SUMMER 2018 THE UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND | GRADUATE SCHOOL OF OCEANOGRAPHY 14760_AGSO_Summer2018.indd 1 9/19/18 7:30 PM Aboard GSO SUMMER 2018 2 View Port The 2018 Volvo Ocean Race visits Newport 4 Happenings on the Waterfront A chronicle of events at GSO from January to June 2018 8 Cause & Effect Scientists investigate Rhode Island Sound and Narragansett Bay 10 Fisheries Program in the Philippines The Coastal Resources Center lands a historic grant 12 Dawn of a New Day The National Science Foundation awards its next Regional Class Research Vessel to GSO and the newly formed East Coast Oceanographic Consortium 16 The Future of Ocean Exploration Professor Ballard discusses ongoing research and core goals 19 Walking the Talk GSO alumna Leanna Heffner (Ph.D. 2013) 22 Make Fast Shore-side preparations and implemen- tation of the campus master plan 24 Alumni Support Growth in dollars raised and participation 24 Alumni News and Notes Right: On the drawing board and under construction is RCRV-2, the yet-to-be-named vessel that will call Narragansett, Rhode Island, home. She’ll arrive at GSO’s pier in 2021. Cover: “Endeavor at Dawn” by Alex DeCiccio. Aboard GSO is funded by alumni, friends and the Dean’s Office and is published twice yearly by the URI Graduate School of Oceanography. Please email your comments, questions, and/or news to
[email protected] 14760_AGSO_Summer2018.indd 2 9/19/18 7:30 PM FROM THE DEAN “ Steady on course, full speed.” One of the rights of passage for geological cruises on the R/V Trident was to man the precision depth recorder as the ship carried out a mapping survey.