Dr, CHARLES W. WALKER, M.C. Ornithological Club No. 1 Vol. 3


President: - DR. C. \iV. WALKER, M.C.


Chairman: ­ T. R. AMMONDS

Hon. Treasurer:­ B. C. ALLAN

Hon. Editor:- T. R. H. OWEN, C.B.E.

Hon. Secretary:­ R. H. BAILLIE

Recorder: ­ A. J. SMITH



1. NAME. The Club shJall be called the Herefordshire Ornithological Club. 2. OBJECTS. The objects of 1Jhe Club shall be (a) to further the study of birds in the field, and (b) to assist in their preservation. 3. MEM'BERSHIP. The Club shall consist of a President, a Chairman, a Secretary, a Field Secretary" a Treasurer, an Editor, a Recorder, and Ten Committee Members and Ordinary Members. The President and the Chairman to retire after serving a term of three years. The Secretaries, the Treasurer, the Recorder and the Editor shall be elected annually. The three senior of the ten Ordinary Members of the Com­ mittee ,Shall retire annually and they shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of 12 months. The Officers and Ordinary Members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and the Officers shall be eHgrble for re-election. Nominations for the Commit­ tee must be received in writing by the Hon. Secretary by March 31st. 4. OONDmONS OF MEMBERSHIP. Members shall be required to support and keep the provisions of the Protection of Birds Act, 1954. Any members failing to support and keep this law shall be required to resign. Members' may not divulge to unauthorised persons, (e.g. known collectors of skins and/or eggs) information in a manner likely to be detrimental to tihe objects of the Club. 5. SUBSCRIPTIONS. (a) Ordinary Members: 18 years of age or over 75 pence, payable on January 1st or on election to membership. Any additional members of a household after the first, 50 pence; such members receiving all privileges of full membership. Junior Members (under 18 but over 12 years of age), 37 pence per annum, payable as above. Corporate Members: Kindred bodies, Schools, etc.: Subscription one pound and 5 pence per annum. Honorary Members: As approved by the majority present at the Annual General Meeting. (b) All subscriptions" subsequent to those paid on admission, shall be due on Jan. 1st each year. Where a member has been elected on or after 1st September in any year, there will be no further liability to suibscrilbe in the year immediately following that of his or her election. Any Member whose subscription is six months in arrears shall cease to receive the Club's publications and, should the subscr~ption not be paid by December 311st, his or her name shaH be deleted from vhe list of Members. 6. MANAGEMENT. The Secretary shaH keep Minutes of the meetings and prepare such literature as shall keep Members informed of the Club's activities. 7. MEETINGS shall be held as outen as deemed desirable at the discretion od' the Officers. 8. REPORT. There shaH be an Editorial Committee of at leas!( three Members including the Secretary, appointed at an ordinary Committee Meeting. These Slhall prepare and present an Annual Report and such special reports as may be decided upon. 9. ALTERATION OF RULES. An alteration of the Rules mav be made only if proposed at one meeting, printed on t:he agenda for the following meeting, and passed by a two-thirds majority of those present. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 3

EDITORIAL NOTE The frontispiece to this Report is a photograph of our Presi­ dent, Dr. C. W. Walker, M.C. On April 22nd, 1950, Doctor and Mrs. Walker invited a few kindred souls to a meeting at their house, and at that meeting it was decided to form a Bird Club. The late Captain Gilbert was elected President, Dr. Wa'lker Chairman, and C. J. Brecknell Secretary, and it was proposed to limit the Club to 25 members (ladies were graciously admitted to membership!). The first field meeting was at Dinmore Manor, on May 7th, 1950, and at a further meeting on September 16th it was decided to abolish the limitation on numbers. The first "A.G.M." was held on November 4th and 38 applications to join were received. That is how our Club was founded, which has now lived for 21 years and has nearly 450 members. Dr. Walker is therefore not only our President, but our virtual founder, and the inspiration and leader throughout of all that stimulates interest in and con­ servation of our Herefordshire and Radnorshire birds. All enjoy his talks; all seek his counsel and knowledge; and our Club, now 'of age,' owes him appreciation, affection and thanks.

The Club has suffered two sad losses. The one is G. C. S. Ingram. Though blinded in one eye in the first World War, he was a distinguished ornithologist, was an M.B.O.D., and with Colonel Morrey Salmon wrote up a number of Welsh county records. The other is Ben Price, also an Honorary Member of the Club, great character as he was, and game-keeper with a knowledge and love of birds which should be an example to all keepers.

The winter of 1970-1971 was a mild one. The adverse clim­ atic factor was June, whose unrivalled wetness and chill must have been very bad for ground nesters and purely insectivorous birds. Thus Pheasants, which hatch early, have done fairly well; Partridge, which hatoo in June, badly. Swifts and Swallows, insect eaters, bred badly; and the effect on most migrants remains to be seen. Fluctuations are often hard to follow. Why is the Whitethroat stilI down while the Lesser Whitethroat seems up to scratch? Why the Redstart down again while the Pied Flycatcher (at least 4 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 in boxes) is up? The Sand Martin is another failure of uncertain cause. Sometimes, however, the reasons are plain; both Tawny and Barn Owls grow scarcer thanks to speed on the road, poisons and the craze for felling any old timber. Elm disease, which must ultimately be a disaster for all birds depending on trees, has tem­ porarily benefited at least the Woodpeckers. On the other hand Sparrow-Hawks are still on the up-grade. Black-game and Corncrake are tentative re-entrants to the scene. The Corn Bunting seems to have re-established itself; and the resurgence of the Kingfisher is a pleasure, as is the increase in Heron population. As to "scalps," the only first records are Bar-tailed God­ wit and Firecrest for Radnor. But sightings of scarce birds are in good number-Harriers (four times), Osprey, Rough-legged Buzzard (admittedly an escape), Kite, Knot, Hoopoe, Red-backed and Great Grey Shrikes, Golden Oriole and Wryneck. Anything that leads to understanding or appreciation of birds is welcome, and our thanks go to all who have added to our records, together with a plea never to hesitate to send in observa­ tions, however simple. Many such simple observations, like many plain bricks, go to the building of the house of our knowledge and enjoyment.

FIELD MEETINGS 1971 were held at Aymestrey; Dinham Bridge, Ludlow; Wigmore Abbey; Portway Hotel, Staunton-on­ Wye; Haugh Wood (4); Moelienydd; Cherry Hill Nature Reserve, Fownhope; Milebrook, Knighton; Dinmore; Waun Marteg; Gil­ wern Dingle; Blaen Olchon; Radnor Forest; Croft Castle; Hind­ well Pool area; and a week-end outing to Cley, Norfolk.

INDOOR MEETINGS, all held at the Percival Hall, St. Owen's Street, , included-Peter McDougall, "A Ringing Expedition to the Camal1gue"; Members' Meeting; Nest-box Scheme and AlIas Project resumes; Dr. K. H. Southall's colour films of Tobago and Trinidad; Annual General Meeting and RSPB film "Snowy Owls in Shetland"; Dr. C. D. T. Minton, "Waders of the Wash"; Malcolm A. Ogilvie, "The Pink-footed Geese of Iceland and Britain, a threatened Species." In addition the Club arranged for the RSPB to show their fine films "The Winged Aristocrats of the Air" and "Birds of the Grey Wind" at Hereford Town Hall on December 10th.

MEMBERSHIP has again risen and now stands at 446. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 5

PUBLICATIONS. Copies of "Herefordshire Birds" (1954) by captain H. A. Gilbert and Dr. C. W. Walker, "Birds of Rad­ norshire" (1955) by G. C. S. Ingram and Colonel H. Morrey Salmon, and the majority of the Club's previous annual Reports may be obtained from the Secretary at 221 pence a copy, whibh includes postage. The FINANCIAL POSITION of the Club remains satisfac­ tory, and a summary can be found towards the end of this Report. The RHAYADER COUNTY SECONDARY SCHOOL have again sent in, through their Headmaster Mr. T. E. TyIer, an ad­ mirable list of birds identified by pupils within the School boun­ daries or in the neighbourhood. The list comprises well over 50 species and includes Merlin, Pied Flycatcher, Nightjar and Kite. Our THANKS are due once again to the Editorial Com­ mittee, Dr. Walker, the Secretary, Colonel Morrey Salmon and Mr. Hinde for their assistance and counsel, and to all contributors whose notes go to the making of this Report. T.R.H.O.

THE NEST-BOX SCHEME, 1971 This Scheme of our County Nature Trust now comprises approximately 1,100 nest-boxes on 45 sites in Herefordshire and Radnorshire woodlands. Our thanks are due to the owners of those woodlands for their co-operation and interest, and to the 45 good folk who maintain and record the boxes. Exactly 60 per cent of the nest-boxes were occupied. There were some losses due to the heavy rains of June, and predation by Wood-mice was again in evidence. Unfortunately the worst mouse predation was in two of our best Pied Flycatcher sites, at opposite ends of Herefordshire. Various experiments are being made to combat damage by mice. lit is pleasant to record that Pied Flycatcher nests rose from 104 in 1970 to 133 in 1971, only 12 nests behind the record year of 1969. RedstaI't nests were fewer; this species continues to show a fall in numbers, as did most summer migrants according to the British Trust for Ornithology's Common Bird Census for 1970. There were more nests of Great, Blue and Coal Tits, and Marsh Tits just held their own at 10 nests. No Treecreeper nest was re­ ported, but the Wren is making increasing use of the boxes. Ringing of fledglings and some adults was carried out by Messrs. Baillie and WaIters, Dr. Boddington and Mr. Chris Mead from the Ringing Section of the British Trust for Ornithology. We much appreciate Mr. Mead's membership of our County Trust. There are many interesting ringing records; space permits only two to be given here:- 6 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

1. In 1968 Mr. James Murray had a female Pied Flycatcher in a box near , on the extreme east of the species' local range. She was ringed, and returned to the same box in 1969. In 1970 it was not known where she went, but this spring she was back in the same Ledbury box, thus showing a consistent ability to fly 4,500 miles to her winter quarters in Africa and to return to, literally, the same six inches of ground. 2. In May 1966 Dr. Boddington ringed a female Great Tit in a nest-box at . The bird has nested in the same gar­ den ever since, six years in all; an example of a very resident bird of a species which normally moves little. In all, a relatively successful breeding season, ending with information gained from a number of our nest-box sites being used in a Natural History broadcast on BBC 4 in July. J. L. F.

THE ORNImOLOGICAL ATLAS OF BRITAIN AND ffiELAND - Fourth Season It is satisfactory to report considerable progress in both Counties during the fourth year of the Atlas project. The extent of coverage in Radnorshire is particularly pleasing, and it is perhaps a little sJtrange, in view of the distribution of bird­ watchers, that there remain many more gaps in the Herefordshire record. The national organizer, Dr. Sharrock, reports. phenomenal progress in those parts of Scotland and Ireland which remain under-covered. There are now only 30 blank squares (out of 3,860 in Britain and Ireland) and only 430 squares have fewer than 70% of the species found which regional organizers estima'te are probably breeding. Most squares have already exceeded the 90% level. The summer of 1972 is the last breeding season of field-work. and continued support from all who have contributed records is essential to ensure satisfactory coverage. My thanks are again due to the few stalwarts who have contributed so much to local success, and I include with equal gratitude the modest bird­ watchers who diffidently produce the occasional offering. Every single record is valuable. especially at this late stage. A.I.S. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 7

Squar.e AREA Number of Birds Proved Information particularly required 00- Prefix SO Recorded Breeding 05 Builth Wells 86 76 Teal, Merlin, Partridge, Collared Dove, Nigihtjar, Sand Martin, Grasshopper WaIibler, Lesser Whitethroat. 06 L1andrindod Mute Swan, Merlin, Water Rail, Redshank, Wells 85 77 Black-H GuU, Woodlark, Ring Ousel, Hawfinch. 07 Abbeycwmhir 77 73 Collared Dove, Long-eared Owl, Grass­ hopper Wal'bler. 14 Painscastle 72 88 Pocl1ard, Golden Plover, Redshank. 15 Glascwm 76 72 Teal, Tufted Duck, RedSlhank. 16 I>olau 77 75 Sparrowhawk, Water Rail. 17 L1anbister 80 75 Teal, Sparrowhawk, Short-eared Owl. 2i4 Hay-on-Wye 79 68 Teal, Pochard, Snipe, Common Sandpiper, Collared Dove, Little OWl, Whinchat, Redpoll, Grey Wagtail. 25 Gladestry 71 65 Kestrel, Red Grouse, Woodcock, Kingfisher, Dipper. 26 Evenjobb 66 6J Kestrel, Partridge., Collared Dove, Sand Martin, Willow Tit, Sedge WaIibler" Redpoll, Grey WagtaiL 33 Vowchuroh 63 56 Kestrel, Sparrowthawk, Red-Legged Partridge, Curlew, Turtle and Collared Dove, Lesser Sp. Woodpecker, Dipper, Wheatear. 34 Moccas 77 72 Mute Swan, Kestrel, Woodcock, Common Sandpiper, Collared Dove, Dipper, Meadow Pipit, Redpoll. 35 Lyonshall 70 67 Sparrowhawk, Turtle Dove, Raven. 36 KinSlham 90 89 Crossbill. 42 Garway 73 65 Sparrowhawk, Red-Legged Partridge, Coot, Woodcock, Barn Owl, Little Owl, Raven. 43 Kingstone 77 71 Little Grebe, Collared Dove, Grasshopper Warbler, Yellow Wagtail. 44 Credenhill 80 74 Barn Owl, Kingfisher, Raven, Wheatear, Meadow Pitpit. 45 Monkland 82 71 Canada Goose, Sparrowhawk, Water Rail, Coot, Turtle Dove, Barn Owl, Raven, Whinchat, Grasshopper W. 46 Kingsland 87 84 Barn Owl, Grasshopper Warbler, Hawfinch. 51 Monmouth 75 64 Buzzard, CUrlew, Collared Dove, Little Owl, Kingfisher, Raven, Wheatear, Whin­ chat, YelloW' Wagtail, Cros'sbill. 52 Peterstow 71 66 Canada Goose, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, CurIew, Collared Dove, Grasshopper Warbler, Meadow Pipit. 53 Fownhope 82 74 Buzzard, Coot, Snipe, Barn Owl, Nightingale, Meadow Pipit. 54 Marden 72 69 Buzzard, Common Sandpiper, Long-Eared Owl, Meadow Pipit. 8 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 197'1

Square AREA Number of Birds Proved Information particularly required on- Prefix SO Recorded Breeding 55 Bodenham 67 64 Woodcock, Kingfisher, Lesser S1'atled Woodpecker, Wheatear. Brimfield 61 Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Turtle & Collared Dove, Barn Ow.l, Green Woodpecker, Lesser Sp. Woodpecker, WiLlow Tit. 62 Linton 63 58 Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Collared Dove, Lesser 801'. Woodpecker, Willow Tit, Red­ start, GrMshopper Warbler, Tree Pipit. 63 Sollers Hope 67 61 Little Grebe, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Woodcock, Collared Dove, Lesser Sp. Woodpecker, Sand Martin, Willow Tit, Sedge Wavbler. 64 Canon Frome 70 68 Collared Dove, Lesser Sp. Woodpecker, GraSSlhopper Warbler, RedpoIl. 65 Bromyard 70 59 Tufted Duck, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Kes'trel, Collared Dove, Lesser S1'. Wood­ pecker, Willow Tit, Nuthatch, Dipper, Wood Warbler. 73 Ledlb-ury 77 69 Sparrowhawk, Coat, Collared Dove, Barn Owl, KinJrlisher, Sand Martin, Stonoohat, Ni.ghtingale, Yellow Wagtail. 74 Malvern 87 70 Gt. Crested and Little Grebe, Tufted Duck, Pochard, Mute Swan, Buzzard, Sparrow­ hawk, Snipe, Woodcock, Barn Owl, King­ fisher, Whinchat, Willow Tit, Nightingale, Sedge Warbler, Redpoll.


Dr. WILLIAMS' EGG COLLECTION Dudng the year the manuscl1ipt da1ta of the egg-colleotion of the late Dr. Williams of Kingsland was handed over to the Club by his grandson. Dr. WiHiams was active locally during the years 1885 to 1918. The list is most useful in making comparisons and writing up notes on any particular species (see 'Herefordshire Birds', by Dr. C. W. Walker, 1954). The practice of egg-collecting is today rightly regarded as illegal and can carry severe penalties. Anyone who gets informa­ tion regarding such activity should immediately inform an Orni­ thological Club. But do not condemn the collectors of 70 or more years ago out of hand. They usually operated locally, with limited mobility. They gathered some scientific knowledge. and did not have present-day aids such as prismatic glasses. the camera and the tape-recorder. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 9

Their practice was much the same as in other forms of col­ lecting. They exchanged surplus sets of eggs of anyone species with other collectors. As Dr. Williams made a note of the origin of all his speci­ mens, one can determine what species were present in an area and therefore wha't has been the loss or gain of breeding birds during the intervening years. On the credit side are Raven, Buzzard, Little Owl, Tufted Duck, Canada Goose and Collared Dove. On the debit side are Red-backed Shrike, Nightjar, Corncrake, Hawfinch and Cid Bunting, which were all common; Wheatear and Long-eared Owl fairly common, and Stonechat very local. He listed 89 species locally. The present Atlas total for this area for 1970 is 90. Three species which were known to be present he did not obtain locally (see 'Herefordshire Birds'). Either the nests were difficult to find (Woodlark and Water-Rail), or, like Great Crested Grebe, difficult to get to owing to the presence of game-keepers. The Willow-Tit was not recognised as a separate British speoies until 1900. Some of the clutches of Marsh Tit may have been Willow. From the list we get the information that the Heronry was at Berrington (see annual reports) and the Reed-Warblers at Shobdon, 28 of whose nests he or his confederates robbed. This demonstrates the species' loyalty to its chosen habitat over the years. Another interesting fact whioh emerges is the relative status of the Cuckoo. Dr. Williams had in his collection 23 species of fosterers in whose nest the egg of ,the Cuckoo had been found. Today only some five species are commonly parasi,tised in this locality. Does it indicate the decline of the Cuckoo numerically, or decline of the species, or change of habit? Dr. Williams disposed of his collection during his latter days. Country boys will continue to go looking for birds' nests as we did in our youth, but not I trust with the object of taking the eggs. Members would be doing a service if they used their influence to point out to aH the young the very great harm that can be done by disturbance alone. Far better to learn to identify the song and the bird. It is a good rule never to handle a nest. One trusts the next century will see no greater change than the last! T. R. A. 10 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

HORS D'OEUVRES Joint Households 1. An old walnut at Lulham, 60 yards from the back door, held a Stockdove's nest in the attic, a Kestrel's on the first floor, and a Tom Tit's on the ground floor in a nest-box. All reared broods (TRHO). 2. David Thomas, of Rhayader Secondary School, records two pigeons brooding on the same nest, though with only two eggs. The squabs hatched and flew.

