS THE LWV? Our mission is empowering voters and Every member receives a subscription to their local defending democracy.

Founded in 1920, the League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan newsletters, state e-newsletters – The Mass. League Voter and

grassroots organization open to men and women of all ages. The League TheWe Mass. envision League Action a democracy Newsletter, where and publications every of the encourages active and informed participation in government, works to Leagueperson of Women has the Voters desire, of the theUnited right, States, the along with increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences invitations to meetings, Action Alerts, and other information knowledge and the confidence to public policy through education and advocacy. about League events and concerns. participate. We believe in the power of

The LWV neither supports nor opposes any political party or candidate Valuablewomen information to create can bea more found onperfect the website of LWVUS for elective office, but it does take positions on matters of public policy. (lwv.org)democracy., LWVMA (lwvma.org) and local Leagues have their own websites. Follow LWVMA, and perhaps your local League, The League operates at the local, state, and national levels in every on FacebookThe League and Twitter. is proud to be nonpartisan, state, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. neither supporting nor opposing Joincandidates In—Make a Difference or political and parties Learn at any level of government, but always working on WHAT IS THE MASSACHUSETTS LEAGUE? Therevital are issuesmany opportunities of concern to to be members an active League and

memberthe public.—just find is your an organization fit! You might like fully voter services, such The League of Women of Massachusetts (LWVMA) is active and involved as registering voters, organizing candidate forums and at the state level. LWVMA, a 501 (c)(4) organization, strives to promote OPPORTUNITIES committed to diversity, equity, and preparing voter information. If organizing is your skill, help and defend a healthy democracy and supports our members and local withinclusion planning an in educational principle forum.and in If practiceyou want .to get out Leagues to do the same. Through its sister organization, the Lotte E. thereDiversity, and advocate, equity, join anand interest inclusion group arewith others who Scharfman Citizen Education Fund, a 501 c (3) organization, the League sharecentral your passion. to the organization’s current and empowers voters through voter services and civic engagement. future success in engaging all individuals, At thehouseholds, state level, you communities, can join committees and policy to match your

interestmakers (i.e. voter in creating service, membership, a more perfect studies, a legislation WHAT IS A LOCAL LEAGUE? specialist and more!). Joining a study committee is a way to learndemocracy. about a specific issue and pass on your knowledge to A local League serves a geographic region such as a city or town, group fellow members. of cities and towns, or county. A Unit is similar to a local League in function, but it is not an autonomous local League, and serves as part of There areLeague also needsof Women for running Voters a wellof Massachusetts-managed, largely LWVMA or another local League. Units may become Leagues after being volunteer, grassroots90 Cana organizationl Street, Suite such as:414 budgeting, recognized as such by the national LWV. fundraising, planning,Boston, writing, MA communications 02114 (newsletters,

AND BENEFITS website, and social media), public relations, organizing The mission, vision, and values of all LWVs are the same, but local refreshmentsLeague —ofwhatever Women yourVoters skill of, the the League United needs States you! Leagues have their own bylaws, treasury, program, membership, and 1730 M Street Suite 1000 communications. Visit www.lwvma.org to see a list of all local Leagues To learn more, emailWashing, [email protected]. DC 20036-4508 To get involved at and Units in Massachusetts or email [email protected]. the local level, contact your local League.

2 1-857-452-1715 www.lwvma.org [email protected] 7



WHAT IS THE TIME COMMITMENT? WHAT IS THE TIME COMMITMENT? Voter Service and Citizen Education LWVMA encourages active and informed participation in government through: The League of Women Voters offers a wide range of • Candidate forums and opportunities for involvement at the local, state, and • Voter registration drives national level, depending upon your availability and • Voters’ guides with nonpartisan level of interest. information on candidates Some members support League activities with their • Resources on elections and voting dues alone, some attend social events and educational • Educational forums on public policy issues forums, some volunteer for time-limited projects, and some organize major projects or assume board Advocacy positions. League advocacy is based on study and member consensus. The process of study and The level of involvement is up to you. See the section consensus is a unique feature of the League. on benefits and opportunities to learn more about Members choose an issue to study, then getting involved. through consensus form League positions. The state League advocates for specific legislation and public awareness on matters of public policy based on our positions from HOW DOES LWV FINANCE ITS WORK? these studies. Local Leagues may advocate

for issues in their community. The League of Women Voters is a non-profit organization that relies in part on membership dues to LWVMA Advocacy and Action Areas support its activities. Members join a local League or, if

no local League is available, join a state League as a Basic Human Needs Environment Member-at-Large. Each local and state League decides Civic Education Gun Safety the amount of its dues. Local Leagues pay a Per- Civic Engagement Health Care Climate Change Immigration Member-Payment (PMP) to support national and state Criminal Justice Money and Politics Leagues, and state Leagues pay PMP to the national Economic Inequality Transparency League for their Members-at-Large. Elections and Voting Transportation Because membership dues do not cover all their Women’s Issues

activities, each level of the League may also fundraise. Support comes from members, nonmembers, and the For further information visit lwvma.org/advocacy.

6 1-857-452-1715 www.lwvma.org [email protected] 3

The LWV operates at the local, state, and national levels. Committees LWV is a dues-paying organization and joining at one LWVMA and local Leagues primarily accomplish their work level automatically makes you a member of the other through committees. Standing committees carry out the LWV’s two levels. Membership is open to any person who work in voter service, membership, budget, communications,

LEVELS LEVELS subscribes to the goals and mission of the LWV. nominating and advocacy.

A study committee researches a public issue of interest chosen by • Local League members join a local League, which also supports the state and national Leagues the membership at the state convention or a local League annual meeting. After a period of research and preparation, it is the • Members of a League Unit join through study committee’s responsibility to present facts to the LWVMA, which supports the Unit, state and members, who decide whether there is a consensus (substantial agreement of members) to establish a position upon which the

national Leagues. League can take action. Studies may be conducted at the local, state or national level. • Members-at-Large live outside of an area THREE THREE

with a local League or Unit and join LWVMA Meetings which also supports the national League. • Each local League determines its own schedule of meetings. The governing body usually meets about once a month.

League Governance • Each local League holds an annual meeting to elect officers and


All Leagues have bylaws and other policy documents adopt local program, bylaws, and budget. All members can and that are compliant with state and national guidelines. should attend the annual meetings, which might also include a They have a governing body such as a board of guest speaker, a dinner, presentation of awards and recognitions, directors or steering committee. The governing body is or review of the year’s activities. responsible for managing the activities of the League as well as for a specific area such as program, voter Conventions service, membership, finance, bulletin, public relations, • A national convention is held every other year in even years. publications, action and advocacy. • LWVMA convention is held in odd-numbered years.

LWVMA is governed by a board of directors, which Both conventions are comprised of delegates who represent local LEAGUE includes officers and directors elected or appointed. LWVs in numbers proportionate to their membership. Any League member is eligible to serve as a convention delegate. Members of the LWVMA board serve two-year terms and elections are held at the biennial LWVMA Observers and guests may attend but may not vote. Delegates convention. and vote on program, budget, and bylaws, and elect officers for the next biennium.


4 1-857-452-1715 www.lwvma.org [email protected] 5