Gaber, M., Akçay, A. / Volume 9 - Issue 35: 20-33 / November, 2020 20


Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation Techniques of New Designs in Historic Context

Técnicas de evaluación cualitativa y cuantitativa de nuevos diseños de relleno en contexto histórico

Received: October 7, 2020 Accepted: November 23, 2020

Written by: Mustafa A. Gaber5 Ayten Ö. Akçay6

Abstract Resumen

With the continuing advancement in material Con el continuo avance en la tecnología de technology and construction techniques, architects materiales y técnicas de construcción, los face a greater set of options and challenges when it arquitectos enfrentan un mayor conjunto de comes to designing in historic settings. In the opciones y desafíos cuando se trata de diseñar en meantime after the ICOMOS agreement, every entornos históricos. Mientras tanto, después del country adapted the policy according to their own acuerdo ICOMOS, cada país adaptó la política de culture and settings, therefore every architect in acuerdo con su propia cultura y entorno, por lo their respective country started interpreting the tanto, cada arquitecto en su país respectivo charters, and the design review processes in their comenzó a interpretar las cartas y los procesos de own way. Working on the new addition to historic revisión del diseño a su manera. Trabajar en una context gave rise to familiar characteristics in nueva adición al contexto histórico dio lugar a design, especially in the infill designs, which is características familiares en el diseño, “Replication and Contrast”, which in turn sparked especialmente en los diseños de relleno, que es the question, how to evaluate whether a building is "Replicación y Contraste", que a su vez provocó properly fitting in its context with whatever la pregunta, cómo evaluar si un edificio encaja approach employed. This paper aims to answer this adecuadamente en su contexto con Este trabajo question by conducting a literature review tiene como objetivo responder a esta pregunta covering First, the qualitative evaluation approach mediante la realización de una revisión de la which compromises of surveys and pre- literatura que cubre en primer lugar el enfoque de visualization in order to identify the main visual evaluación cualitativa que compromete properties that improve the contextual encuestas y pre-visualización con el fin de compatibility of the new designs in the historical identificar las principales propiedades visuales context, and quantitative techniques focused more que mejoran la compatibilidad contextual de los on the mathematical scientific cognitive results of nuevos diseños en el contexto histórico. all aspects of the architectural elements within contexto, y técnicas cuantitativas centradas más historic settings. A comparison has been made on en los resultados cognitivos científicos each result achieved and an assessment of their matemáticos de todos los aspectos de los reliance or authenticity has been tested in order to elementos arquitectónicos dentro de entornos find and bridge the gap between tangible and históricos. Se ha realizado una comparación de intangible values when judging “fit” in a historic cada resultado alcanzado y se ha probado una setting. The results showed that the qualitative evaluación de su confianza o autenticidad para evaluation if followed properly it could be very encontrar y unir la brecha entre los valores promising, but it always leaves room for tangibles e intangibles al juzgar el "ajuste" en la skepticism as the result is expected to change based historia configuración ic. Los resultados on the size and the characteristics of the mostraron que la evaluación cualitativa, si se participants. The quantitative evaluation provided sigue adecuadamente, podría ser muy a more tangible evidence of the contextual fit in prometedora, pero siempre deja un margen para

5 B. Arch, Research Assistant, Department of , Faculty of Architecture, Near East University, Nicosia-Cyprus. 6 Assist.Prof.Dr., Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Near East Univesity, Nicosia-Cyprus. ISSN 2322 - 6307

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terms of architectural elements like size, el escepticismo, ya que se espera que el resultado proportion, and scale. Finally, a suggestion was cambie según el tamaño y las características de made in order to provide a better, and a more los participantes. La evaluación cuantitativa comprehensive technique merging both methods proporcionó una evidencia más tangible del together and trying to incorporate more of three- ajuste contextual en términos de elementos dimensional aspects of the building instead of the arquitectónicos como tamaño, proporción y two dimensionality of the current assessment escala. Finalmente se hizo una sugerencia con el techniques. fin de proporcionar una técnica mejor y más completa fusionando ambos métodos y tratando Key words: Historic Context, interpretation, new de incorporar más aspectos tridimensionales del infill, qualitative evaluation, quantitative edificio en lugar de la bidimensionalidad de las evaluation. técnicas de evaluación actuales.