The best Pesticide In October Mr. Pickford, Head Forester of Garnons, watched a pigeon drink at a road pool. He had not seen the Buzzard in a tree 30 yards away. He never knew a Buzzard could move so fast until it left the tree like a streak of lightning, was on the pigeon from behind, and carried it off.

Unusual Clothing 1. A Buzzard, one of a number seen by EG north-west of the Elan Valley Hotel, was a pure albino. A similar bird, in the same locality, was noted on 28.3.61. 2. A pure white Pheasant was recorded at Summer Court, LyonshaU, during the 1970-1971 winter (R. S. Wright). 3. A white Swallow, believed an albino, was noted near Rhayader by David Thomas of Rhayader School. 4. Around Hereford PGRB notes no less than four pied Blackbirds, with an assortment of white wing-bars, rumps or crowns. 5. At Gro Hill, on May 2nd, EG noted a pure white cock Pied Flycatcher (just over the Brecon border). 6. At Ledbury, April 13th, DEMB noted a repulsive bald­ headed Robin, a sort of Christmas Card vulture.

Corvine Theft 1. In 1969 Parson and Air Commodore were playing golf at Kington. At the 17th hole the former had made a 250 yard drive, when down swooped a Raven and in defiance of the VIIIth Commandment carried off the clerical ball. In autumn 1971 Parson and Sailor were playing at the 4th hole (near the 17th) when the same (?) Raven again dive-bombed and carried off the nautical ball. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 11

2. At Brilley WL-S noted the resident pair of Magpies pick­ ing up poultry corn from actually under the somnolent body of a Muscovy drake, who paid no attention at all to the larceny.

Sparrow-Hawk Incidents 1. At Lulham, December 15th, TRHO was feeding the birds at dawn, from the front door. A hen Sparrow-Hawk, having con­ cealed herself in honeysuckle not ten feet from him, came down like a streak and carried off a Sparrow under his nose. 2. Another, at Dilwyn, was seen to swoop upon Tits actually on the bird-table (WHDW). 3. At Brilley a Sparrow-Hawk was observed to take a Mistle Thrush fledgling, but the parents made such vicious attacks as to force him to abandon it. There can be few more pugnacious birds than the Mistle Thrush (WL-S). 4. At Ivington, in July, a Sparrow-Hawk was twice seen taking young Swallows on the wing (MLB-T). 5. At Eywood RHB watched a Hawk mobbing a Buzzard, usually a Crow's job; and at King's Acre ARM viewed one soar­ ing; while at Kinnerton JLF watched one soar to an immense height and make a stoop 'worthy of a Peregrine.'

Blue Tit Behaviour 1. In Hereford ATGG noted a pair beginning nesting preparations in a nest-box on the optimistic date of December 3rd. 2. WGK records a pair of Blue Tits nesting in a box, pro­ ducing 11 young successfully, starting again in a fortnight, and bringing off 10.

Amazonian Pheasant On July 29th at Eywood RHB was walking near the edge of bracken when a hen Pheasant jumped off her nest, with 10 eggs, hissed and swore, raised wings and fluffed out feathers. He tried to calm her, but she followed on and attempted to attack both car and driver. He had to walk on, still followed and be­ rated, till she finally returned to the bracken and allowed a safe get-away. 12 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971


CANADA GOOSE. From Shropshire Bird Report 1970 - " Juvenile. ringed at Shavington on 30.6.68. recovered at Burrington (40 miles) 5.12.70."

MUTE SWAN One found dead at Eywood in October had been ringed at Llangorse. Brecon. as an adult. by JLSC, on 2.7.63 (38 miles).

SNIPE A bird picked up near Llandrindod on 31.12.71 had been ringed with a Riks Museum. Stockholm ring. The details are not yet to hand.

WOODCOCK One shot at Sarnesfield on 22.12.70 had been ringed as a nestling at Svalshulla. Narpes (Vaasa). Finland on 2.8.68.

BARN OWL One killed by a car at Newbridge on 18.2.71. had been ringed by RSPB Warden John Humphrey. at Rhandirmwyn on 20.7.70.

PIED FLYCATCHER 1. A female in a nest-box in Mow1ey Wood. 29.5.71, had been ringed by CJM at Sarnesfield. 6 miles away (date not yet certain). 2. A nestling. female. ringed at Mowley Wood on 11.6.70, was retaken in a box at Badnage Wood. 11 miles away. by CJM on 31.5.71.

See also the note on the Nest-Box Scheme by J.L.P. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 13

CLASSIFIED NOTES The serial numbers, nomenclature and order used are those used in Vhe "Checklist of Birds of Great Britain and Ireland" published by the British Ornithologists' Union in 1952. Paragraphs prefixed Hand R refer to Herefordshire and Radnorshire respec­ tively.

5. GREAT CRESTED GREBE. H. EYWOOD. Jan. 25th, a pair first seen, and a third bird on Feb. 15th (RHB). Feb. 18th, a pair carrying nesting material (RHB). Numbers rose to 6 on March 8th; 9 on 10th; and on 22nd three pairs certain. April 22nd, a pair carrying 3/4 chicks, but with only two on May 4th, and a second pair with at least one; and on 16th a third pair with at least one. May 22nd, the three pairs had 2, 2 and 3 chicks (RHB). July 10th, only 4 surviving young counted (RLV). Aug. 16th, a pair with 3 chicks seen (second brood?), and only two pairs of adults (RHB). Nov. 24th, one adult and two juveniles; and Dec. 29th, a single (RHB). SHOBDON DECOY POOL. One juvenile on July 13th (RM), and on 27th a pair with young still on back (CWW). R. LLAN BWCH-LLYN. Jan. 16th, one (AGF and MAR), and Feb. 21st, two pairs (JLF); Oct. 2nd, 6, all apparently adult, and Nov. 22nd, 4, two seemingly juvenile (JLF). GLAN-LLYN. March 21st, one (ROBG)-first record for this pool; April 17th and 25th, a pair displaying (EG). May 2nd, first nest unsuccessful, a repeat nest with bird sitting on 22nd (EG); 30th, bird sitting (ROBG); June 20th, birds rais­ ing level of nest to meet rising waters (ROBG). CRAIG-YR-ALLT-GOCH. May 27th, a pair (J. M. R. Garnett), also, 30th (ROBG); June 20th, two still there (ROBG). LLYN GWYN. May 2nd, a pair spent a week, displaying (DJLS).

9. LIlTLE GREBE. H. EYWOOD. Feb. 22nd, one (RHB); April 29th, a pair, and May 4th, very noisy; Nov. 24th, one (RHB). Elsewhere: Feb. 4th, Hereford Wye, one (PGRB); 16th, Lulham Wye, one (TRHO); Criftin Ford Bridge, one (Club outing); 25th, Clifford Wye, one, and Hereford Wye, one (CWW); June 20th, Belmont quarry, one (PGRB); Oct. 31 st, Canwood Knoll, one (BEM); Nov. 5th, Holme Lacy Wye, 5 (JLF), after a seven year absence; Dec. 1st, one (ROBG); Feb. 8th, Hindwell, one (ROBG). 14 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

R. Jan. 10th, Glan-llyn, one (ROBG); Feb. 8th, Hindwell, one (ROBG); 21st, Llan Bwch-llyn, two and Nov. 22nd, two OLF); Llyn Hilyn, Feb. 27th, one, and Mar. 21st, 4 (ROBG); April 3rd, 5; May 23rd, 4; July 7th, 6(ROBG); Aug. 16th, 4 (CWW); act. 9th, 9 (ROBG); 29th, 7 (JLF); Nov. 20th, two (ROBG).

28. CORMORANT. H. Jan. 9th, Hampton Bishop, one (JLF); 10th, Castleton, two (NWW); 24th, Leintwardine, two (MB); 25th, Hereford, one (PGRB); Feb. 6th, Leintwardine, one (JLF); 13th, Criftin Ford, one (Club Outing); 28th, Hereford, 3 (PORB); March 28th, Criftin Ford, one in tree (JLF); April 9th, Breinton, one (ARM); Dec. 25th, Ballingham, 15 (BEM) in poplars on island. R. March 21st, Garreg-ddu, one (ROBG); Nov. 1st. Caban Coch, one (JLF). (Unusually small numbers.-Ed.).

30. HERON. H. Jan. 2nd, Stretton Sugwas, one (JLF); Feb. 2nd, Leach Pool, 16 (CWW). BERRINGTON HERONRY April 21st, 74 nests in 14 oaks in main Heronry, and 17 nests in 6 oaks, one in beech and one in elm 'annexes'; 91 in all. In main Heronry 4 dead young found. Comparative figures are-1950, 50 nests; 1960, 58; 1964 and 1965, 18; 1969, 53; 1970, 63 (RHB and GSTD). LEACH POOL HERONRY. April 27th, at least 4 occupied nests (CWW). Elsewhere recorded - Welsh Newton Common, several times (FMP); Lyepole Lugg and Llancillo Monnow, several seen on various dates (TRHO); Letton, April 27th, one-but no nest (CWW), and Dec. 6th, 3 (WL-S); Brilley, Aug.-Sept.. one fishing brook (WL-S); Nov. 20th, Leintwardine, 5 (JLF). R. PENYBONT HERONRY. March 13th, 12, and on 19th three nests completed, but observer later doubts if young reared (CW). CEFNDYRYS HERONRY, April 25th. 18 nests in Scots firs (TRA). Elsewhere recorded-Feb. 27th, Penybont Common, two hunting frogs (ROBG); 28th. Dol-y-Mynach. two (ROBG); Glan-llyn, one, constantly dive-bombed by gulls (ROBG), and March 21st, 4; May 22nd, Llandrindod. one (ROBG); 23rd. Llyn Hilyn, one (ROBG); July 10th. Moelienydd, two (JLF); October 9th, Penybont Common, 5; Dol-y-mynach, 3; Pen-y­ Garreg, one; Nov. 7th. Craig-yr-allt-goch, one; G1an-llyn, Dol-y-mynach, Llyn Hilyn, one each (ROBG). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 15

45. MALLARD. H. Many minor records. Some worth men­ tioning are-April 9th, Eywood, a duck with 5 ducklings, and 22nd, a pair with a large brood (RHB); April, Hergest Arrow. a nest of 12. later destroyed (CJP); Oct. 31st, Canwood Hill, c.200 (BEM); Nov. 14th, Hereford Wye. c.20 (pGRB); Dec. 16th. Huntington. c.40 (ARM); 27th. Lulham Wye, c.40 CTRHO). R. Jan. 9th, Hindwell, 18 drakes and 20 ducks (ROBG); 10th, Glan-llyn, 23 (ROBG); 16th, L1an Bwch-llyn, 11 (AGF and MAR); Feb. 8th. Glan-llyn. 25 drakes and 16 ducks (ROBG); May 30th, Glan-llyn, 41; June 20th, 59 and Nov. 20th, 33 (ROBG); Aug. 13th. Penybont, c.40 (CW); 17th. Moelienydd. 94 (lLF); 30th, Craig-yr-allt-goch, 300 + (ROBG); Sept. 1st, Llanbister bridge. 100 + (EEC); Nov. 1st. river Elan, two diving and remaining under for 8 seconds (JLF); 4th, Glan-llyn, 240 + (P. E. Davies).

46. TEAL. H. Feb. 6th. Wigmore, c. 20 (JLF); 21st, Eywood. c. 12 (RHB); March 21st, Eaton Bishop, two on Warlow Pool (TRHO); 30th, Preston-on-Wye, 12 (TRHO); April4th, Eywood, two pairs (NJM), and May 22nd, a pair (RHB); Oct. 1st, Hampton Bishop, 12 (lLF); Dec. 18th, Leintwar­ dine, 6 (lLF). R. Jan. 2nd, Evenjobb, c.50 (lLF); 9th, Crossgates, 10 (ROBG); Feb. 27th, Llandrindod, 3; Penybont 18, and the lake, two (ROBG); March 21st, Glan-llyn, c. 20 (ROBG); May 22nd, Glan-llyn, several pairs (EG); 30th, Rhulen Mawn pools, one with 5 young (TRA); Aug. 17th, Moelienydd, 12 (lLF); Llanwefr, 4 (CW); 30th, Hindwell, 47, and Craig-yr­ allt-goch), 50 + (ROBG); Oct. 30th, MoeIienydd, 30 (A. Crump); Nov. 6th, Penybont, 6 (CW); 20th, Llyn Hilyn and Glan llyn, two each (ROBG); Dec. 5th, Rhiw Pool, 20 (TRA).

49. GADWALL. No records.

50. WIGEON. H. Jan. 10th, Castleton, c.lOO (NWW); Feb. 5th, Eywood, 4 (RHB); 6th, Criftin Ford, 12 (JLF); 10th, Lower Castleton, 20 (CWW); 11 th, Lulham Wye, c. 20, and Warlow Pool, c.50 (TRHO); 13th, Criftin Ford, c. 100 (Club Outing); March 1st, Criftin Ford, c.70 (JLF); Nov. 20th, Leintwardine, 13, and Dec. 18th, 9 (JLF). R. Feb. 27th, Llandrindod Lake, 4 (ROBG).

52. PINTAIL. H. Feb. ]st, Staunton-on-Wye, one shot, with 6 Wigeon (per TRHO). 16 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

53. SHOVELER. R. Aug. 18th, Moelienydd, one present two days (JLF).

55. SCAUP. R. March 7th, Glan-llyn, a male (EG). (Second record for Radnorshire.-Ed.)

56. TUFTED DUCK. H. EYWOOD. Jan. 27th, 8; Feb. 8th, 22 (RHB); 9th, 26 CCWW and RHB); March 4, 15, and 16th, c. 20 (RHB); 22nd, two pairs (RHB); May 10th, 5 drakes and a duck (RHB); Dec. 29th, mixed with Pochard, 28 in all (RHB). Other records: Feb. 11th. Lulham Wye. 3 (TRHO); March 21st, Warlow Pool, 10 (TRHO); April 23rd, Bromyard, two pairs at Collington (TRHO); 27th, Leach Pool, 4 pairs, and Letton, two pairs (CWW); Dec. 19th, Shobdon. one (BEM). R. HINDWELL. Jan. 2nd, 12 CJLF); 9th, 7 (PWH); Feb. 27th, 3 drakes (ROBG); March 21st. one drake (ROBG); April 25th, two drakes and again May 9th (ROBG);

57. POCHARD. H. EYWOOD. Jan. 27th, 10 (RHB); Feb. 8th. 13, and 9th, 18 (RHB and CWW); March 9th, 10 (RHB), and 16th. a pair, and 28th, two pairs, and April 1st. a drake; 4th, 3 (CJP and NJM). Other records: March 21st. Warlow Pool, a pair (TRHO); 26th, Shobdon, 2 (CWW). R. HINDWELL. Jan. 2nd, 14 (JLF); 9th, 11 (PWH); Feb. 27th, one drake and 3 ducks (ROBG); Nov. 6th. 7. and 21st. two (ROBG). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 17

Other records: Jan. 10th, Garreg-ddu, 5, and Dol-y-mynach, 4 (ROBG); 16th, Llan Bwch-llyn, 5 (AGF and MAR); Feb. 8th, Llyn Hilyn, 3 (ROBG); 21st, 7 (JLF); 28th, Glan llyn, a pair, and again March 21st (ROBG); Llyn Hilyn, 3 ducks (ROBG); April 4th, Glan llyn, a drake (ROBG); July 21st, Llyn Hilyn, two (JLF) and again Aug. 26th (EEG); Ckl. 2nd, Llan Bwch-llyn, 21 (JLF); Nov. 7th, Dol-y-mynach, two, and again 20th (ROBG); 22nd, Llan Bwch-llyn, 72 OLF); Dec. 9th, Llyn Hilyn, 9 (ROBG).

60. GOLDEN-EYE. H. Jan. 9th, Hampton Bishop, 14, and Feb. 3rd, 3 (JLF); 10th, Castleton, two pairs

70. GOOSANDER. H. EYWOOD and FLINTSHAM: Feb. 13th. a pair (RHB and CJP); 22nd, a pair (RHB); March 9th, 3 drakes and two ducks; 12th, a pair; 16th, a pair plus a drake (RHB); 22nd, an adult pair and a first year bird; 24th. 3 drakes and a duck; 25th, one adult and one first year drake and one duck; 28th, a pair (RHB); 26th, 5 (SWM); April 1st, one first year (RHB). Other records: Jan. 9th, Hampton Bishop, 3 (JLF). R. Jan. 16th, Llan Bwch-llyn, 12 (AGF and MAR); Feb. 8th, Caban Coch, 3; and 5 on Garreg-ddu (ROBG); 21st, Llan Bwch-llyn. a pair (JLF); 28th. Garreg-ddu, 5 (ROBG); March 3rd, Garreg-ddu, 2 pairs (RHB); 14th, Llandrindod Lake. two (TJJ); 22nd, Llyn Hilyn. one (AJS); 29th. Erwood Wye, one (H. McSweeny); Dec. 26th, Caban Coch, 5, and 27th, near Builth, 8 (ROBG).

