Your guide to the Polyathlon & PolyLiban 2016 Edition




The “Polyathlon des Cèdres” and the “PolyLiban Cyclo tour” are organized by L'Association du PolyLiban ( since 2008 under the high patronage of the Lebanese Army Commander and with the support and participation of the Lebanese Army and Poly-athletes from , Europe, and the Middle East.

The "Polyathlon des Cèdres" is the highest multi-sports event in Lebanon and the Middle-East. It aims to create self-awareness by pushing personal boundaries through the promotion of non-competitive sport activities with a green attitude. This 9th edition of the Polyathlon will link Batroun coast to Qornet el Sawda (3088 m highest peak in the Near East). The challenge includes rafting, swimming, archery, biking and trekking.

The Polyathlon is followed by the PolyLiban Cyclo tour. The 9th edition "PolyLiban des 4 Cols" is a long distance cycling adventure around Lebanon crossing more than 360 km in 4 days along the most challenging mountain passes in Lebanon.


Polyathlon des Cèdres 16-17-18 September 2016

Friday 16 September 2016 4:00 pm Arrival to Batroun (Colonel Brewery), check in and preparation 6:30 pm General briefing and stages explanation 7:30 pm Opening ceremony and pasta party 9:30 pm Final briefing and safety measures

Saturday 17 September 2016 3:00 am Wake up and packing 3:30 am Breakfast and bags transfer 4:00 am Rafting stage (MANDATORY) 3 km 5:30 am Swimming stage (Optional) 2 km 6:30 am Bikes preparation 7:00 am Cycling stage 108 km / +3800 m Group A Arrival before 3:00 pm to Cedars, trekking to Qornet el Sawda Group B Arrival between 3:00 and 6:00 pm to Cedars Group C Arrival after 3:00 pm to Mizyara (at 70 km) bus transfer to Cedars 8:00 pm Dinner in Cedars for group B & C 9:00 pm Dinner in Qornet el Sawda camp for group A

Sunday 18 September 2016 2:30 am Wake-up for Group B & C 3:00 am Trekking to Qornet el Sawda 8:00 am Arrival to Qornet el Sawda (Group photo) 9:00 am Bus transfer to Cedars 1:00 pm Bus transfer to Batroun (except for PolyLiban participants) 3:00 pm Arrival to Batroun

IMPORTANT The Polyathlon is a multi-sport event, to complete it participants should do all the stages except for swimming (optional). Doing the trekking stage and sleeping at the Cedars’ barracks is reserved for the participants who complete the rafting stage and one of the cycling stage categories. PolyLiban des 4 Cols, September 19 to 22 September 2016

Monday 19 September 2016 (Col Cedars – Aainata) Cedars to Deir El Ahmar Distance: 95 km Elevation gain: 1700 m

Tuesday 20 September 2016 (Col Hadath Baalbak – Ouioun El Siman) Deir El Ahmar to Mtein Distance: 95 km Elevation gain: 2600 m

Wednesday 21 September 2016 (Col Kfarselwan – Zahle) Mtein to Distance: 90 km Elevation gain: 1700 m

Thursday September 2016 (Col – Maasser El Shouf) Ain Zebdeh to Yarzeh Distance: 85 km Elevation gain: 2100 m


Closing Ceremony on 22 September 2015 @ 7:30 pm Location: to be determined soon


The Polyathlon des Cèdres consists of 5 sports' activities to be completed in less than 24 hours, all activities are MANDATORY except for the swimming stage (Optional)  Sea Rafting (3km)  Sea Swimming (2km)  Cycling (108km)  Archery  Trekking (12km)

All participants should respect the Polyathlon values and abide by the general rules and conditions. Polyathlon and PolyLiban cycling tour are non-competitive sport events and racing is NOT-ALLOWED.

For their own safety and security all participants:  Should follow the official routing distributed by the organizers;  Should respect the organizers’ guidelines and remarks.