Palabras Clave: Contexto histórico, evaluación cualitativa, evaluación cuantitativa, interpretación, nuevo relleno.


Historic Sites and traditional context are an replication of the surrounding context and important aspect of proving past life, those places material when in fact it just followed the same are faced with unending changes caused by traditional construction techniques and materials historical shifts and decisive events, whether it that were available at the time, therefore, been man-made, or natural disasters, like wars or resulting in an addition that is not too distant fires that result into a quicker alteration of the from the surrounding context (Vozbinaite existing historic fabric. 2015;19). However, shortly after World War II, a new movement started advocating for an Now with the development of the field of architecture that is not fake and "true to its time". away from This divided the architects into two groups; architecture, preservationist are now tasked with contemporary but compatible and historicized preserving while architects are tasked with design which generally lie under Replication and adding to those historic environments. The fields contrast approaches. However each are aiming at of architecture and historic preservation have achieving contextual compatibility (Skerry, remained in close symbolic relationship that is 2012). constantly evolving as advancement in one field results in adaption and recognition in the other Over the years countries have developed their (Skerry, 2012). The aim of adding to historic own systems of design reviews and evaluation context is to help revitalize the historic context of techniques to monitor and maintain harmonious the area, which creates a sensible and spiritual new developments in the existing context. Those connection across the past, present and the future, regulations became more complex over time as as well improve the quality of urban life they identified more aspects to be considered, (Gharehbaglou, Nejadebrahimi, Ardabilchi, some of them that are harder to be generalized 2019). The notion of addition has always been and understood, especially when touching upon enforced in architecture as stated by Bulimbašić intangible features (Navickiene, 2012). In (2008;29) are living organisms, and they addition to this, vague terms has been interpreted can’t be locked to one specific point in time. In differently from architect to architect, those fact one of the most vital tasks of local aspects are evaluated qualitatively by performing authorities, specifically architectural authorities questionnaires, survey, and observations by an is the creation of a comfortable urban appointed committee or by the public, allowing environment that comprised of a harmonious some to ignore the guidelines totally and design combination of the old and the new in the with no regard to the historic context (Skerry, architecture of the modern (Mokhovikov, 2012). Therefore, architects and preservationists Alekseenko, Knyazeva, Murog, Larina, 2019). have been looking for a way to produce more tangible guidelines by incorporating the physical Back then there had been a general view that new attributes of the new addition with scientific additions in historic context should aim at the mathematical equations. This approach is called replication of the existing design, appearance and quantitative evaluation approach. materials (Skerry, 2012), and this in part due to the fact that most of the additions before the 19th This paper aims at defining both terms and how century was deemed successful as it showed the process takes place by reviewing literatures

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22 that discussed infill design evaluation in the Contextual design is defined as the theory and historic environment whether qualitative or methodology of delicately and productively quantitative and tries to find and compare the integrating new buildings in historic context efficiency of both approaches and suggest ways (Booth, 1989; Loew, 1998). Ukabi (2016) to improve accuracy or enhance the design declared that there are a variety of appropriate review process in the field. approaches for the vast types of infill developments in any historical urban Research background environment, focusing on the integration by conforming the physical features (Scale and size) Contextual Compatibility of new buildings to the surroundings. He deduced three methods: Contextual uniformity, Contextual compatibility has been a hard topic contextual continuity and contextual for many years, as the definition of context is still juxtaposition. Contextual uniformity method ambiguous despite the numerous researches that follows the imitation of the surrounding, not very try to pin point the main element of the preferred as it stops the progression of time for surroundings that make up the context of the site. this historic site, locking it into a specific timeline, Contextual continuity on the other Contextuality in architecture refers to the ability hand, is not copying the surrounding, instead of a building to blend seamlessly with its respecting it while introducing more modern surroundings, forming a relationship with the ideas differentiating between the past and the close neighbors, and the site as a whole by present, Finally contextual juxtaposition shows articulating the physical appearance and more of contrasting approach yet doesn’t invade morphological shape (Sotoudeh, H. and the historical core of surrounding context. Abdullah, W. M. Z. W, 2013) (Figure 1).