71. SMEW. R. Feb. 10th, Erwood Wye, 8 (M. McSweeney) and March 29th, one. [Fourth record for Radnorshire.-Ed.]

75. GREY-LAG GOOSE. H. Feb. 6th, Wigmore Moors, 8 (JLF's confirmed by BNM), present for some weeks. seemingly attracted by the Canada Goose flocks; March 28th, Buckton Bridge, 3 in flight (EG); April 3rd. Shobdon, 4. probably this species (RM). 18 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

82. CANADA GOOSE. H. Feb. 2nd, Eywood, two (RHB); 6th, Wigmore Moors, 17, but sometimes up to 60 there (JLF); 8th, Wigmore, two found dead under power line (TRA); 10th, Leach Pool, 6 (CWW); 13th, Criftin Ford, 19 (Club Outing);Flintsham, 3 (RHB and CJP); 21st, Upcott. Eardisley, 7 (JLF); March 9th, Eywood, 9 (RHB); April 21st, Berrington, 2 (RHB and GSTD); 27 at Leach Pool, a pair nesting and 11 in flock; 6 at Letton, and a pair nesting at Flintsham (CWW); June 1st, Staunton-on-Arrow, a pair with 4 goslings (JMB); Sept. 19th, Eywood, fishermen report 6 (per RHB). At Shobdon TRA reports 3 broods reared, and 55 as maximum in autumn flocks. R. Penybont Lake, Feb. 21st, 7 (CW) and again 27th (ROBG); March 13th, 9 (CW); April 3rd and May 22nd, 4 (ROBG). No evidence of breeding (CW).

84. MUTE SWAN. H. Eywood, March 22nd, a pair, and May 22nd, 4 young cygnets (RHB); in October one found dead, ringed at Llangorse in 1963. Cygnets recorded during summer on Hereford Wye (PGRB) and Lulham Wye ITRHO). R. Jan. 9th, Hindwell, 6 (PWH), 4 of them juveniles; 10th, Pwll Patti, 6 (ROBG); May 1st, Hindwell, bird sitting on usual nest (RHB), and Aug. 30th, 6 (ROBG).

85. WHOOPER SWAN. No record.

86. BEWICK'S SWAN. H. Jan. 10th, 3 on Wye, and later 15 flying at Castleton (NWW); 25th, Wergins Bridge, 10 adults and two immature (CWW); Feb. 3rd, Lugwardine, 7; Wer­ gins Bridge, 8 adults and two immature; Hereford Wye, 17 (JLF); 4th, Upper Lugg Meadows, 15 adult and 6 immature (CWW); 6th, Wigmore Moors, 6 adults (JLF). 91. BUZZARD. Widely reported in both Counties. Persecution by game-keepers is suspected in some areas. The earliest NEST reported is from Cerrig-Gwalch on April 17th (EO). The biggest number seen together is 11, March 15th, at Lower Harpton (NWW). Reports of one or several come from (H.) Eywood, Lydbrook, Olchon, Lulham, Tarrington, Kimbol­ ton (6), Preston, Llancillo, Lyepole, Cat's Back, Breinton. Kington, Collington, BriIley, Fownhope, Titley, Canon Frome, Ivington, Ballingham, King's Acre, Kentchurch, . Portway Hotel, with breeding in several cases; and (R.) Hind­ well, Aberedw, Marteg, Old Radnor. Penybont, Rhayader. Beili Bedw and of course Kington-to-Elan. where on March 7th EG records 9 seen on the journey and 15 around the dams, including an albino. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 19

[92. ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD. R. On Oct. 10th at Gar­ reg-ddu ROBG watched a bird very probably of this species. What appeared to be an eel or snake in a talon proved to be jesses. The Falconry Centre report that falcons and hawks of all kinds have been imported.]

93. SPARROW-HAWK. There are some 40 or more records, nearly all from Herefordshire. Several successful breedings are noted, and TRA at Shobdon reports a good season. TRHO reports TWO killed themselves on his windows (now protected by netting) at Lulham, but others seen since. See also miscellaneous notes earlier in this report.

95. KITE. H. A very probable pair of Kites was seen, Oct. 4th, to join a pair of Buzzards over Whitchurch (Mrs. M. Heath). R. Reports of single birds are at Aberedw, March 14th (H. McSweeney); at Cerrig GwaIch, April 13th (EG); Rhayader borders, June 20th (ROBG); Claerwen, July 13th (SR of Rhayader School); Craig-yr-aIlt-goch, July 22nd (Martin Preece); Gilwern Hill, August (per D. J. PowelI); Rhayader borders, Oct. 10th (ROBG); Boo Talog, Nov. 14th and 21st (DJLS). Early Nov., Aberedw, one (H. McSweeney).

HARRIER Sp. H. May 23rd, Westhide, one flushed from a marshy patch by G. E. Lewis; believed a Hen Harrier, but the date is late. R. May 31st, Builth-Newbridge, a hen bird hunting a young plantation, believed a Hen Harrier, but again the date is late. June 3rd, Ysgwd-Ffordd near Abbey Cwmhir, a Mon­ tagu's Harrier viewed by Alan Franey. Sept. 8th, HarIey Dingle, a female Hen Harrier (RLV).

103. OSPREY. R. May 4th, ErwoOO, one fishing in the Wye (H. McSweeney).

104. HOBBY. H. Monkland, a first-year bird in flight during autumn (V. C. Lewis per RHB).

105. PEREGRINE FALCON. R. May 10th, a bird apparently on its territory, and June 8th had young being fed in the nest (EG). 20 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

107. MERLIN. H. May 9th, Mowley Wood, one in flight (NWW); Sept 8th, Kings Acre, seen overhead, towering high, then low over a stubble field (ARM); Oct. 30th, Burrington, one (JHWi). R. Feb. 8th, Rhayader, one (RP of Rhayader School); May 2nd, Pyllau-clais, a pair displaying (EG); June, one seen in Radnor hills, though absent from two known breeding sites (H. McSweeney); seen near Rhayader (EO); Aug. 5th, Craig-yr-allt-goch, an adult with two juveniles (M. Hoe­ beck, M. V. Preece and J. A. Watkins); 17th, RedhiH, one seen (TRA); 18th, Beilibedw pool, a female (CW); Det. 10th, Rhayader border, one (ROBG). H. McSweeney also re­ ports breeding in Painscastle area.

110. KESTREL. Widely, though not thickly, spread in both Counties. In Aberedw area H. McSweeney reports several pairs breeding. One was watched hovering over the centre of Hereford (PGRB). Pellets examined at a feeding-post, at Dolau, showed beetles as a primary food (CW).

Ill. RED GROUSE. H. July 13th, Olchon, two adults and a juvenile (MVP); Aug. 22nd, Olchon valley, two (BEM). R. H. McSweeney reports a nest with young in Aberedw area. May 9th, Harley Dingle, one (CW); July 4th, Gilwern, two (CW); Aug. 8th, Moelfre Hill, 3 (JLF); 8ept. 5th, Ireland moor, 14 (CWW); 8ept. 12th, Velindre, 16 UMB's). TRA re­ ports a very good season and many coveys with 6-8 young.

113. BLACK GROUSE. R. June 20th, Blue Lins, at least two flushed (Club Outing); Aug. 17th, Llandeilo hill, noted by WaIter Price (per TRA); Nov. 16th, Radnor Forest, recorded by TRA, after a 17 year lapse.

115. RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE. H. Jan. 29th, Kingsland, 6, and Feb. 23rd, Hampton Bishop, 5 (CWW); April, Stretton Sugwas, two pairs (ARM); April 16th, Croft Castle, one (RLT); May 31st, Kings Acre, two pairs (ARM); Aug. 13th. Ivington, 3 adults (MLB-T); Dec. 28th, Kings Acre, 18 in one field (ARM). At Canon Frome GCC reports it "com­ mon." At Stretton Sugwas ARM records it regularly seen and probably bred. At Lulham TRHO records it seen throughout the year, but never a sizeable covey. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 21

116, PARTRIDGE. H. Widely spread but has receded with modern farming, and the cold, wet June was against good breeding. TRA at Shobdon reports "very patchy" breed­ ing. Most records are of small numbers. Jan. 29th CWW reports 15 at Ledicot; GCe gives it as "common" at Canon Frome; at Lulham TRHO notes a covey of 12. Nov. 24th, at Ivington, WHDW saw a covey of 10, and in Dec. at Hun­ tington ARM has noted packs up to 25, a very big gathering.

117. QUAIL. H. The only record is from Ledicot, July 5th, where TRA listened to one in a barley field, having first had a report on May 28th.

118. PHEASANT. June should have made for bad breeding, but numbers in Madley area are average (TRHO), and TRA at Shobdon reports a good season.

120. WATER RAIL. H. Jan., Lyonshall, one seen and others heard (RAH); March 22nd, Madley, one watched at 4 yards by tiny brook (TRHO); Dec., Huntington pool, one seen (ARM); Dec. 12th, Byton, one watched at 3 yards, and also seen in summer (DRH). R. Oct. 2nd, Llan Bwch-llyn, one calling (JLF), and 7 on Dec. 20th (H. McSweeney).

125. CORNCRAKE. H. May 3rd, Lulham, one listened to, where arable meets pasture, by H. Snell (per TRHO); May, Yark­ hill, heard (CWW); May 11th, Shucknell, heard by Mr. Barnes throughout month (CWW); May 29th, Yatton, one calling until June 5th (per JLF); June 20th, Kings Acre, both heard and seen, and calling up to July 7th (ARM and also JLF).

126. MOORHEN. Distribution ordinary; nowhere abundant; 12 seen on Hindwell Pool, Feb. 27th (ROBG).

127. COOT. H. Feb., several on Lulham Wye (TRHO). By­ wood, two pairs with 3 chicks on May 4th (RHB). June 20th, Belmont, one in quarry pool (PGRB). R. Records come from Hindwell Pool, where 41 were counted on Jan. 9th and 31 on Aug. 30th (ROBG); from Glan lIyn, where 6 were seen on Nov. 20th (ROBG); and from Llyn Hilyn, which had 3 on Jan. 9th; 18 on Feb. 8th; 31 on April 3rd; 27 with 3 nests on April 25th; 31 on May 23rd; 43 on Aug. 30th; 56 on Oct. 9th; falling to 37 on Nov. 20th CROBG); and Dec. 25th, 37 (ROBG). 22 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

131. OYSTERCATCHER. H. July 26th. Byton, two flying and calling on the Lugg (JMB). R. Feb. 28th, Garreg-ddu. one viewed (ROBG).

133. LAPWING. H. A scarce breeder now, owing to turn-over to arable. At Shobdon TRA reports a poor breeding season, owing to predation by Crows. Some big migratory flocks are reported. notably 1500 near Eardisley. Nov. 6th (ROBG) and 1.000 on Dec. 11th; 500 at Kings Acre in late Dec. (ARM); 500 at Milton, Nov. 3rd (VMJ); 250 at Eardisley, Jan. 9th (ROBG); 200 on Feb. 27th at Portway Hotel (ROBG); and other flocks up to 100. R. A commoner breeder. Biggest flocks are 1200 in Nov., by junction of A44 and A438 (ROBG); 900 on Feb. 8th near Crossgates (ROBG); 350 on Dec. 11 th at Hindwell (RHB); and 230 at Penybont on Nov. 6th (CW).

134. RINGED PWVER. H. March 7th. Castleton, one (NWW); July 13th. Hereford Wye, a single with melanistic ten­ dencies (AJS).

140. GOLDEN PLOVER. H. Feb. 13th. Milton Cross. several with Lapwings (RHB and CJP); Sept. 19th. Shobdon aero­ drome. 50 + (TRA); Oct. 26th. Hampton Bishop, 30; Nov. 5th, Milton Cross, 250/300 (VMJ). R. Jan. 10th, Hindwell. 4 with Lapwings (RHB); May 1st, Moelienydd, c.70 (Club Outing); June 6th, Claerwen. nest with eggs (D. E. Thomas); July 10th. Moelienydd, 3, and Aug. 17th. 18 (JLF); Sept. Begwns, a few with Lap­ wings (WLS); 29th, Kinnerton, c.400 and Dec. 7th. c. 300" and 13th, c.600 (JLF); Oct. 31st, Moelienydd, 160 + (per AJS); Nov. 13th, Summergill brook, c.350 (JLF) and 21st, c. 60 (Club Outing); Dec. 11 th, Hindwell. 8 and 3 on 25th (ROBG).

145. SNIPE. H. Records are spasmodic, as always with Snipe, Jan. 10th. Castleton, 4 (NWW); Feb. 1st, Hereford Wye. two (AJS); 10th. Leach Pool, 12 (CWW); Mar. 29th. Preston marshes. one drumming and c. 12 seen. and Byford brook. 12 + (TRHO); April 4th, Eywood. one (CJP and NJM); Sept. 24th. Stansbatch, one OMB); Oct. 13th, Shobdon. a considerable fall. 30 seen in a wisp (TRA); Dec. 1st, Lulham. one (TRHO). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 . 23

R. Feb. 27th, Penybont Common, 16, 12, 9 and 4-41 flushed (ROBG); on Jan. 9th there had been 13 (ROBG), on March 14th, c.20 (CW), and on April 3rd, 16 (ROBG); May 22nd, Boughrood, nest and 4 eggs (RHBr); Llyn Hilyn, a nest (ROBG); 30th, Craig-yr-allt-goch, 3 (ROBG); Aug. 16th, Llyn Hilyn, 6, and 17th, Llanwefr, two (CW).

147. JACK SNIPE. H. Feb. 1st, Hereford Wye, 5 flushed from pasture (AJS); Oct. 1st, Thruxton, 3 (MVP). R. Feb. 27th, Penybont Common, one with 16 full Snipe (ROBG); Oct. 1st, Moelienydd, one (AJS); Dec. 5th, Nant­ mel, 4 (DJlB).

149. WOODCOCK. H. March 30th, Cother Wood, one in long grass (JLF); Mar. 5th, Haugh Wood, one roding (JLF); 15th, Withington, one (G. E. Lewis); 3rd week, , roding (TF); 18th, Nupend and Cherry Hill, roding (CWW); Aug. 8th, Leinthall Common, one (JMB-T); Nov. 10th, Dil­ wyn, one (WHDW). R. June 12th, Stanage, 4 roding ITRA); Nov. 21st, Ednol hill, one (TRA).

150. CURLEW. H. Arable has reduced its breeding places, but still widely spread. Jan. 10th, Castleton, 10 (NWW); Feb. 4th, first heard at Eyton, and 5th at Ivington (MLB-T); 6th, Wigmore Moors, 24, and 13th, c. 40 (JLF); 24th, Lower Lugg, seen (CWW); 25th, Lulham Wye, 3 (TRHO); March 9th, Llancillo, first spring call (TRHO); March 18th, Brilley, 6 calling (WL-S); April 18th, Kington, birds heard and a pair showing signs of nesting (NJM and CJP); May 23rd, Burrington, two nests with eggs (EG); July 13th, Longtown, adult with chick in hayfield

151. WHIMBREL. H. Aug. 19th, Hereford, characteristic calls from a passing bird (AJS). 24 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

155. BAR-TAILED GODWIT. R. May 8th, Moelienydd, a first year bird. feeding and in flight at a pool OLF and JVF). and there still on 9th (FSB's). [First record for Radnorshire.­ Bd.]

156. GREEN SANDPIPER. H. Jan. 10th, Castleton Wye. two seen and one heard (NWW); 24th. Leintwardine. only one on Teme (MB); Feb. 13th. Criftin Ford. one (Club Outing); 24th. Castleton, one (RHB); April 17th, Lugg Meadows, one seen from train (ARM); Aug. 8th. Criftin Ford, one (RHB); 23rd, Holme Lacy Wye. one. and one still on Nov. 12th (JLF); Oct. 1st. Thruxton, 12 at duck pool at dusk (G. Hillier and L. Workman); 30th. Burrington, one OHWi). R. July 17th, Gilfach. one CROBG); Aug. 16th and Sept. 8th. Penybont, one (CW); Sept. 1st. Glasbury, one (TRHO).

159. COMMON SANDPIPER. H. Feb. 10th, Lower Castle­ ton, one (CWW); March 29th. Lugg mouth, one (JLF); April 23rd, Collington pools. Bromyard, one, and 25th, Llancillo Monnow. a pair (TRHO); 25th, Leintwardine. 7 (JLF); 27th. Eywood. one (RLV); 24th. Bucknell Bridge. three nests and eggs CEG); 31st, Shirley Farm. Lugg. one (WL-S); Aug. 27th, Holme Lacy Wye. 7 in It miles (JLF). AGF records strong evidence of breeding on Kentchurch Monnow; Aug. 20th, Carrots Wye. 5 (BEM). R. April 19th, Penybont, two CCW). and 25th. 5 (cw); 25th. Llyn Hilyn. two (ROBG); May 1st. Coxhead Bank, a pair (Club Outing); 23rd, Milebrook Teme. nest and 4 eggs (Club Outing); May 22nd, Cefnllys, nest with 4 eggs (ROBG); June 20th, Rhayader border, pair with young (ROBG), also seen near Craig-yr-allt-goch; July 17th. Mar­ teg Wye, two (ROBG); Aug. 10th. Penybont, one (CW); 30th, Harley Dingle. one (EEG).

