Shropshire. Bromfield
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DIRECTORY.] SHROPSHIRE. BROMFIELD. 43 South Shropshire Club (E. M. Southwell &I R. F. Hasle Walker George. butcher, first clll8s- english meah only,. wood, joint secs.), Bank street home made sausages> &'; .polonies, s8velDys "& pork pies,. South Wales & Cannock Chase Coal &i Coke Co. Limited 'Walker's cel~brated brawn, home cured ham &; bacon, (Joseph Harry Rltson, agent), Railway wharf 61 High street & Mill street Southwell H. & M. Lim. manufacturers of carpets, Friar st Walte1'8 William, supt. of borough police, Whitburn iitree\ Southwell Emma (Mrs.), confectioner, 28 High street Ward Ed'ward, Bell &; Talbot P.R. 2 Salop st.reet Southwell Maria (Mrs.), r"egistry office for servants, 14 Ward James, boot maker, Danesford St. Mary lltreet Ward Elizabeth (Mrs.), saddler, 2 Whitburn street Spencer George, confectioner, 3 Bridge .itreell Warner Thomas, coach builder, 'Holly Bush TOad Steadman John, shopkeeper, 35 Hospital streei Watkins George, beer retailer, Bernard's hill . Stephena dohn Reea, fashionable tailor, habit & Watkins-Pitchford 'Yilfred M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.e.P.Lond. breeches maker & outfitter, golf, tennis & boating house surgeoIlJ, Infirmary, Holly Bush road suites, specialities, hunting breeches, liveries, Watkiss John, tailor, 51 Mill street New Market buildings (opposite Metropolitan & Bir Weavers Joaeph, Star tea warehouse, drug, patent mingham Bank Limited) medicine, perfumery &; general supply stores, &; Stevens Alfred, Robin Hood P.H. 6 Listley street agent for W. & .A.. Gilbey Limited, wine &; gpirit mer Steward Joalah Wllllam M.P.S. pharmaceutical chants, 7 & 8 Wlhitburn street, Mill 'Street. chemist, 42 High street & 5 Bridge street '\Vhitbrook William, boot repairer, 31 Listley street Sutton's Parcel Co. (Edward Elakemore, agent), Drick. Whitefoot Thos. & Son, wine &:; spirit merchants, sole layers' Arms P.H. 2] Listley street agents for Hood's gold medal & other household ales, Sutton Arthur, family butcher; none but best english beef Raggett's nourishing stout, sollil manufacturers of the & mutton kept; pickled tongues alway:;l on hand; home Wheatland cordial, agents for .A.1lsopps" Bass, made sausages, I St. Mary's street Guinness kc. 36 High street Taylor Thomas, greengrocer, 60 Listley street Wilkes Ann (Mrs.), stone mason, 13 Mill streeb Taylor William Henry, 19'0licitoI' & oommissioner for oaths Wilkes Richard, cabinet maker, 52 West Castle street (firm, Nicholls & Taylor), 76 High street Williams Enoch, inspector of nuisancee to the urban dis- Taylor William Joseph, dog trainer, 17 St. John street trict council, school attendance officer to the borough ThomM Elizabeth (Mrs.), tailor, outfitter & habit maker, school attendance committee, captain of the fire brigade 45 High street & collector of district & water rates, High street Thompson Wm. Prudential agent, 33 West Castle street Williams Jeannie (Miss), young ladies' school,St.Leonard's Thursfield William M.D. surgeon, 39 High street Williams Jeremiah Francis, Shakespeare ,P.R. West Todd Mary & Lucy (Mi'Sses), dress mas. 40 Underhill st Castle liltreet Todd William, drill owner &i coal dealer, 40 Underhill st Williams Miary (Mrs.), fancy d.raper, New Market buildngs Trevor Alfred Stringer, high bailiff to county court, sec. & Williams William, pork butcher &; hide & skin dealer, 69 cashier to the Savings Bank &'; borough treas. Bank st St. !Mary street Turley Thomas, Bear inn &'; blacksmith, 24 Northgate Williamson &; Son, gun makers, 7':J High street Turnbull Cecll dames, general furnishing ironmonger, Wilson James Wilkes, maltster, 'The Old foundry, Mill st ammunition dealer & electrician, 50 High street Wood George, shopkeeper, 55 'Vhitburn street Tyers Thomas, King's Head hotel; good stabling &'; coach Worthington Thomas, painter, 46 Wrest Castle street house, Whitburn street Wyer William, dairyman, Rose lane Walker Herury, dairyman & cow~eepeT, families waited Wyley Henry James, la.n.d agent, &; inspector of improve upon twice daily, 74 High street ments nnder the Board of Agriculture, S66 Keary, Walker Mary (Mrs.), Woodman P.R. Railway street Wrley &'; de Wend BROMFIELD is a parish and township on the road to the time when Halford was det'<IChoo, about 1845. from Ludlow to Shrewsbury and the river Onny, which The living is 8 vicarage, average tithe rent-charge here flows into the Teme, with a ~tation on the Shrews- £252, gross yearly value £340, including 8 acres of bury and Hereford joint Great Western and London glebe, with residence, in the gift of Lord Windsor, and and North Western railway, 3 miles north-west from held since 1866 by the Rev. William Selwyn M.A. of St. Ludlow, in t,he Southern division of the county, Lower John's College, Cambridge. The charities are of division of Munslow hundred, Ludlow union, petty £35 7!. 