Shane Rattenbury MLA

Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability Minister for Justice, Consumer Affairs and Road Safety Minister for Corrections Minister for Mental Health

Ministerial Diary JULY - SEPTEMBER 2018

Does not include personal and family matters; electorate or party political matters; media interviews or recordings; any scheduled meeting or event that the Minister did not actually attend; or any information which might disclose personal details about an individual, affect a court case, or disclose information about security, public safety, or law enforcement.

Date Meeting 02/07/2018 BRIEFING: Justice and Community Safety Directorate 03/07/2018 MEETING: Cabinet 03/07/2018 MEETING: Chief Minister 03/07/2018 MEETING: Climate Change Council 04/07/2018 MEETING: Climate Change Ministerial Advisory Council 04/07/2018 MEETING: Acting Director General, Health Directorate 04/07/2018 EVENT: Panel Hosted by the Neighbourhood Effect 05/07/2018 MEETING: Canberra Urban Honey 05/07/2018 BRIEFING: Acting Director General, Health Directorate 05/07/2018 BRIEFING: Health Directorate 06/07/2018 BRIEFING: Health Directorate


06/07/2018 BRIEFING: Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate 06/07/2018 MEETING: Ambassador for Switzerland 06/07/2018 MEETING: ACT Branch - Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation 06/07/2018 MEETING: QuestaGame 06/07/2018 EVENT: Justice and Community Safety Directorate Trivia Night 09/07/2018 BRIEFING: Justice and Community Safety Directorate 09/07/2018 EVENT: NAIDOC Flag Raising Ceremony 09/07/2018 EVENT: Visit to Lifeline Canberra 09/07/2018 EVENT: Tipping Point launch 10/07/2018 BRIEFING: Access Canberra (Consumer Affairs) 10/07/2018 MEETING: Joint Pathways 10/07/2018 MEETING: Marymead 10/07/2018 MEETING: ZedThree Specialist Centre 10/07/2018 MEETING: Smart Energy Council 10/07/2018 MEETING: Federal Environment and Energy Minister 11/07/2018 MEETING: Constituent (Mental Health) 11/07/2018 EVENT: Visit to Galambany Court 11/07/2018 MEETING: Pharmacy Guild of - ACT Branch 11/07/2018 EVENT: Farewell for European Union’s Climate and Environment Counsellor, Caroline Lambert at Danish Embassy 12/07/2018 MEETING: Human Rights Commission 12/07/2018 MEETING: BMW 12/07/2018 MEETING: Minister Ramsay

12/07/2018 MEETING: Ambassador of Slovenia 13/07/2018 BRIEFING: Health Directorate 13/07/2018 BRIEFING: Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate 14/07/2018 EVENT: Belconnen Arts Centre NAIDOC Week Event 15/07/2018 EVENT: Lyneham Commons Third Anniversary 16/07/2018 EVENT: AMC Family Day 17/07/2018 BRIEFING: Justice and Community Safety Directorate 17/07/2018 EVENT: Smart Energy Council Webinar 17/07/2018 MEETING: Canberra Business Chamber 17/07/2018 MEETING: Mitsubishi Motors 17/07/2018 MEETING: Minister Gentleman BRIEFING: Health Directorate, Justice and Community Safety Directorate, Community Services Directorate and Environment, Planning 17/07/2018 and Sustainable Development Directorate, with Minister Stephen Smith 18/07/2018 MEETING: Marathon Health 18/07/2018 MEETING: Energy Security Board 18/07/2018 MEETING: Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT 18/07/2018 EVENT: Visit to Calvary 2N Ward 19/07/2018 MEETING: Post and Ante Natal Depression Support and Information (PANDSI) 19/07/2018 MEETING: Victoria Energy Policy Centre 19/07/2018 MEETING: Greenpeace 19/07/2018 MEETING: Cabinet Subcommittee 20/07/2018 BRIEFING: Health Directorate