Fig 1. Examples of out-of-character and compatible new buildings on a historic urban setting (Yun Hu et al, 2017).

However generally two common approaches are However as pointed out by Sotoudeh and that has been very popular and common used in Abdullah (2012) replication comes into different the initial design stages and are applied at levels of correspondence: Facsimile, correlation, varying degrees: Replication and Contrast. simile, and metaphor. Day (2015) revealed in an article she published that direct reuse of the old Replication is achieved when the new building is façade usually results in a positive result from the related to the urban context by means of imitating public as proven in her experiment, and this or interpreting specific elements that exists accounts as a high degree of replicability, while within its surrounding, which is the most widely another approach was a sophisticated revival of used approach to achieve compatibility. an old building, which is considered a mild level of replicability, and have proven less successful. ISSN 2322 - 6307

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Fig. 2. Shows one of the replication approaches employed (correlation), Clinical Neuroscience Centre, London, (Demiri, 2013).

Contrast approach is identified when coherent Some architects resolve to the contrasting building facades are used as a backdrop for the approach as to seem more creative which in fact new infill in order for it to stand out (Figure 3). is sidestepping from the design challenge of Overby (1980) warned that dealing with creating a compatible design, and then claim they contrasting approach is delicate; as if it is used created a relationship through contrast. Yet it is carelessly it can result in disorder and the loss of still having a higher appeal to architects the sense of place. compared to replication or achieving harmony.

Fig.3. An arrogant contrasting approach, Townhouse, Landskron, (Demiri, 2013).

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Brief History of Intervention Regulations Europe, 1975). In 1982 ICOMOS advised the use of traditional techniques while maintaining There is an extensive policy framework and architectural expression of the current times guidance when it comes to new designs in a (ICOMOS,1982), In (2005) The World heritage historic fabric, as shown in (Figure 4). It all documents identified that finding a balance started with the charter in 1931, which between responding to economic needs and was first focusing only on monumental sites maintaining historic context, and that new (Charter, A., 1931). In 1964 the Venice charter intervention should add cultural value, and shed light on the importance of maintaining continuity of the culture (World Heritage monumental sites to help protect its integrity, Committee, 2005), and in 2011 ICOMOS developing and setting on some principles reinforced the idea of creating an architecture (ICOMOS, V. C., 1964). In 1967 the first that enhances the compatibility to the context. ICOMOS Symposium was held where the (ICOMOS, 2011). In (2013) Burra Charter conservation of the urban fabric became one of advocated that imitation should be avoided and the major goals. (Horler, M., 1975). In 1972, new design to respect the surroundings, through ICOMOS stated that contemporary architecture use of the surrounding scale, bulk, form, in old settings must use materials and techniques character, color, texture, and material, however, of its time (ICOMOS, 1972). In 1975 the Council it should be readily and easily identifiable of Europe declared that an arbitrary design is a referring back to one of the main charters threat to the historical context (Council of (ICOMOS, A., 2013).

