**THE EVENING STAB, Washington, D. C. star, wrenched his knee in the C-4 WEDNESDAY. MAY I*. 1054 Football Figures Attend Hoyas second Maryland-Clemson game Fights Meeting Terps Saturday 68 Golf Duos Paired Last Night last and missed Mon- laVlori’ By the day’s game against North Caro- Frank Mann and Eddie Ed! Aiieciated Press Frank Thomas Funeral yaft-iftess sssteja Spokane—Henry Dsvit; 138%, toe •y Fr.ii lina. Miller, hitting .345 through ks Angeles, outpointed Bobby 184%, Brideweser Deal Griff Mm Associated Top College s Woods. Leaves In Game 15 games, also is a defensive For Belle Haven Play sSiwtbss Spokane. 10. TUSCALOOSA, May 12. ner: I:4?—pat Martinourayphs::and Arnold Ala.. • Prada; Hall and JompP K. Who- Bt. Paul—Emil Evans. 147%, Bt. Paul, standout. Bobby Brownell and Ralph J. L. outpointed —Football associates and play- Navy’s joan;. I 54—William H. Cron and R. 8. Billy Pinkos, 148%. Winnipeg. With Little Hope of Jack Morra blanked Bogart Proude: Ben Fuit» and Don Sullivan 10. In D. C. Area Today Cornell will seek their fourth 2:ol—Bobby ' (Continued Page C-l.) Wright, slapped ers he coached to stardom paid at Annapolis yesterday, Brownell and Ralph Bo- Tampa. Fla—Rocky From Tom a grounder straight title in gart;' Bob Dunn Tampa, outpointed RandeU. 138. .... Leßos- 1 . ¦¦¦ 2-0. for his sixth straight win the sixth annual tnd Maurice Larry Mullca. 140, their respects to the late Frank Georgetown, winner of two of 2 ßk r d new York, in, Army doctor, is willing to re- to Frank Bolling at second base and third shutout of the season. Belle Haven 4-Ball Invitation i,Ak: jar£!..r iss* o.r Thomas at his funeral here yes- its last three games, ii r<, r w^ was trapped Navy got only hits, Tournament this week end. *“: sume his career with the Yankees and Vernon and terday. three but a psrss?n* a&r w only until he joins the staff of a down. Runnels walked both by shutouts, will be host walk, one of the three hits and Fairings for 68 two-man teams bam; 2:22—Joe LaSalle and Ben Har- The little Notre quar- tlg; 2^29— Phil Butcher and Doug Berry; San Francisco hospital July 1. to fill the bases and the Sen- Dame to Maryland at 3 o’clock today two errors in the seventh

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