20/07/2018 BRIEFING: Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate 20/07/2018 MEETING: BMW and German Embassy 23/07/2018 BRIEFING: Justice and Community Safety Directorate 23/07/2018 MEETING: Danish Ambassador and ACT Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment 23/07/2018 MEETING: Cabinet Subcommittee 23/07/2018 EVENT: Institute of Public Administration Australia Public Sector Innovation Awards 24/07/2018 MEETING: Cabinet 24/07/2018 EVENT: Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League World Hepatitis Day Oration 24/07/2018 MEETING: ActewAGL 24/07/2018 MEETING: Federal Minister For Environment and Energy 25/07/2018 MEETING: Cabinet Subcommittee 25/07/2018 MEETING: Cabinet Subcommittee 25/07/2018 MEETING: Capital Health Network 25/07/2018 MEETING: United Ngunnawal Elders Council 25/07/2018 MEETING: Women’s Legal Centre 26/07/2018 EVENT: ACTSmart Accreditation of Dutch Embassy 26/07/2018 MEETING: The Australia Institute 26/07/2018 MEETING: Minister Stephen-Smith 27/07/2018 BRIEFING: Health Directorate 27/07/2018 BRIEFING: Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate 27/07/2018 MEETING: Head of Service 28/07/2018 EVENT: Pedal Power Memorial for two Canberra women killed cycling on local roads this year

29/07/2018 EVENT: National Tree Day 30/07/2018 BRIEFING: Justice and Community Safety Directorate 30/07/2018 MEETING: Cabinet 30/07/2018 MEETING: Victorian Environment Minister 31/07/2018 MEETING: Ambassador of Finland 31/07/2018 MEETING: Environment Victoria 31/07/2018 EVENT: Panel Discussion hosted by the Energy Change Institute at the Australian National University 01/08/2018 EVENT: Mental Illness Education ACT Bullying Prevention Program Launch 02/08/2018 EVENT: Launch of Australian Dance Party ‘Moving to Zero’ project 03/08/2018 EVENT: ACTSmart Schools five star accreditation award presentation 03/08/2018 BRIEFING: Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate 03/08/2018 MEETING: Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ACT Branch) 04/08/2018 EVENT: Stop Adani Rally 06/08/2018 BRIEFING: Health Directorate 06/08/2018 MEETING: Cabinet 06/08/2018 MEETING: Cabinet Subcommittee 06/08/2018 MEETING: Minister Fitzharris 07/08/2018 MEETING: Corrective Services Ministers Conference & 08/08/2018 09/08/2018 MEETING: Australian Chief Scientist 09/08/2018 BRIEFING: Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate 10/08/2018 MEETING: COAG Energy Council

11/08/2018 EVENT: Launch of Canberra Community Composting at Canberra Environment Centre 11/08/2018 EVENT: Fossil Free Fest 12/08/2018 EVENT: Launch of Biography of the Inaugural Commissioner of the Environment in the ACT 13/08/2018 BRIEFING: Justice and Community Safety Directorate 13/08/2018 BRIEFING: Health Directorate 13/08/2018 MEETING: Cabinet Subcommittee 13/08/2018 MEETING: Cabinet 14/08/2018 MEETING: Minister Berry 14/08/2018 MEETING: COAG Energy Council 16/08/2018 MEETING: Minister Gentleman 16/08/2018 MEETING: The Australia Institute Climate Advisor and EPSDD 17/08/2018 EVENT: Appearance before Senate Select Committee on Electric Vehicles 17/08/2018 BRIEFING: Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate 17/08/2018 MEETING: Minister Ramsay 20/08/2018 EVENT: Launch of New Electric Vehicle Charging Station at Ginninderry 20/08/2018 BRIEFING: Justice and Community Safety Directorate Executives 20/08/2018 MEETING: Cabinet 21/08/2018 BRIEFING: Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment 21/08/2018 BRIEFING: Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate 22/08/2018 BRIEFING: Community Services Directorate 23/08/2018 MEETING: Mayor of Sacramento 24/08/2018 BRIEFING: Health Directorate

24/08/2018 BRIEFING: Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate 24/08/2018 MEETING: Lismore City Council 27/08/2018 BRIEFING: Justice and Community Safety Directorate 27/08/2018 EVENT: Announcement of Recipients of Community Zero Emissions Grants – Round 2 27/08/2018 MEETING: Minister Ramsay 27/08/2018 BRIEFING: Access Canberra (Consumer Affairs) 27/08/2018 MEETING: Australian Medical Association (ACT Branch) 28/08/2018 MEETING: Cabinet 28/08/2018 EVENT: ‘Let’s Talk’ Funding Announcement 28/08/2018 MEETING: Capital Health Network Regional Network Mental Health Plan 28/08/2018 MEETING: Cabinet Subcommittee 29/08/2018 MEETING: GIVIT 29/08/2018 EVENT: Community Garden Grants Funding Announcement 29/08/2018 MEETING: Corrections Official Visitors 29/08/2018 EVENT: Pedal Power forum on cycling laws 30/08/2018 EVENT: Justice and Community Safety Directorate Networking Breakfast 30/08/2018 MEETING: Minister Fitzharris 30/08/2018 MEETING: Minister Gentleman 30/08/2018 MEETING: Catholic Care 30/08/2018 MEETING: Head of Service 30/08/2018 MEETING: Minister Ramsay 31/08/2018 BRIEFING: Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate

