Lecture Notes on C∗-Algebras, Hilbert C∗-modules, and Quantum Mechanics Draft: 8 April 1998 N.P. Landsman Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, University of Amsterdam, Plantage Muidergracht 24, 1018 TV AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS email:
[email protected] homepage: http://turing.wins.uva.nl/∼npl/ telephone: 020-5256282 office: Euclides 218a arXiv:math-ph/9807030v1 24 Jul 1998 2 CONTENTS 3 Contents 1 Historical notes 5 1.1 Origins in functional analysis and quantum mechanics . .............. 5 1.2 Ringsofoperators(von Neumannalgebras) . .......... 5 1.3 Reduction of unitary group representations . ............ 6 1.4 Theclassificationoffactors . ........ 8 1.5 C∗-algebras........................................ 11 2 Elementary theory of C∗-algebras 12 2.1 Basicdefinitions ................................. .... 12 2.2 Banachalgebrabasics ............................. ..... 15 2.3 CommutativeBanachalgebras . ...... 20 2.4 Commutative C∗-algebras................................ 25 2.5 Spectrumandfunctionalcalculus . ......... 28 2.6 Positivity in C∗-algebras................................. 30 2.7 Ideals in C∗-algebras................................... 32 2.8 States .......................................... 35 2.9 Representations and the GNS-construction . ........... 38 2.10 TheGel’fand-Neumarktheorem. ........ 40 2.11 Completepositivity. ....... 40 2.12 Pure states and irreducible representations . ............... 44 2.13 The C∗-algebraofcompactoperators. 47 2.14 Thedoublecommutanttheorem . ...... 54 3 Hilbert C∗-modules and induced representations