Fig. 4. Timeline of the development of charters of new designs in historic context (Author)

Methodology Literature Sampling

A literature review has been carried out on The reviewed literatures have all dealt with the evaluation methods of new designs in historic notion of new in old, this article focused on infill development and design guidelines especially the designs in different locations and different infill designs and the effect on the historic urban approaches whether qualitative or quantitative, context, addressing in specific the differences the aim is to evaluate and compare them with between the quantitative and qualitative each other and figure out which evaluation evaluation methods. A total number of (47) approach has a more accurate outcome. Out of literatures have been reviewed in this article, (29) the (50) articles, (10) are directly related to journal articles, (7) books, (8) charters, (3) thesis evaluation of infill designs in historic context, papers. (Table 1). qualitative analysis approach has the most articles published as it has been used for ages and underwent unending improvement to achieve higher accuracy in assessment with around (8) articles. Al-Askary (2016) measured the ISSN 2322 - 6307

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elements that contributed for the visual visualization) to assess the visual impact of the integration on the level of the part and the whole, design on the existing urban fabric, and Sotoudeh while Mohanty and Chani (2015) analyzed a and Abdullah (2012) analyzed the aesthetic historic district, by first classifying buildings by qualities of building elements (formal and style, materials, type of uses, and identified the symbolic) and their influence on preference from characteristics of the surroundings, and setting experts’ perspective, supported by cognitive eight principles to design in new development. calculation tools that were the first approaches Ukabi (2016) devised an interaction web for a quantitative integration in the evaluation between owner, community, and designer, and process. On the other hand, the quantitative also created a correlation model that identified approach is more of an interdisciplinary method the relationship between historic and new that relies on mathematical and statistical contexts in a historic urban environment. Soosani calculations which would prove to give more (2013) analyzed the free design and compatible tangible results instead of on intuition, and designs in historic context and measured the observation surveying, totaling around (2) influencing criteria in the old city of Nicosia. articles discussed in this paper, Hu, Heath, Yu Skerry (2012) made an analysis on why and how Tang, Zhang (2017), assessed the fitness of new historicized and contemporary architects, choose designs in historic context with the use of a specific design over another, and how they standard deviation approach, while Abu-Obeid, interpret design guidelines. Groat (1983) Malkawi, Nassar, and Al-eideh (2009) used formulated a framework to act as an assessment prototype theory and feature frequency to know for the evaluation of the compatibility of a new why people prefer infill design over the other, building in a historic context. Rahman (1992) and how the individual’s knowledge structure integrated design evaluation technique with the plays a role in it. design simulation (three-dimensional

Table 1. Evaluation of Reviewed Literature (author).

EVALUATION FOCUS OF THE ELEMENTS USED FOR REFERENCE TECHNIQUE USED STUDY EVALUATION TECHNIQUE Visual Properties Façade, Decoration & detailing, Al-Askary, A. H. Qualitative (Micro scale) Building Style A. (2016) Questionnaires, Visual Properties Human scale, Skyline, Building photographs (Macro scale) Harmony and Rhythm Abu-Obeid, N., Quantitative Number of Masses, Proportion Malkawi. F. K., Prototype Cognitive Design Variables of windows, The form of Nassar, K., Al- Model, Feature windows. eideh, B. (2009) Frequency Sense of Scale element, Contemporary But Proportion, Material that took Contextual cues from the surrounding Skerry A. D. Qualitative Use of existing prior knowledge (2012) Questionnaires of history, and indepth research Historicized Design of historical architectural precedents Qualitative Visual Texture, Small scale Brolin, B. C. Questionnaires, Site Contextual Design details (ornaments Modern and (1980) survey, photographs Traditional) Exterior Site Organization, Interior Spatial organization, Qualitative Contextual Design Exterior Volumetric Groat, L (1983, 11) Questionnaire Principles composition, Interior Massing, surface treatment of the planes, treatment of the interior spaces. Qualitative Volumetric Composition (Three dimensional) Rahman, O. M. A, On Site Attributes Questionnaires and three Elevation composition ( Two (1992) dimensional dimensional) visualization Off Site Attributes viewing Conditions

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Total Height, Total Width, Segmented Height, Segmented Size Width, Height & Width of the openings. Hu, Y., Heath, T., Quantitative Total Building Façade, Tang, Y., Zhang, Q. Standard Deviation Segmented Façade, Proportion (2017) method Proportion of the windows, composition of the openings, horizontal and vertical rhythm of the façade Colour hue, Saturation, Brightness. Qualitative Formal Aesthetic (Tangible) Questionnaires Sotoudeh H., Architectural Abdullah W., Quantitative Aesthetic (2012), Standard deviation Symbol Aesthetic (Intangible) method

Massing, Plot ratio, Height, Qualitative Spatial Elements Setbacks. Site survey, Soosani, L. (2013) Orientation, Rhythm, photographs, and Visual Elements Proportion, Material & colour, observation Scale. Qualitative Massing, Siting, height, Ukabi, E.B.(2016) photographs, Visual elements Material, Rhytm, and observation, surveying proportions.