For the cycling stage 3 categories are available: Group A Batroun to the Cedars 108 km (arrival to the Cedars before 3:00 pm) Group B Batroun to the Cedars 108 km (arrival to the cedars between 3:00 and 6:00 pm) Group C Batroun to Mezyara 70 km (arrival to Mezyara after 3:00 pm, transfer by bus to the Cedars)

The participation is individual and each participant should specify in the registration form which cycling group he would like to join (A, B, or C).

Polyathlon participants must arrive on Friday 16 September between 4:00 and 5:00 pm to BATROUN Colonel Brewery. PolyLiban participants must arrive on Sunday 18 September between 2:00 and 4:00 pm to the Cedars Barracks.

Simple accommodation, all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), and refueling (snacks, fruits, and water), will be provided by the organizers during both events. For the accommodation each participant should have his own sleeping bag and small mattress.

Each participant is free to bring his own food and beverages to refuel during the Polyathlon event.

The organizers will ensure the transportation from the Cedars to Batroun on Sunday 18 September 2016 in the afternoon (departure around 1:00 pm)

Rafting stage [MANDATORY]  Participants will be divided into groups of 8 persons/raft  Distance: 3km  Each participant should wear a colored swimming cap, goggles and a headlamp  NO ONE will be all allowed to participate without the above mentioned equipment  Upon arrival, all participants must pass by the checkpoint

Swimming stage [Optional]  Distance: 2km  Each participant should wear a colored swimming cap and goggles  After each kilometer, participants have to get out of the water and pass by the checkpoint  NO ONE will be all allowed to participate without the swimming cap and goggles

Cycling stage [MANDATORY]  Distance: 108 km; Elevation gain: 3900 m (Level: VERY DIFFICULT)  Participants must wear an approved safety-cycling helmet.  NO ONE will be all allowed to ride without a proper helmet!  Traffic laws must be respected during the event. Note that all roads are OPEN to vehicle traffic.  Riders are expected to help fellow riders who experience any problems.  The organizers’ guidelines must be respected and adhered to, to ensure the safety of all riders.  You should not deviate from the official route unless you have informed one of the organizing committee member and have received confirmation.  You must obey the traffic officers and authorized marshals/organizers at all times.  Do not litter in order to protect the environment.  Each participant should have his own bike fixing gear and at least 2 extra tubes  Each participant should have a head lamp

Trekking stage [MANDATORY]  Distance: 12km  Each participant should wear proper Hiking shoes, a polar jacket (or wind stopper) and gloves.  Each participant should have a bonnet/buff and head lamp.

IMPORTANT Doing the trekking stage and sleeping at the Cedars’ barracks is reserved for the participants who complete the rafting stage and one of the cycling stage categories.

Withdrawal  An escort bus and truck are available for any participant who does not feel well and want to withdraw from the cycling stage.  Participants who withdraw are not allowed to cycle again.  The participant should inform the organizers about his withdrawal.  The escort bus and truck will continue to the Cedars and will not go back to Batroun before Sunday afternoon.  Participant who withdraw during the cycling stage and would like to go back to Batroun on Saturday should inform the organizers and ensure their own transportation.


For your safety and security Pre-registration is MANDATORY

1- All participants are requested to register and pay for the Polyathlon des Cèdres and/or the PolyLiban des 4 Cols on the following link before Friday September 9, 2016 Participants who cannot register and pay online can do a direct registration and payment during the “Info Meeting”

2- After September 9th registration WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!!!

3- Who can participate in the Polyathlon & PolyLiban? Any person who is over 18 years old in good health with no heart or respiratory problems

4- The Info Meeting (MANDATORY for all participants) will be held at Digital District on Tuesday 30 August 2016 at 7:30 pm

5- We kindly ask you to bring the following documents to confirm your registration during the Info Meeting: -Copy of your ID (or copy of your passport) -Copy of your medical insurance -Registration fees (in case you didn’t pay online)

REGISTRATION FEES/Person* Polyathlon 50 000 LBP (or 33$) PolyLiban 150 000 LBP (or 100$) Polyathlon & PolyLiban 175 000 LBP (or 117$) Cycling jersey 50 000 LBP (or 33$)