7id. year:y value. The township seems to sessional division and county court district, rural have been occupied by the Romans, of which there are deanery and archdeaconry of Ludlow and diocese of indications in the names of some of the places included Hereford. By Local Government Board Order 8 de- in it. In 1884 tha remains of a Norman chapel, with tached part of Stanton Lacy was in 1884 annexed to Iiemi-circular apses and 8 skeletons, were discovered Bromfield. The church of St. Mary is an a.n.cient in a tillage field of the Rye :Felton farm, and at some building of stone in mixed styles, consisting of chancel, little distance relics of a lych-gate; about the same nave, north aisle, north porch and an embattled time an urn and a British cist were found in the Old western tower, containing El clock and 6 bells; at the Field close by. On a peninSUla, formed by the rivers east end is a triptych of carved oak, about 18 feet Teme and Onny, stand the ruins of the Benedictine high, adorned with carved and painted wood work, Priory of St. Mary, founded in II35 ss a cell of and incorporating a large painting of the "Crueifixion," Gloucester: the Early English nave, some domestic with other paintings on either side; the chancel is buildings and a gatehouse remain. Oakly Park, the separated from the nave and organ chamber by high seat of The Right Hon. Lord Windsor P.C., D.L., screens of richly carved oak, and the oak roof, relieved J.P. lord of the ma.n.or and chief landowner, is an by a painted decoration, is dated 1672: there are five elegant modern mansion surrounded by pleasure stained windows; the mbject of that in the chancel is grounds, groves of trees and a park of about 400 acres, Our Lord appearing to St. Mary Magdelene, snd was containing many venerable oaks, and through which presented by Mrs. Craig in memory of Robert Craig, of the river Teme flows. The soil is gravelly and clay; Cookeridge; the window in the nave represents the the subsoil is clayey and gravel, resting on sandstone Vision of St. Paul at Troas, a.n.d two otihers representing formation. The chief crops are wheat, bar:ey, oats respectively the Epiphany and the Baptism of Our and roots; the larger part of the parish consists of Lord, were placed there as memorials of the Rev. W. fair pasture land. The area is 6,322 acres; rateable G. Selwyn, the vicar's son, who died in October, 1893; value, £II"P7; the population in 1891 was 546. the subject of that in the aisle, given by J. E. Farmer, Parish Clerk, John E. Farmer. of Felton, in memory of his wife, is the Annunciation; there is a fine brass eagle lectern,a massive oak pulpit,with Deputy, Charles Richards. panels of Jacobean carving, illustrating the life of Our Post, M. O. &'; T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery &:; Annuity Blessed Lord, and 8 13th century font; the walls are &'; Insurance Office (Railway Sub-Office. Letters panelled throughoul; and the church is seated with should have R.S.O. Salop added).-Edward Saunders. carved oak benches; it wall restored in 1890 at a cost SUb-postmaster. Letters arrive at 4·30 3.m.; dig... of £5,000; the lych-gate at the entrance of the chureh- patched at 8.30 p.m yard was erected by Mrs. Selwyn, to the memory of School (mixed), &; wholly supported by Lord 'Windsor, the Rag-ht Rev. G. .A.. Selwyn D.D. late Bishop of for 80 children; average attenda.n.ce, 65; Miss Edith Lichfield and father of the present vicar. The register Savage, mistress dates from the year 1559 and incorporates the register Another school was built in 1895 for 125 children (mixed) of baptisms and burials of Halford chapel from 1597 Railway Station, Edward Price, station master (Marked thus * receive letters through ganshire), Oakly park; &; Hewel! Bachelors', Carlton &i St. Stephen's Ludlow.) grange, Redditch; & St. Fagan's clubs, London SW Windsor The Right Hon. Lord P.C., castle, C!lrdiff; 53 Grosvenor Windsor-Clive The Hon. Misses, D.L., J.P. (Lord Lieut. of Glamor- street W &; White's, Marlborough, Oakly park •.