161. REDSHANK. H. Feb. 13th, Criftin Ford, one (Club Outing); March 29th, Holme Lacy. a migrating bird (JLF); Aug. 16th, Hereford, one on Wye CAJS). R. March 14th. Penybont Common. one, and 4 on April 19th (CW); March 23rd, Moelienydd, two pairs (JLF); May 1st, Moelienydd, 3 pairs (Club Outing); 5th, Llowes Wye, two (NWW); 8th, Penybont, nest found (EG); 22nd, Glan llyn, nest and 4 eggs (EG).

165. GREENSHANK. H. Sept. 12th, Hampton Bishop, one. and on 13th. two or three (JLF). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 25

169. KNOT. H. June 8th, Hope-under-Dinmore, one in the forecourt of a garage, watched at 10 feet; in non-breeding plumage (WHDW).

171. LITTLE STINT. R. Aug. 8th, Moelienydd, at mid-day a single flew in, rested for 15 minutes, and departed along with a Green Sandpiper (JLF and JVF). [Second record for Radnorshire.-Ed.]

178. DUNLIN. H. Sept. 10th, Hereford Wye, one in winter plumage (AJS).

198. GREATER BLACK-BACKED GULL. H. Feb. 4th, Lul­ ham Wye, 7 over (TRHO); Nov. 4th, Almeley Wootton, one (VMJ). R. Feb. 28th, Caban Coch, one (ROBG); Aug. 30th, Llandrindod, two, and Nov. 6th, 5 over golf-course (ROBG).

199. LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL. H. Jan. 10th, Castle­ ton, two (NWW); Feb. 8th, Eywood, one resting on pool (RHB); Upton Bishop, 5 (ROBG); April 18th, Kington, one (CJP); May 12th, Brilley, 6 over (WL-S); Sept. 18th, Kings Acre, c. 300 on ploughed field, mostly adults and mixed with Common Gulls (ARM). R. March 21st, Glan lIyn, one (ROBG).

200. HERRING GULL. R. June 20th, Craig-yr-allt·goch, two (ROBG).

201. COMMON GULL. H. Feb. 8th, 93 in field near Old Gore (ROBG); 22nd, Eywood, c.6, and March 16th, c.12 with Black-heads (RHB); March 22nd, Eywood, up to 6, and 24th, many erratically passing; and April 4th, two (RHB); March 23rd, Lower Bullingham, 63 (PGRB); 27th, Hereford Wye, 12, and April 3rd, 3 (PGRB); April 9th, Stretton Sugwas, 16 (ARM); Oct. 18th, Hereford, c.60; 23rd, 10; and 30th, 12 (PGRB). AJS noted the usual pre­ migratory flight of Severn Estuary birds over Hereford from March 17th to April 14th; the return to this County began July 13th and increased; 300 + noted by December. 26 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

208. BLACK-HEADED GULL. H. Jan. 25th, Eywood, one, and Feb. 21st, 20 (RHB); Feb. 8th, Old Gore, 76 (ROBG); 28th, Portway Hotel, c. 300 (ROBG). May, no breeding on Bredwardine site ITRHO); May 20th, Hereford, 3 over Wye, and thereafter regular until mid-July; c.100 on Dec. 21st (AJS); PGRB notes birds visible at Hereford in every month save May. R. Feb. 28th, Penybont, c.30 (CW); March, 20-30 present for three weeks (DJLS); May 22nd, Llanwefr pool, 60 nests, c.250 birds, fewer than 1970 (ROBG); 30th, Rhulen Mawn pools, 40 adults, 15 nests with eggs (TRA); June 19th, Llandrindod Hall, 8 nests but no eggs yet; first attempt to breed on this site; 26th, Penyclawdd pool, about 80 young, mostly able to fly (JLF).

212. BLACK TERN. H. May 5th, Hereford Wye, one fishing (per JLF); Aug. 23rd-Sept. 2nd, Eywood, one, seen by EEG, PG, RLV, FSB's, CWW and RHB. TERN Sp. H. June 13th, Shobdon Decoy Pool, one fish­ ing, probably Common Tern (TRA); Aug. 11th, Hereford Wye, 3 fishing, probably Common (AJS), and 20th, a party of 9 over Wye, unidentifiable (AJS). R. May 23rd, Llandrindod Lake, one, unidentifiable ffiOBG).

232. STOCKDOVE. H. Feb. 21st, Lower Bullingham, one (pGRB); March 12th, Lydbrook, one (ROBG); 21st, Mon­ nington, flock of 12 (Club Outing); May, bred at Lu1ham in walnut, and elsewhere in Madley in cider-barrel erected for Owls (TRHO); Titley, breeding (RLV); Lyepole, heard fre­ quently (TRHO); Nov. 3rd, Belmont, one (pGRB). R. Llandrindod and Llandegley, nested (TJJ); July 17th. Gilfach, two (ROBG); Dec. 27th, Aberedw, c.80 (H. Mc­ Sweeney).


235. TURTLEDOVE. H. April 28th, Lower Welson, singing (RHB and LTR); May 2nd, noted at Titley (RLV), where it bred, and at Hampton Bishop (JLF); on 4th at Canon Frome (Gce) and Eywood (RHB); on 5th at Shobdon and Easthampton (TRA); on 7th, Kingsthorne (TF); 22nd, two at Letton and 23rd, several singing at Credenhill (JHWi). Seen or heard at Ruckhall Common, June 6th (ARM) HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 27

and a dead bird found on the road at Sutton; June 25th at Winforton (WL-S); July 6th at Shobdon (CW); Aug. 16th at Lulham and 18th at Moccas (TRHO). R. No records.

COLLARED DOVE. Many records; the bird appears widely spread but irregular. H. Early Jan., Kingsthorne, a pair, and 3 pairs by May (TF); Jan. 24th, Shobdon air­ field, c.50 (TRA); Feb. 7th, Lulham, a pair present for weeks but did not breed; also in Madley (TRHO); Feb. 6th, in Cathedral Close, and present all the year (PGRB); Feb. 28th, Dilwyn, two seen and others heard (NWW); April 1st, Kington, one (RHB); 5th, Ledbury, one-the fir&t seen by observer (DEMB); 7th, Leominster, one standing on Lloyds Bank TV aerial (RHB); 15th, Kington (RHB) and Titley, two pairs, which later bred (RLV); 30th, Hereford, pair feeding young in garden OLF); June 8th, one on TV aerial at White Cross (ARM); Sept. 23rd, Eywood, heard (RHB); Leominster, 3 (PGRB); Dec. 6th, Leominster-Stoke Prior, 14 (WHDW). At Kingsland two pairs were resident (JBM). R. March 16th, Cabalva, c. 12 on barn roofs (WL-S); May 1st, Knighton, nest and eggs (EG); Aug. 7th, Hindwell, one (ROBG); Nov. 21st, Hindwell, 8 (ROBG).

237. CUCKOO. H. First record, Shobdon, April 16th (TRA); Lulham, 18th (TRHO); 20th, Canon Frome (Gcq; Kington (RHB); Almeley (VMJ); Hoarwithy (TFVM); Brilley (WL-S); 21st, Welsh Newton (FMP); Titley (RLV). Last heard at Shobdon, July 2nd and Lulham, July 3rd (TRHO). Breeding records show a fully feathered young fed by Dun­ nocks at Wormbridge July 26th-Aug. 2nd (RMC); and a young bird fed by Dunnocks at Ivington on Aug. 7th OMB-T). R. First heard at Penybont Common, two birds, April 4th, unusually early (CW), and Nantmel, 12th (DJLS).

241. BARN OWL. The bird suffers from poisons and road accidents, but holds on in some areas. H. March 10th, Brilley, one in flight (RHBr); June 10th, Hereford Water-works, one (WGK); 11th, Hampton Court. one hunting in middle-day (JMB); 20th, Kings Acre, one hunting at dusk (ARM); June, present at Titley (RLV), and at Collington, Bromyard (TRHO); Aug., one hawking at Kimbolton; Aug. 6th, Ivington, one hunting (WHDW); dur­ ing autumn, two found dead near BBC site at Woofferton 28 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

(TRA) but at Shobdon there is evidence of increase (TRA); Nov. 25th. Hereford Water-works, one found dead and probably shot (BFG); Dec. 9th. Bodenham (WHDW). R. Feb. 18th, Newbridge. one killed by car had been ringed in 1970 (H. McSweeney); April 22nd. Aberedw, one seen (H. McSweeney); Nov., Aberedw. noted (H. Mc­ Sweeney). who records. at Nantmel, seeing "more Barn Owls this year than ever before."

246. LITTLE OWL. H. Jan. 9th, Hampton Bishop, one calling (JLF); Feb. 4th, Cherry Hill, one, and 11 th. Mordiford. one (CWW); March 8th. Nupend, two calling (CWW); April 7th, Shelwick. one; 9th, Breinton, 3 calling; 10th, Cherry Hill, one (ARM); 30th, Almeley. a pair present. but did not nest (VMJ); May, bred in Lulham orchard (TRHO); Shobdon, two young in orchard, and a pair in an oak were ejected by Barn Owls (TRA); June 1st, Huntington. one (ARM); mid­ June. Lyonshall. one (FHB); June 23rd, Norton Canon. one by road (NWW); July 3rd. noted at Bridge Sollars; 10th. at Kings Acre (ARM); 10th. one at Monnington, and 27th. at Monkland (CWW); Aug. 6th. Woolhope, one (ARM); Oct. 3rd. Ivington, two (WHDW) and present through the year (JMB-T); Nov. 12th-17th. Belmont, one (PGRB).

247. TAWNY OWL. This has also suffered from road casualties and felling of timber. but remains widespread. H. April, bred at Lulham in cider barrel ITRHO); April 17th, nest with two young (EO); Kingsthorne, the only Owl ~ species present (TF); bred at Titley (RLV); May 10th, Kingsland. a young one in apple tree, plus 3 dead moles (TRA); May 15th, Burrington, nest with eggs in hay-stack (EG); June 19th. Lyonshall, one (ROBG); Aug. 16th. BirIey, young bird in garden (WHDW); Sept. Brilley, resident pair very vocal in presence of badgers (WL-S). R. May 9th, Radnor Forest, noted (ROBG).

248. LONG·EARED OWL. H. Heard at Lyepole. in the usual place, in September (TRHO); Nov. 5th. near Weobley. one watched sitting on telegraph pole (WHM).

249. SHORT·EARED OWL. R. May 29th, noted by ROBG at Craig-yr-allt-goch. TRA records three birds flushed by the Radnor Hunt on May 29th, one by a farmer sheep­ gathering on June 28th, and one during a grouse shoot on Aug. 19th, in the same general area. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 29

252. NIGHTJAR. H. June 15th, Checkley, Mr. Bunn saw and heard the bird on several occasions (CWW). R. June 12th, Stanage Park, one churring and wing­ clapping (TRA), and a pair seen; also seen by MAR.

255. SWIFT. Breeding must have been very poor, owing to the foul June. At Birtley 8 boxes only produoed two young. H. Early pre-May records are-April 21st, Titley (RLV); 22nd, Hereford, one (CWW); 25th, Kington, one (CJP); 28th, Bradnor, one (NWW); 29th, Llancillo, one (TRHO). Late records are-Aug. 15th, Madley, still plentiful (TRHO), and present on 28th; Aug. 31st, Shobdon, last young left nest (TRA); Sept. 3rd, Moreton, a single (AJS); 18th. Hereford, one with Swallows and Martins

258. KINGFISHER. Reports are (happily) too numerous to give in full. H. Records at varying times of the year come from the WYE at Hampton Bishop, Carrots, Lulham. CaStleton, Hereford (including 4 birds on Oct. 7th) and Wergins Bridge; the LUGG at Lyepole (two pairs and nest found). Aymestrey (still feeding young on July 29th), Lugg Meadows, Lugwardine. Tidnor, Bodenham, Walkers Green. Mordiford, Leominster; a nest-hole at Lugwardine occupied by Kingfishers on May 26th had been taken over by Sand­ martins by June 13th (RM); the ARROW at Kington; the MONNOW at Llancillo, Kentchurch and Garway (but not seen for years at Clodock); the TEME at Leintwardine; Yazor brook at Huntington; also at Eywood and Shobdon Decoy Pool. R. Records come from the !THON at Penybont and Llanbister; the WYE at Glasbury; and from Penybont Lake. Llwynpentre. Dolau. Summergill brook, Gilfach and Marteg.

261. HOOPOE. H. July 8th and 13th. a pair were watched twice, at the same place. on a small lane near Welsh Newton. by Miss B. Cameron (per TRHO). 30 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

262. GREEN WOOOPECKER. This species seems to have suffered more than any other from loss of orchards and timber. H. Jan. 2nd, Haugh Wood, one busy on wood-ants nest (CWW); Feb. 24th, heard at Lulham Wye (TRHO); March 12th, seen and heard at Lyepole (TRHO); 13th, seen and heard under the Cats Back (TRHO); 29th, Kington, RHB reports the species resident; April 9th, Breinton, one (ARM); 10th, Cherry Hill, very vocal (ARM); 15th, Eywood, calling (RHB); Aymestrey, calling (TRHO); 25th, Llancillo, call­ ing (TRHO); Mill Bank, Kington, two (CJP); Brilley, resident (RHBr); 27th, Collington, seen (TRHO); bred at Titley (RLV). At Canon Frome recorded as 'common' (GCe); at Ivington, 'heard regularly' (MLB-T). July 6th, Brilley, one being harried by Crows (WL-S); Sept. 12th, Bel­ mont, one (PGRB); 24th, Stansbatch, one (JMB's); Oct. 24th, Tarrington (FB); Welsh Newton, occasional (FMP). R. March 22nd, Old Radnor, a pair mating (H. G. Friend); April 4th, Glan llyn, one (ROBG), and on 25th; Aug. 1st, one at Dolau, and 2nd, one at Penybont and at Cwmbach (CW); 30th, noted in Harley Dingle (BEG); Oct. 10th, one at Dol-y-mynach (ROBG).

263. GREATER SPOTIED WOODPECKER. H. Jan., Lul­ ham, seen and heard occasionally now and through year (TRHO); March 12th, Lydbrook, 3 (ROBG); 27th, Weob­ ley, drumming, and 28th, drumming at Kington (RHB); 30th, Preston-on-Wye, drumming (TRHO); April, present at Ledbury (DEMB) and Brilley (RHBr); also reported from Eardisley (LTR); 15th, Lyepole and Aymestrey, drum­ ming and calling (TRHO); 17th, Eywood, one (RHB); 25th, Llancillo, drumming (TRHO); May, bred at Titley (RLV); 'common' at Canon Frome (GCe), and at Ivington 'daily in the garden' (MLB-T); and at Almeley 'frequently seen' (VMJ); June 14th-15th, Ledicot, individuals found dead on lawn (per TRA); 25th, Birley, a pair brought two young to bird-table (WHDW); Oct. 5th, Hereford, a warm day, and a female bored away at a nest-hole in a walnut OLF); 30th, Burrington, two (J. Williams); Dec. 20th, Hereford, drum­ ming (JLF); 23rd, Dilwyn, drumming (WHDW). TF records the species at his table at Kingsthorne, along with Green Woodpecker. R. May 22nd, Llandrindod, one, and 30th, Glan llyn, one (ROBG); again one at Llandrindod, Nov. 6th and 21st (ROBG); Dec. 25th, Llandrindod, one (ROBG). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 31

264. LESSER SPOTfED WOODPECKER. H. Feb. 6th, Bur­ rington, one (JLF); April, Eardisley, one often drumming (AJR's); April 24th, Canon Frome, seen (GCe); May, breeding at Bartestree (CWW); noted at Titley (RLV); Ivington, present but less frequent

265. WRYNECK. H. Sept. 16th, Kings Acre, a bird was flushed on the old rail track, perched on a fence-post, and was closely observed. It was seen by ARM, also by WHM, WJK and AH.

271. WOODLARK. H. WGK reports finding a nest at Capler, while the bird was both watched and listened to.

272. SKYLARK. H. Jan. 9th, Eardisley, c.60 (ROBG); Oct. 26th, Hereford, c. 70 heading westwards (JLF).

274. SWALW'W. H. First seen, very early, April 1st at Kings­ land (M. Beach); 3rd, Eywood (CJP and NJM) and two at Hampton Bishop (JLF); 13th, Bridge Sollars, 6 (TRHO), and Hereford, two (ARM), and Hoarwithy ITFVM), and Almeley (VMJ). Late sightings were Oct. 4th-5th, Bosbury, a late brood just flying (GCe); 5th, Flintsham, 6 (RHB); 9th, Portway, 3 (ROBG); 16th, Moreton, 8 (AJS). At Brilley on Sept. 15th WL-S records the sky "full of swoop­ ing Swallows." Last record Oct. 28th, Eye (GWT). The Lulham pair arrived in mid-May, but owing to the cold, wet June simply would not breed until July; result­ one brood instead of two, and this may have happened elsewhere. R. April 6th, two at Lower Harpton (NWW); 19th. Penybont, 4 (CW); 22nd, Nantmel, 4 (DJLS). 3~ HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

276. HOUSE MARTIN. H. April 15th, Hereford-Ross road, two (ARM), and Sutton St. Nicholas, two (PGRB); 16th, Hampton Bishop, 3 (JLF); 21st, Kingsthorne, noted (TF) and Eywood (RLV). Last brood left the nest at Lulham Sept. 23rd (TRHO); Oct. 16th, Moreton, a small party (AJS); 23rd, Fownhope, several (AGF); Nov. 6th, Hereford, noted (BFG). R. Penybont and Cwmbach, nested (CW).

277. SAND MARTIN. This species has collapsed of recent years in many places and some colonies are deserted or scarcely inhabited. The reasons are doubtful but may be the washing out of nest holes in 1970 floods. H. April 3rd, Eywood, one (RHB), and Hampton Bishop, 5 (JLF); 9th, Breinton, two (ARM); June 22nd, Stretton Sugwas, c. 10 pairs nesting in gravel pits (ARM); Sept. 13th PGRB watched feeding of young in a drain-pipe nest at Hereford. TRHO reports only 3 pairs in Lulham Wye colony, only two at Lyepole, and a Llancillo colony aban­ doned. On the other hand on the Holme Lacy Wye JLF records a peak of 260 birds in July!

