The Daily Egyptian, October 20, 1992

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The Daily Egyptian, October 20, 1992 Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1992 Daily Egyptian 1992 10-20-1992 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 20, 1992 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 78, Issue 45 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 20, 1992." (Oct 1992). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1992 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1992 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Sou lh ern Illinoi ~ Universil Y al Carbondale Tuesday, Seplember 20, 1992, Vol. 78, No. 45. 12 Pages USG to vote on freeing, dividing up student fee By Teri Lynn Carlock Special Assignmenl Wriler Bill would divide $17,000 between organizations, government Gus Bode saved by remov ing funding for In the second bill. Cole wrole he ISA was formed to provide a Undergraduate Student ISA. wants the Student Senate to representative voice 10 the state Government will meet Wednesday In the firS! bill. Cole and Hill a1locale S 12.000 from the collected legislature and other governmental to vote on two bills thai affect the wrote thaI the a~sociation no longer Student Organization Activity agencies on behalf of its member use of the money collecled from a provides its originally inlcnded Fund for the purpose of providing instilutions of higher education. student fee. suppon services to studenu and has more money to ,'ndergraduate Cole said USG has l>een I USG Preside,,: Brad Cole and fai led to communicale with USG registered srudent organizations. disappointed with ISA's Vi<:e Presidenl Joe Hill wrotr a bi ll members fo r more than three The remaining $5,134 would go representation. prompting members to vote to morths. to USG. " for the purpose of " We ' ve been members of ISA , cease affil iation with the Ill inois The S I collec ted from each providing greater representation of for about six years now and we Student Associati on and an undergraduale sludenl to fund ISA the "ndergraduole student body," GU8 says usa should divide addilional bill di viding up the fees ill 1992 equaled $17. 134. the bill said. _U$G._S thla ....bIy. Bush, Perot take last shots at Clinton The Baltimore Sun Clinton the choice EAST LA SI 'G. Mich.--, he c. love ... came off in th e fi nal of SIUC students Im~ ... id(,nlial drbmc Monday night. By Chris Davies \\ ilh Bill Clintun g(' lI ing "front ­ Administration Writer run ner Irc'III11 (, I1"· fro m rival ... Gl.'orgc Bu .. h and Ro .. , Pemt. \V ilh the close " f the fi nal FnT ... the i ... :-. uc-oricnlcd debale. ArKansas Gov. Bill Clinl on rl.' ITJIIlI of the ' l'Ulilll lh.' h~II(.· . is slill favored by studcm~ 10 v. in \\ha:h h;lIurl!d qU t.", l io l1 " fmlll the presidency New , 3. \ Ilk'r ... Ihl.' l.lI1didalc, ha .. hed ,me The final debate was Prc,ident :1I111I1h.. 'r \\ ith ahalH.h~n fo r YO George Bush 's last c hance 10 JlI!IlU1C .. 1m n;lIinnalll.:!..:' j'IOIl. addl'Cs~ the issue ~ h al !'Cern,.,. 10 ~ Eal..' h 111 .1 11 h;ld hi .. 1110l1h..'nl. but of g re 3tc ~! ::o nccrn 10 col kgl.: thl' fl'.llnil!' nl .111 im: n..·:t'lIlgl~ onc­ ~ tu dcnts: job opponunity oUI , idc 0 1 "dl'd l' Ulli(' ... 1 l' Pll ~d hi: ~'l'n in the coll t.'!!c , '\ tu tknl~ s~ id ~'1 th i.'\ "lr;I II' ~ll'" III Hu .. h ,lIld PaoL hOlh w",died Ihe dc:h.tlc in Lh ~ ~tuth. .' rlt la r h:.t~ III 11ll' pull .. , TV lounge, Bu,h IIN,ll'J Ihal hl' "ould \\ ill Gary Clar~ . a gmdu<ltc "'lUdelil in h.'l ',lIhC '!,Id 'hl' IX' .. , pl;m Ie) g\'! '"l' gc'OgrJ phy, lrum Rolla MO .. ',aul IMlh'"'' ,I,llkd l'l:un01l1\ 1ll0\ Ill!!: opponunilY on the: o Ul ~idt.' i ... nUl Hut the prc"idcll1. ,,110 no" 1~lg, good fur collc£.c st u delll~ now. f:lnher tx-llInd h i~ main chalk'l1l!l'r 'Tm voting for Clinton." C1ar~ th"lll ;.to\, inl:umbe lll in 111 0re til;m s:!id , ' He seems to be the onl y half ;.1 CCJ1 IUrv. devOted most of his candidate that will compromise 10 time 10 ;lIt acking the frolll-runner. gC I things done o nce he is He made repeated a ~!'>a ult !oo on president" what he called a "dan1!crous" The other two candidates arc Clinion pattern of avoiding hard SIUC students Michalis Michael, Ferdou8 aJways on one sidc or the othe( on c hoicc!'