HQiidays with Pay


Year and No. Regulation of Order. Description. varied.

Statutory Rules and ReguIations as to the constitution 1. (a) Orders, 1925, No. 11. and proceedings of Distr.ict Trade Committees, dated the 12th January, 1925. " ' statutory Rules and Regulations' as to the establishment 3. (a) Orders, 1926, No. 106. ofa District Trade Committee for the Boot and Shoe Repairing, Trade, dated the 1st October, 1926. Statutory RUles and Regulations as to the establishment 3. (a) (i) Orders, 1928, No. 92. of District Trade Committees fO,r the and Retail Bespoke Tailoring Trade, 3. (b) (il dated the 15th August, 1~28.

Statutory Rules and Regulations as to the estab1ishm~nt 3. (a) (i) Orders, 1928, No. 93. of District Trade Committees for the and Dressmaking and Women's Light 3. '(b) (il Clothing' Trade, dated the 15th August, 1928.

Holidays With Pay. THE TRADE BOARDS (NOTICES) REGUJ;,ATIONS (NORTHERN ), , 1939, DATED 21ST DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1939, MADE BY THE MINISTRY OF LABOUR UNDER SECTION 24 OF THE TRADE BOARDS ACT (NORTHERN,IRELAND), 1923, AS MODIFIED AND APPLIED FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE HOLIDAYS WITH PAy'·AcT (),1938. 1939. No. 42. The Ministry of Labour (in these Regulation(=! referr,ed to as " the Ministry") in pursuanoe of the powers conferred on it by Section 24 of the Trade Boards Act (Northern Ireland), 1923, and by that Section as modified and applied to and for the purposes of the Holidays with Pay Act (Northern Ireland), 1938, by the Holidays with Pay (Adaptations 'of Enactments) (Trade Boards) Regulations (N:orthern Ireland), 1939, and of every other power enabling it in that behalf, hereby makes the following Regulations :- 1. Ln' these RegUlations the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to ,them, ,that is to say :- ' " Persoll' " include's any body 'of. persons corporate or unincorporate. " Empk~yer " includes per,son "a~, defined by this Reg·ulation. 2.. When a Trade Board propose to fix, cancel or vary any general minimum time-rate, or any piece-work basis time-rate, or any , general minimum piece-rate, or any general overtime rate, or to give, cancel, va'!y or amelid any direction, they shall- 38d TRADE BOARDS

(a) send a notice ,to all employers engaged in the trade, or, if the p:roposal applies t{) any special ibranch of ·the trade or to 'any special area, tqallemployers engaged in tb,at branch of the trade or engaged in the trade in that special area, -so far respectively as their names and addresses are known to the Trade Board, ,setting out the proposed rate to be fixed; or the proposed cancellation or var.iation of the rate, or th€l direction proposed to be given, or' the proposed cancella­ tion, variation or amendment of the direction, as the case may. be, and requiring any objections to -the' proposal to 'be lodg'ed with the Trade Board within the following periods, that is to ·say :-' .' (i) in the case ofa proposal .to fix a rate or ,to give . a direction, within ene month .from the date 'of the notice, and (ii) in the case of a proposal to cancel or vary a rate, or to . cancel,. vary or amend a direction, within fourteen days . from the date of the notice. i (b) insert a notice in the Gazette of their proposal ,to fix, cancel or vary the rate, or to give, cancel, vary or amend the ·direction, intimating that, on application made to the Trade Boa.rd by, or on behalf of, persons engaged in ,the trade, information will be given as to the rate proposed to.be fixed, Ql" ·the proposed cancellation or variation of the rate, or as to the direction proposed to be given, or the' proposed cancellation, variation or amendment of the . dirl'!ction, and that objections to ·the proposal may qe lodged with the Trade Board within the respective ti;mes 'specified in the notice mentioned in sub-paragraphs (i) arid (ii) of pa.ragraph .(a) of this Regulation. . 3. Every' occupier of any premises or place used Mi- carrying on work within the jurisdiction of a Trade Board and occapied by an employer or worlker wi,thinsuch jurisdiction, or of any place used for giving out work to outworkers, shall; on' receipt of the notice, mentioned in paragraph (a) of Regulation 2 of these Regulations, post up and keep 'posted up a sufficient number of t.rue copies thereof in prominent positions in the premises or place used for carrying on work within the jUl"isdiction of a Tmde Board and occupied by an employer or worker within such jurisdiction, or in any plac.e used for giving out 'Work" in -such 'a manner as to ·ensure in each case that the notice shall be brought to the knowledge of all workers employed. by him or'on his premises or place who are affected thereby .