278. GOLDEN ORIOLE. H. July 1st (approx.), Harewood End, a bird was watched at only 9 yards by Mr. N. Hepton­ stall, brilliant yellow and with black wings; almost certainly a wandering Oriole.

279. RAVEN. H. Jan.-Feb., Lulham, up to 3 frequently seen, and occasionally throughout the year (TRHO); March 13th, Credenhill, two (BEM); 22nd, Eywood, one chased by Crows; frequently heard (RHB); April, Whitney, a pair nested in an oak (RHBr); April 12th, Stanner, c.3 (NJM and CJP); present at Kingsthorne (TF); Ivington, occasion­ ally seen (MLB-T); May, Shobdon, 4 young reared (TRA); June 19th, Hereford, 3 (PORB); Sept. 17th, Moreton, one (AJS); Aug. 7th, Almeley, 4 (VJM); Oct. 19th, Dilwyn, 3 (WHDW); Dec. 11 th, Mordiford, two (BEM). R. Jan. 16th, Llan Bwch-llyn, 4 (AGF and MAR); Feb. 8th, Llyn Hilyn, 10 (ROBG); March 7th, Elan-Claerwen, 6 occupied nest sites (EG); April 14th, Llanbister, a nest with two young (JLF); 17th, Cerrig-Gwalch, nest with young (EG); May 22nd, Llandrindod, 7 (ROBO); Penybont, fre­ quently seen (CW); July 18th, Radnor Forest, 16 seen (ROBG); and on Aug. 26th parties of 29 and 13 seen HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 33

(CJLL); Aug. 20th, Hindwell, two (ROBG); Oct. 9th, Rhay­ ader borders, 11 (ROBG); Nov. 7th, Craig-yr-allt-goch, 8 (ROBG); 14th, Black Hill, 30 + (TRA); Dec. 26th, C1aer­ wen, 8 (ROBG). Llan Bwch-11yn, RHB records seeing c. 75 together, and the local farmer reported the whole flock as nearer 200.

280. CARRION CROW. Far too common everywhere.

282. ROOK. H. A rookery of 30 nests established at south end of Dinmore tunnel; and a small new rookery, 1970 and 1971 established in Three Elms Road, Hereford (ARM). At Shobdon a new colony was begun, but success doubtful ITRA).


284. MAGPffi. Much reduced by loss of high hedges, but widely spread.

286. JAY. H. Kington, resident (RHB); Madley, resident but rare (TRHO). April 29th, Brilley, two (WL-S); Nov. 3rd, Belmont, one (PGRB). R. Jan. 10th, Dol-y-mynach, 6, and Feb. 28th, 4 (ROBG); May 22nd, Cefn-llys, one (ROBG); June 20th, Glan 11yn. two (ROBG); Oct. 10th, Dol-y-mynach, 6 (ROBG).

288. GREAT TIT. H. Jan. 8th, Lulham, first song (TRHO); Jan.-March, Kington, rather scarce (RHB); Brilley, two pairs at table, and one pair at least bred (WL-S). R. Dec. 12th, Dol-y-mynach, c. 40, and 26th, Pen-y­ garreg, 46 (ROBG).

290. COAL TIT. H. Kington, common resident (RHB). lving­ ton, a pair with two young on July 11 th (MLB-T). Lulham scarce but resident (TRHO); Hereford, singing on March 6th (PGRB); Llangarron, a bird feeding from the hand (per EY); Brilley, one at table for the first time in years (WL-S). R. April, Penybont Common (CW); May 22nd, Cefn11ys. nesting (ROBG); Aug. 30th, Llandrindod, 8, and Oct. 10th, Caban Cach, 10 (ROBG); Dec. 26th, Glan 11yn, 8 (ROBG). 34 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

292. MARSH TIT. H. Jan.-Feb., Lulham, occasional at table and throughout the year (TRHO); Brilley, occasional at table and thereafter (WL-S); April 10th, Kington Arrow, c.5 (NJM) and CJP). Titley, bred (RLV). R. Jan. 9th, ROBG notes 8 at Crossgates, and on 10th two at Dol-y-mynach and 4 at Newbridge; and on Feb. 28th seven at Dol-y-mynach. May 22nd, at Llandrindod, ROBG saw one barely escape from a grey squirrel's attack. June 19th, Cwmbach, one; Aug. 30th, Llandrindod, 10; Oct. 9th, Penybont, 6, and 10th, Caban Coch, 14 (ROBG); Dec. 26th, two at Glan llyn and two at Llandrindod (ROBG).

293. WILLOW TIT. H. Feb. 6th, Wigmore Moors, two pairs (JLF); April 8th, Checkley, a pair (ARM); May 2nd, Dine­ dor, one (PGRB); June 27th, Shobdon Pool, 3 pairs (NWW); August, Moreton, song at times (AJS); Sept. 19th, Haugh Wood, a pair (ARM); Dec. 21st, Huntington, two with other Tits (ARM). R. March 21st, Llandrindod, one, and May 22nd, Cefn­ llys, breeding (ROBG); Nov. 13th, Kinnerton, a pair (JLF), and again on 21st (Club Outing). 294. WNG-TAILED TIT. This species seems to have flour­ ished well, and records are too numerous to give in full. H. At Lulham TRHO reports "common" and flocks up to 14. At Hampton Bishop JLF records 10; 13 at Belmont (PGRB); 12-18 at Llangarron (BY); 12 at BrilIey (WL-S). Nesting recorded at Titley, and there are various other smaller records. R. ROBG reports c. 25 at Crossgates on Jan. 9th; 10th, 8 at Dol-y-mynach; and Feb. 8th, 14 at Caban Coch; a nest at Hundred House on May 9th, and at Dol-y-mynach on 30th; 8 young at Pencerrig on June 19th; 11 at Penybont on Oet. 9th, and 4 at Caban Coch on Nov. 7th; Dec. 12th, Glan llyn, 20 (ROBG).

296. NUTHATCH. Reduced by loss of timber and orchards, but still found where they survive. H. Kington, resident (RHB); Lulham, heard only once in the year (TRHO); BriUey, a pair for the first time fed at the table, and nested in a hole in the barn wall. The hen was caught by a cat, but was saved (WL-S); Ivington, not common, but a pair visited in summer (MLB-T). April 13th, Monnington, a pair building nest, with bits of fir-cone for lining (TRHO); Titley, bred (RLV); April, Almeley, pair bred in garden (VMJ); Oct. 30th, Hereford, heard calling, and again Nov. 4th (PGRB). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 35

R. April 4th. Glan llyn. one (ROBG); May 2200. one at Llandrindod. and 23rd. one at Cefnllys (ROBG); June 9th. Cwmbach, 6 (ROBG); Dec. 12th. Glan llyn. two ROBG).

298. TREECREEPER. H. Titley. bred (RLV); Ivington. noted daily OMB-T); Lulham. seen Feb. 11th and Dec. 20th. and bred in farm outbuildings (TRHO). Jan. 27th. Eywood. one (RHB); April, seen by WL-S at Brilley; and one near Lye­ pole. where TRHO reports two pairs; Whitney. a nest found (RHBr); April 3rd. Ledbury. a pair (DEMB); 8th. Checkley. one. and 10th. Cherry Hill. one (ARM); Nov. 3rd. Belmont. one (PGRB); at Kingsland reported a regular garden visitor (JEM). R. Jan. 9th. Crossgates. one (ROBG); Mar. 21st. Michael­ church-on-Arrow. one in churchyard (WL-S); April 8th. Caefagu. 4 (DJLS); May 9th. Llyn Hilyn. one (ROBG); June 19th. Pencerrig. one. and Cwmbach. two (ROBG); July 17th. Marteg. one (ROBG); Aug. 13th. Llanbadarn. one (CW); Aug. 1st. Pencerrig. one. and 30th. Llandrindod, 3 (ROBG); Dec. 26th, Glan-lIyn. two (ROBG).

299. WREN. H. " Plentiful" at Ledbury (DEMB); Brilley. a pair took a Swallow's nest on a beam. built it up and nested (RHBr); Oct. 3rd. Brilley, 8 in a plum-tree (WL-S).

300. DIPPER. Up to the mark and bred on all streams and brooks. Seen on the Wye itself at Lulham (TRHO) and Whitney (RHBr). Its brilliant winter song is recorded by TRHO on Feb. 5th (Wye) and ARM on Dec. 15th (Yazor brook).

301. MISTLE THRUSH. H. March 22nd. Brilley. building in usual yew (WL-S); Aug. 30th. Hereford. 39 in a loose flock (JLF); Nov. 14th. Nupend. many on yew (JLF). R. Penybont. "regular on Ithon" (CW); Aug. 19th. Llan­ bister. 23 on rowan berries (JLF).

302. FIELDFARE. Few large flocks are reported. and autumn numbers are not big. H. March 4th. Bullingham. 60 (PGRB); April 9th. Swainshill. c.2oo (ARM); 16th. Welsh Newton. some still present (FMP); 23rd. Leintwardine. a large flock (MB). First autumn birds. Det. 27th. Almeley. 20 (VJM); 30th, Hereford. two CPGRB); 31st. Lulham. 12 (TRHO); Nov. 6th, Portway, 30 (ROBG); 12th, Belmont, c. 50 (PGRB). 36 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

R. Feb. 28th, Elan Valley Hotel, c.300 (ROBG); Peny­ bont, no flocks over 30 seen (CW); May 1st, Beacon Hill, c. 60 (Club Outing); Oct. 29th, Evenjobb, noted (JLF); 31st, Beilibedw, two (CW); Nov. 2nd, Penybont, c.250 (CW); 6th, Cefnllys, c.40, and 7th, c. 20 at Llanyre and at Rhayader (ROBG); Dec. 25th, Llyn Hilyn, c. 100 (ROBG).

303. SONG THRUSH. H. Feb. 21st, Bullingham, a flock of 15 feeding (PGRB).

304 REDWING. Like the Fieldfare, the Redwing also has been scarce, both in spring and autumn. H. At Brilley WL-S notes "several" winter-feeding. Oct. 6th, at Moreton, AJS notes the first autumn passage; 26th, Hampton Bishop, 10 in hawthorn (JLF); 28th, Shobdon, noted at usual roost (TRA), and Almeley, a single (VMJ); 30th, Hereford, one, and c. 70 during November (PGRB); Nov. 2nd, Lulham, 12, and no more seen (TRHO); Nov. 14th, Nupend, "some hundreds" feeding on yew berries (JLF). R. March 10th, Crossgates, 50 + (DJLS); Nov. 6th, 8 (ROBG), and Penybont, c.40 (CW); Dec. 11 th, Disserth, 5 (ROBG).

307. RING OUSEL. H. April 6th, Welsh Newton Common, a pair for half an hour (FMP). R. April 9th, Nantmel, singing (DJLS); 12th, Gilwern, 2/3 pairs (NJM and CJP); 14th, Llanbister, one (JLF); May, Harley Dingle, a pair (CW) and 30th, a pair with nest (ROBG); June 27th, Harley Dingle, juveniles seen (CW) and Sept. 8th, 8 in all seen (RLV).

308. BLACKBffiD.

311. WHEATEAR. H. April 4th, Shobdon airfield, a male (TRA); 9th, Hereford, 4, and 3 at Breinton (ARM); July 11 th, Hanter hill, two, and Hergest, one (BEM); Aug. 1st, Stretton Sugwas gravel pits, a family (HEM); 15th, Hereford, two (PGRB); Sept., Kingstone, 3 on 8th; 2 on 16th; 2 on 20th (ARM); Oct. 3rd, Shobdon airfield, a juvenile (TRA). R. April 12th, Gilwern Dingle, 4/5 pairs, and a nest site (NJM and OP); 14th, Llanbister, several pairs (JLF); 29th, Llyn Hilyn, a pair (WL-S); 25th, Marteg, 8 (ROBG); May 1st, Moelienydd, two males and a female (Club Outing); 29th, Llansantfraed, a pair with nest (ROBG); Aug. 13th, Penybont, 4, and 18th, Beilibedw, 3 (CW); Sept. 12th, Velindre, one (JMB). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 37

317. STONECHAT. H. Feb. 23rd, Hampton Bishop, one by Wye (CWW); Oct. 31st, Huntsham Lodge, Whitchurch, a male (WHDW). R. March 27th, Nantmel, one in gravel pits (DJLS).

318. WHINCHAT. H. April 18th, Hereford Wye, one migrat­ ing (AJS); 29th, Eywood, a male (RHB); May 10th, Shob­ don Marsh, a pair (TRA); 13th, Longtown, one (BEM); Aug. 6th, Holme Lacy, an adult and two young by the Wye; 7 on Aug. 25th, and 4 on 27th (JLF); Aug. 31st, Carrots Wye, one (BEM); Sept. 9th, Bosbury, one (Gce). R. May 1st, Moelienydd, one or two (Club Outing); 23rd, Cefnllys, 4 (ROBG); May, Harley Dingle, present (CW); Penyrbont Common, numerous (CW); Bryn Glas hill, breeding (RLV); July 4th, Llandrindod, 3 or 4 (SE and ARM); Aug. 16th, Uyn Hilyn, 7, and Penybont, 4 (CW).

320. REDSTART. The species is not doing well, but hangs on. H. April 16th, Eywood, noted (RLV); Kington, a pair (CJP); 30th, Clodock, first song heard ITRHO); May 27th, Hereford, a pair, probably nesting near the Cathedral (JLF). May, Ivington, some pairs present (MLB-T); Lul­ ham, bred in orchard nest-box (TRHO); Aug. 7th, Boden­ ham, one; 11 th, Bidey, a male; and 17th, a female (WHDW); Aug. 11th, Brilley, only time seen in 1971 (WL-S). R. May 1st, Moelienydd, two (Club Outing); 2nd, Nant­ mel, present, and DJLS reports an increase; Aug. 1st, Cregrina, one, and Pencerrig, a male (ROBG). Penybont, less numerous than in 1970 (CW).

322. NIGHTINGALE. H. April 17th, one killed by car on the road, an emaciated bird (per JLF); 24th, Haugh Wood, one in song (Club Outing); and May 5th, a single (JLF); May 9th, Sollarshope, singing 1.30 a.m. but not heard again (AGF).

232. ROBIN.

327. GRASSHOPPER WARBLER. H. April 22nd, Eywood, at least one (RHB); 25th, Canon Frome, noted (GCe); 28th. appears more numerous, present in Moreton and in less usual areas (AJS); this is confirmed by DGB for Bromyard. May 1st, Lulham, reeling, and on 4th beside the Wye (TRHO); 8th, Shobdon, reeling (TRA); 23rd, Credenhill. one (JHWi); Byton marsh, noted (NJM and CJP); June 7th, Kings Acre, heard and seen (ARM);. Bred in the old railway line, Kings Acre (ARM). 38 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

R. April 25th, St. Harmon, singing (DJLS); June 12th, Stanage Park, 4 reeling (TRA); July 2nd, Llanbister, noted (CW).

333. REED WARBLER. H. April 18th, Aymestrey Pool, one singing (JEM); May 9th, Shobdon Decoy Pool, singing, and more numerous than of late (TRA); July 27th, in song by four of the pools (CWW).

337. SEDGE WARBLER. H. May 7th, Easthampton, noted (TRA); 9th, Byton bog, numerous (TRA); 12th, Belmont, singing (PGRB); 21st, Moccas, 3 singing (CWW); 29th, Haugh Wood, 4 singing (JHWi). R. May 9th, Llanwefr, two (ROBG); June, Rhosgooh, several pairs; and June 27th, Llanwefr, two (P. J. Chadwick).

243. BLACKCAP. H. April 3rd, Croft wood, noted (EEG); 21st, at Titley (RLV) and later bred; 25th, Eywood, two males (CJP); 28th, Ivington, singing (MLB-T); May 1st, Canon Frome (GCe); 2nd, Dinedor, singing (PGRB); 12th and 17th, Hereford, one singing (PGRB); 23rd, Credenhill, numerous OHWi). R. May 23rd, Cefnllys, noted, and 29th at Hundred House (ROBG).

346. GARDEN WARBLER. H. April 25th, Brilley, one (WL-S); May 1st, Canon Frome, noted (GCC); also in Mowley Wood (RLV), where it bred; 2nd, Dinedor, singing (PGRB); and again 6th (MLB-T); 4th Stansbatch, singing, and 5th in Veld Wood, Kington, and 16th at Eywood (RHB); 12th, Belmont, singing (PGRB); 31st, Dinmore, one (JHWi). R. May 8th, Llangunllo, two singing (JLF); 23rd, noted at Cefnllys, and 29th, Hundred House (ROBG).

347. WHITETHROAT. The species has only partially recov­ ered from its collapse in 1969. H. April 25th, Canon Frome, singing (GCC); 28th, Lulham (TRHO); May 4th, TitIey, and later bred (RLV); 6th, Dinmore, singing (MLB-); 11 th, Eywood, at least two (RHB); 23rd, Creden­ hill, 21 singing, "a good recovery" (JHWi); June 2nd, Kings Acre, feeding young (ARM); 20th, Belmont, a family party (PGRB); Aug. 11th, Almeley, a pair feeding in honey­ suckle (VMJ); 15th, Hereford, a pair with 5 young (PGRB); Sept. 10th, Bosbury, last seen (GCC); 18th, Kings Acre. two still present (ARM). HEREFORDSHffiE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 39

348. LESSER WHITEmROAT. H. April 28th, Hampton Bishop, two (JLF); May 2nd, Bullingham, 4 in song (PGRB); 3rd, Hereford, singing (AJS); 4th, Eywood, seen (RHB); 6th, one in Folly Lane, Hereford (JLF); 11th, Ivington, singing (MLB-T); 12th, Belmont, one (PGRB); 31st, Kington, sing­ ing (NWW); June 2nd, singing at Kings Acre; 4th, Green Lane Estate, Hereford; and 11 th at Sutton (ARM); 22nd, Burghill and Stretton Sugwas, singing (ARM).