Fees include accommodation, refueling, escorting, bags transportation, and all meals

*The Polyathlon & PolyLiban are not for profit events, the symbolic fees cover part of the cost

Even if you have completed the registration and payment NOTE THAT YOU WILL STILL HAVE TO ARRIVE BETWEEN 4 & 5 PM TO BATROUN ON FRIDAY 16 SEPTEMBER TO:  Sign the check-in sheet  Get your safety number and be informed about the safety measures  Buy the Polyathlon 2016 jersey (first arrived first served)


During the Polyathlon des Cèdres  Cycling clothes and shoes, snacks, water, and personal belongings should be prepared before the departure of the first 2 stages (rafting and swimming) and packed in a plastic bag with the name clearly written on it (distributed by the organizers).  The plastic bag should be well fixed on the participant bike.  Once the rafting and swimming stages are completed, each participant can retrieve his plastic bag and prepare himself for the biking stage. The swimming suit, goggles, and towel will be packed in the same plastic bag that will be directly transferred to the Cedars.  Your big backpack (30 L maximum) containing your sleeping bag and mountain clothes and equipment will be directly transferred from Batroun to the Cedars.  Participants who do not reach Mezyara (at 70 km in the cycling stage) before 3:00 pm will be transferred by Bus to the Cedars.  Participants who reach the Cedars before 3:00 pm will start the trekking to Qornet el Sawda at 4:00 pm of the same day (this stage may be cancelled in case of very bad weather)  Participants who arrive after 3:00 pm to the Cedars will rest and wait until Sunday 3:00 am to do the trekking stage.


ADPL will be so glad to welcome you this year and experience together enjoyable times of sports, culture and discovery of Lebanon’s beautiful landscapes and its hidden gems.

As usual, the ADPL with the support of the Lebanese Army offers to all the foreigners the transportation, accommodation and assistance for both events Polyathlon & PolyLiban.

This event is free of charge for foreign participants except for the Jersey (only 50,000 LBP or 33$) Any additional donation for the Association du PolyLiban is welcome!

Arrival to Lebanon:  For those who are participating in the Polyathlon, you are kindly requested to arrive to Lebanon no later than Thursday 15 September 2016 in the evening.  For those who are participating in the PolyLiban only, you are kindly requested to arrive to Lebanon no later than Sunday 18 September 2016 in the morning. Departure from Lebanon:  For those who are participating in the Polyathlon only it is recommended to leave Lebanon on Monday 19 September 2016  For those who are participating in the Polyathlon and/or the PolyaLiban it is recommended to leave Lebanon on Friday 23 September 2016

Accommodation before and after the events: Depending on the number of foreign participants, the Association du PolyLiban will try to ensure your accommodation for the first and last night in Lebanon.

For more information please do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected]


Most Important safety measures!  Always wear a HELMET during the cycling stage, no excuses allowed  Ride in the same direction as the flow of traffic, never on the opposite side  When riding with a group of cyclist: 1- Ride in a straight line 2- Avoid sudden stops 3- Never pass from the right 4- Use hand signs to alert the cyclists behind you  Stop at stop signs and red lights. Obey all traffic signals  Be aware of parked cars and watch for car doors that may open  Use proper hand signals when turning, stopping or changing lanes  DO NOT wear headphones and listen to music while riding  Give pedestrians the right of way  Wear bright clothing during the daytime  Adjust your seat height (a seat that is too high or too low might cause leg injury and make your ride uncomfortable)  Write your name and blood type on your helmet

Other safety measures  Make sure you have the right gear  Make sure you wear clothing that is appropriate for cycling  You should be able to move freely without anything getting caught in your bike's chain or wheels  Wear light-colored or fluorescent clothing that helps other road users to see you in the dark  Wear reflective clothing and/or accessories (belt or arm/ankle bands) in the dark

Helmets  Helmets can help prevent a head injury or death in case of an accident  You should wear a helmet that: - Is a snug fit and positioned squarely on your head - sitting just above your eyebrows, not tilted back or tipped forwards - Is securely fastened by straps, which aren't twisted, with only enough room for two fingers between your chin and the strap  Make sure you replace your helmet every five years. Don’t buy a second-hand helmet - it may be damaged and not protect you properly.

