Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision Inquiry opened on 22 July 2014 Site visits made on 19 May, 31 July, 1 August and 30 October 2014 by Jessica Graham BA(Hons) PgDipL an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Decision date: 7 January 2015 Appeal Ref: APP/C1435/A/13/2208526 Land off Shepham Lane, North of A27, Polegate, East Sussex BN24 5BT • The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant planning permission. • The appeal is made by Regeneco Ltd against the decision of Wealden District Council. • The application Ref WD/2013/0346/MEA, dated 18 February 2013, was refused by notice dated 9 May 2013. • The development proposed is the erection of three wind turbines; onsite access tracks; temporary site access from the A27; site access from Hailsham Road; one site sub station and control building, and onsite underground cabling. Decision 1. The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for the erection of three wind turbines; onsite access tracks; temporary site access from the A27; site access from Hailsham Road; one site substation and control building, and onsite underground cabling on land off Shepham Lane, North of A27, Polegate, East Sussex BN24 5BT in accordance with the terms of the application, Ref WD/2013/0346/MEA, dated 18 February 2013, and subject to the 27 conditions set out in the Schedule attached to this Decision Letter. Procedural matters 2. The proposed development involves the installation of three 115m high wind turbines and associated infrastructure.
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