354. WILLOW WARBLER. H. April 2nd, first heard at King­ ton, one in weak song (NJM and CJP); 5th, Hereford area, singing (AJS); 15th, Eywood, 2/3 singing (RHB); 17th, Canon Frome (Gce) and Lulham (TRHO). R. March 21st, Hindwell, one (ROBG); April 14th, Llanbister, widespread in valleys (JLF); 19th, Penybont, one (CW); May 9th, Llanwefr, 5 in fir woods (ROBG); Aug. 13th, Penybont, two (CW).

356. CHIFFCHAFF. H. Jan. 9th, Moreton, one in garden; 21st, Hereford Wye, one seen, and March 11th, one in song, also in song 31st at Moreton (AJS); April 4th, Canon Frome (Gcq and Shobdon (TRA); 7th, Haugh Wood (JLF); 8th, Lulham (TRHO); 9th, Breinton and 10th, Cherry Hill (ARM). Still singing at Hereford Sept. 23rd (PGRB); at Dilwyn on Oct. 7th (WHDW) and Shobdon, Oct. 23rd (TRA). R. March 13th, Nantmel, seen and heard (DJLS); April 6th, Llandrindod, singing (ARM), and 7th, Llyn Gwyn (DJLS).

357. WOOD WARBLER. H. April 28th, Mowley Wood (RLV) and later bred; May 1st, Canon Frome (Gcq and later bred; 2nd, Dinedor, one (PGRB); 5th, Kington, singing (RHB); 6th, Whitfield estate (TRHO) and Dinmore (MLB-T); 29th, Haugh Wood, two (JHWi); July 3rd, Aymestrey, 3/4 singing, and two at Lyepole (TRHO); 4th, Wapley hill, one (DRH); Aug. 8th­ Sept. 6th, Birley, noted in garden with other warblers (WHDW). R. April 25th, Cefndyrys, in song (TRA); May 4th, Uyn Gwyn, present (DJLS); May 9th, Presteigne (EEG); 22nd. present at Llandrindod, 23rd at Cefnllys, and 30th at Dol-y­ mynach (ROBG); June 20th, Garreg-ddu (ROBG). At Penybont described as "common" (CW). 40 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

364. GOLDCREST. H. Feb. 4th, Lulham, first heard, and later noted in many places, in spruce, Lawson oak, Turkey oak, apple, alder and sycamore (TRHO); April, Kington area, c.5 pairs (ClP and NJM); Brilley, a pair in yew (WL-S); Titley, bred (RLV); Ivington, heard daily, and nested (JMB-T); April 9th, Eywood, two present (RHB); June 5th, Brilley, 9 feeding in yew and numerous in firs (WL-S); Oct. 4th, Hereford, 4, and noted in November (PGRB); Nov., Llangarron, 6 in the garden

365. FIRECREST. R. Nov. 14th, Llandrindod Wells, a bird was watched by T. Norton and by three others, at 8 feet from the window, in a flowering cherry, which from its des­ cription was certainly a Firecrest. [This would be a first record for Radnorshire.-Ed.]

366. SPOTTED FLYCATCHER. H. First record May 6th, Almeley (VMJ); 12th, Kingsthorne (TF) and Titley (RLV); 13th, Broadwood Bridge (MB); 14th, Canon Frome (GCC); June 26th, Winforton, new nest in an old Swallow's nest OPP); Sept. 16th, White Cross, last noted (ARM), and at Bosbury, 24th (GCC). R. May 3rd, Penybont (CW); 23rd, Cefnllys, two, and 29th, Llansantffraed (ROBG); Aug. 1st, Cregrina, pair feed­ ing young (ROBG).

368. PIED FLYCATCHER. H. April 24th, Titley, and later bred (RLV); 25th, Leintwardine, a male (JLF); May 4th, Eywood, 2/3 pairs; 16th, none; 22nd, a hen sitting (RHB); 29th, Mowley, a ringed hen in a nest-box (RHB); Aug. 8th, Birley, one stayed a day (WHDW). R. April 14th, Llanbister, a male ULF); 21st, Nantmel, birds present (DJLS); 24th, Penybont, noted, and later 3 boxes occupied (CW); 25th, Cefndyrys, two males (TRA); May 22nd, Cefnllys, two, and 23rd, 5 (ROBG). [See also nest-box report.-Ed.]


373. MEADOW PIPIT. H. Feb. 13th, Hereford, a single, and 3 on April 10th (PGRB), and more than 12 at Ballingham April 11th. Lulham, Jan.-Feb. and again Nov.-Dec., up to 20-30 wintering (TRHO). Late Dec., Kings Acre, 10 feeding in kale (ARM). R. March 30th, Moelienydd, a few about (RHB); April 9th, Penybont, c.4 (CW), and May 8th, several nests found (EG). Later noted as numerous at Hariey Dingle and Peny­ bont (CW).

376. TREE PIPIT. H. April 15th, Collington, Bromyard, sing­ ing (TRHO); 25th, Canon Frome, one (Gce) and Aymes­ trey, 6 (JLF); May 4th, Titley (RLV) where it bred; also at Eywood (RHB and RLV); 6th, Llancillo (TRHO) and Din­ more (MLB-T); 23rd, Credenhill, 3 (JHWi). R. April 24th, Nantmel, singing (TRA); May 1st, Moelienydd, one (Club Outing); 9th, Presteigne (EEG); 30th. Llandrindod, one (ROBG). Bred on Bryn Glas hill (RLV) and one seen at Penybont (CW).

380. (a) PIED WAGTAIL. H. & R. April, Kington, "com­ mon" (CJP and NJM). The bird is sparse but widely spread. Breeding is recorded at Titley (RLV), and at Monaughty in a road construction embankment.

381. GREY WAGTAIL. H. Feb. 4th, Hereford Wye (PGRB); March 9th, Llancillo. a pair and later two pairs (TRHO); 28th, Aymestrey, a pair, and two pairs at Criftin Ford (JLF); April 3rd, Lyepole, 3 pairs ITRHO); 17th, Bucknell Bridge, a nest with eggs (EG); 25th, Kington Arrow, one (CIP); May 1st, Brilley, one (WL-S); June 13th, Titley, nest with 5 young (NWW); Hereford Wye, singles noted on Sept. 13th, 29th, Oct. 23rd (in song) and Nov. 3rd (PGRB); Dec. 15th, Yazor brook, one, and two on 16th (ARM). Dec. 18th­ 21st, Lulham, one living on a farmyard manure heap (TRHO). R. April 12th, Gilwern Dingle, 5/6 birds (NJM and CJP); May 18th, Penybont Common, noted (EG); 23rd, Cefnllys, two, and 30th, Abbeycwmhir, one (ROBG); June 19th, Glan-llyn, one, and Craig-yr-allt-goch, a pair with nest (ROBG); Aug. 13th, Penybont, two (CW). 42 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

382. (a) YELWW WAGTAIL....H. April 15th, Hereford Wye, 2 + (AJS); 26th, Hampton Bishop, 5 JLF); 27th, a small flock (CWW); May 9th, Bullingham, one (PGRB); 22nd, Letton, several (JHWi); 30th, Buckton Bridge, nest and eggs (EG); Titley, almost certainly bred (RLV); June 20th, Belmont, a pair (PGRB); June, Kingsland, a pair (JEM); July, Canon Frome, bred (Gce); Lulham, bred (TRHO); Aug. 8th, Mordiford, 3 JHWi); 19th, Leominster, 3 (RHB); 25th, County Hospital, one, and Sept. 1st, General Hospital, one (BEM); Sept. 1st, Ivington, a pair and 4 juveniles (GWB); Moreton, last seen Oct. 1st (AJS). On the Holme Lacy Wye JLF estimates 15 nests in a mile of river­ side. R. April 12th, Gilwern, one (NJM and CJP); May 2nd, Penybont, one (CW). Fledged young are also reported (anon.) from Painscastle.

383. WAXWING. H. Jan. 1st, Checkley, one feeding on an apple tree (CWW).

384. GREAT GREY SHRIKE. H. Dec. 5th, Wigmore ceme­ tery, one seen by WHDW and on 6th by TRA. R. Nov., 3rd week, Aberedw, one seen (per TRA); Nov. 9th, Aberedw, one (H. McSweeney).

389. STARLING. R. Feb. 20th, Stonewall Hill, TRA estimates a huge roost of 50,000.

391. HAWFINCH. H. May, a small party in a Holmer garden (CWW); May, nesting in Dinmore area (PG).

392. GREENFINCH. H. Feb. 24th, Hereford, 5; and March 27th, song flight noted (PGRB); July 2nd, Ivington, young seen (JMB-T). R. Dec. 7th, Kinnerton, c. 300 17th, Newchurch, 500 + feeding on fat-hen roots (JLF).

393. GOLDFINCH. H. April, Kington, " common" (CJP), April 18th, Lulham, 8 still in flock (TRHO); less common around Madley. May, Brilley, "many more" seen this year (WL-S); Titley, bred (RLV); Aug. 15th, Hereford, 5 juven­ iles (PGRB); Sept. 29th, Kingsland, 16 (JEM); Nov. 3rd, Belmont, two in song (PGRB); Nov. 24th, a pair feeding on Michaelmas daisy seeds (WL-S). R. Nov. 21st, Radnor Forest, c. 160 at 1,600 feet (Club Outing). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 43

394. SISKIN. H. Frequenting high hedges in winter, Welsh Newton (FMP). Jan. 11th, Eywood, c. 30 in alder and birch (RHB); 26th, Kington, 6 in alders (Mr. Evans); Feb. 6th, Wigmore, c.24 (JLF); March 28th, Chaff wood, 50+, and in song (TRA); Aymestrey, vast numbers in the woods. Many in song and all feeding on larch cones. At least 750, but observers believe over 1,000 (JLF and JVF). April 8th, Lyepole, two sizeable flocks up to this date (TRHO). WGK reports Siskins feeding young, near Bodenham. Nov. 12th, Belmont,3 in apple tree, 20 on 14th, and 15 on 17th (PGRB); 20th, Leintwardine, 20; 29th, Holme Lacy, 10 in a willow, and Dec. 20th, Hampton Bishop, c. 30 (JLF). R. July, Craig-yr-allt-goch, 3 recently fledged young feeding on birch (M. Preece); Nov. 21st, Nantmel, 10-20 in alders with Redpolls (DJLS).

395. LINNET. H. Lulham, late-winter flocks up to 150 ITRHO); Nov. 17th, Hereford, 8 (PGRB). R. Feb. 21st, Llan Bwch-llyn, c. 100 in roosts (JLF); June 19th, Llandrindod Hall, 7 eggs in a nest (ROBG); Nov. 13th, Kinnerton, c. 75 on stubble (JLF); Dec. 17th, Crow­ ther pool, c. 150 on grass; 17th, Newchurch, c.100, and 28th, c.300 on fat-hen (JLF).

397. REDPOLL. H. Jan. 2nd, Hampton Bishop, large flock mixed with Siskins; and Jan. 6th, Sutton, the same (CWW); Feb. 12th, Eywood, two (RHB); 19th, Lulham, two (TRHO); Maroh, a party at Skenfrith (FMP); Mar. 21st, Croft woods, seen with Siskins (EEG); 28th, Aymestrey, c.24 in larches (JLF); April 24th, Haugh Wood, c.300 in larch (JLF); July 26th, Eywood, two (RHB); Oct. 30th, Haugh Wood, c.15 (Oub Outing); Nov. 3rd, Belmont, two on dock seeds (PGRB); Wergins Bridge, two in willows, and 29th, Holme Lacy, c. 10 in crick willows (JLF). R. Mar. 1st, Dol-y-mynach, one killed on road (ROBG); April 24th, Tymawr, a sizeable flock (EG); May 9th, Llan­ wefr, 6 (ROBG). DJLS reports them breeding in Llyn Gwyn Forestry area.

401. BULLFINCH. Average numbers and distribution. H. Belmont, party of 12 on Nov. 3rd, and 10 + on Nov. 17th (PGRB). 44 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

404. CROSSBILL. H. Jan. 10th, Aymestrey, c.12, with cock in song (Club Outing); March 28th, a pair in Scots pine on exactly the same spot as Jan. 10th; another pair were 500 yards away in larches, while 3 cocks and two hens drank from a cart rut (JLF); April 4th, Aymestrey, 4 seen (RM); 11 th, heard calling (TRA), but 25th, none found OLF); May 27th, Bringewood, a party of juveniles (per MB); July 4th, Wapley hill, 8 immatures (DRH). R. Oct. 13th, Ednol, 10 drinking from a Forestry track (TRA).

407. CHAFFINCH. H. First song Feb. 18th, Lulham (TRHO) and Hereford (PGRB); Oct. 4th, Hampton Bishop, a male in full song (JLF). R. First song Feb. 19th, Nantmel (DJLS); Dec. 17th, Newchurch, 500 + on roots (JLF).

408. BRAMBLING. H. Oct. 31st, Lulham, 6, and during Nov.-Dec. anything up to lOO, in a large currant field (TRHO); Nov. 15th, Belmont, one hen (PGRB); 27th, Hampton Bishop, one (JLF). R. Jan. 9th, Penybont, 16 (ROBG); 22nd, Presteigne, 30 + (EEG); Nov. 13th, Walton, two; Dec. 17th, New­ church, c. 200 with finches; and 28th, Bryngwyn, c. 30 in charlock (JLF); 30th, Llanyre, 30 + (DJLS); Dec. 25th, Aberedw, "scores" (H. McSweeney).

409. YELWW HAMMER. H. Feb. 21st, Ballingham, c.20 (PGRB); Nov. 14th, Belmont, 25, and 17th, 20 (PGRB). R. May 2nd, Penybont, c. 10 with Tree Sparrows (CW); Dec. 13th, Kinnerton, c. 50 (JLF); Dec. 17th, Crowther pool, c.40 (JLF).

410. CORN BUNTING. H. For the fourth year running the bird has been recorded during the breeding season, and a little colony seems to have sprung up near Hereford. May 9th, near Ross golf-course, one singing (ROBG); May 11 th, near Canon Pyon, one singing (JLF) and watched at 7 yards; June 3rd, Kings Acre-Credenhill, 5 singing males (ARM); later a bird seen taking food to nest (ARM and HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 45

also WHM); Sept. 18th. Yazor brook. 14 came to drink, and Dec. 15th, a flock of c.40 in a small tree used as song-post in breeding time, with Yellowhammers and Sparrows (ARM). Note-Previous history is: Bred at Bodenham in 1945; fledged young seen at Monkland in 1968; 3 birds seen at Sutton in 1969; two at Upton Bishop and one at Stretton Sugwas in 1970.-Ed.

421. REED BUNTING. H. Jan. 26th, Belmont, two (PGRB); March 24th. Eywood. a male (RHB), and April 6th. a pair; 31st, Lulham, a male (TRHO); April 9th, near Hereford, two (ARM); June. Kings Acre. in song and breeding, 300 yards from water (ARM); breeding noted at Mortimer's Cross. Shobdon, Pinsley brook and Letton (TRA); Nov. 28th, Shobdon, 30 + roosting in phragmites (TRA). R. Feb. 7th. Penybont, 3 (CW); 8th, Glan llyn. one (ROBG); March 20th, Nantmel. birds present (DJLS); April 3rd, Caefagu, two pairs (DJLS); 25th. Gilfach, a male (ROBG); May 9th, Penybont, two; 9th. Llanwefr, 8; and 22nd, Llyn Hilyn. a nest (ROBG); June 19th, Hundred House, two; and Pencerrig, nest with young (ROBG).

424. HOUSE SPARROW. Ubiquitous.

425. TREE SPARROW. H. Jan. 24th, Shobdon airfield, 40 + (TRA); 29th, Lulham, flocks of up to 30 about, but autumn flocks absent; three pairs nested in boxes (TRHO); March 24th, Ivington. 30-40 (MLB-T); April 6th, Kington, two (CJP); 9th. Hereford, c.30 (ARM); June 13th. Titley. nest with young, and another in Mowley Wood (NWW); Staun­ ton-on-Arrow, a pair had two broods in a box (BMT). R. Jan. 2nd. Four Stones, c.25 with Chaffinches (JLF); 29th. Forest Inn, c. 12 (RHB); May 22nd, Penybont, seen on lower side of an occupied Heron's nest (ROBG); Nov. 13th, Walton, c. 25, and Dec. 17th, Newchurch. 50 + on kale (JLF). 46 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

NON-MEMBERS' KEY Miss B. Cameron; P. J. Chadwick, Bristol; A. Crump, Lon­ don; P. E. Davis, Tregaron, Nature Conservancy; Mr. Evans, Kington; A. Franey, Somerset; H. G. Friend, Kington; N. Hepton­ stall, Harewood End; G. Hillier; M. Hoebeck, Brecon; G. E. Lewis, Sutton Coldfield, Warks.; H. McSweeney, Aberedw, Rads.; T. Norton, Ithon Road, Llandrindod; D. J. Powell, 6 Camden Court, Brecon; M. V. Preece, Llangynidr, Crickhowell; H. Snell, Lulham; D. E. Thomas, Cae James, Rhayader; T. E. Tyler, Rhayader County Secondary School; J. A. Watkins; L. Workman; Lt.-Col. R. S. Wright, Lyonshall.

