Miami, Oklahoma. "Surgery" Pres
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~~~~~~ ~~~~~·JAY- ~~-·: ... ..: SEER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. I o Jrrntbrnt ~. 1!\. JJiloybf rburat ~~ ~~~~~· ·· ~~ orf anb nrl1ool man of qtgl1rBt ~~ rntrrtnf wqonr firm. tartfuC anb rongrntal ways qaur rnbrarrb qtm to tqr Btu~rnt!lf anb all otqrr!l mqo know qimf tur brbtratr tqtB ftrBt 3Jay-~rrr. 1!126. i 1:'~''"'""""""""'-mr" .JA. Y- ~.~) SEER """""""""""""""""" ''''''' '' '1111'11 '111!1!''11 1!1!"11'''=m~ I ~I :;. 11ji ._._.-l.-.--.:.··. ·•.·. ·-rr ·.c·.=·:::·""'·'"-."".'-"''"· 'c}r'_,~-~f-;:._~ -~~c;:·. ._- ,_. _- ,~__ - - --- ·: :: rrill : UP.; : ..:.:::::t:m:::-.-:~~~ e- ~0~~-mn:J~·~=~=~~~~~mrrrr~mmm~.~ 11 ~l ll~!!ilil!l~l1 ~II11 '~II' 11 j AY • (j;' ~~~ 1 sEER 11!!11 l!lill!ll!lilil!!i!llliliiiiii!l!!ll'"'""ll""li""lil!!li!lillili!l!!li"'~ r i ®rbrr of innkn I. 1J1 arultn II ~ illlassrs III. · ~ports IV. ~nrirtn V. 1\rtiuitirs VI. illnllrgr 1Eiirws VII. f!;asq •I Four . ~rrum '''' ' '''''''''llUITrrn=mmwlllillii:@~ 19 2 6 ~@rtrntrrumurrrw''''''''''''''''llUliiimtlliTllllillmmmmnmmmrnmmnmmurrr~ -- ~-•=hw,-=,~~ J A y • if2 SEER !ill!!jfuurntnmm~mmn~=~=~rm!~t mu=~mm~mm~~urt~nmumn~~ I I' FOREWORD Bearing in mind that a college an nual is to throw light upon the activi ties and spirit of the institution from which it emanates, it was definitely • decided at the first of the second semester this year, that this school should and would have an annual. To. derive a name for this publi cation the abbreviation of our junior college which is J. C., was modified to Jay-See. Not only was this found to vary the abbreviation but it created a new species of birds, now known as the Jay-Seer, around which the theme of this book ·is woven. This is not intended as an apology but it is hoped that you will not be too harsh in your judgment of this first generation of its species. We also sincerely hope that this initial at tempt will result in a bigger and bet· ter annual each succeeding year. ) Five A I ~ ll li!Iliiiliiliimll!llll!lll!!!lllllll!lllllll!!!ll ""'"!T!!' JAY- ·SEER nnr=mmrnmnmmrrnmnnmUirnun.wmnrnmnm=Tllllilil=~ I I i ~ Ii . THE BOARD OF REGENTS HON. W. ~I. ~JALON E, RON. R. J . TUTHILL, Vice Chairman Secretary Vinita Mia mi HON. 11. ~~ - NASH, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chairman. Oklahoma City HON. S. F . WILKTNRO HON. AD. V. COPPEDGE, Nowata Grove Rim Seven I ~l!l!l!li ii!fll !II ! !!! !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 1926 ~~11 "' ~~:@@Iii!:@@•"""~'"'"~"""'~"""'~"'""~"""'~'"' "~'""'~~ '~ \ 11®'"""'""""'"'"'""'"""'"'""""'""""'"""'"""'""'""""""'""'JAy. (// ~ 1Sl --~ ~~uR mrrmTTTTTTTTTTTTTitmrmmnTWillillUUJrnrnnrnrnrm- rmmtiDTITUO rrr- ~ Iiiii ""''!f!llll!!l!!lll!l i lllii!!i!!i! llll!ll!!!l l l llll!ll~ ~llllllllllllllilll !l!!l!llllll'lllllllll"llllll "illll!!lilillllll """"""""'JAY- ~ SEER~ID"II~" ~~~!!@'!'