A Generalization of Mackey’s Theory of Induced Representations Jaros law Wawrzycki ∗ Institute of Nuclear Physics of PAS, ul. Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Krak´ow, Poland July 26, 2019 Abstract In this work we extend the Mackey’s theory of induced unitary repre- sentations on a wide class of Krein-isometric induced representations in Krein spaces. The subgroup theorem and the Kronecker product theo- rem are shown to be valid for the induced representations of this class. Among the class of representations which are subsumed by this extension there are all the representations acting in the single particle Krein-Hilbert space and in Fock-Krein spaces of the mass less gauge free fields underling the Standard Model in the local gauge BRST formalutaion, e. g. of the electromagnetic potential field. Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Preliminaries 3 arXiv:1504.02273v2 [math-ph] 25 Jul 2019 3 Definition of the induced representation U L in Krein space ( L, JL) 7 H 4 Certain dense subspaces of L 20 H 5Lopusza´nski representation as an induced representation 27 6 Kronecker product of induced representations in Krein spaces 35 7 Subgroup theoremin Kreinspaces. Preliminaries 45 ∗Electronic address:
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[email protected] 1 8 Decomposition(disintegration)ofmeasures 51 9 SubgrouptheoreminKreinspaces 69 10KroneckerproducttheoreminKreinspaces 84 11 Krein-isometric representations induced by decomposable Krein- unitary representations 88 1 Introduction In this work we present a generalization of Mackey’s theory of induced unitary representations. The generalization lies in extension of Mackey’s theory on a wide class of Krein isometric representations of a separable topological group in Krein spaces, which are induced by Krein-unitary representations of the closed subgroup.