REPORT EXCHANGES Bardsey Bird and Field Observatory. Brecknock County Naturalists' Trust, per Martin Preece. Bristol Naturalists' Society, Ornithological Section, per P. J. Chadwick, M.B.O.V. Derbyshire Ornithological Club. Essex Bird Watching and Preservation Society. Gower Ornithological Society. Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club, Ornithological Section, per B. L. Sage, M.RO.V. Isle of Wight Ornithological Society. Natural History Society. North Gloucestershire Naturalists' Society. Shropshire Ornithological Society. Trent Valley Bird-Watchers' Society. West Wales Naturalists' Trust.

AFFILIATION SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1971 £ Council for Nature 2-00 British Trust for Ornithology 2-50 British Naturalists' Association 0-50 West Midland Bird Club 1-00 Royal Society for the Protection of Birds .. , 4-00 Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club 1-50 Herefordshire and Radnorshire Nature Trust Ltd. 2-10 Herefordshire Community Council 0-53 £14-13 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 47


INCOME AND EXPENDITURE CLUB ~ !endled .J1st Deeembier, 1971

1970 1971 £ £ Income: 5.87 Sale of Club Publications 11.82 5.33 Donations 55.20 19.65 Building Society Interest 214.40 274.00 Subscriptions 281.58 304.85 £373.00 Deduct-Expenditure: 42.30 Printing and Stationery 39.70 65.00 Annual Report 75.00 37.98 Postage and Telephones 47.72 41.65 Meeting ExpeThSies 4851 12.00 Affiliation Sulbscriptions 14.13 Donation to B.T.D. '" 10.00 18.00 Depreciation of Projector 18.00 Wreath 2.00 255.06 216.93 87.92 Net Suriplus for the year .. , 117.94 539.90 AIM: Surplus at 1st January, 1971 627.82 627.82 AceumuIated Funds at 31&'1 December, 1971 £745.76 Accumulated Funds at 31st December, represented by:- 7'2.00 Projector at cost less amounts written off ... 54.00 408.30 Deposit with Building Society 5,82.70 Cash at Bank less 1972 Subscriptions 147.52 received in advance 109.06 627.82 £745.76

B. C. ALLAN. Treasurer.

I have audited the above Accounts and I report that in my opinion, these Accounts show a true and fair view of the Surplus for the year ended 31bt December, 197'1 and of the Club's assets as at 31st December, 1911.

T. DAVIES, Chartered Accountant.


LIST OF MEMBERS List of members as at 31st December, 197 1 An asterisk denotes Junior Member ADDIS, R. P., L1ancillo Hall, Abergavenny. ADDIS, Mrs. R. P., L1ancillo Hall, Abergavenny. ALLAN, B. C, The Old Vicarage, Bredwardine, Herefordshire. AMMONDS, T. R., Easthampton Farm, Shobdon, Herefordshire. *ASHFORD P., 157, Kings Acre Road, Hereford.

BADLAND, Mrs. H. M., Castle View, Stapleton, Presteigne, Rads. BAILLlE, R. H., Wyche House, Kington, Herefordshire. BAILLlE, Mrs. C. G. G., Wyche House, Kington, Herefordshire. BAILY, R. E. H., CB. E., Castle Pool Hotel, Hereford. BALL, E., Fairfield, Lower Breinton, Hereford. BALL, Mrs. C, Fairfield, Lower Breinton, Hereford. BALL, Miss M., Longmeadow, Breinton, Hereford. *BALLARD, Miss Sarah, Old Country Farm, Mathon, Nr. Malvern. BARBER, Miss E. G., The Fish, Hopesay, Craven Arms, SOllop. BARBIER, P. G. R., 31, Hillside, Mayberry Avenue, Hereford. BARDEL, Mrs. M., Parlours Bank, 39, Hergest Road, Kington, Herefordshire BARNES, D. J., 18, Stratton Close, Hereford. BARNETT, Mrs. E., Long Lane, Overbury Road, Hereford. BARRETT, Miss K. M., Ridgebank House, Hergest Road, Kington. BATE, Mrs. M., 7, Ox House Cottages, Shobdon, Herefordshire. "'BATE, Miss Monica, 7, Ox House Cottages, Shobdon. BATE, A. J., 7, Ox House Cottages, Shobdon. BAXTER, Mrs. M. B., Welgarth, Nunninglon, Hereford. BAYLlSS, Miss B. N., 61, Chartwell Road, Hereford. BEACH, Mrs. M., Bridge House, Leintwardine, Craven Arms, Salop. BENTLEY-TAYLOR, J. M., The Hyde, Ivington, Leominste" Herefordshire. BENTLEY -TAYLOR, Mrs. M. L., The Hyde, Ivington, Leominster, Hfds. BENNETT, Mrs. D. E. M., Down Ampney, Horse Lane Orchard, Ledbury. BENNETT, O. S., Lingmell, Milway, Sutton St., Nicholas, Hereford. BENNETT, Mrs. C, Lingmell, Milway, Sutton St., Nicholas, Hereford. BENNETT, Stephen, Lingmell, Milway, Sutton St., Nicholas, Hereford. BEST, J. W., M.B.E., Lawton Hall, Nr. Leominster. BEST, Mrs. M. E., Lawton Hall, Nr. Leominster. BISHOP, Miss D. M. W., Greenacres, Tillington, Hereford. BLOWER, E. c., c/o. Vaughan & Davies, S::Jlicitors, Duke Street, Kington. BODDINGTON, Dr. D. G., Down House, Bromyard, Herefordshire. BODDINGTON, Mrs., Down House, Bromyard, Herefordshire. BOND, A. E., Moor Cottage, Widemarsh Common, Hereford. BOND, Mrs. V. D., Moor Cottage, Widemarsh Common, Hereford. BOSSOM, Sir Clive, Bart., M.P., Pqrsons Orchard, Eastnor, Ledbury. BOWDEN, F., Station Bungalow, Tarrington, Hereford. BOWDEN, Mrs. M., Station Bungalow, Tarrington, Hereford. BRADLEY, F. H., Litfield Bank, Lyonshall, Hereford. BRADLEY, P. G., 59, W'hitehorse Street, Whitecross, Hereford. BRADLEY, Mrs., 59, Whitehorse Street, Whitecross, Hereford. BRADLEY, Miss W. E., Castorbridge, Knapp Lane, Ledbury. BRADSHAW, R. H., New Inn, Brilley, Whitney-on-Wye. *BRADSHAW, Miss Judith, New Inn, Brilley, Whitney-on-Wye. BRECKNELL, C. j., (Hon. Member) 18, College Road, Wells, Somerset. BRIGHT, G. W., Drumore, Leominster. BRIGHT, Mrs., Drumore, Leominster. BROMLEY, F. S., The Garth, Kington, Herefordshire. BROMLEY, Mrs. J. M., The Garth, Kington, Herefordshire. HEREFORDSHffiE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 49

*BROMLEY, Jonathon, The Garth, Kington, Herefordshire. BROOKES, Miss P., The Paddock, Lucton Lane, Kingsland. BROWN, Miss M. Willoughby., Highfield, Bank Crescent, Ledbury. BROWN, Miss W. B., Highfield, Bank Crescent, Ledbury. BROWN, Miss S. Tatton., Caradoc, Leintwardine, Craven Arms, Salop. BROWNING, T. N. R., Croft Cottage, Fownhope, Hereford. BROWNING, Mrs. M. D. E., Croft Cottage, Fownhope, Hereford. BUCHANAN, Mrs. M., The Ovals, Kington, Herefordshire. BULMER. H. H.• Longmeadow, Breinton, Hereford. BUTCHER. B.• 177, Upper Ledbury Road, Hereford. *CALlGARI, C. D. S., Hill Crest, Credenhill, Hereford. CARTWRIGHT, A. D., 78, Park Street, Hereford. CAWLEY, Vivienne Lady, Berrington Hall, Leominster. CHANDLER, Dr. D. A., Bryn-Tyrion, Kingstone, Herefordshire. CLARK, P. B., Elmo, , Hereford. CLARK, Mrs. A. E., Elmo, Much Birch, Hereford. CLARKE, C. F., The Orchard. Tillington. Hereford. CLARKE, Mrs. E. M., The Orcha

DIGGORY, G. S. T., Rockdene, Headbrook, Kington. DIGGORY, Mrs. A. Z., Rockdene, Headbrook, Kington. DRYLAND, Mrs. B. D., Pholeea, Kington. DUNNE, Miss S. G., j. P., The Knoll, Bircher, Leominster. EDWARDS, Miss E. M., Stokesay, 360, Upper Ledbury Road, Hereford. EDWARDS, Mrs. L. H., The Meadows, Preston Wynne, Hereford. EDWARDS, Miss M., Somerset Cottage, Little Marcle, Ledbury. EDWARDS, 0., Bark Cottage, Fownhope, Hereford. ENGLISH, Mrs. E. M., High House, Peterstow, Ross-on-Wye. EVANS, B., c/o. Lynden Forest Nursery, Upton Bishop, Ross-on-Wye. EVANS, P. M., Staunton House, Staunton-on-Arrow, Leominster. EVERSHED, Miss L. M., Hagley House, Ivington, Leominster. FALKINER, Lt.Col. Sir Terence, Bart., D. L., Kingsthorne House, Hereford. FENN, Dr. C. M., Meadow Way, L1anwrtyd Wells, Brecon. FISHER, Dr. H. W., Wyelands, Broomy Hill, Hereford. FORREST, J. E., 11, Abbots Walk, Kirkcaldy, Fife. FOSTER, R. M., 14, Brookside, Tupsley, Hereford. FOX, F. W., Strangford, Pentaloe Close, Mordiford, Hereford. FOX, Mrs. j. E., Strangford, Pentaloe Close, Mordiford, Hereford. FOX, H. M., Strangford, Pentaloe Close, Mordiford, Hereford. FOX, j. L., 5, Folly Lane, Hereford. FOX, Mrs. J. V., 5, Folly Lane, Hereford. FRASER, Miss E. L., Highland Cottage, Newcastle, Monmouthshire. FRIK, H., Rock Cottage, Lugwardine, Hereford. FYSHE, A. G., Perryfield, Sollars Hope, Herefordshire. FYSHE, Mrs. G. J., Perryfield, Sollars Hope, Herefordshire. GALLlMORE, T., Wood,leigh, Staplow, Ledbury, Herefordshire. GARDNER, P., Highlands, Wharton, Leominster. GARDNER, Mrs. J., Highlands, Wharton, Leominster. GARFITT, C. R., 35, Hampton Dene Road, Tupsley, Hereford. GARFITT, Mrs. 35, Hampton Dene Road, Tupsley, Hereford. GARNETT, A T. G., Clyde House, 53, Edgar Street, Hereford. GARNETT, Mrs. Clyde House, 53, Edgar Street, Hereford. GARNETT, Major R. O. B., Rowan Cottage, Dog Lane, Crickley Hill, GIQs. GL3 4UG. GASKELL, Mrs. D. j., Seabournes, Fawley Chapel, Hereford. GASKELL, R. W., Gillow Manor, Harewood End, Hereford. GASKELL, Mrs., Gillow Manor, Harewood End, Hereford. GEORGE, Miss P. E., Rose Villa, Ackhill, Presteigne, Rads. GI BBS, Miss K., April House, 43, Lichfield Avenue, Hereford. GIBBS, Miss M., April House, 43, Lichfield Avenue, Hereford. GIBSON. Miss W. M.• 49. Broomy Hiil. Hereford. GIBSON-WATT, Major j. D., M.C., M.P., Doldowlod, Uandrindod Wells. GILBERT, B. F., The Laurels, 30, Tower Road, Broomy Hill, Hereford. GILBERT, Lt.-Col. E. R. F., Bishopstone, Hereford. GILBERT, Mrs., Bishopstone, Hereford. GILBERT, Mrs. M. V., M.B.O.U., (Hon Member), The Lodge, Bishopstone. GILLAM, Miss M. A., 111, Ledbury Road, Hereford. GRANT-DUFF, Dr. L., The Prospect, Much Dewchurch, Hereford. GREEN, A. c., 1, Carroll Avenue, Fayre Oaks, Hereford. GREEN, Miss M., 43, Alexandra Road, Malvern, Worcestershire. GREEN, oR. H., Cootes Close, Corfe Castle, Wareham, Dorset. GRIFFITHS, C. N., 9, Berkeley Hotel, Temple Street, Llandrindod Wells. GRIFFITHS, John, 26, Gwaelodygarth, Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire. GROVE, Mrs G. M., Swinmore, Madley, Herefordshire. GUEST, E., 35, Shenstone Avenue, Norton Estate, Stourbridge, Worcs. GUTCH, Miss E. E., Dilke House, 15, Beauchamp Avenue, Leamington Spa. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 51

HADFIELD, G.• Bulls Grove, Putley, Ledbury. HADFIELD, Mrs. N .• Bulls Grove, Putley, Ledbury. HAKE, Miss F. E., 49, Broomy Hill, Hereford. HARRISSON, W. R. D., Lower Bumps, Edge, Nr. Stroud, Glos. HARTLAND, W. D., Markeaton. Munstone, Hereford. HARTLAND, Mrs. M. E.• Markeaton. Munstone, Hereford. HEATH, J. CM., Greensleeves, Whitchurch, Ross-on-Wye. HEATH, Mrs. M. Greensleeves. Whitchurch. Ross-on-Wye. HEATHCOTE, Mrs. A .• 140, Tyglas Road, L1anishen, Cardiff. HELME, Dr, V. P., 30, Gorsty Lane, Her,eford. HERMON, F. R. C., 92, Old Eign Hill, Hereford. HERMON. Mrs. W. M .• 92, Old Eign Hill, Hereford. HERVEY-BATHURST, Major B. A. F.• Eastnor Castle, Ledbury. HESTEN, A., 43, Brockhampton Drive, Tupsley, Hereford. HIAM, D. R., The Hollow, By ton, Presteigne, Rads. H lAM, Mrs. The Hollow, By ton, Presteigne, Rads. HIOGINS, M. F., Tannachie, Harcourt Road, West Malvern. HIGTON, K. A., Darren House, Ledbury Road, Ross-on-Wye. HILL, Lt. Col., T. J. B., Ash Cottage, Fownhope, Hereford. HILL, Mrs. J.• Ash Cottage, Fownhope, Hereford. HINCHLlFFE, J. E. C, Newel Tryst, Shobdon, Herefordshire. HINCHLlFFE, Mrs. A. B., Newel Tryst, Shobdon. Herefordshire. HINDE. P. W., 14, Goldthorn Road, Wolverhampton, Staffs. HINDE, Mrs. M. G. A., 14, Goldthorn Road, Wolverhampton, Staffs. HOLFORD, Mrs. R., Spring Grove Cottages, Buckland Newton, Dorchester. HOLLAND, Lady Elizabeth. Dderw. Rhayader, Radnorshi-re. HORNE, Miss E. M., Upper Bridge Court, Brilley, Whitney-on-Wye. HOWORTH, Lt. Col., P. J., Hill House, Kingsthorne, Hereford. HOWORTH, Mrs. Hill House, Kingsthorne. Hereford. HUDSON, Miss R. A., Tellin. Lyonshall, Herefordshire. HUGHES, Mrs., Farcroft, Lucton. Kingsland, Herefordshire. HUNT, R., Whitmore House, Burghill. Hereford. HUNT, Mrs. M., Whitmor·e House. Burghill, Hereford. HUTTON, Mrs. R. H. B., The Elms. Hampton Bishop, Hereford

INGRAM, G. CS., M.B.O.U. (Hon Member), at 62, Hamilton Street, Canton, Cardiff. (Deceased).

JACK. I. Logan, Huntington Court, Kington. JACKSON, Mrs. V., 110, Golden Post, Hunderton, Hereford. JAMES, P. Gwynne., Highcroft, Breinton, Hereford. JAMES, Mrs., Highcroft, Breinton, Hereford. JARVIS, C. J., Ridway Cottage, Thruxton, Hereford. JARVIS, Mrs. J. M.• Ridway Cottage, Thruxton, Hereford. JENKINS, D. C, Tyngwndwn, Felinfach, Lampeter, Cards. JENKINS. Mrs. V. M., Lady Lift Villa, Almeley, Herefordshire. JOHN, Mrs. M. E., Ruddhill, Monkland. Leominster. jOHNSON, Miss J., Fairway, 261, Kingsacre Road, Hereford. JONES, Commander B. 5., O.B.E., R.N .• Moccas Court, Moccas, Hfds. JONES. Mrs. P., The Oxford Farm, Brampton Bryan, Bucknell, Salop. JONES. R. C, Sylfaen, Holcombe Drive, L1andr:ndod Wells. lONES, Tudor J., L1andrindod Hall, L1andrindod Wells.

KARN, Miss E., 7, Lansdown Place, Cheltenham. KAULFUSS. E. A., Castlebury, Shenmore, Madley, Hereford. KAULFUSS, Mrs. Castlebury. Shenmore, Mad!ey, Hereford. KEAL, Mrs. H. G., The White House. 39, Moor Park Road, Hereford. KEMEYS, W. G., 45. Breinton Avenue, Hereford. 52 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

KEOWN-BOYD, Lady Joan, M.B.E., 35/2, Mansfield Street, London, W.l. KIDDLE, B. M., Green Trees, Court Drive, Tillington, Hereford. KINOHAM, Mrs. H. J., 29, St. Bernard R.oad, Sutton Coldfield, Warwicks. KNOTT, W. E. B., Coombe Farm, Leominster Road, Presteigne. KYNASTON-DAVIES, Mrs. L., 8, Prince Edward Road, Hereford.

