Grant Agreement Number: 687458 Project acronym: INLANE Project full title: Low Cost GNSS and Computer Vision Fusion for Accurate Lane Level Naviga- tion and Enhanced Automatic Map Generation D2.1 Sensor Data Fusion Due delivery date: 31/12/2016 Actual delivery date: 30/12/2016 Organization name of lead participant for this deliverable: TCA Project co-funded by the European Commission within Horizon 2020 and managed by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) Dissemination level PU Public x PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the GSA) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the GSA) CO Confidential , only for members of the consortium (including the GSA) Document Control Sheet Deliverable number: D2.1 Deliverable responsible: TeleConsult Austria Workpackage: 2 Editor: Axel Koppert Author(s) – in alphabetical order Name Organisation E-mail Axel Koppert TCA
[email protected] Document Revision History Version Date Modifications Introduced Modification Reason Modified by V0.1 18/11/2016 Table of Contents Axel Koppert V0.2 05/12/2016 Filling the document with content Axel Koppert V0.3 19/12/2016 Internal Review François Fischer V1.0 23/12/2016 First final version after internal review Claudia Fösleitner Abstract This Deliverable is the first release of the Report on the development of the sensor fusion and vision based software modules. The report presents the INLANE sensor-data fusion and GNSS processing approach. This first report release presents the status of the development (tasks 2.1 and 2.5) at M12. Legal Disclaimer The information in this document is provided “as is”, and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose.