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EVERY EVERYDAY pioneerlocal.cornDAY JULY 11, 2008 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * $125 - 24/7 cOVERAGE MULTIMEDIA MOVIES Reel Tírne blc:!9 ,.Heard in the Halls Daily news from A preview , Your Local Source of Paul Sassone with Bruce Ingram athletics blog NLES THISWEEK NEWS SHREDDING AMERICA Nues skateboarders arrive ¡n NYC. PAGE 4 IMAGES ;:c ,1 - GIRL ScOUTS 1I- , . ,: 'A Natalie Carioti, 1O, ;t:-. I. enjoys appreciation Incandela under an Josephine Pekara, of Norridge, listens to the music of Euzo week for Girl Scouts. umbreøa before a rainstorm began July 10 at the Leaninq TowerConcert series in RAINED Nues. Find events this week in Peek at the Week, page52. PHOTO ffLIJSON WIILAMS/PIONEER PRESS PAGE 51 SERVING OUR READERS SINCE 1951 * 'YOUR LOCALSOURCE Check outOakton .fromeveryangle. Fall Classes begin August 25, 2008. Apply and register onUne.-. o-t.ìO9 -Ir s3liN www.oakton.edu J_s MOJ-) M 399 j_SI0 ÀIIIlOfl8íid S1IN w - Aï» );-1nd DesPláines Skokie. 8.47.635.1629 .LSIQgQQÛüOOOOQ 3rr Çi003 89# y Thursday, July 17, 2008f 3 2 Thursday, July 17, 2008 A Pioneer Press Publication Pioneer Press Publication . MANAGING EDITOR: Nicole Wagner Time to buy. ews [email protected] ( (847) 696-3248 Home choices have never been better! Baird & Warner's integrated Fami[y ofServices provides you with all the toolsyou need to realize your dreams of home ownership... 24/7 COVERAGE buds in Nues all under one roof! That includes in-housemortgage experts to help guide you to the Daily news from Greek food fest to tempt taste very best home financing opportunities available. Isn't it timeyou made a move today? Your Local Source By TONY BERTUCA tbertucapioneerlocaLcom DIVERSIONS Time for Baird & Warner. Dedicated parishioners from St. Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church For complete info on ALL our "Open Houses" this weekend, visit our websítè have spent days stuffing grape leaves and baking baklava in preparation for baîrdwarner.co The Big Greek Food Fest Multiple Photos Robust Details Dynamic Mapping The Cat's back I e-Mail Alerts this weekend. Bruce Ingram rèviews This year's festival "The Dark Knight." runs from Friday to Sun- pio,seerlocaLcotn/dilJerSiOflS day on church grounds at 7378 Caldwell Ave. in Nues FOOD and touts authentic Greek food, pastries and as- Green goodness tincofnwood S69,OOO Skokie sorted wines. $529,000 Skokie $519,000 Uncoinwood $459,900 Chicago Sprawling ranch In theTerraceThn a 90'wide lot. $450,000 Spacious 3br, 2.lba Georgian on huge park-like Dist#68 schools, spacious & very nice 3/468 Brick Great lincoinwood locetlon!3 br. Osick georgian Try a cool lettuce on a hot "We serve over 15,000 beautiful hdwd floors ID#84408035 380/18TH w/hw llrs,mouldings.Sep. DR, Fam rm lot large tms. Remodeled kit , ID#84408142 ranch, 3BA. Bsmt & 2Cgar. 10883108098 Phyllis Kouzoukas with many, many updates. 1088440811S overlooks yd,Frnc & a/c'05, 101183158090 773-467-3338 Nicole Flores 773-775-1855 Delia Joyce summer day. people inthree days," said 847-491-1855 Mere Wei 773-715-1855 Christine Drimalla 847-724-1855 www.pioneerlocal.com - Eleni Lanzourakis, the fes- tival's public relations HOROSCOPE chairwoman. "We're big time here." In the stars The celebration will Check out this week's also feature cooking horoscope online. Skokle . $450,000 Skokie $394,000 Skokie classes, Greek dancers $385,000 Mount Prospect $384,900 Des PlaInes Renovated ranch-4 bed, 2.2 bths. Entirely new Great 3 bed 1 1/2 bath family home with huge $384,900 Rock solid 4BR VNTG bungalow quiet st, spotless, SBR,38A w/lge LRIOReat-ln kítscreened porch, www.pioneerlocal.com and children's activities. kitchent Rehnished oak firs. 10it8310g085 family room on double lott 3br 2ba Split level w/bsnst & hdwd Ors.LLfam- 1088318087 FNCDYDW/gardens 2c gar. lD#83l081 14 2-1/2 Car germ-law possbl. John Creighton 847-491-1855 Gabi Gates 101174717137 rm w/bar & frpl.Great bc. 101184718066 1affIe prizes include 847-724-1855 Julie Naumiak 847-491-1855 Donna 6ola 847.623-1855 Mary Childers 841-823-18S5 SUBURBODDITY $20,000, a new Harley- Davidson motorcycle, and PHOTO COURTESY OF ST. IIARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Crazy crimes a new 2008 Saturn Sky . preparinq melomakarona (honey-dIpped walnut cookies) for thisweekend's Big Find out about wacl' But food is the real at- (Left to right) Eleni Couris and Dina Margaritis are Greek Food Fest In Hiles. crooks and their crimes. traction, LanzourakiS said. tour of all the islands," "Everything is all pretty much every night," cookies, and 20 sheets of fered Kids Corner, an area www.pioneerlocaLcoin baldava: with entertainment and Lanzourakis said. Skokie $379,900 Skokie homemade," she said. Lanzourakis