Canton of Zurich Department for Economic Affairs Office for Economy and Labour Educational System Relocating to and living in Zurich – an overview for new and future residents

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State elementary school Compulsory education

State elementary school Transition to secondary school Lower secondary school Six-year baccalau- Lower secondary school consists of two or encompasses two or three levels with up to three reate school State elementary schools are free of charge subjects in different competence-based classes (Langgymnasium) and, as a rule, attended at the place of resi- three levels (A, B, possibly C). A is the most 11 dence or at the nearest state school in the cognitively demanding level. Additionally, the 11 area. The local school authorities allocate the pupils may be taught in separate competence- 1110 children to the respective schools. based classes – I, II or III– in a maximum of State schools are politically and denomination- three subjects, with I being the most deman- 10 A B C 109 ally neutral and perform an important integra- ding. Competence-based classes are possible tive function: children of both genders with in the subjects , German, French 9 Primary school 98 different social, linguistic and cultural back- or English. 8 grounds attend the same school. At the end of primary school the pupils are 87 Compulsory school education comprises two allocated to one of the levels and competence- years of kindergarten, six years of primary based classes of lower secondary school. The 7 6 school and three years of lower secondary decision to allocate a pupil to a level is based 7 school. If required, a school year can be re- on a comprehensive assessment of the perfor- 6 peated or skipped. mance, skills and talents in all subjects (overall 65 assessment) and is taken in consultation with 5 Enrolment, compulsory education, school the parents and the pupil. 54 year Transfer to a six-year baccalaureate school 4 Children who turn four by the set deadline (Langgymnasium) after primary school re- 43 begin kindergarten at the start of the fol- quires taking a written entrance exam in German 3 lowing school year. Each year up until 2019, and mathematics. 32 this deadline is being shifted by half a month, which is when it will coincide with 31 July. 2 Kindergarten 1 Compulsory education of 11 years starts with 2 enrolment in kindergarten. The school year 1 starts in mid-August and ends in early July of 1 the following year. It consists of 39 calendar weeks of school, two-week autumn, Christ- School years mas, sports and spring breaks and five weeks’ summer holiday. Canton of Zurich Educational system

After compulsory education

Transition to upper secondary education fol- Vocational education Baccalaureate schools lows after completion of compulsory educa- tion. The young adults have a wide range of vocational and academic education options Basic vocational education and training General baccalaureate schools () to choose from. Most adolescents in Switzer- Vocational education and training (VET) lasts two to four years. The transition to a general baccalaureate school occurs after land opt for the path of vocational education Apprentices receive work-based training within their respective primary school (six-year baccalaureate school: Langgymna- and training (VET) that offers excellent job and training company and school-based education in a vocational sium), or after two or three years of secondary school (four- wage prospects. The general baccalaureate school (= dual-track system). Basic vocational education and year baccalaureate school: Kurzgymnasium). Admission to a rate (excl. vocational baccalaureate and spe- training courses are based on statutory regulations and lead Langgymnasium requires taking entrance exams in German and cialised baccalaureate) in Switzerland is 20%, to a federal qualification (Federal VET Certificate or Diploma). mathematics. For admission to a Kurzgymnasium, exams need which is considerably lower than in neighbour- There are approximately 200 types of apprenticeships to choose to be taken in German, mathematics and French. Newly arrived ing countries. Many adolescents who would from. Almost 70% of all adolescents in Switzerland complete adolescents with high performance potential may, in justified typically strive to earn a baccalaureate dip- vocational education and training in the dual-track system. individual cases, be accepted and take the entrance exam after loma in their country of origin are better off one year. With the transition to the third year of Langgymna- opting for vocational education and training in Vocational baccalaureate (Berufsmaturität) sium, or the first year of Kurzgymnasium, the students choose Switzerland. A key feature of the Swiss edu- Vocational baccalaureate school is an appealing alternative to a baccalaureate profile with a focus on specific subjects. cation system is its high permeability, also by general baccalaureate school for capable adolescents who are Eighteen baccalaureate schools in the Canton of Zurich offer global standards. In Zurich alone, there are as also practically gifted. It complements basic vocational educa- bilingual education programmes (German/English, German/ many as 21 different pathways to earning a tion and training with extended general education. Upon suc- French or German/Italian). university degree. cessful completion, students are entitled to enter a university of applied sciences. Transition to a university is also possible with Specialised school (FMS), business school (HMS), an additional qualification (Passerelle). computer science school (IMS) A vocational baccalaureate can be earned in tandem with FMS, HMS and IMS are vocationally oriented education cour- basic vocational education and training (BM1) or, alternatively, ses and offer students the chance to combine general education on completion of basic vocational education and training (BM2) subjects with a specific training focus. FMS, HMS and IMS are in a part-time or full-time course. independent upper secondary school types.