Discussion Qualitative evaluation of infill design in Over the past years many people believed that historic context aesthetics is a qualitative, subjective element that simply differs from person to person, and has Symbolic Aesthetic something to do with a matter of taste. However, as time passed Fechner (1876) proved that Humans experience architecture not just through aesthetics could be quantified and measured to physical elements of the design, Instead, they reveal preference patterns that make a building reflect the individual’s internal representation of favorable. This notion was supported by many a building. Symbolic aesthetics is a cognitive other types of research that found that certain process, in which the individual recognizes the commonalities in aesthetic preferences gave way content or the style of the structure (denotation), for quantifying, and properly measuring what is and infers some characters and qualities about it commonly preferred, which would reduce the (connotation) (Nasar, 1997). Symbolic aesthetic clashes between the designers and the is determined and influenced by three main community and help produce a more elements: Style, Discrepancy, Individual, and aesthetically pleasing design that conforms to the Sociocultural differences. public values and historic context values (English Heritage,2007). Limitations

As shown in Table 1 qualitative and quantitative Various limitations exist upon evaluation of a evaluation techniques; are concerned with scene or a building starting with the measuring building features that affect the urban environmental conditions at a specific time, context: Formal aesthetic and Symbolic aesthetic along with an individual’s mood that affects their (Nasar, 1997). Formal aesthetic focuses on the assessment, besides the fact that a change in structure of forms (tangible values), while social class hierarchy showed a clear change in Symbolic aesthetics, is the study of human taste and preference. Richer individuals favored responses to the forms of the building (intangible more modern approaches than middle-class values) (Lang,1988). people who favored typical “traditional” designs (Nasar, 1989), not to mention that as long as taste is subjective, you can’t pinpoint what is right, and what is wrong, especially that has been some ISSN 2322 - 6307

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incidents in which initial reaction of a building elements (massing, siting, height, setback), and has changed or reversed over time. visual elements (orientation, rhythm, proportion, material & color). The results showed that Techniques used and Results amongst all the case studies evaluated, the most compatible ones shared common criteria which In Al-Askary’s (2016) qualitative evaluation, the are sitting, scale, and height. Brolin (1980) on the survey of locals and users of the area dividing the other hand in his book “Architecture in context: scales of measurements into microscale and fitting new buildings with old” criticized the macro scale, the results found showed that in the making of most design criteria’s lists that have micro-scale, that ornamentation is a major been used to evaluate the buildings fit. He stated influence for a high level of visual continuity, that even if it is perceptive at some points it can and the “color” had the least effect. On the macro be misleading. He further added that there is little scale, the configuration to “human scale factor” influence given to ornamentation as a had the greater influence of presenting a cohesive determinant of fitness and that it is always historic environment, while “rhythm” scored low thought of as traditional electic cornices, instead, on the influence scale. In another research by the modern ornamentation exists in frameless Soosani (2013) that employed site survey, windows, mullions, cantilevered masses and etc, photographs, map of the city, and observation and the absence of it renders a naked design methods to evaluate five case studies, the (Figure 5) Brolin (1980) evaluation covered two design criteria: spatial

Fig. 5. The three alternatives before and after the analysis results employed, (a) Existing site condition, (b) First proposed design (c)Final mitigation after the analysis, creating a better fit by adding a minor architectural detail Brolin (1980)

Rahman (1992) devised a way to evaluate and this approach. The visual criteria created have simulate the survey/questionnaire results of a also been made flexible that it can change specimen project created with the help of three- according to the required influencers in each dimensional computer visualization techniques specific context. that can help in predicting the visual impact of each element in the design criteria list. As shown The results of the analysis gave the researcher the in Figure 6, on-site components strongest contrasting features of the design, with (site organization, 3d composition, elevational this information in hand the researcher modified composition), and the off-site components are the them on the computerized model of the design, variables that will be analyzed and measured in achieving the perfect “fit” for the historical context.