. 4. When a Trade Board have been notified by the Ministry that the, Ministry has made an Order confirming any minimum rate of' wages ,fixed by them, or the cancellation or variation of any such minimum rate; or cQnfirming any direction given by them, or the Holidays with Pay 387

cancellation, variation or amendment of any such direction, they shan~end ,a notice, in such form as may be approved by the M~nistry, annoul:!-cing the making of ,the Order, to all empk~yers engaged in tne trade, or, if the Order applies -to any special branch of the trade Qr to any special area, to ~llemployers engaged in that ibranchof the. trade or engaged in the trade in that sp.e<{ial area, SD far resp'ectively as their names and addresses 'are knDwn to the Trade BDard; and the said notice shall' set DUt partiCl.1lars 'Of the .rate fix,ed, or. 'Of the rate as varied, Dr shall indicate the rate that has been ~ancelled, Dr (as the case may be) shall set Dutparticulars Df the directiQn given Dr of thedirectiDn as.'varied Dr amended Dr shall indicate the direotiDn that has been canceHed, and shall state the date specifiedjn the ~&.' ~

5. (a) Every such occupier as afDresaid shall, Dn receipt Df the nDtIoe mentiDned in,Hegulation 4, of these Regulations, PDSt up aud keep posted. up a sufficient number of true copies thereDf·.in prDminent positions in the pr,emises Dr place indicated in Re'gulatiDn 3 Df these Rf,'lgulatiDns, in such a manner as toO ensure that ,in each case ·the notice shall be brDught toO the knDwledge 'Df all wDrker·s emplDyed by him Dr Dn his premises Dr place who are affected thereby.

('b) Where a nDtice refers toO some priDr nDtice Dr not.ices ~n such manner th3Jt it must, toO be properly understoDd, be read ~n con­ junction with such prior nDtice Dr nDtices, or some part Di' parts thereDf, a sufficient number of true copies of that notice and of the . nDtice Dr nDtices tD which it refers shall be posted up and kept posted up in the manner afDresaid together, so that that nDtice and the notice or notices Dr .part Dr parts thereDf toO which it refers may be read and cDnstrued as Dne nDtice.

. 6. On the maki~g by ·the Ministry Df an Order confirming the cancellation or variation of any minimum . rate· Df wages., Dr the cancellatiDn, variatiDn or amendment of any direction, it shall be lawful foOl' the Trade BDard when issuing a notice 'Of the can­ cellatiDn, variation Dr amendment toO embody the same in a cDnsolidating. notice ina form approved by the Ministry and containing the particulars of the rates Dr directions previously iIi force- which are left unaffected by the cancellation, variation Dr amendment and· indicating clearly, in compliance with Regulation 4 of these Regulations, the cancellations, v3Jriations or amendments thereof or therein, respectively ; and in that case the provisiDns of Regulations 4 and 5 of these Regulations shall apply toO such con­ solidating notice, and the posting up and ·the keeping posted up 'Of such consolidating nDtice shall be deemed to be a compliance with the provisiDns of Regulation .5 of· these RegulatiDns, in substitutiDn for the pDsting up and keeping posted up of the previDus nDtice the rates or directions in which are sa cancelled, varied· or amended. 388 TRADE BOARDS

. 7. Where a notice applies only to a ·special process in the work of the trade or a class of workers in ,the trade or a class 0f workers in a spec~al proooss,an, occupier shaH be under no obligation to post or keep posted ,such notice so long as no workel:sare employed by him or on his premises or place to whom any of the rates or any direction set out'in the notice are applicable:

8. The Interpretation Act, 1921, applies to the interpretation of these Regulations as it applies to the interpre.tation of an Act of the Parliament of Northern Ireland.

9. The Regulations as to the mode of giving notice, dated the 25'thday of April, 1924, made by the Ministry under Section 24 of the Trade Boards AC.t (NOI:thE;lrn,Ireland), 1923, are hereby repealed except in so far as they relate to notices already required to be given or pos'ted up under and by virtue of the Trade ,Boards Act (Northern Ireland), 1923. '

'10. These., Regulations may be cited as the Trade Boards' (Notices) Regulations (Northern Ireland), 1939.

Sealed with the Official Seal of the Ministry of Labour for Northern Ireland this 21st day of February, 1939, in the presence of (L.S.) R. R. Bowman, Assistant Secretary.


1939. No. 43. Whereas by sub-seotion (1) of seotion 2 of :the Holidays'with Pay Act (Northern Ireland), 1938, (hereinafter :refer:red to as " the prin­ cipal Aot "), it is'provided that the power of any Trade Board to fix minimum rates of wages for any workers shall include power to fix separate minimum Tates of wages to' be paid to those workers by way of pay in respe:6t of hOlidays 'and ·that subject to the provisions of any Regul!1tions made under the prjncipal Act reference in the Trade Boards Act (Northern Ireland), 1923, to minimum rates ofwagefl shall be constr:aed -accovdirigly ;' , ,

And whereas by sub-section (1) of seCtion 3 of the principal Act certain provisions of the Trade Boar,ds Act (Northern Ireland), 1923,