Compulsory lights and reflectors If you use your bike at night or when visibility is poor, you must fit a: - White front light - Red rear light - Red rear reflector - Reflectors fitted to the front and the spokes will also help you to be seen. You can get lights that are steady or flashing or a mixture (steady at the front and flashing at the back). A steady light at the front is important when you're cycling through areas without good street lighting.

Stay alert! Don’t listen to music or use a mobile phone while cycling – distractions cause accidents

Hazards  Keep your eyes on the road ahead.  Avoid running over potholes, gravel, broken glass, drainage grates, puddles you can’t see through, or other unsafe road conditions.  Look over your shoulder to avoid swerving suddenly into traffic. When possible, signal before changing lanes.

Obey Traffic Signs and Signals Bicyclists must obey STOP signs and red signal lights. It’s a good idea to stop for yellow lights too–rushing through a yellow light may not leave you enough time to make it across the intersection before the light changes.

Clause excluding liability The Association du PolyLiban and the Polyathlon/PolyLiban 2016 edition organizers decline any responsibility for any injury, accident, loss of equipment, theft and or any other damages caused prior, during and following the Polyathlon/PolyLiban events from Friday 16 September 2016 through Thursday 22 September 2016.

Personal Medical & Accidental insurance is MANDATORY to all participants, more specifically to all foreign participant. The committee reserves the right to request proof of the medical certificate or insurance.

Each and every participant must be conscious of any and all the risks taken during the whole duration of the event, such as life, health and physical risks:  He/she is responsible to be in good health  He/she is aware of all consequence of any weather change and altitude effects on the human body

Organizers reserve the right to forbid any participant prior and/or during the event in case signs of fatigue, physical and/or health problems appear; leading in a safety risk for the individual and other participants.

The participant may and will be held responsible for all offences, damages caused by himself to a third person or equipment lent during the event.

Each participant is responsible for any damages resulting from lack of respect to rules and regulations or security measures during the different stages of the event. Each participant must and will abide by the rules and regulations of road conduct. Event organizers will not be held responsible for current state of roads. All bicycles must comply with specific equipment requirements and a standard body like structure. Supplying, such as water, bicycle repairs and further on, are completed on the side of the road to avoid any accident.

A strict number of authorized cars and vehicles will follow all bikers Personal non-authorized cars or vehicles are not allowed to follow any participant under any circumstances as they may cause risks to their safety The Participants are not allowed to use any vehicle of the Lebanese Army under any circumstances, except for the escort bus

Be aware that during the trekking stage and camping on Qornet el Sawda, weather conditions may be severe. The organizers will do a check-up on the clothes and equipment of the participants to ensure their safety and security. Participants who do not have proper mountain gear will not be allowed to complete the trekking stage.

While trekking, all participants agree to comply with any and all rules given by the mountain guides and organizers.

The liability clauses apply to all the Association du PolyLiban members, organizers, volunteers, and spectators.


Polyathlon des Cèdres - Saturday 17 September 2016 من البترون الى ثكنة األرز Batroun to Cedars Distance: 100 km / Elevation gain: 3900 m km البلدة Town 0 البترون Batroun 9 راس نحاش Ras Nhash 14 كفرحتى Kfarhata 25 بت ّران Btorran 32 بشنّين Bchennine 39 عرجس )تموين( (Aarjes (Refueling 40 بحيرة بنشعي Bnachei lake 48 مزرعة جنيد Mazraat Jnaid 59 زغرتغرين )تموين( Zgharteghrine 66 بحويطا Behwaita 70 مزيارة )غداء( (Mezyara (Lunch 78 إجبع 'Ijbe 82 إهدن )تموين( (Ehden (Refueling 93 حدشيت Hadchit 95 بش ّري Bcharreh 100 األرز Cedars PolyLiban des 4 Cols 2016 – Cycling Route