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Fig. 6. Analysis of the external physical features of any project in relation to the percipient (Rahman, 1992).

Quantitative evaluation of infill in historic set, in order to create a clear and functional context guideline.

Formal Aesthetic Concerns and Limitations

As mentioned earlier architectural aesthetics The above-mentioned variables are very broad consists of two criteria; formal and symbolic. and general, leaving so much uncertainty to The formal aesthetic has to do deal with physical deduce the true influencer of physical features features along with relationships such as shapes and different approaches gave different results as and proportions, rhythm, scale, degree of will be shown below with the help of complexity color, illumination, and shadowing scientifically cognitive methods. Moreover, both (Lang, 1987), composition and the system of analysis approaches concentrated on the two- spatial relation (Groat & Despres, 1991), and dimensional elevations of the case studies, and complexity, incongruity, ambiguity, surprise, both the approaches had limited measured novelty, and order (Wohlwill, 1976). Groat and variables being evaluated leaving leeway for Despres (1991) argued that formal architectural speculation on whether those alone can influence properties are evaluated independently from judgment, not to mention that each historic human experience. Several variables stand out environment is special and has its own key when discussing formal aesthetic, and they show characteristics. Besides the fact that cognitive the most effect on human response to the built mathematical approach is an interdisciplinary environment. These include complexity, method that requires the architect to acquire more openness, and order. knowledge in the field of statistics and cognitive sciences which may render those techniques Why there is a need for a quantitative research challenging to understand without sufficient approach? prior knowledge.

A review of the current literature suggests that Techniques used and results quantitative evaluation process is being recommended to help increase the accuracy of Standard Deviation Method (SD) qualitative design guidance. The aim of the quantitative evaluation is to examine and In the experiment done by Hu et al, (2017), they evaluate all the information of the building and chose a set of variables in order to perform a the evaluators (users) and devise a pattern in close detailed analysis on it, size, proportion and preferences. Another reason to approach the color. Size is one of the most common and evaluation from physical attributes of the obvious attributes to be measured as the height building approach is that design control laws that and width of the building contribute greatly to the have been established tend to be vague, using compatibility of the new building with the terms in the documents that can be interpreted existing settings, and been mentioned in 90% of differently from one to another, as it is a set of the architecture design controls (Stamps, 1997). intangible guidelines. Therefore, an exact and An appropriate proportion in a historical setting firm foundational aesthetic control needs to be reflects the architectural principles of that particular historic period (Punter, 1999:132). ISSN 2322 - 6307

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Color is an essential element in the physical width of the building, segmented height, and environment, where color is a reflection of width of the building, and the height and width architectural culture and is one of the first things of the opening. While for the proportion 4 that are perceived besides the form of the indicators were taken into consideration; the building. proportion of the total building façade and the segmented façade, proportion of the windows, In the research the size, proportion, and color composition of the openings in the main façade. measurement were quite meticulous, first, a set And in terms of color analysis, three attributes of size and proportion are being measured from are analyzed: hue, saturation, and brightness the new addition and the surrounding as shown (HSB). in (Figure 8), in term of size; total height, and

Fig. 7. Diagram of the varying set of data collected from a building in for size and proportion measurments. (Hu, et al, 2017)