Bilingual instruction (German/English) Some vocational education and training schools offer bilingual courses.

Bridge-year courses Integration-oriented bridge-year courses are available for newly arrived adolescents. The courses are designed to help them improve their German and prepare for vocational education and training. Canton of Zurich Educational system Vocational baccalaureate (Berufsmaturität) A vocational baccalaureate is awarded upon successful completion of the qualification procedure of basic vocational education and PHD/Doktorat training Eidg.(final Diplom apprenticeship examination) andDiplom HF Master Master Eidg. Fachausweis Bachelor the vocational baccalaureate examination. Bachelor A vocational baccalaureate entitles students to enter a respective university of applied sciences After compulsory education without taking an entrance exam. There is an ad- mission procedure for holders of a vocational baccalaureate wishing to study at the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH). Professional education and training (PET) Universities Transition to the Federal Institute of Technolo- Päd. Hochschule PHZH Höhere Fachhochschulen Universität und gy (ETH) Berufs-Zurich undor a höhere university is also possible ZHAW, ZHdK, HWZ Fachprüfungen Fachschulen ETH Zürich Advanced Federal PET Diploma PhD/Doctorate with additional qualifications (Passerelle). PET college degree Master Master Federal PET Diploma Bachelor Bachelor Specialised baccalaureate Passerelle (Fachmaturität) An upper secondary specialised baccalaure- ate school (FMS) lasts three years and leads Berufspraktikum up to an upper secondary specialised bac- Zurich University of calaureate school certificate which entitles Teacher Education (PHZH) University of Zurich and students to attend a college of professional PET and advanced Universities of applied Federal Institute of education and training (PET). In a fourth year, Berufsmaturität Fachmaturität Gymnasiale Maturität PET examinations PET colleges sciences (ZHAW, ZHdK, HWZ) (ETH) Zurich Tertiary level Tertiary a specialised baccalaureate can be earned which gives students access to certain courses Passerelle at a university of applied sciences.

General baccalaureate Eidg. Fähigkeitszeugnis (Gymnasiale Maturität) Eidg. Berufsattest A federally recognised general baccalaureate IMS Informatik- earned from a baccalaureate school (Gymna-Betriebe, mittelschulen Specialised Betriebe, Berufsfachschulen, Vocational baccalaureate General baccalaureate sium) in ZurichBerufsfachschulen, entitles students to enter any HMS Handels- FMS Fach- baccalaureate überbetriebliche Kurse mittelschulen Gymnasien university inüberbetriebliche Switzerland andKurse prepares them to mittelschulen potentially study abroad.

Additional qualifications (Passerelle) Federal VET Diploma Brückenangebote Students who achieve an average grade of 5.0 Federal VET Certificate or more in their vocational baccalaureate or IMS (computer specialised baccalaureate can attend a one- Companies, science schools) FMS (specialised Companies, vocational schools, HMS (business baccalaureate Baccalaureate schools year Passerelle course, enabling them to enrol vocational schools inter-company courses schools) schools) (Gymnasium) in a study programme of a university. U pper secondary level

Direct access Bridge-year courses Additional qualification or profes- sional experience required

Actual scale Compulsory education Canton of Zurich Educational system

State or private? Bilingual or international?

You decide whether your child is to attend a state school or Advantages of the state elementary school (Volksschule) a private school, a bilingual school or an international school. – School is attended at the place of residence. Here are some factors to consider when making the decision: – Social integration of children at their place of residence. – Continuity as regards the educational curriculum within the Envisaged length of stay Swiss educational system. The longer the sojourn in Switzerland, the more important it is for a child to learn German – as this constitutes the key to inte- Advantages of a bilingual school gration. To that end, the focus is on enrolment in a state school – Acquisition and maintenance of the German and English, or a bilingual school. If you know your stay in Switzerland is French or at mother tongue level. limited to a few years, an international school with an inter- – Linguistic and social integration in the local community is en- nationally compatible curriculum is likely to be the best choice couraged. for your child. – Continuity of a sense of community within the school class If a child is to be educated in two languages or if all options are (few changes of pupils). to be kept open – i.e. a potential transition to a state school, a – Regular conducting of Swiss and international comparative transition to an international school or resumption of school- performance tests for quality assurance. ing in the child’s home country– then the best way forward is – Curriculum of the Canton of Zurich plus orientation towards to choose a bilingual school that follows the curriculum of the international curricula and standards. Canton of Zurich as well as international curricula. – Transition to the state elementary education system, an inter- national school or the educational system of an English- Age of child speaking (or French- or Italian-speaking) country is possible The younger the child, the easier the enrolment in any of the at any time. schools mentioned. This becomes increasingly difficult from – Federally (Swiss) and internationally recognised school leav- the age of ten up. For older children, depending on their first ing certificates. language and other existing language skills, it is therefore advisable to consult the responsible bodies and discuss the Advantages of an international school possibility of enrolment in a foreign-language or a bilingual – English, French or Japanese as main languages of instruction. school. Children are accepted into the state school system at – Intercultural competence. any age and, if required, receive additional lessons in German – Internationally compatible curriculum. as a second language. – Transition to same level of another international school is possible at any time. – Internationally recognised school leaving certificate. Canton of Zurich Educational system

