Sightseei ng Tour & Charter of the Red Rock Area Weeks i n advance, contact one of the local charters to books a tour. Also i n advance, book a stay with t he local accommodati on or ca mp on t he beautiful bowman island. Don’t forget to check t he weat her before dri ving up and call you captain or tour guide t o confir m your booked trip.

The Red Rock Mari na Boardwalk, a view of Lake Superi or, and t he new Mari na Buil ding.

Proposed Itinerary- Day 1 9:00a m – Good mor ning! Begin driving on highway 11/17 heading east 10: 30a m – Wel come t o Red Rock! Stop by Saunders Foodland t o get some food supplies 11:00a m – Head t o Pull-A- Log Park and take a stroll down t he beautiful boardwal k 11:30a m – Go t o the marina docks to meet your charter captain 11:45pm – When you’re all packed up, head out on vast, breathtaking Lake Superi or! 12:00pm – Ask your captai n t o point out some of the landmar k si ghts 1:00pm – Anchor at an island t oo stretch your legs and take a look around 1:20pm – Fi nd a shady spot to sit down and enj oy your lunch 1: 50pm – Hop back aboard your boat and get to the wat er 2:00pm – Cruise around islands and take i n the sights, maybe you’ll see some wil dlife! 3:30pm – Head back t o the Red Rock mari na 4:00pm – Arri ve back i n Red Rock t o unload from your travels 4:15pm –Check i nto your room and take a well deserved rest 6:00pm – Head t o the Down by t he Bay Café located i n the Red Rock Marina Buil ding 8:00pm – Get a s weater and head out to take a stroll around Red Rock, bring your ca mera!  Ma ke sure to checkout the gazebo and fountain besi de the church!

Sightseeing tour Day 2

View from Lloyds Lookout, Moose, and boats parked at the Red Rock Marina

Proposed Itinerary 9:00a m – Up and at em! Get ready for another day on t he town 10:00a m –Enj oy a breakfast at the Down by t he Bay Café 11:30a m – Lace up your running shoes and get stretching! Pick Lloyds Lookout or Howes Mountain! ( Don’t forget that camera!) 1:00pm – Lunch ti me! Pack a lunch t o eat at the top of the Lookout/ Mountain, or find a picnic table down at the marina t o enjoy your lunch once you have fi nished your hike 1: 45pm – Feeli ng adventurous? Call ahead and have Epic Adventures plan an afternoon of acti vities 3: 45pm – Don’t leave without checking out the new Mari na buil ding and splash pad at the mari na! 4:30pm – Begin your trip home 5:00pm – Not in a hurry? Drop i n at Oui met Canyon i n Dori on, for an extraordinary view 6:00pm – Dri ve back t o 7:00pm – Arri ve back i n Thunder Bay

Boats at the Mari na wit h Red Rock Inn i n background and t he Local Tourism Operators

Nort h Superi or Charters Inc – David Brennen Jr, (807) 857 1396 www.nort hsuperi, Email: dbrennenjr @hot They offer excellent fishing for Walleye, Perch, and Nort hern Pike on i nland lakes and ri vers. They also offer fishing on Bay for trophy , Chinook Sal mon, Rainbow Trout (Steelhead) and Lake Trout. In the mood for hunti ng i nstead? No proble m! They also offer Moose and Bear hunti ng wit h one of the highest success rates in Nort hern . Visit our website for more pictures and i nfor mati on and feel free to contact us anyti me.

Nipigon River Adventures- Ray Rivard (807) 621 6342 www.nipigonri veradventures. com Email: ray @ni pigonri Adventures in partnership wit h local busi nesses is here to provide you a variety of outdoor experiences ranging from sailing, kayaking, hiking and landscape photography. Providing state of the art equipment, guide services and l ocal knowledge t o make your visit a memory t o be shared wit h your friends and fa mil y.