Colors for the most part are expressed by RGB that the values are stretched over a wide range. and HSB. The HSB is used to identify the Therefore, SD was used to evaluate the variation abstracting color from the facades. As there introduced by the new infill design in a historic might be a façade with multiple colors only two context. It showed that if the new proposed are analyzed the main color and the sub color, addition made the SD larger, that would indicate moreover, color composition was also an there is an increase in the fluctuation of data. important factor in the study of the façade. Color composition refers to the ratio of different colors On the other hand if it showed a smaller SD that used in the architectural façade. The ratio of indicates the new design lessened the colors is identified into three types: Main color, fluctuations of the data (Hu, et al, 2017). In SD a secondary color, embellishment color, the Main analyses if the inharmonious features are color was a dominant color of the building, the implemented the original data set will fluctuate secondary was any color used at a lesser degree, greatly, while if harmonious features are while, the embellishment color was that of the introduced, calmer results are obtained. Normal door, windows, and ornamental elements. distribution is used to anticipate credible intervals and figure out the degree of The collected data is analyzed with the Standard compatibility between new and old, about 68% deviation method (SD) (Figure 9), “standard of values are within one SD away from the mean, deviation is a measure of the amount of variation and about 95% of the values lie within 2 SDs and or dispersion of a set of volumes (Bland, 1996)” almost a 100% are within three SDs. It is (Hu, et al, 2017). A low standard deviation therefore relatively easy to calculate the valid implies that the volume is nearest to the mean of intervals of data set to serve the evaluation the set, while a high standard deviation implies criteria.

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Fig. 8. Normal distribution diagram (SD) (hu, y. et al, 2017)

The results that was accumulated showed that newly created pattern as a possible infill to the windows and rhythm played a major part in street façade. A prototype pattern had to be achieving harmony with the surrounding and that identified for each street façade, the prototype of even that sometimes the infill design is showing the street façade is the pattern which has the least apparent contrasting style to the surroundings. discrepancy from all other patterns in the façade. This evaluation process can actually find out Prototype theory contends that the fit of any infill whether it is compatible or not. pattern with the sample façade layout will be measured based on the dissimilarity from the Prototype Approach and Feature Frequency prototype of the façade. In addition to this, the Approach prototype has a number of shared features with the existing façade sample (feature frequency). In this research Abu-Obeid, Malkawi, Nassar, The feature frequency theory suggests that any and Al-edih (2009) made an experiment using created pattern is evaluated in its fit with the two cognitive analysis approaches, the first is context, according to its accumulated number of “Feature Analysis Approach”, which proposes shared patterns with all patterns of the street that in order to recognize the pattern, façade (feature frequency) (Abu Obeid, et al. decomposition of the whole pattern is done into ,2009). constituent features, and those features are compared with the stored ones, while the other The study covered three variables only due to the analysis approach is Template matching, which limitations of dealing with multiple variables, 1) analyzes unknown patterns as a unique whole the number of masses (two possibilities), 2) the and identifies it based on its overlap with various proportion of the masses (two possibilities), 3) standards (Reed, 1978: 139). the form of the windows (nine possibilities), totaling of thirty-six alternatives created. The The fundamental concept of prototype theory is experiment consisted of creating a different set of that a variety of patterns from the general street façades, each containing 5 design knowledge creates experiences that vary in variations, and the participants were presented consistency with the knowledge structure. Which with one reference from each group and were means that examples that match the knowledge asked to rank it in level of fitness with all the structure are identified as a typical knowledge fifteen street façade, where the highest structure and eventually due to their familiarity represented the highest contextual. they were termed “good examples” (Rosch and Mervis, 1975; Purcell, 1984, 1986). The results showed that either distance from prototype or feature frequency regarded for a The study was set to create and manipulate considerable part of the participant’s choice of design variables and create a number of artificial the best contextual fit for the infill patterns. The architectural patterns. Those architectural prototype approach showed that the more the patterns were introduced as street façade infill patterns were more secluded from the examples, which were constructed from prototype the less it was assessed as belonging to previously identified patterns, then those façades the context. In the case of the feature frequency were to be used as a reference learning pattern, as approach, the more features shared with the in the next step a subgroup of architectural context, the more they were evaluated as fitted to patterns was to be employed from the reference the context. It shows that the participant’s patterns developed earlier, in order to present the knowledge structure was not referenced to the ISSN 2322 - 6307