·~~~~~ ~~fl/ C. S. WHITNEY, Mathematics and Economics- A. B., A. M. University of Oklahoma; Teaching fellow in mathe matics, University of Oklahoma, 1922; Special instructor in philoso phy, University of Oklahoma, summer 1922; Instructor in Mathe matics and Economics, Miami School of Mines, 1923, '24; Instructor in Mathematics and Economics, Northeastern Oklahoma Junior College, 1924. ANNIE KELLY, Home Economics- B. S., Kansas State Teachers' College, 1917; Instructor in English Public schools, Pittsburg, Kansas, 1917, '19; Instructor in Home Economics, High School, Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, 1919, '21; In structor in Home Economics, Pittsburg, Kansas, 1921, '23; Instructor in Home Economics, Northeastern Oklahoma Junior College, 1924. Portrait on Opposite Page L. B. DRAKE, D ean of the Faculty and Instructor of Chemistry- Ph. B. Adrain College, Michigan, 1910; A. B., Cornell University, 1915; Post Grad- - uate work, Co rnell summer and autumn. 1915 ; Oklahoma University, summer, 191_6; Principa l, P a uls Valley Hig h School, 1916, '18; served in Ordinance D e p 't U. S. A., 1918, ' 19; Principal, Pauls Valley High School, 1919, '20; First President and Organizer, Miami School of Mines, 192 1, '24; D ean of Northeastern Oklahoma Junior College, 1924. Nine I ~ I • FAYE VANN, French and Latin- A. B., University of Oklahoma; Graduate \Vork Uni,·e rsity of Oklahoma; Graduate Work University of Chicago; Principal Fairland High School; Instructor, High School, Vinita, Oklahoma; Instructor, Northeastern Oklahoma Junior College, Miami, 1924•. J. B. STEED, Agriculture and Education- B. S. in Education, University of Missouri, 1917; Graduate Student University of Oklahoma,_summer 1922, '23, '24 ; Teacher in Rural Schools, two years; High School -Principal, three years; Superintendent of Schools in Oklahoma, twelve years; In structor two summers in Oklahoma Normal School; Instructor in Agriculture and Education, Miami School of Mines, 1923, '24; Instructor of Agriculture and Edu cation, Northeastern Oklahoma Junior College, 1924. HARRIET RINKER, English and Education -Freshman Class Sponsor A. B. University of Kansas, 1910; Research Work at \Vood's Hole Marine Labora tory, summer 1910; Graduate Work University of Kansas, summer 1919, 20; Graduate \Vork at University of Chicago, summers 1923, '24; Teacher of English and Latin, Overland Park, Kansas, High School, 1917, '19; Principal Overland Park High School, 1920; Head of English Dept., Rosedale Kansas High School, 1920, '21; Head of · Normal Training Dep't in Pryor and Miami, Oklahoma, High· Schools, 1921, '22, '23; Instructor of English in Northeastern Oklahoma Junior College, 1924. 'l'en . ~~!11111~1111 ~~~~~!l~i!i!ll@!!i!• ~~11 il!li!@iillili~li111 ~~illi~~~1926 l!lllilili@m:®· 1111111111 1~ ~ , ,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,""''!""""'""''""'"""""""" JAY- ~ SEER iiiiiillriilrii"""''"''"'""""'"'' ....... ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ''""~ ROSAMOND McLAUCHLIN, Spanish a nd Public Speaking -Sophomore Class Sponsor M.A., 1924, Columbia University, New York City, 1918, Life Certificate from S. W. S. Normal of W eatherford, Oklahoma . Attended summer sessions of 1919 and 1921, at Oklahoma University; 1922, graduated from Southwestern State Teachers' College, Oklahoma; Instructor of Latin, Spanish and French in Hydro High School, 1922, '23, Hydro, Oklahoma; T eachers' College Certificate in Spanish from Columbia University, 1924; Member of Summer Faculty of Southwestern State Teachers' College, 1924; Spanish and History Instructor, N . E. 0. J. C., spring