said. "A bar- $369,500 0es Plaines $359,900 Admission will be $2 Skokie! Spacious Thr 2ba Brick Ranch. Refin Oak Morton Grove, 8840 N OzarkAve $349,900 Lincoinwood, 6545 Trumbull Ave "It's all out of the activities-for children in- Cheerful 3/484 1.5BA Brk Rnch w/Lg yard, 2CGar Classic Colonial.3br t .1 ba.I-ldwd flrs.lst fi lam rm $349,000 "There is no box mix becue that feeds 15,000 Firs. Kit w/55 Appt+Granite ID#84408133 updated! New roof, Dist #68 Well maìntalned 388/28TH all brick rancIs. Full Charming brick Cape Cod nestled on tree lined for adults and $1 for sen- lDe831O8o69 & laundry.Great bc. 10884718055 VIDEO church," Lanzourakis said. cluding face painting, arts Patty Cerny ba5ement, 2 car att. garage. 1011831S809 people can't cook the 773-775-1855 Julie Naurniak 847-491-1855 Mary Childers street. Entertain in Ige smc 10884408164 here' - 847-823-1855 William Blohsn - and crafts, and local magi- ior citizens over 65. Chil- 647-724-1855 Pauline Dreuth 773-775-1855 Every year, women and night before." "We always rim out of Magic wand cian Michael Hall. dren younger than 12 are men from St. Haralambos As of Thursday,- the stuffed grape leaves. You Visitors can also view free. Call (847) 647-8880 Ravinia installs a Wií church community come team of devoted chefs had know, they roll each. one travel films showcasing for details. booth for virtual conduc- together to cook for festi- produced 4,000 stûffed by hand." tors. grape leaves, 48 pans of O This will be the second the natural beauty of val. Greece. "You can take a Comment: pioneerlocal.com www.pioneerlocaLcom "They do something moussaka, 4,000 sugar year 'the festival has of- Skokie $349,000 Mount Prospect $334,500 Chicago $324,000 Skokie $319,000 Skokie brick Georgian - original cond with great Lions Park 4br 2ba ranch on oversized corner lot. Chicago, 5032 H KenmoreAve 3N $299,900 Belmont Cragin Double lot, two PINs.1 1 room Very nice brick Ranch. 388, Hdwd firs LR-WR potential & curb appeal. ID#84408 156 wo frpl.Great location. l0ff74717239 home. Bright top flr,3 biks to lake,2 biks to ELHuge 10883158067 combo, Kit w/EA, 2Cgar. Irene Yungerman 773-775-1855 Connie Bruce 847-823-1855 10873107211 deck,lrg Mstr Br.Bay wndws. Nanci Shirrel 847-124-1855 10883158022 Delia Joyce 847-491-1855 technology Ann Lee tú-fund District 63 847-724-1855 $380K grant I A big part of thät is en- teacher's priorities have grant comes from whiteboards. Sights By TONY BERTUCA (BETT) Judy Satkiewicz, dime- suring teachers are up to changed. tbertuca@pìOneer)oCal.00m federal funding as part of and No Child Left Behind Act. tor of technology at Dis- the challenge, she said. "Focus is no longer on "Professional develop- the hands-on use of corn- East Maine Elemen- Nearly $5 miffion has beentrict 63, said the leftover Sounds ment is important be- tary School District63 awarded to 16 school dis- money would go toward puters," she said. "You still For enhanced coverage of tricts in Illinois for the the professional develop- cause technology changes Skokie $278,000 Skokie $29,00o Evanston has been awarded a teach keyboarding, but $215,000 Arlington Heights Priced to Sell! 3 bdrm brick ranch on corner lot. $179,900 people and places in your ment of teachers. so rapidly in our students' Fluge 288 2BA in dwntwn Skokie. Quiet quai. 280/1.18TH corner unit condo.Kit hat newer st Arlington Heights $122,500 $380,000 grant to improve 2008-09 school year. now it's more about higher Move in Condition. 1D116926246 Great location 2br 2ba.Everythìng ity bldg, Ige terrace, fresh paint lD#83108101 apps.Assigned parking. 10883158044 updated.55 Updated condo.lbr, oak cabinets,lg balcony. lives' she said. Sharleen Chan appl,2 a/c unitswasher/dryer community, check out Districts must use 75 "We're very excited 773-775-1855 Julie Naumiak 847-491-1855 Nanci Shirrell 10884718101 Great location.Elev bldg w/pool. the use of technologyin- levels of thinking problem 847-724-1855 Donna Plank . 10874717312 "We have to keep up." 847.823.1855 Donna Bolas Pioneer Press' videos at percent of the grant about the grant," she said. 847-823-1855 side the classroom for Satkiewicz said that be- solving finding informa- www.ploneerlocal.com.- teach- money ozi technology "It's an opportunity to e both students aird cause computers and the tien and being creativ&' To learn more about any of the homes shown above, simplyenter the ID Numbèr in our homepage hardware needs, such as work with teachers and to LEADING "Quick Lookup" box. ers. Internet are so present in REAL ESTATE The Enhancing Educa- computers, laptops, digitalteach students 21st Cen- COM PAN I ES' students' everyday lives, Comment: ploneerlocaLcom Technology cameras, and iñteractive tury skills." ,/THc WORLD tion Through 60025 and additional otfices.