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architectural context provided. They seem to To conclude, as stated by Brolin (1980) “The have attained general information about all the Longer one studies the question of fitting new groups during the experiment, and this notion of architecture with old, the more demanding one general information appears to be noticed in both becomes". The general results showed that to group’s prototype and feature frequency. achieve a visual fit by satisfying some of the above-mentioned criteria like Massing, Size, Conclusions Proportion, Ornamentation and etc., a good relationship can be accomplished. It will be As mentioned in previous sectors both suggested that further experimentation to be done approaches showed promising results, starting on several case studies of replicated and with the qualitative evaluation technique, the contrasting infill to further test the efficiency of results that were outputted in the several works the system and to start a step by step integration of literature reviewed showed that this method of behavioral sciences especially cognitive provided a better alternative for some of the sciences into the field of architecture as it has a proposed designs, and the surveyed participants profound effect on helping architects understand supported these improvements. As mentioned how people perceive, reason, and interact with before in the limitations, a limited group was their surroundings. Therefore, it will give the surveyed and potential result differences can be architects a better way to design with their own noticed, which would result in a different style while conforming to the needs of the public, outcome, however, the qualitative approach is therefore will help develop the evaluation still the only approach that is being used in the techniques in the future. evaluation and design review process and most of the current design guidelines still rely on it as References shown by the use of intangible vague terms. With the development of technology, the field is Abu-Obeid, N., Malkawi, F.K., Nassar, K., & digitizing the process with aims of simplifying Al-eideh, B. (2009). Cognitive Mathematical the design stage and provide more alternative in Approaches for Evaluating Architectural shorter time spans in order to evaluate and Contextual Fit. Nexus Network Journal, 11(2), improve the three-dimensional proposals faster pp 163-182. and getting more instantaneous results from their Al-Askary A. H. A. A., Al-kaissi A. O. H. evaluations, however, a digitized process of (2016). Visual Integrations of Historic Cities evaluation should also be considered to avoid the Centers Al Rashed Street. Center of Urban and intentional disregard of the guidelines which Regional . University of Baghdad. result into a design that is hated by the public. 12(1), pp 81-107 Bland, J. M., & Altman, D. G. (1996). Statistics On the other hand, the quantitative approach notes: measurement error proportional to the relied more on numbers, and math than people's mean. Bmj, 313(7049), pp. 106. feedback. It proved functional and reliable when Booth, Ph. (1989). The rule, discretion, and local experimented within the case study. Further on, responsibility: Development control case studies the quantitative methods focused on the question in the urban community of Lyon (Doctoral of why and how people make decisions the way Dissertation), University of Sheffield. they do and how they prefer a sample over the Brolin, B. C. (1980). Architecture in Context: other. In an effort to design something that is Fitting New Buildings with Old. New York: preferred by everyone, still, this interdisciplinary Van Nostrand ReinholdCompany. field is rather new and requires a lot of Bulimbašić, S. (2008). In the service of heritage, knowledge and time for architects to start Conversation. Kvartal: Crónica de la historia del working by it and many more experiments to arte croata, vol. V (4), pp. 22-32 prove its efficiency. Besides trying to include this Charter, A. (1931). The Athens Charter for the process into a more volumetric approach instead restoration of historic monuments. In Ist of the existing two-dimensional evaluation International Congress of Architects and assessment. However, in the meantime, a better Technicians of Historic Monuments, Athens, result can be achieved by merging the two October. technique together, as the qualitative method will Council of Europe (1975). The Declaration of try to point out the essential visual impacts (as it , Congress on the European will be a faster approach than the prototype or the Architectural Heritage. Amsterdam. feature frequency approach) that can be then Davies, M, (2003). Design in the Historic measured by the standard deviation method that Environment. Building and Environment, will be able to better measure proportionally the Recovered from link and harmony with the surroundings.

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