semester, 1925. PAUL N. WILLIAMS, Athletic Director and Science Instructor- B. S., Oklahoma A. & M., 1922; 1921 , '22, Student Assistant in Biology and Psy chology; 1922, '23, Grade Principal at Wann, Oklahoma; 1923, '24, '25, Instruc tor in Government and History at Pawhuska High School; 1925, '26, Athletic Director and Biology Instructor in Northeastern Oklahoma Junior College. BEULAH PARKER, Instructor of Music- Southwest Baptist College, Bolivar, Missouri; Cincinnati Conservatory of Music; Instructor of Music, Southwest Baptist College; Instructor of Music, Scarrett Morrisville; Instructor of Music in Northeastern Oklahoma Junior College. Eleven !!Ill lllll!l!lll li ~ ~~· ~~"""~""'"~"""·~·"~~~ JAY- ~ SEER ~· ~~·I!II~""'"~"""'~"·~~~·~"""'~' ~~~~~ Thirteen ~· ~·="'"'•,;,;,-"""='"w=wmmumlmmm' JAy" v~ ~ SEER iiiliWW•"'"wrii"•mmiiWriWWW,mm,;;,-;,;,;;;,,;m-WWiiiiiiiWO ~ 1Ir. C. S. Whitney wh o is mn· beloved a nd respected instructor in mathematics is, perha ps, more than any one person responsible fo r the su ccessful publication of the Jay-Seer. The members of the annual staff take this opportunity to express their appreciation for his interest, cooperation, and acl Yi ce in this undertaking. .•. C. ·s. WHITNEY, STAFF ADVISOR THE JAY-SEER STAFF (Portraits on opposite page.) "WHAT kind of cover will we have?" "What is a cut?" "How do they re duce a picture?" "How do you mount an engraving, just like a horse?" "Do they get these zinc etchings in the mines?" "What is a copper plate?" and "Oh; what will we name it?" are only an insignificant sized sample of the multitude of questions which were in the air when the Jay-Seer was in its infancy. Some of the staff could answer all of the questions and all of the staff could answer part of these questions but it was pretty close to the end of the year before all of the staff could answer all of the q~estions. We hope that next year's staff will profit by the ex perience (not the mistakes, as egotistical as it rna y sound) of this year's staff. Twelve ~~~~ yr"~" ~~·~~~ ~·~~·~~~~~·~~~~JAy. ~ SEER "'"""' 11" ·11"1111 lllllllllll l llllllllllllllll l llllllllll!~ Ponrteen fM llllllll ---...-·--··~-~~- __.... ...... -...--~---- . • . s~ • -~ . ~.lo)<O~"' • ,.. .-:-. -<~ :~··· ·'· ••• • CARLETON WRIGHT :Miami, Oklahoma. "Surgery" Pres. Student Council '25, '26 Jay-Seer Business :Man- ager Glee Club '25, '26 Y. M. C. A. Tennis Cluh A. A. OLETHA BARNARD Miami, Oklahoma. "Education" President Y. ViT. C. A. '26 Jay-Seer Staff '26 A. A. ETHEL RED:MAN Miami, Oklahoma. "Education" Glee Club '26 JACK T. NAGEL Miami, Oklahoma. "Salesmanship" Student Council ' 2G Jay-Seer Staff '2G L. D. B. S erenteen '''''''''''' '' ' '' ' Wllllillmlllmlll1liii WJIIIll1IIlllllllilll:1 ~ I KENNETH _-\ CKLEY I l\Iiami, Oklahoma. "Geology" Class President '2.) F ootball '25 Back bon(> L. D. B. GLENN PLRCELL Big Cahin, Oklahoma. "Engineering" Class President '26 Y. 11. C. A. Backbone ~L-\RJORIE V ANN L. D. B. Fairland, Oklahoma. A. A. "Home Economics" Student Council '25, '2G Class Sec'y, Treas. '25, '26 Jay-Seer Stafl' Y. W. C. A. R at Day Queen '25 A. A. GERALD WHITNEY Miami, Oklahoma. "1Iusic" Vice Pres. Class '26 Orehestra, '24, '25, '2G Glee Cluh, '24 , '25, '2G President Ten11is Cluh, '2G Y. 1L C. _-\. The Nuts