Monday 19 September 2016 Tuesday 20 September 2016 من دير األحمر الى المتين Deir El Ahmar to Mtein من األرز الى دير األحمر Cedars to Deir El Ahmar Distance: 95 km / Elevation gain: 1700 m Distance: 95 km / Elevation gain: 2600 m km البلدة Km Town البلدة Town 0 دير األحمر Deir El Ahmar 0 األرز Cedars 7 شليفا Chlifa 24 عيناتا Ainata 12 بوداي Boudai 32 ي ّمونة Yammouneh 22 حدث بعلبك Hadath Baalbak 44 دار الواسعة Dar Al Wassaah 54 فقرا )غداء( Faqra 49 شليفا Chlifa 64 بسكنتا Baskinta 56 دير األحمر )غداء( Deir El Ahmar 73 صنين Sannine 65 بشوات Bechouat 86 مروج Mrouj 68 برقة Barqa 90 متين Mtein 77 نبحة Nabha 81 شعت Chaat

90 كنيسة Knaisseh 95 دير األحمر Deir El Ahmar

Wednesday 21 September 2016 Thursday 22 September 2016 من عين زبدة الى اليرزة Ain Zebdeh to Yarzeh من المتين الى عين زبدة Mtein to Ain Zebdeh Distance: 90 km / Elevation gain: 1700 m Distance: 85 km / Elevation gain: 2100 m Km البلدة km Town البلدة Town 0 عين زبدة Ain Zebdeh 0 متين Mtein 6 كفريا Kefraya 8 بزبدين Bzebdine 18 محمية الشوف Shouf Reserve 11 قرنايل Qornayel 26 معاصر الشوف Maasser El Shouf 17 جوار الحوز Jwar El Hawz 35 باروك Barouk 21 كفر سلوان Kfarselwan 44 عين زحلتا Ain Zhalta 35 زحلة Zahle 52 رملية Ramliye 44 تعنايل )غداء( Taanayel 56 حبرمون Habramoun 52 قب الياس Qab Elias 59 عين الحلزون Ain El Halazon 63 ع ّميق Ammiq 62 بحمدون Bhamdoun 66 عانا 71 بخشتيي Bkhechtey 72 جب جنين Joub Jannie 75 عاليه Aley 84 صغبين 78 بسوس Bsous 90 عين زبدة Ain Zebdeh

81 جمهور Jamhour 85 يرزة Yarze


Polyathlon des Cèdres 2015 Check-list

- Be ready to travel in semi or total autonomy

- Respect the principle « the minimum is too much, and the lightest is too heavy! »

SWIMMING AND RAFTING STAGES □ Swimming suit □ Goggles □ Tuba (optional) □ Swimming cap colored □ Towel □ Headlamp (Rafting Stage) □ Sandals

CYLING STAGE □ Bike helmet □ 1 cycling short □ 1 cycling jersey □ 1 K-way □ Cycling gloves □ 2 water bottles □ 2 extra bike tubes □ Bike tools kit

TREKKING & CAMPING □ Hiking shoes □ Backpack (15 L) □ 1 Hiking pant □ Polar jacket □ Trekking sticks □ 1 Water proof jacket □ 1 t-shirt/base layer □ Thermal gloves □ Sunglasses □ 2 pairs of socks □ Sleeping bag (0°C) □ Camping mattress □ Buff □ Beanie □ Leg warmers

OTHER □ Backpack (30 L) □ Extra batteries □ Personal medicines □ Hand gel & wipes □ Personal toilet kit □ Towel □ Slippers □ « Rescue » blanket

PolyLiban des 4 Cols 2016 Check-list

- In addition to the Polyathlon equipment, the PolyLiban participants should have □ 1 trouser « packable » usable as a short □ 1 T-shirt □ 1 Swiss knife □ 3 cycling shorts □ 4 cycling jersey □ Camera □ Mobile phone and charger □ 1 pen □ Notebook □ Map of Lebanon □ Garbage bags of 30 L

Personal pharmacy kit with anti-diarrhea, massage oil, Panadol, cream or spray anti- mosquito