Improvement Program
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file, please contact us at 1~1/35" U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs @ Bureau of Justice Statistics National Criminal History Improvement Program Bureau of Justice • Crime and neighborhoods, NCJ-147005, 6/94, Courts and sentencing • Violent offenders in State prison: Sentences 2pp and time served-State inmates 1992-94, Statistics reports Guns and crime: Handgun victimization, Federal criminal case processing, 1982-93, NCJ-154632, 7/95, 10pp (Revised May 1996) firearm self-defense, and firearm theft, with preliminary data for 1994, NCJ-160088 Jails and jail inmates, 1993-94, NCJ-151651, NCJ-147003, 5/94, 2pp R 5/96, 28pp 5/95, 12pp t~ Call toll-free 800-732-3277 to order BJS Violent crime, NCJ-147486, 4/94, 4pp R State court sentencing of convicted felons, National Corrections Reporting Program: reports, to be added to the mailing list, or Carjacking, NCJ-147002, 3/94, 2pp R 1992, NCJ-152696, 5/96, 64pp 1992, NCJ-145862, 10/94, 101 pp to speak to a, reference specialist in Elderly crime victims, NCJ-147186, 3/94, 4pp R Civil Justice Survey of State Courts, t992: 1991, NCJ-145861,2]94, 144pp statistics at the Bureau of Justice Costs of crime to victims, NCJ-145865,2/94, Contract cases in large counties, Prisoners in 1993, NCJ-147036, 6/94, 11 pp Statistics Clearinghouse, Box 179, 2pp ~ NCJ-156664, 2/96, 12pp ~' Jail inmates, 1992, NCJ-143284, 8/93, 10pp Highlights from 20 years of surveying crime Civil jury cases and verdicts in large Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-0179; or Drug enforcement and treatment in prisons, victims: 1973-92, NCJ-144525, 10/93, 47pp ~ counties, NCJ-154346, 7/95, 14pp fax orders to 410-792-4358.
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