Bo wmans Isl and Charters- Gary Lange (807) 886 2504 htt p:// ml Email: bowman @t Our 30 ft water taxi and 45 ft trawler are licensed by the Depart ment of Transport to carry 8 to 10 passengers. We can take you to our re mote lodge on Bowman Island. Bo wman Island is just off the south shore of Saint Island, which is centered i n the new Lake Superi or Marine Conservation Area on the nort h shore of Lake Superi or. The only access to the lodge is by wat er or air. Gary the owner/ operator of the boat is also the host of the lodge whi ch is for guests to stay just the night or make a weekend gateway out of it. The three season retreat has four bedrooms wit h bunk and t win beds for your comfort, also a large common area, kitchen, fireplace, sauna for bat hing, solar panels, propane appliances and lastly breat htaking views of wil dlife and vast Lake Superi or. Visit our website for more i nfor mati on and pictures, also feel free to contact us at anyti me.

Epic Adventures- Michael Elliott (807) 887 1008 htt p:// Email: michael Locat ed near the Crossroads of and nestled i n the beauty and wil derness of Nort her west ern Ont ari o, Epic Adventures was devel oped t o provide one-of -a-kind guided outdoor adventure tours. Surrounded by t he worl d fa mous Nipigon River, Lake Superi or, numer ous inland lakes, and a conti nuousl y growing networ k of trails, Epi c Adventures can satisfy your craving for the outdoor. Epic Adventures specializes in a day-trip style adventure t ours. These t ours can range from t wo hours mini mum t o t wel ve hours maxi mum depending on t he type of tour selected. However, multi-day packages are also available, wit h cust om itinaries, lodging and more. By offeri ng a variety of activites to chose from such as Hiking, Mountain Biking, Kayaking, Snowshoei ng, Cross- Country Skii ng and more, there is somet hing for everyone. Whet her social, recreati onal or hard-core Epic Adventure will accommodate any and all skill levels: beginners, experienced and expert. In order to provide the most enjoyable and safest outdoor adventure experience, all tours are assisted by an Epic Adventures Gui de.

Where to stay i n Red Rock

Quebec Lodge, http:// ml P. O. Box 300, Hwy 628, Red Rock, Ontario, P0T 2P0 Phone: (807) 886 2603, (807) 621 6342 The Lodge is located a short one hour drive from Thunder Bay, on the outskirts of Red Rock. The Lodge is nestled along t he shore of the Nipigon Bay wit h a view of the islands t hat protect the area. The Red Rock/ Nipigon hiking trail is a short hike from t he Lodge’s backdoor.

Hidden Gem Bed and Breakfast, http:// ml 17 White Blvd, Red Rock, Ontari o, P0T 2P0 Phone: (807) 886 2947 The Hidden Gem is a home a way from home. Come and enjoy t he beautiful view of Lake Superi or from the comfort of your bedroo m. This War m and i nviting ho me decorated with a modern feel is fully furnished and equipped wit h all the necessities incl uding televisi on, DVD player and board ga mes. The Hostess of this quant little B&B also spoils guests wit h her homemade baking and fantastic breakfast spreads. When choosi ng to stay at Hidden Gem your sure to have a memorable and relaxing experience.

Birchwood Campground htt p:// mpt Trans Canada Highway 11-17, Red Rock, Ontario, P0T 2P0 Phone: (877) 886 2440 The Birchwood Tent and RV Campgr ound offers a convenient locati on with safe and easy access, just off the highway. One hour east of Thunder Bay, 5 minutes west of Nipigon and Red Rock, Ontario on the Trans Canada Highway 11-17 at the top off Lake Superi or. This is a fa mil y run busi ness and you will feel like guests in our home. Surrounded i n the beauty of Nort h- West ern Ontario our guests are able to experience strolls down trails and spend t heir evenings by crackli ng ca mpfires. Black Sturgeon River is cl ose by for excellent fishing (rainbow, walleye, bass, speckle trout, etc. depending on t he season) and si ghtseeing.

Places to eat i n Red Rock

Down by the Bay Cafe- (807) 708 9659, located in t he Red Rock Mari na buil ding (7 Park Road) Hours of Operati on: Tuesday t o Friday – 8:30a m t o 7:00pm Sat urday- 9:00a m t o 6:30p m Closed Sunday, Monday Style: Canadian Cuisi ne incl uding favourites such as pizza, ha mbur gers, sandwiches, nachos, soups, salads and much more.