State Öffentlich Privat Private Öffentlich Privat Free of charge Fee-based

Religiously, ideologically and politically neutral. Partly religiously and ideologically orientated or based upon progressive educa- Registration for your child to attend kindergarten and primary school is tional approaches. through the school administration of your community of residence. Mostly all-day schools. If needed, children whose first language is not German receive addi- tional lessons in German as a second language. A range of childcare options supplementary to family and school are provided by the local communities.

German to theLessons according curriculum of the Canton Zurich

The state elementary school (Volksschule) offers multilingual education Wide range of bilingual crèches, preschools, kindergarten, primary, lower and (with German, English and French), but no bilingual classes. upper secondary schools in German/English, German/French and German/ Various cantonal baccalaureate schools offer bilingual baccalaureate Italian. These schools can vary considerably in their bilingual and pedagogical courses (German/English, German/French, German/Italian). Further- concepts. more, the Literar- und Realgymnasium Rämibühl provides the option Mostly all-day schools. of a double qualification consisting of a Swiss bilingual baccalaureate The member schools of the Bilingual Way Association ( and an International Baccalaureate (IB). offer bilingual German/English education from preschool up to university entrance. In keeping with the immersion principle, an equal number of les- sons are taught in English and German. Native speakers teach in their mother tongue. Equally suitable for children from English- and German-speaking families. A switch or, as the case may be, a return to an international or a state school is possible at any time. Bilingual to the curricu - Lessons according lum of the Canton Zurich and international curricula

The international schools cater especially to children of internationally mobile parents residing temporarily in the Canton of Zurich.

Language of instruction:English and international curriculum IB /AP/A levels – Inter Community School (ICS), – Zurich International School (ZIS), – International School Zurich North (ISZN), – Hull’s School, Language of instruction:French and Baccalauréat Français – Lycée Français de Zurich, Language of instruction:Japanese – Japanese School in Zurich, oreign language F oreign to internation- Lessons according ally accepted curricula Canton of Zurich Educational system


Association of private schools in Zurich Extracurricular activities by the embassies/consulates of the countries School-statistical information (Verband Zürcher Privatschulen) Most private schools offer a wide spectrum of of origin or by private sponsors. www.vsa. For charts and graphs of educational statis- extracurricular activities (sports, , the- tics, go to atre, art, students clubs, holiday camps, holiday Baccalaureate schools = care, etc.). Such activities are also provided by Office for Baccalaureate Schools and Second-chance education Gymnasium, FMS, HMS, IMS the state schools. For more information, con- Vocational Education Adults can also earn a general baccalaureate Zurich’s state baccalaureate schools are free tact your community of residence. (Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamt) or a vocational baccalaureate through second- of charge. For detailed information on educa- Information about upper secondary schools is chance education. These qualifications give tional profiles, orientation events, registration German as a second language (DaZ) available at access to education at a university or, deadlines and entrance exams, go to www. DaZ courses are classes for as the case may be, a university of applied sci- pupils whose first language is not German. The Office of Elementary Education of the ences. aim is to enable them to participate in lessons Canton of Zurich Childcare supplementary to school and and attend mainstream school as quickly as (Volksschulamt des Kantons Zürich) Way to school family possible. Information about the curriculum and lessons, In principle, after an appropriate period of set- Public daycare structures (daycare centre, timetables of kindergarten, primary and lower tling in, the children should manage to walk to crèche, students club, daycare families, lunch Immersion teaching secondary school, as well as regarding the kindergarten and to primary school on their supervision, all-day schools, holiday pro- Content-based teaching of a subject (e.g. his- transition from primary to secondary school, is own. The school governing body will arrange grammes) are organised locally and vary ac- tory) where the language of instruction is a for- provided at appropriate measures if a child cannot walk to cordingly. As a rule, these offers are subject eign language, not the native language. Extensive multilingual information for parents school for reasons of distance or because the to a fee and co-financed by the parents taking is available at route is too dangerous. their income into account. Local school authorities / School governing bodies Register of private schools Welcome – information for newcomers Choice of profession and apprenticeship For a list of the local school authorities in the The Office of Elementary Education keeps For a list of international and bilingual schools Regional vocational information centres (biz) Canton of Zurich and contact information of a public register with all the authorised pri- in the Canton of Zurich, and to download offer consultations and orientation events. the school governing bodies, go to www.vsa. vate schools within the ambit of compulsory this publication, go to schooling (kindergarten, primary and second- schools. ary school level). DVD on “Schools in the Canton of Zurich” Native language and culture classes The DVD with soundtracks in eleven different (HSK classes) School fees languages gives parents an overview and in- Children who are bilingual have the opportu- All private schools charge fees. It is advisable sight into elementary education in the Canton nity to expand their knowledge of their original to clarify what exactly is included in the regular of Zurich. Available at www.lehrmittelverlag- language and learn about their current living school fee. environment and their country of origin in na- tive language and culture classes (HSK class- es). These courses are organised and funded Canton of Zurich Educational system