31/08/2018 MEETING: Minister Fitzharris 31/08/2018 MEETING: Cabinet 31/08/2018 EVENT: Pacific Islands Climate Change Forum hosted by Niu Oceanic Culture Centre and Canberra City Uniting Church 03/09/2018 EVENT: ACTSmart Carbon Challenge Secondary Schools Competition Award 03/09/2018 BRIEFING: Justice and Community Safety Directorate 03/09/2018 MEETING: Women’s Centre for Health Matters 03/09/2018 BRIEFING: Chief Ministers, Treasury, Economic Development Directorate, with Minister Ramsay 04/09/2018 BRIEFING: Health Directorate 04/09/2018 MEETING: MLA 04/09/2018 MEETING: Australian College of Emergency Medicine, with Minister Fitzharris Minister Rattenbury represented the ACT in Birmingham, UK at the Zero Emission Vehicle Summit and the Global Climate Action 04/09/2018 – Summit in the US. During this period, Minister Gentleman was Acting Minister for Corrections and Justice Health, Justice Health, 17/09/2018 Justice and Consumer Affairs. Minister Fitzharris was Acting Minister for Mental Health. UK & US Delegation

MEETING: UK Parliamentary Committee Climate Change’s Adaptation Subcommittee 06/09/2018 EVENT: Visit to Recovery College in London UK & US Delegation

MEETING: Director, Climate Action of the European Commission MEETING: EU Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy 07/09/2018 MEETING: ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability UK & US Delegation

MEETING: Birmingham's Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment EVENT: Visit to Oleaster Psychiatric Hospital 10/09/2018 EVENT: United Kingdom’s international Zero Emission Vehicle Summit

UK & US Delegation

EVENT: Global Climate Action Summit MEETING: Executive Director, Green Climate Fund 13/09/2018 EVENT: Global Climate Action Summit Affiliate Event 17/09/2018 MEETING: Chief Executive Office, Canberra Health Services 17/09/2018 MEETING: Cabinet 18/09/2018 EVENT: Menslink Business Breakfast 19/09/2018 EVENT: The Canberra Drug Policy Series – Johann Hari 20/09/2018 MEETING: Inspector of Correctional Services 20/09/2018 MEETING: Coordinator General of Office for Mental Health 21/09/2018 BRIEFING: Health Directorate 21/09/2018 MEETING: Chair of Icon Water 21/09/2018 BRIEFING: Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate 21/09/2018 EVENT: Opening of New Prisoners Aid Premises 23/09/2018 EVENT: Kingston Organic Community Garden 10th Anniversary 24/09/2018 MEETING: Head of Service 24/09/2018 MEETING: Australian Nursery and Midwifery Federation (ACT Branch) 24/09/2018 MEETING: Conservation Council 25/09/2018 EVENT: AMC – seedling propagation donation 25/09/2018 EVENT: Canberra Trauma Group Conference 26/09/2018 BRIEFING: Justice and Community Safety Directorate 26/09/2018 EVENT: Afternoon Tea with Health Directorate Staff

26/09/2018 BRIEFING: MLA, MLA, Bec Cody MLA, Justice and Community Safety Directorate 27/09/2018 MEETING: Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service 27/09/2018 MEETING: ACT Mental Health Consumer Network 27/09/2018 EVENT: Road Safety Community Grants Funding announcement with Better Hearing Australia 27/09/2018 BREIFING: Access Canberra (Consumer Affairs) 27/09/2018 MEETING: Cabinet 27/09/2018 EVENT: Film Screening ‘Why We Cycle’ hosted by the Dutch Embassy and Pedal Power 28/09/2018 BRIEFING: Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate 28/09/2018 MEETING: Cabinet Subcommittee