Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation Techniques of New Infill Designs in Historic Context

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Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation Techniques of New Infill Designs in Historic Context Gaber, M., Akçay, A. / Volume 9 - Issue 35: 20-33 / November, 2020 20 DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2020.35.11.2 Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation Techniques of New Infill Designs in Historic Context Técnicas de evaluación cualitativa y cuantitativa de nuevos diseños de relleno en contexto histórico Received: October 7, 2020 Accepted: November 23, 2020 Written by: Mustafa A. Gaber5 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6237-3847 Ayten Ö. Akçay6 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3409-6621 Abstract Resumen With the continuing advancement in material Con el continuo avance en la tecnología de technology and construction techniques, architects materiales y técnicas de construcción, los face a greater set of options and challenges when it arquitectos enfrentan un mayor conjunto de comes to designing in historic settings. In the opciones y desafíos cuando se trata de diseñar en meantime after the ICOMOS agreement, every entornos históricos. Mientras tanto, después del country adapted the policy according to their own acuerdo ICOMOS, cada país adaptó la política de culture and settings, therefore every architect in acuerdo con su propia cultura y entorno, por lo their respective country started interpreting the tanto, cada arquitecto en su país respectivo charters, and the design review processes in their comenzó a interpretar las cartas y los procesos de own way. Working on the new addition to historic revisión del diseño a su manera. Trabajar en una context gave rise to familiar characteristics in nueva adición al contexto histórico dio lugar a design, especially in the infill designs, which is características familiares en el diseño, “Replication and Contrast”, which in turn sparked especialmente en los diseños de relleno, que es the question, how to evaluate whether a building is "Replicación y Contraste", que a su vez provocó properly fitting in its context with whatever la pregunta, cómo evaluar si un edificio encaja approach employed. This paper aims to answer this adecuadamente en su contexto con Este trabajo question by conducting a literature review tiene como objetivo responder a esta pregunta covering First, the qualitative evaluation approach mediante la realización de una revisión de la which compromises of surveys and pre- literatura que cubre en primer lugar el enfoque de visualization in order to identify the main visual evaluación cualitativa que compromete properties that improve the contextual encuestas y pre-visualización con el fin de compatibility of the new designs in the historical identificar las principales propiedades visuales context, and quantitative techniques focused more que mejoran la compatibilidad contextual de los on the mathematical scientific cognitive results of nuevos diseños en el contexto histórico. all aspects of the architectural elements within contexto, y técnicas cuantitativas centradas más historic settings. A comparison has been made on en los resultados cognitivos científicos each result achieved and an assessment of their matemáticos de todos los aspectos de los reliance or authenticity has been tested in order to elementos arquitectónicos dentro de entornos find and bridge the gap between tangible and históricos. Se ha realizado una comparación de intangible values when judging “fit” in a historic cada resultado alcanzado y se ha probado una setting. The results showed that the qualitative evaluación de su confianza o autenticidad para evaluation if followed properly it could be very encontrar y unir la brecha entre los valores promising, but it always leaves room for tangibles e intangibles al juzgar el "ajuste" en la skepticism as the result is expected to change based historia configuración ic. Los resultados on the size and the characteristics of the mostraron que la evaluación cualitativa, si se participants. The quantitative evaluation provided sigue adecuadamente, podría ser muy a more tangible evidence of the contextual fit in prometedora, pero siempre deja un margen para 5 B. Arch, Research Assistant, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Near East University, Nicosia-Cyprus. 6 Assist.Prof.Dr., Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Near East Univesity, Nicosia-Cyprus. www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322 - 6307 Volume 9 - Issue 35 / November 2020 21 terms of architectural elements like size, el escepticismo, ya que se espera que el resultado proportion, and scale. Finally, a suggestion was cambie según el tamaño y las características de made in order to provide a better, and a more los participantes. La evaluación cuantitativa comprehensive technique merging both methods proporcionó una evidencia más tangible del together and trying to incorporate more of three- ajuste contextual en términos de elementos dimensional aspects of the building instead of the arquitectónicos como tamaño, proporción y two dimensionality of the current assessment escala. Finalmente se hizo una sugerencia con el techniques. fin de proporcionar una técnica mejor y más completa fusionando ambos métodos y tratando Key words: Historic Context, interpretation, new de incorporar más aspectos tridimensionales del infill, qualitative evaluation, quantitative edificio en lugar de la bidimensionalidad de las evaluation. técnicas de evaluación actuales. Palabras Clave: Contexto histórico, evaluación cualitativa, evaluación cuantitativa, interpretación, nuevo relleno. Introduction Historic Sites and traditional context are an replication of the surrounding context and important aspect of proving past life, those places material when in fact it just followed the same are faced with unending changes caused by traditional construction techniques and materials historical shifts and decisive events, whether it that were available at the time, therefore, been man-made, or natural disasters, like wars or resulting in an addition that is not too distant fires that result into a quicker alteration of the from the surrounding context (Vozbinaite existing historic fabric. 2015;19). However, shortly after World War II, a new movement started advocating for an Now with the development of the field of architecture that is not fake and "true to its time". preservation development away from This divided the architects into two groups; architecture, preservationist are now tasked with contemporary but compatible and historicized preserving while architects are tasked with design which generally lie under Replication and adding to those historic environments. The fields contrast approaches. However each are aiming at of architecture and historic preservation have achieving contextual compatibility (Skerry, remained in close symbolic relationship that is 2012). constantly evolving as advancement in one field results in adaption and recognition in the other Over the years countries have developed their (Skerry, 2012). The aim of adding to historic own systems of design reviews and evaluation context is to help revitalize the historic context of techniques to monitor and maintain harmonious the area, which creates a sensible and spiritual new developments in the existing context. Those connection across the past, present and the future, regulations became more complex over time as as well improve the quality of urban life they identified more aspects to be considered, (Gharehbaglou, Nejadebrahimi, Ardabilchi, some of them that are harder to be generalized 2019). The notion of addition has always been and understood, especially when touching upon enforced in architecture as stated by Bulimbašić intangible features (Navickiene, 2012). In (2008;29) cities are living organisms, and they addition to this, vague terms has been interpreted can’t be locked to one specific point in time. In differently from architect to architect, those fact one of the most vital tasks of local aspects are evaluated qualitatively by performing authorities, specifically architectural authorities questionnaires, survey, and observations by an is the creation of a comfortable urban appointed committee or by the public, allowing environment that comprised of a harmonious some to ignore the guidelines totally and design combination of the old and the new in the with no regard to the historic context (Skerry, architecture of the modern city (Mokhovikov, 2012). Therefore, architects and preservationists Alekseenko, Knyazeva, Murog, Larina, 2019). have been looking for a way to produce more tangible guidelines by incorporating the physical Back then there had been a general view that new attributes of the new addition with scientific additions in historic context should aim at the mathematical equations. This approach is called replication of the existing design, appearance and quantitative evaluation approach. materials (Skerry, 2012), and this in part due to the fact that most of the additions before the 19th This paper aims at defining both terms and how century was deemed successful as it showed the process takes place by reviewing literatures http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322 - 6307 22 that discussed infill design evaluation in the Contextual design is defined as the theory and historic environment whether qualitative or methodology of delicately and productively quantitative and tries to find and compare the integrating new buildings in historic context efficiency of both approaches and suggest ways (Booth, 1989; Loew, 1998). Ukabi (2016) to improve accuracy or enhance the design declared that there are a variety of appropriate review process in the field. approaches for the vast types of infill developments in any
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