Published by the Division of Business and Economic Development within the Office for David from the US was Economy and Labour of the in his final year of high Canton of Zurich school when, aged 18, he decided to join his October 2017 family who had recently relocated to Switzerland. He only spoke English Andrew’s parents are Educational paths Contact: at the time. Since Swiss originally from the UK Ursula Widmer Rutschmann compulsory schooling and his home language Adam, who is bilingual Division of Business and Economic ends at the age of 16, is English. He com- (English/German) and Development David enrolled in a state- pleted Swiss lower Maddie, from Sweden, dyslexic, scored top Head, International Schools & Relocation run integration class for secondary school results in mathematics 8090 Zurich aged 15, but failed the moved to Switzerland and science in Swiss Switzerland two years, which includ- with her family when she ed an intensive German entrance exam to a secondary school but Phone +41 43 259 26 19 baccalaureate school was 14. With no prior failed the entrance exam [email protected] language course and knowledge of German Ivan, 12, and Irina, 9, assistance when apply- because of his results to attend baccalaureate in German. Andrew or Swiss German, she are from Russia. Their school because of his ing for a local bilingual initially attended a 20- mother has been re- apprenticeship. Besides subsequently decided week integration course grades in French and in-company training, to enrol in an IGCSE cruited to work for a German. Adam recently course at an English paid by the family’s new Russian bank in Zurich. transferred to a British- these apprenticeships community of residence Before moving to Swit- entail 1–2 days of school college in Zurich. in the Canton of Zurich. curriculum college in a week. David has always He passed 9 IGCSEs zerland, the family visited Zurich where he can achieving very good Thanks to the course, Zurich several times focus exclusively on been interested in pursu- Maddie had no trouble to explore educational Tim, from , ing tertiary-level educa- results. He is current- mathematics, , ly preparing for his A transitioning to the local options for the children. and . moved to Switzerland tion. He hopes to get his school system in the fol- Russian being their only with his family when vocational baccalaureate levels in economics, Thereafter, his pros- mathematics, physics lowing semester. language, they relied pects of studying at any he was 8. Although he and subsequently earn on a personal interpret- had no prior knowledge an additional qualifica- and German. His goal university in Switzer- is to study economics er to communicate and land, or at a top univer- of German, he went tion (Passerelle), which become acquainted straight to the local will allow him to study at at the University of sity in the UK, are very St. Gallen or at Royal with the various good. primary school where any Swiss university. schools. Given that the he received five addition- Holloway, University of London. family plans to eventu- al lessons of German ally relocate to the UK, as a second language Oliver, aged 4, is Eng- or possibly return to (DaZ). Within a short lish, but lives in Swit- Russia, they have opted time, he was proficient zerland with his family. for a private internation- in German and no long- His parents would have al school that offers a er required any extra Nigel, aged 5, is from liked to have enrolled strong English as a Sec- language tutoring. Tim London, His mother him in the local kinder- ond Language pro- continues to do well recently signed a three- garten. But since the gramme. As this is an at school. year contract to work in kindergarten hours do international school, Zurich. His parents have not fit their respective Ivan and Irina’s parents not yet decided whether work schedules and are also likely to meet they will stay in Switzer- their length of stay in other Russian-speaking land long-term or move Switzerland is uncertain, parents with whom back to London. Given they opted for a private they can interact and this uncertainty, they bilingual preschool for socialise in their mother have chosen a private children aged 4–7 which tongue. international kindergarten offers daycare and a for Nigel where he will curriculum that includes be chiefly schooled in English reading and English. writing. Most children from Oliver’s current pre- school go on to attend the local primary school. Design: Elisabeth Sprenger