LAMBOURNE, G. c., The Cottage Farm, Ipsley, Nr. Redditch, Worcs. LANCASTER, Mrs. W., Highfields L1anbadarn Fynydd, L1andrindod Wells. LANE, J. P., Top Cottage, Little Common, Dorslone. LANGDALE-SMITH, Dr. H. G., Orchard Hill, Tarrington, Hereford. LANGDALE-SMITH, Mrs. D. M., Orchard Hill, Tarrington, Hereford. LAWRENCE, Miss H. M., I. The Nook, Tupsley, Hereford. LEE, P. H., O.B.E., Backbury House, Checkley, Herefordshire. LEE, Mrs. 5., Backbury House, Checkley, Herefordshire. LEVICK, D. R., Bearwood, Pembridge, Nr. Leominster. LEVICK, Mrs. M. P., Bearwood, Pembridge, Nr. Leominster. LEWIS, A. H., Fisheries Research, British Embassy, P.O. Box 393 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. LEWIS, Mrs. K., Fisheries Research, British Embassy, P.O. Box 393 Jedd3h, Saudi Arabia. LEWIS, B., Little Heath, Leysters, Nr. Leominster. LEWIS, Major C. J. L., Evancoyd, Presteigne, Radnorshire. LEWIS, Miss G. M., 7, Heaton Drive, Edgbaston, Birmingham 15. LEWIS, J. J., Far Hall, Dolau, L1andrindod Wells, Rads. LEWIS, Squadron Leader V. c., Bircher Hall, Bircher, Leominster. LEWIS, Mrs. O. K., Bircher Hall, Leominster. L1NDSAY-SCOTT, Miss W., Upper Bridge Court, Brilley, Whitney-on-Wye. LING, Mrs. E., The Dell Cottage, Bridstow, Ross-on-Wye. LLOYD, A. W., Swanclose, Hergest Road, Kington. LLOYD, Mrs. E. 5., Three Hollies, Brilley Green, Whitney-on-WVe. LOMAX, Miss K. L., The Old Forge, Nash, Presteigne. LYKE, Mrs. S., Lawton Bury, Leominster. LYON, Miss Rosemary, Yew Trees, Hacketts, Co!wall, Nr. Malvern.

MACADIE, C. S., Long Thatch, Lydbury North, Salop. McDOUGALL, P., M.B.O.U., College of Education, Hexham, Northumberland. MALLARD, W. H., The Cottage, Newton Lane, Leominster. MALLARD, Mrs., The Cottage, Newton Lane, Leominstmer. *MALLARD, R. H., The Cottage, Newton Lane, Leominster. MARLER, W. J., RSPB, The Lodge. Sandy, Bedfordshire. MARCHANT, A., 16, Broad Leys Crescent, Hereford. MARSHAM, P., Coddington, Ledbury. MARSTON, F. W., Sandiacre, Yatton, Aymestrey, Herefordshire. MASON, K. A., The Sett, Common Hill, Fownhope, Herefordshire. MASON, Mrs. C. M., The Sett, Common Hill, Fownhope, Herefordshire. MATTHEWS, T. F. V., M.C., Prothither Mill, Nr. Hoarwithy, Hfds. MATTHEWS, Mrs., Prothither Mill, Nr. Hoarwithy, Herefordshire. MAUNSELL, Mrs. K. I., Little Tredunnock, L1angarron, Ross-on-Wye. MEAD, C. J., 4, Beaconsfield Road, Tring, Hertfordshire. MEADHAM, W. H., 10, Guildford Street, Hereford. MEADHAM, Mrs. H., 10, GUildford Street, Hereford. MEADOWS, Miss Jean, 39, Nasmyth Street, Denton, Manchester. MIDWOOD, B. N., The Willows Farm, Burrington, Ludlow. MIDWOOD. Mrs. ,. M., The Willows Farm, Burrington, Ludlow. MILES, Dr. B. E., F.R.C.P., The Clyst, Hampton Park, Hereford. MILES, Mrs., The Clyst, Hampton Park, Hereford. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971 53

MILLS, L. C, 13, Pen-y-Bryn, Crossgates, L1andrindod Wells. MOORE, Air Commodore, L. P., C.B.E., Chalfont, Ferndale Road, Hereford. MOORE, Mrs. D., Chalfont, Ferndale Road, Hereford. MOORE, The Rev. R. C, "Pippins", Horselane Orchard, Ledbury. MORGAN, Mrs. J. E., The Showers, Kingsland, Herefordshire. MORGAN, Miss Julia, Ye Olde House, 15, Duke Street, Kington. * MORGAN, S. W., Ye Olde House, 15, Duke Street, Kington. *MORGAN, N. J., 2, Park View, Kington. MORLEY, R., 23, The Birches, Shobdon, Herefordshire. MORLEY, Mrs. R., 23, The Birches, Shobdon, Herefordshire. MOSS, Miss K. L., Dilke House, 15, Beauchamp Avenue, Leamington Spa. MOUNTFORD, A R., 17, Oatfield Close, Hereford. MULLER, Miss I. (Hon. Member) 2, Quantock Close, Weston-Super-Mare. MURRAY, J. G., M.R.C.V.S., Kilmory, Ledbury. MURRAY, Mrs. Kilmory, Ledbury.

NASH, A. R., Cranwell, Dinedor, Herefordshi're. NASH, Mrs. J. R., Cranwell, Dinedor, Herefordshire. NIXON, Mrs. R., Grey Cedars, L1angrove, Ross-on-Wye.

O'CORMAN, C, The Old Shop, Ewyas Harold, Herefordshire. OVENDEN, Dr. R. N., Stone House, Kingsland, Herefordshire. OVENDEN, Mrs. P. A, Stone House, Kingsland, Herefordshire. OWEN, T. R. H., C.B.E., Lulham House, Madley, Herefordshire. OWEN, Mrs., Lulham House, Madley, Herefordshire.

PALM ER, W., "Fairfield" Dolberthog Lane, LLlandrindod Wells. *PARRY, C J., 9, Park View, Kington. PARRY, Miss S. K., Ashfield, Luston, Leominster. PASKE, Mrs. A. J., Bewdley Orchard, Canon Pyon Road, Hereford. PATTERSON, Miss M. W. L., Trefwrdan-Isaf, Nevern, Newport, Pembs. PAUL, Dr. J. P., Winforton House, Winforton, Hereford. PAUL, Mrs. M., Winforton House, Winforton, Hereford. PEARCE, CV., 16, Aylesbrook, .Roman Road, Hereford. PEARCE, Mrs. L. S., 16, Aylesbrook, Roman Road, Hereford. PENNINCTON, T. W., The Old Stowe, Whitney-on-Wye. PENNINGTON, Mrs. J. E., The Old Stowe, Whitney-on.Wye. PHILLIPS, Mrs. D. E., Lydney, Ryelands Road, Leominster. PITTS, A. E., 3, Britten Close, Tupsley, Hereford. PITTS, Mrs., 3, Britten Close, Tupsley, Hereford. PITTS, Miss Mary, 3, Britten Close, Tupsley, Hereford. POLLEY, Lt-Col., J. G. T., R.E., The Old Rectory, Aldford, Chester. *POLLEY, Master, The Old Rectory, Aldford, Chester. POND, Mrs. M., Croft Cottage, Lucton Lane, Lucton, Kingsland. PORTER, A. M., Cottage, Ross-on-Wye. PORTER, Mrs. H. A, M.B.E., Waynefleet, Eastfield Road, Ross-on-Wye. POWELL, Miss A C, Great Oak Corner, Eardisley, Herefordshire. POWELL, Mrs. D., 336, Ledbury Road, Hereford. POWELL, Mrs. M., Hill House, Bradnor, Kington. PREECE, I. W., 85, Pilley Road, Hereford. *PREECE, Stephen, 85, Pilley Road, Hereford. PRICE, Ben., (Hon. Member) Glanedw, Rhulen, Builth Wells. (Deceased). PRICE, Waiter, Glanedw, Rhulen, Builth Wells, Brecon. PROBYN, Mrs. F. M., Common Gate Cottage, Welsh Newton, Monmouth. PROSSER, A. S., 16, Guildford Street. Hereford. PROSSER, C. T. 0., Wyecroft, 23, Broomy Hill, Hereford. 54 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

PROSSER, Mrs. M. E., Wyecroft, 23, Broomy Hill, Hereford. PROSSER, Miss M. M., Manderlay, Norton Terrace, L1andrindod Wells. PROUT, P., Graiseley House, 180, Whitecross Road, Hereford. PROUT, Mrs. 5., Graiseley House, 180, Whitecross Road, Hereford. PYKE, Mrs. B. R., 12, St. Ethelbert Street, Hereford. PYLE, Peter, 46, Eign Road, Hereford.

RANDOLPH, H. T., 14, Heatherwood, Midhurst, Sussex. RANSFORD, Col. Sir Alister I., C. I. E., Great Oak Corner, Eardisley, Hereford. RANSFORD, Lady L. T., Great Oak Comer, Eardisley. RAPER, G. F., Verlands Cottage, L1angarron, Ross-on-Wye. RAPER, Mrs. C. J., Verlands Cottage, L1angarron. RAPER, Miss D. N., Verlands Cottage, L1angarron. RAYNER, J. R., Shopfield, Bringsty, Nr. Worcester. REID, Dr. N. B., The Old Oak House, Pembridge, Herefordshire. REID, Mrs., The Old Oak House, Pembridge, Herefordshire. RICHARDS, Miss J. M., Hawthorn Corner, Pentaloe Close, Mordiford. RICHARDSON, Dr. R. E., 6, Green Court, Eaton Bishop, Hereford. RICHARDSON, Mrs. E., 6, Green Court, Eaton Bishop, Hereford. RICKETTS, K. F. H., The Cowl Barn, Colwall, Malvern. RICKETTS, Mrs. M. I., The Cowl Barn, Colwall, Ma!vern. RIGBY, Miss M. A, The Gate House, How Caple Court, Herefordshire. RIMMER, A E., 21, Fayre Oaks Green, Hereford. RIMMER, Mrs. H., 21, Fayre Oaks Green, Hereford. RIST, Miss M. K., c/o. Miss Lyon, Yew Trees, Hacketts, Colwall, Nr. Malvern. ROBBINS, R. A., Three Owls, Kingsland, Leominster. ROBBINS, Mrs. H., Three Owls, Kingsland, Leominster. ROBINSON, L. B., Downside Lodge, 158, Foxley Lane, Purley, Surrey. tROGERS, Miss I., 40, Tower Road, Hereford. ROSKILL, T. W., Lower Hardwick, Pembridge, Herefordshire. ROSKILL, Mrs. E. M., Lower Hardwick, Pembridge, Herefordshire. ROUND, Mrs. D. M., Kenelm, How Caple, Hereford. ROUND, J. S. K., Kenelm, How Caple, Hereford. RUDD, Miss E. K. S., Whitehall, Goodrich, Ross-on-Wye. RUSSELL, C, 104, Baysham Street, Hereford. RYE. Mrs. M. L., Pilliners Hill, Breinton, Hereford.

SALMON, Col., H. Morrey, CB.E., M.C, D.L., M.B.O.U., 24, Bryngwyn Road, Cyncoed, Cardiff, CF2, 6PQ. *SARGEANT, C. O. M., The Nook, Mill Street, Kington. SCUDDER, Mrs. M., The School House, Kinnersley. Herefordshire. SHELDRAKE, C W., Minsmere, Sutton St. Nicholas, Hereford. SHETLlFFE, Mrs. E. M., Canons House Flat, The Close, Hereford. SIBBICK, A, The Lodge, Mansell Lacy, Herefordshire. SINCLAIR, The Lady, Knock Mailing, Dairy, Castle Douglas, Kirkcudbrightshire. SMALL, D. 1. L., School House, Nantmel, L1andrindod Wells. SMALLWOOD, R. L., 61, Gresham Road, Hall Green. Birmingham, 28. SMITH, A. J., 4, The Orchard, Moreton-on-Lugg, Hereford. SMITH, Mrs. A. D., The Orchard, Moreton-on-Lugg, Hereford. SMITH, A. L., Hillfield Cottage, Chase Road, Ross-on-Wye. SMI rH, Mrs., Hillfield Cottage, Chase Road, Ross-on-Wye. SMITH, G. N., 7, Mill Street, Hereford. SMITH, Mrs. J., 7, Mill Street, Hereford. SMITH, H. c., CB. E., M.B.O.U., Hazel Cottage, The Maypole, Rockfield, Mon. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

SMITH, Miss J., 26, Lichfield Avenue, Hereford. SMITH, Miss M., 26, Lichfield Avenue, Hereford. SMITH, J. J., Easter Cottage, Stretfordbury, Leominster. SMITH, L., 9, The Coppice, Bishopthorpe, York, Y02 IQP. STONE, Miss B., Ivy Cottage, How Caple, Herefordshire. STUCKEY, A. c., Sunnycroft, Tillington, Hereford. SUMNER, Mrs. P. M., The Becks, Wellington Heath, Ledbury. SUTCLI FFE, Miss D., 21, Elgar Avenue, Hampton Park, Hereford.

TALBOT-RICE, The Hon. Mrs. B. M., Castle Weir, Lyonshall, Herefordshire. TAYLOR, E. W., Littlebridge Bungalow, Norton, Bromyard. TAYLOR, Mrs. L. A, Littl·ebridge Bungalow, Norton, Bromyard. TAYLOR, Miss F. M., Sunnyhill, Luston, Leominster. TAYLOR, Miss, 68, Hinton Road, Hereford. TEBB, B. M., The Laurels, Staunton-on-Arrow, Leominster. THOMAS, Emrys, Montpelier, 78, Stanhope Street, Hereford. THOMAS, Mrs. M. M., Montpelier. 78. Stanhope Street, Hereford. THOMAS, G. W., "Lanyon", The Hundred, Kimbolton, Leominster. THOMAS, Mrs. I. 0., "Lanyon", The Hundred, Kimbolton, Leominster. THOMAS, M. H., 19, Nelson Street, Hereford. THOMAS, Mrs. M. E., Marloes, 17, Aylesbrook, Roman Road, Hereford. fHOMAS. Mrs. P. M., "Aysgarth," Ledbury. *THOMPSON, H. V., The Cottage, How Caple, Herefordshire. THOMSON, P., Hall Pool, Marden, Herefordshire. THOMSON, Mrs. S. E., Hall Pool, Marden, Herefordshire. TREVOR, Miss E., Trecilla Cottage, L1anga,rron, Ross-on-Wye. TROTTER, W. S., 2, Chatham Court, Kinnersley Close, Newton Farm, Hereford. TURNER, J., The Hill, Kings Pyon, Hereford. TURNER, Mrs. M. L. N., The Hill, Kings Pyon, Hereford. *TURNER, P. W., 4, Elizabeth Road, Kington. TURTON, R. L., Bryncurl, Lyonshall, Herefordshire.

VENABLES-LLEWELYN, Brig., Sir C. M. D., Bart., M.V.O., L1ysdinam, Newbridge-on-Wye, L1andrindod Wells. VERNON, R. L., Burcher Cottage, Titley, Kington. VICKERMAN, J., Ferriby, Wellington, Herefordshire. VICKERMAN, Mrs., Ferriby, Wellington, Herefordshire.

WALKER, Dr. C. W., M.C., 14, Venns Lane, Hereford. WALKER, Mrs. I. H., 14, Venns Lane, Hereford. *WALKER, Stephen, Brick House, Bearwocd, Pembridge. WALSH, A St. G., Snelson House, Macclesfield, Cheshire. WALTERS, N. W., Nianda, 6, Elizabeth Road, Kington. WARD, Mrs. C. M., Sunnyside, Yarpole, Leominster. WARD, Miss S. M., Ridgebank House, Hergest Road, Kington. WAREING, W. S.• 24. Bodenham Road, Hereford. WAREING, Mrs. E., 24, Bodenham Road, Hereford. WATKINS, J. H, 32, Church Road, Tupsley, Hereford. WATKINS, M. P.. Pine Grove, Symonds Vat, Ross-on-Wye. WATKINS, Mrs., Pine Grove, Symonds Vat, .Ross-on-Wye. WATSON, Miss L. M., Sunnyside. Yarpole, Leominster. WATSON, Miss S. A, 7a, Bridge Street, Hereford. WATTS, Miss A, Annes Cottage, Priors Frome, Mordiford. WATTS, Mrs. M. A., Faraway, Foldgate Lane, Ludlow. WATTS, K. D., 9, Aylestone Drive, Hereford. WAUGH, Mrs. Z., Yew Tree House, Kingstone, Herefordshire. *WEAKE, (live, The Pottery, Penybont, L1andrindod Wells. 56 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1971

WELLS, D. G., The Spinney, Laskett Lane, Much Birch, Herefordshire. WELLS, Mrs. The Spinney, Laskett Lane, Much Birch, Herefordshire. WEST MIDLAND BIRD CLUB. WESTOBY, Mrs. D., Hinton Court, Preston Wynne, Hereford. WHITEHEAD, Mrs. L. E., Rydal Mount, Bodenham Road, Heretoro. WHITING, Mrs. E. 5., Priory End, Church Street, Leommsrer. WILLDER, B. C, New House Farm, Stretton Grandison, Ledbury. WILLDER, Mrs., New House Farm, Stretton Grandison, Ledbury. WILLlAMS, Mrs. E. M., Lower House, Preston-on-Wye, Hereford. WILLlAMSON, J. H., 1, Victoria Street, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. WILSON , E., Hill View, The Leysters, Leominster. WILSON, Mrs. R. M., Hill View, The Leysters, Leominster. WILSON, Mrs. P. M., Great Oak Corner, Eardisley, Herefordshire. WINCE, Dr. W. H. D., Ladye Grove, Birley, Dilwyn, Herefordshire. WINCE, Mrs. M. B., Ladye Grove, Birley, Dilwyn, Herefordshire. WOODWORTH, W., 12, Old Eign Street, Hereford. WOODWORTH, Mrs. E. D., 12, Old Eign Street, Hereford. WRIGHT. Mrs. H., Montfort House, Kington.

YORKE, Mrs. E., Garren View, L1angarron, Ross-on-Wye. YORKE, Miss, 5, Salisbury Avenue, Tupsley, Hereford.