>. in what was ~ y fa r the Anam and Phillip Letting watch the final issues, Carl< said. most focused pcrfoml,mcc by Bush Bush had made s imply to gel manager. would be his domestic Uniled States what he has done for "What we need now is someone in the three televised encounters. elected and knowing il could not be policy czar in a second Bush tenn. Arkansas. ". We do not need tC' be who can stand in the middle and BUI Clint n gave as good as he ke'JI '1lte persoi' responsible for the the lowesl of the low." compromise with Congre!Os 10 gel gol. turning back the Bush attacks !'I:m nOI going to tell you 'Read domestic economic policy will be things moving:' he said. hy cri ti cizing Ih~ pr cs idcn l '~ my lips.' ., he said. L! ill Clinton:' the governor said. C linton stuck closely to his Other students agreed that int(,grit y. The Arkam:z.s go, o: mor Clinton a lso ri diculed Bush's "That's what worries me," Bush campaign themes-tha t the opponunily outside of college only kcpl l")ming b'lck 10 Bush's broken announcement in the first debatc shol back, in his best rejoinder of nation's economic woes should be will come if Clinton wins, 198R campaign promise nOl to mise that fornlei secretary of state James the evening, "that he would be laid al Bush's fecI and that he has i.;I\.C"S. whi ch he said cand idate A. Baker III. his c ampaign responsible. thaI he would do to the the plan 10 get things moving. see STUDENTS, _ e Judge rejects GPSC request CCFA faculty giving consideration to plan 'which would keep it intact By John McCacld 12 drafled a similar repor. suggesling CCFA for absentee voting injunction Special Assignmenl Wriler be 10lally abolished, re;.soning Ihe college By Jeremy Finley But City Attorney Mike Wepsiec saId lacked a strong ~ntral academic theme. City Woler the city did not intend to provide the Despile plans 10 aboli sh Ihe Coll ege of Brenl Kinglon. direclo' of Ihe School of abse ntee voting because the hours arc not Communicati ons :!lid Fine Arts and two An .nd Design. said Ihe school's faculty A Judge denied Monday ;:111 injunction exactl y the same ana because city hall departmental votes to move to a diffcrcnl discussed the move prior to the release of Ihe by the Grat.:ll3tc ;:Uld Profes~iol1al Student lacks the re.'\()urces , college. CCFA facuhy are considering a plan commiuee's report. Council and rukrl that in ·pcrs.un absc nt~ Judge David Wall denied GPSC il s that will keep the unit intact. " Faculty were interested in the r ollege's vming will nOI be provided 31 CilY Hall . complaint because of the possibililY lOr The School of An and Design mosl re1ationship with humanities:' Kington said, A n Illinois regu lati on for absentee damaged ballols if City liall were 10 offer recently brought the collcge closer to "Faculty decided the (art and design school) voting requires cit)' clerks to provide the the absentee voting. extinction when its facuhy voted Oct. 14 to was more closely affilialed with liberal an, leave CCFA for the College of Liberal An.. programs such as philosophy. English and absentee voting irtht:~1 !.avc the same bus­ '1l1ere is too much room for ballots to Benjamin A. SIk' phcrd, vicc presidenl for creative writing." iness hours a!t the county clerk's office , be lost or destroyed. intcn:ionally or acad~mic affairs and provost, released a While discussing effects of thi s change ,11 Bill Hall. GPSC vice presidenl. said Ihe unintentionall y." he said. '" don't want a proposal in August suggesling four CCF. \ Monday's CCFA meeting. Gary Ko lb. council called for CilY Clerk JiUlel Voughl departmcnts and the University Museum director of Ihe c inema and phologrnphy to provide in-perwn absentee vOling, see GPSC, page S move 10 COLA. Presidenl John C. Guyon's commiuec of seeCCfA,_e Experience vs. Opinion SIUC gridders lose BOT member, -See page 4 Charles Pulley's ser/ice in race for p'rof emeritus People spirit lives in SIUC tWo players for rest circuit clerk cUes -See page 7 . architecture of the season Classlfted -See page 8 -Story on page 3 -Story on page 5 I~ -Story on page 6 -Story on page 12 .. ,........ P-dge 12 October 20. 1992 Sports UK assistant to swim in slue waters By Karyn Viverito finishes at ationals in 1990 and 91 and led SportsWriter K1uemper to coach women's swim team them to developing the UK women's first as head coach of the men's te3J;: .Nhen l.)ooJ ,3 program thai needs to be revived after being NCAA qualifier and All-American.
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