EVERY EVERYDAY pioneerlocal.cornDAY JULY 11, 2008 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * $125 - 24/7 cOVERAGE MULTIMEDIA MOVIES Reel Tírne blc:!9 ,.Heard in the Halls Daily news from A preview , Your Local Source of Paul Sassone with Bruce Ingram athletics blog NLES THISWEEK NEWS SHREDDING AMERICA Nues skateboarders arrive ¡n NYC. PAGE 4 IMAGES ;:c ,1 - GIRL ScOUTS 1I- , . ,: 'A Natalie Carioti, 1O, ;t:-. I. enjoys appreciation Incandela under an Josephine Pekara, of Norridge, listens to the music of Euzo week for Girl Scouts. umbreøa before a rainstorm began July 10 at the Leaninq TowerConcert series in RAINED Nues. Find events this week in Peek at the Week, page52. PHOTO ffLIJSON WIILAMS/PIONEER PRESS PAGE 51 SERVING OUR READERS SINCE 1951 * 'YOUR LOCALSOURCE Check outOakton .fromeveryangle. Fall Classes begin August 25, 2008. Apply and register onUne.-. o-t.ìO9 -Ir s3liN www.oakton.edu J_s MOJ-) M 399 j_SI0 ÀIIIlOfl8íid S1IN w - Aï» );-1nd DesPláines Skokie. 8.47.635.1629 .LSIQgQQÛüOOOOQ 3rr Çi003 89# y Thursday, July 17, 2008f 3 2 Thursday, July 17, 2008 A Pioneer Press Publication Pioneer Press Publication . MANAGING EDITOR: Nicole Wagner Time to buy. ews
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