Helpful and unhelpful aspects of eating disorders treatment involving psychological therapy Ladislav Timulak, Julia Buckroyd, Jan Klimas, Mary Creaner, David Wellsted, Frances Bunn, Siobhan Bradshaw and George Green June 2013 Helpful and unhelpful aspects of eating disorders treatment involving psychological therapy A meta-synthesis of qualitative research studies Ladislav Timulak, Julia Buckroyd, Jan Klimas, Mary Creaner, David Wellsted, Frances Bunn, Siobhan Bradshaw and George Green Note: This review was written in two stages by two different teams. Julia Buckroyd’s team, comprising David Wellsted, Frances Bunn, Siobhan Bradshaw and George Green, undertook stage one. This involved writing the introduction, the first part of the method section, and the methodological aspects of the study referred to in the results section. Ladislav Timulak’s team, comprising Jan Klimas and Mary Creaner, undertook stage two. This involved completing the write-up for the second part of the method section, and for writing the results section and the discussion. The main text has further details of each team’s involvement. © BACP 2013 Helpful and unhelpful aspects of eating disorders treatment involving psychological therapy 1 Helpful and unhelpful aspects of eating disorders treatment involving psychological therapy: a meta- synthesis of qualitative research studies is published by the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy, BACP House, 15 St John’s Business Park, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, LE17 4HB. t: 01455 883300 f: 01455 550243 e:
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