DIRECTORY.] . BROMFIELD. 43 South Shropshire Club (E. M. Southwell &I R. F. Hasle­ Walker George. butcher, first clll8s- english meah only,. wood, joint secs.), Bank street home made sausages> &'; .polonies, s8velDys "& pork pies,. South Wales & Cannock Chase Coal &i Coke Co. Limited 'Walker's cel~brated brawn, home cured ham &; bacon, (Joseph Harry Rltson, agent), Railway wharf 61 High street & Mill street Southwell H. & M. Lim. manufacturers of carpets, Friar st Walte1'8 William, supt. of borough police, Whitburn iitree\ Southwell Emma (Mrs.), confectioner, 28 High street Ward Ed'ward, Bell &; Talbot P.R. 2 Salop st.reet Southwell Maria (Mrs.), r"egistry office for servants, 14 Ward James, boot maker, Danesford St. Mary lltreet Ward Elizabeth (Mrs.), saddler, 2 Whitburn street Spencer George, confectioner, 3 Bridge .itreell Warner Thomas, coach builder, 'Holly Bush TOad Steadman John, shopkeeper, 35 Hospital streei Watkins George, beer retailer, Bernard's hill . Stephena dohn Reea, fashionable tailor, habit & Watkins- 'Yilfred M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.e.P.Lond. breeches maker & outfitter, golf, tennis & boating house surgeoIlJ, Infirmary, Holly Bush road suites, specialities, hunting breeches, liveries, Watkiss John, tailor, 51 Mill street New Market buildings (opposite Metropolitan & Bir­ Weavers Joaeph, Star tea warehouse, drug, patent mingham Bank Limited) medicine, perfumery &; general supply stores, &; Stevens Alfred, Robin Hood P.H. 6 Listley street agent for W. & .A.. Gilbey Limited, wine &; gpirit mer­ Steward Joalah Wllllam M.P.S. pharmaceutical chants, 7 & 8 Wlhitburn street, Mill 'Street. chemist, 42 High street & 5 Bridge street '\Vhitbrook William, boot repairer, 31 Listley street Sutton's Parcel Co. (Edward Elakemore, agent), Drick. Whitefoot Thos. & Son, wine &:; spirit merchants, sole layers' Arms P.H. 2] Listley street agents for Hood's gold medal & other household ales, Sutton Arthur, family butcher; none but best english beef Raggett's nourishing stout, sollil manufacturers of the & mutton kept; pickled tongues alway:;l on hand; home Wheatland cordial, agents for .A.1lsopps" Bass, made sausages, I St. Mary's street Guinness kc. 36 High street Taylor Thomas, greengrocer, 60 Listley street Wilkes Ann (Mrs.), stone mason, 13 Mill streeb Taylor William Henry, 19'0licitoI' & oommissioner for oaths Wilkes Richard, cabinet maker, 52 West Castle street (firm, Nicholls & Taylor), 76 High street Williams Enoch, inspector of nuisancee to the urban dis- Taylor William Joseph, dog trainer, 17 St. John street trict council, school attendance officer to the borough ThomM Elizabeth (Mrs.), tailor, outfitter & habit maker, school attendance committee, captain of the fire brigade 45 High street & collector of district & water rates, High street Thompson Wm. Prudential agent, 33 West Castle street Williams Jeannie (Miss), young ladies' school,St.Leonard's Thursfield William M.D. surgeon, 39 High street Williams Jeremiah Francis, Shakespeare ,P.R. West Todd Mary & Lucy (Mi'Sses), dress mas. 40 Underhill st Castle liltreet Todd William, drill owner &i coal dealer, 40 Underhill st Williams Miary (Mrs.), fancy d.raper, New Market buildngs Trevor Alfred Stringer, high bailiff to county court, sec. & Williams William, pork butcher &; hide & skin dealer, 69 cashier to the Savings Bank &'; borough treas. Bank st St. !Mary street Turley Thomas, Bear inn &'; blacksmith, 24 Northgate Williamson &; Son, gun makers, 7':J High street Turnbull Cecll dames, general furnishing ironmonger, Wilson James Wilkes, maltster, 'The Old foundry, Mill st ammunition dealer & electrician, 50 High street Wood George, shopkeeper, 55 'Vhitburn street Tyers Thomas, King's Head hotel; good stabling &'; coach Worthington Thomas, painter, 46 Wrest Castle street house, Whitburn street Wyer William, dairyman, Rose lane Walker Herury, dairyman & cow~eepeT, families waited Wyley Henry James, la.n.d agent, &; inspector of improve­ upon twice daily, 74 High street ments nnder the Board of Agriculture, S66 Keary, Walker Mary (Mrs.), Woodman P.R. Railway street Wrley &'; de Wend BROMFIELD is a parish and township on the road to the time when Halford was det'